Ear massage in kindergarten. How and why you should massage your ears. Commentary by an otolaryngologist. How to massage your ears correctly

A human being is like an embryo. It resembles it in shape: the head is lowered down, and the points that are responsible for the upper part of the body are located on the lobe, and along the auditory organ are connected to the spine, the legs are tucked in, that is, the centers responsible for the lower limbs are located in the middle.

It is recommended to massage the ears daily, for example, along with exercise. It is necessary to press down their entire surface. Massage of their external parts cannot but be effective, because they are an organism in miniature. The most painful points should be given more attention.

Ear massage for all ailments

This massage is widely practiced in Chinese medicine. There are many active points on the ears that are connected to the entire body. That is why during this procedure the activity of the entire body and systems is activated. Blood circulation improves, the cerebral cortex is stimulated. Even if you rub your ears with your palms for just a couple of minutes, you feel a surge of strength, fatigue goes away, and your head stops hurting. Ear massage in the morning allows you to wake up the body and improve its functioning.

For dizziness and cramps, for example, you should cover your ears with your palms and rub them until they turn red. This procedure must be done several times a day. And if the work involves mental activity, these movements should be performed every hour. If you develop the habit of massage, the results will not be long in coming. In addition to rubbing the ears completely, you can do this with separate fingers.

Thus, by choosing the right massage points on the ears, you can relieve pain, soften the manifestations of diseases or restore the strength of the body.

Diagnosis of diseases

All people are individual, including their body structure. The ears also have minor differences, but if the latter are clearly visible, this indicates disharmony in the body systems:

  • Flabby ears indicate a weakened immune system.
  • A deformed top indicates changes in the kidneys.
  • Wrinkles that appear on the lobes indicate a predisposition to diabetes.
  • Painful sensations when touching the ears indicate problems with the organ that corresponds to the points on the shell.

How to massage your ears

First you need to warm up your hands by rubbing your palms. Then gently pull the ears up, then down and towards the back of the head. These movements must be repeated 3-4 times. Then rub your ears with your fingers, moving from above to the lobe. Press your palms against the auditory organ and sharply remove them. Repeat 10 times.

For a tonic massage, you need to vigorously rub both shells at once, strongly influence the earlobes, pressing on them. The entire process should last at least one minute.

Usha is good in the evening or when feeling tired from monotonous activities. As a result, brain activity improves, the body fills with strength, and a surge of vigor is felt.

There is also acupressure of the ears, which is easy to do at home. To do this, you need to find biologically active points. This can be done as follows: when pressing on them, quite noticeable pain is experienced. They influence the points of the ears with thin objects: a blunt toothpick or a knitting needle. You can also press gently with your fingertips, making rubbing movements. The time and strength of ear massage are determined by individual sensations and health.

Map of active points on the ears helps to navigate where to find the necessary places for massage. But, without being a professional, you can make a mistake by 1-2 mm. This is not critical, there will be no harm, and a preventive effect on the necessary systems will be clearly provided. By the way, each ear is responsible for the corresponding half of the body.

Impact on well-being

Let's look at what needs to be massaged in each individual case:

  • Boosting immunity. It is necessary to massage the point located at the base of the lobe. Apply pressure to the area while exhaling, stop while inhaling. The procedure should be continued for 1 minute and repeated once a day. Such acupressure massage can strengthen the body's defenses, as well as speed up metabolism, improve the condition of allergies and joint diseases.
  • Fighting irritability and stress. You need to press on the point behind the tragus of the ear. By massaging this place, you will relieve headaches, get rid of insomnia and negative emotions.

  • A surge of vigor. To do this, you need to massage your ears with clockwise movements.
  • Calm and relaxation. Massage the auricle counterclockwise with light and slow circular movements.
  • Rest your eyes. Apply to the center of the earlobe for a few minutes. It is recommended to combine this massage with eye gymnastics when taking a break from the computer and TV.
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs. Massage the central part of the ears daily.

There are about two hundred active points on the ears. Their exact location can only be easily determined by an experienced auriculotherapist. But making even simple attempts to influence certain areas of the ears can bring tangible benefits to the body and health.

Getting rid of ringing with massage

You can eliminate the sudden noise by simply massaging your ears to relieve the ringing. To do this, you need to pinch the edge of the cartilage at the top of the auricle with your fingers. Then do an intense massage. After a minute, go down to the earlobes, continuing the movements. And then return to the starting point again.

After this procedure, the ears will become warmer, which indicates the restoration of blood circulation.

Massage assistants

With the current fashion, which allows you to wear multiple earrings, ear massage can be replaced by targeting active points with jewelry. Reflexologists will easily mark the desired point, and in a special center they will help to puncture it. Constant influence on the projection of the problematic organ will soon help improve its functioning.

Girls who like to decorate themselves with earrings or piercings should find out the active points in a certain area before getting their ears pierced. A correctly chosen place for an earring will help improve the condition of internal organs, but, on the contrary, an incorrectly performed puncture can harm them.

Thus, according to the owners of earrings placed on the appetite point, after some time they experience weight loss. This method, which allows you to be slim, has gained particular popularity in Japan.

If you don’t want to pierce your ears, you just need to attach a grain of black pepper to these places with an adhesive plaster, sometimes pressing on them.

Contraindications for massage

As you can see, ear massage is a useful procedure. It is also important that there are practically no contraindications for its implementation. Experts advise avoiding ear massage only in case of acute abdominal pain.

Even in ancient China, it was known how beneficial massage was for human health. Today, this procedure is also used in traditional medicine, carried out using different techniques. Back massage is especially popular. But few people know how useful working with the ears is, when the impact on active points affects the functioning of all organs and systems. Ear massage brings great benefits if done correctly. Let's look at the main types of such procedures, rules and recommendations of specialists.

Ear massage relieves many diseases and helps achieve the following results:

  • strengthening the body and immunity;
  • Elimination of stress and nervous tension:
  • relaxation and calm;
  • prevention of myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of blood circulation and metabolism;
  • improving the functioning of the hormonal, respiratory, digestive and nervous systems;
  • relief from diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relief from headaches and toothaches;
  • improved vision and hearing.

Important! Ancient treatises and modern scientific research indicate that properly performed auricular massage has a beneficial effect on potency, libido, activates brain function, helps cope with addictions and bad habits, stimulates weight normalization, increases vitality and performance.

Tragus massage

The tragus of the ear is a section of the auricle that protrudes above the main part of the ear and is located opposite its main part. This cartilage often has a triangular shape, is found in all people, and performs many functions. For example, with the help of a tragus, a person is able to determine where the sound comes from. Also, this part of the ear enhances the volume and clarity of sound, protects the ear canal from dust and dirt, and cold air currents. Palpation of the tragus allows you to identify various ear diseases.

Execution technique

Experts recommend performing ear tragus massage very carefully. It is recommended to do this like this:

  1. Warm up and wash your hands, take a comfortable position.
  2. Stroke the entire ear, starting from the top and ending with the lobe, and then proceed to the tragus.
  3. The tragus can be massaged with two fingers: the index finger and the thumb. Or just forefinger.
  4. The massage can be performed counter-clockwise and clockwise using rotational movements. It is also allowed to stimulate the tragus by bending and pressing on the cartilage.

Important! With otitis and other inflammatory processes of the ENT organs, this procedure can cause severe pain.

Earlobe massage

The earlobe is a part of the auricle responsible for the condition of teeth, pain, vision and hearing, and the endocrine system. Massaging it helps not only to improve a person’s condition, but also to normalize the removal of wax from the ear canal. Such a massage for otitis media stimulates a speedy recovery, as it improves the patency of the auditory canal.

Execution technique

You can work with the earlobe for no more than a minute. Moreover, all actions should be smooth and soft, not cause pain or discomfort. Experts recommend:

  1. Before the procedure, relax, calm down, and take a comfortable position. Wash, dry and warm your palms against each other.
  2. Massage the entire earlobe, and then go directly to the earlobe.
  3. The earlobe can be pulled to the side and down, doing this 7-8 times per procedure.
  4. You can also massage your earlobe in a circular motion with your index finger and thumb.

Important! Earlobe massage is especially good for otitis media in childhood and adulthood. It stimulates a speedy recovery, helps relieve pain and congestion.


There are biologically active points all over the body, but most of them are on the ears and feet. You can influence them in two ways:

  • pressing, rubbing and stroking with hands;
  • manipulation with needles.

At home, acupressure of the ears can only be carried out using the first method, since this technique is simpler and safer, although no less effective.

Execution technique

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax. You can do the procedure even in bed.
  2. Work the entire ear with gentle massaging movements.
  3. Select the points necessary for influence. For example, work on the points of the head, heart, ears and vision, and digestion.
  4. The upper points are massaged with the thumbs, the central ones with the index fingers, and the lower ones, located on the lobe, with the index and thumb at the same time.

The massage can be performed clockwise or counterclockwise. But in the morning, the first option is preferable.

Important! Try to select several points for one procedure and focus your attention on them. This will allow you to activate certain systems and organs and quickly achieve the desired effect.


The benefits of acupressure of the ears are difficult to overestimate. It improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, allowing you to influence specific areas of the human body, especially those that need help at the moment. And the result of such a procedure will not take long to arrive. For example, when affecting the top of the ear, you will feel vigor and a surge of strength even before the end of the manipulation. And in case of pain and impact on pain-relieving points, the result will appear immediately after the end of the massage and will last for several hours.

Regardless of the choice of points to be massaged during the procedure, a person observes after such a massage an increase in overall vitality, improved mood and well-being. Metabolic processes and blood circulation are normalized, hearing and vision are improved, tightness and spasms, pain and discomfort go away.

Important! In total, there are 110 biologically active points on the auricle, each of which, when pressed or pierced with a special needle in an acupuncture room, affects a specific area of ​​the body, organ or system.

Contraindications for ear massage

Ear massage, when performed correctly, is an absolutely safe and very useful procedure. But it also has a number of contraindications:

  • inflammatory process in the inner ear;
  • in case of damage to the eardrum and other ear injuries;
  • with severe pain in the ear area;
  • in childhood up to one year;
  • if there are boils in the ear canal;
  • presence of pus in the ear.

Ear massage should be carried out with special caution in case of otitis of the middle and external ear without pus, during pregnancy, with high blood pressure and elevated body temperature.

Important! An incorrectly performed massage can cause a deterioration in the patient’s condition, increased pain and other negative consequences.

  1. The massage is carried out only with clean, dry and warm hands. Moreover, you first need to lubricate your fingers and palms with some neutral cream and stretch your hands for greater flexibility.
  2. The duration of the procedure when performed independently should not exceed 1-3 minutes, depending on the type of massage.
  3. The ears are a paired organ, so you need to massage two ears at once. But you can carry out manipulations one by one.
  4. During a massage, you cannot talk or move; it is advisable to think about something pleasant.

Important! If you have earrings or other jewelry on your ears, you must remove them before the procedure so as not to accidentally injure the skin.

It is generally accepted that massage relieves many diseases. The same can be said for ear massage. The principle of the technique is based on the activation of points located on the surface of the ear. According to acupuncture, they have a connection with all body systems, and by massaging certain areas, a person’s overall health can be significantly improved.

Principles of acupressure and its benefits

This approach to healing the body, such as ear massage, has a lot of arguments in its favor, which have been confirmed by many years of practice. The principle of the technique is based on activating a particular system by influencing a point that has a connection with it. Such points are located throughout the body. The most effective points are considered to be on the palms, soles and surface of the ear.

To activate them, acupressure is used, that is, pressure, as well as acupuncture, the principle of which is to use special needles to influence the desired area. Often, ear massage is limited to acupressure.

In other words, the specialist acts on the body with pressure and corresponding superficial movements.

To evaluate the benefits of this method, you should consider the benefits that such an effect has on parts of the ear:

  • Allows you to identify problematic systems and organs. When exposed to a point responsible for a specific part of the body, discomfort or pain is felt, which is a signal of health problems.
  • Stimulates the activity of organs and activates their functions.
  • Allows you to relieve spasms and other malfunctions in the functioning of certain organs.
  • Improves blood circulation and overall well-being of a person.
  • Relieves problems related directly to the hearing organs themselves. Ear massage eliminates discomfort and has a positive effect in the treatment of hearing loss.

Active points

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to perform ear massage correctly. To do this, it is important to know which points are located on the surface of the ear and where exactly they are located. In total there are about 110 active impact zones.

Most often, an acupressure specialist works with such points as:

  • Digestion. Deepening of the cartilaginous groove above the auditory canal. Solves the problem of constipation and gastrointestinal disorders, relieves pain in the liver and gall bladder.
  • Head and cerebral cortex. To the right of the antitragus. Responsible for all internal processes. It can relieve headaches and influence overall relaxation and healing of the body.
  • Lungs and heart. It is located about a centimeter above the ear canal on the shell itself. By influencing this point, you can achieve normalization of heart function and prevent the development of myocardial infarction. The functioning of the respiratory system also improves. Due to the ability to cause aversion to cigarette smoke, you can quit smoking.
  • Endocrine. Protrusion of ear cartilage near the antitragus. Regulates the production of hormones and has an indirect effect on the entire body. Facilitates allergies and normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Autonomic nervous system. Massage relieves spasms, eliminates arrhythmia, and normalizes blood pressure. It is also beneficial in the treatment of the heart, gall bladder, blood vessels, intestines and uterus, as well as a number of other organs.
  • Spine. This massage relieves problems with the spine and has a positive effect on the joints. This is an auxiliary measure in the treatment and prevention of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
  • Reproductive system. Positively affects potency and increases libido.
  • Visual system. Regular massage of the area on the earlobe stimulates vision, allows you to partially restore it, and relieves eye fatigue.
  • Legs. Relieves the condition of joints, relieves fatigue and swelling of the legs.
  • Teeth. Allows you to partially relieve toothache, at least for a while.

Ear massage can also be aimed at general relaxation. To relieve stress, you need to influence the triangle-shaped area at the top of the ear. This is also useful for mental disorders and neuroses.

Ear massage

Massaging the ears from time to time is beneficial for absolutely every person. The standard technique involves applying pressure in the form of pressing, circular rotations with fingertips, rubbing, etc. For targeted impact on a specific point, you can use sticks with rounded ends.

One of the most popular ear massages is the Norbekov technique. This technique is based on two directions of influence:

  • Physical. This is the ear massage itself. This includes a set of exercises made up of those movements and manipulations that activate blood circulation and stimulate the functioning of the hearing organ and its individual elements.
  • Emotional. A positive attitude, energy representation and visualization of the healing process improve the effectiveness of the procedure.

It is very important to perform all the exercises correctly and not to exert too much effort. Otherwise, you can damage not only the auricle, but also the internal elements of the ear. As a result of injuries and micro-tears, hearing loss can develop.

The main movements are the following:

  • rubbing the lobe and the entire ear;
  • pulling and bending;
  • pressing;
  • circular rotations;
  • creating pressure inside the ear canal (sharply tearing off the palms pressed to the ears, contraindicated if the eardrum is weakened).

Regular ear massage under the supervision of a specialist will allow you not only to improve your hearing, but also to improve the health of your entire body. Visit professional reflexologists from time to time as a preventive measure for various diseases.

In our fast-paced age, time becomes a great value and is often in short supply. There is neither time nor energy for children. They grow and develop on their own, in nurseries, kindergartens, schools, etc. Parents are only concerned with the main question - whether the child is fed. More often than not, time pressure is just an illusion. If you love your child and want him to grow up strong, strong, healthy, smart and happy, then you will always find time for your beloved child. In addition to the mental development of a child, it is very important to develop him physically. At all times, health was placed above money and other values. Especially when it comes to the health of the child. A healthy child has a better chance of a wonderful future. Gymnastics and massage have a positive effect on children.

Baby massage increases the tone of the child’s muscular system, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, increases the mobility and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, contractility and muscle plasticity. When exposed to the skin, ligaments and muscles during the massage, a positive response occurs from the nervous system, peripheral capillary network, blood circulation and lymph flow accelerate.

Children's preventive massage can not only prevent most diseases, but also cure some that are at an early stage.

As an effective treatment method, pediatricians often prescribe children's therapeutic massage infants and children of preschool and school age. Gymnastics and children's preventive massage can begin as early as 6 weeks of age.

If massage is carried out regularly, then it will not be difficult to identify and eliminate minor deviations in the state of the musculoskeletal and nervous system, otherwise they can cause serious problems in adolescence.

Children's massage and health gymnastics will help cope with various types of diseases and significantly reduce the number of antibiotics used.

Exercises help improve metabolic processes in the body, normalize the functions of internal organs and muscle blood supply.

Self-massage of the ears for children.

Auricular massage.

Most scientists imagine the auricula (ear) as an upside-down human embryo (the earlobe corresponds to the head, and as you move towards the top of the ear there are zones representing the torso, its organs and limbs).

  1. Self-massage of the ears is an effective method for regulating mental activity, as it helps normalize blood flow throughout the body. This massage allows you to concentrate and be more attentive.
  2. This type of massage contributes to a noticeable improvement in general condition, a surge of vigor and efficiency.
  3. At the same time, massage of the auricles is one of the fastest and most effective methods of health-improving self-massage, since the auricle has a reflex connection with the organs and parts of the human body. When performed regularly, the functioning of the body's immune system increases.
  1. Self-massage of the ears is performed simultaneously on both sides using the pads of the thumb and index fingers.
  2. The following massage techniques are used: kneading, rubbing, stroking.
  3. The hygienic principles of massage must be taken into account.
  4. The time required for self-massage of both ears does not exceed 2 minutes.
  5. Self-massage of the ears can be performed 1 - 2 or more times a day, depending on the effectiveness of its action and general well-being.
  6. Breathing during self-massage should be smooth and calm, quiet and comfortable, the pace should be approximately 6-12 respiratory movements (inhalations - exhalations) per minute. Type of breathing - lower or jointly lower and middle.

It is important that this type of water massage can be performed independently not only by adults, but also by preschool children. At the same time, self-massage of the ears does not require any special conditions. It can be performed in any position convenient for this (standing, sitting, lying down).

The only important condition for preschoolers is, of course, self-massage in the form of a game.

A small comic poem will help you teach your child to perform massage movements in a certain sequence.

They took the ears by the tops.

(self-massage of the auricle is performed with a large and

index fingers - thumb behind)

Grab your ears by the tops (with your thumb and forefinger on both sides)

Pull... (pull up slightly)

They pinched... (light pressure with fingers, with gradual

We ran down to the lobes. moving down)

The earlobes need to be pinched: (pinching in time with speech)

Quickly knead with your fingers... (knead with a pleasant movement between your fingers)

Let's move up the ears (pass along the edge of the ear, lightly squeezing with your thumb and

And we will come to the tops of the heads again. index fingers)

Hand massage

Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

"Let's play with pens"

  1. Preparatory stage.
  2. Children rub their palms until they feel pleasantly warm.
  3. Main part
  • We massage with the thumb and forefinger of one hand - rub each finger, starting from the nail phalanx of the little finger of the other hand.
  • We massage the backs of our hands, imitating hand washing.
  • We intertwine the outstretched fingers of both hands and lightly rub them against each other, pointing our palms in opposite directions.
  • We close the intertwined fingers and bring them to the chest. Pause.
  • We stretch our fingers up and move them.
  • The final stage
  • Children shake off their hands, relax them and rest.

    Note. The exercise can be accompanied by poetry.

    Hey guys, come to me.
    Who is standing there on the sidelines?
    Well, hurry up and get inspired
    And start the massage game.
    I'll rub my palms hard,
    I'll twist each finger.
    I'll say hello to everyone,
    I won't bypass anyone.
    I'll play with my nails
    I rub them against each other.
    Then I’ll wash my hands,
    I will gently stretch my shoulders.
    Then I'll wash my hands
    I'll put my finger in your finger,
    I'll lock them up
    And I'll keep it warm.
    I'll stretch out my fingers
    Let them run like bunnies.
    One-two, one-two,
    So the game is over.
    So the game is over
    The kids are resting

    Massage of the magic points of the ears

    This type of hardening is based on stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massaging these points is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

    Is accessible to children of all ages. It is recommended to do it in a playful way 2-3 times a day.

    "Let's play with the ears"

    1. Organizing time.

    The teacher attracts children to the game and gathers them around.

    2. Main part.

    Exercises with ears.

    · “Let’s find and show the ears”

    Children find their ears and show them to an adult

    "Let's clap our ears"

    The child puts his palms behind his ears and bends them forward, first with the little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing the ears to the head, he sharply lowers them. In this case, the child should feel the cotton.

    · "Let's pull our ears"

    The baby grabs both earlobes with the tips of his thumb and index finger, pulls them down with force, and then lowers them.

    · “Let’s twist the trestle”

    The child inserts his thumb into the external auditory opening, and with his index finger presses the tragus - the protrusion of the auricle in front. Having thus grabbed the tragus, he squeezes and turns it in all directions for 20-30 seconds.

    · “Let’s warm our ears”

    The child puts his palms to his ears and carefully rubs the entire shell with them.

    3. Final point

    Children relax and listen to silence.

    Note. The number of repetitions of each exercise depends on the age of the children. On average, this is 7-8 times; for children, 5-6 times are enough. Actions can be accompanied by verses:

    Come to me, my friend,
    And quickly sit down in a circle.
    Find your ears
    And show them quickly.
    And then, and then
    They twisted the trestle.
    My ear seems frozen
    You can warm it up this way.
    We play cleverly with them,
    This is how we flapping our ears.
    And now we are pulling everything down.
    Ear, don't fall off!
    One, two! One, two!
    So the game is over.
    And once the game is over,
    Ti-shi-na has come!


    Acupressure + finger exercises

    Rub the wings of your nose - one, two, three

    And wipe it under your nose - one, two, three

    Eyebrows need to be combed - one, two, three, four, five

    Now wipe the sweat from your forehead - one, two

    Put earrings on your ears, if you have them.

    Pin your hair together - one, two, three

    Find the button on the back and fasten it

    Beads need to be tried on, try them on and put them on.

    And here we’ll hang a brooch, a multi-colored nesting doll.

    And here are bracelets, beautiful cuffs.

    Girls and boys, get your fingers ready.

    That's how nice they worked and dressed up beautifully

    All that's left is to rub our feet and we won't get sick

    You probably know that ear massage helps you quickly wake up, come to your senses, relieve stress and even relieve toothache. By and large, many people don’t know anything more about ear massage, but in vain. By mastering this art (ear masses), you can significantly improve your health, improve your performance and control yourself in extremely stressful situations. The fact is that on the ears there are more than 170 biologically active points, reflexively connected (via nerve endings) with parts and organs of the human body. That is why people with developed powers of observation notice that at the time of illness, a certain soreness is felt in certain areas of the ear.

    Experienced auriculodiagnosticians (ear specialists) can easily determine by the painful point of the ear which organ or part of the body requires treatment. The ears, in addition to being an indicator of health, are also powerful levers of influence on internal organs; for this they need to be massaged. By pressing on a certain point on the auricle, corresponding to any internal organ, you improve its blood circulation and regulation of the nervous system.

    When is it useful to massage your ears?

    You can start doing ear massage yourself as soon as you wake up (before you even get out of bed), it will help you wake up faster and start the work of important internal organs, prepare the stomach for work, tones the nervous system, etc. Ear massage can be done throughout the day; this is especially useful for those who want to heal themselves. It is also recommended for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle; it helps eliminate blood stagnation in the internal organs.

    The therapeutic result from ear massage is achieved when hardening disappears at the usual painful point and the pain goes away. In such cases, the massage of this area of ​​the ear can be stopped, but the general morning warm-up of the ears can be continued throughout life. Doctors from China claim that morning ear massage can prolong life.

    There are situations in which ear massage is simply necessary. For example, while driving a car for a long time, in order to relieve fatigue and drowsiness, it is necessary to massage the ears. Also, massaging the ears helps to regain control over the body and tone up in cases of alcohol intoxication.

    Methods of ear massage

    There are several ways to massage the ear. Let's look at the simplest ones used for morning massage. Depending on whether you want to wake up quickly or slowly, you can use two types of ear massage. To quickly awaken (a minute or two), ear massage must begin from the tops of them; in this area there is a point that stimulates the work of the pelvic organs, i.e. stimulating the excretory system. If you want to lie in bed for another five minutes and wake up gradually (a more physiological way), then massage your ears should begin with the lobes, here are the points responsible for the functioning of the brain. Massaging the earlobes stimulates clarity of thinking and the functioning of all organs in general.

    Self-massage procedure

    Using the pads of your thumb and forefinger, grab your earlobes like a piece of paper and make massaging spiral movements, squeezing them with medium force. Then smoothly, without lifting your fingers, move along the edge of the ear to its opposite pole. Experts recommend walking along the ear in this way at least 3 times. Finish the massage of the ears by clasping them with all your fingers by the edges and describing circles with them. You can rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise. This toning massage takes no more than three minutes.

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