Register of expenses of the company example in excel. Drawing up the budget of the enterprise in Excel, taking into account discounts. Update actual monthly budget data

Budget of income and expenses of the enterprise (sample)

To plan the development of the enterprise, a budget of income and expenses is drawn up, which allows the owner or investor to determine the need for investments or expenditures for the profitability of the enterprise. It is desirable to analyze and adjust the approved budget during the period in order to realize the planned indicators.


The purpose of the budget is to plan, with a high degree of certainty, income and expenses, to form a profit. Loss planning is only possible if we are talking about a new production that will be profitable in a few years, or if the old one is to be reorganized, that is, significant investments to make a profit in a few years.

The budget is divided into revenue and expenditure parts, divided into articles, and the division can take place according to any principle, for example, based on the structure of the organization (budgets of departments, divisions) or based on the types of activities of the company. With any structure, there can be a different degree of detail. So, within the department there may be a division according to contracts, projects or types of products.

Therefore, before development, it is necessary first of all to determine the structure of the budget, the grouping of articles, how the data will be detailed. Each organization independently develops a budget for the income and expenses of the enterprise. There is no sample or legally approved requirements. You can use the income statement format by adapting it for your enterprise, for example, expenses are deciphered in the sample for the article.

Indicators can be formed on the basis of data from a similar previous period and adjusted to reflect changes. Expenses can be determined on the basis of standards and tariffs - tariffs for utilities, consumption rates for raw materials, materials, etc. At the same time, it is possible to budget the cost of personnel remuneration quite accurately, knowing the number of staff and the remuneration of employees. However, in a large enterprise, where wages make up a significant part of expenses, it is necessary not only to sum up the salaries specified in the employment contract, but to calculate the vacation reserve, take into account other payments and surcharges.

To prepare a budget, you will need to develop:

  • budgetary policy of the organization;
  • list of budget items, assign internal codes;
  • approve the procedure and deadlines for submitting data;
  • appoint persons responsible for budgeting.

At the same time, proper planning will allow you to take into account the necessary amounts in the expense items in advance. For example, when planning for the next year the cost of staff training, the current cost of the necessary seminars and trainings, increased by 10%, can be included in the budget item. At the same time, those responsible for budgeting check the data provided for inclusion in the relevant expense item - what types of training are planned, how it relates to the activities of the unit and corresponds to the number and qualifications of employees.

Income and expenditure parts of the budget

The revenue part is formed on the basis of the forecast of sales of the main products, the calculation is based on selling prices, the increase or closure of production is taken into account.

In addition, income from other activities, such as renting or lending, is taken into account.

To form the expenditure side of the budget, we can distinguish:

  • expenses related to the main activity, including wages;
  • administrative and management expenses;
  • other expenses.

However, the expenditure part can be structured differently:

  • material costs;
  • wage;
  • fare;
  • property maintenance costs.

Depending on the type of activity and structure of the enterprise, it is possible to systematize budget items, depending on the goals and further tasks, to detail the budget.

At the same time, it is necessary to be able to decipher any budget item for analysis and verification.

Sample budget of income and expenses of the enterprise

The budget for the next year is formed taking into account the functioning of the enterprise: sales, purchases, production, storage, accounting, etc. Budget planning is a long and complex process, as it covers a large part of the organization's operating environment.

For a clear example, consider a distribution company and draw up a simple enterprise budget for it with an example in Excel (an example of a budget can be downloaded from the link below the article). In the budget, you can plan the cost of bonus discounts for customers. It allows you to simulate various loyalty programs and at the same time control costs.

Data for income and expenditure budgeting

Our firm serves about 80 clients. The range of goods is about 120 positions in the price list. She makes a markup on goods of 15% of their cost and thus sets the selling price. Such a low margin is economically justified by intense competition and is justified by a large turnover. (as well as many other distribution companies).

A bonus reward system is offered for clients. Purchasing discount percentage for large customers and resellers.

The conditions and size of the interest rate of the bonus system are determined by two parameters:

  1. quantitative border. The quantity of a specific product purchased that gives the customer the opportunity to receive a certain discount.
  2. Percentage discount. The size of the discount is a percentage that is calculated from the amount that the client purchased when overcoming the quantitative border (bar). The size of the discount depends on the size of the quantitative border. The more items purchased, the greater the discount.

In the annual budget, bonuses belong to the “sales planning” section, so they affect an important indicator of the company - margin (profit as a percentage of total revenue). Therefore, an important task is the ability to set several options for bonuses with different boundaries at the implementation levels and the corresponding % of bonuses. Margin needs to be kept within certain limits (for example, not less than 7% or 8%, because this is the profit of the company). And customers will be able to choose several options for bonus discounts.

Our budget model with bonuses will be quite simple, but effective. But first, we will compile a report on the movement of funds for a specific client in order to determine whether discounts can be given to him. Pay attention to the formulas that refer to another sheet before calculating the percentage discount in Excel.

Drawing up enterprise budgets in Excel, taking into account loyalty

The draft budget in Excel consists of two sheets:

  1. Sales - contains the history of the movement of funds for the past year for a particular client.
  2. Results - contains the conditions for accruing bonuses and a simple account of the results of the distributor's activities, which determines the forecast of the indicators of the client's attractiveness for the company.

Cash flow by customers

The structure of the table "Sales for 2015 by customer:" on the sheet "sales":

Enterprise budget model

On the second sheet, we set the boundaries for achieving bonuses, the corresponding discount percentages.

The following table is a basic excel income and expense budget form with a firm's overall financial performance for a yearly period.

The structure of the table "Terms of the bonus system" on the sheet "results":

  1. Bonus bar border 1. Place to set the level of the limit bar by quantity.
  2. Bonus % 1. A place to set a discount when overcoming the first border. How is the discount for the first border calculated? It is clearly visible on the "sales" sheet. Using the function =IF(Quantity > border 1 bonus bar[quantity]; Sales volume * percentage of 1 bonus discount; 0).
  3. Bonus bar limit 2. A higher limit compared to the previous limit, which makes it possible to receive a larger discount.
  4. Bonus % 2 – discount for the second border. Calculated using the function =IF(Quantity > border 2 bonus bars[quantity]; Sales volume * percent 2 bonus discounts; 0).

The structure of the table "General report on the turnover of the company" on the sheet "results":

Ready-made enterprise budget template in Excel

And so we have a ready-made enterprise budget model in Excel, which is dynamic. If the limit bar of bonuses is at the level of 200, and the bonus discount is 3%. This means that last year the client purchased goods in the amount of 200 pieces. And at the end of the year will receive a bonus discount of 3% of the cost for this. And if a client purchased 400 pieces of a certain product, it means that he has overcome the second limit of bonuses and receives a 6% discount.

Under such conditions, the “Margin 2” indicator will change, that is, the net profit of the distributor!

The task of the head of the distribution company is to choose the most optimal levels of boundary strips to provide discounts to customers. You need to choose so that the indicator "Margin 2" is at least in the aisles of 7% -8%.

Download the enterprise budget-bonus (sample in Excel).

In order not to look for the best solution at random, and not to make mistakes, we recommend reading the following article. It describes how to make a simple and effective tool in Excel: Data table in Excel and matrix of numbers. Using the "data table" you can automatically visualize the most optimal conditions for the client and distributor.

When planning, two budget documents are most often used - the Income and Expenditure Budget (BDR) and the Cash Flow Budget (BDDS). However, do not forget about the forecast balance. Almost all data for it are presented in BDR and BDDS. Let's consider how to form a forecast balance based on the items of these budgets, transform indicators from BDR and BDDS into a balance sheet.


To draw up a forecast balance, we need five budget documents:

  1. Balance at the beginning of the planning period.
  2. BDR plan.
  3. Inventory purchasing plan.
  4. Calculation of VAT payable.
  5. BDDS plan.

We will show the connection between these documents schematically (see figure).

The primary document in planning is Income and expense budget(Table 1), which presents plans for revenue, cost of goods sold and operating costs in the forecast period.

Document " Calculation of VAT payable» is necessary if the company is on the classical taxation system, that is, it is a payer of value added tax. In this case, all income and expenses in the BDR and part of the balance sheet items (“Fixed Assets”, “Inventories”), according to the accounting rules, are reflected without VAT, and in order to transform data from the Budget of Income and Expenses into the BDDS, we need an additional column in the BDR with the VAT rate allocated therein.

If a company is on a simplified taxation system, all items in the Income and Expenditure Budget and balance sheet already include VAT, and the process of transferring data from budget to budget is simplified.

How not to lose VAT when transforming data from BDR to Cash Flow Budget, and then from BDDS to Balance, we will show below using the example of a company with a classical taxation system.

Table 1. Planned budget of income and expenses



VAT rate, %

Amount including VAT, rub.

Revenues from sales

4 158 000

Revenue with VAT 18%

Revenue with VAT 10%

Other income

Cost of goods

3 150 000

Cost of goods with VAT 18%

Cost of goods with VAT 10%

Gross income

Operating expenses

Labor costs

Salary part

payroll taxes

Personnel costs

Medical checkup


Building maintenance costs

Premises for rent

Communal expenses

Depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets

Taxes to the budget

Property tax

other expenses

Profit commercial

Other non-operating income

Other non-operating expenses

Interest on loans

Services of banks on current operations

Profit before tax

income tax

Net income (loss

For planning in the BDDS of articles 200.1 “Payment to suppliers” and 218.1 “VAT payable”, we need the Budget for the movement of inventory (Table 2) and “Calculation of VAT payable” (Table 3).

Table 2. The budget for the movement of commodity stocks (without VAT), rub.


Inventory at the beginning

Purchase of inventory

Sale of inventory (article 200 BDR)

Inventory at the end

Goods with VAT 18%

Goods with VAT 10%

In the Inventory Movement Budget, we plan the purchase of inventory (S) based on the initial balances, the sales plan and the SV turnover rate for the period. You can keep this table broken down down to the nomenclature (if the revenue plan is also broken down by nomenclature), but to calculate the forecast balance, it is enough for us to break the entire nomenclature into groups by VAT rates. In our example, the rates are 18% and 10%.

K. I. Pankova, head of the PEO of HC "Domocenter"

The material is published in part. You can read it in full in the magazine.

Are you looking to build a profitable business? You can't do without developing a consistent budgeting policy!

In the highly competitive world of business, the strongest does not always win. Very often, the winner is the most consistent entrepreneur who knows how to competently plan his income and expenses, operate not with lengthy hypotheses, but with clear, well-founded plans drawn up with the help of effective tools. One of the most important management tools is BDR.

BDR is a budget of income and expenses, which forms the basis of the budgetary policy of a commercial company and allows enterprises to solve many operational problems.

BDR structure

It is clear from the name that the BDR includes such fin. indicators as expenditure items, income items and, accordingly, profit. Modern financiers consider BDR not only as a financial instrument, but rather as an integrated way to manage and optimize processes within a business. Simply put, it is the BDR that helps to understand the real state of affairs in an enterprise, normalize resource costs, carry out long-term planning and assess the economics of an enterprise.

Therefore, the BDR includes the following income and expense items:

Income items:

  • Revenue from core activities;
  • Revenue from any other type of economic activity.


  • Production type costs;
  • All other period costs.

In fact, if we talk about the BDR as a management tool with a certain global role, then first of all it should be noted that based on the compiled BDR, it is possible to predict the result of all the company's activities (naturally, within the budget planning period). At the same time, let us once again focus on the fact that the BD&R allows enterprises to manage their income and expenses, which means increasing profits.

To begin with, we note that the detail of the RBS and even the composition of the items included in this type of budget can vary significantly depending on the type of activity of the organization, accounting policies or simply operational tasks.

In theory, if we draw up a BDR, it means that we want not only to fix certain amounts of income and expenses, but to plan, take into account and optimize the financial. state of our organization. Therefore, when drawing up a budget for income and expenses, it is recommended to adhere to the following sequence:

  • Calculate the costs;
  • Calculate income;
  • Determine the rate of return and look for ways to increase it.

If, according to the calculations of expenses and income, everything is clear in principle, since it depends on the specific conditions at the enterprise and its financial tasks, then it is worth dwelling on profit planning in more detail.

When we talk about determining the rate of profit, we mean a task that will allow us to establish an approximate standard between income and expenses, which will ultimately lead us to the emergence of profit as such and eliminate the possibility of loss.

It is clear that profit is the main (if not the only) driver of enterprise growth, including any financing issues - from expanding production to increasing the geographical representation of the enterprise. Therefore, when we use money to make money, the money must be returned as soon as possible. This problem is solved by planning the rate of return.

Of course, the increase in profits is associated with internal optimization and the search for rational solutions that will generally increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. These decisions may concern not only reducing, for example, direct production costs, or minimizing some tax issues, but also go much further into the area of ​​business fragmentation, outsourcing, new technologies and other management decisions.

Speaking about ways to maximize profits, it will not be superfluous to note that saving is not always a good way to increase profits. On the contrary, it is often the correct investment use of accumulated profits that leads to financial success. But that's another topic.

Budgeting in Excel and BDR Form in Excel

The BDR is usually compiled as a simple spreadsheet in Excel or an accounting program. Specialized programs for data accounting have more features than the standard set of Excel functions. In particular, special software surpasses static tables by the ability to quickly obtain new data in automatic mode.

In principle, the tabular budget allows you to solve all the necessary tasks, although it requires an incomparably larger number of manual operations. Consistently in the table, that is, in the BDR, all indicators for the cost and revenue parts are entered, from which profit indicators are formed. Based on these data, subsequent management decisions are made.

Note that there is no specific form for the BDR, so its format will be different for each enterprise. Naturally, it is preferable for an enterprise to use its own system of articles (from real life), which it operates, and, most importantly, can manage. It is foolish to insert an article into the BDR on the modernization of production complexes, if the business, in principle, does not provide for their use.

Today, the Internet is replete with examples of various income budgets and expenditure budgets, so everyone can choose a template that suits their own needs. An even simpler way is to use the income statement form as a basis, expanding it by detailing the items of income and expense of a particular organization.

At the same time, it is important to remember that when compiling the BDD, you should not chase the complexity of the budget. On the contrary, the budget for profit planning should be formed in such a way that the management team of the business can work with it. There were cases when a business ordered the development of a BDR from a specialized company, and as a result received a “three-story” document that was not applicable in practice instead of an understandable budget. Therefore, when choosing the form of the budget and its preparation, it is extremely important to stay as close as possible to the realities of your own business.

Differences between BDR and BDSS

The next most important budget within any company is BDDS (cash flow). Its functions and tasks are described in detail in the corresponding article. But as part of the consideration of the income and expenditure budget, it is necessary to focus on the difference between the BDR and the BDSS. Their key difference lies in the goals for which they are formed.

As we noted earlier, the BDR is carried out for profit planning for the budget period, and the BDSS is for the operational management of the distribution of funds. That is, the BDSS reflects all the activities of the organization in terms of the movement of money, and thanks to this, it becomes possible to manage the movement of cash flows.

I work as an ordinary analyst and it so happened that in the summer of 2014, participating in one e-commerce project, I did management accounting in MS Excel on my knee in 3 weeks. I planned for a long time and finally decided to put it on Habr. I think it will be useful for small entrepreneurs who understand the importance of managing financial flows, but do not want to spend a significant amount of time and money on management accounting. I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth and I will be happy with other solutions proposed by community members.

The business I was involved with in the summer was an ordinary online clothing store of premium and higher segment with a turnover of about 1 million rubles per month. The business worked, not to say very successfully, but it worked and continues to work. The owner understood the need for management accounting and, with this understanding, he took me as a financial director (analyst / manager ...), since the previous one left the business 3 months before my arrival. Actually, there was a hole of the same duration in management accounting. Looking ahead, I’ll say that I didn’t eliminate the hole (we decided not to stir up the past), but created a system that successfully works with minimal labor to this day.

My predecessor led the manager in Fingrad, which turned out to be a very powerful tool. For example, it allowed automatically loading information from 1C and statements from different bank clients, creating postings according to pre-formulated rules. A thing that is certainly useful, however, subject to the double recording system, it increased the operating time at times. To avoid the increase in work, this tool allowed the generation of "dependent postings". In the creation of these additional postings, the dog was buried. And then it turned out that behind all the power of Fingrad lay the uniqueness, which led to the complete absence of expertise in the public domain. Ordinary users (who, by the way, paid 3,000 rubles a month for access to the system) only had access to the “User Guide” on the official website, and 6 video lessons there. Youtube, which gave access to a couple of dozen more video tutorials, also did not help much. There were no forums with information "how to ..." in principle. Support, on specific questions about the rules for creating “dependent entries” and requests for help in my case, was frozen with the phrases “we have not concluded a support agreement with you, therefore we are not ready to answer such specific questions.” Although it would seem - what is specific in such requests, and even with screenshots from my side? It is clear that everything can be beaten by hand, but the question is, why then pay for a tool at all, which greatly increases the time required for management and does not provide any advantages for small businesses?

Having convinced the owner of the inexpediency of using "Fingrad" with such volumes of business and unloading all the information from the system, I put on it a BIG and fatty cross. At the same time, the decision to go to MS Excel was not spontaneous. After a good googling on the topic of management accounting, I found monsters similar to Fingrad, or links to web applications for managing personal finances, while the main requirements for the system were:

Ability to maintain BDDS and BDR based on a variable chart of accounts;
- simplicity in the further maintenance of management accounting (including by the forces of "financially illiterate" users);
- flexibility (the ability to expand / remove functionality on the go);
- no tool/interface overload.

To begin with, let's clarify the terms: being not a financier, by BDDS I mean "Balance of Cash Flow", BDR - "Budget of Income and Expenditures". We consider BDDS to be the cash method (the day of the transaction - the column "Date of the transaction") and use it for operational day-to-day planning, and the BDR accrual method (the column "Account period") for strategic, within a year or more.

So, how it all works and how it works (ideally):

1. Management accounting is collected based on information entered by end users using a form in Google Docs. The field names and encodings of options in the final management accounting file are marked in red - a kind of field mapping.

2. As a result, it looks like this (what is transferred to the final management file is filled in green).

3. Management accounting is built on the basis of .xls download from Fingrad (hence the strange names for third-party users and, in general, an excessive number of columns). We kindly ask you not to take seriously the values ​​of the columns "Income", "Expense" - a lot has been randomly changed.

The filling mechanism is simple: we carefully transfer it to the “General Ledger” tab from the Google Docs form and bank statements. The rows used to form the BDR are highlighted in red, the BDDS are highlighted in green, which are summary tables and are built on the basis of intermediate tabs with self-explanatory names. The only columns whose information is not related to other sources are "Original ID" (unique row values) and "Created Date" (=NOTDATE(), and then copy and paste as a value)

4. Articles of DDS (cash flow) are located on a separate tab "PS_service" and may well be regularly reviewed depending on specific needs (do not forget to update the formulas on the sheets "Data_BDDS", "Data_BDR").

5. In the picture, a sample of the BDDS, in the default format, collapsed to the weekly "relevance".

6. BDS sample (monthly). Pay attention to the thesis already mentioned above about the use of lines from the General Ledger: Budget and Fact for BDR, Plan and Fact for BDDS.

7. Working with BDDS means keeping the "Plan" lines as up to date as possible. I am quite pedantic in working with primary information and the comments I made kept the whole history of changes. How will you be - a question for you. My approach allowed me to catch about 1 significant error per week, threatening discrepancies of tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Time, by the way, was eaten up a bit.

8. Actually himself

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