Rubric and you know what. "Did you know that ..." - a selection of amazing facts. Terrible continuation of the legend

So, do you know what?..

In the Conan Doyle books, Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, Watson!"

Peanut is not a nut.

In fact, the peanut is not a nut, but the seed of a herbaceous plant in the legume family.

The word "love" occurs 613 times in Beatles songs.

Tibetan monks can sleep standing up.

Cats don't taste sweet.

A genetic defect common to all cats prevents them from enjoying sweets. This was established by Joseph Brand (Joseph Brand) and his colleagues from the American research Center for chemical sensations Monella. The researchers took saliva and blood samples from six cats, including a tiger and a cheetah, and found that each cat had a useless, dysfunctional gene that other mammals use to create a sweet receptor on the tongue.

Photoshop is 20 years old.

Koala sleeps 22 hours a day.

Koalas inhabit eucalyptus forests, spending almost their entire lives in the crowns of these trees. During the day, the koala sleeps (for 18-22 hours a day), sitting on a branch or in the forks of branches; climbs trees at night looking for food.

On average, 12 newborns a day are given to the wrong parents.

Sea stars do not have a brain.

The movie Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself.

Chaplin placed third in the Chaplin lookalike competition.

Chaplin once took part incognito in a Tramp look-alike contest. According to one version, he took second place in the competition, according to another version - third, according to the third version - fifth.

Hitler was a vegetarian.

According to most biographers, Hitler was a vegetarian from 1931 (since the suicide of Geli Raubal) until his death in 1945. Some authors argue that Hitler only limited himself to eating meat.

OK is the most used word in the world.

Paparazzi in Italian means "annoying mosquito".

In Oklahoma, watermelon is considered a vegetable.

Most robberies happen on Tuesdays.

George Bush was a cheerleader in high school.

One cigarette takes 5 minutes of life!

Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

Beaver teeth never stop growing.

If the cola was not tinted, it would be green.

On Windows, you cannot create a folder named "Con".

There are a lot of hidden system folders that have appeared since the creation of Windows, Con is a command of one of the services, so you can’t call the folder that way.
And there is also a beautiful legend that Bill Gates banned this file name because he had such a nickname in school - con (something like "crammed, nerd").

90% of species of living beings have not yet been discovered!

With an ordinary pencil, you can draw a line 55 kilometers long.

Human and banana DNA match by 50%.

If a shark swims "upside down", it may go into a coma.

A newborn baby kangaroo can fit in a teaspoon.

A frightened person sees better.

A cockroach can live without a head for 9 days.

There is no word for "yesterday" in the Eskimo language.

The Earth is gaining 100 tons of weight every day due to cosmic dust.

Red is the most common color on national flags.

Pigs can get sunburned.

Blue is the calmest color.

You can die from laughter.

The Zhuk car was Hitler's idea.

There is a version that once Hitler acted as a designer,

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Frogs do not drink water, but absorb it through their skin.

The tongue of a giraffe is absolutely black, and its length can reach 50 cm. Giraffes clean their ears with their tongue.

The dragonfly lives 24 hours.

The elephant is the only animal that cannot jump.

The slug has four noses.

Los Angeles has more cars than people.

To make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers.

Lightning kills 1000 people every year.

People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than everyone else.

Did you know that the print of a dog's nose is individual, like the papillary lines of a person? Simply put, a dog can be found by its nose print.

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of people who have recently eaten bananas.

Peanuts are used in the production of dynamite.

A person is able to feel only four tastes: salty, bitter, sour sweet. The whole picturesque picture of taste is drawn exclusively by the sense of smell.

Did you know that goats have square pupils?

The heart of the human fetus begins to beat on the 18th day after conception and does not stop all his life.

Sloths spend most of their lives hanging upside down.

Did you know that there are rivers without water. They are found mainly in deserts and are called "wadis". Water in the channels appears only during the rains, the rest of the time they are dry depressions.

Did you know that the best pretender among mammals is the opossum? There is even an expression in English that translates as “playing a possum”, but is used in the meaning of “pretend”, “deceive”.

In 1998, miracle tights were invented - with three legs - the third leg was supposed to be used if one of those worn by the girl was torn

Butterflies have taste buds on their feet.

Do you know that Napoleon could have become a great Russian commander? In 1785, Bonaparte graduated from the Paris Military School with the rank of lieutenant, and in 1788 he tried to enlist in the Russian army!

The only animal with a movable upper jaw is the crocodile. In other animals, the lower jaw is mobile. Crocodiles are the only animals on Earth that do not naturally have a language.

Did you know that gorillas sleep in nests? These large, muscular primates every evening (and even after a hearty dinner) build a new nest for themselves - on the ground or on the lower branches of trees.

The rarest spoken language on our planet is the Bikya language. It is spoken by only one 87-year-old woman from a village on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. And she has no one to talk to.

Did Peter I invent an original way to fight drunkenness? Alcoholics were given ... a medal. Drinking medal. Its weight was about 7 kg, and this is without chains, because it was made of pure cast iron. The medal was “handed over” at the police station, and the design was attached to the neck so that the “awarded” could not remove it. It took a week to wear the insignia.

Babysitting services are used not only by people, but also, for example, by owls? As these same nannies, North American scoops use ... narrow-mouthed snakes.

There are so many interesting and unknown things in our life that we don’t even know about living next to the simplest things in our opinion.

Live, enjoy life and learn more and more new things! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

The study of man has always attracted researchers of all times and peoples. Diseases, origin, psyche, motivation, etc. - all this is aimed at getting to know a person and his stay on earth more. Let's take a closer look at the knowledge that is known today.

We bring to your attention the most interesting facts about a person:

  • 1. Did you know that on average, about 2 kg lives in a person. bacteria. Everyone has about 40,000 bacteria in their mouths alone;
  • 2. Many are familiar with the sensations when, in bright light, a person loses the ability to see for a while. So scientists decided to designate this phenomenon as snow blindness;

  • 3. For many, the actual question is how to understand the truth if your interlocutor is telling you or not? As the results of the study showed, when a person begins to tell a lie, he usually looks up to the left.

  • 4. But if you look closely at the picture of Mona Lisa, you can see that she has no eyebrows. This is due to the fashion trends of the times when this picture was written;

  • 5. Today, medicine in the field of diagnosing diseases has stepped far forward. In the Middle Ages, such a luxury was not available to doctors, so if they could not determine exactly what the patient was sick with, then they diagnosed syphilis;

  • 6. Scientists have found out one very interesting fact about a human. As it turned out, when a person is born, then 14,000,000,000 cells are already present in his brain. However, after 25 years, this number drops by 100,000;

  • 7. Everyone loves the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", but few people know that this is also the name of the syndrome in psychiatry, which characterizes depersonalization, as well as disturbances in the perception of space and time;

  • 8. According to research by scientists, on average, in a lifetime, each person eats 27 tons of food. For comparison, this is equivalent to the weight of seven elephants;

  • 9. But the question of whether life exists on other planets is of interest to almost all of humanity. No wonder that every three minutes someone claims to have seen a UFO;

  • 10. As the researchers found out, the most smiling on earth are children, because. compared to adults, they laugh more, on average 400 times a day;

  • 11. For the information of our readers, as it turned out, it is impossible to sneeze without closing your eyes;

  • 12. When a child is born, there are about three hundred bones in his body, however, the more he grows, the less of them remain. After all, already in an adult body there are approximately 206 bones;

  • 13. But the doctors in Mesopotamia had a hard time, because if he made a mistake and the patient stopped seeing, then he is also blinded, in cases where a person dies, then the doctor is sentenced to death;

  • 14. As scientists have found out, language is not only a means of expressing one's thoughts, but is also the strongest muscle in the body;

  • 15. Each of us in our entire life travels distances that can be compared with 5 equators of the Earth;

  • 16. Everyone knows that the lungs provide us with air, but few people know the fact that the surface area of ​​​​the lungs can be compared to a tennis court;

  • 17. According to statistics, 70% of men take a shower every day, but for women this figure is slightly lower - only 57%;

  • 18. For the information of smokers, those who smoke an average of one pack per day per day drink about 0.5 cups of tar per year;

  • 19. And this is how our great scientists found out only a person, as a representative of the animal world, can draw a straight line;

  • 20. Did you know that each person spends on average 5 years of his life on food.

  • 21. But the navel in scientific circles sounds completely different - umbilicus is just such a scientific name for the navel;

  • 22. According to studies, a beard will grow faster in blonds than in brunettes;

  • 23. One of the features of the child's body is that they can simultaneously breathe and swallow;

  • 24. To smile, a person needs to use 17 muscles;

  • 25. But, according to scientists, human DNA contains an eye of 80,000 genes;

  • 26. Did you know that already with a height of 130 cm a man will be considered a dwarf, for a woman this figure is slightly lower - 120 cm;

  • 27. The life span of erythrocytes is much higher than that of leukocytes. The first live 3-4 months, the second 2-4 days;

  • 28. But the French call fingers quite differently: pus, index, major, anulaire, orykuler;

  • 29. For the information of our readers, the fingers of each of us bend on average 25 million times in a lifetime;

  • 30. Almost every one of us knows that the heart of every person is equal in size to his fist, but few people know that the weight of an adult's heart is 220-260 g;

  • 31. Apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite - these are the minerals that are part of the human body;

  • 32. According to statistics, women who are over 35 are more likely to have twins than younger girls;

  • 33. Did you know that the human brain can be compared to a real generator, because it produces much more electrical impulses per day than any telephone;

  • 34. And here is another interesting fact, as scientists tell us, in one second, 100,000 chemical reactions occur in the human brain;

  • 35. To the attention of parents, babies are born without kneecaps, they appear a little later, at 2-6 years;

  • 36. But it is better to walk with blue-eyed people, because their eyesight is stronger in the dark than the rest;

  • 37. But the small intestine of a person after death increases by more than 2 times. During life, it is - 2.5 m, and after death, its dimensions reach 6 m;

  • 38. Each person has about 2 million sweat glands. It is worth noting that each liter of sweat spent carries a loss of 540 calories;

  • 39. But the air capacity in the lungs, as it turned out, is uneven - in the right lung it is slightly larger than in the left;

1. Over the past 50 years, humanity has destroyed 70% of the world's forests.

2. More than half of the world's population has never seen snow.

3. The heart of a white whale is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

4. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you get only a small screw for women's watches.

5. Abroad, everyone is sure that Cheburashka is SHE

6. In Creskill, New Jersey, all cats and cats must wear 3 bells so that the birds are always aware of their location.

7. If you fill a teaspoon with the substance of which neutron stars are composed, then its weight will be = approximately 110 million tons.

8. Pipidastres - shaggy multi-colored things that girls from the support group of sports teams beautifully wave.

9. Only women and horses have hymens.

10. Female pigeons cannot lay eggs alone. They definitely need to see a dove for this. In captivity, they can be fooled with a mirror.

11. The rubber armrest of the subway escalator moves at a different speed so that the passenger does not fall asleep on the escalator.

12. Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. So, scientist Stuart Springer was bitten by an embryo while he was examining the insides of a pregnant shark.

13. To free yourself from the jaws of the crocodile, press your thumbs on his eyeballs. He will let you go immediately.

14. The tongue of a chameleon is twice as long as its body.

15. Michael Jordan was rejected from the basketball team in his second year of college due to his short stature.
By the way, yesterday he celebrated his 50th birthday!

16. In Kenya, bribes account for one third of the household budget.

17. The runner is able to get ahead of the race car in the first 10 meters from the start.

18. Acne can be removed with a mixture of crushed tablets of any antibiotic, aspirin and suprastin (one at a time), with the addition of a drop of water.

19. Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

20. Giant Komodo lizards even attack deer and wild boar.

21. Every fourth American was shown on TV.

22. Half of the men do not wash their hands after using the toilet.

23. If a yellow canary is fed red pepper, the color of its feathers will turn bright orange.

24. To accurately maintain balance and aerodynamic properties, the eagle, when a feather falls out of one wing, loses the same feather from the other wing.

25. In the 18th century. soldiers who fought against the armies of Frederick brought cockroaches to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Before that, there were no cockroaches.

26. To crack a nut, just put it in hot water for 48 hours.

27. It is impossible to stick a blade between the plates of the pyramid of Cheops.

28. There is a wife dragging championship in Finland. The winner receives a quantity of beer equivalent to the weight of the spouse.

29. Eagles mate in flight.

30. Drivers kill more deer than hunters.

31. Some types of tapeworms eat themselves in the absence of food. However, they can eat up to 95% of their body.

32. There are no penguins at the North Pole, contrary to popular stereotype.

33. No one has been able to tame the African Elephant yet. Only the Indian elephant can be trained.

34. A rat can fall off a five-story building without any damage.

35. Even a small drop of alcohol placed on a scorpion drives him crazy. The scorpion stings itself to death.

36. The most common language is Chinese. And the second most common is Spanish. English gets an honorary bronze.

37. The average life expectancy of Japanese women is 84 years; while life expectancy for women in Botswana is only 39 years.

38. Same-sex sexual activity is illegal in more than 70 countries. In nine, including Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia they are punishable by death.

39. More than 70 percent of the world's population has never heard a phone ring. In Africa, only one in 40 people has a telephone.

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“Did you know that…” - a selection of amazing facts within the framework of the project “Informative about Russia!”

"Swan Lake"

Swan Lake is the first outstanding example of the ballet genre in Russian musical art and one of the best works of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. The ballet was ordered to Tchaikovsky in the spring of 1875 by the directorate of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. The premiere of the play took place on February 20, 1877 at the Bolshoi Theatre.

At first, the production was rather coldly received by both the audience and critics. Both the former and the latter found Tchaikovsky's music too boring and difficult to perceive.

For residents former USSR ballet has a rather sinister meaning, because during the August putsch in 1991, everyone TV channels countries have demonstrated it. Why Swan Lake and not The Nutcracker, for example, is difficult to say, but the fact remains that for many years Tchaikovsky's creation has become for many citizens a symbol of expectation of something disturbing and significant.

Any resident of Russia, from young to old, will recognize one of the parts of the work - of course, this is the legendary "Dance of the Little Swans", for which there are a huge number of parodies - in particular, one of them is shown in the 15th issue of the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" .

Soyuz and Apollo

On July 17, 1975, the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft and the American Apollo spacecraft docked. It was planned that at the time of docking, the ships were supposed to fly over Moscow, but the calculations were not entirely correct, and the astronauts shook hands while flying over the Elbe River. It is symbolic that 30 years earlier, a meeting of Soviet and American soldiers, allies in World War II, took place on the Elbe.

"Cruiser Aurora"

It would seem that we know everything about Aurora since childhood. However, it turns out that there are many curious little-known facts.

Despite its high-profile historical fate, the cruiser was built according to far from the most the best project that time. He was inferior to foreign counterparts and the power of machines, and the power of artillery. At that time, there was a joke in the navy that the Aurora differed from an ordinary steamship only in its low speed and a certain number of low-powered guns.

BUT: For 45 years of service, the legendary cruiser managed to take part in four wars and three revolutions. And despite all these historical events, St. Andrew's flag is hoisted daily on the ship-museum Aurora.

The cruiser "Aurora" did not differ in fighting qualities. There were only eight main battery guns, the ship developed a speed of 19 knots (miles) per hour, and the engine reached a power of 11 thousand horsepower. For comparison, the power of the Titanic was five times greater. Then it was impossible to imagine that the Aurora would become a real legend. The cruiser made its first voyage in 1903, from Kronstadt to Far East to reinforce the Port Arthur squadron. The crew of the ship was six hundred people.

Baptism of fire took place on May 14, 1905 in the Battle of Tsushima. During the battle, the Aurora received ten hits from enemy guns. Several compartments were completely flooded, the guns were out of order, and fire was blazing on the ship. Despite this, the cruiser withstood the battle.

However, the cruiser is no longer known as a warship, but as a symbol of the October Revolution of 1917. On October 25, 1917, a blank shot from a ship served as the signal for the start of the assault on the Winter Palace.

The service life of military cruisers is 25 years. Aurora served almost twice as long - 45 years. The ship managed to take part in the defense of Kronstadt from fascist shelling. In 1948, the cruiser was sent to eternal parking, and a museum was opened in its premises. Over the years, the cruiser was visited by Yuri Gagarin, Margaret Thatcher and the Princess of Monaco. In the 1980s, the ship underwent a major overhaul. The underwater part had to be completely replaced - it was not subject to reconstruction.

"The first capital of Russia"

Constant disputes about which city owns the right and status to be called do not fade away. But most historians agree that Ladoga, which arose in the middle of the 8th century, was the residence of Rurik and they all refer to the main source: The Tale of Bygone Years.

According to this version, Rurik sat in Ladoga until 864, and only after that he founded Veliky Novgorod.

The popularization of Ladoga (now the village of Staraya Ladoga in the Leningrad region) as the "first capital of Russia" received a strong impetus during the celebration of its 1250th anniversary in 2003. However, not all historians recognize this status for her.

Now Staraya Ladoga is a village located twelve kilometers above the mouth of the Volkhov River. Even before 1704, it retained its status and name - Ladoga. Staraya Ladoga is included in the list of the oldest Russian cities.

"Trans-Siberian Railway"

The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest Railway in the world. The length of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 9300 kilometers, which is an absolute record that has no analogues in the whole world.

According to scientists, the highway has about a century of history, linking South Siberia, the Far East, the Urals and the Western part of Russia. Although the line was built so long ago, it was not fully electrified until early 2002. You can overcome it all in 7 days and 6 nights, that is, in 146 hours of continuous movement. The highway consists of 40 stations located on the segment between Moscow and Vladivostok.

Traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway is the best way to see Russia in all its diversity. The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses exactly 3901 bridges.

More amazing facts.

Lena Pillars, Yakutia, Russia

The Lena Pillars are a forty-kilometer series of sheer cliffs stretching along the right bank of the Lena River. Two hundred kilometers downstream is the city of Yakutsk, about a hundred kilometers - the city of Pokrovsk.

Today it is a natural reserve of Yakutia - rocks from 40 to 100 meters high every year become more beautiful and more mysterious due to local climatic conditions. The view of the Pillars at sunrise is especially beautiful.

Interestingly, many caves were discovered on the slopes of the Lena Pillars, on the walls of which drawings of ancient people who lived in this area were painted with yellow paint, and tools were also found. The remains of mammoths, rhinos, bison were found on the territory of the national park, and in the fragments of rocks - fossils of trilobites, an extinct class of marine arthropods that lived more than 200 million years ago.

For the Yakuts, these rocks are a monument of love, fidelity and courage, since the Lena Pillars are actually nothing more than a pair of lovers who were bewitched by a dragon: a young man in a mortal duel defeated an evil snake who wanted to take his beloved as his wife, but he managed to take revenge .

Lena Pillars in 2012 included in the list of objects of the World.

"Clock on the Spasskaya Tower"

Initially, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower was English. They were made in 1625 under the direction of the English mechanic Christopher Galloway. But in 1705, by decree of Peter I, the watch was remade in accordance with German traditions - with a dial at 12 o'clock.

Modern clocks weigh 25 tons and are powered by three weights ranging from 160 to 224 kg. The watch has four dials with a diameter of 6.12 m, the height of the numbers is 72 cm, the length of the hour hand is 2.97 m, the minute hand is 3.28 m. They are wound 2 times a day.

That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed the first portion of impressions. Cultivate curiosity in yourself, and as old Einstein used to say: "It is important not to stop asking questions ... Do not lose holy curiosity over the years."

To be continued…

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