Modern pregnancy planning: where to start for a young couple? Passing a gynecological examination

Pregnancy planning is an important step taken by future parents who are responsibly approaching the conception of a child. Training is especially relevant for women who are over thirty. But not all future mothers and fathers understand what is included in the planning process and what is the first step to take so that the preparation is successful and within the optimal time frame. A visit to a gynecologist and a therapist are the starting points for planning: it is these specialists who will tell you what to do next, so that in the end a man and a woman step by step go through the preparatory stages and become parents.

Pregnancy planning: from the first step to conception

Modern couples are becoming less and less spontaneous parents: when they decide to have a child, they do not just stop using protection. Increasingly, potential mothers and fathers are talking about planning a pregnancy. An increasing number of future parents are interested in this, which was not the case even in the last century.

Such a shift in the approach to planning children did not happen by chance: today, for the birth and upbringing of a baby, it has become important to first “stand on your feet”. Therefore, the percentage of young parents who are already 30 or more years old is growing: they have managed to make a career that brings income, accumulate financial reserves, and equip their “corner”. They make a deliberate decision: to become parents, and approach the conception of an unborn child with responsibility. That is why today planning pregnancy after 35 years has become a hot topic.

The Other Side of the Medal

But achieving stability and financial independence is only one side of the coin. Unfortunately, statistics show that after 35 years, with each passing year, a woman's chances of successfully conceiving and bearing, of having a healthy child, are becoming less and less. Conception of a baby after the threshold of 35 years is twice as rare as compared with the age of 20-25 years, when young women have the highest chances of successful fertilization.

Almost 20% of married couples today cannot conceive a child, because parents - one or both - are diagnosed with "infertility". Women who have reached the age of 35 and only at this age have begun planning pregnancy are at risk of encountering such a pathology.

Therefore, if a couple who has crossed the age threshold of 30-35 years has decided to take this step, it is necessary to approach the planning process with special care and start it in advance, especially if attempts to have a child have already been made for six months or even a year, but unsuccessfully. So, it's time to consult a doctor, who will help to make a step-by-step planning for a future pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe a complete examination to identify problems and understand whether there is reason to talk about infertility and start treating it. Not only the woman, but also the father of the unborn child must pass the examination - this significantly increases the chances of a successful conception.

Two areas of training

Regardless of whether one of the spouses has infertility or not, the advice that specialists give to couples aged 30-35 when planning a pregnancy is, for the most part, about the same.

Preparation for conception includes measures for:

  • improving fertility - the ability to conceive both parents, since with age there is a deterioration in the quality of eggs and spermatozoa, the state of the whole organism;
  • identifying health problems in a woman, if necessary, in a man. Existing diseases must be identified in advance and a therapy should be carried out that will eliminate or reduce the impact of pathologies on the development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother during gestation.

Usually, all stages of preparation for a successful conception take about two to three months. In the presence of chronic diseases in one or both parents, planning can take up to six months. During this time, a woman will be able to pass all the tests, prepare herself for bearing a baby, and a man will increase his fertility, increasing the chances of fertilizing an egg.

Point one: consultation with a gynecologist

The very first step from which any pregnancy planning begins, regardless of whether it takes place after 30 years or before reaching this age, is a visit to the gynecologist's office. The expectant mother can make an appointment with a doctor at a antenatal clinic or a private clinic. The gynecologist will make the first conclusions by examining the patient's medical record, finding out everything about pregnancies that have already occurred, abortions or spontaneous miscarriages (if any).

Also, the gynecologist should analyze the methods that were used by the future parents for contraception, and conduct a colposcopy to rule out any pathologies affecting the cervix. If necessary, he will remove the uterine coil and discuss with the woman the abolition of contraceptives.

Records of past or chronic diseases will also become important information for the doctor, because the gynecologist must refer the woman for further examination, making a list of necessary measures.

Usually the first stage includes the following examinations:

  • consultation of a general practitioner;
  • delivery of various tests - general, for infections and hormones, etc .;
  • necessary ultrasound examinations;
  • visit to the endocrinologist (according to indications);
  • consultations of narrow specialists (in the presence of chronic pathology);
  • a conversation with a geneticist (if at least one parent is over 35 years old, this is a mandatory procedure).

In the antenatal clinic, all examinations can be done free of charge. In a private clinic, preparation for pregnancy will result in a considerable amount.

If there are indications, then a man is sent to an andrologist and to take a spermogram to make sure that he is healthy and has normal fertility, since male infertility is quite common today, just like female infertility. Both spouses must donate blood to determine the blood type and Rh factor so that the doctor knows about the possibility of an Rh conflict during pregnancy.

According to indications, the gynecologist may recommend that a woman conduct daily measurements of basal temperature on the days of the cycle in order to identify any violations in advance and prescribe treatment. The basal temperature chart must be drawn up for at least 3 months.

Therapist: important and necessary

It rarely happens that, having reached the age of 30-35 years, a person remains completely healthy, therefore, due attention should be paid to the examination by a therapist, because pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by a heavy burden on the female body. The doctor will listen and examine the woman, measure the pressure, if there is evidence, she will refer her to an appointment with narrow specialists. It is necessary to check the condition of the cardiovascular system, abdominal organs. An ECG is mandatory, regardless of the presence of complaints.

It is important to consult with a therapist about your chronic diseases: what to do so that they do not worsen during gestation, how to prepare for conceiving a child with an existing pathology. The doctor must help the patient to avoid any possible relapses, this is what the pregnancy planning period is necessary for.

It is the therapist who can direct the woman to the necessary vaccinations that will protect her body from dangerous infections. After vaccination, it is necessary to withstand an interval of 1 to 6 months. You cannot conceive a child immediately after vaccination.

If, based on the results of the examination, courses of therapy were prescribed, including antibiotics, antiviral agents, steroids or other hormonal drugs, then the dates when conception will be permissible should be further clarified with the doctor.

With and without indications

The list of specialists to contact when planning a pregnancy is individual; The therapist and gynecologist will tell you where to start.

Most often, visits to the following specialists are appointed:

  • Dentist. All dental problems must be resolved before conception, eliminating the possibility of infections and the onset of inflammatory processes during gestation. Sanitation of the oral cavity in preparation for pregnancy is included in the mandatory list.
  • Otolaryngologist. Even if there are no chronic diseases of the nose, ears or throat, it is worth visiting an ENT doctor to rule out an infection of the mucous membranes.

Without fail, the examination and preparation for pregnancy includes an examination by an ophthalmologist.

The therapist can refer a woman to other narrow specialists based on the results of tests or after studying the outpatient card of the expectant mother:

  • in the presence of problems with the kidneys and urinary tract - to the nephrologist and urologist;
  • with the diagnosis of "allergy" - for a consultation with an allergist and a dermatologist;
  • for diseases of a neurological nature, including migraines, to a neurologist.

Sometimes the patient needs to consult an immunologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and surgeon.

A visit to an endocrinologist is especially important for those couples who have already experienced many unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, or if the woman is too large or too small, has an irregular monthly cycle, or there are systematic failures in it. In this case, the endocrinologist will refer the patient for tests to determine if there are disturbances in the hormonal system, which plays a huge role in conceiving and bearing a baby. If a girl fails to get pregnant within a year, a visit to this specialist is a must.

Thyroid diseases often cause problems with conception and lead to infertility, so the expectant mother should check the functioning of the thyroid gland at the stage of pregnancy planning. It will not be superfluous to measure the level of glucose in the blood and exclude diabetes mellitus.

Genes make a lot of difference

  • at least one of the future parents has reached the threshold of 35 years;
  • in the genus of one or both, the facts of genetic diseases transmitted by inheritance (schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, myodystrophy, Down's syndrome, etc.) were revealed;
  • the couple already has a child with such disorders;
  • in the past there were stillbirths, spontaneous miscarriages, regressive pregnancies;
  • future parents are closely related.

A genetics consultation may be limited to a conversation, but it is possible that you will need to pass special tests so that the doctor can predict the likelihood of having a healthy child without genetic pathologies.

Other studies

The mandatory list of medical examinations when planning pregnancy, regardless of the age of the expectant mother, includes:

  • ECG: it is necessary to check the condition of the heart before the loads that will fall on it for as long as 40 weeks;
  • fluorography: done only at the planning stage or before it, since such examinations are prohibited after conception;
  • tests for the presence in the body of a woman of antibodies to such pathogens of infectious diseases as rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus, toxoplasma, etc.

If necessary or at the request of the examined woman, she can be sent for an ultrasound examination of the small pelvis: doctors will assess the health of the organs of the reproductive system. This is especially important for patients with suspected infertility.

Independent measures

In addition to the examination, future parents need to prepare for conception themselves, especially if their age has crossed the line of 30 years and the optimal time to have a baby is already behind them.

Self-preparation when planning a pregnancy includes:

  • Revision of the diet, the transition to a healthy, balanced, wholesome diet. It is necessary to add the amount of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins necessary for the body to the daily menu so that there is no shortage of them already in the first weeks of gestation. Experts recommend including in the diet products containing a large amount of folic acid, which is important for the reproductive system:
    • spinach,
    • salad,
    • broccoli,
    • white cabbage,
    • cereals.

Folic acid is necessary for the female body, especially the reproductive system: it contributes to the correct, without pathologies, development of the fetus that is fixed in the uterus.

In order to prevent anemia, a lack of iron, which negatively affects ovulation, you need to eat green apples, pomegranates, buckwheat, bananas.

  • The accumulation of useful substances in the body of a woman. To provide the body with the substances necessary for conception and bearing a child, it is recommended to start taking vitamins and mineral complexes in advance. During the planning period, gynecologists often prescribe Femibion, a complex vitamin preparation rich in folic acid and other useful elements. Taking Femibion ​​or other multivitamins allows you to create optimal conditions for pregnancy.
  • A complete rejection of any habits that can adversely affect the health of a woman and the development of a baby. This is especially true for smoking and drinking alcohol. It is better to be more in the air, walk and drink freshly squeezed, vitamin-rich juices.
  • If you are overweight, you need to lose weight before conceiving a child. A dietitian can help you adjust your diet.

When doctors conclude that a woman is ready to bear, it is worth preparing directly for conception. A man should not only take alcohol at this time, but also go to the bathhouse or sit in a hot bath. Do not smoke or drink too much coffee, take any pills without consulting your doctor. Nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle - all this can affect the quality of sperm, and therefore, the possibility of conception.

Women are forbidden during this period to perform procedures such as vaginal douching. The psychological message is also important. A positive attitude is one of the most important factors for successful conception, therefore, if the expectant mother has any fears, it is better to contact a psychologist in advance. This is especially important for those who have already experienced failures when trying to conceive or give birth to a child who is diagnosed with infertility. Sometimes it is important to "turn off your head" and forget about all the problems in order to successfully conceive a healthy baby.

Planning for infertility

Separately, it should be said about the preparation for the conception of a couple in which one of the future parents was found to be infertile. It is diagnosed based on the results of the above examinations, but doctors may prescribe additional ones.

The next step for couples with fertility problems is to contact specialized centers dealing with technologies in the field of reproduction (ART), including IVF. After consultation with a reproductive specialist, the pregnancy planning period can be extended, the list of examinations can be expanded, which will ultimately help increase the chances of a successful conception. With contraindications to IVF, it is worth considering the option of surrogate motherhood or adoption of a child.

The main thing is the result

Pregnancy, regardless of the age of the parents who were waiting for and planning it, is happiness. It has been proven that after 30 years, conception is more difficult and less common, but nothing is impossible if you start preparing in advance and do not lose heart even with the diagnosis of infertility.

The main thing is to take the first step, start planning pregnancy and follow all the appointments of specialists. It must be remembered that even in completely healthy couples, younger than 30 years, the conception of a child does not occur immediately, as soon as they refuse contraception. According to statistics, pregnancy occurs after about three to six months of trying, and sometimes within a year.

Having a healthy baby is a big responsibility. Both future parents should approach this consciously. Planning for pregnancy includes several stages. Preventive measures will help to avoid many problems with conception, bearing and childbirth.

An increasing number of couples are beginning to realize the importance of planning for conception. This is what will help to give birth to a healthy baby. However, not everyone knows what this process implies, how to build it correctly. You need to start with a visit to the attending physician gynecologist or reproductologist.

Also today there are special family planning centers. The couple will have the necessary consultations and conversations. According to their results, various analyzes and studies will be assigned.

In general, planning pregnancy involves examining the general health of a man and a woman, treating acute and chronic diseases, giving up bad habits, following a special diet and taking the necessary vitamins.

To start preparing for conception, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Stop smoking for both partners or reduce the number of cigarettes to the bare minimum. This must be done at least three months before pregnancy.
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages also three months before conception.
  • Reduce the amount of .
  • Directly in the cycle, when conception is planned, do not go to the sauna or bath.
  • It is advisable not to make a sharp change in climate and avoid flying by plane.
  • Do not diet for weight loss.
  • Do not engage in active activities, with an increased risk of injury and stress.
  • Do not drink medicines that are not approved by the doctor, and also do not get sick. And if you had to use antibiotics, then the date of conception will have to be postponed for another 1-2 months.
  • For six months, start drinking a vitamin-mineral complex for both a woman and a man.
  • After the abolition of oral contraceptives during the first 3 months, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy increases. It is worth carefully weighing your options.
  • Eliminate occupational hazard - change the workshop or work in general.
  • Stick to a diet or the basics of a healthy diet. Eat more foods containing vitamins such as group B, A, C, D, zinc, magnesium,.
  • If there are medications that you need to drink constantly, then you should discuss this issue with your doctor and develop a treatment strategy.

For girls

In addition to the above activities, girls should conduct additional training. It includes:

  • Check which vaccinations you already have, which diseases you have immunity and antibodies against. This can be done in the clinic with a therapist and, if necessary, vaccinate before pregnancy. The girl must have developed antibodies to hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and chickenpox.
  • Also, a few months before conception, you need to measure the basal temperature. The data should be entered in a special one and when visiting a gynecologist, show observations. This will help to more carefully plan the onset of pregnancy, as well as calculate ovulation and have sexual intercourse on the right day. As a result, the number of attempts is significantly reduced.

For guys

So far, not all men understand that they need to prepare for pregnancy, too. Some still believe that the main preparation is to examine the female body. The state of health of a man plays an equally important role.

The future father should start preparing for pregnancy at least three months in advance, because it takes 90 days for the formation of normal, active spermatozoa. But since conception may not occur in the first cycle of an attempt, one must expect that certain rules must be followed from six months to a year.

During this time, a man should begin to carefully monitor his health before pregnancy:

  • Give up bad habits, if any.
  • Stop working with varnishes, paints and other substances that have toxic fumes and harmful radiation.
  • Follow nutrition. Stop eating fast food, fatty, salty, refuse products with chemical additives and dyes.
  • Observe the temperature regime. The fact is that sperm is formed in the testicles, which are located in the scrotum. Its temperature is one and a half degrees lower than the main temperature of the body. This is one of the factors affecting the formation of sperm cells of the correct structure. Therefore, during the preparation, you should not visit baths and saunas, it is advisable not to use seat heating, wear insulated underwear and trousers.
  • It is also important to lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time not to get involved in traumatic sports, such as cycling, martial arts. A bruise in the groin area can adversely affect the future process of conception.
  • Try to avoid stress and tension. Spend more time with your soulmate, learn to listen to each other.
  • Also, intimate relationships will require some kind of schedule. You should not have sex more than once every two or three days. This is necessary for the maturation of new healthy spermatozoa in the right amount.

After 30 - 35 years

Today, childbirth after 30 years is already considered the norm. By this age, people understand what they want from life, strengthen family relationships, become more responsible and ready to become parents. However, there are some downsides to late pregnancy. Many women and men acquire chronic diseases.

Therefore, preparation for pregnancy after 30 years is to cleanse the body, saturate it with vitamins, nutrients and a thorough examination. In general, planning for conception in adulthood needs the same activities as before the age of 30. However, this needs to be done more carefully.

Watch the video about pregnancy planning:

Important examinations for women and men

Preparing for pregnancy first of all means a series of examinations. A woman and a man need to pass a number of general tests and some specific ones.

Important Tests

Both partners must undergo the following tests:

  • General clinical and biochemical blood tests. They will show the work of internal organs, inflammatory processes, the state of the blood.
  • Blood test for group and Rh factor. Due to the mismatch, there is a high probability of miscarriage and complications in the development of the fetus.
  • Urinalysis. From it it will become clear about the functioning of the kidneys and the metabolism in the body.
  • Fluorography.
  • Detection of infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C, HIV, herpes, HPV, CMV, rubella, toxoplasma, syphilis.
  • PCR study for STDs, including ureaplasma, mycoplasma, genital herpes, chlamydia, Trichomonas and others.
  • Testing for sugar in the blood will help detect elevated levels and prevent the development of diabetes.
  • to identify the risk of transmission of hereditary diseases during pregnancy.
  • . It is prescribed when, after all the tests and cured diseases, conception does not occur. Examine the level of progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, LH and FSH. Both men and women have all these hormones in different proportions. They are responsible for the production of eggs and sperm, the fixation of the embryo in the endometrium, the development of the uterus and the formation of the placenta.

Special Research

In addition to the general analyzes that are listed above and are mandatory for both partners, there are also special ones. They prescribe only to a woman or a man. The expectant mother needs to undergo the following additional tests:

  • Smear on flora. It gives an idea of ​​the state of the microflora, the presence of an inflammatory process. Various bacteria and other pathogens can be detected.
  • A coagulogram is needed to determine the state of the blood and its coagulability.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic floor, mammary glands and thyroid gland.
  • Analysis for antibodies to hepatitis B, herpes and toxoplasma.

A man, in turn, must undergo the following examinations:

  • . It will show how active and healthy the spermatozoa are.
  • MAR test for antibodies that attack sperm.
  • Analysis of spermatozoa for morphology and structure.

Visiting narrow specialists

In addition to clinical studies, a woman needs to visit narrow specialists in order to exclude and cure chronic diseases. So, according to some indications, a caesarean section may be prescribed. The expectant mother should be examined:

  • ophthalmologist,
  • otolaryngologist,
  • allergist,
  • therapist,
  • cardiologist,
  • dentist.

Before conception, if any diseases are detected, they need to be cured, because during pregnancy immunity decreases, and the body is practically defenseless.

Vaccinations and immunization

This is also an important stage of preparation. It is much easier to check the availability and suitability of all necessary vaccinations and be calm for nine months. So the body will be protected from many dangerous diseases, because infection with them will mean the threat of abortion, the development of deformities and complications in the fetus.

Mandatory include:

  • rubella,
  • from hepatitis B
  • from diphtheria and tetanus.

By the way, the future dad also does not hurt to make them. So the risk of infection will be reduced to zero.

Features of planning late pregnancy for a couple

In the modern world, the number of couples who want to have children under 40 is growing. This is due to certain social and economic conditions of life. Someone is going to give birth only to their first child, and someone decides to have a second and third child. In any case, this issue needs to be approached more carefully and responsibly than at the age of 30 years.

When a couple decides to get pregnant after 35, it is necessary to undergo, in addition to the above tests, additional studies. In addition, the risk of developing pathologies and complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases.

The probability of having a child with - 1 in about 400, if at 25 years old it was 1 in almost 1.5 thousand. This is due to the fact that after a critical age, people suffer from chronic diseases, the "aging" of germ cells occurs, the body is saturated with toxic substances. During pregnancy, any disease that did not cause problems for a woman will worsen and reach a new level.

Therefore, 3-4 months before conception, you need to undergo a complete and thorough medical examination. As a result, the likelihood of complications will be clarified, as well as whether the disease is a contraindication to pregnancy in general.

In addition, the couple should visit a geneticist who will predict the likelihood of developing disorders in the unborn child. Of course, he cannot give a 100% guarantee, but the partners will be able to weigh the pros and cons.

Also, at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is important to switch to a healthy lifestyle, saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. This reduces the risk of developing pathologies and complications.

Pregnancy planning is a crucial stage for a couple who wants to have a baby. It is very important not to rush or jump to conclusions. Conducting a full examination of both partners and consulting with specialists will help to become happy parents.

According to statistics, women over 30 are more likely to have problems conceiving than girls at a young age. This is due to the fact that over time, the reproductive function is inhibited. Therefore, the approach to this case should be the most serious.

Birth of a child at a conscious age has its advantages. In most cases, by this time a person is already formed as a person. Financial stability appears, views on life are determined.

REFERENCE! A planned pregnancy is more likely to pass without pathologies than an accidental one, since possible risks are considered at the stage

Mandatory procedure for both partners are clinical blood and urine tests. Also, it does not hurt for spouses to determine the Rh factor and blood type to exclude a situation of incompatibility, as well as to take action in case of a conflict.

IMPORTANT! A woman should do the necessary during the period, because during pregnancy such procedures are strictly prohibited, and the appearance of the disease during gestation carries a serious danger to the development of the fetus and often leads to miscarriage.

The body of a woman who has reached the age of 30 is more susceptible to the development of certain diseases. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate state of internal organs. Any deviation can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. To exclude them, you need to go through the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Change .
  • Grade pipe patency.
  • Breast ultrasound.
  • A smear for microflora.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Additional studies include, based on the results, the likelihood of developing pathologies during pregnancy is determined. Procedure becomes mandatory in the following cases:

  • the presence of miscarriages;
  • the age of a woman exceeds 35 years, and men 40;
  • diseases in the family one of the spouses, which is inherited;
  • previously born child with developmental disabilities;
  • consanguineous marriage.

If conception does not occur for a long time, the spouses should be tested for compatibility. In some cases, conception may only be possible as part of a artificial insemination.

ATTENTION! During the preparation period, medicines should be taken with extreme caution. If there are drugs that cannot be canceled, then you must inform your doctor about this. He will prescribe an analogue that will not have a negative effect on the fetus in the event of pregnancy.

If deviations are identified, they should first be finally eliminated, and then proceed to the process of conception. Both partners during the preparation period need to refuse and receive, and it is also desirable to avoid stressful situations. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle: to be outdoors more often, play sports, sleep at least 8 hours.

Be sure to fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency can lead to fetal developmental disorders. Particular attention should be paid folic acid. The daily requirement of this vitamin is 400 micrograms.

Fertility assessment

Additionally, diagnostic procedures are carried out to determine the fertility level of both partners. The men give up. It will allow you to install them.

For confirmation of availability a special method of ultrasound examination is carried out. It is called folliculometry. It is characterized by a systematic visit to the ultrasound room on certain days of the cycle.

At the first visit, the total number of follicles is assessed. A forecast is made for probability of implementation. The second visit is scheduled around the 12th day of the cycle. It makes it clear how many follicles have matured and when to expect an exit.

REFERENCE! To determine fertile days, a woman can use tests for. They act by responding to the release of the LH hormone.

The third visit is made to determine with an accuracy of several hours. During this period it is recommended have sexual intercourse. The last visit occurs approximately on the 16-18th day of the cycle. By this time, a corpus luteum should form at the site of the rupture of the follicle. In the retrouterine space can be found accumulation of fluid. These signs indicate what happened.

Possible difficulties

With age fertile function women begin to fade. This is based on the physiological processes that occur in the body throughout life. A woman is born with a finite. In medicine it is called ovarian reserve.

Each menstrual cycle that does not end in pregnancy, the female body loses part of the germ cells. Therefore, the older the woman, the lower her ovarian reserve. You can determine the number of remaining follicles by donating blood to Anti-Müllerian hormone.

And also the oppression of fertility can contribute to the transferred disease. For example, chronic inflammation in the pelvic area leads to the formation of adhesions.

As a result, the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases. Infectious diseases can lead to the bending of the uterus. This is not a critical pathology, however, in this case, reaching the goal becomes problematic.

IMPORTANT! In adulthood, the condition of the uterus worsens in a woman. And this affects the implantation of the embryo, as a result of which problems arise when bearing the fetus.

With a competent approach to the process, age is not an obstacle. The state of health of the expectant mother and her inner mood are much more important. According to statistics, most women after 30 years of age give birth healthy children.

In the 19th century, they gave birth at the age of 16-20. Half a century ago, a pregnant woman over 28 was officially called an old-bearing woman. The modern girl sees no problem in postponing her first pregnancy until the age of 30+. Gynecologists all over the country are asked how to prepare for pregnancy after 30 years, and even after 40. What are the risks of late pregnancy and how to neutralize them?

Is there any chance of getting pregnant?

Psychologists support the desire of many women to delay pregnancy until "adult" age. Not every 20-year-old girl is ready to give up self-realization, her interests, entertainment for a long time and immerse herself in caring for a baby. At 30 comes the age of conscious "adult" motherhood. The woman has already taken place as a person, as a professional. Now she is ready to take place as a mother.

The body of a modern average 30-year-old woman is physiologically younger than her peers 100 years ago. Proper nutrition, healthy living, medicine help women stay young and energetic longer.

Still, the biological clock cannot be deceived. Obstetrician-gynecologists say: the ideal age for the first pregnancy is up to 28 years. The second and third births can take place later without any problems. The body "remembers" the process of gestation, the birth canal has already been prepared. Nevertheless, according to doctors, you should not give birth to a second, third, and so on after the age of 35.

However, even if you do not fit into these ideal age limits, this is not a reason to refuse the desired pregnancy. According to Rosstat, on average, the first child is born at the age of 27. However, more than twenty-five thousand Russian women gave birth to their first child at the age of 45 and older! But it is important to remember: an “adult” mother needs to prepare especially carefully for conception.

One awareness of “I want a child” is not enough for the successful bearing of a baby. Obstetricians note that in older mothers the risk of pregnancy complications and "problem" childbirth is quite high. Yes, and conception at 30-35, and even more so at 40, can be problematic. After all, the older the woman, the lower the fertility (the ability to become pregnant). This is due to the gradual extinction of ovarian function, hormonal changes, loss of tissue elasticity.

As women age, the quality and quantity of a woman's eggs steadily decline. The process is individual, but on average it begins after 30. The difficulty of conceiving a child at an older age comes down to the fact that about half of the cycles will take place without ovulation.

After thirty

How to prepare for pregnancy in 30 years? The basic principles are the same as for younger expectant mothers.

  • If there are any chronic diseases (even if not directly related to reproductive function), it is important to achieve remission. After all, even a banal exacerbation of gastritis reduces a woman's fertility. The most dangerous diseases that can manifest themselves during pregnancy are pathologies of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. Timely planning of pregnancy after 30 includes consultations of specialized doctors. Not all diseases can be cured with medications that are safe for the fetus. Therefore, it is important to take care of your health in advance.

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, give up alcohol completely, move a lot. These recommendations are so banal that they sound like tediousness. But each of these factors is really important for the maturation of a healthy egg.
  • Pregnant women in their thirties are at an increased risk of developing diabetes. Be sure to start eating only healthy food without GMOs, additives, colors and preservatives. Give up sweets. You can and should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables even before you prepare to conceive a child. You may need complex vitamins (they should be prescribed by a doctor). You will definitely need a course of folic acid before conception.
  • Visit a gynecologist and get tested. An important nuance. At the age of 20, when planning a pregnancy, it is not necessary to take tests for hormones. If a girl has a regular cycle, general tests are usually sufficient, as well as screening for STDs. And only if conception does not occur within 12 months, a more detailed examination will be required.
  • At thirty, the situation is completely different. Every lost month can cost you dearly. After all, fertility declines with age. Therefore, the gynecologist, most likely, will immediately send the couple to study the hormonal profile. If deviations are found, they can be corrected with special preparations.
  • With age, the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities increases. For example, at age 20, the chance of having a child with Down syndrome is 1:1300. At 30, the risk is already higher - 1:900. And it will only grow with age. Preparing for pregnancy after 30 involves a visit to a geneticist. This is important to do if your close relatives have had cases of congenital diseases.
  • The husband needs to visit a urologist or andrologist and take a spermogram. After all, with age, the number of full-fledged spermatozoa decreases in a man. There are medications that improve the quality of sperm - they must be prescribed by a doctor. The sooner the husband is examined (and, if necessary, begins treatment), the sooner the desired pregnancy will come. And the time factor is very important to you.

If a second pregnancy is planned after 30 years, or even a third, and you are generally healthy, then you have every chance of giving birth to a baby.

After thirty five

Planning for pregnancy after 35 includes the same items that we listed above (for 30-year-olds). But there are also special risks.

To understand how to prepare for pregnancy after 35, where to start, you need to take into account a number of factors that complicate the conception and course of pregnancy.

There are chances of getting pregnant at this age. But not as high as for young girls. Compare: if at the age of 20 the probability of getting pregnant within one monthly cycle (with an active sexual life) is 20%, then for a 35-year-old woman it is only 5-7%. The reproductive capacity of the ovaries and uterus decreases, the number of ovulations decreases. The mucous layer of the uterus becomes thinner, it is more difficult for the egg to gain a foothold. Sometimes menstrual cycles become irregular, making it difficult to determine the expected days of ovulation.

At this age, women's hormonal levels change. Often the body does not produce enough of the hormone progesterone, which is very important for conceiving and bearing a child. The problem is solved by taking duphaston or utrozhestan. Planning pregnancy after 35 years involves taking these drugs. They should be prescribed only by a doctor based on tests.

The chance of miscarriage increases. And both early and late. At the age of thirty, this will be a strong psychological trauma, because a woman takes this process more seriously than a woman who becomes pregnant at 20. Therefore, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor leading the pregnancy. A lot depends on how to prepare for an "age" pregnancy - proper preparation reduces the risk.

When planning a pregnancy after 35 years, a genetic consultation before conception is required. The risk of having a child with genetic abnormalities increases several times. For example, at age 35, the chance of having a baby with Down syndrome is 1:380. Therefore, during pregnancy, do not refuse tests that reveal genetic abnormalities in the fetus. After the diagnosis, it will be clear: everything is in order and you can give birth, or the risk of having a sick child is too high.

The ability to bear and give birth to a child depends on the elasticity of the muscles and tissues of the internal organs. Before pregnancy and during it, you need to do simple physical exercises. This increases the chances of giving birth not by caesarean, but in a natural way.

The risks of pregnancy after 35 include the threat of miscarriage, which is 17%. The first trimester is a particularly dangerous period. Also, adult women are at risk of developing endometriosis and polycystic disease, and these diseases have a bad effect on the ability to conceive a child.
And yet there are chances to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. Remember: children "come" to those who really want it.

After forty years

Natural pregnancy at forty is possible, but its probability is lower than at 35. A healthy woman no longer has 10-12 ovulations per year, like a 20-year-old, but four to six. This reduces the chances of conceiving a child at age 40 or later.

At this age, the hormonal background changes. The threat of abortion or miscarriage is 33%. A baby can be born with Down syndrome in one case out of 110.

However, there are chances for successful conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child! You just need to really want it. ? Careful preparation is needed. It includes all the same items as for younger mothers. It is also important to consult a gynecologist in advance: he will draw up an individual program for preparing for pregnancy.

Be prepared for the fact that you have to do a caesarean. But even in the physiological department of the maternity hospital, a 40-year-old woman in labor is not uncommon.

With a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, you have an excellent chance of conceiving and having healthy children.

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