What to wear to church for christening. How should women dress for christenings? Is it possible to be a godmother on critical days?

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Baptism is one of the main sacraments in human life. There are cases when this ritual occurs not only in infancy, but also at a more conscious age. At what age baptism is carried out is only the decision of the parents.

It is customary to perform this ritual on the 40th day after the birth of a child. This is due to the postpartum period and the fact that during this time a woman’s energies should be entirely directed towards the baby. A woman cannot visit a temple without a certain prayer, which the priest must read over her. Only after this can she come to the temple.

It is believed that young children behave more calmly at baptism. Older children may be scared. The main thing in this process is correctness and awareness in the choice godparents. This process must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

Who can be the baby's godparents?

  • They must be Orthodox Christians
  • Pregnant and unmarried women are allowed to be godparents
  • Must be churchgoers and take their godson or goddaughter to church

Who can't be godparents?

  • Spouses or bride and groom, since marital relations are prohibited between people who are spiritually related
  • Minors under 14 years of age
  • Unbaptized
  • Mother and father of child
  • People with psychological problems
  • Monks and nuns
  • People of other faiths
  • Immoral people

Having decided on godparents, it is necessary to remind them of their main tasks after baptism:

  • Prayer room
  • Doctrinal
  • Moral

So, when the issue with the date has been resolved, the place where the ceremony will take place has been chosen and godparents have been selected, many pay attention to the signs at christenings. The rite of christening a girl is generally not very different from the christening of a boy, but still has some differences.

  1. There is no need to wipe the baptismal water off your face.
  2. It is a good sign when a child cries during a christening.
  3. After the ceremony, the baby will become calmer.
  4. The baptismal attire must be white. It should not be red.
  5. The godmother should give a kryzhma, and the father should give a cross.
  6. The baby needs to be baptized in a cap and then wear it for another 12 weeks.
  7. If a child screams during baptism, evil spirits come out of him.
  8. To make the godson’s life easier, it is customary to place a cup of water on the window during the ceremony.
  9. It is considered a good omen if the christening takes place immediately after the wedding.
  10. If bells ring before a christening, it will bring happiness.

Also, during the baptism of a child, a name is chosen that is consonant with the one given by the parents. It is believed that it should not be told to anyone, as it protects the child from damage and the evil eye. In the temple, the priest can offer you a choice of names for the girl’s baptism.

According to Orthodox traditions, a newborn is named after the saint, whose memory is celebrated on the day the child is born or on the day of naming. Often it was the eighth day. Basically, the days of remembrance of saints are written according to the old style, and in order to understand which saint, you need to add 13 to the date. It is with this name that you need to address your saint for intercession before the Lord.

Rules for girls' christening

Accordingly, it is necessary to approach responsibly.

  • For a girl, the godmother is considered the main godmother.
  • You need to arrive earlier. As soon as the priest says about the beginning of the ceremony, the godfather must bring the girl into the church.
  • Next, the child is anointed with oil, then immersed in the font.
  • After this, they put on baptismal clothes and apply a cross.
  • Then the girl is brought to lean against the icon of the Mother of God.
  • The duties of the godmother during the baptism of a girl are to read the prayers: “Creed.”
  • Also, the clergyman will hand the baby into the hands of the godmother after the font.
  • The godmother should have experience communicating with the baby, know how to change her clothes and calm her down if she cries.

It would not be a bad idea to come for an interview with the priest before the christening. She should also help the child’s parents in preparing and conducting the christening.

Girl's christening: rules for the godfather

The basic rule for a godfather is to buy a cross for the ceremony. Also financial assistance in paying for the ceremony. It is generally customary to buy a silver cross, as gold is considered a sinful metal. You don’t have to buy the chain right away, but limit yourself to a ribbon. And then choose and buy it later.

Girl's christening: rules for the godmother

For the godmother, the main thing is to buy a kryzhma, a baptismal set. You can also buy an icon with the name of the saint that the goddaughter bears as a gift to your goddaughter. Also, the main rule is knowledge of the prayers necessary for the ritual. If you do not know the text of the “Creed” prayer by heart, then prepare a piece of paper with the text and take it with you to the temple.

What is needed for the baptism of a child: girls?

Traditionally, to carry out the baptism ceremony, you must have: a cross, a kryzhma, and a baptismal gown. All these attributes must be purchased by godparents.

What does the godfather buy for a girl's christening? The godfather must buy a cross and pay the costs of the ceremony in the temple. When choosing a cross, you need to ensure that the edges are rounded. Sharp corners can injure your baby. The metal from which the cross will be made is not important. It can be silver, gold or regular metal.

You can buy it both in the church and in the store. It must be remembered that church crosses have already been consecrated, but store-bought ones must be consecrated before the start of the ceremony. Godparents can also offer financial assistance in organizing a feast after the sacrament.

What does the godmother buy for a girl's christening? The godmother buys kryzhma. This is a piece of white cloth into which the child is received after the bath. Nowadays it could be a white towel with a cross. Often the date and name of the child are embroidered on the kryzhma. The godmother also buys a baptismal set. It is advisable to consult with the baby’s mother when choosing a dress and other items of clothing for your goddaughter.

Baptism set for girls

Basically, this set consists of a beautiful baptismal dress or shirt, a lace cap, and booties. There may also be a bib, tights or other accessories. The material from which the set is made should depend on the time of year when the christening ceremony takes place and the age of the child.

It is also considered a good omen if these things are white or light in color and made by the godmother’s hands. It must be remembered that the kryzhma and baptismal set must remain in the house and not be passed on to anyone. The kryzhma is not erased for a year after baptism. Also, if a child is sick, they wrap him in it and he recovers faster.

What do godparents give a girl at her christening?

The choice of a gift should not be hasty. It will be good if it combines practicality and feature. After all, the sacrament of baptism is a special holiday and therefore the gift should also be special. You can buy a chain for a cross, books for the baby, a personalized photo album, a set of bed linen.

If your financial situation allows, you can order a photo or video. The parents of the goddaughter will be pleased and the memory will remain for a long time. A good gift could become a cake. It will be a delicious conclusion to the celebration. In addition, you can choose hygiene products for your baby.

The gift can be either “for growth” or one that the baby will use in the near future. The godmother usually buys an icon for a girl’s christening. This could be an icon with the face of a patron saint. But besides this icon, you can also present such images as: the Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It will be especially nice if the godmother embroiders this image with a cross or beads. She will be a good memory for your goddaughter and your contribution to her Christian upbringing.

It must be remembered that this ritual is very responsible and serious in the life of a small child. The choice of godparents must be carefully considered. You should not chase your image and the desire to become closer to influential people. It is worth remembering the main purpose of baptism. In addition, godparents cannot be changed after christening, no matter how much they change. In such situations, you need to pray for him.

It is also important that after christening you need to go to church and take your child with you. It is also necessary to give him communion if possible, and pray. And then all your prayers will be heard.

The Lord is always with you!

From this video you can learn how to choose the date of your child's baptism:

The birth of a child is the most important event in life for every parent. Spending time with the baby, mom and dad rejoice at the long-awaited meeting with him. After some time, many new parents decide to baptize their baby. But the rite of baptism is important not only for mom and dad. This event is also important for the godparents, who will be next to the baby at this moment, since in the future they will be considered the child’s second parents.

Clothes for godmother

Not all women know what to wear as a godmother for a christening. If you were invited to be a godmother, then you need to find out in advance how the godmother should be dressed. Below are some tips to help you suit the occasion.

  1. Clothing for a godmother should not be provocative. This can be a long skirt and blouse with long sleeves and without a deep neckline, or a dress of the same length.
  2. Since it takes place in a church, the godmother is not allowed to wear pants or trousers.
  3. Some people believe that clothes should be light. You can, of course, also have a dark one, the main thing is that it is not very bright and provocative.
  4. The godmother's head must be covered with a headscarf or scarf, since a woman is not allowed to enter church without her head covered.
  5. In addition to clothing, it is worth remembering that you should not wear bright makeup or lipstick on this day, since during the ceremony the godmother will kiss the cross. Also, during baptism, the baby will be in the arms of the godmother, so it is better to avoid perfumes so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.

As you can see, the clothes for a godmother’s christening are quite simple and monotonous. I think that every woman has the necessary clothes for baptism in her wardrobe, and if not, then finding it will not be difficult.

Christening is an ancient rite, its roots go back several thousand years and is still revered to this day. When invited to a christening, people most often try to get more information about this event and prepare for it accordingly. How to dress for a christening in a temple or church, what to take with you and what to prepare for? In fact, everything is quite simple and does not require extraordinary efforts.

At the moment, christenings are taking place according to Christian Orthodox tradition and this option is widespread in our country. And this means that you need to dress according to this particular direction.

How to dress for a christening in church?

A man can dress more freely for a christening than a woman. Light colors should be preferred, but not white (although some items of clothing may well be white, for example, a shirt or jacket). Clothes should not be colorful and bright, catchy and flashy. It is better to dress a little more modestly than usual, but at the same time stylish and serious. Practical business style will good choice, and if you are a follower of old customs, then you can use a costume with a national twist (but do not forget that it is advisable to do without brightness).

A woman needs to dress a little more formally for her christening. For a church or temple, you definitely need a headdress, the role of which is most often taken to be scarves. Here the color recommendation will be the same as for men - preferably no bright colors and colors, catchy and flashy tones. In addition, it is not advisable for a woman to come to a christening in a short skirt or provocative clothing - a floor-length skirt or dress, jeans or formal pants are the best choice. In addition, you need to remember that you should take with you to the christening:

    Light towels. You need one or two, but it is advisable to take a little in reserve;

    How to dress for a christening in terms of shoes? Here you need to choose according to your chosen wardrobe. But it is not advisable to wear anything loose or streetwear;

    You should take thin church candles with you, and you can also pick up some kind of gift for the child. Most often this is a basket with various useful things, which is given to parents after christening.

You should also know that at the moment there are no strict regulations on clothing for christenings. You can dress in almost anything as long as it matches the general color scheme, indicated above, and also does not contrast much with the surrounding environment at the christening.

Baptism is perhaps the most important event in life from a spiritual point of view. That is, this is not just a ritual, not just a tribute to tradition, but this is a new birth - a birth in a spiritual hypostasis. If you have the honor of becoming godmother, you should not refuse, citing doubts about the fact that you don’t know how to behave correctly, or what to wear for a christening. This review provides tips to help answer your burning wardrobe question.

Baptism is a celebration: choose the appropriate outfit

For some reason, one often gets the impression that a woman in church must look like a gray mouse: a wide, floor-length skirt that is dull and uninteresting, a black or gray turtleneck that completely covers her arms and neck, and a country-style scarf tied. In practice, everything turns out to be completely different. Of course, dressing modestly in church is the duty of any woman, but there is no need to look ugly and gloomy at the same time. Moreover, you should not choose gloomy clothes for a christening. This is a holiday, which means you need to dress beautifully and formally.

Church dress code: what godmothers and female guests need to know

When going to church, you can finally feel like a woman - after all, the everyday jeans and trousers that have become habitual have completely deprived most of us of this feeling. By putting on a skirt or dress, we begin to behave more feminine.

Therefore, when going through your wardrobe in search of what to wear for a christening, you can put an end to trousers, shorts, Bermuda shorts and jeans in advance. It is best if it is a dress or skirt with a blouse or jacket. The hem length should be no higher than the knee, optimally to the floor. Fortunately, maxi length skirts were purchased in Lately status of a fashion item. If such an outfit still seems too extravagant to you, a knee-length pencil skirt will be quite appropriate for the occasion - it is moderately strict, moderately businesslike and moderately elegant.

Don't forget to keep your arms and shoulders covered. The most convenient and easiest option to do this is to choose an outfit with long sleeves or at least elbow-length sleeves.

If the baptism takes place in the summer, in hot weather, you can choose clothes without sleeves, but at the same time carefully drape your shoulders and arms to the elbows with a wide, light scarf. True, this option may not be very convenient: the godmother will need to take the baby in her arms after the ceremony, and movement may cause the scarf to move a little and expose her shoulders. If you are just a guest, this option is quite acceptable.

Naturally, a woman should have her head covered in the temple. And let the emancipates prove that this is supposedly a discredit, but in reality it turns out that with a skillful and competent approach, this is an opportunity to decorate your own image. A beautifully tied scarf or a scarf draped in soft folds brings appearance women are even more charming.

Let's talk about shoes

There are no strict rules that must be followed. When choosing what to wear for baptism, you need to be guided only by a sense of common sense and comfort. Since you will have to stand for quite a long time, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​wearing high heels. Low-top shoes will be much more comfortable in this case.

Well, it is advisable that the shoes are not provocative: ankle boots, richly decorated with rhinestones and sequins, are best saved for another occasion.

Makeup: pros and cons

The Church does not encourage the use of cosmetics. Therefore, it’s definitely not worth putting Indian war paint on your face. If possible, it is best to go to the christening without makeup. However, discreet makeup in a natural way will not look provocative. The only restriction that must be adhered to is to refuse lipstick or gloss. You will have to kiss the cross and the icon, and leaving lip marks on them is impolite and ugly.

As for the use of perfume, it can only be a light, unobtrusive aroma, but not a heavy bouquet.

Don't forget about the cross

In general, it is desirable that every baptized person come to church with a cross on his chest. This is especially true for godfathers and mothers. Just remember that the cross should not be just a decorative adornment worn on top of clothing - it should be worn directly on the body.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to dress for a christening. As you can see, even under the rather strict restrictions that exist in the church dress code, the godmother and any guest can look beautiful and elegant.

This question is asked by many parents who are baptizing their first child. The child is still so small that it is difficult to find something comfortable and, at the same time, warm, something that can be easily taken off the baby and put back on.

What to consider when choosing clothes

During the sacrament, the priest will cut a small tuft of the baby's hair; you need to be able to quickly remove the cap.

If baptism is performed with full immersion, then you will need to remove all the baby’s clothes, and then, having received him in the baptismal towel, quickly dress him.

After baptism, chrismation will be performed on the baby: the priest will anoint the baby’s hands, legs, chest, forehead, nose, ears, eyes with chrism, so you shouldn’t wrap yourself up too much after baptism: it’s not all over yet. After anointing and prayer, the myrrh is washed off with a special sponge: after this you can cover the baby.

What clothes are suitable for baptism?

For a baby's baptism, loose clothing that does not require much time to put on is suitable: a vest with laces, a hat or cap with ties, pants without galoshes. The onesies with buttons that have become familiar to parents are not suitable: they take a lot of time to fasten and unfasten, and it is very difficult to fasten the buttons when the baby is crying. To keep your baby warm, you can wrap him in a diaper or blanket.

Today you can choose special clothes for baby baptism - a set for the baptism of a boy or girl. In the store on the website, the baptismal set for a boy consists of a vest or long dress, a diaper, a cap, booties and sometimes panties. The christening set for a girl includes a dress, booties, a cap or headband and a diaper. All the clothes in the sets are very beautiful and comfortable, easy to put on and take off, made with love from natural materials.

When to dress your baby in christening clothes

It is best to dress the child in a baptismal set at home; on top you can put on a blouse, overalls, and, if necessary, a warm hat. In the temple you can leave only the baptismal kit and diaper and wrap the baby in a blanket. As a last resort, if it is very cold in the church, you can dress the child warmly, undress him only for baptism, after immersion, change him into a baptismal shirt or dress until confirmation, and wrap him in a blanket. After washing away the world, you can again “warm yourself up.”

At the sacrament of baptism, the priest will tell you what he will do, make the necessary explanations and wait while you dress or undress the baby, so don’t worry if you don’t know something.

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