Application of turpentine oil. Trade names of drugs with the active ingredient turpentine oil

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This medicine is a product of plant origin, namely an essential oil obtained by distillation and further purification of the resin (turpentine) of Scots pine and is a mobile colorless liquid with a pungent taste and a specific odor. The liquid is insoluble in water, but is capable of dissolving in 12 parts of alcohol, and is also miscible in all proportions with benzene, chloroform and ether.

The main active ingredient in turpentine, alpha-pinene, easily passes through the epidermis and has an irritating effect on sensitive nerve endings. Biological endogenous substances released due to the effects of the oil also have a medicinal effect. For example, inflammatory mediators, such as histamine and the like, contribute to some tissue swelling, vasodilation, and the formation of hyperemia, and endorphins and endorphins contribute to the pain-relieving effectiveness of the drug.

The distracting effect of turpentine when used topically, which produces an analgesic effect, is explained by the entry of two excitatory currents into the central nervous system. Where the impulse transmitted from the skin irritated by the drug prevails over the impulse from pathological areas of the human body, thereby weakening the perception of afferent transmission. In addition, a trophic effect is observed according to the principle of the cutaneous-visceral reflex (in the case of an influence on the Zakharyin-Ged zones), as well as according to the principle of the axon reflex (carrying out antidromic (reverse) excitation).

The inhalation route of administration of turpentine oil leads to reflex stimulation of cough, with parallel mucolytic and expectorant effects.

Indications for use

Indicated for:


  • kidney and/or liver pathologies;
  • hypersensitivity to turpentine.

Side effects

The formation of various allergic manifestations is possible, depending on the method of application and dosage.

Turpentine oil, instructions for use

Application in official medicine

Basically, turpentine oil is indicated for external (local) use in the form of rubbing. A certain amount of oil, depending on the course and severity of a particular painful condition, is applied to the skin in the area of ​​problem areas and rubbed in with gentle circular movements.

It is also possible to use an oil solution for inhalations prescribed in case of diseases of the pulmonary system, where the percentage of the drug and the frequency of procedures are prescribed by the attending physician.

Use in folk medicine

There are many traditional medicine recipes based on the use of resin (pine resin), which are not included in the officially approved instructions.

Below are some of the most popular methods and techniques for its use.

For burns, a mixture is prepared in a 1:1:1 ratio of resin, sea buckthorn oil and lard, which is soaked into a gauze bandage. For 3 days, a bandage is applied to the burn site for 60 minutes 3-4 times a day.

For ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol infusion from 50 g of crushed resin and 500 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka). Leave for 7 days, then apply 1 tablespoon (15 ml) orally 60 minutes before meals three times every 24 hours.

In case of manifestations of sore throat, dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of pure resin after eating.

For sinusitis and sinusitis, mix equal parts of vegetable oil and resin. The prepared mixture in the amount of 2-3 drops should be instilled into the nose before going to bed.

For arrhythmia and tachycardia, the prepared oil solution can be rubbed into the heart area, and drops can also be taken internally. The duration of such preventive treatment is 30 days.

For periodontal disease, mix oleoresin and fine salt (1:3) with the addition of castor or olive oil (until a sour cream-like formation), and then rub it into the inflamed gums several times every 24 hours.

For herpes, apply an oil-soaked tampon to the developing ulcer for a few minutes several times a day.

Also very popular are baths with resin, which are recommended to be taken for the purpose of general strengthening of the body, normalization of sleep, skin rejuvenation, improvement of hair quality, etc.

These and many other methods of using pine resin have been known for quite a long time and indeed often give a positive therapeutic result, but in the case of serious diseases they are unlikely to replace traditional therapy.


In the case of topical application, no overdose episodes were observed.


No negative interactions of turpentine oil with other drugs have been identified.

Terms of sale

You can buy turpentine oil in pharmacy chains without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Vials should be stored in a dark and cool place.

Best before date

From the date of production – 2 years.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

The official instructions contain no contraindications to the use of this drug during these periods.


Basically, reviews of Turpentine oil, provided the drug is well tolerated, have a positive connotation. Medical turpentine actually has a fairly impressive range of healing properties and, as part of complex therapy, shows positive treatment results.

Price, where to buy

The price of Turpentine oil 100 ml, depending on the pharmacy chain, fluctuates around rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia



Education: Graduated from Vinnitsa National Medical University. N.I. Pirogova, Faculty of Pharmacy, higher pharmaceutical education – specialty “Pharmacist”.

Work experience: Worked in the pharmacy chains “Konex” and “Bios-Media” with the specialty “Pharmacist”. Work as a Pharmacist in the Avicenna pharmacy chain in the city of Vinnitsa.

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Nina: The product is good and necessary for every person, and for those who train, that’s true. No cream.

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Galyunya: I read the reviews. I won't drink this shit. Manufacturers of the USA, treat yourself with your own.

All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

Turpentine oil. What's this?

Purified turpentine. Essential oil obtained by distilling resin from Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.), fam. pine (Pinaceae).

The main component of turpentine is the hydrogenated hydrocarbon pinene.

Transparent, colorless, mobile liquid with a characteristic odor and pungent taste. Insoluble in water, soluble in 12 parts alcohol. Mixes in all proportions with ether, chloroform, benzene.

It has a local irritating, distracting (analgesic) and antiseptic effect. The distracting effect is associated with the ability of turpentine (as well as other essential oils) to penetrate the epidermis and cause reflex changes in the body as a result of irritation of skin receptors; The release of biologically active substances from the skin, in particular histamine, also plays a certain role.

Prescribed mainly externally in ointments and liniments for rubbing for neuralgia, myositis, lumboischialgia, rheumatism, sometimes used internally and for inhalation for putrefactive bronchitis, bronchiectasis and other lung diseases.

Contraindicated for lesions of the liver and kidney parenchyma.

Release form: in bottles of 50 g.

Turpentine ointment (Unguentum Terebinthinae) contains 20 g of purified turpentine oil, 80 g of consistency emulsion (water - Vaseline).

Release form: in glass jars of 50 g.

An ointment is also produced containing 20 g of purified turpentine oil, 10 g of camphor, 40 g of purified pork fat, 10 g of medical paraffin, and up to 100 g of petroleum jelly.

The ointment is used as a distraction and anti-inflammatory agent.

Complex turpentine liniment (Linimentum olei Terebinthinae compositum) contains 40 ml of purified turpentine oil, 20 ml of chloroform; 40 ml of bleached or intoxicated oil.

Used externally for rubbing for neuralgia, myositis, rheumatism.

Release form: in bottles of 80 ml.

Storage: in a cool place, protected from light.

When taken orally in small doses, it increases the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices, increases the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, has a diuretic effect and enhances respiration and cardiac activity. Turpentine vapor, when inhaled, has an expectorant effect.

Turpentine oil - instructions for use, analogues and prices

Latin name: Oleum Terebinthinae

Active ingredient: Gum turpentine

pharmaceutical factory CJSC, Russia

Condition for dispensing from the pharmacy: Without a prescription


The composition of the drug includes essential oil obtained by distilling resin from Scots pine. The main active ingredient is terpene.

Medicinal properties

Turpentine oil penetrates the skin and affects receptors, irritating nerve endings. It has an analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and local irritant effect.

Indications for use

  • Arthritis
  • Neuralgia
  • Myalgia
  • Rheumatism
  • Sciatica
  • Respiratory diseases.

Arthritis is one of the most popular diseases of our time. To find out where it comes from and how to prevent it, read the article: arthritis: types and causes.

Average price from 220 to 250 rubles.

Release form

Appearance: Oil is an oily, transparent liquid with a pungent odor and a sharp, burning taste. Available in darkened glass bottles with a volume of 100 ml.

Methods of application

The oil can be used in different ways:

  • Bath with turpentine oil

It is recommended to use baths in a course. The first time, add 20 ml of oil to the water. The optimal water temperature is 36 degrees. The duration of the first bath is 15 minutes. Each next time increase the amount of oil by 5 ml. Results of turpentine baths:

  1. Vasodilation
  2. Improved blood supply
  3. Strengthening the heart muscle
  4. Removal of toxins
  5. Metabolism stimulation
  6. Normalization of the autonomic nervous system
  7. Restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine and joints
  8. Acceleration of healing of damaged tissues
  9. Restoring joint mobility in arthritis, rheumatism
  10. Resorption of external and internal scars and adhesions
  11. Reduction of furunculosis, psoriasis, dermatitis rashes
  12. Getting rid of cellulite
  13. Prevention of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets
  14. Restoring erection in men
  15. Normalization of prostate function.
  • Turpentine oil for oral administration

Since the product has an expectorant and diuretic effect, turpentine oil can be taken internally. But this is only possible strictly after consulting a doctor. The specialist will draw up a treatment plan and recommend the required dosage.

  • Inhalations with turpentine oil

Steam inhalations with the addition of turpentine oil are used for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system of the body. Add 15 drops of oil to a glass of hot water and then inhale the vapors. Positive results of such inhalations:

  1. Easing sputum discharge
  2. Getting rid of putrefactive bronchitis
  3. Treatment of bronchiectasis
  4. Stimulation of the bronchial glands
  5. Delayed development of Koch's tubercle bacilli.
  • External use of oil

Ointment with the addition of turpentine oil is used to treat the following diseases:

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of turpentine oil is contraindicated.

Precautionary measures

Frequent external use can cause severe skin irritation and provoke allergic reactions. Excessive ingestion of turpentine oil increases the risk of developing gastroenteritis.


  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney diseases
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Malignant tumors
  • Age up to three years, children after three use with caution
  • Increased body temperature.

Side effects

The only possible negative effect from using the oil is allergic reactions due to increased skin sensitivity.

Storage conditions

Turpentine oil should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15°. Shelf life: 5 years.


Turpentine emulsion for baths white

Mirrolla LLC, Russia.

Release form: a bottle of white emulsion in individual packaging. Volume 250 ml. It is recommended to take baths with the addition of the emulsion, strictly following the dosages specified in the instructions.

  • Promotes deep cleansing of the skin
  • Slows down the aging process
  • To obtain the effect, it must be used for a long time
  • Not a very pleasant smell.


The turpentine solution is yellow. Release form - a bottle with a yellow emulsion based on turpentine, volume 500 ml, individual packaging. Ingredients: gum turpentine, camphor, castor oil, salicylic acid, chamomile extract, sage extract, string extract, water. Taking a bath with Skipar normalizes high blood pressure, tones, and promotes cleansing of toxins.

  • Can be used as a weight loss product
  • Effective remedy for colds
  • Unpleasant smell
  • Contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension.

Turpentine ointment

Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory CJSC, Russia, etc.

Release form - homogeneous white ointment with a specific odor in a tube, volume 30g, individual packaging. Ingredients: turpentine oil, water, petroleum jelly. Used for neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, severe cough.

  • Cheap remedy
  • An effective product - easily penetrates the epidermis and begins to act
  • Very strong smell
  • An allergic reaction may occur.

Application of turpentine oil

Natural essential oils are very popular. They are inexpensive, easy to use, and have a wide range of applications. One of the most accessible and effective home remedies is turpentine oil. How and for what purpose should I use the product?

The fragrant essential oil (known as turpentine) is a product of the processing of pine resin, or oleoresin. A burning, sharp-smelling transparent substance has pronounced antiseptic properties, stops bleeding, and accelerates the healing of superficial skin lesions.

Turpentine oil, when applied externally, relieves pain caused by injuries or neuralgia. When applied to the skin, the active substance almost instantly penetrates deep into the epidermis, irritating the skin receptors.

Turpentine oil from oleoresin can be taken orally, but in very small doses and only with the consent of a doctor. It improves the secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, fights helminths and pathogens. When inhaled in the form of inhalations, it stimulates the bronchi, simultaneously providing a disinfecting and expectorant effect.

Pine resin oil is actively used to relieve pain from rheumatism, radiculitis, myalgia, neuralgia and other diseases of muscles and joints. It helps well with acute and chronic bronchitis, various bronchopulmonary ailments.

The oil is used mainly externally, in the form of rubbing, lotions, and compresses. The use of turpentine oil is recommended in the complex treatment of various ailments:

General strengthening warming baths with purified turpentine oil are used for weight loss. Thanks to water procedures, the skin is tightened, sleep and blood pressure are normalized, and the condition of the hair is improved.

The healing properties of resin have been known for a long time. However, it cannot be used as an independent remedy for serious diseases. The use of pine resin oil is advisable for general health improvement or as part of complex therapy.

turpentine oil

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Turpentine oil

Turpentine oil: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Terebinthinae oleum

ATX code: M02AX10

Active ingredient: turpentine oil

Manufacturer: JSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory" (Russia)

Update of description and photo: 10/27/2017

Prices in pharmacies: from 184 rubles.

Turpentine oil is a local irritant with an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of the drug is oil for external use: a transparent, slightly yellowish or colorless liquid with a characteristic odor (100 ml in a bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

1 bottle of the drug (100 ml) contains turpentine oil (purified turpentine) - 100 ml.

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions, Turpentine oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation and further purification of Scots pine resin. The active ingredient in turpentine, alpha-pinene, is able to easily penetrate the epidermis, causing irritation to nerve endings. The drug also has an analgesic, distracting and antiseptic effect.

The inhalation method of using the drug leads to reflex stimulation of cough, while simultaneously providing an expectorant and mucolytic effect.

Indications for use

  • respiratory diseases;
  • arthralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • myalgia;
  • sciatica;
  • neuralgia.


  • impaired renal and liver function;
  • increased sensitivity to the drug.

Instructions for use of Turpentine oil: method and dosage

The oil is used externally for rubbing, applying a small amount to the skin at the site of the lesion and rubbing in a circular motion, as well as in the form of inhalations for diseases of the pulmonary system, the frequency and composition of which is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may develop.


There have been no cases of overdose with local use of the drug.

special instructions

Drug interactions

No interaction of turpentine oil with other drugs has been identified.


There is no information on analogues of Turpentine oil.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store away from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life – 5 years

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Reviews about Turpentine oil

Reviews about Turpentine oil are mostly positive. Patients who tolerate the drug well note its wide range of healing properties. It is also used in folk medicine.

Price for Turpentine oil in pharmacies

The approximate price for Turpentine oil is 330 rubles.

Turpentine oil oil 100 ml

Turpentine oil 100ml

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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How to use turpentine (turpentine) oil?

There are a lot of oils of natural origin on the shelves of pharmacies. Natural substances are extracted from various plants. A very famous tree in our country is the Scots pine.

From its resin, processed by distillation, it is possible to obtain an amazing oil - turpentine, or, as it is also called, turpentine. Let's talk about the use of this wonderful healing oil

What are the benefits of turpentine oil?

Turpentine oil has a number of beneficial properties. Thus, turpentine oil has a local irritating and distracting effect, eliminates pain, acts as an antiseptic - disinfects, and also has a general tonic effect. If the oil is applied to a fresh wound, the bleeding will quickly stop, the wound will be disinfected, and the healing process will speed up. However, it should be noted that frequent use may, on the contrary, irritate the wound.

Turpentine oil is used not only externally, but also internally in minimal doses, due to which the motility of the stomach and intestines is revived, and it turns out to be antimicrobial. Anthelmintic effect, calms fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. But excessive ingestion of turpentine oil is fraught with the development of gastroenteritis.

Application of turpentine oil

Turpentine oil (turpentine oil) is still more often used externally. It is used for neuralgia of various etiologies. This oil is effective in the treatment of myositis and lumbago. Perfectly helps with lumbosacral pain. Can also be used in the treatment of rheumatism. Many people use turpentine oil for various ailments of the nervous system and lesions of the musculoskeletal system. Very often, turpentine oil is used in the post-stroke period. It helps well with various injuries, including spinal cord and brain injuries.

It is advisable to use turpentine oil in some cases in the form of inhalations. Inhalations with turpentine oil help get rid of putrefactive bronchitis (inflammatory processes in the bronchi, accompanied by the release of foul-smelling mucus - purulent sputum). Turpentine oil also treats bronchiectasis, a lung disease in which there is the formation of cavities inside the lung tissue filled with fluid.

If the oil is used externally, it must be combined with water or some base oil in a ratio of 1:10. Various ointments are also prepared based on turpentine oil with the addition of a fatty base. So, you can buy turpentine ointment at the pharmacy, which is rubbed into problem areas.

Contraindications to the use of turpentine oil

Turpentine oil quite often provokes an allergic reaction. According to the instructions, turpentine oil should not be used during pregnancy - it can contribute to miscarriage or premature birth. Also, this oil should be used with caution in case of renal and liver failure.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can now find a huge number of different oils of natural origin. Such substances are extracted from a wide variety of plants, and they combine all the unique qualities of such crops. Thus, a very famous tree in our country is the common pine. Its resin is processed by distillation, as a result of which it is possible to obtain an oil with amazing properties - turpentine or, as it is also called, turpentine. Let's talk about the features of this medicinal composition, find out what the instructions for using the product say about turpentine oil, and its contraindications.

Turpentine oil has a number of quite useful qualities. So this substance has a good local irritant, as well as a distracting effect, helping to eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. In addition, turpentine oil is also characterized by remarkable antiseptic, that is, disinfecting qualities.

The distracting properties of this product are explained by the fact that turpentine, like other essential oils, easily penetrates the epidermis, which is the surface layer of our skin. After this, its active components stimulate the occurrence of certain reflex changes in the body due to irritation of skin receptors. An important role is also played by stimulating the release of special biologically active elements from the skin, namely histamine, resulting in a general tonic effect.

If the drug is applied to fresh wounds, it can quickly stop bleeding and disinfect, accelerating the healing process. However, it is worth considering that frequent use leads to irritation of wounds.

Internal consumption of minimal and medium doses of turpentine oil leads to increased secretion and revitalization of gastric and intestinal motility. In addition, this technique has antimicrobial, antifermentative and even anthelmintic effects. A significant amount of turpentine oil when consumed internally is fraught with the development of gastroenteritis.
Inhaling turpentine vapor stimulates the secretion of the bronchial glands.

What is the application of the product turpentine oil?

Turpentine oil is most often used for external application. So its use helps to cope with neuralgia - intense painful sensations that spread along the nerve. In addition, this substance effectively treats myositis - inflammatory muscle lesions, and lumboischialgia - lumbosacral pain. Turpentine oil can also be used in the treatment of rheumatism. Some experts recommend using such a natural remedy to correct ailments of the nervous system or lesions of the musculoskeletal system, which have caused the limitation of an individual’s motor activity. So quite often, turpentine oil is used to treat the consequences of strokes and various spinal cord or brain injuries.

In some cases, it is advisable to take it orally in the form of inhalations. This use helps to get rid of putrefactive bronchitis - inflammatory lesions of the bronchi, accompanied by the separation of especially foul-smelling mucopurulent sputum. Also, turpentine oil in this form treats bronchiectasis - lung diseases in which there is the formation of cavities filled with sputum inside the lung tissue, and copes with some other lung diseases.

When used externally, turpentine oil must be combined with water or any other base oil in a ratio of 1:10. Also, various ointments are prepared on its basis, with the addition of a fatty base. So at the pharmacy you can buy turpentine ointment intended for rubbing into problem areas.

What are the contraindications for use of the product turpentine oil?

It should be taken into account that turpentine oil often provokes the development of allergic reactions, which are a contraindication to its further use. In addition, the instructions for use prohibit the use of turpentine oil during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriages or premature birth. The safety of using turpentine oil during breastfeeding has not been proven by scientific research, so it is also recommended to avoid such treatment during lactation.

Particular care must be taken if the drug is used in the treatment of patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency.
In addition, it is strongly recommended not to use turpentine oil when body temperature rises.

If the correct dosage is observed, the drug is not capable of causing any side effects. Sometimes, however, the appearance of allergic reactions in response to the application of turpentine oil is observed, but this phenomenon is considered to be a contraindication to further use of the medication.

You should not make a decision on your own and use turpentine oil; using the product can be harmful to your health. The dosage of this medicinal composition is selected exclusively by the doctor on an individual basis. Exceeding it is fraught with a number of unpleasant consequences that require immediate correction.

Formula, chemical name: no data.
Pharmacological group: neurotropic agents/local irritants.
Pharmachologic effect: antiseptic, analgesic, distracting, local irritant, mucolytic, expectorant.

Pharmacological properties

Turpentine oil is a herbal medicine. Turpentine oil has a local irritant, antiseptic, analgesic, and distracting effect. The main active ingredient of turpentine oil is the terpene alpha-pinene, which is lipophilic and easily penetrates the epidermis and has an irritating effect on the endings of sensitive nerve fibers. A certain contribution to the therapeutic effect of turpentine oil is probably made by endogenous biologically active substances released under the influence of the drug. Histamine and other mediators of the inflammatory process cause slight tissue swelling, vasodilation, hyperemia, and endorphins and enkephalins contribute to pain relief. The mechanism of the distracting effect of turpentine oil is explained by the fact that two streams of excitation enter the central nervous system - one comes from pathologically changed internal organs, and the other comes from the surface of the skin, the latter being dominant, which leads to a weakening of the perception of afferent impulses. In addition, the trophic effect of turpentine oil is carried out through the cutaneous-visceral reflex, when the sensitive zones of Zakharyin-Ged are irritated, as well as by the type of axon reflex (antidromic along postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers), which leads to improved trophism of tissues and organs. When inhaled, turpentine oil is used, alpha-pinene reflexively stimulates cough, thereby having a mucolytic and expectorant effect.


Neuritis, neuralgia, lumbar ischialgia, radiculitis, myalgia, myositis, arthralgia, rheumatism; chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system.

Method of application of turpentine oil and dosage

Turpentine oil is used externally and in the form of inhalations. The dose, frequency and duration of treatment depend on the indication and dosage form used.
Turpentine oil should not be used at elevated body temperatures.
There is no data on the effect of turpentine oil on the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles and machinery).

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity (including to the auxiliary components of the drug), liver disease, kidney disease, hyperthermia, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of intended application, violation of the integrity of the skin.

Restrictions on use

No data.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no data on the use of turpentine oil during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of turpentine oil

Allergic reactions, including urticaria.

Interaction of turpentine oil with other substances

There is no data on the interaction of turpentine oil with other drugs.


There is no evidence of overdose with turpentine oil.

Trade names of drugs with the active ingredient turpentine oil

Gum turpentine
Turpentine ointment
Turpentine oil
Purified turpentine oil

Combined drugs:
Camphor + Eucalyptus oil + Turpentine oil + Levomenthol: Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalyptus;
Methyl salicylate + Levomenthol + Turpentine oil + Eucalyptus oil: Deep Hit;
Racemic camphor + Racemic menthol + Mountain pine oil + Turpentine oil + Eucalyptus leaf oil: Dr. Theiss Revmacrem;
Levomenthol + Methyl salicylate + Camphor + Scots pine oil + Eucalyptus leaf oil + Purified turpentine oil + Rosemary oil + Lavender oil + Thyme herb oil + Indian mint oil (citronella) + Sage oil + Clary oil + Anise oil + Clove oil: Carmolis;
Levomenthol + Eucalyptus oil + Camphor + Turpentine oil + Clove oil: Linkas® Balm;
Levomenthol + Methyl salicylate + Purified turpentine oil + Eucalyptus oil: Muv;
Viper venom + Salicylic acid + Racemic camphor + Turpentine oil: Nizhvisal B, Salvisar;
Camphor + Menthol + Eucalyptus oil + Thymol + Turpentine oil: Suprima-Plus.

Natural essential oils are quite popular in use today. Thousands of people use them for their own purposes due to their low price, ease of use and wide range of actions. Turpentine oil is a home remedy that is affordable and quite effective.


Turpentine oil is a type of substance that is popularly called turpentine. It is derived from the processing of pine resins or resin. This substance is characterized by pungency, color transparency, and a pungent aroma. The oil has an antiseptic effect; it can stop bleeding and also accelerate wound healing.

This pharmaceutical product can be used to relieve traumatic and neuralgic pain. After application to the skin, the substance can instantly penetrate the epidermis, while it irritates the receptors.

Turpentine oil, which is produced from resin, is consumed internally. But for such procedures a small amount is required, as well as consultation with a doctor. This is an effective way to improve gastric and intestinal motility. It also has an anthelmintic and sedative effect on the human gastrointestinal tract. The substance is used in the form of inhalation, while stimulating the functioning of the bronchi. An expectorant and disinfecting effect is observed.

  • respiratory diseases, the form can be both acute and chronic;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia.


Contraindications to the use of turpentine oil are pathologies of the kidneys and liver, as well as hypersensitivity of the body to turpentine. It is not recommended to use the drug if the body temperature is elevated. Among the side effects of using the substance, manifestations of allergic reactions are known. If the drug is made from resin, then sleep problems and insomnia may occur.

Medicinal properties

For recovery and beneficial effects on the human body, purified turpentine oil is often used in medicine.

To prepare healing turpentine baths, you will need to add no more than three tablespoons of oil to the container. If bathing occurs in a basin, then less drug is needed. As prescribed by medical workers, treatment procedures are carried out for seven days. This treatment course can be repeated after three months. A bath of turpentine oil, when properly prepared, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, improving metabolism.

Warm turpentine baths are an effective way to combat hypertension and heart and vascular problems. Those wishing to lose weight should also use this recommendation.

To cure diseases of the musculoskeletal system, doctors prescribe rubbing with turpentine oil. This substance is especially effective for joint problems, rheumatism and arthritis. The amount of the drug used should be selected individually for each person, since its excessive use can cause skin diseases.

Turpentine oil is administered orally for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Such use must be very careful and diluted. The proportion is one to ten, but it should not be more than one teaspoon per dose.

Use in folk medicine

Nowadays, people know many recipes that are based on the use of oil from oleoresin or pine resins. The effectiveness and safety of traditional methods of treating diseases and helping the body has been tested for years. Typically, such recipes are not included in official instructions.

To eliminate burns, it is necessary to prepare a mixture in a 1: 1: 1 ratio, which contains turpentine, sea buckthorn oil, and melted lard. Gauze is soaked in this substance and applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day for 60 minutes for three days.

If a stomach ulcer occurs, you can prepare an alcohol tincture. To do this, you should grind 50 grams of resin, pour 0.5 liters of vodka or 40% alcohol into it. After seven days of infusion, the substance is taken an hour before meals in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. This procedure should be repeated three times a day.

Treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis is based on the use of a prepared mixture of oleoresin and sunflower oil. For a speedy recovery, this mixture is dropped into the nose before bed in the amount of 3 drops.

If arrhythmia and tachycardia bring discomfort to a person, then the solution of oils, the preparation of which is described above, should be rubbed into the heart area or taken in the form of drops for a month.

People also know an effective remedy for the treatment of periodontal disease. To carry out medical procedures, it is worth mixing resin with fine salt in a ratio of one to three. Next, you need to add castor and olive oil to end up with a creamy consistency. After this, rub the substance into the gums once a day.

Treatment for herpes is to apply a tampon soaked in turpentine oil to the affected area.

Latin name: Oleum Terebinthinae
ATX code: M02AX10
Active substance: Gum turpentine
Manufacturer: Yaroslavskaya
pharmaceutical factory CJSC, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter
Price: from 220 to 250 rub.


The composition of the drug includes essential oil obtained by distilling resin from Scots pine. The main active ingredient is terpene.

Medicinal properties

Turpentine oil penetrates the skin and affects receptors, irritating nerve endings. It has an analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and local irritant effect.

Indications for use

  • Arthritis
  • Neuralgia
  • Myalgia
  • Rheumatism
  • Sciatica
  • Respiratory diseases.

Average price from 220 to 250 rubles.

Release form

Appearance: Oil is an oily, transparent liquid with a pungent odor and a sharp, burning taste. Available in darkened glass bottles with a volume of 100 ml.

Methods of application

The oil can be used in different ways:

  • Bath with turpentine oil

It is recommended to use baths in a course. The first time, add 20 ml of oil to the water. The optimal water temperature is 36 degrees. The duration of the first bath is 15 minutes. Each next time increase the amount of oil by 5 ml. Results of turpentine baths:

  1. Vasodilation
  2. Improved blood supply
  3. Strengthening the heart muscle
  4. Removal of toxins
  5. Metabolism stimulation
  6. Normalization of the autonomic nervous system
  7. Restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine and joints
  8. Acceleration of healing of damaged tissues
  9. Restoring joint mobility in arthritis, rheumatism
  10. Resorption of external and internal scars and adhesions
  11. Reduction of furunculosis, psoriasis, dermatitis rashes
  12. Getting rid of cellulite
  13. Prevention of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets
  14. Restoring erection in men
  15. Normalization of prostate function.
  • Turpentine oil for oral administration

Since the product has an expectorant and diuretic effect, turpentine oil can be taken internally. But this is only possible strictly after consulting a doctor. The specialist will draw up a treatment plan and recommend the required dosage.

  • Inhalations with turpentine oil

Steam inhalations with the addition of turpentine oil are used for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system of the body. Add 15 drops of oil to a glass of hot water and then inhale the vapors. Positive results of such inhalations:

  1. Easing sputum discharge
  2. Getting rid of putrefactive bronchitis
  3. Treatment of bronchiectasis
  4. Stimulation of the bronchial glands
  5. Delayed development of Koch's tubercle bacilli.
  • External use of oil

Ointment with the addition of turpentine oil is used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Neuralgia
  2. Arthritis
  3. Rheumatism
  4. Myositis
  5. Pediculosis.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of turpentine oil is contraindicated.

Precautionary measures

Frequent external use can cause severe skin irritation and provoke allergic reactions. Excessive ingestion of turpentine oil increases the risk of developing gastroenteritis.


  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney diseases
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Malignant tumors
  • Age up to three years, children after three use with caution
  • Increased body temperature.

Side effects

The only possible negative effect from using the oil is allergic reactions due to increased skin sensitivity.

Storage conditions

Turpentine oil should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15°. Shelf life: 5 years.


Mirrolla LLC, Russia.
Price from 140 to 200 rub.

Release form: a bottle of white emulsion in individual packaging. Volume 250 ml. It is recommended to take baths with the addition of the emulsion, strictly following the dosages specified in the instructions.


  • Promotes deep cleansing of the skin
  • Slows down the aging process


  • To obtain the effect, it must be used for a long time
  • Not a very pleasant smell.

Biofarmus, Russia
Price from 350 to 450 rub.

The turpentine solution is yellow. Release form - a bottle with a yellow emulsion based on turpentine, volume 500 ml, individual packaging. Ingredients: gum turpentine, camphor, castor oil, salicylic acid, chamomile extract, sage extract, string extract, water. Taking a bath with Skipar normalizes high blood pressure, tones, and promotes cleansing of toxins.


  • Can be used as a weight loss product
  • Effective remedy for colds


  • Unpleasant smell
  • Contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension.

Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory CJSC, Russia, etc.
Price from 50 to 80 rub.

Release form - homogeneous white ointment with a specific odor in a tube, volume 30g, individual packaging. Ingredients: turpentine oil, water, petroleum jelly. Used for neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, severe cough.


  • Cheap remedy
  • An effective product - easily penetrates the epidermis and begins to act


  • Very strong smell
  • An allergic reaction may occur.
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