Precautions after hymenoplasty. Long-term hymenoplasty – what does it mean? Indications for hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty is an intimate plastic surgery operation that is performed to restore the integrity of the hymen. The hymen is restored under local anesthesia. Depending on the chosen hymenoplasty technique, the rehabilitation period lasts from 3 to 7 days and proceeds easily with minimal discomfort. Another name for the operation is refloration.

Indications for hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty is performed exclusively at the request of the woman. The reason for contacting a plastic surgeon may be considerations of a religious, moral, ethical or purely personal nature. Some women strive to hide their sexual experience; others want to add a touch of variety to their intimate life, giving themselves or their partner new sensations.

Restoring the hymen can also pursue psychotherapeutic purposes. When deciding to undergo refloration, a woman draws an invisible line between the past and the future. Such a step often has a deeper psychotherapeutic effect than a long visit to a psychologist or psychoanalyst.

It is important to understand that the desire to undergo hymenoplasty can be dictated by various motives, but the motives are always purely personal, and a woman should not tell the plastic surgeon about them.

Types of hymenoplasty

In aesthetic gynecology, two hymenoplasty techniques are used: short-term hymen restoration and long-term. In the first case, the result of plastic surgery lasts for 2 weeks. With long-term recovery, hymenoplasty gives a lasting and most natural result; The hymen is preserved until defloration.

Short-term hymenoplasty

The principle of this technique is based on the connection of the remnants of the hymen, the so-called hymenal papillae. The hymenal papillae are sutured, thereby creating a barrier at the entrance to the vagina.

Short-term hymenoplasty refers to minor surgical interventions and has the following advantages:

  • There is no trauma to the vaginal tissue during the operation.
  • Minimal blood loss (in fact, no blood loss).
  • Short recovery period without swelling, pain and discomfort.

Short-term hymenoplasty has one drawback: the result lasts for a short period.

Long-term hymenoplasty

Using this technique, the surgeon recreates the hymen from the epithelial tissue of the vagina. A small piece of tissue is isolated and transferred to the vestibule of the vagina to recreate the hymen. The final stage of plastic surgery is suturing the tissues with absorbable threads. This operation is called three-layer hymenoplasty.

Benefits of long-term hymenoplasty:

  • The hymen after long-term hymenoplasty is preserved until defloration.
  • Long-term hymenoplasty gives the most natural aesthetic result.

Disadvantages of three-layer hymenoplasty:

  • More pronounced (compared to short-term hymenoplasty) tissue injury.
  • Recovery after long-term hymenoplasty requires about 7 days.
  • In the early postoperative period, there is minor swelling, discomfort and pain.

Women often ask how natural the result will be? Hymenoplasty uses absorbable suture material. There are no traces left after the operation (for example, “threads”). It is impossible to distinguish a restored hymen from a natural one. A woman’s sensations at the moment of intimacy and defloration are also as close as possible to her first sexual experience. Hymenoplasty can be done more than once.

Preparation for hymenoplasty

Restoration of the hymen is carried out on an outpatient basis or in a day hospital. Hospitalization, as a rule, is not necessary, but if desired, the patient can stay in the clinic for a day. Hymenoplasty is performed under local anesthesia, but if the woman is afraid and experiences severe emotional discomfort, the operation can be performed with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. In this case, it is advisable to stay in the hospital for one day under the supervision of medical personnel.

Before the hymen is restored, the woman undergoes a standard medical examination. The list of diagnostic procedures includes general blood/urine tests, blood biochemistry, a detailed analysis of indicators of the hemostasis system, analysis for markers of viral infections, and an electrocardiogram. The list of diagnostic procedures can be expanded with additional laboratory and instrumental methods. According to indications, consultations with narrow specialists are prescribed.

2-3 weeks before refloration, you must completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is important to stop taking medications that may negatively affect the function of the blood clotting system. These include many remedies for joint, spinal, headache and menstrual pain. If you are taking any medications, be sure to inform your plastic surgeon during your consultation.

It is advisable to do hymenoplasty in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If there is less than a week left before the start of the next menstrual cycle, refloration is not performed. In these cases, the operation is postponed.

Contraindications to hymenoplasty

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs (cervicitis, colpitis), the genitourinary system (cystitis) and the pelvic organs.
  • Oncological disease, regardless of the location of neoplasia.
  • Impaired function of the blood coagulation system, including hemophilia and other genetic defects of the hemostasis system.
  • Rashes and inflammatory processes on the skin of the perineum of autoimmune, infectious or allergic origin.
  • Genital herpes in the acute stage.
  • Lactation, pregnancy.
  • Decompensation of endocrine or somatic pathology.
  • Benign neoplasms of the internal genital organs.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

​The cost of the operation is from 55,000 rubles.

The cost of the operation includes:

  1. Inspections (initial and subsequent)
  2. Dressings
  3. Stay in the ward (robe, towel, slippers, disposable hygiene kit)
  4. Anesthesia
  5. Nutrition

Upon admission to the department:

  • Compression stockings are provided as prescribed by the anesthesiologist;
  • Compression garments are provided as prescribed by the plastic surgeon.

After the operation, as prescribed by the plastic surgeon, a referral for rehabilitation procedures is issued.

After hymenoplasty, slight pain, swelling and hyperemia (redness) in the genital area are observed. These symptoms are a normal consequence of surgery. They do not require special treatment and go away on their own within 3-5 days. With long-term recovery of the hymen, symptoms may persist for up to 7 days.

The main recommendations for the recovery period concern the rules of intimate hygiene. The genitals should be treated with an antiseptic solution several times a day. It is advisable to spend less time sitting. You should not play sports, lift weights, or make sudden movements. You cannot go to the pool, it is better not to sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium.

After long-term hymenoplasty, you will have to abstain from intimacy for some time. After a rupture of the restored hymen, it is advisable to come for a routine examination to the plastic surgeon who performed the hymenoplasty, or make an appointment with your gynecologist.

Surgical restoration of virginity is not a life-saving operation and is usually performed to solve problems of a moral, ethical, religious or psychological nature before marriage. As experience and reviews from patients show, this generally uncomplicated procedure - in medical terminology it is referred to as “hymenoplasty” or “refloration” - helps to avoid both harmless unpleasant rumors and serious psychological trauma.

The need to return the hymen (hymen) to its original state arises among those women who should marry “immaculate”, but at the same time “accidentally” lost their virginity. For example, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or as a result of violence. Sometimes the cause of rupture of the hymen can be active horseback riding or cycling. Recently, married patients and even women after childbirth often turn to this service in order to refresh their sex life.

Today, there are 2 surgical techniques that allow you to restore the hymen:

  • Short-term hymenoplasty. An easier option for surgical intervention, which, as a rule, does not require general anesthesia. But it is impossible to achieve full recovery in this way. Healing occurs in 1-1.5 weeks, and the result lasts no more than a month. The presence of blood during defloration is determined by the individual characteristics of the woman, incl. condition of the vessels of the hymen.
  • Long-term (three-layer) hymenoplasty. Allows you to almost completely reconstruct the hymen and recreate the process of natural defloration. This is a more labor-intensive operation, but the achieved effect lasts significantly longer than the previous option. Full recovery occurs after 3-4 weeks, and the results can last for several years.

When thinking about surgical restoration of virginity, clearly decide: for what purpose you will perform it, and what is the desired duration of the result. This will help the doctor choose the best option for performing surgery.

How is hymenoplasty done?

The operation is preceded by careful preparation of the patient, which includes:

  • consultation with a gynecologist, therapist, cardiologist;
  • mandatory types of examinations, including: testing for syphilis, AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C, as well as microscopy of a gynecological smear and examination for hidden sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.);
  • additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostics: clinical and biochemical blood tests, as well as determination of coagulability, electrocardiogram.

The surgical intervention itself is performed using local or general anesthesia (in the latter case, always on an empty stomach). Its duration is determined by the level of difficulty and ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

  • Short-term restoration is based on the reunification of individual sections of the hymen using surgical sutures. It is carried out no more than 2 times in the same patient, because suturing the hymen becomes impossible due to its thinning.
  • A long-term (about 3 years) effect is possible when performing three-layer hymenoplasty. In this case, layer-by-layer triple suturing of the vaginal entrance is performed. To do this, areas of the mucous membrane are shifted to the vestibule of the vagina and stitched with non-traumatic, easily absorbable threads such as Polysorb or Vicryl PDS II. This procedure can be repeated no more than 3 times.

Given the sensitivity of the issue, in serious clinics the operation itself, as well as preparatory and rehabilitation procedures, are always carried out anonymously.

Contraindications for surgical restoration of the hymen are:

  • any acute inflammatory processes of the female genital area;
  • blood diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • oncological pathology;
  • pregnancy.

If hymenoplasty is planned to be performed under general anesthesia, additional contraindications will be:

  • Bleeding disorders and treatment with anticoagulants.
  • Severe course of any chronic diseases.
  • Acute or chronic heart or kidney failure.
  • Mental disorders.

More information about hymenoplasty:

Rehabilitation period

The time required for recovery even after the most technically complex types of hymenoplasty does not exceed 1 hour. In special cases, the patient may remain in the clinic for a specified time under the supervision of a doctor.

To avoid complications, such as the appearance of pain, numbness, swelling or bleeding, at first (up to 10 days for short-term and up to a month for long-term refloration) it is necessary:

  • limit high physical activity;
  • do not use sanitary tampons;
  • exclude sexual activity;
  • carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • prevent any possibility of infection, incl. when visiting a sauna or swimming pool;
  • prevent constipation and increased gas formation in the intestines. To do this, legumes, wholemeal bread, hard, hard-to-digest foods, and confectionery products are excluded from the diet. The menu is enriched with vegetables and fruits, liquid dishes.

Life after hymenoplasty

The operation does not have any negative consequences for the patient’s health:

  • does not interfere with the menstrual cycle;
  • does not change sensations during “critical” days, and menstruation does not damage the integrity of the hymen;
  • does not reduce a woman’s reproductive ability, i.e. possibility of conception;
  • does not affect the course of future pregnancies, childbirth and lactation;
  • does not affect the normal rhythm of life - you can return to your normal routine the maximum the next day after visiting the surgeon.

After defloration, as well as if any atypical changes appear in the body - for example, heavy bleeding, long-lasting pain in the lower abdomen and perineum - it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Virginity restoration is a temporary surgical reconstruction of the hymen. Some may be surprised by such an operation as a service, but many representatives of the fair sex ask this question.

Various reasons can push a woman to undergo such an operation. This could be for religious reasons or a desire to please a partner.

Surgery to repair the hymen is called hymenoplasty. What kind of procedure is this? How much will you have to pay for it?

What is hymenoplasty?

The hymen is a thin layer of tissue, a membrane that is usually intact in young women (virgins), forming a barrier to the vaginal opening. In some cultures, it is very important to keep the hymen intact. Sometimes surgery is required to restore it.

Once lost, virginity can never be replaced. But modern medicine now offers women an almost perfect physical simulation of their lost innocence - hymenoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the hymen damaged during a woman's first experience of "communication" with a man.

Quite often, women think that after such an operation their hymen will be restored. But this is a mistaken opinion if we take it in the literal sense of the word.

Hymenoplasty involves creating an imitation of virginity. To do this, the edges of the hymen are sutured using special threads.

After such an operation, the result does not last long. It will take about a week and the threads will dissolve. For a more lasting effect, you need to choose triple hymenoplasty. The result after it lasts for 2.5-3 years.

Even temporary hymenoplasty provides a complete illusion that the girl is innocent. During the penetration of a man's sexual organ into the vagina, he will feel an obstacle. A little blood will also appear.

If a woman comes to the clinic with a desire to restore her virginity, the doctor will examine her and send her for additional tests to rule out contraindications.

Short-term hymenoplasty

In order not to bother too much and save money, it is better to lean toward short-term hymenoplasty. The doctor performs plastic surgery for approximately half an hour. But it is important to understand that such virginity will last about 7 days.

You need to understand that the hymen cannot be sutured indefinitely. Systematic operations will lead to the disappearance of tissue remnants, so it will not be possible to restore virginity once again.

The first few days there may be nagging painful sensations. Doctors strongly advise visiting a clinic after sexual intercourse to make sure there are no contraindications.

Triple hymenoplasty

But it is not always convenient to restore virginity for several days. In this case, it is recommended to lean towards triple hymenoplasty. The advantage of this operation is that it can be performed many times, although, of course, doctors do not advise getting too carried away.

Triple hymenoplasty is a surgical intervention during which the vagina is excised and the mucous membrane is sutured in 3 layers.

Taking this into account, doctors advise performing the operation 4-5 days before the start of menstruation so that the tissue can recover a little.

If you perform triple hymenoplasty, then during intimacy more blood will appear than during the first natural sexual intercourse. In addition, the pain is also more pronounced.

A highly qualified doctor must perform triple hymenoplasty, as this is a complex surgical procedure.

Also, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations after the operation. Otherwise, you may encounter complications.

Rehabilitation period

For the first time after restoring your virginity, you should not take a bath or visit the sauna. You also need to postpone playing sports and lifting heavy things. After such an operation, a woman should refrain from using tampons until her first intimate relationship.

Serious swelling of the mucous membrane persists for about 3-5 days. With complete hymenoplasty, there are difficulties with movement.

A woman cannot sit, only stand or be in a reclining position. Quite often, a urinary catheter is left in place for 24-36 hours. Considering all this, it is recommended to take a short vacation of 3-4 days for such operations.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Systematically carry out douching using special means.
  2. Don’t forget about personal hygiene and maintain proper nutrition.
  3. As after any operation, visit a doctor. In this way, complications can be detected in a timely manner.
  4. This surgical intervention is painless, but after it the woman will feel slight discomfort. It’s worth mentally preparing yourself for this.
  5. It is necessary to protect yourself from overheating and hypothermia.
  6. You need to abstain from intimate life.

When can you have sexual intercourse after triple hymenoplasty? Sexual life is possible when the hymen is completely healed.

This often happens after 3-5 weeks. A doctor can tell you the answer to this question, and you should visit him periodically for examination.

Restoring virginity - advantages of surgery

The following are the advantages of the operation:

  1. Hymenoplasty can be done at any age, as there are no specific age restrictions.
  2. Even women who have already given birth or experienced an abortion can regain their virginity.
  3. After the operation, virginity is guaranteed until sexual intercourse. In addition, during such first intimacy, blood will appear.
  4. Together with hymenoplasty, it can be performed, which will restore the elasticity of the walls.

A good doctor will definitely tell you about all the intricacies of this plastic surgery. You should be prepared for some minor discomfort after surgery.


Hymenoplasty has one indication. This is the desire of a female representative to restore her virginity.

But such an operation has some contraindications. This surgery is contraindicated in some situations.


  1. if an infectious disease has worsened, an inflammatory process has appeared in the genital area;
  2. if a person suffers from mental disorders;
  3. if a woman is prone to open bleeding.

After surgery, the patient may experience hematomas, swelling, discomfort, bleeding, and pain.

But such side effects disappear after a certain period of time. To speed up this process, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Question answer

This intervention is carried out after adulthood.

The surgery itself is painless, as anesthesia is used. But after the operation there will be pain for 2-3 days.

Such a procedure is not excluded, but you need to understand that it will be more difficult to carry out. In addition, you should wait some time after giving birth.

Alternative methods (capsules, hymens and alum)

Not all women decide to undergo surgery to restore their virginity. Often there is not enough finance or courage to do this.

But what to do if the need arises? For this, a variety of pharmaceutical products come to the rescue.

Capsules and gemens will help create the illusion of innocence in front of a man. You need to understand that they are not able to restore virginity, but with their help you can deceive your partner. But how do they work?

On pharmacy shelves you can find the following products:

  1. Capsules that help simulate virginity. They have artificial blood inside. They must be immersed in the vagina an hour before planned intimacy. During this period, the capsule will swell. During intercourse, it ruptures and the filler leaks out. This process looks natural, and the partner will believe in the woman’s innocence.
  2. Artificial hymen. With the help of such a device, one can more realistically imitate deflowering. The hymen is a thin film that is immersed in the vagina a third of an hour before sexual intercourse. It will swell. During intimacy, the man’s genital organ rests against the artificial film, tearing it. In this case, traces of red paint will also appear.

If you compare the cost of such devices, then you will notice that their price is significantly lower than the price of hymenoplasty. The average cost of capsules is about 20 USD, and hymen - about 50 USD.

If your financial situation does not allow you to purchase such funds, then you can use alum. This is the cheapest option for simulating virginity. They are also sold in pharmacies.

They are diluted in water for douching, which is carried out before sexual intercourse. This solution will narrow the vagina, and after sexual intercourse, marks that resemble blood stains will appear on the bed.

This method is suitable for deceiving an inexperienced man who has not dealt with innocent girls.


But how much does it cost to undergo a full-scale operation to restore virginity? Where is this surgery performed?

Prices for short-term and triple hymenoplasty differ. If a woman needs to quickly sew her hymen using special threads, then she will have to pay about 8-14 thousand rubles. But we must not forget that such an operation shows a short-term effect.

Those who want results that last longer should lean toward three-layer hymenoplasty. Its average cost is about 30 thousand rubles.

After the rehabilitation period, it is difficult to distinguish the result from the natural hymen.

You don't have to worry about anyone finding out about the operation. Doctors at the clinic are required to keep everything confidential. They do not disclose the names of their patients.

You need to understand that prices are different in each. For example, in Moscow, the highest price for hymenoplasty is requested from Mont Blanc. Here, a short-term operation is carried out for 30,000 rubles. And three-layer hymenoplasty costs 2 times more.

Such an operation will cost a little less at the Platinental clinic. Here they pay 55,000 rubles for it. Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

To prepare for surgery (hymenoplasty), you need to undergo all the necessary tests to exclude any contraindications. The operation is carried out 7 days before menstruation. Local anesthesia is used (its effect lasts up to an hour), so the woman does not feel anything.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Hymenoplasty can be classified as simple surgical interventions. After it, women recover quickly; a couple of days are enough. During rehabilitation there is pain and swelling, but this is normal. To speed up recovery, do not overload your body, do not move sharply, and eat healthy food.

In the modern world, a large number of women want to restore their virginity, which is influenced by various reasons. To do this, you can perform a full-fledged operation or use inexpensive alum, but the result will be noticeably different. The final decision rests with the woman.

In the arsenal of modern aesthetic medicine there are many methods and techniques that allow solving intimate problems of people. Like other plastic surgery, intimate surgery is aimed at improving a woman’s quality of life.

It relieves a woman not only from physical problems, but also from psychological discomfort. One of the branches of intimate surgery is a procedure for restoring the hymen, medically called “hymenoplasty”.

Hymenoplasty (before and after photos are presented below) is a medical procedure to restore the hymen by suturing the remnants of the hymen. The applied sutures dissolve over time, thereby leaving no signs of surgical intervention.

The first operation of this kind was performed in the early 60s of the last century by the Italian gynecologist Bernoulli. His first patient was his own daughter.

A successful experiment made it possible to restore the hymen of about 35 thousand women in just 1 year, which became a new milestone in aesthetic intimate surgery of that time.

Hymenoplasty techniques, their features and differences

Aesthetic gynecology has 2 main techniques: a simpler one involves short-term restoration of the hymen, and a more complex one – long-term.

The first technique is characterized by short-term preservation of the hymen (no more than 2 weeks). Long-term hymenoplasty is accompanied by a reliable and natural result, including the natural process of breaking the integrity of the hymen during intimate contact.

Short-term hymenoplasty

This technique is based on the principle of connecting the remnants of the hymen (hymenal papillae). The process of connecting the papillae allows you to create a kind of barrier that protects the vagina from infection.

Short-term refloration is considered a minor surgical intervention and is characterized by the following advantages:

  • No trauma during hymenoplasty, photos of which before and after are presented below.
  • Almost complete absence of blood loss.
  • A quick recovery period, which is accompanied by the absence of swelling and pain.

This process has one drawback - it does not last long.

It is quite understandable that if short-term hymenoplasty gives a short-term effect, then long-term one lasts until sexual intercourse.


This technique is based on recreating the hymen from vaginal epithelial tissue. During the operation, a small fragment of tissue is isolated and then transported to a part of the female genital organs. This is necessary to reconstruct the hymen in its original form.

The final stage involves stitching the tissues together with special threads with absorbable action. This kind of intervention is called three-layer hymenoplasty.

The technique has the following advantages:

  • Long-term preservation of the integrity of the hymen until sexual intercourse.
  • The most natural result in terms of aesthetics.

Despite the obvious advantages, three-layer hymenoplasty has a number of disadvantages, including the following:

  • Compared to the first method, three-layer hymenoplasty causes significant trauma to the vaginal tissue.
  • Long recovery period (from 7 days).
  • The early postoperative period is characterized by the presence of swelling, discomfort and pain.

Many women are concerned about the naturalness of the final result. Modern hymenoplasty is characterized by the use of absorbable suture materials.

As for postoperative traces, they are absent. An artificially created hymen is no different from a natural one. It is worth noting that during sexual intercourse a woman feels the same as at the time of her first sexual experience.

Hymenoplasty can be performed multiple times. Before and after photos confirm the effectiveness of the procedure.

Indications for surgery

When deciding on a procedure, a woman can be guided by both religious and moral views.

According to statistics, most often people decide to undergo long-term hymenoplasty:

  • 40% of women - for the upcoming wedding;
  • 20% - after sexual violence;
  • 25% - to restore the intensity of sexual life in marriage;
  • 15% - respectively, for religious and ethnic reasons.

Factors that are the basis for the operation:

  • desire to restore the hymen;
  • loss of virginity due to negligence;
  • the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury;
  • requirements of some nationalities.

The procedure is carried out only with the consent of the woman.


Like any other surgical intervention, hymenoplasty has a number of limitations.

The contraindications are as follows:

  • pathologies of internal organs, inflammation.
  • angina;
  • ARVI;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting.

In addition to the above contraindications, restoration of the hymen is not carried out during the menstrual cycle.

What tests need to be done

This operation is not on the list of complex ones, but the preparation is characterized by a thorough approach. This is due to the fact that the lack of a preparatory stage can have unpredictable consequences. It is for this reason that preoperative examination is of great importance.

  • The most appropriate moment for the operation.
  • Type of hymenoplasty.
  • Cost of the operation.

The patient is prescribed a preoperative examination, which includes:

  • Consultation with a therapist and other specialists.
  • Performing radiography, electrocardiogram and video colpography.
  • Taking urine and blood tests.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • A test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis must be performed.
  • This list also includes taking a smear for microflora.

The list of procedures can be supplemented with additional laboratory and instrumental procedures. If necessary, it is appropriate to consult with specialists of a narrow specialization.

If problems or diseases are detected, the operation is postponed until relief. Ideally, hymenoplasty is performed 7 days before the start of menstruation.

Preoperative examination is aimed at reducing the risk of complications and choosing the right type of anesthesia.

After completing the examination and tests, the specialist makes a decision on the possibility of performing the operation.

Preparation for the operation

A few weeks before the scheduled date of surgery, doctors recommend that women limit their consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. In addition, you should avoid medications that negatively affect the function of the blood coagulation system.

How the operation goes. Stages and timing

Surgery is performed a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. If general anesthesia is necessary, the doctor briefs the woman and describes the type of anesthesia chosen. The type of anesthesia is selected in accordance with the chosen technique. Moreover, the choice is also influenced by the patient’s general indications. The operation time varies from 10 to 15 minutes.

As a rule, after surgery, the patient’s time in the clinic is limited to 3-4 hours.

After surgery, for some time the woman is obliged to follow medical recommendations and adhere to the regime.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Based on reviews from numerous patients, we can come to the conclusion that this operation is characterized by simplicity and quick recovery. During the recovery period, doctors make adjustments to the woman’s diet. They exclude spices, vegetables, fruits and black bread from their diet. All of these foods cause bloating and constipation. Moreover, physical activity is prohibited after the operation.

Rarely, there are cases in which fusion of the restored hymen occurs. This, in turn, risks locking the liquid inside. This kind of problem is characterized by pain during the menstrual phase.

To relieve these manifestations, doctors resort to the method of surgical defloration along with a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating fluid. To avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes, doctors recommend treating the area with antiseptic agents.

Feeling after surgery

After surgery, as a rule, the woman feels well, so she can return home and lead her usual lifestyle.

What is possible, what is not

After hymenoplasty, a woman must adhere to simple rules. The basic rule is careful and regular care of the intimate area.

Depending on the surgical procedure, the time of abstinence from sex varies. After short-term hymenoplasty, you can have sex the next day. As for long-term, sexual intercourse will take place after several months. Long-term hymenoplasty prohibits the use of tampons.

In addition, long-term hymenoplasty prohibits the use of vaginal suppositories and tampons. After surgery, adjustments are made to the diet to delay bowel movements. Physical activity, sudden movements and prolonged sitting are prohibited.

Possible complications and side effects

However, complications and side effects after hymenoplasty cannot be ruled out. As a rule, the side effect is represented by such problems as minor hematomas, mild bleeding, discomfort and numbness in the area of ​​​​the operation.

However, this kind of phenomenon is considered a natural response of the female body to interventions.

Bleeding and hematomas require specialist help. In most cases, a condition such as numbness is the body’s reaction to anesthesia. In case of prolonged numbness, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The complexity of the postoperative period is influenced by the characteristics of the female body. If a woman trusts a modern clinic combined with the latest equipment and follows instructions, then the risk of complications will be minimal.

Where is hymenoplasty performed?

In Moscow, hymenoplasty, the result of which is visible in the before and after photos, can be done in many medical institutions. However, when choosing a medical institution, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

The first important nuance is the guarantee of confidentiality.

The second nuance is the doctor’s professionalism and high level of service. The high cost of the operation in Moscow may indicate that the woman pays not only for the operation itself, but also for additional services.

At the same time, the low cost should alert you, since most likely the operation will be performed by an inexperienced doctor.

When choosing a surgeon, you need to focus on reviews of a particular specialist.

The cost of the operation in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the regions of Russia

The operation to restore the hymen is one of the publicly available. The cost of this type of surgical intervention is influenced by the status and location of the clinic, and the doctor’s experience.

The price for restoring the hymen varies from 10 to 35 thousand rubles. The cost of the operation depends on the chosen technique. For example, three-layer hymenoplasty will cost more due to the fact that it requires more complex manipulations. Moreover, long-term hymen restoration is characterized by unlimited retention of the result.

The price of short-term hymenoplasty is 10-12 thousand rubles, while the cost of a three-layer hymenoplasty starts from 20 thousand.

What is important to know about hymenoplasty

Is it painful to have surgery?

When deciding to undergo hymenoplasty, women are afraid to feel pain. In most cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not experience pain.

What anesthesia is it performed under?

The operation to restore the hymen is performed under anesthesia, which can be either local or general. In most cases, the doctor uses local anesthesia, which allows the patient to remain conscious and not feel pain, only discomfort.

Durability of the effect of the operation

The durability of the result depends on the type of surgery. Short-term hymenoplasty is effective for 2 weeks, while the effect of long-term hymenoplasty lasts for years.

Is it possible to do it after childbirth?

Even after childbirth, effective hymenoplasty is possible. The recovery process in this case will be more difficult. In addition, for the operation to be performed, the female body must fully recover.

What is laser hymenoplasty?

A technique such as laser hymenoplasty, the result of which is visible in the before and after photos, involves the use of a laser. Using a laser, sections of the tissue of the vaginal lining are isolated and then stitched together.

The use of a laser allows the operation to be performed without loss of blood. This makes the operation less traumatic, eliminates scarring and speeds up the recovery process.

The modern method of restoring the hymen allows a woman to normalize her inner world and continue to enjoy life.

Videos: hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty - what is it? Photo. Is it possible to restore virginity with plastic surgery?

How is hymenoplasty performed:

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex, in whose lives they have already had sexual experience, for some reason want to restore their virginity. Sometimes this is done in connection with religious needs, or if you want to give your loved one virginity during the long-awaited wedding night.

Video - Hymenoplasty: restoration of virginity in the clinic

Hymen - what is it?

Before defining hymenoplasty, let’s understand what a hymen is. So, about virginity, it is a fold of the mucous membrane connecting the vestibule and the vaginal cavity. This is the only organ that does not change size from the moment of birth. Has small holes of different shapes.

  • tubular;
  • ring-shaped;
  • keeled;
  • semilunar;
  • roll-shaped;
  • labiform.

A lot of information can be given about the hymen, however, we will focus on the main points. Its structure and structure are individual for each woman, for this reason the tolerance of defloration - the rupture of the hymen during the first sexual intercourse - is different for everyone. It is almost impossible to lose virginity before the first sexual intercourse.

At the age of 13-22 years, disruption of integrity during defloration usually occurs more easily, with minimal blood loss, than at an older age. After the hymen ruptures, the vaginal passage becomes completely open. But there are cases of sexual acts with partial violation or when remnants of the hymen remain.

Surgical removal

Sometimes the hymen is very strong and the man cannot tear it and the girl remains virgin. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to have the hymen removed. The operation to remove the hymen involves cutting the obstruction at the point of greatest tension. You cannot try to break the hymen on your own, as this can injure the girl. Surgical removal is indicated here.

Hymenoplasty - entrust the solution of intimate problems to the doctor

Hymenoplasty – what is it?

Types of hymenoplasty

There are three types of hymenoplasty:

  • short-term;
  • long-term;
  • three-layer.

Short-term hymenoplasty is performed before intended sexual intercourse, when a girl wants to appear as a virgin to her partner. During the operation, the hymen is sutured with a thin, durable cosmetic fishing line and tightened like a tobacco pouch. And this at the same time narrows the entrance to the vagina.

Long-term hymenoplasty – restoration of virginity using the vaginal mucosa. This method allows you to achieve results when the hymen lasts up to three years. In addition, cutting the hymen will result in natural and natural bleeding.

Three-layer hymenoplasty - done under local anesthesia, by connecting the flaps of the hymen that remained after deflowering. This operation is convenient because there is no rehabilitation period required after it. And after stitching, in order for everything to heal, it will be necessary to carry out the simplest gynecological measures. When a girl decides to have sex, she will experience a little pain, as during a natural deflowering.

Hymenoplasty - a challenge to sexual slavery

Indications for the procedure

Restoring the hymen will help a girl create the illusion of innocence during sex. Her sexual partner will feel the obstruction and see blood. The main purpose of the procedure is an attempt to hide previously acquired sexual experience. In modern society, many men want to build family relationships with women who have not yet entered into an intimate relationship.

It would seem that such prejudices have long disappeared from our lives, but discrimination in sexual life still flourishes. Deprivation of virginity often promises many problems for the girl who wants to get married and her fiance, causing him discomfort on a psychological level.

All this contributes to the fact that the girl decides to visit a plastic surgeon. And the latter will solve her problem with a 100% guarantee. Surgery to restore the hymen is a correction method that has earned excellent reviews from patients, as it is safe for women’s health.

Contraindications to the procedure

Indications include the preferences of girls who want to undergo the procedure of hymenoplasty (surgery). But she has enough contraindications. Here are some of them:

  • low blood clotting index;
  • mental deviation;
  • diabetes, oncology and other chronic diseases;
  • fever, sore throat, runny nose;
  • inflammation and genital infections;
  • diseases of the genital organs.

Hymenoplasty before and after

A girl who decides to go for virginity restoration should know what to do before and after the procedure:

  • be examined by a therapist, have an ECG and x-ray;
  • undergo an in-depth examination by a gynecologist and pass a set of tests.

Based on the results, the doctor will decide on surgery. The procedure itself is quick. However, compliance with all medical recommendations is required for the desired effect to be achieved in full. For several days after hymenoplasty you cannot:

  • swim in the river, visit saunas and steam baths;
  • take a bath (shower is possible);
  • have sex.

The first days after the procedure, it is recommended to take only liquid food to prevent gases from forming in the intestines. If you listen to your doctor’s recommendations, everything will heal quickly, the results will last the right amount of time, and no complications will arise.

Hymenoplasty - deception or saving your personal life


It is possible to restore virginity under local or general anesthesia. How is stitching done? Restoring virginity is carried out five days before menstruation. During the procedure, the surgeon excises the vaginal tissue and stitches the stretched mucous membrane layer by layer and three times.

Restoring virginity is a procedure that lasts approximately 30 minutes, occasionally 1 hour. And the wounds heal after it in about thirty days. You should also remember this nuance - an artificial hymen acquired through surgery will cause a lot of blood if it ruptures during sex. The girl herself will experience severe pain, which doctors warn about in advance.

Possible complications after virginity restoration

  • hematomas;
  • numbness in the entire perineum;
  • discomfort when moving;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the perineum.

In modern clinics, hymen restoration is carried out using the latest operating techniques. For this reason, if side effects appear, they disappear almost the next day.

Rehabilitation period

We have already found out how to restore the hymen, now let’s move on to the rehabilitation period. After the operation you must:

  • stick to a diet and do not eat heavy foods;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • douche regularly with special preparations.

It will be possible to have sex only after the hymen has healed. In addition, the girl will need to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. And if complications begin to be observed, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor so that the situation does not worsen.

Cost of the procedure

How much does it cost to restore virginity? The price depends on the form of technology, type of operation, chosen clinic and plastic surgeon. You can restore your virginity in a medical clinic in the capital for about 15-20 thousand rubles. Rates are approximately the same in St. Petersburg. Each clinic practicing these services provides certain guarantees and must show reviews with images (photos) of previous patients about the results of the operation.

Video - Hymenoplasty: restoration of virginity, expert opinion

Currently, one of the most popular intimate operations is hymenoplasty – surgical restoration of the hymen. Basically, girls are forced to resort to such intervention due to ethical considerations and national principles. The first case of such an operation was recorded in Italy in 1962. Then it was done by the Italian gynecologist Bernoulli. Many years have passed since then, and gynecology does not stand still. Today, many specialists have mastered the technique of performing hymenoplasty, and if you want to regain your virginity, your desire will be quite enough to carry out such an operation.

However, not all women can undergo hymen repair surgery for certain reasons. Therefore, before being referred for surgery, it is necessary to undergo an examination for the presence of serious diseases or inflammatory processes, as well as mental disorders. The patient’s blood will definitely be examined for HIV, syphilis, some types of hepatitis, coagulation and biochemistry. All these preliminary procedures are necessary to avoid further complications and ensure the safety of the girl’s health.

Today, hymenoplasty is such a common procedure that many surgical techniques have been developed to restore the integrity of the hymen. However, only two types of hymenoplasty are widely used.

Gymneoplasty: types

In the case when a girl needs urgent surgery, and the final result should be noticeable no later than after 10 days, doctors use short-term hymenoplasty. This type of operation does not involve a complex technique - certain areas of the hymen are sutured. After such a procedure, complete healing rarely occurs, which is why the effect of such an operation is short-lived.

Gynecologists achieve complete restoration of virginity using long-term or three-layer hymenoplasty. This is a complex operation, the essence of which is the formation of a new hymen from three layers of tissue of the vestibule of the vagina. Suturing occurs using modern technologies - absorbable suture material. The natural shape of the hymen is recreated due to the fact that with this technique the surgeon can move the mucous membranes of the vagina. This operation ensures the safety of the hymen for many years, or rather until a new sexual intercourse occurs. It will also be accompanied by spotting, characteristic of defloration, which may be even more pronounced than the first time.

Gymneoplasty: nuances

Hymenoplasty is always performed under anesthesia, which can be either local or general. The duration of the procedure can vary from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of operation and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Hymenoplasty can be performed no later than 5 days before the future menstruation.
After the operation is completed, the patient usually feels well, so she can immediately return home and continue to live her normal life. However, at first, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations to reduce the risk of complications. First of all, you need to give up physical exercise and other stress, and also avoid sudden movements. After the operation, careful attention should be paid to the vaginal toilet and carried out using antiseptics. The girl will have to follow a diet for some time: do not eat bread, vegetables, fruits, or sweets. If all these requirements are met, the operation will not pose any risk to the patient.

Hymenoplasty Of course, it helps young girls solve certain problems of an intimate nature, but it is best to think about your actions in advance so that you do not have to correct their results promptly.

Afanasyeva Anna especially for

The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to a woman's vagina. This element performs a protective function. Losing virginity during first intimacy involves breaking this hymen. However, in some cases, often for religious reasons, a woman needs refloration - restoration of the hymen. The operation, which is performed on an outpatient basis, is called “hymenoplasty”. You can hear a wide variety of reviews about the procedure.

The essence of surgery

Hymenoplasty was first performed in the mid-twentieth century. Reviews from specialists of those times show that surgical intervention technologies have changed significantly since then. Today, the operation is performed almost painlessly on an outpatient basis. According to the stories, the intervention does not require special preparation. All you need to do is take some tests.

Essentially, any woman can undergo hymenoplasty. Reviews about the sensations of sexual intercourse can be heard mostly positive. The operation does not lead to loss of sensation. Many people note that after hymenoplasty it becomes much brighter.

The technique of the first operation to restore the hymen was quite primitive. Much has improved since then. You can restore your virginity short-term and long-term. It all depends on the tasks that the woman has set for herself.


Why is hymenoplasty performed? Reviews show that most often girls who want to surprise their future husband on their wedding night undergo surgery. Lovemaking with a virgin arouses passion in a young family even more. In addition, a girl may need to restore her hymen for religious reasons. You can often hear stories about hymenoplasty of those girls who converted to Islam.

Unfortunately, the need to restore the hymen may have less “rosy” indications. Reviews show that the operation is the only opportunity to forget about the rape that I had to endure. In addition, the hymen can be damaged during surgical interventions in the girl’s genitourinary system. Young female athletes often face this problem. Active cycling is especially dangerous for rupture of the hymen. Girls involved in equestrian sports may be at risk.

Short-term hymenoplasty

Stories and reviews make it possible to understand that the operation is not painful and can be performed anonymously. If you only need to create the illusion of virginity, experts recommend signing up for a short-term hymenoplasty procedure. Girls who had to undergo the procedure say that the intervention does not take even 20 minutes. The specialist stitches the edges of the hymen using special absorbable threads. After a few days, the hymen is considered restored. Surgical intervention of this kind is especially important for those who decide to regain their virginity before marriage.

Experts say that short-term restoration of virginity can be carried out no more than two or three times. Each time, the amount of tissue decreases significantly; over time, there is no longer any hymen left that could be sewn in the manner described above. For those who want better results, it is worth looking at another operation.

Long-term hymenoplasty

For girls who find themselves in difficult situations, survivors of rape, experts recommend long-term or three-layer restoration of virginity. The operation is considered more difficult, but the result is worth it. How is three-layer hymenoplasty performed? Reviews from girls who have undergone this procedure show that the intervention requires more careful preparation. Tissue from the vestibule of the vagina is used as the hymen. Surgery is considered quite traumatic. General anesthesia is often required.

Really good results can be achieved with long-term hymenoplasty. Reviews from girls show that thanks to the procedure, you can restore virginity from scratch. No one will be able to guess that a representative of the fairer sex had to go through sexual intercourse before. Moreover, after a high-quality operation, a gynecologist will not always be able to guess that a girl is no longer a virgin.

Preparation for the operation

It is worthwhile to approach the issue of restoring virginity correctly, regardless of whether long-term or short-term hymenoplasty is chosen. Reviews show that the result of the intervention directly depends on the patient’s readiness. Girls who have already undergone refloration recommend not to be shy about the doctor and ask all the necessary questions before the intervention. It is advisable to prepare for the operation not only physically, but also mentally.

Before performing surgery, the specialist must carefully examine the patient and study her medical record. You will definitely have to take a general urine and blood test, undergo an electrocardiogram, and take a smear for vaginal flora. The doctor will not proceed with the operation until he knows about the patient's health condition. In some cases, you may need to consult related specialists - a urologist, therapist, allergist, immunologist, etc.

Short-term hymenoplasty requires less special preparation. Reviews show that the procedure can be performed on the day the girl contacts a plastic surgeon. Patients say that within a few hours after surgery they can return to a full life. You will only have to follow some of the specialist’s recommendations.


Despite the fact that the operation is not considered complex, like any other surgical procedure, it has a number of contraindications. The procedure is strictly forbidden for girls with cancer pathologies, blood diseases, or diabetes mellitus. Women who have already undergone refloration are not recommended to make an appointment with a doctor during the seasonal cold season. At this time, chronic diseases worsen, which can affect the course of the operation.

Hymenoplasty should be performed at your own request. Reviews (from those who had the operation) show that the lack of desire to go to the doctor leads to the development of unpredictable complications. Inner attitude is very important.

What happens after you regain your virginity?

If you believe the stories of girls who finally decided to undergo surgery, the sensations of losing virginity are not inferior to those that had to be experienced during the first sexual intercourse. An ignorant man will especially not be able to notice the “trick.” So the surgery is really worth it. Moreover, many note that the sensitivity of intimate areas even increases after surgery.

It is also almost impossible to visually distinguish the hymen from the one obtained during the operation, provided that hymenoplasty was performed correctly. Photos before and after, reviews from gynecologists are proof of this.

Recovery after surgery and possible complications

Short-term hymenoplasty has virtually no unpleasant consequences. The girl can lead a full life almost immediately after the operation. For several days, only an unpleasant pulling sensation in the vaginal area may be observed. Reviews show that pain symptoms quickly disappear.

Much more unpleasant stories can be heard from women who have decided to undergo three-layer hymenoplasty. The pain can be so severe that you have to take analgesics. For many reasons, immediately after the intervention, the woman is recommended to remain in the hospital for several more days. A common complication after hymenoplasty is menstrual irregularity. This is due to the emotional stress that the woman had to endure. Complications can also be caused by taking medications prescribed by a plastic surgeon.

Three-layer hymenoplasty should be performed at a certain period of the menstrual cycle. Reviews show that the most appropriate time for surgery is the 20th day after the start of bleeding. Thus, immediately after the intervention, the specialist can determine whether the cycle is broken or whether he had to face some difficulties.

Cost of the procedure

The price of the operation depends on several factors. In any case, hymenoplasty cannot be called a cheap procedure. The intervention is not carried out in government institutions. You will only have to contact specialized plastic surgery clinics, where doctors have the appropriate knowledge and have performed such an operation more than once.

After evaluating the stories of girls who decided to undergo the procedure, we can conclude that the cheapest short-term hymenoplasty in Moscow is offered by the Orange Clinic medical center. You will have to pay 17 thousand rubles for the operation. Three-layer virginity restoration in the capital will be most cheaply performed by the Semeynaya clinic. You will have to pay about 20 thousand rubles for the operation.


It is recommended that representatives of the fairer sex sign up for an operation to restore virginity after weighing the pros and cons. It is worth remembering that any surgical intervention is a blow to the immune system. You shouldn’t put your health at risk just to satisfy your partner’s whims. Moral readiness for hymenoplasty is as important as physical readiness.

Plastic surgery has reached incredible heights; now it is possible to restore and reshape almost everything in the human body. Plastic surgeries can be vital, for example rhinoplasty when it is impossible to breathe due to a deformed nose. But they can also be aimed at eliminating complexes, such as dissatisfaction with the shape or size of the breast. One type of plastic surgery is hymenoplasty. What kind of operation is this and why is it needed?

What is hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty is an operation to restore the integrity of the hymen. Hymen translated from Latin it means “film”. The hymen is a membrane covered with mucous membrane that separates the external and internal genitalia. But during sexual intercourse, this film breaks, this moment is considered the beginning of a woman’s sexual life.

It is impossible to completely recreate this film with mucous membrane, but it is possible to make a similar film, which will break again during sexual intercourse, and the man will feel that he is a “pioneer”.

Thus, in appearance and to the touch the artificial hymen will become indistinguishable from the hymen of a virgin. Hymenoplasty shows that it is a complete imitation of the hymen without scars. Only a gynecologist who is very experienced in such matters will be able to determine the catch, who will deliberately look for traces of the operation.

The operation has been carried out for more than a decade, but specifically since the 60s of the 20th century.

Why might this be necessary?

So why might this be needed? In most cases, this is necessary in order to hide the mistakes of youth and appear as a virgin before her future husband. Whether it’s fair or not is another question that every girl will answer for herself. But for adherents of some religions, it is a matter of life and death. If after a Muslim wedding on their wedding night it turns out that the girl is not innocent, then she and her entire family will face shame, and perhaps even physical violence. Maybe for her, hymenoplasty is the only chance for a normal life.

And it will be difficult to hide your nature. If a girl is truly dissolute, then rumors or her habits will give it away, and justice will prevail in any case. What if it’s just one mistake or even an act of violence, but at heart the girl is decent, but who will figure it out.

Other reasons for missing hymen:

  • feature of the anatomical structure;
  • horse riding;
  • inaccurate examination by a gynecologist;
  • surgery on female genital organs;
  • improper insertion of tampons.

So the question of dishonesty is not so clear-cut. Yes, and there are cases when a man is aware of a woman’s sex life before marriage, but still wants to physically feel what it’s like to deprive the bride of her virginity. Restoring the hymen is becoming fashionable in order to renew the marital relationship.

Types of hymenoplasty

There are two types of hymenoplasty surgery:

  • Short term. It is done when the result is needed urgently. It is advisable if the expected “loss of virginity” occurs no later than 10 days after the operation. Later the effect will be lost. Short-term imitation is recognized by any gynecologist during examination. If the date of the intended sexual intercourse is known for sure and there will be no check by a gynecologist, then this is an excellent option. The advantage of a short-term operation is its price and the absence of the need to stay in the clinic for a long time.
  • Long-term. It also has a second name - three-layer hymenoplasty, which means that the hymen is formed from three layers of tissue in a woman’s vagina. During sexual intercourse, a man will not be able to guess that the hymen is artificial. And “loss of virginity” can happen in a week, or in years. But preferably no more than 3 years, beyond that there is no longer a guarantee. This is a complete imitation of the natural hymen. After three-layer hymenoplasty, the photo shows that the lumen completely disappears even after many years of sexual activity. After healing, the mucous membrane grows together, and you can safely undergo examination by a gynecologist; he is unlikely to distinguish the hymen from the natural one.

There are two types of plastic surgery that are not a type of hymenoplasty and have other goals. Labiaplasty is the surgical correction of the labia. Vaginoplasty is a plastic surgery on the vagina or perineum, performed when damaged during childbirth or due to injury.

Short-term hymenoplasty costs from 10 thousand rubles, long-term will cost about 2 times more. Depending on the city in which the clinic is located and its prestige, the price can increase to 50-70 thousand rubles.


Contraindications to surgery are as follows:

  • bleeding disorder,
  • mental illness;
  • severe viral diseases;
  • weakened body;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • benign formations in the female genital organs.

If these factors are present, no professional plastic surgeon will agree to perform hymenoplasty. The presence of inflammatory processes in the genital organs or excretory system is not a contraindication, but a reason to postpone surgery until complete recovery.

Preparing for surgery

As part of the preparation, the doctor will perform a visual examination to assess the condition of the genitals and the amount of hymen remains. How much hymen remains is affected by both its initial quantity and the intensity of sexual activity. And also whether the woman gave birth.

If the possibility of hymenoplasty is confirmed, then immediately before it it will be necessary to undergo a series of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood from a vein for HIV and hepatitis C;
  • swab for cleanliness;
  • blood test for coagulation (hemostasiogram).

You also need to do a cardiogram. Then consult with a therapist and gynecologist.

If surgery is required for a minor girl, permission must first be obtained from parents or guardians. If everything is in order, then a date is set. A week before this date, you need to avoid alcohol and salt intake, get enough sleep and not overload the body.

Progress of the operation

How the operation will proceed depends on whether the hymenoplasty is long-term or short-term.

In short-term surgery, residual tissue flaps are sutured using self-absorbable threads. This is done under local anesthesia and lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. After this you can go home straight away. If there are no complaints or discomfort, a second visit to the doctor is not necessary, that is, the hymen will be ready within an hour after the start of the operation. There is no need to wait for healing, since tissue fusion is not provided.

Long-term hymenoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and involves fusion of the hymenal petals. The hymen is created from the mucous membrane; if there is absolutely nothing left of it, then it is created from the vestibule into the vagina. Due to the inaccessibility of the operated area, you can ask the gynecologist to take photos before and after hymenoplasty. After the long-term visit, the patient will stay in the clinic for at least a day.

Rehabilitation period

There is no rehabilitation period for short-term ones. But in long-term cases it goes away very quickly: until the seams fuse, which happens within a few days. A few days before and after hymenoplasty, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • do not swim in pools or open water;
  • take only showers, avoid baths;
  • wash with detergent.
  • do not make sudden movements;
  • stop playing sports;
  • don't have sex.

Bleeding and pain may occur, but normally this should stop within a week. If it does not stop, you should consult a doctor.

Possible complications

If the surgeon’s work is high-quality and safety measures are followed, there should be no complications. If the technique is not followed, complications may include the following:

  1. The entrance may become so overgrown that the penis simply cannot break the new “hymen.”
  2. During “defloration” a large vessel will be hit, and the bleeding will be too strong, you will have to call an ambulance.
  3. The new “hymen” will have no holes at all. The holes are necessary for the drainage of menstrual blood. If there is no access to the blood outside, this is fraught with serious complications.

If sterility is not maintained, inflammatory processes are possible, which will manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • increased temperature at the site of surgery or the body as a whole;
  • throbbing pain;
  • swelling of the vagina and labia.

It should be taken into account that with three-layer stitching, pain during sexual intercourse will be stronger than with natural defloration. The amount of blood will also be greater, unlike the first time. This is normal and is not considered a complication.

The final photo of hymenoplasty, which was done according to all the rules by a good specialist, shows that there should be no scars left. This is the point of plastic surgery: to make it as invisible as possible to the partner and other gynecologist.

Is it possible to do hymenoplasty again?

Yes, it is possible, but each time the operation will be more and more difficult, since there will be fewer and fewer hymenal petals left. You can do this until there are so few of them that it will no longer be possible to sew them together. And the pain with each subsequent loss of “innocence” will be stronger and stronger.

Long-term hymenoplasty is a type of intimate plastic surgery to restore the hymen, in which, some time after the operation, a result is highly likely to be achieved (defloration during sexual intercourse). Due to the peculiarities of the operation, long-term hymenoplasty is also called three-layer hymenoplasty.

Long-term restoration of virginity is highly effective, but requires the patient to clearly plan the expected time of intimacy. For defloration to occur identical to natural, it is important that the period after long-term hymenoplasty is no more than 2.5-3 months.

Long-term hymenoplasty should be planned 2-2.5 months before physical intimacy!

It is during this period that the formed vaginal membrane is already fused, but it is not yet too dense, and the act of defloration is closest to natural. After three months, the hymen becomes rougher and there is a possibility that if it ruptures, severe bleeding will occur, which will require urgent medical attention. Another unpleasant outcome is also possible: with a very hardened hymen, natural defloration may be impossible and it will have to be cut surgically.

Cost of long-term hymenoplasty


The only indication for performing both long-term and short-term hymenoplasty is the woman’s desire.

A patient may decide to undergo hymenoplasty for a number of reasons:

  • In order to hide past sexual experience (usually for religious reasons);
  • To eliminate “traces” of sexual violence;
  • For the sake of variety in sexual relationships.

Over the past few years, the demand for long-term virginity restoration surgery has increased greatly. The main advantage of the correction is the naturalness of the result, thanks to which the partner will never guess about the plastic surgery.


Long-term hymenoplasty is considered not the most difficult plastic surgery; however, like any other surgical intervention, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Presence of infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Mental disorders.

Preparing for surgery

Before undergoing long-term hymenoplasty, the patient must undergo tests that are standard for any surgical procedure under anesthesia. Long-term hymenoplasty is performed in the period between menstruation, but it is better for the correction to be performed after the last menstruation than shortly before the next one.

Carrying out the operation

Due to the technique used, long-term hymenoplasty is also called three-layer hymenoplasty. During the operation, “triple” suturing is performed: the membrane is formed from the mucous, submucosal and muscular layers. This method is considered the most reliable, but requires calculating the expected time of defloration, or rather the wedding date.

Three-layer hymenoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon sutures the vaginal walls to form an hourglass diaphragm in the vestibule of the vagina. For menstrual blood, the surgeon leaves a small hole less than the diameter of the little finger. Internal sutures dissolve within 2-2.5 months, which determines the duration of the operation until intimate intimacy. The sutures are located on both sides of the membrane and “fall off” themselves after 5-15 days.

4-5 months after long-term hymenoplasty, the hymen becomes rougher, and the process of natural defloration may be impossible!


The patient spends 1 day in the hospital. On the third day after long-term hymenoplasty, you need to go to the doctor for an examination. If a woman comes from another city, then she needs to plan her place of stay in advance for 3-4 days.

The first days after three-layer hymenoplasty, it is necessary to care for the wound by douching. There is a restriction on the sitting position: you cannot sit at a right angle for 1 week, and you cannot squat for 2 weeks.

During the first 2.5-3 months, the membrane formed during the operation is quite elastic. For the specified time, it is necessary to exclude foods that cause constipation, strength sports and heavy lifting, as strong tension can lead to rupture of the hymen.

Effect after long-term hymenoplasty

Three-layer hymenoplasty gives a well-predicted result, but delayed for a certain period - 2.5-3 months. The membrane formed by the surgeon subsequently becomes denser, and its rupture after 5-6 months can lead to bleeding and the need for emergency gynecological care.

Some women are concerned about the question: “Will traces of the operation be noticeable when examined by a gynecologist before the first intimacy with a man?” This is especially true for those who, for religious reasons, are forced to undergo such an examination before the wedding. It is impossible to give a 100% guarantee here, since much depends on the qualifications of the examining gynecologist. However, it can be argued that with competent long-term hymenoplasty and completely resolved sutures, the undesirable result is minimal.

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