Antibiotics for gonorrhea for men and women are a powerful blow to the enemy. Tablets for gonorrhea: main pharmacological drugs and methods of their use Which antibiotic tablets are best for treating gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is an acute sexually transmitted disease that affects men and women during sexual intercourse. In most cases, attending physicians carry out long-term treatment, which includes several drugs, some of which have antibacterial effects. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to a number of serious pathologies, including the development of infertility. When a patient is diagnosed with gonorrhea, patients begin to look for the easiest way to get rid of such an unpleasant disease and often ask whether the disease can be cured with one pill.

Most often, the disease affects patients during sexual intercourse, but cases of domestic infection also occur. Women have a fairly high chance of infecting themselves and their baby during childbirth if the maternity hospital does not follow basic measures for cleaning the delivery rooms. Once infected, life-threatening conditions can develop.

Female patients

Male patients

ComplicationFrequency of occurrence
Erection problemsOften
InfertilityRarely without treatment
Complete impotenceRarely
Testicular atrophy and necrosisSometimes
Significant narrowing of the urethraOften
Inflammation of the glands of the foreskinOften

Typically, the first symptoms in the form of severe burning and pain in the groin area appear within seven days after infection.

Attention! If treatment for the disease is not started in a timely manner, it enters the chronic stage. This ultimately leads to the impossibility of quick and successful treatment.

When can gonorrhea be cured with one tablet?

Not every form of the disease can be cured with one pill. To do this, it is important to establish the timing of infection. The type of gonorrhea that responds best to rapid treatment is one that develops in less than 20 days. In this case, it is desirable that the patient does not have any discharge and that the bacteria do not affect the liver, organs of vision and intestinal tract. In this case, the chance of curing the disease quickly is quite high.

If gonorrhea develops between 20 and 60 days, there is a small chance that further spread of the harmful organism will be prevented. Typically, in this case, patients require at least a week's course with sexual rest.

Attention! If the disease is already older than two months, it is virtually impossible to cure gonorrhea with one tablet.

Video - Gonorrhea - definition, causes, routes of infection, incubation period

Groups of fast-acting drugs against gonorrhea

If quick treatment is possible, the following groups of medications should be used.

  1. Medicines containing penicillin. To date, this group of drugs is used only if pathogens cannot fight penicillin. Due to frequent use of this type of medication in the past, gonorrhea bacteria have been able to develop resistance. Because of this, you should undergo a preliminary test for resistance to treatment.
  2. Medicines of the tetracycline group. They are usually used when a patient is resistant to penicillins. In addition, they allow you to cure complicated gonorrhea older than 20 days with one dose.
  3. Azalid group. This group of drugs shows the best results in the treatment of gonorrhea. It is azalides that are most often used for a single dose.
  4. Microliths. They don’t often help get rid of a disease in one use, but at the same time they show a minimal number of side effects, which allows them to be used even during pregnancy.

Attention! The decision to prescribe a specific medication is made only by the attending physician. Inappropriate treatment leads to exacerbation of the disease.

Medicines against gonorrhea


Broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is quickly absorbed by body tissues, which ensures maximum effect from the therapy. When diagnosing this venereal disease, patients are asked to take 4 g of the active substance per day during a single treatment. This dose is the maximum, which can provoke severe intestinal disorders, including vomiting and difficult diarrhea.


Also refers to broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. Used in the treatment of many infectious diseases, including gonorrhea. With a single dose, patients also take a maximum daily dose of 1.2 g of the main substance. With this treatment, you should be prepared for the possible manifestation of allergic reactions. It will be useful to take a dose of an antihistamine at the same time as Metacycline three hours later.


A special feature of this antibiotic is the need to use it strictly with meals. The medication can be divided and chewed; this will not affect its absorption in any way. If it is possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms of gonorrhea, you should take 300 mg of the main component. Unidox causes a minimum of side effects, which makes it possible to be treated with this drug at virtually any age.


Treatment with this drug is most often carried out over several days. If it is possible to cure gonorrhea in one dose, the patient is prescribed 300 mg of the active substance. Doxycycline should be taken one hour before meals or two hours after it. This condition is important to comply with in order to achieve maximum absorption of the main component.


Only a venereologist can select the exact dosage of this drug for single use. Usually a maximum daily dosage of two grams of the active substance is prescribed. In this case, the dose should be divided into equal amounts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The tablet should be taken with plenty of clean water.


This drug also helps well not only in the presence of gonorrhea, but also in its complications, which are transmitted to the genitourinary system. Azithromycin is taken once in a dosage of 1 g. The drug best fights complications such as urethritis and cervicitis. The medication is taken regardless of meals, washed down with plenty of clean water.

During pregnancy, the dosage is selected strictly by the attending physician. In other cases, a single dosage, taking into account the severity of gonorrhea, can range from 0.5 to 4 g of the active substance. This drug should not be used by patients who have significant hearing problems. In this case, a different antibiotic should be selected.

Attention! After using one tablet against gonorrhea, you should take a second test to confirm successful treatment.

Cost of drugs against gonorrhea

A drugImagePrice in Russian Federation (rubles)Price in Belarus (rubles)Price in Ukraine (rubles)
Oxacillin 350 11,4 143
Metacycline 500 16,3 205

Gonorrhea (gonorrhoea) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The disease has been known since ancient times and is even mentioned in the Bible. For such a long period of time, it seems that humanity should have invented a radical cure for gonorrhea, defeating it completely and irrevocably. Especially after the invention of penicillin, an effective antibiotic. However, this did not happen. The reason is the ability of bacteria (like all living beings) to evolve - to adapt to new conditions.

Poorly calculated doses of drugs and incorrect treatment tactics contribute to the fact that bacteria that are not completely destroyed survive and continue their activity in the patient’s body. A new generation of such bacteria can no longer be killed by old doses of medicine - this is how new resistant (resistant) strains appear, to combat which it is necessary to invent more and more powerful antibiotics and increase the doses of medicine.

It is important to contact a health care facility in time, since the earlier treatment for gonorrhea is started, the more effective the drugs are, and the less likely the disease will become chronic. After all, a complication of chronic gonorrhea can be a terrible diagnosis for any woman - infertility. The first signs of gonorrhea in women after contact with a sick partner appear on days 3–7:

  1. Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) has a thick consistency, foul odor, and greenish-yellow color.
  2. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, and has a pulling character.
  3. Itching and burning of the genitals.
  4. Frequent, sometimes painful urge to urinate.

Such a clear clinical picture is typical for “fresh” gonorrhea. In this case, it is possible to treat gonorrhea with one tablet. Gonorrhea does not always occur openly: 50% of women are asymptomatic. This is another reason for the persistence of gonorrhea. Many women infect their partners without realizing they have the disease.

Without treatment, the acute and latent stages progress to subacute and then chronic gonorrhea. The symptoms weaken, but the disease continues to develop, capturing more and more new areas, penetrating the uterus, tubes, ovaries, urethra and bladder.

With a long course, all organs and tissues are affected, including the brain. During primary infection, gonococci settle on the mucous membranes, so you can become infected not only through classical sexual contact.

During unconventional sex, the mucous membrane of the larynx, rectum, and conjunctiva of the eyes is affected.

Treatment of gonorrhea

Gonococci are sensitive to antibiotics, so the treatment of gonorrhea comes down to administering medications in the following way:

The choice of drug depends on:

  • Disease status (acute, subacute, chronic);
  • Concomitant infections(trichomoniasis, candidiasis, syphilis);
  • Results of bacterial culture and testing for antibiotic resistance.

When prescribing antibiotic treatment, individual intolerance to any drug, pregnancy, and the presence of an infant (with breastfeeding) are taken into account. There are no gender differences for therapy.

Treatment of gonorrhea in women differs only in a more thorough check of the result (3 control tests for the absence of gonococci in the smear) due to the often asymptomatic form of gonorrhea.

Tablet drugs

A wide range of modern bactericidal agents allows you to choose a medicine. If a drug or its dosage form is intolerable to the patient, then there is always an alternative. Tablet antibiotics for gonorrhea:

It is believed that the old generation sulfonamides are no longer effective; they have been replaced by penicillins, tetracyclines, and fluoroquinols. However, it is worth mentioning successfully operating tablets for gonorrhea: Biseptol, Bactrim, Septrim, Sulfadimethoxine. They are used in cases of intolerance to other drugs. The course of treatment lasts 4-7 days. With a correctly calculated regimen (and a positive result for resistance), these drugs provide an excellent bactericidal effect on gonococci.

Intramuscular injections

For systemic treatment of gonorrhea, a solution of penicillin antibiotics is used:

Antibiotics are sold without a prescription; due to independent, incompetent treatment with this group of drugs, resistant strains of gonococci have arisen.

Therefore, drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea are used as prescribed by a doctor, after a positive test for sensitivity to antibiotics of this series.

Topical medications

Dosage forms for topical use are prescribed in cases of advanced gonorrhea, complicated by other infections of the genitourinary system - as an auxiliary therapy. Suppositories for gonorrhea are used when it is impossible to take medications orally, for example, during pregnancy:

To relieve inflammation of the external genitalia, warm baths with antiseptic solutions are recommended: potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction, furatsilin, Chlorhexidine.

The pharmaceutical industry produces gels and ointments for treating the external genitalia. The spermicides Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are also used for local disinfection. For treatment of gonorrhea to be successful, the following basic rules should be followed:

Advances in pharmacology make it possible to cope with any form of the disease, to find a cure even for severe gonorrhea in women and men, but it is better not to try them on yourself. To do this, it is enough to have one beloved and loving partner, to use mechanical and chemical means of protection in casual relationships.

Gonorrhea is one of the most common infectious diseases, which in most cases is transmitted through intimacy with an infected partner. It has unpleasant symptoms and significantly worsens the quality of life. In the absence of adequate therapy, it leads to serious negative consequences. In case of complications, it has a detrimental effect on the reproductive system. Treatment of gonorrhea with antibiotics is the only method with proven effectiveness.

Features of the disease

Gonorrhea (grip) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the introduction of the microbe Neisseria gonorrhoeae into a healthy body. Refers to gram-negative diplococci that cause purulent inflammation of the urinary system. Less commonly, damage occurs to the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, eyes, and rectum. If the pathogen enters the bloodstream, the process generalizes, which leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system, possibly damaging the meninges and knee joints.

After the introduction of the pathogen into the body, antibodies begin to be released, but they are not specific, so you can get gonorrhea more than once.

Transmission routes

All segments of the population are at risk, regardless of gender, age, or social status. The source of infection is a sick person. In most cases (more than 75% of those infected), the disease occurs in a latent form, with vague symptoms or not accompanied by them at all. In addition, the incubation period (the period of time from the moment of infection to the manifestation of symptoms) for gonorrhoea is 3 - 30 days. During this period, an infected person can infect others through sexual contact.

Women are often carriers. This is a condition in which the patient does not feel significant changes in health, feels good, but is a threat to others.

There are several ways of transmitting gonorrhoea:

  • sexual;
  • domestic;
  • vertical.

The main route of infection with gonorrhea is sexual. During traditional (vaginal) sexual intercourse, Neisseria gonorrhea enters the mucous membrane of the genital organs and the urethra, causing an inflammatory process in them. Anal sex can provoke gonococcal lesions of the rectum, oral sex - the oral cavity, nasopharynx.

Eye infection occurs through germs entering the conjunctiva from hands that have come into contact with contaminated genital secretions.

Interesting! Every year, more than 200 million people around the world are diagnosed with gonorrhea. These are only official data; how many patients remain in the dark can only be assumed.

A less likely, but possible way to become infected with a sexually transmitted disease is at home. The microbe is not resistant to the external environment - it dies when dried in a soapy environment. In the secretions from the genital organs, it retains its vital activity as long as moisture remains. If a person does not follow basic hygiene rules, then the risk of becoming infected through domestic means increases. For example, by using shared bath accessories (towel, washcloths). Often adults soap the child with the same washcloth that they used themselves. This is how gonorrhea appears in children.

The vertical method of transmission involves infection of the child from the mother during passage through the birth canal.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of gonorrhea are observed mainly in the acute phase of the disease; during the incubation period there are no manifestations. In patients of different sexes, the clinical picture looks approximately the same, but there are also differences.

In men, the acute stage occurs much faster and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain when urinating (itching, burning);
  • frequent urination, false urges;
  • swelling of the glans penis;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra.

Gonorrhea in women is mostly asymptomatic, but often leads to serious complications. The entry of infection into the body provokes the development of an inflammatory process in the lower and upper parts of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women:

  • thick, opaque vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor (possibly mixed with blood);
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the perineal area;
  • Dyspareunia – pain during intimacy.

When the nasopharynx is affected, the disease manifests itself with symptoms similar to a sore throat - sore throat, discomfort when swallowing, increased body temperature. There is a light coating on the tonsils.


Regardless of whether the disease is mild or severe, gonorrhea should be treated exclusively by a competent doctor. Therapy of a complicated form takes place while the patient is in the hospital of a dermatovenerological dispensary. Treating gonorrhea with antibiotics is the only effective way to get rid of the infection.

The following methods are used:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • immunostimulating treatment;
  • use of topical medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • dieting.

Each clinical form of gonorrhea requires an individual approach to the selection of medications for treatment. In the acute stage, therapy is based entirely on antibiotics. The chronic form is treated with a complex of antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics are first-line drugs for the treatment of any form of gonorrhea, regardless of the stage of the disease and the presence of complications.

The choice of a specific drug depends on:

  • results of tests for the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics (bacteriological examination of a smear);
  • the presence of other diseases for which one or another antibiotic cannot be prescribed;
  • compatibility with other prescribed medications.

Microorganisms are sensitive to different groups of antibacterial drugs. However, you need to know which antibiotics are more effective.

The classical treatment regimen is based on the use of antibiotics from the penicillin group and tetracyclines. But some strains of the microorganism are capable of destroying their active substance thanks to the enzyme beta-lactamase. When laboratory determination of the presence of an enzyme is carried out, drugs from the cephalosporin group are prescribed.

Penicillin group

Drugs in this series are most often prescribed in tablet and injection form. The table contains a list of drugs from this group with a description of the dosage and duration of treatment.

The injections have fewer side effects on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and liver. They reach their destination faster and begin to act.

Injections for gonorrhea.

There is a modified version of the drug Bicillin - this is Bicillin-5, which has a prolonged effect, administered once a month at a dosage of 1.5 million units. This property of the medicine allows you to undergo therapy at home. Among patients, this method was called one-injection treatment of gonorrhea.

The penicillin group is the strongest allergen. In parallel with it, antihistamines are prescribed - Suprastin, Diazolin.

Tetracycline group

This group includes broad-spectrum antibiotics with a common structure and mechanism, complete cross-resistance.

One-day therapy for gonorrhea in men and women with metacycline (a synthetic derivative of tetracycline) for the disease in the acute phase consists of taking 300 mg of the drug 2 times a day. In severe cases, 900 mg per day may be prescribed.

Tetracycline, chlortetracycline is prescribed 2 g per day. You need to drink in several doses in equal parts. In severe cases, the dose can be increased to 3 g per day.

Doxycycline is used for 7 days, 2 capsules (100 mg) for the first 2 days, then 1 capsule until the end of the course of treatment.


Prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of gonorrhea. Due to the emergence of new strains of microorganisms that do not respond to pinicillin therapy, cephalosporins are widely used.

Ceftriaxone is a third-generation drug that is not resistant. One injection (250 mg) intramuscularly is sufficient. In the case of a more complex course, two injections are given per day at equal intervals.

Ceftazidime is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, 1 g every 8-12 hours. It is possible to increase the dosage according to indications.

Cephalexin is available in capsules of 0.25 g. It is taken according to the scheme - the first two days, 2 capsules 4 times a day, the next three days, 1 capsule 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the microorganism Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae affects the reproductive and urinary organs, and also affects the rectum, oral cavity and larynx.

Gonococci are found in leukocytes and epithelial cells and, at a moment unfavorable for the body, they are activated and multiply, and form colonies of microorganisms, which contributes to inflammation of the infected organ and its destruction.

The main route of infection with gonorrhea is sexual contact. You can also become infected from oral and anal sexual contact.

The incubation period of the disease is 3-5 days in the male body and 5 days in the female body.

Methods of transmission of gonorrhea infection

Methods of transmission of gonorrhea are:

  • method of transmission during sexual relations;
  • spread of infection at the household level;
  • from an infected pregnant mother to her child at the time of birth.

Factors that increase the risk of contracting an infection include:

  • early sexual life;
  • sexual contacts that are not protected by a condom;
  • regular change of partners;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • presence of gynecological diseases;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • stressful situations to which a person is exposed.

Signs of Neisseria gonorrhoeae development in the body

The first symptoms and signs of gonorrhea in the body are:

  • unpleasant and painful sensations in the urethra;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra and vagina;
  • burning during urination and itching;
  • frequent urination;
  • redness and swelling of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the labia minora and labia majora;
  • purulent particles appear in the urine.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea and stages of examination

Before carrying out treatment, it is necessary to diagnose and take tests for gonococcus infection. External examination of the patient cannot guarantee the diagnosis. It is necessary, first of all, to visit the office of a venereologist, who will examine the patient and refer him for tests.

Only after the patient’s genital organs have been examined, as well as the results of laboratory tests, can a diagnosis be made and prescribedwhat antibiotics to take for gonorrhea.

In order to establish the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea is divided into several stages:

  • bacterioscopic examination;
  • bacteriological examination;
  • epidemiological history;

When examining for gonococci, it is imperative to carry out molecular biological tests:

  • PCR;
  • blood test using enzyme immunoassay;

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of gonococcal infection

The treatment regimen for gonococcal infections in the body with antibiotics is taking tablets and injections with antibiotics.Antibiotics for gonorrheadepend on the stage of development of the disease. At the initial stage of the disease, you can use treatment with tablets:

  • Cefixime - taken orally, one tablet of 400 mg. It may be used during pregnancy.
  • Ciprofloxacin - orally, once 500 mg for gonorrhea at the initial stage of infection. If the body, in addition to gonorrhea, has the disease chlamydia, in this case the course lasts up to 10 calendar days. It is not recommended to take this drug during pregnancy.
  • Ofloxacin - orally, once 400 mg. If, in addition to gonococcal infection, the body suffers from chlamydia and ureaplasmosis, treatment is carried out for 10 - 15 days. The drug should not be used during pregnancy.

At the time of drug treatment of gonorrhea, it is necessary drink tablets, use antiseptic suppositories, antiseptic solutions and ointments.

For acute infections, you can treat with pills, but treat gonorrhea with intramuscular injections will take much less time and the side effects of antibiotics on the body will be much less. Tablets are taken only at the initial stage of gonorrhea, and in other cases medication treatment carried out using injections:

  • Ceftriaxone – once intramuscularly 250 mg. The drug is diluted with novocaine or icecaine. The drug is used during pregnancy. In advanced forms of gonorrhea, Ceftriaxone is administered intravenously once a day for two weeks.
  • Spectinomycin – once intramuscularly 2000 mg. The drug is used during pregnancy. An advanced form of the disease is treated for two weeks with the same dosage of the drug.

Medicines for gonorrhea for women and men

When treating a diseasegonorrhea, antibioticsleads to disturbances in the microflora of the female body, which can lead to vaginitis, both fungal and bacterial. Therefore, antibiotic therapy must be combined with the intake of probiotics and the use of local antifungal therapy:

  • suppositories containing lactobacilli (Efkomin, Laktonorm, Acylact, Lactobacterin);
  • vaginal suppositories containing antifungal drugs (Isoconazole, Clotrimazole, Candide, Kanison, Candibene).

Treatment with vaginal suppositories is carried out only before bedtime and for at least 10 calendar days.

Also, local antiseptic drugs are used during pregnancy, if taking medications orally is prohibited.

Local antibiotic therapy is used in cases of:

  • inflammatory processes in the external organs of the genital area - warm baths with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or potassium permanganate;
  • inflammatory processes in the urethra (urethritis) - douching of the urethra with the drug protargol and collargol;
  • vaginal inflammation - anti-inflammatory and antiseptic suppositories.

During menstruation, the use of vaginal suppositories is contraindicated.

Treatment of gonococcal infection with medications for men and women is identical. The only difference is in the use of local antiseptic drugs. To wash the urethral canal, solutions of potassium permanganate and chlorhexine are used. In case of skin damage in the genital area, baths with furatsilin and potassium permanganate should be used.

Drugs for the treatment of mixed forms of gonorrhea

Quite often, gonococcal infection is transmitted together with other sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, ureaplasma and spirochete pallidum.

If additional infections are diagnosed in the body, treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics is prescribed, and the course of drug treatment continues until the body is completely cleared of infections.

For the treatment of gonorrhea and chlamydia:

  • Ciprofloxacin – once or a course of 10 days intramuscularly 500 mg;
  • Ofloxacin - orally, 800 mg once a day, course of treatment for two weeks;
  • Doxycycline - orally, 100 mg 1 or 2 times a day for a week;
  • Erythromycin - 0.5 g orally 4 times a day, for 10 calendar days;

For the treatment of gonococcal infection and trichomoniasis:

  • Metronidazole - 500 mg 2 - 3 times a day, course of treatment is one week;
  • Tinidazole - 2g orally, 1 time per day, for 3 to 5 calendar days.

For the treatment of gonococcal infection and spirochete pallidum:

  • Bicillin 5 - intramuscular injection, two procedures over 7 days;
  • benzylpenicillin novocaine salt - injection intramuscularly, for 7 days, twice a day;
  • Benzylpenicillin (novocaine salt) - injection intramuscularly, for 20 days, twice a day.

Consequences of gonorrhea

Incorrect treatment can lead to gonorrhea is not cured, but goes into a latent stage and waits for an opportunity to resume the reproduction of gonococci again.

The reasons why gonorrhea recurs and bacteria multiply rapidly:

  • low immunity;
  • very frequent treatment of the genitals with antiseptics;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • not using intimate hygiene;
  • using suppositories that contain antiseptics and antibiotics;
  • use of intimate toys, including anal ones, in sex;
  • oral sex during casual sexual contacts;
  • sexual infections that exist in the body;
  • many changing sexual partners.

If the disease recurs in both sexes, the temperature may rise.

The consequences of gonorrhea in the female body are:

  • spread of the disease above the cervix;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • endometritis of the uterus;
  • pathology of the fallopian tubes;
  • lesions of the ovaries and appendages;
  • infertility.

The consequences of gonorrhea in the male body are:

  • spread of disease in the prostate;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • early ejaculation;
  • chronic urethritis;
  • sedentary spermatozoa;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.

Despite the high level of modern medicine, gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection, does not lose ground. This disease is registered annually in more than sixty million people. Quite often the disease is veiled, which leads to numerous complications, the most tragic of which is infertility.

Treatment of gonorrhea in women, drugs for which are carefully selected, must be provided in a timely manner. And in order not to start the problem and have time to seek help, you should know the symptoms and consequences of the disease.

Read in this article

Method of transmission of gonorrhea

There is, in fact, only one way of transmitting this infection - sexually. - This is a venereal disease. “Variations on the theme” of sexual contact are allowed:

  • transmission possible through traditional sex;
  • genital - oral contact;
  • genital - anal;
  • even with “innocent” petting for many (contact of the external genitalia).

It is only theoretically possible to become infected through a household method. In practice this happens extremely rarely. And only in cases where a woman ignores the rules of hygiene and uses personal toiletries (wears someone else’s underwear, etc.).

It is possible to transmit the infection from a sick woman in labor to a newborn baby (during natural childbirth).

Gonococcal infection is not resistant to environmental influences, high temperatures and UV exposure. The virus is very contagious, which means that the probability of infection is extremely high (more than seventy percent), even if you had unprotected sex with a carrier only once.

The bad news: gonococcus rarely lives “alone.” Eighty percent of those infected also have trichomoniasis or chlamydia. Women at high risk for contracting gonorrhea include:

  • prostitutes;
  • girls under 24 years old;
  • women with a history of gonorrhea;
  • women with other STIs;
  • everyone who neglects personal protective equipment (condoms). This may include pregnant women or women leading an antisocial lifestyle.

One of the dangerous aspects of gonococcal infection is that it is prone to “conquering” unconquered territory. Therefore, concomitant diseases are quite likely: fallopian tubes and peritoneum.

The latent period lasts from three days to three weeks, it all depends on the strength of the patient’s immunity and related factors (for example, taking antibiotics at this moment).

Symptoms of gonorrhea

The first attack of gonococci is aimed at those organs that had direct contact with an infected person. We are talking about traditional, as well as oral or anal sex. For example, during normal sexual intercourse, the primary infection will affect the woman’s cervix and genital tract. In other cases, the rectum, larynx and all organs located near the affected ones will be involved. No matter how the infection occurs, the very first and most obvious sign is a purulent plaque.

It is worth mentioning other, purely female characteristics. These include:

  • rather thick discharge of a yellowish or whitish hue with a dubious “aroma” (unfortunately, many aggravate the disease by self-medication, mistaking it for);
  • the lower back aches, the pain radiates to the leg;
  • menstruation becomes irregular;
  • appear .

Complications of gonorrhea

There is no risk of death from gonorrhea; in this sense, medicine has made great strides forward. But the disease has one unpleasant property: the percentage of complications is prohibitively high.

The most common of them:

  • (located at the entrance to the vagina).
  • Impossibility of conception (female infertility in different variants: obstructed tubes, poor-quality endometrium).
  • Low libido (sex drive).
  • All kinds of problems with reproductive function, pregnancy and the period after childbirth. We are talking about spontaneous abortion, intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth, early rupture of amniotic fluid, high risks of ectopic pregnancy, fetal death in the womb, etc.
  • The birth of an infected baby with gonorrheal conjunctivitis, inflammation of the middle ear, and sepsis.
  • The virus penetrates the hematopoietic system of the body and is distributed throughout all organs, both external and internal (skin, joints, liver, kidneys, heart, brain).

Methods for diagnosing gonorrhea

The diagnosis can only be refuted or confirmed by laboratory testing. For this:

  • swabs are taken;
  • conduct special express tests;
  • do a culture from the cervix;
  • special urine test;
  • include serological methods;

Treatment of gonorrhea in women

Before talking about treatment, it should be mentioned that if gonorrhea is detected in a partner, the man must be examined and treated. When choosing how to treat gonorrhea in women, the doctor will offer topical medications from modern medicine first.

The basis of treatment is antibiotics. If you follow all medical recommendations, you can recover completely in one hundred percent of cases.

Drugs to get rid of gonorrhea:

  1. Penicillin group drugs. In this area, it is nutria and potassium salts (benzylpenicillin) that are most actively used. For acute forms of gonorrhea, three million units are usually prescribed. Other forms of the disease require more severe doses: four to six million units. Treatment begins with six hundred thousand (first injection) three hundred thousand units (subsequent injections). Patients with chronic gonorrhea are treated with intramuscular injections into the buttocks and muscle layer of the cervix.
  2. Ecmonovocillin injections. This is a composition that includes novocaine salt (benzylpenicillin) and ecmoline solution. As a result of mixing, a milky-white mixture is obtained. The resulting medicine lasts longer than a drug made from sodium or potassium salts. The second injection is given twelve hours later. For acute manifestations of the disease for patients, the dose of the course ranges from three to six million units.
  3. Injections of bicillin, which can be classified as a long-acting drug of the penicillin group. If the patient has an acute form of the disease (not complicated), then injections are given at six hundred thousand units every other day.
  4. Injections of ampicillin, a semi-synthetic antibiotic that is well absorbed into the hematopoietic system. If we are talking about an acute form of the disease, then half a gram of ampicillin is given at intervals of four hours.

Antibacterial, antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea

A drug Application
Bassado capsules Prescribed orally one hundred to two hundred milligrams daily (one tablet every twelve hours) after meals.
Doksal Another medicine for gonorrhea in women. Prescribe one hundred milligrams twice a day.
Doxilan Patients are given no more than two hundred milligrams daily for five days.
Zinacef injections One and a half grams once, intramuscularly.
Zinpat Used if the infection has entered the genitourinary system (for diagnoses of urethritis or cervicitis).
Ketocef injections Prescribed in cases where penicillin is contraindicated.
Co-trimoxazole tablets Indicated if chronic infection is detected. One tablet twice a day.
Levomycentin capsules It fights microbial cell division. Take a course of up to ten days.
Lendacin injections It is done in the buttock area, intramuscularly.
Longacef injections Intramuscularly, once a day.
Miramistin solution Can prevent infection if used no later than two hours after unprotected sex. It is injected into the urethra in men, the intimate organs are washed, the pubis, inner thighs and vagina are treated. After this, you do not need to urinate for one and a half to two hours.
Modevid injections Used to treat gonorrhea in women if the course of the disease is not complicated.
Netromycin injections One-time injection, intramuscularly, half the dose into each gluteal muscle.
Novosef injections For uncomplicated gonorrhea, intramuscular injection. The powder should be diluted with novocaine.
Piprax injections Used in case of acute gonorrhea, once, intramuscularly. The dosage is varied by the specialist.
Pipracil injections Intramuscularly, for up to ten days
Raxar tablets If the course of gonococcal infection is not complicated. One-time.
Renor If there is gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis.
Rifamore If there is acute gonorrhea, do it once, on an empty stomach.
Rifogol injections Intramuscularly every eight to twelve hours.
Rovamycin tablets Prescribe no more than six to nine million IU per day, two to three doses.
Rocephin solution Intramuscularly, diluted with lidocaine.
Sinersul tablets If gonococcal urethritis occurs, every 12 hours. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

These are the most active drugs. In addition, the following is used to treat gonococcal infections:

  • “Sulfadimethonic”,
  • "Sumamed"
  • "Sumetrolim"
  • "Tarivid"
  • "Trimosula"
  • “Ciprofloxacin.”
  • Hiconcil capsules (drink on an empty stomach, at intervals of eight to twelve hours),
  • injections of “Cefobid”, “Cefopride”, “Cefotaxime” and “Ciprinol”.

Tsiprosan tablets are not chewed and I take them with plenty of water.

Levomycetin drugs

Levomycetin has a wide spectrum of action. If the form of gonorrhea is acute, then the antibiotic is used at equal intervals (every four hours). At night - after eight hours. Since the drug is potentially dangerous (causes gastrointestinal disorders, irritates the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx), it is recommended to take it half an hour before the next meal.

Tetracycline group drugs

Tetracycline, chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline also have a wide spectrum of action. These drugs for gonorrhea in women are usually prescribed for several days at intervals of seven to eight hours. They are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Antibiotics - macrolides

We are talking about erythromycin and oletethrin tablets - broad-spectrum drugs. The dosage and duration of the course are prescribed by a specialist, based on the severity of the disease.

Aminoglycoside antibiotics

Drugs in this group include tablets of monomycin and kanamycin - broad-spectrum antibiotics, very active “fighters” against gonococci. Medicines from this series are prescribed for a short period of time, as they negatively affect the kidneys and hearing (even to the point of hearing loss).

Gonorrhea is a disease with severe complications. If you suspect you have a gonococcal infection, do not delay, go to the doctor. Self-medication and incorrect dosages of these medications can lead to dire consequences, the worst of which is the inability to have children. And remember that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it.

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