Numbers and what they look like. Rebuses for preschoolers for memorizing graphic images of numbers

Memory training
Methods for memorizing numbers
Method of associations by form

In this chapter, we will also talk about association. But here we will use the word "association" in a slightly different sense, in the sense of similarity. What might the numbers look like? 0 before 9 ? Each number has a shape (how it looks when written), and this shape can remind you of the outlines of some objects, animals, etc.

In other words, the figures in shape may be similar to some objects, that is, with these objects associate. Surely you are familiar with such a school expression: "Bring home a swan." Where did it come from? Of course, due to the fact that the deuce in shape is very reminiscent of a swan. And such a commonly used name for the lowest school grade - "kol"?

It is not difficult to guess where it came from - from the obvious similarity of the shape of the figure " 1 and a cola (a long, pointed stick). So, for the transformation, we will use the similarity of the shapes of numbers with the shapes of objects. Let's start with the simplest numbers, for which in the world around us there is the largest number of objects that resemble them in shape. It " 0 " and " 1 ". Any round or oval object reminds us of " 0 ", and any long and narrow one is similar to " 1 ".

*** Exercise 6.

See what the numbers might look like" 0 " and " 1 ", and try to come up with no less 5 their associations to these numbers. Try to keep your associations varied (rather than list all the piercing objects you know for one and vegetables and fruits for zero). On the one hand, this exercise already requires the presence of imagination and fantasy, and on the other hand, its implementation will help you develop them.

Write down or draw your associations to the numbers " 0 " and " 1 ". Try to mentally imagine what you come up with.

For the rest of the numbers, it is more difficult to come up with visual associations, but more interesting. When you do Exercise No. 6, be sure to sketch, at least schematically, exactly how you represent a number in the form of an object, since many of the association objects are similar to numbers only from a certain angle.

The benefit of the drawing is also that in the future, when you again need to recode the number into an object, you can mentally refer to your drawing. It will, as it were, fix your association in memory. This will take much less time than searching for similar items again.

*** Exercise 7.

Look carefully at the pictures to the numbers from 2 before 9 . Come up with and sketch your associations to these numbers. The more - the better, but not less than 4-5 to each. It is likely that this task will seem difficult to you, so do not try to complete the entire exercise at once. You may have successful associations with numbers tomorrow and in a week. Do not forget that numbers in different fonts can be written differently (for example, 4 and H, seven with a stick in the middle and without, etc.).

Actively use these differences when inventing associations to numbers. The more associations you can come up with for each number, the easier it will be for you to remember them in the future, so it is in your interest to pick up as many of them as possible. You can look closely at the objects around you at home, on the street, at work and ask yourself the question: "What number does it look like?" In doing so, unexpectedly for yourself, you will find many similarities between the shape of the numbers and the objects around you.

You can change the object so that it looks like some number, for example, it is very easy to get a number from a mushroom " 4 ". You just have to imagine that part of his hat has fallen off, or bite an apple so that it looks like a number" 5 ", You can tie a scarf around your neck, and it will already become like" 0 ".

There are a great many objects or their parts that look like numbers (almost every object, with the proper level of imagination, can resemble one or another number in form). Moreover, people with a rich imagination in any subject can "find" a given figure. Sometimes for this the object must be mentally transformed.

For those of you who think he has a lot of fantasy and imagination, you can try the following exercise (quite difficult in my opinion, but perhaps more creative than anything else).

* * * Exercise 8.

Here are three items, in each of which you need to find all ten numbers: WOOD, PACK OF CIGARETTES, KETTLE. You can transform the object as you like, you can use its details and functions. If you cannot find all the numbers in one object, find as many as you can, five numbers is already an excellent result.

Puzzles for children to memorize graphic images of numbers

It often happens that a child can perfectly count up to 1 to 10, but he cannot find the number shown in the picture on his own. The graphic image of a figure for him is a complex abstract concept. Often children confuse numbers that are a little similar to each other, for example, 6 and 9, 8 and 3, 4 and 7.
The development of abstract thinking is not a simple process, as child psychologists believe, since preschoolers are dominated by figurative thinking and direct memory. The process of remembering new information is most easily carried out in game form. The child remembers what was paid attention to in the activity, what was interesting and impressed him. It will be much easier for a preschooler to remember a number if he can find its similarity with some object or animal: 2-swan, 8-points, 7-brush. The following educational-game tasks will help to solve these problems.
Target: with the help of entertaining educational and gaming material, help preschoolers memorize the graphic image of numbers, develop memory, arbitrary attention of children.
By drawing or drawing, the numbers turn into "little men", "animals" or other funny figures.
Looking at the objects shown in the pictures, the child needs to determine what numbers they look like, what numbers are "hidden" in the picture. You can invite the child to come up with what else the number looks like and draw his own rebus.

Here are educational cards - pictures "What do the numbers look like?". Each number in the picture is depicted as an object or object, and in order to quickly learn and remember all the numbers on the cards, funny poems about numbers are printed along with illustrations.

These cards are also suitable for learning numbers at home and in kindergarten.

Download and unzip the archive with cards, print the pictures, stick them on cardboard, cut them and you can work with your child.

With very young kids, you can learn one digit a day, start with one. Show the picture with the number 1 (), then show the picture from the series “What does the number 1 look like?”. Read a rhyme to the child, lay out different toys in front of the baby, 1 each: 1 ball, 1 cube, 1 ring from the pyramid. So the child will understand what is at stake and he will quickly master the material.

The next day, repeat the exercises with the number 1, and then go to the number 2, add toys: now there are 2 balls, 2 cubes and so on.

If you use as much visual colorful and bright material as possible, then it will be much more interesting for children to study.

We wish you pleasant and interesting activities with the kids!

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