Vanga tips for alcoholism. Recipe for alcoholism from Vanga. Better to trust the experts

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    This morning, my neighbor came to my house (who has not read my early posts, I explain: a young, beautiful, hard-working and very neat (when not drinking) woman is a refugee from Ukraine) and asks: “Find me on the Internet some conspiracy against drunkenness. Without wasting time talking, I found and copied on a piece of paper "The strongest conspiracy from drunkenness from Vanga", so, in any case, it was written on the site. The woman left, and I thought about this: “A conspiracy is not just a set of words or sentences, but some kind of universal force that can influence a person’s behavior and actions. And the person making the conspiracy must have a piece of this power, and not just pronounce words from a piece of paper or from memory ?! Or maybe I don't understand something?


    A conspiracy is a very effective tool in the treatment of many diseases, including alcohol addiction. But a conspiracy copied from some source on the Internet (perhaps very dubious) is unlikely to help this woman. It works well only then. when it is read by a folk healer (popularly a grandmother). The energy of a person, the power of suggestion and the faith of the patient himself act here. And a conspiracy read on a piece of paper is unlikely to have a therapeutic effect. But this is my personal opinion.


    But I am sure that if you fervently pray, ask God for help, you will definitely be heard. Of course, if clergy or more knowledgeable people join your prayer, it will be more effective.
    But if you want to conduct a conspiracy on your own, I can advise a water ritual. Put a glass of water, light a candle and read:
    “Water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as moisture will never be reconciled with fire, so I cannot get along with alcohol. Moisture will get inside me, the fire inside me will flood, and the addiction will go away. The candle will go out - the sin will be dispelled by smoke. Amen."
    Then give the patient a drink. The main thing is to believe in healing, the correction of a person, to believe in every word uttered by you. Thank the Lord for every sober day of a person.

    I found this conspiracy from Vanga a long time ago. From friends I heard a lot about him, and there were even those who said that it really helped them, and they have not been drinking for a long time. I did everything as it is written, and faith, as it were, is present, but the result is zero.
    Regarding conspiracies as such: I agree that this is a strong tool, but where to find a real strong conspiracy ?? I found a lot of things on the Internet, but this is not the same. At least nothing has changed, it didn’t help ((Until I find some healer granny and she speaks to me so that it works, I will not believe in all these conspiracy spells. Now this is the only hope for me, but apparently my faith is not enough.

    • Answer modified 2 years/years, 11 months. back by user .
    • Answer modified 2 years/years, 10 months. back by user .


    A conspiracy is effective only when it is spoken by a person who has certain abilities. Just reading the words from a piece of paper will not give any result, you should not hope, and faith has nothing to do with it. In fact, people gifted with special properties often do not even need any conspiracies, they just need to look at the patient, say some simple words and the result will be. I would not be writing if I myself had not witnessed such a healing.

In the modern world, there are many ways to deal with a devastating disease, but not always they are effective. The encoded person, after some time, again begins to experience cravings for alcohol and returns to a dangerous habit. In this case, it is worth turning to folk wisdom: strong conspiracies from healers will help overcome the love of alcohol and get rid of drunkenness once and for all.

In order for the conspiracy to work, you must adhere to certain rules. Healers give some advice on how to make the spell most effective.

  • You do not need to tell anyone around you about the ceremony, even those closest to you. You must keep everything a secret even after the plot works. If you are going to save not yourself, but another person from the disease, then hide your intention from him and say the conspiracy secretly.
  • According to healers, conspiracies to get rid of drunkenness are most powerful if they are read during the waning moon. It is best to conduct the ceremony 2-3 days before the new moon.
  • In order for the conspiracy against drunkenness to be effective, it must be pronounced on the right day. Women speak on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and men on the rest of the week except for Sunday. On Sunday, this ritual is strictly prohibited.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

A strong conspiracy for holy water from a Siberian healer will help you get rid of drunkenness on your own. The ceremony is performed at night, before going to bed.

Put a glass of water on the table, and take a lit church candle in your right hand. Baptize the glass with a candle, pronouncing the text of the plot:

The water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as moisture will never be reconciled with fire, so I cannot get along with alcohol. Moisture will get inside me, the fire inside me will flood, and the addiction will go away. The candle will go out - the sin will be dispelled by smoke. Amen.

Drink water, put out the candle and cross yourself, and then go to bed. In the morning you will wake up a healthy person.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness on the waning moon

This rite is also intended for people who have decided to get rid of a fatal disease. The plot is read on the moon in the last quarter phase, that is, the day before the new moon. If the moon is visible from your house, you can perform the ritual in front of an open window, but if not, it is better to go outside. Look closely at the waning moon and read the plot:

The moon is waning, and my illness is taking with it. In the morning the moon will leave, there will be no trace of addiction. A new moon will be born - a new life will begin. God help me. Amen.

After the ritual, try to avoid prolonged looks at the moon, otherwise the effectiveness of the conspiracy may decrease.

A conspiracy from drunkenness on a photo

Healers advise applying this conspiracy to a person who does not want to get rid of alcohol addiction on their own. Do not forget that the ritual must be carried out in secret from this person.

For a conspiracy, you will need holy water and a picture of an addict. Look at the photo through a container of water and say the words:

Water cleanses the body and spirit, water will save you from drunkenness. Just as the righteous did not eat alcohol, so the servant of God (name) will forget the taste of the potion, and the water will be sweeter than wine for him. The trouble will go away, the Lord will help. Amen.

After that, sprinkle the photo and cross it three times. Remove the picture away from the eyes so that no one finds it and does not pick it up until the addict is cured. Give the rest of the water to drink to the person you spoke to.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on soap

A conspiracy to get rid of a loved one from addiction is read on the soap that only he uses. The ceremony is performed at night after midnight. Take the soap in your hands and start speaking it:

You wash yourself with soap, you forget the taste of alcohol. The soap will melt, and your addiction will melt. As soap will not increase back, so you will not return to drunkenness. Amen.

Such a conspiracy does not imply an instant effect, but alcohol addiction will fade away every day.

Vanga's strong conspiracy for water

The conspiracy of the famous healer Vanga is intended for those who want to save one of the male relatives from drunkenness: husband, brother, father. The plot is read over water, which is then poured into the food or drink of the addicted person for seven days. To apply this method, read the following words over a jug of water:

The water is pure, the water is sinless, giving life to everything. Give a new life to the servant of God (name), so that he does not take anything but water in his mouth, does not poison his life with anything. Cleanse him from sin and protect him from the sinful potion. Amen.

After seven days, the addiction will leave the person. In no case should you add the conjured liquid to alcohol, otherwise the conspiracy will give the opposite result.

Conspiracies from drunkenness will help get rid of terrible addiction, regain health and joy of life. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Many do not believe in the power of witchcraft and rituals until they themselves are forced to use them. Relatives of heavy drinkers often turn to higher powers for help, especially when the person himself does not want to fight alcoholism. Can conspiracies save you from drunkenness and return your beloved husband and dad to the family - read in this article. And for those who are familiar with this problem firsthand, it will be useful to learn the most popular conspiracies from alcoholism.

What is a magical conspiracy and when is it addressed?

People who are far from magic and witchcraft consider the conspiracy to be some kind of mysterious witchcraft rite, but in fact it is nothing more than a verbal formula that has a certain form and purpose of pronunciation. Our distant ancestors used conspiracies, as legend has it, this spell acquires magical properties only when it is pronounced by a strong person who has great faith in what he asks for. That is why the conspiracies that the person himself utters are stronger than those voiced by professional magicians.

The most ancient conspiracies are already millions of years old, in those days the issue of obtaining food was the most acute, which is why people prayed for rain, a good harvest, successful hunting or fishing. In times of epidemics, magic words were used to get rid of diseases. Today, most often they speak of health, love, and drunkenness.

Magic against alcoholism

Defeating alcoholism is a very difficult task, sometimes impossible. It is especially difficult to deal with such a problem when the drinker himself does not want to change anything in his life. He can drink for several years, quit his job and lead an immoral lifestyle, despite all the attempts of his relatives to excommunicate him from the bottle. And when neither pills nor compulsory treatment saves, even the most non-superstitious person will think about other, non-material methods. A loving mother or wife will never leave a loved one to get drunk alone, she will use all possible methods, including a conspiracy from drunkenness. This is a kind of prayer speech addressed to higher powers with a request to heal a loved one from an addiction that destroys his life. In order for the prayer to work, it is necessary for a person to believe in it, a conspiracy from alcoholism will be useless if uttered for the sake of a joke.

Rules for conducting an anti-alcohol conspiracy

The conspiracy against drunkenness is very powerful, because it not only saves one person from an immoral lifestyle, but also normalizes the life of the whole family. The success of the procedure depends entirely on the rules that should be taken into account by everyone who decides to ask for help from the Almighty:

  1. The first and most important rule is faith, do not turn to magic if you do not believe in its power.
  2. Only certain days of the week are suitable for the ritual. If a man drinks, then choose Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and if a lady needs to get rid of the addiction, then Saturday, as well as Friday or Wednesday, will do.
  3. It is best to read a conspiracy against drunkenness on a full moon or on those days when the month is waning.
  4. You should not use many conspiracies and rituals at once, since each of them affects the energy field of both the patient and yourself. The conspiracy does not work instantly, give the drinking person time to correct, and only then, if necessary, try other magical rites.
  5. If you perform the ceremony in secret from the one who drinks, you should not tell anyone about it, especially if the prayer works.
  6. If you offered help to a loved one in the form of a conspiracy, but he refused, wait a bit and say it secretly from him, but you will have to believe in his action with a vengeance.
  7. It is necessary to pronounce the text of the conspiracy in a whisper and alone.
  8. For a greater effect, it is recommended to purchase the Inexhaustible Chalice icon and ask the patient to pray in front of it.
  9. If the drinker himself wants to get rid of the harmful, then let him take a few sips of holy water in the morning before breakfast.
  10. For the maximum benefit of the rite, it is worth fasting in advance, at least three days.

Popular anti-alcohol conspiracies

We bring to your attention some of the most popular conspiracies against drunkenness, they are considered equally effective.

Anti-alcohol ritual with water

As you know, water is a good conductor of energy, both positive and negative. Effective in drunkenness is considered a conspiracy of water, which the patient then drinks in one gulp. Before the procedure, a person should fast for several days, and on the very day when the conspiracy is read, you need to visit the bath and put on clean, better new and snow-white clothes. The words of the conspiracy must be read very quietly in complete solitude:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Depart from me intoxicating spell, let all my desire for hops disappear. Carry you away, drunkenness, with a violent wind into a dark forest, where, apart from evil animals and black birds, there is not a single living soul. Take away, wind, my passion, my pernicious desire, and settle it beyond the seas, beyond the oceans, so that not a single good person can find it. And if my drunkenness is tied to someone else, let it be the most fierce beast in human form, who has done nothing good in his whole life. Get out of me forever wine, insidious potion. May my word be true. Amen".

The result of the ceremony also depends on what kind of water you choose, it is better to give preference to spring water, it is alive and has natural energy. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes, as it is dead.

Soap conspiracy from Vanga

Despite the fact that Vanga has long been dead, most of the conspiracies she wrote are still used today. We will present to you her most powerful conspiracy, which is able to get out of a long binge, and also forever discourage the desire for alcoholic beverages. It is worth buying soap, reading prayer words over it and giving it to the sick person to wash their hands with him. The words are:

“You should never drink again, the servant of God is the name, you should not walk drunk around the world, you should not roam the earth in a drunken stupor. I conjure you, I conjure! As you wash your hands of dirt, so you will heal your soul from drunkenness. Let your addiction disappear without a trace and never find a way back. So that you hate vodka more than your worst enemy, and as you remember it, you spit from the opposite. Amen!".

You need to repeat these words nine times in a row, the charmed soap is put in the usual place so that the alcoholic will wash his hands only with him. Moreover, Vanga herself said that this conspiracy might not work the first time, if necessary, buy another bar of soap and speak it again.

Vanga advised regularly 3 times a day for a month to take two tablespoons of begonia herb in a spoonful of olive oil. Boil 50 g of green walnut shell in a glass of milk for 5 minutes, strain and drink. Take morning and evening. Take one part pomegranate juice, one part white cabbage juice and 1/2 part vinegar, mix everything together, boil for 5 minutes, strain, drink 3 times a day for a month. Add a little vinegar to the mint broth. Take 2 tablespoons daily for a month. To sober up:

    Mix half a teaspoon of ammonia with a glass of cold water, give a drink to a drunk person. Give to drink strong tea with honey. Give drinking hot black coffee without milk and sugar (1 glass). Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of cold water and put a compress on the back of the head. You can drink the same water to a drunk person. Before the expected feast, in order not to get tipsy, drink a cup of well-brewed black or green tea with mint, black coffee or tea with lemon (lemon in coffee and tea neutralizes alcohol). After the feast, this procedure can be repeated. Intoxication (light) passes quickly. A glass of cold water with 20 drops of mint tincture helps sobering up (drink immediately). Intoxication quickly passes, heaviness in the head and headaches are removed.
The following plants have the highest anti-alcohol effect: leuzea, elecampane, sweet clover, club moss, securinega, St.
It must be borne in mind that the use of some of them (ram-ram, securinega, hoof, knykus, hellebore) must be agreed with the doctor, and when prescribing a herbal remedy, strictly observe the indicated doses. Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped St. John's wort herb with half a liter of boiling water . Keep in a boiling water bath for 25 - 30 minutes. Chilled and strained broth take two tablespoons twice a day before breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. Regular intake of decoction causes an aversion to alcohol. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed hoof root into a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Insist, wrapped, for half an hour, strain. Pour a tablespoon of broth into a glass of vodka and let it drink, without saying anything about the fact that something is mixed with vodka. This mixture causes vomiting and a strong aversion to alcohol. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, as the plant is poisonous. Mix and carefully grind 30 grams of lovage grass, 20 grams of horsetail, 20 grams of thyme, 20 grams of juniper berries, 10 grams of cyanosis root. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of boiling water, boil for an additional five minutes over low heat. Insist one hour. Take two tablespoons after breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment is one month. Mix and carefully chop the root of the lovage and the tuber of the two-leafed love, taken in equal quantities. Pour four tablespoons of the mixture overnight with one liter of spring water, simmer in the morning on low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Chilled and filtered broth take one glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two months. A week later, repeat this course (in total, conduct 2-3 courses during the year). During the period of taking the decoction, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol. Pour 10 grams of dry chopped herb club-shaped club moss (ram) with one glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour. Drink half a glass. It must be remembered that the club moss is a poisonous plant, so its internal use requires caution. Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed rosemary leaves with half a liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take a quarter cup 8 to 10 times a day. Mix 40 grams of licorice root, 30 grams of centaury herb, 10 grams of wormwood herb, 10 grams of horsetail and 10 grams of thyme, grind everything thoroughly. Pour three tablespoons of the collection with one liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, cool, strain. Chilled and strained broth taken before meals half a cup three times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Recommended for the treatment of chronic alcoholics. Mix 80 grams of thyme herb and 20 grams of wormwood. Pour two tablespoons of dry chopped mixture with half a liter of boiled water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist an hour, strain and drink one-third of a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Repeat after a month and a half break. 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaves pour a glass of water. Boil 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon 5 - b times a day. Pour 2 tablespoons of thyme herb and two tablespoons of oregano herb with half a liter of boiling water, let it brew, then boil for 15 minutes. If a person is in a state of intoxication, give him one glass of warm strained broth to drink, after two hours - the rest of the dose. The decoction can also be used to treat chronic alcoholism: half a glass of decoction before breakfast and lunch for seven days. Mix 30 grams of thyme herb, 30 grams of wormwood, 25 grams of centaury. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water, boil for an additional five minutes over low heat. Insist one hour. Take two tablespoons after breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment is one month. Pour 200 grams of crushed sour sorrel root with four glasses of water. Insist during the night, simmer on low heat for 10 - 15 minutes, then insist for one hour, strain. Decoction to drink one glass three times a day for 30 - 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Apply for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. Mix in equal amounts the roots and rhizomes of valerian, the grass of the bedstraw, marjoram, thyme, thyme, oregano, mountain and ordinary dubrovnik, leaves and flowers of calendula, hawthorn flowers, hop cones. Pour two tablespoons of this collection with half a liter of boiling water, simmer for an additional 10 minutes over low heat. In a chilled and filtered broth, add 100 milliliters of a 20% alcohol extract of lovage roots. Take a quarter cup daily before breakfast and lunch. A decoction of different herbs: mix 30 grams of sage leaves, 30 grams of peppermint, 30 grams of rosemary, 20 grams of wormwood herb, 20 grams of thyme, 15 grams of lovage roots. Pour two tablespoons of this collection with half a liter of boiling water, additionally simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Chilled and filtered broth take half a cup before each meal. The course of treatment is one and a half months. In the first 10 days, add two teaspoons of tincture to the broth, made in accordance with the recipe for alcoholic tincture of sage, thyme, garden savory, mint, rosemary, fragrant violet. A decoction of different herbs: mix equal amounts of St. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for five minutes. Chilled and filtered broth take half a glass three times a day before meals. Add half a teaspoon of vodka to each serving. The course of treatment is long, 2-3 months. Taking the drug contributes to the development of aversion to alcohol. Infusion of butterbur root, elecampane and bitter almond fruit: 15 grams of butterbur root, 10 grams of elecampane root, 8 grams of bitter almond fruit, grind thoroughly. Infuse the crushed mixture with half a liter of vodka in a dark place at room temperature for a week, shaking daily. Serve 100 grams as an alcoholic drink before breakfast and dinner. The course of treatment is four days in a row. The infusion will cause nausea and aversion to alcohol. Infusion of common and mountain dubrovnik herb: pour two tablespoons of common dubrovnik grass and two tablespoons of mountain dubrovnik with two cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. In a state of intoxication, take one glass of infusion, after two hours - the rest of the dose. Infusion of centaury, wormwood, thyme: mix centaury herb, wormwood and thyme, taken in equal amounts. Three tablespoons of this mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, for two hours and strain. Take one tablespoon four times a day. Infusion of lovage root and noble laurel: put lovage root and two leaves of noble laurel in a glass of vodka. Insist for two weeks and give to drink. This can cause an aversion to alcohol. Infusion of mistletoe leaves and centaury grass: two tablespoons of mistletoe leaves and two tablespoons of centaury herb pour 0.7 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours. Take half a glass three times a day for 2 to 3 days in a row, after a four-day break, repeat the reception. Infusion of parsley fruits and cabbage leaves: pour 30 grams of parsley fruits and 50 grams of fresh cabbage leaves with one liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take one glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. Regular intake of this infusion reduces cravings for alcohol. Creeping thyme infusion: pour 15 grams of creeping thyme herb (thyme) with one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon three times a day. In large doses, in combination with alcohol, thyme causes a nausea-vomiting reaction, which allows it to be successfully used as a decoction orally for the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism. Infusion of yarrow herb and wormwood leaves: two tablespoons of yarrow herb and one tablespoon of wormwood leaves pour 0.6 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day for 2 to 3 days in a row, after a four-day break, repeat the reception. Alcoholic tincture of sage, thyme, garden savory, mint, rosemary, fragrant violet: mix in equal amounts (20 grams each) sage herb, thyme and garden savory, mint and rosemary leaves, fragrant violet flowers. Pour this mixture with half a liter of vodka. Insist for 3-4 days with thorough, at least two shaking every day. Strain the tincture through cheesecloth. If you need alcohol, give one glass of mineral water to drink, to which add two tablespoons of tincture. Every day, increase the dose of tincture by one teaspoon, thus bringing it to six tablespoons. Take this dose for a week, then reduce by one teaspoon daily, bringing it up to one teaspoon. It is important that the alcoholic is not aware of the details of the procedure and be sure that each time before dinner he takes the same dose of alcoholic extract from medicinal plants. Tea from different herbs: for tea collection you need 20 grams of wormwood, 20 grams of common yarrow, 20 grams of St. John's wort, 15 grams of peppermint, 10 grams of angelica officinalis, 10 grams of creeping thyme, 5 grams of common juniper. Mix all herbs well. Brew tea in a porcelain teapot. Pour one tablespoon of dry crushed mixture with one glass of boiling water, leave for 10 - 15 minutes and drink. Drink a glass of infusion 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months. Coffee with clove root powder: To one cup of boiling Turkish coffee (50 grams), add a quarter teaspoon of powdered clove root. Give drink to an alcoholic (once). You can repeat the reception in a day or two. Maral rhizomes with roots (1:1) on brandy (vodka) insist 2 weeks, filter, store in a dark place. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals in a tablespoon of water for 2-3 weeks. In 250 ml of vodka, put a lovage root and two leaves of a noble laurel. Insist 2 weeks. Give a drinking person a glass of such a tincture, and this can cause an aversion to vodka.
  1. Vanga advised regularly 3 times a day for a month to take two tablespoons of begonia herb in a spoonful of olive oil.
  2. Boil 50 g of green walnut shell in a glass of milk for 5 minutes, strain and drink. Take morning and evening.
  3. Take one part pomegranate juice, one part white cabbage juice and 1/2 part vinegar, mix everything together, boil for 5 minutes, strain, drink 3 times a day for a month.
  4. Add a little vinegar to the mint broth. Take 2 tablespoons daily for a month.
  5. To sober up:
    • Mix half a teaspoon of ammonia with a glass of cold water, give a drink to a drunk person.
    • Give to drink strong tea with honey.
    • Give drinking hot black coffee without milk and sugar (1 glass).
    • Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of cold water and put a compress on the back of the head. You can drink the same water to a drunk person.
    • Before the expected feast, in order not to get tipsy, drink a cup of well-brewed black or green tea with mint, black coffee or tea with lemon (lemon in coffee and tea neutralizes alcohol). After the feast, this procedure can be repeated. Intoxication (light) passes quickly.
    • A glass of cold water with 20 drops of mint tincture helps sobering up (drink immediately). Intoxication quickly passes, heaviness in the head and headaches are removed.
  6. The following plants have the highest anti-alcohol effect: leuzea, elecampane, sweet clover, club moss, securinega, St. It must be borne in mind that the use of some of them (plun-ram, securinega, hoof, knykus, hellebore) must be agreed with the doctor, and when prescribing a herbal remedy, the indicated doses must be strictly observed.
  7. 4 tablespoons of chopped St. John's wort, pour half a liter of boiling water. Keep in a boiling water bath for 25-30 minutes. Chilled and strained broth take two tablespoons twice a day before breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. Regular intake of decoction causes an aversion to alcohol.
  8. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed hoof root into a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Insist, wrapped, for half an hour, strain. Pour a tablespoon of broth into a glass of vodka and let it drink, without saying anything about the fact that something is mixed with vodka. This mixture causes vomiting and a strong aversion to alcohol. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, as the plant is poisonous.
  9. Mix and carefully grind 30 grams of lovage grass, 20 grams of horsetail, 20 grams of thyme, 20 grams of juniper berries, 10 grams of cyanosis root. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of boiling water, boil for an additional five minutes over low heat. Insist one hour. Take two tablespoons after breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment is one month.
  10. Mix and carefully chop the root of the lovage and the tuber of the two-leafed love, taken in equal quantities. Pour four tablespoons of the mixture overnight with one liter of spring water, simmer in the morning on low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Chilled and filtered broth take one glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two months. A week later, repeat this course (to conduct 2-3 courses during the year). During the period of taking the decoction, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol.
  11. Pour 10 grams of dry chopped herb club-shaped club moss (ram) with one glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour. Drink half a glass. It must be remembered that the club moss is a poisonous plant, so its internal use requires caution.
  12. Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed rosemary leaves with half a liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take a quarter cup 8-10 times a day.
  13. Mix 40 grams of licorice root, 30 grams of centaury herb, 10 grams of wormwood herb, 10 grams of horsetail and 10 grams of thyme, grind everything thoroughly. Pour three tablespoons of the collection with one liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, cool, strain. Chilled and strained broth taken before meals half a cup three times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Recommended for the treatment of chronic alcoholics.
  14. Mix 80 grams of thyme herb and 20 grams of wormwood. Pour two tablespoons of dry chopped mixture with half a liter of boiled water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist an hour, strain and drink one-third of a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Repeat after a month and a half break.
  15. 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaves pour a glass of water. Boil 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon 5 - b times a day.
  16. Pour 2 tablespoons of thyme herb and two tablespoons of oregano herb with half a liter of boiling water, let it brew, then boil for 15 minutes. If a person is in a state of intoxication, give him one glass of warm strained broth to drink, after two hours - the rest of the dose. The decoction can also be used to treat chronic alcoholism: half a glass of decoction before breakfast and lunch for seven days.
  17. Mix 30 grams of thyme herb, 30 grams of wormwood, 25 grams of centaury. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water, boil for an additional five minutes over low heat. Insist one hour. Take two tablespoons after breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment is one month.
  18. Pour 200 grams of crushed sour sorrel root with four glasses of water. Insist during the night, simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes, then insist for one hour, strain. Decoction drink one glass three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Apply for the treatment of chronic alcoholism.
  19. Mix in equal amounts the roots and rhizomes of valerian, the grass of the bedstraw, marjoram, thyme, thyme, oregano, mountain and ordinary dubrovnik, leaves and flowers of calendula, hawthorn flowers, hop cones. Pour two tablespoons of this collection with half a liter of boiling water, simmer for an additional 10 minutes over low heat. In a chilled and filtered broth, add 100 milliliters of a 20% alcohol extract of lovage roots. Take a quarter cup daily before breakfast and lunch.
  20. A decoction of different herbs: mix 30 grams of sage leaves, 30 grams of peppermint, 30 grams of rosemary, 20 grams of wormwood herb, 20 grams of thyme, 15 grams of lovage roots. Pour two tablespoons of this collection with half a liter of boiling water, additionally simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Chilled and filtered broth take half a cup before each meal. The course of treatment is one and a half months. In the first 10 days, add two teaspoons of tincture to the broth, made in accordance with the recipe for alcoholic tincture of sage, thyme, garden savory, mint, rosemary, fragrant violet.
  21. A decoction of different herbs: mix equal amounts of St. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for five minutes. Chilled and filtered broth take half a glass three times a day before meals. Add half a teaspoon of vodka to each serving. The course of treatment is long, 2-3 months. Taking the drug contributes to the development of aversion to alcohol.
  22. Infusion of butterbur root, elecampane and bitter almond fruit: 15 grams of butterbur root, 10 grams of elecampane root, 8 grams of bitter almond fruit, grind thoroughly. Infuse the crushed mixture with half a liter of vodka in a dark place at room temperature for a week, shaking daily. Serve 100 grams as an alcoholic drink before breakfast and dinner. The course of treatment is four days in a row. The infusion will cause nausea and aversion to alcohol.
  23. Infusion of common and mountain dubrovnik herb: pour two tablespoons of common dubrovnik grass and two tablespoons of mountain dubrovnik with two cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. In a state of intoxication, take one glass of infusion, after two hours - the rest of the dose.
  24. Infusion of centaury, wormwood, thyme: mix centaury herb, wormwood and thyme, taken in equal amounts. Three tablespoons of this mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, for two hours and strain. Take one tablespoon four times a day.
  25. Infusion of lovage root and noble laurel: put lovage root and two leaves of noble laurel in a glass of vodka. Insist for two weeks and give to drink. This can cause an aversion to alcohol.
  26. Infusion of mistletoe leaves and centaury grass: two tablespoons of mistletoe leaves and two tablespoons of centaury herb pour 0.7 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours. Take half a glass three times a day for 2-3 days in a row, after a four-day break, repeat the reception.
  27. Infusion of parsley fruits and cabbage leaves: pour 30 grams of parsley fruits and 50 grams of fresh cabbage leaves with one liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take one glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. Regular intake of this infusion reduces cravings for alcohol.
  28. Creeping thyme infusion: pour 15 grams of creeping thyme herb (thyme) with one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon three times a day. In large doses, in combination with alcohol, thyme causes a nausea-vomiting reaction, which allows it to be successfully used as a decoction orally for the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism.
  29. Infusion of yarrow herb and wormwood leaves: two tablespoons of yarrow herb and one tablespoon of wormwood leaves pour 0.6 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day for 2-3 days in a row, after a four-day break, repeat the reception.
  30. Alcoholic tincture of sage, thyme, garden savory, mint, rosemary, fragrant violet: mix in equal amounts (20 grams each) sage herb, thyme and garden savory, mint and rosemary leaves, fragrant violet flowers. Pour this mixture with half a liter of vodka. Insist for 3-4 days with thorough, at least two shaking every day.
  31. Strain the tincture through cheesecloth. If you need alcohol, give one glass of mineral water to drink, to which add two tablespoons of tincture. Every day, increase the dose of tincture by one teaspoon, thus bringing it to six tablespoons. Take this dose for a week, then reduce by one teaspoon daily, bringing it up to one teaspoon.
  32. It is important that the alcoholic is not aware of the details of the procedure and be sure that each time before dinner he takes the same dose of alcoholic extract from medicinal plants.
  33. Tea from different herbs: for tea collection you need 20 grams of wormwood, 20 grams of common yarrow, 20 grams of St. John's wort, 15 grams of peppermint, 10 grams of angelica officinalis, 10 grams of creeping thyme, 5 grams of common juniper. Mix all herbs well. Brew tea in a porcelain teapot. Pour one tablespoon of the dry crushed mixture with one glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and drink. Drink a glass of infusion 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months.
  34. Coffee with clove root powder: To one cup of boiling Turkish coffee (50 grams), add a quarter teaspoon of powdered clove root. Give drink to an alcoholic (once). You can repeat the reception in a day or two.
  35. Maral rhizomes with roots (1:1) on brandy (vodka) insist 2 weeks, filter, store in a dark place. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals in a tablespoon of water for 2-3 weeks.
  36. In 250 ml of vodka, put a lovage root and two leaves of a noble laurel. Insist 2 weeks. Give a drinking person a glass of such a tincture, and this can cause an aversion to vodka.
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