The best connection. The best telecom operator. Why sometimes the network of mobile operators "falls"? What mobile network

Good day to all fans of telecom. We continue to tell you about the most interesting moments of the MTS network together with Andrey Seregin, Director of the MTS Converged Networks and Services Operations Department.

Recall that in our first post, Andrey Vyacheslavovich told how our Mobile Network Operational Management Center in Krasnodar works. In the second post - answered your questions about the work of the center. Today Andrei Vyacheslavovich will answer the question of concern to everyone, why the network of mobile operators sometimes “falls”.

Each subscriber, sooner or later, may face a situation where, with a good network signal level, it is not possible to make a call or download / send information. I propose to talk about the reasons for this phenomenon in cellular networks and the capabilities of operators to minimize inconvenience for subscribers.

In the language of technical specialists, this situation is called “local overloads”. In our lives, we also often encounter “local congestion” - whether on the road in a Friday traffic jam at the exit of the city or even in a shopping center in line for a new iPhone on the night of the start of sales. Network bottlenecks can also occur at some time or in some place.

Our network never drops at the switching level or “on transport”, because a large bandwidth is always maintained there. Problems arise, as a rule, on the radio subsystem. Here, for example, there is a tower with a base station far outside the city, in an open field. In a normal environment, she has a load of 10 erlangs (continuous use of the voice channel) - that is, 10 people are always talking at the same time. These can be, for example, grandmothers from a neighboring village, summer residents, vacationers from a nearby boarding house, drivers of cars passing nearby, etc. In general, the base station can be designed for 28 calls at the same time. And suddenly 50 people come to a corporate party in this field or boarding house. And everyone starts calling at the same time. Naturally, they will “overwhelm” this station. It will be comparable to how in the subway 50 people at the same time try to squeeze through one car door.

By the way, since we are talking about the subway. Communication in the subway has an interesting feature. If you are traveling in a tunnel, and there is no network signal between the stations, then when the train arrives at the station, your phone, as well as the phones of hundreds of other subscribers, will simultaneously begin to establish a connection with the network that has appeared. At this point, signaling service channels become the bottleneck. Due to a sudden overload, this will temporarily prevent you from sending / receiving data or making calls.

After a while, the alarm avalanche subsides, and Internet pages will start loading again, and calls will reach subscribers. But as soon as the train leaves the station, the connection may be interrupted again.

What can an operator who cares about subscribers do in such situations?

In the subway, it is best, of course, to lay a radiating cable in the tunnel so that the radio coverage is continuous. This will fix the root cause of the problem. You can also deal with the consequences of the problem by increasing the number of signaling channels or choosing special parameters for metro base stations that reduce the signal load. All this is done depending on the technical capabilities and engineering difficulties.

But back to our topic. Naturally, in order to solve the problem of network congestion in the event of a massive congestion of subscribers, additional base stations are installed: directly in boarding houses, business and shopping centers, at sports stadiums, and in entertainment complexes. These are the so-called indoor base stations.

It is important to proactively monitor the development of a city or region and, even at the stage of construction of new facilities, lay all communication channels and install indoor base stations. It is also necessary to keep track of planned major events: concerts, sports games, forums, congresses, etc., in order to assess the network's capabilities in advance and manage to bring them up to the required level.

In general, this is already familiar, one might say, everyday work of each operator. Interestingly, recently operators have begun to join forces to jointly build a high-capacity network in local areas. This was most clearly manifested when providing communications to new stadiums being built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.


A fairly new and interesting technology introduced here in Moscow is SON (self-organizing network - self-organizing networks). Among the many useful features of SON are features that help avoid network crashes. How it works? Let's say some base station goes down - what will the SON system do? She looks at the statistics - if the traffic is distributed between the stations and the coverage quality has suffered slightly, then, of course, she does nothing. If SON sees that the traffic has “dipped” and a “hole” has appeared in the coverage and that subscribers from the station that turned off have not been redistributed anywhere, then it increases power, changes the angles of the antennas of neighboring stations in order to cover this area with a signal. The "wound" on the net is being healed. So SON can be called the "doctor" for the network.

Similar to the “doctor” function, SON can almost instantly change the parameters of base stations in order to reduce congestion at one base station at the expense of the resource of neighboring ones. The algorithm is similar to the one described above, only it is applied not when the BS fails, but when it is under excessive load.

New Year

New Year's Eve is a special example of network congestion, which can hardly be called local. In the first hours of the New Year, the load on the network increases wherever there are subscribers celebrating the New Year. It is worth noting that no one in the world expands base stations for such a surge in load.

At the same time, for the New Year, we are introducing special network parameters that allow you to pass an increased load to the detriment of some secondary functions. For example, we disable repaging. What does it mean. If someone tries to call you, the first thing the network does is look for you by sending out paging messages. Whether you are in a network coverage area or not. If your phone does not answer the network request, then it sends messages again and again. When the network is overloaded on New Year's Eve, many requests or responses are "lost", and it turns out that we "fill up" ourselves with repeated paging. Therefore it is better to make paging once. If you don't answer, the person will simply re-dial. But others will call.

In recent years, on New Year's Eve, we have observed the following trend: bursts of voice traffic and SMS are decreasing. People are less likely to call or send SMS immediately after the chiming clock. Right now, data transmission is on the rise. People congratulate each other in social networks and through instant messengers.

Although there are still overloads on New Year's Eve on Red Square. But in general, in Moscow there is no such rush as it was 10 years ago. So the New Year is going pretty "boring" right now.

There are different mobile networks in Russia. Each company has its pros and cons, some tempting and useful, profitable offers. Whom does the population of the Russian Federation trust the most? Which operator is recommended to use for certain needs? Understanding all this is not so difficult if you pay attention to the reviews of real subscribers. Operators always praise their products. But the real picture often does not match the promises. So which companies in Russia are recommended to pay attention to first of all? Who offers the most profitable and high-quality services?

What to use?

The first step is to decide for what purpose you plan to use the mobile device and its network. Each operator is good in one area or another. And this factor will have to be taken into account. After all, there are no perfect companies.

In general, they are used for the following needs:

  • Job ;
  • downloading videos;
  • video communication;
  • exchange of data and messages on the Internet;
  • SMS communication.

It should be noted that mobile operators are actively promoting television services, as well as home Internet. Because of this, it became more difficult to determine the service company.

List of operators

And among whom can you choose? What mobile networks are the most common in Russia? Different companies operate in different cities. But in the Russian Federation there is a generally accepted list of mobile network operators. They are available in almost every city.

Today, choose a company to provide mobile communication services from the following list:

  • Yota;
  • "Tele 2";
  • "MTS";
  • "Beeline";
  • "Megaphone".

It is these operators that are most common in Russia. Therefore, they should be given special attention. What are the pros and cons of each company? What can they offer their clients?

Influencing factors

Mobile operators are usually evaluated on several indicators. They can have a serious impact on the decision of the subscriber. After the citizen has decided on the purpose of using the mobile network, an assessment should be made of all existing companies offering this service.

But what points should be paid attention first of all? Among the main factors influencing the decision of a potential subscriber are:

  • service cost;
  • connection quality;
  • signal level in the village;
  • tariff plans;
  • the quality of the Internet;
  • customer reviews.

Accordingly, networks are usually evaluated according to these indicators. What can each operator offer? In what cases and what tariffs will be considered the most favorable?


Yota is a relatively new company. It is only gaining distribution in Russia. That is why there are not so many reviews about it. Offers good home internet with a separate signal booster antenna.

The cost of services from this operator is high. That's what potential clients say. It is noted that citizens experience frequent network failures, the Internet speed drops. Therefore, focusing on "Iota" should not be. At least for now. It is recommended only for extremely patient subscribers who are ready to wait until the operator becomes large and widespread, and also acquires a stable connection.


The next option offered to residents is Megafon. This company has existed in Russia for a long time, it is considered one of the largest. The mobile networks of this firm receive a variety of customer reviews. Many indicate that Megafon does not differ in the quality of communication. The network does not work very well: the Internet is slow, various failures often occur, and with a heavy load, it is problematic to get through to relatives. Nevertheless, customer opinions also point to the fact that Megafon's services are cheap compared to competitors.

The networks of mobile devices from this company do not work very stable, but all communications are budgetary. You don't have to pay a lot to view messages on the Internet or make a call. Subscribers recommend Megafon to those who prefer not to use the mobile network too actively.

What offers and tariffs are most often of interest to users? Now packaged services are very popular. Among them are the following tariffs:

  • XS - 100 free minutes of calls and SMS messages, 1 GB of Internet traffic, as well as free calls within Russia to Megafon are provided;
  • S - all indicators mentioned above increase: Internet has a limit of 4 GB, SMS 300 pieces and "free" calls in the amount of 300 minutes;
  • M - 1,200 messages and minutes for dialogues, 15 GB of Internet traffic;
  • L - limits are increased to 1,500 minutes and messages, but there is less Internet traffic - 15 GB;
  • VIP - offers 3,000 SMS and minutes of conversation, 15 GB of information on the Internet.

All of the above tariffs are valid even when traveling in Russia. The only exception is the very first sentence. Home Internet, according to reviews, does not work very well with Megafon.

"Tele 2"

Tele2 is a company that is actively developing. It is not yet available in all cities, which upsets many customers. But where Tele2 is available, subscribers are satisfied with the use of this operator.

Perfect for the Internet: social networks (mobile or desktop - it doesn't matter) open quickly, data loads in the shortest possible time, images are shown without errors. Subscribers indicate that Tele2 is suitable for using the Internet on a mobile device.

In general, communication is good. So far, many from Tele2 are repelled by the fact that this operator is not distributed throughout Russia. But this is far from the most important factor. The company's prices are not too high. Customers notice in their reviews that you can find very advantageous offers from this company. Not the most expensive, but not too cheap mobile network either.

  • "Cherny" - 500 MB of Internet, free calls within the region to "Tele2" (the service is present on all packages), 200 minutes of free calls with this operator throughout Russia.
  • "Very black" - 300 minutes, the same number of free SMS, 4 GB of Internet traffic.
  • "The blackest" - 6 GB of internet, 500 minutes of calls, 500 messages.
  • "Super Black" - 800 SMS, 800 minutes, 8 GB of traffic.
  • "Unlimited black" - 200 messages within Russia, 200 minutes of dialogue to numbers in the home region and Russia, unlimited Internet traffic.


The following mobile networks are Beeline services. This operator is one of the largest of its kind. It is in great demand among customers. Reviews indicate that quite often for the home Internet, as well as for working on the World Wide Web through mobile devices, citizens prefer this option.

True, Beeline sometimes has failures. The connection itself works stably, only with a heavy load there are problems. Customer dissatisfaction is caused by price tags for services. In Russia, Beeline is considered the most expensive operator to which mobile phones are connected. Social networks, videos and photos load quickly, but you will have to pay for all this. Moreover, this principle applies to mobile services and home Internet.

What offers are of most interest to subscribers? Now the line "Everything!" Has gained popularity. Thanks to her, you can get:

  • "ALL for 300": 100 SMS messages, 400 minutes of free calls, 10 GB of traffic.
  • "All for 500": with prepayment, all the indicated indicators increase, respectively, up to 300 pieces per month, 800, 18 GB, with postpaid - 600 minutes and messages, unlimited Internet.
  • "All for 800": prepaid offers 22 GB of internet traffic, 1,200 minutes of conversations, 500 messages, postpaid - unlimited network, 1,500 SMS and minutes each.


The last operator for today that has mobile networks is MTS. This is also a large organization. Many point out that MTS is Beeline's main competitor. The connection quality is a little worse, but, nevertheless, it still works stably.

But the cost of services pleases. Both at home Internet, and at package options and tariffs. It is most advantageous to use if many are connected to MTS in the immediate environment. It is also suitable for home Internet: there are practically no failures, the network is poorly caught only in forest areas or places remote from civilization.

What offers might be of interest? Of course, package options. This network actively offers them. that do not allow you to use the Internet, almost gone. Therefore, subscribers prefer tariffs that immediately offer both a mobile network and the Internet. The following plans are in demand at MTS:

  • Smart: Internet for 4 GB, 500 SMS within Russia, the same number of free minutes for calls within the country, unlimited communication with MTS.
  • "Smart Unlimited": 200 minutes, 200 messages, unlimited internet, free calls to MTS within Russia.
  • Smart + - 6 GB of Internet traffic, 900 minutes and SMS each, free communication with MTS throughout the country.


Now it is clear which mobile network operators are most common in Russia. Which option to choose? This must be decided by everyone on their own. You should pay attention to what company your loved ones use and those with whom you constantly communicate. You can see that almost all companies have free calls within the network.

History of development

The emergence of mobile Internet is directly related to the development of mobile technologies. The first access to the Internet via telephone was carried out using CSD communication technology, where traffic was counted by session time. At the same time, the Internet was very expensive.

Then came the WAP technology, which allowed not to pay for the time spent on the Internet, but to pay only for the size of the downloaded information. There was an opportunity to come through the mobile Internet to a mailbox.

The move towards a faster and more affordable Internet is associated with the advent of GPRS technology. GPRS is similar in principle to the Internet: data is broken into packets and sent to the recipient (not necessarily by the same route), where they are assembled. When a session is established, each device is assigned a unique address, which essentially turns it into a server. The GPRS protocol is transparent to TCP/IP, so the integration of GPRS with the Internet is invisible to the end user. This technology opened up access to programs such as ICQ, which made it possible to use new methods of communication.

At the moment, technologies are actively developing. Now the third generation network covers the territory of large cities, as well as their suburbs. is a new generation network that allows you to use the Internet at speeds several times higher than in a conventional 2G network.

It is necessary to mention one more technology that is now implemented in almost all mobile devices - WiFi technology. Now, anywhere with an access point, you can watch a movie, play games, work, look for something and more.

The development of technology helps to use all the advantages of the mobile Internet almost anywhere in the world. Every year, the speed and quality of mobile Internet are increasing, and its cost is regularly becoming cheaper.

In the world

The success of the mobile Internet in the world is closely related to the active development of mobile communication and data transmission technologies.

Mobile communications and data transmission technologies are an actively developing area in the world of modern information technologies. The development of data transmission technologies leads to the restructuring of the entire information industry and the integration of telecommunications, computer and television networks. The development of wireless mobile communication technologies is changing the lifestyle of a person himself. The combination of these technologies provides mobile access to the resources of the Internet, which will ultimately change its world. Various mobile data services based on mobile Internet access technology provide subscribers with a wide range of online services:

  • transactions with securities
  • purchase of goods
  • Bank operations
  • payments on accounts of various types
  • orientation and search for objects in the city

According to a study conducted in 17 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, 2008 was marked by a significant increase in the number of mobile Internet users. If in 2007 the number of subscribers using mobile Internet was 3.6% of the total number of network users, then in 2008 it increased to 12%.

Mobile internet/smartphone penetration worldwide: France 60/30%, Germany 94/22%, England 71/46%, Italy 72/22%.

Mobile Internet is in the TOP-10 mobile phone transactions and its rating continues to grow.

In Russia

Despite a significant lag behind the world leaders in terms of mobile Internet penetration, Russia is in first place among European countries.

The number of mobile Internet users in Russia continues to increase every year. The increase in sales of smartphones affects this process in the most active way, because a third of all owners of "smart" phones daily connect to the network with their help. If in 2007 the number of users using mobile access was only 3.6% of the total number of Internet users, then in 2008 it increased to 12%, and in 2011 it was already 18%.

According to TNS, users aged 12-24 are the most active when using mobile Internet. Mobile Internet today in 100K+ cities: 11.6 million people per month, 7.9 million people. per week, 3.0 million people in a day .

Most of all, users of the mobile Internet are in demand for information search (71%), communication in social networks (64%), use of e-mail (63%), communication on forums and blogs (40%).

Third-generation mobile Internet services are offered mainly by Big Three operators. For example, the VimpelCom company (Beeline brand) has been providing access to mobile Internet since the beginning of 2000 using WAP technology, and since 2008 using technology.

In the latest CISCO report, mobile data traffic is predicted to grow 26 times by 2015. The penetration of smartphones will increase over this period by 1.5 times (Russia - from 12 to 17%), penetration will increase in Russia from the current 15-17% to 50%.

Mobile internet for work

The main advantage of the mobile Internet for company employees is the freedom of movement with access to the necessary information. Among the main advantages of the mobile Internet for working people, there are several separate areas: working with corporate and personal mail, working with documents of various formats, using access to corporate networks and using special corporate applications.

Among the many advantages of mobile Internet, company managers distinguish:

  • Permanent access to official correspondence, which allows you to significantly simplify and speed up the workflow of the organization.
  • The ability to manage the desktop of an office computer on a business trip, having only a mobile device at its disposal.
  • Access to the company's intranet and address book saves the employee from having to find out the contacts they need at the moment, which are already included in corporate databases.

Mobile Internet has long become not a luxury, but a necessary tool for increasing labor productivity.

Organizations provide mobile workers with the tools and resources they need, and most importantly, communications that work just as efficiently as in the office. An example is the mobile VPN service from Beeline. Using this service, even outside the office, you can view the company's corporate portal, work with the database and network files, and provide access to corporate applications from any mobile device.

Mobile Internet is also indispensable when using various business applications, which are becoming more and more every day.

According to research conducted by research company Ipsos Reid, the average user of a BlackBerry solution (a smartphone that specializes in mobile Internet use and secure data transfer) converts 60 minutes of non-productive time into productive time every day, which corresponds to 250 hours per year. The efficiency of the group that uses BlackBerry increases by 38%, and the conservatively calculated ROI (return on investment ratio), provided that 100 people use the service in the company, is 238% with a return period of 154 days.

Today, for each mobile smartphone platform (Android, iOS, BlackBerry, etc.), many applications based on the mobile Internet have been developed. For everyday use, these can be applications that show the current weather, traffic jams, news, etc. But for companies, such mobile Internet-based applications also increase business efficiency. For example, they can be used to track business news, follow stock quotes, approve contracts, approve business trips, and much more.

Mobility is an important success factor for any modern company. It can be achieved using various devices: laptops, netbooks, tablets, smartphones and other personal devices with wireless access to the Web. All this allows managers of all levels, engineers, couriers, agents, lawyers, consultants and many others to solve problems of various levels of complexity, wherever they are.

Free Mobile Internet Resources

Many telecom operators today provide free mobile resources. So Beeline made a breakthrough in the Russian mobile Internet market due to the fact that it began to offer customers such resources for using social networks:,, and, interactive SMS exchange with social networks, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Livejournal, Mamba, Twitter and free access to the map resource on from a mobile phone.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Mobile Internet" is in other dictionaries:

    Wireless Internet access technology based on the WAP protocol. The transport for transmitting requests in mobile networks is the GPRS Packet Data Service or CSD. English: Mobile Internet See also: Mobile Internet… … Financial vocabulary

    Mobile Internet- Technology of wireless Internet access based on the WAP protocol. The transport for transmitting requests in mobile networks can be the GPRS (general packet radio service) or CSD (circuit switched data) service. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    A mobile site is a source of information located on a network or on a local media at a specific address (domain), created for viewing on compact devices, most often for viewing using a mobile browser. Into the concept ... ... Wikipedia

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    The Internet in Romania is the Romanian segment of the World Wide Web. At the end of 2010, there were 7.8 million Internet access points in Romania, of which 4 million were Broadband technology. The main domain ... ... Wikipedia

    The Internet in China appeared in 1994, and now China is the leader in the number of Internet users of 298 million, which surpasses the former leader of the United States. Contents 1 History ... Wikipedia

    Appeared in 1994, and now China is already the leader in the number of Internet users of 298 million, which surpasses the former leader of the United States. Contents 1 History 2 Present ... Wikipedia

    The Internet in China appeared in 1994, and now China is already the leader in the number of Internet users of 298 million, which surpasses the former leader of the United States. Contents 1 History 2 Present ... Wikipedia

    There are many intermediary companies in Belarus that provide Internet access services to both individuals and corporate clients. On February 1, 2010, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Decree No. 60 “On measures to ... ... Wikipedia


cellular, mobile network- one of the types of mobile radio communications, which is based on cellular network. The key feature is that the total coverage area is divided into cells (cells) determined by the coverage areas of individual base stations (BS). The cells partially overlap and together form a network. On an ideal (flat and undeveloped) surface, the coverage area of ​​one BS is a circle, so the network composed of them looks like honeycombs with hexagonal cells (honeycombs).

The network consists of transceivers spaced apart in space, operating in the same frequency range, and switching equipment that allows you to determine the current location of mobile subscribers and ensure communication continuity when a subscriber moves from the coverage area of ​​one transceiver to the coverage area of ​​another.


The first use of mobile telephone radio in the United States dates back to 1921 when the Detroit police used one-way dispatch communication in the 2 MHz band to transmit information from a central transmitter to vehicle-mounted receivers. In 1933, the NYPD began using a two-way mobile telephone radio system, also on the 2 MHz band. In 1934, the US Federal Communications Commission allocated 4 channels for telephone radio communications in the range of 30-40 MHz, and in 1940, about 10 thousand police vehicles were already using telephone radio communications. All of these systems used amplitude modulation. Frequency modulation began to be used in 1940 and by 1946 had completely supplanted amplitude modulation. The first public mobile radiotelephone appeared in 1946 (St. Louis, USA; Bell Telephone Laboratories), it used the 150 MHz band. In 1955, an 11-channel system began operating in the 150 MHz band, and in 1956, a 12-channel system in the 450 MHz band. Both of these systems were simplex and used manual switching. Automatic duplex systems began operating in 1964 (150 MHz) and 1969 (450 MHz) respectively.

In the USSR, in 1957, Moscow engineer L. I. Kupriyanovich created a prototype of a wearable automatic duplex mobile radiotelephone LK-1 and a base station for it. The mobile radiotelephone weighed about three kilograms and had a range of 20-30 km. In 1958, Kupriyanovich created improved models of the apparatus, weighing 0.5 kg and the size of a cigarette box. In the 1960s Hristo Bochvarov in Bulgaria demonstrates his prototype pocket mobile radiotelephone. At the Interorgtekhnika-66 exhibition, Bulgaria presents a set for organizing local mobile communication from PAT-0.5 and ATRT-0.5 pocket mobile phones and a RATC-10 base station that connects 10 subscribers.

At the end of the 50s, the development of the Altai car radiotelephone system began in the USSR, which was put into trial operation in 1963. The Altai system initially operated at a frequency of 150 MHz. In 1970, the Altai system operated in 30 cities of the USSR and a 330 MHz band was allocated for it.

Similarly, with natural differences and on a smaller scale, the situation developed in other countries. Thus, in Norway, public telephone radio has been used as maritime mobile communications since 1931; in 1955 there were 27 coastal radio stations in the country. Land mobile communications began to develop after World War II in the form of private hand-switched networks. Thus, by 1970, mobile telephone radio communication, on the one hand, had already become quite widespread, but on the other hand, it clearly did not keep pace with rapidly growing needs, with a limited number of channels in strictly defined frequency bands. The solution was found in the form of a cellular communication system, which made it possible to dramatically increase the capacity due to the reuse of frequencies in a system with a cellular structure.

Cellular systems

Separate elements of the cellular communication system existed before. In particular, some semblance of a cellular system was used in 1949 in Detroit (USA) by a taxi dispatch service - with the reuse of frequencies in different cells with manual channel switching by users in predetermined places. However, the architecture of what is today known as a cellular system was only outlined in a Bell System technical report submitted to the US Federal Communications Commission in December 1971. Since that time, the development of the actual cellular communication begins.

In 1974, the US Federal Communications Commission decided to allocate a 40 MHz frequency band for cellular communications in the 800 MHz band; in 1986 another 10 MHz was added to it in the same range. In 1978, Chicago began testing the first experimental cellular communication system for 2,000 subscribers. Therefore, 1978 can be considered the year of the beginning of the practical application of cellular communications. The first automatic commercial cellular system was also put into operation in Chicago in October 1983 by American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T). In Canada, cellular communication has been used since 1978, in Japan since 1979, in Northern European countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland) since 1981, in Spain and England since 1982. As of July 1997 Cellular communications operated in more than 140 countries on all continents, serving more than 150 million subscribers.

The first commercially successful cellular network was the Finnish Autoradiopuhelin (ARP) network. This name is translated into Russian as "Car Radiotelephone". Launched in 1971, it reached 100% coverage in Finland in 1978, and in 1986 it had over 30,000 subscribers. The network operated at a frequency of 150 MHz, the cell size was about 30 km.

The principle of operation of cellular communication

The main components of a cellular network are cell phones and base stations, which are usually located on rooftops and towers. When turned on, the cell phone listens to the air, finding a signal from the base station. The phone then sends its unique identification code to the station. The telephone and the station maintain constant radio contact, periodically exchanging packets. The phone can communicate with the station using an analog protocol (AMPS, NAMPS, NMT-450) or digital (DAMPS, CDMA, GSM, UMTS). If the phone goes out of range of the base station (or the quality of the radio signal of the service cell deteriorates), it establishes communication with another (Eng. handover).

Cellular networks can consist of base stations of different standards, which allows you to optimize the network and improve its coverage.

Cellular networks of different operators are connected to each other, as well as to the fixed telephone network. This allows subscribers of one operator to make calls to subscribers of another operator, from mobile phones to landlines and from landlines to mobiles.

Operators can conclude roaming agreements among themselves. Thanks to such contracts, the subscriber, being outside the coverage area of ​​his network, can make and receive calls through the network of another operator. As a rule, this is carried out at increased rates. The possibility of roaming appeared only in 2G standards and is one of the main differences from 1G networks.

Irina Yasina, head of the Regional Journalism Club, recalls:

By July 1997, the total number of subscribers in Russia was about 300,000. For 2007, the main cellular communication protocols used in Russia are GSM-900 and GSM-1800. In addition, CDMA networks also work, in the CDMA-2000 standard, aka IMT-MC-450. Also, GSM operators are making a smooth transition to the UMTS standard. In particular, the first fragment of the network of this standard in Russia was put into operation on October 2, 2007 in St. Petersburg by MegaFon.

Based on a study of the Russian cellular communications market, IDC concluded that in 2005 the total duration of conversations on the cell phone of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation reached 155 billion minutes, and 15 billion text messages were sent.

According to the data of the British research company Informa Telecoms & Media for 2006, the average cost of a minute of cellular communication for a consumer in Russia was $0.05 - this is the lowest figure among the G8 countries.

In December 2007, the number of cellular communication users in Russia grew to 172.87 million subscribers, in Moscow - up to 29.9 million, in St. Petersburg - up to 9.7 million. 176%, St. Petersburg - 153%. In December 2011, the level of penetration in Russia - up to 156%, Moscow - 212.1%, St. Petersburg - 215.6%. The market share of the largest cellular operators as of December 2007 was: MTS 30.9%, VimpelCom 29.2%, MegaFon 19.9%, other operators 20%.

According to a study by J "son & Partners, the number of SIM cards registered in Russia as of the end of November 2008 reached 183.8 million. This figure is due to the lack of subscription fees on popular tariff plans from Russian mobile operators and the low cost of connecting to the network Subscribers in some cases have SIM cards of different operators, while they may not use them for a long time, or use one SIM card in their office mobile phone, and the other for personal conversations.

In December 2008, there were 187.8 million cellular users in Russia (in terms of the number of SIM cards sold). The penetration rate of cellular communications (number of SIM-cards per 100 inhabitants) on that date was thus 129.4%. In the regions, excluding Moscow, the penetration rate exceeded 119.7%.

The penetration rate at the end of 2009 reached 162.4%.

As of April 2010 market share in Russia by subscribers: MTS - 32.9%, MegaFon - 24.6%, VimpelCom - 24.0%, Tele2 - 7.5%, other operators - 11.0%

Cellular services

Cellular operators provide the following services:

  • Voice call;
  • AON (Automatic Caller ID) and AntiAON;
  • Reception and transmission of multimedia messages - images, melodies, video (MMS service);
  • Access to the Internet ;
  • Video call and video conference

see also



  • The basis of a cellular network - how base stations are built - a review article on the site (Russian)
  • Cellular Control Center - a look from the inside - a review article on the site (Russian)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Cellular communication" is in other dictionaries:

    - (English cellular phone, mobile radio relay communication), a type of radiotelephone communication in which the end devices of mobile phones (see MOBILE PHONE) are connected to each other using a cellular network of a set of special transceivers ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    One of the types of mobile radio communication, which is based on a cellular network. The key feature is that the total coverage area is divided into cells (cells) determined by the coverage areas of individual base stations (BS). Honeycombs partially ... ... Glossary of business terms

    Cellular communication of the third generation- Cellular networks of the third generation (3rd Generation, or 3G) operate at frequencies in the range of about 2 gigahertz and provide data transmission at speeds up to 2 megabits per second. Such characteristics allow the use of a mobile phone in ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

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    The article contains errors and/or typos. It is necessary to check the content of the article for compliance with the grammatical norms of the Russian language ... Wikipedia

In the article:

Mobile communication is an integral life attribute of every person, providing free communication, correspondence and access to the global network. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of cellular services, as well as to choose a more efficient and convenient alternative for them.

At the same time, several providers are simultaneously represented in the modern mobile communications market, which compete with each other and constantly improve the quality and conditions of customer service. Based on official statistics, the most popular providers in Russia include Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Iota. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine their general and subjective usefulness for subscribers. But in order for you to be able to make the final choice and decide for yourself which cellular operator is better, you need to know these very weak and strong points of cellular companies.

Internet assistant will help you understand the difficult issue of choosing the best mobile operator for you, pointing out the pros and cons of each of them.

We will immediately note your suspicions about the marketing component of our article. We are not going to advertise anyone, but we will operate only with facts and objective opinions of experienced users. Anyway, the final decision on whose SIM-card will be installed in your device remains solely with you.

Which cellular company is better: a description of the features of operators

It is logical to assume that the whole complexity of choosing an operator is based precisely on the determination of complex competitive advantages both in terms of communication quality and coverage area, as well as the variability of tariff plans and the level of technical support. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of each of the providers.


The mobile operator MTS has been providing high-quality communication services since 1993 and has established itself as a reliable and affordable provider. The company has the largest subscriber base (over 100 million people), implements advanced technologies in a timely manner, actively develops high-speed mobile networks, and provides a single Internet for all devices.


  • High quality connection. Thanks to extensive experience in customer service and the use of modern telecommunications equipment, the operator guarantees stable and high-quality communication among dense buildings, inside and outside buildings.
  • Thoughtful tariff plans with Internet. MTS is always ready to offer favorable tariffs with a large amount of traffic for subscribers who need constant and uninterrupted Internet surfing. In addition, night unlimited or completely unlimited mobile Internet is provided.
  • Developed roaming network. Long-term partnerships with national and foreign mobile operators allow MTS to provide its users with comfortable communication anywhere in the country and the world.


  • Relatively high rates for services. The question of the price of MTS communications is rather complicated and confusing. In general, the company offers affordable and favorable rates. But some tariff plans that have similar functional content with competitors, however, cost the user more.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Own network coverage is a weak point of the provider. According to this indicator, the company loses to both Beeline and Megafon. At the same time, the democratic cost of roaming services largely compensate for this shortcoming.
  • Poor quality of technical support. This problem is not unique to MTS, but is common to all operators. But it is in relation to MTS that it manifests itself most clearly because of the huge customer base. Getting through to a customer support center specialist is often not only difficult, but almost impossible. The same users who actively use the provider's self-service services (,) do not notice such a problem. This suggests that against the backdrop of the growing popularity of online services, the difficulties with dialing into the MTS call center are gradually losing their significance and relevance.


Megafon is one of the undisputed leaders in the Russian telecommunications market. The provider has been working for almost 15 years and during this time the number of subscribers has exceeded 90 million people.


  • The largest coverage area in Russia. Each subscriber of the company may not worry that in some corner of the country he will face the problem of lack of mobile communications. Even remote and sparsely polluted regions of Russia are equipped with Megafon base stations. It is clear that with a low number of users, the cost of maintaining the equipment cannot be fully replenished. But the company purposefully goes for it in order to have a clear advantage over competitors and become the No. 1 provider in Russia.
  • Active introduction of advanced technologies. Megafon carefully monitors global trends in the telecommunications market and immediately introduces promising technologies and services. It pioneered mobile video communication capabilities and provided users with high-speed 4G+ mobile Internet at 300 Mbps. The reliability and stability of the company is also evidenced by the fact that Megafon became the official provider of mobile services as part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
  • High internet speed. We have already mentioned that high-speed broadband Internet access is becoming Megafon's signature feature. True, the situation here is rather specific and unusual for Russian realities. No, high-speed Internet has not gone away, but almost all full-scale tariff plans associated with it went to the new Megafon brand - Yota.


  • Weak tech support. Let's not dwell too much on this point. Let's say that there are the same difficulties here as those of MTS, as well as ways to solve them using online self-service services. After registering on the provider's website, subscribers can use the functionality that allows them to independently solve a huge list of problems of setting up communications, managing an account and a tariff plan. The same features are implemented in the mobile application "MegaFon. Personal Area".
  • The complexity of tariff plans. In comparison with other providers, Megafon has the most difficult system of tariff plans for an unprepared user to understand. Tariffs are quite confusing, they vary greatly in payment depending on the region, they provide for various tariffication schemes when additional options are activated, many of which have the status of archival ones. When choosing a provider, such a disadvantage can become a key one and force you to purchase a SIM card from another company.


Speaking of MegaFon, one cannot ignore the subsidiary brand Yota, which offers the best tariff plans in Russia with unlimited mobile Internet. Largely due to this, the current Megafon tariffs are devoid of built-in Internet traffic packages. The calculation is simple, if you want high-quality and inexpensive Internet, buy a Yota SIM card, and Megafon will provide affordable communications throughout Russia. But recently, this advantage has been significantly curtailed by the operator itself, which has already provided packages of minutes, traffic and SMS for new tariffs.


  • High-speed Internet at low cost. For only 100-150 rubles a month, you can get unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers. The data transfer rate reaches 20 Mbps.
  • Affordable rates. Despite bundling services, Iota tariff plans remain inexpensive and well-filled. For example, 5 GB of Internet traffic and 150 minutes of calls throughout Russia will cost only 250 rubles per month.
  • Transparent prices. In this regard, Yota compares favorably with Megafon, offering clear descriptions of tariff plans.
  • Roaming-free space throughout Russia. This is an important and necessary feature of Iota for everyone. When leaving your home region for up to 30 days, there is no need to worry about increased costs due to roaming. During the month, the operator provides mobile communication and Internet services at the prices of the home region, regardless of where you are.


  • The virtual operator factor. Yota subscribers are completely dependent on the serviceability and workload of Megafon equipment. This must be taken into account when choosing a second SIM card in order to increase the reliability of communication.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Provider Iota is a developing brand and is not yet able to cover the same regions as Megafon. But the value of this disadvantage decreases every day as the service area expands.
  • Differentiation of SIM-cards. It is impossible to use the same Yota SIM card in a smartphone, tablet, modem or router. Each type of device has its own separate card, and it is impossible to “deceive” the network, since the equipment is identified by the IMEI number.


Beeline is also an old-timer of the domestic mobile services market, having started its activities back in 1993. The operator's customer base exceeds 60 million people and is constantly expanding due to favorable tariffs and new loyalty programs.


  • A variety of tariff plans, service options. Each user can seamlessly choose the best tariff plan for himself within the planned mobile budget.
  • Promotions and bonuses. Beeline, like no other provider, constantly offers its customers various discounts, promotions and bonuses. For example, you can connect the Viasat premium TV package with a 25% discount, purchase modern devices on credit without overpayments, get an additional traffic package for top-up or an individual tariff offer, etc.
  • Timely and competent technical support. Despite the fact that it can be problematic to get through to the Beeline call center, subscribers can always count on a high-quality and professional solution to their problems. In addition, a mobile online self-service service is always provided to users.


  • Work failures. Frequent negative reviews on the Internet indicate periodic technical failures of the provider's equipment. It comes to the point that even checking the balance using the USSD command becomes unavailable. In fairness, we note that Beeline quickly fixes the problems that have arisen.
  • Expensive roaming. This is one of the main disadvantages of Beeline. Leaving the home region, the subscriber must be prepared for a sharply increased cost for a sick connection.
  • Poor communication quality far from cities. Beeline does not seek to install base stations in places that are disadvantageous in terms of monetization. Therefore, as you move away from the city, the network signal begins to weaken sharply.


We will not especially highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the Tele2 provider. It is a legacy of Swedish investors and is now owned by the Russian financial group VTB. The company has only one obvious drawback - a relatively small coverage area. As a result, subscribers had to constantly deal with rather expensive national roaming. Recently, this problem has been quite effectively solved by connecting the special service “Zero Everywhere”.

The low price of tariffs and high-quality communication allows Tele2 to constantly increase its subscriber base, which now has almost 25 million users and provides the operator with the 34th line in the ranking of the most popular mobile operators in the country.


We hope that this review of the online assistant site helped you in the difficult task of choosing a provider. The final choice depends on your personal preferences and the evaluation criteria you put forward for the reliability, availability and variety of mobile services you need. On our own, we add that many users use several SIM cards from different operators at once in order to receive the highest quality communication and the Internet.

Video: choosing the best mobile operator


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  9. Irina
  10. Anonymous
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