A story about an old thing for the school. Items of old household utensils. No arms, no legs, lope on the shoulders

The Russian farmstead, with its well-established life and agriculture, has always been furnished with a large number of utensils and tools. Traditionally, kitchen utensils, farming items were not distinguished by rich decoration, but were comfortable and distinguished by laconic aesthetics.

Russian hut

The hut is the dwelling of a simple Russian peasant and his family. Here, in a peasant house, every item of household utensils is a symbol of the people's life, how the peasants lived and how they worked, doing housework. Household items are saturated with the Russian spirit and convey that image of a difficult peasant life in Russia.


The samovar appeared in homes about three centuries ago along with the growing popularity of tea. Excavations show that samovars still existed in clay execution thousands of years ago in Iran. The samovar quickly won the hearts of Russian tea drinkers due to its unique functionality and beauty. The water in it remained hot for a long time, was fragrant from the combustion of dry birch chips, it was enough for a large number of guests and household members.


Sieve- an almost indispensable item of utensils in the conditions of home baking. In any hut, several types of sieves were kept, made of different materials and with different mesh sizes. A large sieve for sifting flour was a hoop with birch bark walls, open on one side, closed with a mesh on the other. Seeds, ash, and other loose mixtures were sifted through a sieve (hence the origin of the name).

spinning wheel

A spinning wheel is the simplest device with a tow on a leg ending in a flat base - a spinner sat on it to give stability to the object. On a tow or hoof, as this part was usually called, combed wool or linen was folded. From them, constantly twisting, they pulled yarn. More modern devices, which appeared later, were with a foot drive and a large wheel that set the tow in motion.


The spindle was used, like the spinning wheel, to twist yarn into thread. It was even simpler than the spinning wheel and was a stick with an extended middle part. The thread was obtained by twisting the spindle.


The pot is one of the oldest kitchen utensils. It was Russian tradition to decorate the top of the pot with icing. In order to take the pot out of the oven, there were tongs nearby. In clay pots, as in a thermos, the food kept its original temperature for a long time, so it did not cool down or, being cooled in the cellar, did not turn sour.


Without a mortar and in the absence of crushing machines on a peasant farm, it would be difficult to grind grains, herbs, or, for example, bones. A stupa, a vessel in which food was crushed with a pestle, was always made of solid material: stone, iron, hardwood.


Broom, or broom - bundled rods, stiff stems of plants. The floors in the Russian hut were unpainted, so often their cleaning consisted in sweeping the garbage. Interestingly, the broom has become the subject of many Russian beliefs and fairy tales.

Master's yard

The yard was spacious, with a place for walking a bird, passages to a well, sheds and a barn, a garden. Almost always there was a palisade with a flower garden and benches. Traditionally, several dozen household items and tools were used in the household of the Russian farmstead. Here are some of the most characteristic ones.


The yoke was a specially curved flat pole on both sides ending with iron hooks. It is convenient to carry buckets on it, since the center of gravity is not only evenly distributed over both shoulders of the rocker, but is also approximately at the level of the waist.

Russian well

The log cabin of a well in Russia was usually made of oak. The upper part was a gate with a crossbar and a rope or “crane” - a high crossbar, at one end of which a bucket was attached to a rope, and at the other it was necessary to pull to raise it.

arable land

Almost every hot day of the summer months, and the autumn harvest, the peasant could not do without work in the field, where the master's tools were used in labor on arable land for cultivating the land and harvesting.


The sickle is one of the oldest agricultural tools. Known since ancient Rome. In the Russian economy, it was simply indispensable for harvesting small areas of grass and grain. The sickle was known in Soviet Russia as one of the two symbols of the union of workers and peasants.


The plow is a sacred image of agriculture. Its history begins in the III millennium BC. e. Then it was a plowshare and drawbar made from a single piece of wood. The top layer of soil was raked with a plowshare to improve the conditions for growing crops, and it was pulled by livestock or a person by the drawbar.


A cart is a cart on four, usually wooden, wheels, pulled by a horse. It is difficult to imagine a Russian village in the middle of the last century without a cart.

Mazitova Milena

Project objectives:

1. Conduct research on household items.

2. Identify the oldest and memorabilia of my family.

3. Write down the stories of relatives about the history of things.

4. Issue a report on the work done.

5. Present your work to the students of the school at a scientific and practical conference.



MBOU "Zuevskaya basic comprehensive school"


"Vintages and Memorabilia"

my family"

Project leader: history teacher Konovalova O.L.


Project name

Antiques and memorabilia of my family.

Mazitova Milena Damisovna, 5th grade student of MBOU "Zuevskaya OOSh"



Konovalova Olga Leonidovna

Project relevance

Each family keeps old and memorable things. It is important to preserve the historical memory of them for their descendants.

Project problem

Does my family have old and memorabilia items.

Objective of the project

Gather information about antiques and memorabilia of my family.

Project objectives

  1. Conduct household research.
  2. Identify the oldest and memorabilia of my family.
  3. Write down the stories of relatives about the history of things.
  4. Present your work to school students at a scientific and practical conference.

Implementation timeline

January 2016


Camera. Flash card. A computer.

Project Description

  1. In the process of working on the project, I will have a conversation with my relatives: mom Koneva Tamara Ivanovna and dad Konev Leonid Ivanovich.
  2. Take pictures of old and memorabilia kept in our family.
  3. Transfer photos to your computer.
  4. Write down the history of things told by my relatives.
  5. Prepare a report on the work done.

Antiques and memorabilia of my family

These coins were used in the USSR. My uncle Mazitov Abip Mazgutovich saved them.

These samovars are old. But Grandma still uses them. Grandma makes tea in them. To do this, she pours water, puts coal and puts it on the floor.

My grandmother wears these beads for a long time. When she reads a prayer, she takes and pulls them in turn.

This chest is very old. My grandmother keeps all the old things in it. These things are very precious to her.

This is the oldest photograph in our family. This photo shows my great-great-grandmother (on the right) with her friend (on the left).

This sewing machine is called Singer. My grandmother bought it when she was young. On it she sewed dresses for herself.

These photo albums are memorable for our family. The first photo album contains my photos from elementary school. And in the second photo of my sister Elvira

In 2013, in the summer, my whole family and I went to the Kungur Ice Cave. It was very cold there. All were in winter clothes. This is a souvenir from the cave.

Once our dad was sent to work in the city of Kogalym. He brought us a souvenir.

Our dad worked in the city of St. Petersburg for a whole year. I also visited Moscow. And he brought us magnets.

When I graduated from elementary school, my mother was given a thank you letter. This is also a memorable thing in our family.

It was not easy to run a household in Russia. Without access to the modern benefits of mankind, the ancient masters invented everyday items that helped a person to cope with many things. Many of these inventions have been forgotten today because technology, appliances, and changing lifestyles have completely supplanted them. But despite this, in terms of the originality of engineering solutions, ancient objects are in no way inferior to modern ones.

Stuff chest

For many years, people kept their valuables, clothes, money and other small things in chests. There is a version that they were invented in the Stone Age. It is authentically known that they were used by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. Thanks to the armies of the conquerors and nomadic tribes, chests spread throughout the Eurasian continent and gradually reached Russia.

The chests were decorated with paintings, fabrics, carvings or patterns. They could serve not only as a hiding place, but as a bed, bench or chair. A family that had several chests was considered prosperous.


One of the most important objects of the national economy in Russia was the gardener. It looked like a flat wide shovel on a long handle and was intended for sending bread or a pie to the oven. Russian craftsmen made an object from a solid piece of wood, mainly aspen, linden or alder. Having found a tree of the right size and suitable quality, it was split into two parts, carving one long board from each. After that, they were smoothly planed and the outline of the future gardener was drawn, trying to remove all kinds of knots and notches. Having cut out the desired object, it was carefully cleaned.

Rogach, poker, chapelnik (frying pan)

With the advent of the stove, these items have become indispensable in the household. Usually they were kept in the ward space and were always at hand with the hostess. Several types of tongs (large, medium and small), a teapot and two pokers were considered a standard set of oven equipment. In order not to get confused in objects, identification marks were cut out on their handles. Often such utensils were made to order from a village blacksmith, but there were craftsmen who could easily make a poker at home.

Sickle and millstone

At all times, bread was considered the main product of Russian cuisine. The flour for its preparation was extracted from the harvested grain crops, which were planted annually and manually harvested. A sickle helped them in this - a device that looks like an arc with a sharpened blade on a wooden handle.

As needed, the harvested crops were ground into flour by the peasants. This process was facilitated by hand millstones. For the first time, such a tool was discovered in the second half of the 1st century BC. A manual millstone looked like two circles, the sides of which fit snugly against each other. The upper layer had a special hole (grain was poured into it) and a handle with which the upper part of the millstone rotated. Such utensils were made of stone, granite, wood or sandstone.


The pomelo looked like a cutting, at the end of which pine, juniper branches, rags, bast or brushwood were fixed. The name of the attribute of purity comes from the word revenge, and it was used exclusively for cleaning the ashes in the furnace or cleaning near it. To maintain order throughout the hut, a broom was used. Many proverbs and sayings were associated with them, which are still on the lips of many.


Like bread, water has always been an important resource. To cook dinner, water cattle or wash, it had to be brought. A faithful assistant in this was the yoke. It looked like a curved stick, to the ends of which special hooks were attached: buckets were attached to them. They made a rocker from linden, willow or aspen wood. The first reminders of this device date back to the 16th century, however, the archaeologists of Veliky Novgorod found many yokes made in the 11th-14th centuries.

Trough and rubel

In ancient times, linen was washed by hand in special vessels. A trough served for this purpose. In addition, it was used for feeding livestock, as a feeder, kneading dough, cooking pickles. The item got its name from the word "bark", because initially it was from it that the first troughs were made. Subsequently, they began to make it from the halves of the deck, gouging recesses in the logs.

Upon completion of washing and drying, the linen was ironed with a rubel. It looked like a rectangular board with notches on one side. Things were carefully wound on a rolling pin, a rubel was placed on top and rolled. Thus, linen fabric softened and leveled. The smooth side was painted and decorated with carvings.

cast iron iron

The rubel was replaced in Russia by a cast-iron iron. This event is marked by the 16th century. It is worth noting that not everyone had it, since it was very expensive. In addition, cast iron was heavy and harder to iron than the old way. There were several types of irons, depending on the method of heating: burning coals were poured into some, while others were heated on the stove. Such a unit weighed from 5 to 12 kilograms. Later, the coals were replaced with cast-iron blanks.

spinning wheel

An important component of Russian life was the spinning wheel. In ancient Russia, it was also called the "whorl", from the word "spin". Distaffs-bottoms were popular, having the form of a flat board on which the spinner sat, with a vertical neck and a spade. The upper part of the spinning wheel was richly decorated with carvings or painting. At the beginning of the 14th century, the first spinning wheels appeared in Europe. They looked like a wheel perpendicular to the floor and a cylinder with a spindle. Women, with one hand, fed threads to the spindle, and with the other they scrolled the wheel. This method of twisting the fibers was simpler and faster, which greatly facilitated the work.

Today it is very interesting to see what it was.

Your attention is invited to an article about 30 ancient objects from the daily life of a person that have survived to this day.

It is hard to imagine, but many items from the daily life of modern man have existed for hundreds or even thousands of years ago. We have prepared a review in which we presented only the most ancient copies of things familiar to us that have survived to this day.

However, it is likely that some of the items listed could have appeared much earlier than the named dates.

Video with the oldest melody

The Hurrian Hymn, written in cuneiform on a clay tablet, is the oldest recorded melody in human history. An artifact dating back to 1400 BC was discovered in the city of Ugarit (Northern Canaan) in what is now Syria. The melody was sung on a lyre to the glory of the Moon God's wife.

World's oldest animation (5000 years old)

The oldest animation in the world - video

The National Museum of Iran has a 10 cm earthenware drinking goblet that depicts five successive scenes of goat movement in a circle. First, the animal jumps in the direction of the tree, then eats the leaves from it. By rotating the cup around the vertical axis, you can see the simplest animation. Scientists date this product to the third millennium BC.

The oldest socks in the world (1500 years old)

These unusual woolen socks of an inhabitant of Ancient Egypt were knitted one and a half thousand years ago between the three hundred and four hundred and ninety-ninth years from the birth of Christ. Socks were worn specifically for sandals, hence their original appearance. Interestingly, even after one and a half thousand years, these socks look quite competitive against the background of even the most original socks of modern designers.

The oldest shoes in the world (Aged 5500 years)

In one of the caves of Armenia, the oldest leather shoes in the world were discovered. Several layers of sheep dung and grass, under which the find was made, served as a preservative. The shoes are perfectly preserved, having lain in a dry and cool cave for about 5.5 thousand years. It's amazing how strongly the ancient moccasin resembles some models of modern shoes!

The world's oldest pants (3400 years old)

On the territory of an ancient necropolis in Western China, archaeologists have discovered the oldest pants in the world. They are woven of woolen fabric and decorated with intricate ornaments. The pants probably belonged to one of the Asian nomads who lived about 3,400 years ago. According to scientists, this find confirms that it was the nomads who were the first to come up with pants for comfortable riding.

The world's oldest bra (500 years old)

This bra was worn in Austria between 1390 and 1485. Although this is the oldest surviving bra, there are earlier descriptions of "breast pouches" in the annals. For 500 years, the most original modern bras have gone far from their progenitor, but the first model can also quite pass for a vintage retro classic.

World's oldest handbag (4500 years old)

In Germany, a small handbag was found in a Bronze Age burial dating from 2500-2200 BC. Over thousands of years, the skin and the fabric from which it was made have collapsed. Only dog ​​teeth have survived, which probably served as a decoration and protection for the handbag.

World's oldest sunglasses (800 years old)

The inventors of the world's first sunglasses can be considered the Eskimos. "Snow" glasses, as the Eskimos themselves called them, were made of bone, leather or wood. The thin slits on the goggles were designed to protect the eyes from "snow blindness" caused by bright sunlight. The first such glasses, according to scientists, appeared several thousand years ago. The oldest specimen in existence was made from "only" walrus ivory between 1200 and 1600 AD on Baffin Island in Canada. Of course, ancient glasses do not have the cool features of modern high-tech sunglasses, but thanks to their simplicity and reliability, they will quietly last another 800 years.

The oldest condom in the world (370 years old)

The oldest surviving condom was found in Sweden, in the city of Lund. The ancient contraceptive, dating back to 1640, was made from pig intestine and could be used over and over again. A Latin instruction has survived to this day, recommending washing the condom in warm milk after each use. 17th-century condoms made from sheep and pig intestines were poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases, so scientists believe they were mainly used to prevent pregnancy. In general, the first mention of a condom dates back to 1564. The Italian physician and inventor Gabriele Fallopio came up with the idea of ​​putting a linen bag soaked in all sorts of chemicals on the male genital organ.

World's oldest chewing gum (5000 years old)

The oldest known chewing gum is considered to be a piece of petrified Neolithic birch resin found in Finland. The chewing gum, which preserved the teeth marks of a Stone Age man, dates back to the end of the fourth millennium BC. Tree resin contains phenols, which have antiseptic properties. Therefore, ancient people chewed resin and tree bark to get rid of oral diseases. In addition, tree resin was often used as glue, for example, to glue broken pottery.

The world's oldest cheese (3600 years old)

In the 20th century, perfectly preserved mummies were found in the Takla Makan desert in northwest China, with small lumps of cheese on their chests and necks. Scientists are sure that this cheese was made on the basis of sourdough. In a similar way, some varieties of cheese and kefir are made in our time. The results of the research showed that the found cheese dates back to approximately 1615 BC, which makes it the oldest cheese on the planet.

The oldest prosthesis in the world (Age 3000 years)

When studying an ancient Egyptian mummy buried about three thousand years ago, archaeologists discovered that instead of missing fingers, wooden ones were attached to her right leg. To confirm their hunch, the researchers created an exact copy of the found artifact and tested it with the help of a volunteer with a similar injury. Tests have shown that wooden fingers were used specifically for walking, and not for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to them, a person could not only move freely, but also wear sandals, which were the main footwear in ancient Egypt. The guess of the scientists turned out to be correct: they managed to find the oldest known prosthesis. Today, when there are even original prostheses for animals, it is hardly possible to surprise anyone with the prosthesis of a part of the foot, however, the appearance of such a prosthesis for three thousand years can be safely called a fantastic scientific breakthrough of that time.

World's oldest public flush toilet (2000 years old)

In the ancient city of Ephesus, located in Turkey, the oldest public toilet with a flush was discovered. A pit with a drainage system was hidden under the slab with holes for "need". It is noteworthy that a tool resembling an oar was also found there. Probably, on hot days, with the help of this oar, the servants accelerated the cleaning of the toilet pit, pushing its contents to the drain. It should be recognized that the toilet theme is close to humanity like no other, perhaps that is why it constantly invents more and more original public toilets.

The oldest coin in the world (2700 years old)

The oldest known coin was discovered among the ruins of the same ancient Greek city of Ephesus, once a prosperous center of trade on the coast of Asia Minor. The coin was made over 2700 years ago from an alloy of gold and silver. A metal blank was placed on a matrix with a carved lion's head, after which the master struck with a hammer on the reverse side of the blank. The result was a coin with a raised image of a lion's head on the obverse and an indented impact mark on the reverse.

The oldest map of the world (Aged 2800 years)

A clay tablet from Mesopotamia, dating from the turn of the eighth and seventh centuries BC, is considered the oldest map of the world. It is noteworthy that the map of Babylon contains not only real, but also fictitious geographical objects.

The most ancient globe (Age 510 years)

In order for the first known globe, which has survived to this day, to have a spherical shape, it was assembled from the wide parts of two ostrich eggs. Then the engraver painstakingly transferred the well-known map of the Old and New Worlds to the surface of the ball. Scientists believe that this globe was made in Florence, Italy, perhaps even in the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci himself. The first globe is so original that in our time it would not be lost among the most unusual modern globes.

The oldest printed book in the world (637 years old)

The world's oldest printed book appeared in Korea in 1377, a full 78 years before the Gutenberg Bible, long considered the first printed edition. It was a Buddhist document called "Chikchi", containing the biographies of great Buddhist monks and selected passages from their sermons, helping to comprehend the essence of the great teachings of the Buddha. Today this book is in the National Library of Paris.

World's oldest recorded recipe (over 5,000 years old)

The ancient Sumerians, who lived in the Southern Mesopotamia, left behind the most ancient beer recipe dating back to 3000 BC. With strict adherence to the recipe, a strong beer drink is obtained, in which pieces of bread should float.

The world's oldest musical instrument (42,000 years old)

Scientists claim that the age of a bone flute found in a cave in southwestern Germany is at least 42,000 years old. The first musical instruments were made by ancient people from bird bones and mammoth tusks. It is believed that it was music that allowed Homo sapiens to gain an advantage over Neanderthals.

The oldest anthropomorphic figurine in the world (Age 35,000 - 40,000 years)

The world's oldest anthropomorphic figurine has been discovered in a cave in southwestern Germany. Scientists believe that an unknown sculptor carved it from a mammoth tusk about 35-40 thousand years ago. It is believed that the expressive figure of a woman with grotesquely exaggerated sexual characteristics was used by our ancestors as a symbol of fertility. Of course, this figurine has a huge historical and collectible value, if it were sold, it could well be among the 10 most expensive statues in the world.

Bonus: The oldest mineral on earth (4.4 billion years old)

In 2001, a tiny zirconium crystal was found in Australia, which became the oldest mineral on earth. Its age is 4.4 billion years! Currently, it can be seen in the geological museum of the University of Madison in the United States.


The oldest sweater in the world belonged to a fashionista from Iron Age Europe. Most likely, such clothes were very expensive: the holes were repeatedly darned and the thing, despite its age, is in very good condition.

The dress

One of the oldest garments in the world was discovered in an Egyptian cemetery 30 kilometers from Cairo. The dress is made of linen, primitive textile and cord. It is now on permanent display at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Mezhdurechensk secondary school

Work done:

The team of students 4 "in" class

MBOU Mezhdurechenskaya secondary school

Head: S.G.Pobiruhina

"Social project"

g.p. Mezhdurechensky



1. Business card of the project…….………………………………………p.2

Relevance of the chosen topic…………………………………………..page 3

Characteristics of the project………………………………………………..p. 2

Methods of work……………………….. ...……………...………………p. 2

Stages of work on the project…………………...…………….………...page 3

Purpose, tasks…………….…………..…..……………………………… page 4

2. Contents …………………………………………………………….. page 5

3. Sources used…..…..…………………………………..p. eight

4. Application …………………………………………………………….. page 9

Business card of the project.

Relevance of the chosen topic:

Antiques help to better imagine the life of those distant and not very distant times.

Why did we choose this project and call it "Grandma's Attic Secrets"? Many antiques are unnecessarily stored in the pantries and attics of the houses we visited. Imagine yourself in the attic of an old grandmother's house, where the priceless treasures of your grandmothers and great-grandmothers are stored in worn chests and chests! Well, it’s the eyes that run wide and the hands scatter, so you want to touch, turn, see all this wealth, understand their incomprehensible purpose. And such "caches" with old things are in almost every home.

Project characteristics

By the nature of the dominant activity -research

By subject area:the world

By number of participants:collective

By duration:long

Methods used in the work:

problem search,


cooperation technology

During the search for the necessary knowledge, our assistants were: books, photographs, memories of relatives, family archives, a library, the Internet

Stages of work on the project


    choice of topic and its concretization;


  • definition and analysis of the problem;
  • setting the goal of the project.


  • collection and study of information;
  • drawing up a project work plan

    resource analysis.


    implementation of the planned

    making (if necessary) changes to the design and technology.


  • Preparation of presentation materials;
  • Project presentation;

Creative groups:




find out “why we need antiquities, why they used to be useful and important to a person, what kind of service they served”


Find antique items

Ask family and friends about the purpose of these items

Compare old exhibits with modern ones


The more we value the past.

And in the old we find beauty,

At least we belong to a new one.

(Vadim Shefner.)

It is antiques that help to better imagine the life of those distant and not very distant times.

Why did we choose this project and call it "Grandma's Attic Secrets"? Many antiques are unnecessarily stored in the pantries and attics of the houses we visited. Imagine yourself in the attic of an old grandmother's house, where the priceless treasures of your grandmothers and great-grandmothers are stored in worn chests and chests! Well, it’s the eyes that run wide and the hands scatter, so you want to touch, turn, see all this wealth, understand their incomprehensible purpose. And such “hidden places with old things are in almost every house.

In the course of work, we got the opportunity to understand how things change with the passage of time. New inventions make people's lives more comfortable and convenient, we have learned the history of things: what did they look like many years ago? How did they serve the people? Why over the years it was decided to improve them? We were looking for an answer to the question: what can an ordinary thing from the past tell about.

To do this, we compared how the old thing looked and how it looks today? How has it been improved over time? You can get acquainted with some copies at our small exhibition.

For example, we learned how our grandmothers played a gramophone and danced in their youth. Each disc has its own story. From the Internet, we learned a lot of new and interesting things about the history of records and the devices on which they were played. There were facts that really surprised us. For example, in the middle of the 20th century, our country was not allowed to release records with songs by many foreign singers, so these records were made underground. Of course, modern discs, laser players, are much more convenient than records. But I think that these old records should be preserved, because this is history, this is memory.

Another interesting item is Rubel. This is a household item of the Russian people. They used it when there was no iron. The rubels were different.

Then there were irons that were heated by coals, you can see such an iron in our small museum. The iron opened from the top and the coals fell asleep inside. There were holes in the side walls to improve traction. It was not an easy task to iron with such an iron. With the advent of electricity, irons improved. Now it is much lighter, it can turn on and off automatically, there is steam.

Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers worked on such accounts. They are called Russians. Until the 70s of the 20th century, abacus was the main computing device. And now - calculators, computers.

When students of other classes visited our exhibition, it turned out that not everyone knows the purpose of the filmoscope. And it is intended for viewing filmstrips with fairy tales through a magnifying glass. This apparatus was later improved, and films were watched on a wall covered with a white sheet. Now we use digital discs to watch cartoons.

See what paper money looked like. They were of different sizes. And here is what we learned from the history of the penny.

A few years ago, you could buy any product for a penny: a box of matches, an eraser, a school notebook with 12 sheets, drink mineral water in a vending machine.

Now for all this they will ask for much more. Although this coin is not in a special move now, you hear its name often.

In the cities there are shops with a lot of promising sign "Kopeyka", but you will not find goods for the indicated denomination.

You can't buy a pack of ice cream "48 kopecks" in the online store for 48 kopecks, it costs more than 20 rubles.

And this photo told a lot about people from the past and helped to imagine what the photos looked like before. And just as our relatives looked like in those distant times. This album is as precious as a memory. Such photographs are in many families.

Old books always carry some kind of mystery. There is a 1939 book in our museum. She is 73 years old.


Thanks to this project, all participants took a different look at the things around them. Each item has its own unique story!

May 18 - Museum Day. And we propose to create a museum on the site of our school. Where could I put the material on the topic that we talked about today. As well as

materials of previous projects on the topics: Children of the Kondinsky district during the war, "Mezhdurechensky from the past to the future", "Graduates - medalists", "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War", "Pioneer Organization" and others. Organize them by topic. We believe that the materials will be in demand.

List of sources used:

    Textbook "The world around", grade 4, part 1


    Family archives of class students

Application (presentation)

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