Almonds are an edible variety. Almond nut: how it grows and where it can be found. When to plant almonds

I collected this report from various posts of the last two years and added new photos.
I want to show you how almonds are harvested, if it is done by hand, how they are processed, peeled and split.
That is, as it has been done for centuries on our small island in the middle of the ocean.
Lots of other interesting details. And I will also show you what it is eaten with :)

Do not be surprised at the quality of some of the photos, they were taken with our small and old camera.

Let me tell you briefly how almonds grow.
Almonds are often referred to as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits.
In size and shape, almonds are similar to peach pits. We have about 20 trees on the site.

1. On our island (La Palma, Canary Islands), almonds begin to bloom at the end of January.
Looks incredibly beautiful, all in white and pink:

2. On the island, almond blossoms are white, soft pink and hot pink:

3. A fruit is formed - a dry velvety-pubescent oval single-stone:

4. Harvests on the island are always plentiful. Especially in the north of the island. In February, the famous almond festival is celebrated here.
An incredibly beautiful sight - a white-pink sea of ​​flowering trees, beautifully decorated carts and people in folk costumes ...

In early June, the trees already look like this:

5. Here are the green fruits closer:

6. The tree sheds its leaves in August, the trick of nature is not to waste energy and water on greenery, but only on fruits.
In early September, the shell of ripe fruits begins to burst. Against the background of a white cat, it is especially beautiful and clear :)

7. And after two or three weeks, the tree looks like this: the dry pericarp separates from the stone when ripe:

8. Then the fruits are harvested:

9. Purify:

10. How they are cleaned, I will tell you clearly a little later.
Here you can see the almonds themselves.
There is a very old variety of almonds on La Palma that can be easily recognized
- the walnut is rough and flatter, and the letter Y is formed on it!
Absolutely clearly visible. See?
We grow two varieties of almonds.
The second grade is more round, smooth and smaller.

11. Here it is even clearer without the skin of the nut:

12. Other varieties grow on the island, some of them are very large:

13. Now I'll tell you how the almonds are going.
Harvesting requires a long stick up to 4 meters long and several large nets.
Nets are placed around the tree, with a stick they begin to knock down almonds.
Working with your head up for hours and banging a stick on the branches is not easy and very tiring.
The fruits fly far, you have to collect in a large radius around the tree.
Sorry, the photos were taken against the light, a bit dark:

14. Knocking down the fruits is not always easy, some "stick" strongly to the branches:

15. Those branches that have already grown too high must be pruned closer to spring:

16. Almond falls on the net:

17. They are all collected in one big pile and sorted:

18. Those almonds that lend themselves are peeled from the dried shell:

21. The one in which the pericarp cannot be separated by hand is collected separately.
There are many such almonds if there were rainy days before harvesting:
the shell swells, then dries quickly in the sun and is difficult to clean later.
You have to soak in water or split manually:

22. Now you need to work with a stick on the other side:

23. Here the slope is at 40º, it is very difficult to collect, everything rolls down:

24. Move to the next tree. Thomas again with a stick:

25. When it's really hot, then we move to where there is more shade:

26. Falls when collecting not only almonds:

27. We have a lot of helpers)) Until they get their own, they won’t leave them alone:

29. So many have already been collected and cleaned:

30. Beggars:

31. Izzy is like a nutcracker, very cleverly opens nuts:

33. Work of one day:

34. Now you still need to peel those almonds, the shell of which is not peeled by hand.
We soak for several hours, the pericarp swells and can be manipulated:



37. Now you need to dry the bones well. Dry in the sun:

38. And then to the end in the dryer:

39. Previously, almonds were split by hand, women did this. Very long and low paying job.
Until now, competitions for the best and most dexterous hazel are held at the Almond Festival.
Now, almost everyone goes with his harvest to the village to this infernal machine - nuts are cracked here.
The car is already very old, it often breaks down and is being repaired. without it, it’s quite a disaster, the whole village shakes if it breaks:

40. Almonds are loaded from above into the machine and nuts are cracked in this cylinder:

42. The nut itself falls through the nets, and through different exits - fragments of the shell of different sizes:



45. Almonds are slowly gathering in front left.
The roar in the room is terrible, everyone walks only with headphones:

46. ​​We brought home this, i.e. all that was split and sorted by the machine itself:

47. But among the shells there are still a lot of "broken" nuts:

48. Now you still need to manually, handful by handful, EVERYTHING to go through:

49. There is also a lot of “broken” nut in the nut itself:

50. But what a delicious nut!

51. And many hours later...

52. ... from almost 50 kg of harvested almonds, about 15 kg of peeled came out:

53. Of these, 3.5 kg is "broken", we eat it ourselves or use it for sweets:

54. Job done!

55. And now I'll show you more that you can make all kinds of delicious things from almonds.
The first will be, of course, almond cream, a special delicacy of our village:

56. How is it made?
I went to the girl who does it and took a few photos.
Here in this oven it is twisted in a cylinder and slightly fried (40º) for about 45 minutes.
Then the almonds cool down until the next morning:

57. Then it is loaded into this meat grinder:

58. And voila! The finished product is already coming out in prepared jars!

59. He is carefully weighed:

60. And roll up:

61. Glue labels:

62. Done!

63. And now a small recipe from our local cuisine - Palmer cheese from almonds.
Something very similar to marzipan. To do this, you need this, and the full recipe

Blooming almond is an incredibly beautiful plant. This heat-loving shrub can be found in the southern part of our country when there is still snow in the central part. What is this beautiful and useful plant? First of all, it is a deciduous shrub. But it is possible to see a small tree. Secondly, pink or white flowers are a distinguishing feature.

Ornamental shrub almond: features

As mentioned above, almonds can be presented as an ornamental shrub or a small tree. What climate is suitable for this plant? Almonds, surprisingly, are very unpretentious, so they can grow even in urban conditions. It also cannot be said that drought-resistant tree, loves light very much, while growing quite quickly and will please with good tolerance to soil liming. Almond flowers can be seen at 4-5 years of planting: this flowering ornamental shrub will open its flowers and will please the eye for more than one season.

As for the aging of the shrub, this tree has the ability to "reject" aging branches. This means that over time (usually after 3-4 years), old branches begin to fall off, and new ones appear in their place. That is why one of the tips is to carefully monitor not only the flowers of the almonds, but also its general condition and constantly remove these oldest branches.

Ornamental shrub almond: photo and types of varieties, their blooming appearance and places of distribution.

Almonds: photo, planting rules and care

Everyone knows that the basis of successful growth and flowering is proper planting. And almonds are no exception. There are only two ways to plant this plant, namely: planting with seedlings and planting with stones. The first type is the simplest and therefore the most common.

So, in order to correctly carry out the landing process, it is necessary consider some recommendations:

plant care

Of course, we must not forget about care. After planting, it is necessary to shorten the crown a little so that the entire plant growth did not exceed 120 cm. Moreover, a little less than half a meter is allotted to the “hair” itself. It is also important to remember the type of fertilizer: if in the fall it is worth feeding only with organic substances, then before the beginning of summer - fertilizers containing a substance such as nitrogen.

Blossoming almond is a shrub of amazing beauty. The variety of its species allows you to choose exactly the one that will take root in a certain climate and will not cause any difficulties in its care.

ornamental plant almond

The flowering of almond trees is simply inimitable! White and pink "hats" cover the trees, and the delicate smell of almonds envelops the territory within a radius of several kilometers. Beautiful flowering lasts from two to five weeks, depending on the type of almond. Cultivation of almonds is carried out in vineyards. Wild almonds can still be found in the Caucasian and African forests.

What does an almond tree look like? This species can be called a shrub, as the tree is very small in size. Almonds are the most popular nut in the world, as they are included in many dishes, as well as being an ingredient in seasonings. Growing almond trees began long before our era. The inhabitants of Asia and the Mediterranean opened the impeccable taste of almonds to the whole world.

Even in ancient times, almonds were used as a medicinal plant. Alchemists and ancient physicians added almonds to ointments and powders. The name of the plant is associated with the name of the goddess Amygdalina from Phoenician mythology. Almond is a cult plant. During the holidays, sprigs of fragrant almonds were decorated at home, and in places of worship of the gods there were always almond "bouquets". It was believed that almonds drive away evil spirits and heal sick children.

In ancient Greece, the almond is associated with a legend. The beautiful Fellida did not survive the separation from her beloved Demophon, and turned into a withered almond tree. The young man mourned his beloved for a long time. Then the gods of Olympus took pity on him, and revived the tree. After the almond was cultivated, oil was obtained from the plant. Ordinary almonds are used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, and cooking.

Many peoples believe that almonds bring love and prosperity, therefore, at wedding celebrations, guests are generously treated to this delicacy. The fruit of the almond is a seed in a pubescent pericarp, the structure of which resembles a peach. The stone is in green pulp, and dries up as it ripens. The shape of the almond is oval, oblong, and the shell has a brownish or gray-white tint. Almond seed has a sweetish taste and a special aroma.

Useful properties of almonds

Almonds are real champions in the content of vitamin E and calcium. Nuts are best consumed with sugar: this way the product is absorbed by the body rather quickly. The peculiarity of almonds is known to cleanse the kidneys and improve blood composition. Also, delicious almonds help to eliminate blockages in the spleen, liver, crush stones and expel bile.

Almonds are a product that is rich in useful components. If you need to find a source of trace elements and vitamins, then buy almonds. Due to the medicinal properties of almonds, it is used in the production of herbal preparations. The special benefits of almonds for the brain should be noted: iodine and calcium in the composition help to concentrate and replenish energy reserves. Therefore, knowledge workers should definitely include almonds in their diet.

Almonds contain essential oils, the content of which in sweet varieties can reach sixty percent. Many vitamins in the composition of the product can strengthen the immune system and protect against colds. Regularly eating almonds in food, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A significant improvement in blood composition, due to the inclusion of almonds in the diet, reduces the risk of many diseases.

To relieve sore throats, eat almonds. For women who suffer from pain during menstruation, doctors also recommend eating healthy almonds. It is worth noting delicious almonds as a good remedy for worms.

Almonds contain iron, phosphorus, protein and B vitamins, which keep teeth, hair and skin in good condition. Sweet varieties of almonds improve eyesight, heal ulcers in the intestines, and are recommended for asthmatics. It will be useful for men to eat delicious nuts with honey in order to always “be in the ranks”: almonds enhance potency, so it can be considered one of the aphrodisiacs.

Varieties of almonds

The almond tree comes in two varieties - with sweet tasty fruits and inedible bitter ones. By grafting sweet almond nuts onto a tree with bitter fruits, bitter almond oil is obtained from the kernel. Sweet varieties are hard-shelled, which cannot be opened without the use of tongs, and soft-shelled, which are easily opened by hand.

Terry almond

Another name for a beautiful shrub is three-lobed louiseania. Plant height up to three meters, spreading crown and dark gray shoots. Terry almond blossoms with beautiful dark pink and crimson flowers. The diameter of the flower can be from one and a half to three centimeters.

The fruits are falling drupes. Flowering shrub lasts almost a month. This variety of almonds is grown only in botanical gardens. The fruits of such an almond tree have a rounded oblate shape of a dark cherry color. The fruits fall off whole, have a sweet and sour taste pericarp.

White almond

White ground almonds are grown in many countries. There are other names for white almonds: rush, tuberous grass, reed nut. A perennial plant forms tubers no more than three centimeters in length.

Plant height - no more than seventy centimeters. The color of the tubers is pinkish or yellowish. White sweet pulp has an almond flavor. The tubers are eaten and also added to confectionery. In addition, chufa becomes the basis for fizz and milk: such an exotic drink is useful for improving the gastrointestinal tract.

pink almond

Ledobur and Petunnikov almonds are pink varieties. The Ledobur almond comes from Altai, and the Petunnikova plant comes from the Tien Shan. Pink Almond Ledobur grows to a height of up to two meters and has fragrant flowers up to four centimeters in diameter.

The fruits ripen in early September, and flowering begins in early May. Almond Petunnikov has a height of one meter. The duration of flowering is only twelve days. The fruits have a reddish tint and dense pubescence.

Pink almond tolerates winters well, loves the light. Almond care is unpretentious, and propagation is carried out by cuttings, offspring and layering. Flower growers often use almonds for a single planting in the center of a rock slide.

bitter almond

Bitter almond has about forty species, this variety is grown in Eurasia and North America. Due to the content of hydrogen cyanide in [bitter almonds], it should not be consumed without processing. Children are generally not recommended to eat bitter varieties of almonds. The lethal dose of the product for a child is ten nuts, and for an adult - fifty tonsils. During heat treatment, hydrogen cyanide disappears from the composition of almonds, so the fruits are fried, boiled or calcined.

Bitter almond is a fairly tall bush with openwork crowns. Lives for a long time - more than a century. Already at the end of winter, flowering begins, which lasts until the leaves appear for several weeks. Large white-pink flowers, the pericarp subsequently dries up, and the stone is large.

Bitter almond has a narcotic effect, causes hallucinations, drowsiness, toxic poisoning. Often, the bitter fruit is cleared of amygdalin and used in soap making. In addition, syrups, extracts, aromatic water are prepared from bitter almonds.

steppe almond

Steppe almonds are also called bean. Winter-hardy and undemanding plant is the first to open the flowering season. Differs in plentiful blossoming and an excellent harvest. You can meet the steppe variety of almonds even in the steppe part of Siberia.

The shrub is notable for its small height up to one and a half meters and has a spherical crown. Bright pink flowers bloom at the same time as the leaves, presenting a beautiful sight. Flowering lasts no more than ten days. In autumn, the fruits of the drupe like fluffy balls adorn the bushes.

Blooming steppe almonds look like sakura. Therefore, he is often compared to a beauty from Japan. The fruits ripen in September, but they cannot be eaten. But it can be used to propagate the steppe almond bush.

The use of almonds

To date, the main supplier of almonds is California. The nut is just a storehouse of monounsaturated fats, which contribute to the removal of cholesterol from the body, so it is useful for everyone to use it. A powerful antioxidant effect is achieved due to the content of vitamin E. As a result, almonds can be called one of the means of fighting cancer. The special qualities and excellent taste of almonds have made it an expensive delicacy.

People who ate about forty grams of salted and roasted almonds daily for a month got more healthy fats. The inclusion of almonds in snack diets resulted in an increase in the nutritional content of the diet, but did not affect the calorie content.

Almond kernels improve the condition of a person with anemia and diabetes. Problems such as ulcers, gastritis, diseases of the duodenum can be "cured" with almonds. The use of almond nuts in food leads to the normalization of the acidity of gastric juice. Sweet almonds even save you from cramps and numbness of the limbs.

Almond for men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are often nervous and stressed, so you should renew the level of calmness with the help of almonds. Almonds for men are a real source of strength. No emotional stress or depression. In addition, almonds improve eyesight and control blood pressure.

If you need to restore strength in the post-rehabilitation period or after heavy blood loss, do not forget about delicious almonds. It is worth paying the attention of smokers to a product indispensable for their diet. The high content of potassium improves the supply of oxygen to the brain. To at least compensate for the harm from smoking, eat fifty grams of almonds daily.

Almond nuts are a preventive measure against senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. By consuming almonds regularly, men can expect to improve their sexual functions. If you're going to an alcohol party, try easing a hangover with some healing almonds. On the eve of the holiday, eat five nuts, and the state for tomorrow will be quite satisfactory.

Baldness for a man is a real disaster. To avoid this unpleasant process, strengthen the hair roots with gruel of crushed nuts in combination with milk. The medicinal mixture can also be used to treat boils.

Almond for women

Of course, the fair sex should definitely include almonds in their diet. First of all, as a product that contains the vitamin of youth. Along with this, almonds cleanse the body of toxins, reduce the risk of cancer. Eat twenty grams of almonds every day so that the body receives the daily intake of vitamin E.

Almond significantly improves kidney function, removes sand and dissolves small stones. During heavy menstruation, it is useful for women to use almonds: to relieve pain and to restore the body after blood loss. Every woman watches her figure, therefore she controls her weight and monitors her nutrition.

Almonds, as a source of protein, can perfectly become a "substitute" for meat products. Everyone needs protein, as it is the building material of tissues and cells. No wonder vegetarians necessarily eat almonds in food, replacing the missing amount of protein.

Almond milk is the best remedy for colds and sore throats. During the period of raging infections, you should definitely eat almonds. The production of cosmetics is not complete without almonds: cleansing, softening, rejuvenation - this is the effect on the skin.

Vitamins and minerals contained in the product enhance cell regeneration, rejuvenating the skin of the face and body. Almond-based cosmetics are a great way to fight stretch marks and cellulite. Don't forget to pamper your curls with almond oil! By rubbing the healing mixture into the hair roots, you can strengthen the follicles, as well as cure dandruff. Almonds for women - a source of beauty and youth!

Almonds for pregnant women

Scientists consider any nuts to be much healthier than fruits, so a source of protein should be consumed during pregnancy. However, not every type of nut is useful: many can become allergens and even poisons for the body of a future mother. But almonds are the best food for pregnant women.

The high content of minerals is especially useful in the early stages of preparation for motherhood. Almonds “supply” zinc, phosphorus, iron, and folic acid to the body. Every day a pregnant woman can eat no more than fifteen pieces of almonds. Doctors who examine expectant mothers for chronic diseases recommend eating almonds for nine months in anticipation of a miracle.

Pregnant women often suffer from insomnia, and almonds help to calm the nervous system and sound healthy sleep. The fiber in almonds will help with digestion problems. By using a useful product, you take care of building cells in a new body even before the baby is born. Headache? Take almonds, not bad pills.

In no case should you eat unripe almonds, as this can cause poisoning. Before you lean on almonds, you should check if you are allergic to this type of product. If the expectant mother is gaining weight very quickly, then it is better to refuse to eat almonds, since a high-calorie nut will harm. For heart palpitations, don't expect almonds to help, on the contrary, nuts can only aggravate the situation.

Use and storage of almonds

Almonds should be stored in a container with an airtight lid to preserve the nutrients for as long as possible. You can not place a container with nuts in direct sunlight, it is better to hide the almonds in a cool place. Almonds can be stored in the freezer for a long time.

Sweet almonds can be consumed fresh, and a delicious nut is the basis of all kinds of cakes, desserts, pastries. Almond shells are used in the production of cognac and wine for coloring drinks. To make the skin soft and velvety, you can take a bath with almond cake. The almond tree is used in turning and carpentry.

Almond oil has a slight laxative effect, and is also part of many ointments. Three to four drops of almond oil can be used daily as a pain reliever and sedative, as well as to improve appetite. Oil made on the basis of bitter fruits is used for otitis media, lung diseases, and bloating.

External rubbing with almond oil is characterized by a calming effect. In medicine, almond oil is used in the preparation of fat-soluble vitamins, injectable solutions, and hormonal preparations. Acute pain or noise in the ear can be cured by instilling seven drops of almond oil. It is possible to alleviate the condition of seriously ill people who are immobile for a long time by lubricating bedsores with almond oil.

It is better to buy almonds in the shell: pay attention that it is not split, without mold and a rusty coating. Nuts should be uniform in color and shape. The smell of almonds is a great clue when choosing a product. Spoiled almonds have a rancid flavor. Prefer airtight packaged almonds over bulk products: packaged almonds are unaffected by moisture, air, and heat. For lovers of roasted almonds: buy nuts cooked without oil, in a "dry" way.

The almond tree is a versatile hedge plant. It pleases the owner in the spring with colorful and abundant flowers. Hobby gardeners prefer to grow curiosities, but almonds have obvious benefits.

The almond tree is very decorative.

What it looks like during flowering: covered with delicate pink flowers. In terry forms, these flowers resemble miniature roses.

A plant from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus), belongs to the genus Plum. Some mistakenly classify the plant as a nut. Almonds have stone fruits identical to peach fruits, although they resemble hazelnuts in shape.

As it grows in nature: it prefers rocky and gravelly slopes up to one and a half thousand meters high, rich in calcium. Plants are grouped by several individuals, located at a distance of several meters (5–7 m) from each other. It is very photophilous, resistant to drought, because it has a developed root system.

It blooms in early spring, in some places even at the end of winter. The fruits ripen in mid-summer, the plant begins to bear fruit in the fifth year of life and lives for more than a hundred years. It reproduces in various ways, it is frost-resistant, but during the growing season it is afraid of spring frosts. A bouquet of almonds in early spring pleases the eye with its tenderness and lightness. Flowering shoots are cut at a time when the flowers in the lower part of it have fully blossomed, and in the upper part the buds have turned pink. Cut off at the base of the branch.

Almond fruit looks like a peach

Types of almonds

Almond is a beautiful low tree or shrub that grows in the south of Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Central Asia. Scientists distinguish the following types:

  1. Almond ordinary. It is grown specifically for the food industry. The value of the fruit is that the almond contains oil.
  2. Steppe almond (bean) is a low tree up to 1.5 m with pink flowers. During flowering, the plant is light and airy, like a cloud. It is not afraid of drought, hardy, blooms in May. The fruits of this type of almond are not eaten, it is grown only for decorative purposes.
  3. Three-lobed almond. Grows up to a height of two meters. A very beautiful shrub, whose homeland is China, from where it came to Europe. Gardeners prefer to grow a terry-shaped shrub with pink flowers resembling small roses. Three-lobed almonds bloom for two to three weeks, after which leaves begin to grow on it. The shrub is extremely beautiful, looks impressive in standard form. Gardeners graft it onto other plants (plums, thorns). The seedling is best protected from the north side, then the flowers will bloom first on branches protected from the north winds and cold. The plant is winter hardy and hardy.

These species differ significantly in appearance and taste.

Types of almonds according to the content of amygdalin

Some scientists classify almonds by their amygdalin content. It depends on which area the almonds will be applied. This component adds a specific almond flavor to the fruits. There are 3 types of plants:

  • bitter, it has a high concentration of amygdalin but it quickly breaks down into sugar, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, which are poisonous and dangerous to health; fruits are undesirable to eat without prior preparation, especially for children; eating ten fruits can cause death in children, fifty in an adult; heat treatment and piercing of fruits lead to the evaporation of hydrogen cyanide, the fruits become safe;
  • sweet almonds have spicy tasting fruits, low levels of amygdalin; used for frying fish, especially suitable for cooking trout;
  • brittle almonds - seeds with a thin, fragile shell, sweet in taste.

The most popular among confectioners and cooks is the sweet almond, so it is grown for the food industry.

The brittle and sweet variety of almonds can be eaten

Features of growing almonds

Growing an almond bush is not difficult, but you have to be patient. Most plant species require moderately fertile, light soil with drainage. The land must be sufficiently illuminated by the sun. It is recommended to transplant the plant after it loses its leaves - in early autumn, but no later than mid-October. Manure (2-3 buckets), mineral fertilizer (no more than a glass) are brought into the prepared pits. The plant is not deepened and firmly tied to stakes so that it does not break.

It is necessary to carry out weeding, to loosen the soil in a timely manner, to fight pests and diseases.

In the spring, dry branches are removed from the plant, shoots with faded flowers are cut off. This will guarantee abundant flowering next spring. Gardeners not only remove dry and damaged branches, but also thin out and form a crown.

Fertilizer should be applied no more than once a year. The best time to do this is in July. Superphosphate is taken for top dressing, 30 g of fertilizer per plant is enough. As a result, the wood matures faster, more buds with flowers are formed.

Almond pruning: shortening of annual shoots, forming crown pruning along a given contour and sanitary pruning

Rules for breeding almonds

Plants propagate in the following ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • root growth;
  • bending branches (layering);
  • cuttings;
  • budding.

Each of these methods has its own advantage and is used by gardeners to propagate ornamental shrubs.

Reproduction by root shoots

After pruning, the plant actively develops root shoots. It is best to propagate the bush by shoots a year after its appearance, when the roots become strong. Weak roots may not take root, so they are best planted after a year.

Reproduction by layering

For this purpose, flexible branches are used: they are bent to the ground and fixed. The emergence of roots on these branches is a long process, it can last more than twelve months. The seedling that appears is very weak at first, so it is not recommended to dig it out immediately after the appearance.

It is necessary to leave it in the ground and let it get stronger, this will take a year. Only after this time, the grown plant is dug up, which will allow you to get a healthy young bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by green cuttings occurs in July. First they are harvested, then one is left on the surface. The soil should consist of peat and sand (3:2). After rooting, young plants are transplanted into shkolka so that they grow and get stronger there. Some gardeners cover them with several layers of lutrasil. You can use straw and dry leaves (layer thickness should not exceed 20 cm).

Almond cuttings are harvested in summer


Every gardener knows what budding is. Reproduction by budding is carried out in the second half of summer (July - early August). The highest decorative effect is achieved when grafting into a bole from 140 to 170 cm, into a half-stem - from 60 to 70 cm. Distillation is budded at a height of half a meter from the base of the stock. A young plum (3-4 years old) is universally suitable for a stock; gardeners prefer to take its yellow appearance for this purpose. The occulant is cut off in the first year of life, which contributes to the rapid growth of branches. In the second year, the strongest shoots are left, the length of which reaches up to half a meter.

Composition of almonds

The share of the almond fruit without the shell is about fifty percent.

The shell reliably protects nuts, which are a pantry of the following substances:

  • carotene;
  • lycopene;
  • carotenoids;
  • calcium.

These vitamins and nutrients provide almond seeds with high nutritional value.

Almonds are very nutritious

The use of fruits

Sweet almonds are used in cooking. Dishes that use almonds for cooking:

  • macaroons;
  • cream;
  • marzipan;
  • praline;
  • nougat;
  • macarons;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • mineral water, liquor;
  • almond paste.

Almonds give these foods a subtle flavor. Amaretto liqueur, made in Italy, is the most famous and widespread drink with a typical taste of almonds. The shell of the almond fruit is used to flavor and improve the color qualities of alcoholic beverages.

Milk made from the fruit of the plant is one of the best substitutes for cow's milk. Vegetarians and believers during the fasting period widely use it as food, like any other fruit. Almond nuts are most popular in Indonesian and Chinese cuisine. It is added to many dishes.

Marzipan is prepared on the basis of almonds

The benefits of almonds

The high concentration of calcium and vitamins in the fruits of the plant makes them an invaluable remedy for vision problems, low hemoglobin, myalgia, gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers. It is necessary to take almond fruits 10-15 pieces three times a day for a month.

Many more useful properties of the fruits of this ornamental shrub are known:

  • doctors recommend giving seeds to children with delayed physical development;
  • regular use of seeds improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of myocardial infarction;
  • nuts prevent the occurrence of dementia in old age;
  • vitamin E protects blood vessels and prevents the development of cholesterol plaques;
  • the fruits of the plant contribute to weight loss, because they are able to remove some fats from the human body, preventing them from breaking down;
  • almond seeds prevent the development of cancer cells, because they contain antioxidants;
  • regular consumption of seeds helps to improve sleep;
  • fruits have a sedative effect;
  • contribute to the removal of sand and stones in kidney diseases;
  • improve mental activity of a person;
  • increase sperm production in males.

10-15 almonds a day will help solve many health problems

Properties of almond oil

Shrub oil is taken for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • prolonged cough;
  • otitis.

A few drops of almond oil help to remove tachycardia attacks, relieve inflammation in stomatitis and regulate bowel function.

The tool promotes the regeneration and growth of hair, therefore it is widely used in cosmetology. The cream, which includes almond oil, makes the skin supple and healthy.

The oil of the plant is used in massage rooms, it nourishes the skin and enriches it with vitamins and microelements. Ideal for dry, aging skin, promoting cell regeneration.

Almonds are a stone fruit loved by many, which has a pleasant, sweetish taste. If the climatic features of the region allow, then you can try to grow it in your garden plot. Caring for him is not too difficult, but the plant is very thermophilic. Therefore, you should not even try to grow it in regions where late frosts are possible.

general description

Common almond is a sprawling shrub or small tree of the Rosaceae family, which reaches a height of 4-6 m. The bark of the trunk is gray or reddish. Blooms early, usually in February or April. At this time, the ordinary almond bush is very attractive. Pale pink flowers litter the long branches of the shrub. By the time the flowers fall, the first leaves begin to appear. Common almond fruits ripen in July or August.


It is widely distributed in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Common almond grows usually along rocky riverbeds, dry screes. This plant is cultivated in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Crimea. There are two varieties of almonds - bitter and sweet. In addition, there is a decorative form that is less whimsical and ready to grow even in the northern regions. True, it will bloom willingly, but it will not work to wait for fruiting. At this time, the bush is an amazing sight. It is as if enveloped in an airy pink cloud. When the spring, bright outfit subsides, the bush releases leaves and remains the same until the very cold.

plant use

Almond ordinary is a unique plant that can be used in its entirety, from roots to leaves. Wood is suitable for carpentry, gum is used to make glue, cake is used as food for diabetes and in cosmetology. And the fruits are widely used in the confectionery industry.

Medicinal raw materials are leaves, fruits and seeds. Fruits are also a valuable food product. The leaves contain carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and fatty oils. The almond itself and its derivatives have analgesic and hemostatic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects. It is recommended to be used by expectant mothers and children, athletes and schoolchildren during periods of high physical and mental stress. Today, we are increasingly starting to use various dietary supplements. This is convenient: I took a pill and got a large amount of vitamins. But keep in mind that they are mostly synthetic, while almonds give you complete vitamins and minerals.

On the garden plot

The common almond is the most widely used in horticulture. As already mentioned, there are two varieties, so you need to be careful when buying seedlings. If you plant bitter almonds together with sweet ones, you will have to wait 4-5 years until you get the first fruits and understand your mistake.

Caring for ordinary almonds, the photo of which you now see, is not very difficult. Therefore, the desire to plant it in your garden plot is quite feasible. In good conditions, it reaches 4-6 meters in height, and sometimes grows in the form of a bush on dry talus, not exceeding 2 meters.

Flowering and ovary

This is a moment that every gardener should know if he wants to get a rich harvest. The almond bud is laid in the spring. At this time, the plant spends energy on growing fruits, so the buds almost do not grow. After collecting stone fruit, the process will go more intensively. The most important thing is not to damage the buds when harvesting. They become very noticeable in August - September.

Common almond is a gymnosperm plant, a guest from the southern regions. But it's not that much of a sissy. During the winter dormancy, the plant can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to -20 degrees. At -22 °C, half of all kidneys die. A sharp drop in temperature to -24 ° C will lead to the death of 90-100% of the kidneys.

Often, gardeners proudly show a photo of an ordinary almond, which was planted before their birth and still pleases with an excellent harvest. Indeed, this amazing shrub can live up to 80 years.

Place to grow

This shrub in its adult form does not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, you need to immediately find a suitable place for it. The planting of common almonds is carried out in the fall, when the entire area is free and you can think about where the new tree will grow. It will grow even in clay soils. But it is best suited for light, fertile and well-drained soil.

But on heavy acidic clays, it will not grow. Salt areas do not suit him either. With a high chlorine content, the seedling will die within a few months. Areas with heavy soil should be immediately excluded. The seedling will not grow.

water and light

The botanical description of the common almond makes it clear that this plant is drought tolerant. But if there is not enough water for life, you should not expect intensive growth. Green mass is the main consumer of moisture, and if it is not enough, then the leaves will be dropped around mid-June. Therefore, in hot years, irrigation is mandatory. With sufficient moisture, the leaves persist throughout the growing season. Foliage is very important, it undergoes photosynthesis processes. Therefore, its loss will lead to the loss of part of the crop. Consequently, the development of generative buds and the next year's harvest is deteriorating.

This is a very photophilous plant. Don't try to grow it in the shade. With a lack of light, the growth process and productivity are sharply reduced. That is, the proximity of large buildings and other garden plants will negatively affect fruiting. But even its own crown can become a hindrance if it is not thinned out. If you do not carry out regular pruning, then the plant will turn into an ugly bush with little or no fruit. Therefore, timely care for plantings is needed not only for plants, but also for you. By the way, if you perform this procedure every year, then it will not take much time. It is enough to remove all diseased, broken and damaged shoots.

Reproduction of almonds

Under natural conditions, almonds are propagated by seeds. Vegetative propagation allows you to save the valuable qualities of the best varieties in subsequent offspring. The cultivation of common almonds is most often carried out by budding a vegetative bud on a rootstock. And the stock for this is taken from the bitter-seed variety.

So, the first step is to grow seedlings. To do this, the seeds must be sown in grooves 8-10 cm deep. The distance between them is 10-12 cm. Up to 50 cm should remain between rows. Next year, by spring, they will sprout together. Now you need to water and loosen the soil, take care of the seedlings. In July, the lower branches are cut into a ring. When the thickness of the stem reaches 1 cm, they are ready for budding. This procedure means grafting with a vegetative bud of the selected variety.

planting almonds

In the second year, seedlings can be transplanted to the main place in the garden. Planting is best done in the fall. Since almonds grow in warm climates, you can plant them in winter. Gardeners note that at this time the seedlings take root better. But in the spring to leave this procedure is categorically not recommended.

On the garden plot, at least 3-4 mutually pollinated varieties should be planted. If this is not possible, then at least two varieties. This is even on the condition that the neighbors also have almond bushes in their plots. For planting, you need to prepare a landing hole in advance. Its depth is up to 60 cm, and its width is up to 70 cm. Fertilizers must be applied before planting. The ideal option would be 6 kg of rotted manure and 0.5 kg of superphosphate. After planting, be sure to water the seedlings, using at least a bucket of water for each of them.

We form a crown

To get a good harvest, you need to do this regularly. But it is not grown for the sake of beautiful flowers. The chemical composition of the common almond is incredibly rich and varied. These are fats and carbohydrates, a large amount of protein, vitamins and amino acids. The crown of young trees should begin to form in the second year after planting. First, the stem height is determined, and all shoots that grow below this height are cut as close to the trunk as possible.

From the shoots that are located above the first branch, a crown is formed. This is done in the following way. As the second skeletal branch, you need to take a shoot that grows in the opposite direction from it. The third skeletal branch is formed from the shoot, which is located between them. The fourth should go in the direction opposite to it. All other shoots that grow between them are cut out.

plant care

During the first year of life, the bush gives a slight increase. This is easy to explain, since the root system was damaged during digging and transportation. It does not actively perform its main functions of providing the ground part with nutrients. Therefore, during the first year, it is especially important to water every 10 days. As soon as the soil in the trunk circle dries out, it needs to be loosened by 10 cm.

Top dressing is optional, as you have already introduced organic matter into the planting hole. But keep in mind that the bush needs a lot of nitrogen. Therefore, in the first days of summer, it is required to add 200 g of ammonium nitrate for each plant. This procedure is performed during irrigation. Do not forget about the neighborhood of plants in the garden. For the first five years, agrotechnicians recommend growing vegetable or fodder plants between rows. This has a good effect on the growth of ordinary almonds.

Caring for young plants is very important, because right now the root system and crown are being formed. It consists in timely watering and weed control. If you see that the plant has stopped growing and developing, you can apply mineral supplements. It is a mixture of 100 g of nitrogen and potassium and 200 g of phosphorus per plant. Almond bushes come into fruition for 4 years. Until about 19 years of age, they will increase their yield annually.

What is useful almond ordinary

Pharmacognosy, that is, a pharmaceutical science that studies drugs obtained from raw materials of plant origin, has long been seriously engaged in the study of the beneficial properties of almonds. These fruits, which are considered to be nuts, are excellent helpers for anemia and anemia, and for diabetes.

Almonds are very useful for the digestive tract. It normalizes the acidity of the digestive juice, is used to normalize the functioning of the liver and spleen. It is an excellent remedy for headaches, migraines and insomnia. In folk medicine, almond kernels are widely known as an antitussive. Has a wide range of useful properties and almond oil. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes bowel function.

Almonds will also provide good support for pregnant women. They should receive enough vitamin E and magnesium, calcium and zinc, phosphorus and iron every day. Just these microelements are abundantly contained in delicious drupe fruits.

Instead of a conclusion

The common GF almond is an excellent choice for gardeners who live in warm climates. The bushes are quite neat, and also decorative during flowering. But the taste and nutritional value of the fruit are much more significant. If you want to prepare almonds for the whole season for your family, then it will be enough to plant 3-4 bushes. When they reach full maturity (by about 18 years), then the fruits will already be in abundance. But there are enough options for the implementation of almonds. And most importantly, the bushes are completely unpretentious. Even if you do not have time for watering and weeding at all, this will not cause their death.

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