Search results for \"bee\". Search results for \"BE-e\" Systems of precision weapons studies. manual for the course "Perspective concepts of rocket and barreled weapons"

According to the deep conviction of the rock poetess, the author of the texts of "Aria", "Master", Kipelov and other heroes of heavy metal, this is a spectacle snake of Russian rock. For many years, with the help of samizdat, he fooled the heads of gullible music lovers, thereby undermining the foundations of the national statehood. At the end of 2017, Guryev and his permanent colleague in rock samizdat collected everything they could find, publishing an elegant volume of artifacts of the Time of Troubles with a circulation of 500 copies. and the archive of samizdat "KontrKultUr'a" start a joint project dedicated to the experiments of the creative self-destruction of Russian rock and the subjective everyday life of the period of the 1980-2000s.

They dreamed of a worldwide rock revolution

Sergey Guryev ("KontrKultUr'a", founder)

In the USSR, rock, to put it mildly, was not welcome, and information about it was extremely scarce. This naturally led to the emergence of the rock samizdat phenomenon: self-made magazines with articles about favorite music and its adherents were printed on typewriters and distributed underground. The flagship of rock samizdat was considered by many to be the KontrKultUr'a magazine, whose materials were written in a language that differed from the language of official Soviet journalism in the same way that rock and roll differed from classical music cultivated in the Soviet Union. Like any self-respecting underground, the authors of the magazine dreamed of a worldwide (rock) revolution and brought it closer in every possible way. There are many feats on the account of rock self-publishers. One of them was the organization of the "Soviet Woodstock" - the rock festival "Podolsk-87", held under the nose of the party authorities of the city near Moscow.

The Podolsky rock festival was held on September 11-13, 1987 with the participation of the best "independent" groups from 15 cities of the country. Its actual organizers were the underground magazines "Zombies" and the predecessor of "KontrKultUr" - "Urlight". For three days, in front of a crowd of five thousand crazed music lovers who filled the city's Green Theater - an open area with a formal capacity of 3,500 people - DDT, "Zoo" performed , "TV", "Nautilus Pompilius", "Kalinov Bridge", "Brigade C", "Cloudy Edge", "Funny Pictures" ...

It was in Podolsk that, for the first time in the history of the USSR, the wall of the Soviet mentality cracked so much that the organizers of the fest managed to hold the largest action, fully consistent with the traditions of the radical underground. The Podolsk festival caused shock and awe among the Soviet nomenklatura, from which it never recovered.

And became an obedient instrument of the Zionists

Pete Kolupaev (underground hero, Pinoller, 1994)

Among the basic rules for holding underground rock concerts, it was prescribed to hide information about the upcoming get-together from all sorts of Komsomol-party and other bodies as long as possible and carefully. But this time, when the whole underground was crawling out and had to hang out in the open air for several days, such a scheme did not work.

Photo provided by the magazine "KontrKultUr'a"

Then Pete decided to change tactics. He bought a Komsomol badge from a falerist friend, rubbed a pipka with the image of Lenin with toothpowder, put on a brown suit, attached the badge to a conspicuous place and went to the Podolsk city committee of the Komsomol. In the city committee, anxious representatives of the Komsomol and KGB officers were already waiting for him. Pete skillfully led a conversation with them, using stylistic phrases from the nomenklatura colloquial speech, and with the pathos of a noble tinker outlined the essence of the proposed events, as well as the benefits that the city committee would have from holding such an event. At the same time, he stressed the number of passing and leaving red banners, gilded silk pennants and honorary aluminum cups, with which higher authorities would shower Podolsk comrades. If these Komsomol members knew what higher authorities would actually shower them with after the event, they would have killed Pete on the spot.

Of course, immediately after the performance of "TV" with their current composition about three or four reptiles, it became more or less clear to all Komsomol members who Pete Kolupaev really was and what kind of pig he planted on them. The first to cover the Podolsk city committee of the party with cursing were their regional committee chiefs, headed by Comrade Month. they shifted all the blame on the Komsomol members and at the same time gave tinsel to the executive committee workers. Further, the intimidated Komsomol members of Podolsk were beaten with their muzzles against the battery at some meeting of the regional committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, and "" placed the materials of this meeting on the first page of the newspaper:

“... The Podolsk Rock Festival has become a sad lesson for everyone. The performance of scandalous rock bands crossed out the main goal of the festival - popularization of the best samples of national rock music, turned the official youth event into a demonstration of the moral immorality and ideological immaturity of a number of performers. This became possible because a wide range of the Komsomol activists of the region were not involved in the preparation of the festival, and the commission for the ideological and political education of the youth of the Komsomol Committee remained on the sidelines. The regional committee of the Komsomol gave a fundamental assessment to the organizers of the festival, the department of propaganda and cultural work was instructed to create a creative rock workshop under the regional committee to coordinate the activities of city rock clubs ... It will include, first of all, the ideological asset of the region, professional poets and musicians " . (“Moskovsky Komsomolets”, November 17, 1987).

After some time, one of the KGB officers met Pete on the street and asked him to give him five minutes. The whole conversation was devoted to the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. In this regard, Pete remembered the words of his impressionable comrade, who said that when he listens, he considers himself a Zionist, and when he listens, he becomes an anti-Semite. The vigilant Chekist immediately began to shame Pete:

How could you, a Russian person (and we checked your genealogy!), could contact this Jew? We had information that the Zionists wanted to hold their rally on those dates. Now we understand that this rock festival was the Jewish coven. You have become an obedient tool in their hands. How could you not understand this?!

Photo: Yuri Chashkin (provided by the magazine "KontrKultUr'a")

But I didn’t even suspect, - Pete threw up his hands.

We checked the entire composition of the organizers, including the jury - solid Jews!

Further, the KGBist named, in his opinion, the most dangerous rock band that performed at the festival. It turned out to be Cement. Obviously, the KGB got hooked on the name of Andrei Yakhimovich, and with the help of spy equipment they carried out a sound recording of the group's performances. The Chekist read to Pete a transcript of the texts, which looked something like this:

"A guest is sitting at the table." The guest is a Russian person.
"He's got a nail in his head" . The Jews hammered a nail in the head of the Russian man.
"I beat him up." It is confirmed that the scorer was a Jew.
"So that the guest does not leave" . So that the Russian people could not escape from the clutches of the Zionists...

After listening to this cool sur, Pete remembered the text of another group:

"And I'm in the VHF band,
And he is in the range of the KGB.
Be-e, KGB, Be-e, KGB-ee!”

This is how the Bomzh group from Novosibirsk sang, but, obviously, their name was associated with office workers with natural homeless people, who, as you know, were dealt with by another department.

The shell accurately hit the bust of a Komsomol member

Petr Kamenchenko (, eyewitness)

1987 was ending. Gorbachev, pluralism, perestroika, glasnost, a rock festival in Podolsk... Today, even contemporaries of those events will no longer remember when the transition from "everything is forbidden" to "walk, Vasya!" the collapse of the country became irreversible. But it definitely didn't happen in 1987. That year, the Rolling Stones could still be expelled from the institute for a record, they could be imprisoned for a home-made magazine about their favorite music printed on a typewriter, and those who wanted to leave the country without first marrying a Jewess had to flee.

In order for you to better imagine (or remember) that dashing time, I will tell you about one case. In December 1987, I ended up in India as part of a group of advanced Soviet youth as part of the Soviet-Indian Friendship Festival. The USSR at that time had many more friends, and India was one of them. Elephants, fakirs, elegant leather shopping bags and exotic jewelry were brought to Moscow from India. In the opposite direction proceeded the ensemble of Moiseev, VIA "Gems", Pugacheva, Kobzon, and a limited contingent of carefully selected compatriots, among whom I fell by pure chance.

At that time, I had an imported Panasonic VCR and several cassettes with interesting films (The Greek Fig Tree, Emmanuelle, Return of the Jedi, Rimbaud) to it. Cassettes were expensive, and they were exchanged. But since overwriting and storing materials of a “subversive nature” could be decently scolded, there was a conspiracy. There was a legend in Moscow at that time that the KGB officers, having figured out the apartment where they were watching a forbidden video, turned off the electricity in it so that it was impossible to get the cassette from the VCR and destroy it in time, broke down the door and tied everyone up. In this regard, top-loading VHS cassettes were considered safer.

Gradually, a circle of interest developed around my video recorder, which, in addition to the first composition of the “Brigade C”, included the instructor of the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the Komsomol Nurlan Uruzbaev, later the director of “Open Radio”. And when Nur was instructed to select the best Komsomol members of Moscow for a free visit to a friendly country, he, without a moment's hesitation, included me in the list. Formally, I approached: a young specialist with a responsible Komsomol assignment - I led a sports club in a psychiatric hospital No. 15, where I then worked as an intern.

Before a trip abroad, we were instructed in the district committee of the party, warned about provocations and called for vigilance. On the eve of departure, my mother cried: “Son, don’t think about us, if anything, dad and I will understand.” I did not immediately understand what my mother had in mind, since, of course, I was not going to run away for the cordon.

In each traveling group, there was always a seksot (a secret KGB officer - approx. ""), who followed everyone and answered for everything before the Motherland. We calculated our sexot instantly. Plump-looking Vovan hit a volleyball with such force that a Komsomol member from Ball Bearing, who was hit exactly in the bust by a projectile, fell into a knockout. Only an employee of the competent authorities could hit the target so strongly and accurately!

Apparently, Vovan had an insider, and he suspected that someone from the group was going to give a damn. Having chosen the two most unreliable ones - me and the costume designer of the Bolshoi Theater, Vovan settled us in a separate room, and on the night before returning home he dragged a mattress and lay down on it across the door. He explained to us that his roommate snores, and therefore he will sleep with us. I suspect that Vovan hid the pistol under his pillow. What was his horror when it turned out in the morning that a quiet junior researcher had gone to the Australian embassy at night and asked for political asylum. from the cardiology center. We didn't see any more of either.

Such a difficult situation was in the country in December 1987.

And seven hungry wolves wandered through the forest, they saw a new winter hut.

Odin, the bravest wolf, says:
- I’ll go, brothers, and see who lives in this winter hut. If I don't come back soon, run to the rescue.

The wolf entered the winter hut and landed right on the ram.
The ram has nowhere to go. The ram hid in a corner, bleated in a terrible voice:
- Be-ee! .. Be-ee! .. Be-ee! ..
The rooster saw the wolf, flew off the perch, flapped its wings:
- Ku-ka-re-ku-u!
The cat jumped off the stove, snorted, meowed:
- Me-u-u! .. Me-u-u! Me-u-u!..

A bull ran in, wolf horns to the side:
- Wu-u-u! .. U-u-u! .. U-u-u! ..
And the pig heard that a fight was going on upstairs, crawled out of the underground and shouted:
- Oink! ... Oink! .. Oink! .. Whom to eat here?
The wolf had a hard time, he barely escaped alive from trouble.

Runs, shouts to his comrades:
- Oh brothers, go away! Oh brothers, run!
The wolves heard and took to their heels.
They ran for an hour, they ran for two, they sat down to rest, their red tongues fell out.

And the old wolf caught his breath, he says to them:
- I, my brothers, entered the winter hut, I see - a terrible and shaggy one stared at me. Upstairs clapped, downstairs snorted! A horned, butted man jumped out of the corner - horns in my side! And from below they shout: “Who is there to eat?” I did not see the light - and out ... Oh, run, brothers! ..
The wolves rose, their tails like a pipe - only a column of snow.

Russian folktale

crane book

What is the book on the rock
On a rock, like on a table?
They say that the cranes
They brought this book.

The stork spreads its wings
The stork opens the book.
In the book - letters and words,
The stork sees the letter "A".
And, putting glasses on his nose,
He reads:

And then the Baran came
I looked and wondered.
- Be-e, BIRCH.
- Be-e, BIDON. -
He loves this letter.

And Camel came here.
He read:

Rook the scientist looks into the book,
A jackdaw sits next to him.
- The letter "G", baby, learn.
This is G - NEST, ROOKS.

Something the letter "E" is not visible, -
Thrush says Echidna.
- The letter "E" behind the letter "D".
- Well, where is this letter?
Drozd said:
- We'll find it now.
You see, OAK, ROAD, HOUSE.
And behind the house, look
FIR-trees, Hedgehog and BLACKBERRY.

Seeing the letter "J"
Giraffe leaned over:
The letter suddenly ran.
Yes, it's just a BUCK!

Here is the Bison from the zoo
Together with Zebra striped
In warehouses they read in chorus:

Read the turkey:
It's me! -
Turkey said.

The lioness sniffs the page.
The word "Doe" was recognized by the Lioness.
But they confuse Leo
Unfamiliar words:
Everything is on the "L" and everything is not right.

The letter "M" is needed by the furry
Fat-footed Bear cubs.
The letter "M" was found easily:

sorry rhino,
You do not poke a horn into a book.
You read. It's simple:

And then came the donkey.
He looked at all the pages
Lowered his eyelashes
And said:
- Except Oh,
There is nothing in the book.

At this time Pelican
Arrived from different countries.
He opened his beak wide
And read these lines:
- There are a lot of words with the letter "P", -
Bird Penochka said.

Lynx growled:
- Ha R
No less words.
For example:
Old Cancer decided to remain silent.
Because everyone sees
In the book -
In the river -

Sable climbed a rock,
Sable is looking for the letter "C".
I found it on page C.

What is TELE-SCOP?-
The tiger asked, furrowing his brow.
What a word? -
Toucan has never heard of such a thing.

Looking at the turn
Clever already read:
And Hoopoe is the opposite.
Read Hoopoe.

And the Pheasants asked:
- Find us the letter "F", Owl.-
But, sighing heavily,
The eagle owl hides in a hollow.
Owl even with a lantern
He sees nothing during the day.

Piggy came running:
- Oink!
Let me take a look at the book.
Oink! - she said, looking .-
I see the HILL, but where is the SHED?

Two Chickens squealed -
Found the letter "C".
In the word "HERON" - C at the beginning,
In the word "SUN" - C at the end.

Well, Chizhik,
Are you silent?
- WORM? -
Chizh reads.

- BALL! -
Rustle Bumblebees.
They found the letter "Sh".

And the Puppy growls and gets angry.
He is afraid of the word "BRUSH".

A deer came from the forests.
On the page the word "STUNK",
But the Deer reads: - PEH.
DAY - DAY. -
Here laughter and hubbub arose:
- He is not familiar with the soft sign!

Only the Bull sighs:
- Alas. There are no words for the letter "Y"!

The ostrich Emu knows the letters,
Maybe he read the letter.
- The letter "E", -
Reading Emu. -

And then Yaz appeared,
Hasel not in a hurry.
This is where the lesson ends...
Late one -
- Why are you late?
Where have you been?
- He flew south.
You missed it, friend
The letter "U".

The stork spreads its wings
The stork closes the book.
The book is very large.
This is AZ-BU-KA.

Vova, will you play Circus?

Are you polite today?

Okay I will not. Then let's talk about something interesting. Do you know poetry?

It turned out that, apart from "Glass-lemon, get out," Vovka does not know any poetry.

Then let's read.

Lenochka took a book from the top shelf and began:

Fly, fly, clatter

Gilded belly -

The fly went to the market

And bought a samovar

Dump truck! Vovka corrected gloomily. He didn't know how to read that fast.

It says "samovar" here.

Little is written. Samovar - what is it?

Lena shrugged.

Yeah, don't you know? And I don't know. And everyone knows the dump truck ... Let's better draw letters.

Vovka took out his cherished green album.

Be-e! - he pulled, drawing a pot-bellied "b". - Tee! Lena, you have that letter written upside down!

Nothing of the kind - it's "y".

So what, what is "u"? Still upside down. Ask grandma.

What are you, Vovochka, Lena is right. She has "y" like "y". Where do you see legs?

But Vovka saw the letters of the legs quite distinctly.

But your "e" wand sways inside!

Swaying, Elena!

And you can’t write “cheese” and “lynx” in one word!

The guys got to work. They liked letters. They were all different, each with its own character. They crowded into the album in a noisy gang and were terribly reluctant to fit into words. Even if it was a short, mysterious word known only to Vovka...

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In the conditions of the modern economic development of the country, aimed at obtaining import-substituting products, the issue of evaluating the possibility of extending the service life of foreign and domestic-made equipment parts, taking into account the reduction in the cost of acquiring new ones, their strengthening and restoring the original geometric dimensions, is especially relevant. The article presents an algorithm for calculating a complex indicator of reliability (using such criteria as: reliability; maintainability; persistence; durability), which is a tool for diagnosing the economic assessment of the feasibility of both restoring parts and their hardening

BE 1 B11 K K L L γ = = , (2.2) where γ is the coefficient of change in the reliability index at the first replacement<...>reliability of parts replaced in operation is the reciprocal of the replacement from the difference (1 - KB1) ()B1 BE<...>vary the wear resistance of the restored working surface, which is estimated by the ratio B1 BV1V BE 1NE1<...>persistence, then the actual number of restorations of the part is determined by the ratio () R S B1 F V BE<...>realization of the resource of the machine will require new parts, the number of which is determined by the ratio () ()R S B1 N BE


Circuit Basics: Tutorial Tutorial

The fundamentals of the theory of transistor amplifying devices from the simplest cascades to operational amplifiers are outlined. It is intended for students studying in the direction of 5504 Telecommunication and will also be useful for students of the specialty 013S00 Radiophysics and Electronics (discipline "Fundamentals of Circuitry", block of general education), full-time and part-time forms of education.

If BE RR >> , then 1=bγ , αβ β = + = 1 S . If BE RR BE rh r .<...>bee ebeebee ebeb b bee bebee ebebbb rrrr rrrrrrr rrrr I Uh IIIII rrrrIU + + + + = ++=++++ ++ +++++ =<...>BE R UΔ + β+1 IE * β Δβ + () K K K K E r r r E1 1 I * Δ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ −γ− + β The only difference is that<...>E E BE T T E E I I IU I I .

Preview: Fundamentals of Circuitry Tutorial.pdf (1.0 Mb)


Spring. Hello, dear guests, dear children and lovely class teachers! You recognized me? Who am I? I am your first school Spring. You have noticeably grown up, become one spring older than your successors, future first-graders. Today we will say goodbye to your first station on the school road. All of you today are passengers of a large train called "School". And we are embarking on an exciting journey along the road of discovery. Did everyone take their baggage of knowledge with them on the road? You can't get along without them.

And then the ram appeared: Be-e-e is a birch, Be-e-e is a can. He loves this letter. 3.


Electronic circuits and microcircuitry. Part 5 studies. allowance

Publishing house of NSTU

A wide range of exercises and tasks related to the analysis and calculation of electromagnetic processes in simple RLC circuits and amplifier stages on transistors and operational amplifiers is offered. Brief theoretical materials on the operation of basic circuits and the calculated ratios in them are given. Examples of analysis and calculation of simple RLC circuits and amplifying devices using transistors and operational amplifiers are given. The description of laboratory works, methodology and program of their implementation, corresponding to the content of the educational material, are given.

BB B E 01 E E I R R - BE B E 01 U R R - K0 E B E 01 I R R R ; (2.16) Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC<...>Book-Service Agency 36 E B 0K B E 0 () 1 E E I R R - BE 0 B E 01 U R R + K0 E B B E 0 () 1 I<...>R R R R ; (2.17) E B 0E B E 0 ()(1) 1 E E I R R – BE 0 B E 0 (1) 1 U R R + K0 B B E 01 I R R R . (<...>By means of differentiation, we obtain: K0 BE E 0K 0 B E 0 01 I U I I S R R , (2.19) where S is the coefficient<...>R = B K BE E 1 B B A R E U U R I R . 5.

Preview: Electronic circuits and microcircuitry. Part 5.pdf (0.6 Mb)


The article briefly outlines the main regularities of the existence of the mine system. It is proved that the production capacity of the mine system is proportional to the production capacity of individual subsystems and depends on their reserve coefficient and is inversely proportional to the loss factors in each technological subsystem of the mine system with the objective function of optimizing its structure

processing coal), so the authors define the main inequality of the mine system by dependence (3): BE<...>≥ E 1 + E 2+ ... + En → max, (3) where: BE - the potential of the production capacity of the basic element of the mine system<...>; E 1 + E 2+ ... + En - potentials of the production capacity of auxiliary elements of the mine system; Production


Topical issues of mathematical education: state, problems and development prospects: materials of Vseros. scientific-pract. conf. Feb 26 - March 3, 2018 materials of the All-Russia. scientific-pract. conf. Feb 26 – March 3, 2018


The collection contains articles by participants of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference devoted to topical issues of mathematical education. The materials of the collection present the results of theoretical and applied research of representatives of the scientific and educational community in this field. Articles are presented in the author's edition. The collection is placed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The proposed publication is of interest to teachers-mathematicians of educational institutions, teachers-mathematicians of higher education and students of pedagogical universities studying in the direction 44.03.01 Pedagogical education of the direction Mathematics.

MKEKHKL. one (). , – , – , . yo. : >> % E >> LvTs E >> % b(E )Z >> BE = EZ2-13*E +23; >> % : V=B"(E), K=V"(<...>E) \u003d b "(E) >> V \u003d NTPP (BE, E, 1) V \u003d 2 * E -13 >> K \u003d NTPP (BE, E, 2) K \u003d 2 \u003e\u003e% E \u003d 9 M\u003e > VE0 \u003d JUL (V, E, 9) VE0 \u003d 5: V \u003d<...>>> % SCHST(E ) >> SCHST=EZ2+2*E +4; >> a=NTPP(SCHST,E,1) a=2*E +2 >> E=NTPP(SCHST,E,2) E=2 >> % E=4M >> AE0=JUL<...>(а,Э ,4) АЭ0 =10: 210(1/), 2(1 /)М М   . 3(). / . . : , :  L K YANES >> LvTs E >> V=2*(6-E<...>); >> S=TSE(V,E ,0,E ) S=12*E -EZ2 >> % (SCKb), (SE) >> SE=NTPP(S,E ,1) SE=12-2*E >> % SE=0, E=6.

Preview: Actual questions of mathematical education state, problems and development prospects materials of Vseros. scientific-pract. conf. Feb 26 - March 3, 2018.pdf (1.1 Mb)


Physical bases of electronics studies. allowance

TPU publishing house

The manual describes the physical processes in semiconductor devices, their basic properties, characteristics and parameters, design and technological features. The circuitry of amplifying cascades, operational amplifiers, converter devices of medium and high power is considered.

b b2ke Δ constΔ Ih I IU     (3.31) (ranges from hundreds of Ohm to units of kOhm); be 12e bke Δ . constΔUh<...>Giving an increment of voltage be be be Δ D AU U U  by the value of ebΔU, we find the increment of the base current b b<...>Substituting the found values ​​beU and bI  into expression (3.31), we get: be 11e keb Δ . constΔ Uh UI <...>expression (3.32) could be obtained<...>UUR  02be 3 UUR  01kI 1kI nI 2  bu  02kI be 1U 2kI be 2U mIk mIk   2 3.35.

Preview: Physical foundations of electronics.pdf (0.6 Mb)


Laboratory workshop on the discipline "Electronics". Part 1 study method. allowance

Publishing house PSUTI

The teaching aid is intended for conducting laboratory classes using the computer simulation program Multisim 10.1 for students studying in the areas (specialties) and profiles of training bachelors and specialists: 09.03.01 - Software for VT and AS; 09.03.04 - Development of software and information systems; 10.03.01 - Security of telecommunication systems; 05/10/02 - Information security of telecommunication systems; 11.03.01 - Radio engineering; 11.03.02 - Infocommunication technologies and communication systems; 05/11/01 - Radio-electronic systems and complexes; 12.03.03 - Optical information technologies; 03/27/04 - Management and informatics in technical systems; 03/27/05 - Innovation management. The disciplines of the cycle "Electronics" include the following disciplines: "Electrical engineering and electronics" (27.03.04, 27.03.05, 12.03.03); "Electronics" (03/11/02, 03/11/01, 03/09/04, 05/11/01); "Electronics and circuitry" (10.05.02, 10.03.01); "Electrical engineering, electronics and circuitry" (09.03.01).

To determine the input resistance h11e and the current transfer coefficient h21e, set a constant<...>Table 4.1 h11e, h21e h12e, h22e Uke=10 V Ib=0.3mA Ib=0.4mA Ib=0.2mA Uke=15 B Uke=5 B Ube, V I<...>k, mA Using the following relationships, calculate h-parameters: ...; mA) 2.04.0 (mVbebe constb be e 11<...>C)515(Vbebe constke bee 12 b = - ′−′′ = ∆ ∆ = = UU U U h I Fig. 4.2 Fig. 4.1 0.4 mA 10 V Copyright JSC<...>Calculate low-signal h-parameters and build graphs h11e , h12e , h21e , h22e = f (Ib0).

Preview: Laboratory workshop on discipline Electronics Teaching aid. Part 1.pdf (0.1 Mb)



An analysis is given of methods for ensuring the thermal stability of high-voltage voltage dividers based on vacuum capacitors. A method for calculating the coefficient of temperature change and the division coefficient of vacuum devices is given.

E 1 11 E Eo dC d dN D d dT dT dT<...>E E E E 1 1 1 2 E E E E E dD dddC d d D d C dT dT dT dT dTD d<...>6 E E 2 .<...>1 bE ,   2E 2 bE ,   the expression for 4C is simplified and takes the form 4 3 3 6 6 1 2 b 2 2 1 26 6<...>E Eα 2 .


Circuit engineering of amplifying devices studies. allowance for universities

M.: Hotline - Telecom

Theoretical and practical aspects of the development and design of modern amplifying devices are considered. Methods of mathematical description of their work are given, as well as the basics of analysis and synthesis of devices with given technical characteristics and parameters.

E H OBWH N OBWHE NC BE BE BE KE OE r R R R RI RI U U dU dUKU       and approximately equal to Copyright<...>The input resistance of the transistor for the OB circuit is found from the following relationship:<...>BE E II Ur     .<...>OE21 UI I UI Ih ; * K E E * K E BKE BE 12 1 OE12 00 r r rr r IU U IU Uh            .<...>Perepelkin EKEE * KBE) (rUrrU   ; E * K E KE BE rr r U U     . * KE * KE * KK K BKE K 12 2 OE22

Preview: Circuitry of amplifying devices. Textbook for universities (1).pdf (1.0 Mb)


Buryaad heleney syntax. Yuryn medulel workshop, Syntax of the Buryat language. Simple sentence. Workshop

The workshop includes the main sections of syntax: syntax of a phrase, syntax of a simple sentence. The workshop includes control questions, exercises that can serve as material for practical work. Separate sentences and coherent texts from works of Buryat literature, as well as from newspaper and journalistic materials, are used as language material for exercises.

Haishan gezhe? Yaaja? Hezee? Khaan? Yuunde? Yaabal? Har zerge? Yamaraar?<...>H eh n Һ eh eh ? Yu u n u u u u u u u u u u ?<...>Omog bardam diilezhe, Bee saldan bolonkhaar, Bardamdaa bardam soon Baryaad huugan bardam! E .<...>H eh n Һ eh eh ? Yu u n u u u u u u u u u u ?<...>Omog bardam diilezhe, Bee saldan bolonkhaar, Bardamdaa bardam soon Baryaad huugan bardam! E .

Preview: Buryaad heleney syntax. Yuryn medulel (1).pdf (0.0 Mb)


Buryaad khelaney workshop = Practicum on native language

Buryat State University

The textbook was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the direction of training 45.03.01 Philology. The workshop contains the necessary theoretical minimum, questions and assignments for practical classes and independent work of students. The manual is intended for conducting practical classes on the course "Workshop on the native language" and is aimed at correcting and preventing typical speech errors that reduce the effectiveness of communication in the educational, social, business and scientific fields of activity of bachelors of philological areas, and can also be recommended to teachers - philologists.

<...>H e r e g l e g de e x e ү g e n ү ү d: urlakha, hүleg, bartakhi, mantan, shurbehtey, taiban, deputy, tarkhi<...>E.)<...>Kh er e g l e kh e ү g e n ү ү d: sesegee, shemegtei, hemzheshegyi, edihe, nimgerbe, delbeger, erdem. fifty.<...>H e r e g l e g de e x e ү g e n ү ү d: urlakha, hүleg, bartakhi, mantan, shurbehtey, taiban, deputy, tarkhi

Preview: Buryaad khaleney workshop = Workshop on native language.pdf (0.4 Mb)


History of the Russian language studies. manual for pract. classes

The textbook includes a variety of material for practical classes: a discipline program, exercises and tasks on the history of the Russian language, tasks for independent work, tests, diagrams and samples of a comprehensive historical analysis of the text, tests, reference materials, etc. The exercises are divided into topics in accordance with program, each topic is accompanied by tasks for the analysis of Old Russian or Old Russian texts. In the “Assignments for independent work” section, a large number of adapted (transferred in civil type and divided into sentences) texts of monuments belonging to different eras and genres, and questions for their comprehensive analysis, covering various language levels - phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic. Particular attention is paid to problems that are usually not considered in the course of the history of the Russian language, but at the same time are of great importance: the etymology of Russian words and phraseological units, the semantic evolution of words with Proto-Slavic roots, the composition of archaic vocabulary in the Russian language, etc.

History e.<...>Find in the text cases of replacing e with e and e, b with e.<...>, -a, s is an advertisement, -e , -e 3 l. there is an advertisement, -o, -and the essence of the advertisement, -a, s is an advertisement, -e, -e Copyright OJSC<...>rekli, -a, s byasta rekla, -e, -e 3 l. byashe rekl, -o, -a byahu (t) rekli, -a, s byasta rekla, -e, -e<...>-a, you quickly led, -e, -e 3 l. would lead, -o, -and they would lead, -a, you would quickly lead, -e, -e Copyright JSC "TsKB

Preview: History of the Russian language (1).pdf (0.1 Mb)


Aleksey Sergeevich Kozyrev was born in 1944 in Leningrad, a writer, playwright, screenwriter and public figure, chairman of the Pardon Commission in St. Petersburg. Member of the Union of Russian Writers.

Valentin Yurievich firmly grabs the lady by the elbow. - Be-e-e! Just for the sake of experience... and not only!<...>Rested, rejuvenated, as before, imperious and energetic. - It's very unpleasant for me, prof-e-e-e-quarrels<...>Or is he completely neither be-e-e, nor me-e-e! - Try, - allows the professor, - but you have to hurry.<...>An important patient, loudly clattering his boots on the parquet, comes up to the dog: - Excuse me ... you are Druzhkov or, as be-e-e<...>be-e-e, how would e-e be more accurate to say ... Buddy?


The electrical initiation system for portable explosive complexes designed for explosive drilling of rocks includes: an autonomous power source, a remote control panel, an electrical initiation unit and a set of special electrical detonators. Blocks of electric initiation provide undermining of special electric detonators and explosive charges built into cassettes, with the help of which explosive drilling of rocks is carried out with explosive installations. The article analyzes the main ways to reduce the mass-dimensional characteristics of electrical initiation units and the initiation system as a whole, while increasing the number of initiating channels operating in a controlled mode with a frequency of up to 1000 Hz.

Schemes of devel oped blocks of electrical initiation and remote control<...> <...>- BEI -7A and 14 channel - BEI -14A); - up to 1000 Hz (14 channel - BEI -14V, 21 channel - BEI -21A and BEI<...>channels)=M BEI /k and (BEI volume / number of channels)=V BEI /k: - by weight 7.2 times (for BEI-7A - M BEI<...>Website of OJSC "Elecond" - a Russian manufacturer of electrolytic condensers


Practice of speaking and writing

Buryat State University

The textbook is a practical course of oral and written speech in the Buryat language. Training is based on the development of speech situations in conditions close to natural. The texts of the dialogues are accompanied by lexical and grammatical tasks that activate the speech skills of students. The main sections of the grammar of the Buryat language are presented instructively and in tables. The publication is intended for students of the direction of preparation "Oriental and African Studies". Profile of training: Languages ​​and literatures of Asian and African countries (Buryat philology).

On the letter are transmitted by letters ee, e and hey. 6.<...>Oh taigaarn yamar anguud amidardag be? Hezee Baigal "untadag" be? Hezee Baigal "herideg be"?<...>Yakovleva, E. P. Pilman.<...>In 1898 Prince E.<...>Nanzatova E. P. Bayan daa Buryaad oromnay / E . P. Nanzatova. - Ulan-Ude, 2003. 22.

Preview: The practice of oral and written speech.pdf (0.7 Mb)


The wind blows from Mithridates. Bosporus and the Black Sea region in antiquity to the 70th anniversary of V.P. Tolstikov

M.: Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science

The collection presents studies on the history and archeology of the Bosporan kingdom and the Black Sea region in the era of antiquity. In addition to publishing the materials of the latest research on Panticapaeum and other ancient monuments of the region, the book deals with issues of military affairs, fortification, building techniques, and the art of the Greco-Roman period. The authors, leading historians of antiquity in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Germany, dedicate it to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian researcher Vladimir Petrovich Tolstikov.

/307, BE 2005. 39/202, BE 2008. 40/364, BE 2010. 20/132, BE 2011. 16/176, BE 2013. 11/78, BE 2013. 56<...>/348, BE 2005.34/207, BE 2005.36/218, BE 2008.31/250, BE 2008.32/253, BE 2008.47/404, BE 2010.25/232,<...>BE 2004.48/164, BE 2005.19/148, BE 2005.23/166, BE 2006.30/180, BE 2006.46/373, BE 2007.42/490, BE 2008.26<...>, BE 2006.16/103, BE 2006.22/292, BE 2006.35/243, BE 2006.35/274, BE 2006.46/374, BE 2006.47/384, BE<...>/460, BE 2012.2/21, BE 2012.48/245, BE 2013.25/183, BE 2013.56/263, BE 2005.12/123, BE 2005.25/179, BE

Preview: The wind blows from Mithridates. Bosporus and the Black Sea region in antiquity.pdf (2.1 Mb)


Russian-English phrase book [training-pract. allowance]

M.: Prospect

This phrasebook will serve you as a good assistant when communicating with foreigners in English, as it covers a variety of situations both when traveling abroad and within our country. For each topic, words, phrases and sentences are suggested that you can hear and those that you need for your own statement. All words, phrases and sentences are given with translation into English with Russian transliteration. At the end of the phrasebook, brief grammar information is provided to help you quickly understand or remember the rules for using words and constructing sentences.

Aim e be ´ike. My husband is an engineer. My husband is an engineer. Mai ha ´zband from en engini ´e.<...>be ´te?<...>fountain fountain bridge bridge bridge aqueduct aqueduct e ´quidact harbour, port harbour, ha ´be 15.<...>What about diz ba ´ris i´table? 3.<...>Aim ikspe´ktin e be ´ybi. When is the baby due? Ue ´n from de bae ´ibi be born?

Preview: Russian-English Phrasebook.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Esophageal strictures are the most common complications of epidermolysis bullosa in children. Strictures cause dysphagia that interferes with oral feeding and adequate nutrition, resulting in poor nutritional status, weight loss, and delayed physical development in the child. Impaired swallowing can also cause aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and airway obstruction. To eliminate dysphagia and reduce the risk of complications, restoration of esophageal patency is required. The article presents a description of the results of X-ray-assisted balloon dilatation in 19 children with epidermolysis bullosa and dysphagia. It has been shown that this method of esophageal recanalization allows you to effectively and safely resume oral feeding of children already on the first day after the intervention with a gradual expansion of the diet

The type of BE determines the level of formation of the pathological process.<...>Over the same period, the incidence rates of BE by subtypes were: simple BE - 0.8, borderline -<...>In 2012, at the B.E.L.A.<...>Butterfly children” registered more than 200 children with BE.<...>Gallinger and E. BUT.


The geological study of Alaska began as early as the mid-1920s.2 However, the first oil was discovered here only in the late 1950s. This happened in the area of ​​Cook Bay and the Kenai Peninsula in the southern part of Alaska, where “offshore” wells were drilled, and in extremely difficult environmental conditions (ice blocks, nine-meter waves).

“Energy: economics, technology, ecology” 2 ’2 01 7 © A.L. Silvestrov, L.K.<...>Further studies showed that the unique Prudhoe Bay field owes its appearance to<...>Oil production in Alaska (mainly in the giant Prudhoe Bay field) and its delivery to the south along<...>Oil production begins to fall Prudhoe Bay's oil production peaked for over<...>The Prudhoe Bay field was the site of the largest oil spill in the history of the region.




The main purpose of the research was to study the complex of harmful species and their natural enemies, to test microbiological agents against the main pests and diseases of soybean and to determine their place in the general system of protection of this crop in the conditions of Central Transnistria.

The standard of comparison was the decia, $2.5 k.e. (0.05%) once.<...>High BE was obtained from gomelik (94%) and de1edrobatsaldin (87%).<...>Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service"<...>and turingin-I, r.p. 0.5 and 1 ^-th concentrations have a high acari- "cid activity (up to EO%)<...>To enhance hey "activity?



Psychophysiological patterns of the formation of the visual perception system in children 6-8 years old monograph

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The monograph is devoted to the psychophysiological and neurobiological features of the formation and functioning of the visual perception system in children aged 6-8 years. The article presents an analysis of age-related features of the implementation of visual perception, factors that determine the rate of formation of this cognitive function; the results of electroencephalographic studies, which revealed the features of the systemic organization of the brain of children at rest and when performing visual loads. One of the approaches to the integrative study of the psychophysiological development of a child is substantiated.

Golberg E. The Control Brain: Frontal Lobes, Leadership and Civilization. M., 2003.335 p. Gorev A.S.<...>Kostandov E.A., Cheremushkin E.A., Ashkinazi M.L.<...>Simernitskaya E.G. Neuropsychological method of express diagnostics "Luriya-90". M, 1991.45 p.<...>EH in boys 7-8 years old with visual perception compared with the background state (according to the analysis<...>EH in girls 7-8 years old with visual perception in comparison with the background state (according to the analysis

Preview: Psychophysiological patterns of the formation of the visual perception system in children 6-8 years old.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Epiphyseal and extraepiphyseal melatonin is a marker of the rate of aging of the body and allows assessing the functional state of the neuroimmunoendocrine system. In this work, we used a new method for non-invasive assessment of extraepiphyseal melatonin expression in the buccal epithelium and determination of the main metabolite of epiphyseal melatonin 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-COMT) in the urine of elderly people. The level of melatonin in the buccal epithelium is normal, below and above it was detected in 20.5, 43.2 and 36.3% of patients, respectively. Such a comprehensive study can be recommended for elderly patients with oncological, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular diseases and age-related macular degeneration. In addition, the analysis of melatonin expression in the buccal epithelium can be used for the integral assessment of body biorhythms in elderly people.

The aim of the study was to compare the indicators of melatonin expression in BE and urinary 6-COMT excretion in<...>The study was carried out in comparison with the age norms of the content of melatonin in BE.<...>the level of melatonin in BE was above the age norm, in 20.5% of patients the level of melatonin in BE corresponded<...>The level of melatonin in BE corresponding to the age norm was noted in 9 (20.5%) of 44 patients.<...>Arutyunyan A.V., Stepanov M.G., Kerkeshko G.O., Ailamazyan E.K.




Purpose and objectives of research. The main goal of our work was to clarify the species composition of pathogens of root rot and smut diseases of barley and to improve the system of crop protection from phytopathogens in the conditions of the Central Chernozem Region.

treatment Doses of fertilizers* Without fertilizers Nio Rle Kde Nn P,*i K „ " Without fertilizer<...>N.7 P|Ch K.7 Without fertilizers N40 P*e Lma N77 PlOJ Ks7 Number of conidia in 1 g of dry soil, ind. 160<...>Corn (for silage) " Millet Sugar beet Barley Number of conidia in 1 g of air-dry soil, "<...>"902 Major groups of pathogens, % Helmimhosp SFP" Р 25.2 3.0 BE 88.0 LKgmapa spp Р 203 1.8 BE 91.1<...>fusanum SPP R 5.0 0.5 BE 90.0 Pcniciffium spp R 4.5 0.1 BE 97.7 Biological preparations Lgat-25K, TPS



#8 [Nurse, 2013]

Korenberg E.I., Kovalevsky Yu.V.<...>Korenberg E.I.<...>Korenberg E.I., Gorelova N.B., Kovalevsky Yu.V.<...>Karpenko, E.A. Sheptak, V.G.<...>3, 7 E.A. Pavlova, I.P.

Preview: Nurse No. 8 2013.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The article says that the properties of bitumen emulsions depend on the dispersion of the bitumen phase, and the size of the bitumen droplets may vary depending on the technological equipment used, the type of emulsifier, the preparation schedule and other factors.

influence of the amount of emulsifier on the dispersion and viscosity of the bituminous emulsion KOROTKOV, PhD student, E.V.<...>GOST R ASTM BE -1 55.1 0.4 11.5 13.6 BE -2 56.9 11.8 14.5 BE -3 59.9 12.5 15.7 BE -4 61.9 13, 5 17.0 BE -5<...>55.7 1.2 12.2 13.8 BE -6 56.2 12.4 14.8 BE -7 58.9 1.2 1.2 BE -8 61.9 15.2 19.8 24 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS<...>) rice. 5. bituminous emulsion BE -3 (emulsifier - 0.4%) fig. 7. bituminous emulsion BE -5 (emulsifier - 1.2%<...>) rice. 8. bituminous emulsion BE -6 (emulsifier - 1.2%) fig. 6. bitumen emulsion BE-4 (emulsifier - 0.4%



It tells about how we become who we are.

about the decades selected for translation into Russian by the experts from the Dynasty Foundation.<...>�Mother�s woe�that�after the execution�of Charles I�Anlia�lost�a�monarch�who�was so<...>Kinship is not a reason for the long spations that Parés and Lyceums have been doing, but a problem that can be<...>�Francis�Baeton�was�for�time�post�Lord Chancellor.<...>.� Béon� is not just a doctor with the same medical interests.


#4 [Nurse, 2017]

Scientific-practical and journalistic journal for nursing staff. Published since 1941. The editor-in-chief of the journal is Professor K. I. Grigoriev. Scientific consultant Professor G.M. Perfiliev. The editorial board of the journal includes: Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences I. N. Denisov; Professor N. I. Briko; V. A. Sarkisova; A.Yu.Brazhnikov. Main sections: profession - theory and practice; workshop for nurses; education. Periodicity of issue - 8 magazines per year Target audience: chief physicians, chief nurses, nurses, medical schools, libraries.

Skvortsov, E.Zh. Satueva, Kh.M. Muradova, S.A. Vvedensky, Yu.A. Belova, A.V. Skvortsova, S.A.<...>Chernysheva Epidermolysis bullosa 11 T.E. Saltovskaya, V.V. Skvortsov, A.A.<...>N.E.<...>Skvortsov, Dr. honey. Sciences, Associate Professor, E.Zh. Satueva, Kh.M. Muradova, S.A. Vvedensky, Yu.A. Belova, A.V.<...>(Grigovich I.N., 1985; Stepanov E.A., 2005).

Preview: Nurse No. 4 2017 (1).pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 1 [Problems of mechanical engineering and automation, 2013]

The journal publishes relevant materials (reviews, articles, messages) based on the results of scientific research and practical developments in Russia and abroad in the field of mechanical engineering and mechanical engineering, as well as best practices, new materials and advanced technologies, including problems of economics, management and automation, innovation and investment in mechanical engineering. Included in the VAK List.

According to E.<...>According to Doctor of Economics. V.L.<...>Burak Ya.I., Grigolyuk E.I., Podstrigach Ya.S.<...>In terms of functionality, the electronic part of BEI-14V, BEI-21A and BEI-21V differed from BEI-7A and BEI<...>- BEI -7A and 14 channel - BEI -14A); - up to 1000 Hz (14 channel - BEI -14V, 21 channel - BEI -21A and BEI

Preview: Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Automation No. 1 2013.pdf (3.2 Mb)


The influence of thin basalt fiber additives on the properties of organomineral mixtures has been studied. It has been established that dispersed reinforcement with mineral fiber has practically no effect on the resistance of the material under study to thermal oxidative aging, and allows improving its physical and mechanical properties and increasing frost resistance.

The required amount of emulsion was determined by the formula: E 0 \u003d (Bo / K) × 100, where K is the working concentration<...>% 7% BE 8% BE 9% BE 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Strength at 500 C, Mpa Content<...>, % 7% BE 8% BE 9% BE 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 in to st oy<...>bone Fiber content, % 7% BE 8% BE 9% BE 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 0 0.25 0.5 0.75<...>fibers, % 7% BE 8% BE 9% BE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Strength at 200


The principle of constructing a two-loop feedback system for the measuring channel of a precision gyroscopic angular velocity vector meter (GIVUS) based on float gyroscopes is considered. The algorithm of operation of the measuring channel (MD) is described. Analytical expressions for the mathematical model of an IC with a two-loop feedback system are given. The mechanism for the appearance of a dynamic error in the measuring system, which occurs during the interaction of circuits, is described.

N.E. Bauman. Ser.<...>N.E. Bauman. Ser.<...>N.E. Bauman. Ser.<...>N.E. Bauman. Ser.<...>N.E. Bauman. Ser. "Instrument making". 2012 Fig. 3.


No. 1 [Pulmonology, 2019]

The scientific and practical journal "Pulmonology" was founded in 1990 by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Scientific Society of Pulmonologists. The journal is the leading specialized publication in Russia devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. The purpose of the publication of the journal is to develop Russian pulmonology by disseminating scientific achievements in the field of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, the publication of international and national recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases, original articles, reviews, lectures, RPO news, materials within the framework of the Young Pulmonologist School, articles on the history of domestic pulmonology. All articles published in the journal are subject to mandatory double review by members of the editorial board and invited experts. The journal also publishes works by foreign experts. The authors of approximately 40% of publications are young scientists. Traditional sections of the journal: editorials, clinical guidelines, original research, lectures, reviews, retrospectives, practice notes. Since 2001, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the journal "Pulmonology" has been included in the "List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals"

Esaulenko I.E., Vasilyeva L.V. Laser therapy: monograph.<...>Zatolochina K.E. see Zyryanov S.K. Zyryanov S.K., Dyakov I.N.<...>., Zatolochina K.E., Asetskaya I.L.<...>Farkhutdinov U.R., Amirova E.F., Farkhutdinov R.R.<...>Sinkov E.V. see Shumkova G.L. So A.K.

Preview: Pulmonology №1 2019.pdf (0.2 Mb)


№4 [Practical pulmonology, 2015]

Journal for practicing physicians, began to appear in September 2001 under the title "Atmosphere. Pulmonology and Allergology". Since 2014 - "Practical Pulmonology". Official Journal of the Russian Respiratory Society. The main objective of the journal is to highlight modern approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic and respiratory diseases.

Aylamazyan E.K. and etc.<...>E.K. Aylamazyan. SPb., 2007. 69. Clifton V.L. et al. // Placenta. 2005. V. 26. P. 773. 70.<...>Galieva E.I.<...>Pathogenetic mechanisms of BE development In the pathogenesis of BE, great importance is attached to two main factors<...>This is the genesis of cylindrical EBs, but as for saccular EBs, the leading role in this case is played by the transition

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Collection of texts for reading with tests and assignments (Mongolian)

Buryat State University

The presented edition has been prepared with the inclusion of new textual material on the regional studies of Mongolia, supplemented with assignments for independent work of students, questions of test and examination tickets, a list of recommended literature. Texts of different levels of complexity make it possible to use the manual in groups with different levels of language proficiency. The texts proposed in the collection are accompanied by tasks and tests of current knowledge control. Intended for students studying in the areas of study 45.03.01 Philology, profile Foreign Philology (Mongolian and English), 41.03.03 Oriental Studies, African Studies, 41.03.01 Foreign Regional Studies.

Mөngө n yagaad hөldozh үkheh ayuuld khursen be? 4. Hoyor chono yaagaad zutgasan be? 5.<...>E .u khoyor egshig niilzh urt үү bolson ba au khoyor niilzh, uu bolson n erdemten Vladimirtsovyn shinzheleld todorkhoy<...>heleeree ilerhiyldeg bol terkhүү soyol n ergeed hүndee nөlөөlzh tүүniygee hөgzhүүlen өөrchildөg bayna [Ravdan E .<...>Erööl hezee үүssen be?<...>Ravdan E. Hal, soyolyn shүteltseeny tuhay // Gadaad khel zaah argazүyn asuudal.

Preview: Collection of texts for reading with tests and tasks (Mongolian).pdf (0.2 Mb)


The use of microbiological preparations to protect plants from harmful organisms in world practice is constantly expanding. However, the state catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals contains a small number of microbiological preparations that are approved for use in the Russian Federation to control crop pests. The list of biological preparations for berry plants is very limited, and there is no registration in the Russian Federation for strawberries. In this paper, on the example of the Leningrad Region, the issues of the use of microbiological and other environmentally low-hazard preparations for the control of the main pests of vegetable (cabbage, carrot, rutabaga), berry (black currant, red raspberry, garden strawberry) crops and potatoes are considered. The experiments were carried out in 2005-2014. The norms, terms, frequency of treatments with biological preparations were specified. We used biological products based on the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner of different strains (bitoxibacillin, lepidocid, batsikol), entomopathogenic nematode (Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser) - nemabact and a prototype based on the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae Metchn. In addition to microbiological means of protection, agrotechnical methods were used. They mainly studied various planting dates, spatial isolation of fields and the spread of pests over large areas, ways to ensure plant nutrition, and their effect on pests. As a standard, a chemical or biochemical preparation approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation was most often used. The biological effectiveness (BE) of the studied preparations was calculated. It has been established that microbiological preparations are often inferior to chemical standards in terms of BE. However, bitoxibacillin and lepidocid provided 90-95% BE against cabbage whites. In the fight against the cabbage moth, the BE of these drugs was 60-80%. The biological effectiveness of batsikol against cruciferous fleas with 2-fold treatment was equal to 60-80%. With the use of bitoxibacillin and batsikol against 1st instar larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, BE reached 100%. Nemabact and the prototype M. anisopliae reduced the number of click beetle larvae by 60-80%. On strawberries against raspberry-strawberry weevil, the highest BE, comparable with the effectiveness of the drug fitoverm, was noted in Batsicol. On garden strawberries, the possibility of joint use of biological products of different directions (bioinsecticides and biofungicides) in tank mixtures has been established. In combination with some repellents (Sochva, Dachnik) and agrotechnical measures, biological products can provide reliable protection of vegetable and berry crops, potatoes from major pests, at least in the conditions of the Leningrad region.

The biological effectiveness (BE) of the studied preparations was calculated.<...>However, bitoxibacillin and lepidocid provided 90-95% BE against cabbage whites.<...>In the fight against the cabbage moth, the BE of these drugs was 60-80%.<...>formula , since at the time of processing it was zero in all areas: % 100 K OKE, where E<...>Its BE after 2-fold treatment was not lower than when using Actellik.


No. 1 [Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2013]

The journal contains the planned work of scientific research institutions in the form of brief original reports on topical issues of biology and medicine, containing new significant scientific results. Editor-in-Chief Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Tutelyan Headings of the journal “Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine”: - Physiology - General pathology and pathological physiology - Biophysics and biochemistry - Pharmacology and toxicology - New drugs - Immunology and microbiology - Allergology - Genetics - Virology - Oncology - Ecology - Nanotechnologies - New biomedical technologies - Experimental methods - clinic - Biogerontology - Primatology - Sports medicine - Experimental biology - Morphology and pathomorphology - Methods.

and BEA MTD 0.67 0.00001 0.46 0.0001 0.46 0.0001 BEA MMD and A1(S) �0.36 0.0264 �0.28 0.0175 �0.27 0.0175<...>BEA MMD and 60% Pw(F) 0.07 0.6642 0.07 0.5732 0.06 0.5732 BEA MMD and 60% Pw(S) 0.33 0.0437 0.26 0.0297<...>�0.35 0.0026 BEA MTD and 60% Pw(F) 0.16 0.3570 0.10 0.3866 0.10 0.3866 BEA MTD and 60% Pw(S) 0.35 0.0316<...>�0.119 0.031333 BEA MMD and 60% Pw(F) 0.194 0.018014 0.141 0.014469 0.135 0.014469 BEA MMD and 60% Pw(S)<...>�0.155 0.004967 BEA MTS and 60% Pw(F) 0.230 0.004690 0.168 0.003795 0.160 0.003795 BEA MTS and 60% Pw(S)

Preview: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine No. 1 2013.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Systems of high-precision weapons studies. manual for the course "Perspective concepts of rocket and barreled weapons"

M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

The training manual considers modern concepts of warfare, a set of material means of reconnaissance, destruction and fire control of high-precision weapons systems. The main attention is paid to controlled means of fire impact used both in foreign and domestic systems of high-precision weapons.

N.E.<...>N.E.<...>N.E. Bauman, 2007. - 56 p.: ill.<...>N.E. Bauman. 105005, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya, 5. ISBN 5-7038-2935-6 © MSTU im. N.E.<...>SNBE includes BE of BAT and TGSM types.

Preview: Precision weapon systems.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Complete devices for automation, control and protection (blocks) 393109

Moscow: AiB Tech

Block of analog-relay conversion type L03 Block of differential protection of transformers of the BE2104 series (OJSC "CHEAZ") ERA"") Analog control unit with pulse output signal type P27 Block of special motor protection BMRZ-DS Block of summation and limitation of signals type A05 Block of current protection against overload of the ТЗП series Control unit BU/TEL-220-05А for vacuum circuit breakers BB/TEL- 10 Control unit type BRG01-81UKHL2 Electric drive control unit BUEP-1 Electric drive control unit for pipeline valves Remote protection units BRE2701 type Generator protection units against asynchronous operation types BE1106M, BE1107M, BE1108M Units and panels B(P)5000 (JSC Zavod Invertor "") Relay protection units of types IPR-A, IMPR-1 and SMPR-1 Power units of B861 series Control units of asynchronous drives of B4702 series Control units BU Control units of BUM-30 B type lock-relay series KRS-1UKHL4i KRS-1O4 Differential microprocessor unit for relay protection of the engine BMRZ-DD Microprocessor unit - multifunctional frequency relay BMMRCh Microprocessor unit for automatic frequency unloading Microprocessor unit for emergency automatics BMPA-0.4 Microprocessor unit for relay protection and voltage control BMRZ-KN Modified microprocessor relay protection unit BMRZ-M Microprocessor central signaling unit BMTsS Multifunctional microprocessor relay protection unit BMRZ Low-voltage complete device of KASKAD-R type Low-voltage complete devices Low-voltage complete devices (LCD) Low-voltage complete devices (LCD) for various purposes Low-voltage complete control devices Relay module RP1 -I4G4-5A-760071

50 BE 210420I2113 220 0.25-1 0.25-1 5-15 1; 5 50 BE 210420I1122 110 0.25-1 1-5 1-5 1; 5 50 BE 210420I2122<...>Catalog BE 210420I1222 110 1-5 1-5 1-5 5 50 BE 210420I2222 220 1-5 1-5 1-5 5 50 BE 210420I1223 110 1-5<...>1-5 5-15 5 50 BE 210420I2223 220 1-5 1-5 5-15 5 50 BE 210420I1233 110 1-5 5-15 5-15 5 50 BE 210420I2233<...>U1 Overload control threshold А 000-255 1.04Inom e.d.<...>U2 Current limitation in the "Drying" mode A 000-030 0.04Inom e.d.




Purpose and objectives of research. The purpose of the research is the creation of new varieties of winter and spring barley, as well as varieties with an intermediate type of development, with high and stable yields in the changing conditions of the North Caucasus, as well as the development of their varietal agricultural technology. The objectives of the research included: . - study of the genetic resources of the world collection of winter and spring barley, identification of sources of breeding traits and creation of initial material for selection and hybridization; - study of the action of both traditional and new chemical mutagens; isolation and selection evaluation of promising mutants; - comparative study of barley variability induced by physical mutagens and isolation of valuable mutant lines; - improvement of individual breeding techniques when creating the source material for breeding varieties with an intermediate type of development; - to study the features of varietal agricultural technology of winter, spring barley and varieties of an intermediate type of development.

No. 3 [Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology, 2017]

The peer-reviewed "Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology" - "Žurnal mikrobiologii, èpidemiologii i immunobiologii" (parallel names in English: "Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology"; parallel title in Russian: "ZHMEI" is one of the oldest (published since 1924, domestic journals publishing the works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of epidemiology of infectious, allergic, autoimmune and oncological diseases, structural biology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology of microorganisms, viruses, and prions, vaccinology and vaccination prevention, development of new drugs for the treatment of infectious, allergic, autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies.The journal publishes original articles, reviews, lectures, short reports, reviews of leading domestic and foreign experts, as well as conference materials, decisions of government agencies.

Maniatis X, Fritsch E., Sambrook D. Methods of genetic engineering. molecular cloning.<...>E$bonm(1/30) Mean positive toxin titer in the reaction of IFA Control S.aureus FRI 722 0.3 S e<...>Meynell J., Meynell E. Experimental microbiology. Per. from eng. Mir, 1967. 6. Nikolaeva L.G.<...>Yakovenko A.V., Yakovenko E.P. Cirrhosis of the liver: issues of therapy.<...>The introduction of BE at a dose of not more than 5 EU/kg/h (1 EU=100 pg BE) is considered safe.

Preview: Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology No. 3 2017.pdf (0.2 Mb)



1.1. This Procedure defines the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects implemented in full or in part at the expense of budgetary funds (hereinafter referred to as investment projects), in order to ensure their selection for financing (in whole or in part) at the expense of the municipal budget ... >>>

The calculation of the budgetary efficiency of the investment project is carried out according to the formula: BE = (Db + Ebs1 + Ebs2<...>– Rb) x Kd, where: BE – budget efficiency; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service<...>The financial effect is calculated by the formula: FE = Be + BEP, where: FE - financial effect; Ba - budget<...>selection for financing from the budget of the municipality "City of Tomsk" is made according to the formula: E

No. 1 [Russian Pediatric Journal, 2018]

Founded in 1998. Editor-in-chief of the journal - Baranov Alexander Alexandrovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Rheumatology, Faculty of Pediatrics, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University The Russian Pediatric Journal is the leading scientific and practical publication for a wide range of pediatricians. pediatrics, issues of pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various forms of pathology in children, original research, clinical and clinical-experimental work on topical issues of pediatrics, bioethics, teaching methods and the history of Russian pediatrics, are discussed results of international scientific conferences and symposiums, anniversaries. The journal provides operational support to applicants for scientific degrees in the publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science in the specialties - pediatrics, pediatric surgery, public health and healthcare. The editorial board of the journal includes well-known pediatric scientists representing all areas of pediatrics. The Russian pediatric journal is registered in the information and reference publication: Ulrich's International Periodical Directory. The five-year impact factor is 0.345. The submitted articles undergo mandatory review by leading experts, are accompanied by a summary in Russian and English and a list of keywords.

This book is devoted to the study and publication of the entire complex of lives of Russian saints included in the Old Russian parchment copies of the Prologues of the late XII - first third of the XV centuries, which is necessary to recreate an objective picture of the formation and development of Old Russian hagiography. The author also considers the stage-by-stage formation of the Old Russian Prologue: the translation of the Greek Synaxarion and its fundamental revision undertaken in connection with the preparation of the teaching section, the relationship between the short and lengthy editions of the Prologue.

The relevance of the use of portable explosive complexes (PVRK) in solving the problem of developing the transport infrastructure of the Far East is considered. The climatic and landscape aspects of the region are given, the difficulties of traditional engineering technologies are indicated. It is proposed to use portable explosive complexes for drilling and blasting in difficult mining and geological conditions. The characteristics, the principle of operation of the PVRK and the results of tests under conditions of complex formation hypsometry are given.

– the presence of hills with significant elevation differences, severe climatic conditions and associated energy<...>operating principle of the VU: a) one cassette; b) when drilling well 1 - electrical initiation unit (BEI<...>Each SED - 5 is connected to BEI - 1 using electrical wires - 4, stretched from BEI - 1 through<...>Charging of the BEI is carried out from an autonomous power source through the main electrical cable.<...>The efficiency of the WRC is ensured due to: - the use of BEI , which in the process of work do not depend on


No. 2 [Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 2013]

Founded in 1998. Chief editor of the journal - Ivanov Oleg Leonidovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, member of EASE, Professor of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. V.A. Rakhmanov of the Faculty of Medicine, GBOU VPO First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The journal covers the problems of dermatology, venereology, dermato-oncology. The journal uses various forms of material presentation, such sections are highlighted as: pyococcal skin diseases, mycoses, dermatoonoses, blistering dermatosis, dermatocosmetology. Information about new books and manuals on dermatovenereology, test questions, clinical tasks and much more is regularly published.

Thestrup-Pedersen, Denmark), E . FINLAY (A. Y. Finlay, UK), J. SHEPITOVSKY (J.<...>Nikitin E.A., Sidorova Yu.V., Ryzhikova N.V., Biderman B.V., Melikyan A.L., Vinogradova Yu.E. and etc.<...>Borovik T.E., Makarova S.G., Darchiya S.M., Gamaleeva A.V., Gribakin S.G.<...>Basal cell omes develop from pluripotent germ cells of the epithelium.<...>ohm bases can be single or absent, due to which frequency

Preview: Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases No. 2 2013.pdf (9.1 Mb)


#11 [Doctor, 2017]

Scientific-practical and journalistic journal for a wide range of specialists. Published since 1990. One of the most famous and prestigious publications for practicing doctors. The editor-in-chief of the journal is Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences I. N. Denisov. The editorial board of the journal includes recognized authorities in the world of medicine: N.A. E. M. Tareeva; V.P. Fisenko - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and many others. By the decision of the Plenum of the Higher Attestation Commission "Vrach" is included in the list of journals in which the publication of the results of dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Science is recommended. Main sections: hot topic; clinical analysis; lecture; problem; new in medicine; pharmacology; healthcare. The release frequency is once a month. Target audience - attending physicians, chief physicians of hospitals and polyclinics, heads of medical institutions, heads of research institutes, medical centers, associations, heads of sanatoriums, pharmacies, libraries.


The training manual presents a general methodology and particular options for determining the economic efficiency of introducing means of electrification and automation of agricultural production, as well as a methodology for the economic assessment of energy supply systems for agriculture.

the effect of the work of BEU; indicators of economic efficiency. investment in BEU.<...>BEU.<...>The composition of the current costs for the operation of the BEU will include I ZP N A R S S PBEU zp O TO E M p = + + + + + + , where<...>Electricity costs for launching the BEU at full capacity C R n t t Te p c c d e thousand rubles = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅<...>ΔCHD PE I = − = − = BEU thousand rubles 103181 84 26310 85 76870 99, Annual economic effect E

Bitumen grade BE $N$1 0.5 BND 60/90 BE $N$2 1.0 BE $N$3 1.5 BE $N$4 2.0 BE $N$5 0.5 BND 90/130 BE $N$6 1 .0 BE<...>BE -N-1 BE -N-2 BE -N-3 BE -N-4 BE -N-5 BE -N-6 BE -N-7 BE -N-8 2.<...>As a consequence, BE $Н$2 is more stable than BE $Н$1.<...>48.6 0.982 BE$N$3 50.0 45.8 0.916 BE$N$4 50.2 46.8 0.932 BE$N$5 50.0 44.5 0.890 BE$N$6 50.5 47.2 0.935<...>F T E P O D U C T O V BE -N-2 BE -N-1 3.

Preview: The world of petroleum products. Bulletin of Oil Companies No. 7 2010.pdf (0.1 Mb)
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