What to say to a girl. How to communicate with a girl. The best universal themes for a conversation with a girl

Everyone experienced that awkward feeling when, being in a relationship with a girl, topics for conversation ended and there was complete silence. For couples who have just entered into a relationship and are starting to develop it, this is a blow below the belt. Below you will find out what to talk about with a girl when the topics for conversation are over?

You began to notice that conversations on the phone or at a meeting are getting shorter every day. Instead of pleasure and pleasant communication, conversations turn into short fights and arguments. It's time to do something, or such communication promises you failure and a break in relations.

Then, what to talk about with a girl when the topics for conversation are over? Let's figure it out.

Option number 1. This method, when used correctly, can help you have endless conversations not only with your VK girlfriend, but with just about anyone on a dating site.


The girl says: "I'm looking forward to the new Superman movie to go to the cinema. I've watched the trailer for it 10 times already. The music is so beautiful and the actors are so cool!".If you want to make this conversation boring and fast, then simply answering: "I think the film should be good" is enough.

  • how cool it would be to go and see this movie on the big screen in the cinema, and if it was also in 3D, it would be more exciting;
  • remember when you were last at the cinema and what you watched there, maybe funny stories happened to you at that time;
  • share other interesting movie trailers with her;
  • ask what genres of films she likes the most (horror, comedies, melodramas, thrillers, etc.);
  • ask what famous actors are playing in the movie she told you about, and also what she knows about them ... and so on.

Each new word in your conversation you can use for a new topic. Now you know what to talk aboutgirl when all topics are over.


Option number 2. The second method can be used when asking a girl what she did today and how her day went. Listen carefully and ask additional and clarifying questions for each lesson. So you will start a long conversation and the girl will be glad that you are interested in her life. You can use it for a walk or in VK, if there is nothing to ask about.


The girl says: "I read an interesting book today. I also listened to cool music, did fitness exercises and cooked a delicious salad."

Take each of her classes individually and start asking questions: "What book did she read?" or "What did she find so interesting about her?" When you exhaust the topic of reading, you can safely move on to music, and then to fitness and salad. The more your curiosity and desire to know more details, the more interesting and long your conversation will be.

Option number 3. The third method is to write down on a piece of paper a few things you wanted to say or talk about before calling her on Skype or on the phone.

Trust me, after that you will never worry about what to say next. In some cases, you may even forget about the things you wrote down on paper. Because, you will have a lot of spontaneous topics that need to be discussed. But, this little cheat sheet gives you a lot of relief, and helps you focus on the conversation itself (instead of thinking about what to say next) and make it more natural.

Option number 4. Do not forget that relationships are a team game, so both partners should keep the conversation going.

Push your partner to communicate, you should not be the only participant in the conversation. Moreover, not all women love talkers. There are times when a girl is in a bad mood or has other problems, so she is closed to communication. Try to find out what the matter is or just end the conversation for a while.

Option number 5. The next method is fantasy in your conversation. Can be used on a first date (examples).

For example, in We saw a couple walking their dog. Great topic for conversation! Ask her if she has a pet, dreamed of having someone, or fantasize together about, if you had the opportunity, who exactly you would like to have.

Option number 6. When you go about your daily routine, it's no surprise that you have nothing to talk about with a girl. You urgently need to diversify your own life.

This way you will have new stories and topics to discuss. To do this, you need to do something new. For example, go to the cinema with a girl and discuss a movie, read the news every day, read books, go on a trip somewhere, discover a new sport, meet new people, and so on.

Option number 7. And of course, the easiest and sometimes most effective way to avoid silence and find topics for conversation is to take a little break from each other.

Take a break in the relationship and some new conversational topics will start to take shape on their own. Every new thing that you do during those few hours or days that you don't communicate can be a great subject for further conversation together. Well, now you know exactly what you can talk about with a girl when all topics are over.

Do not know what topics to talk about during a conversation with a girl or a guy? These 25 conversation topics will help you get a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good conversation topics can help you understand each other better. Have you ever felt that in the process of communication you don't know what to talk about next, whether it's talking on the phone or talking while walking in the park? You are not alone, almost every third person faces this. Everything is learned in the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop the ability to find topics for conversation.

Finding topics for communication with your boyfriend or girlfriend is much easier. You have known each other for a certain amount of time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about a relationship that started recently, then there may be a barrier in communication, just because you don’t know much about your boyfriend or girlfriend yet. At this point, the best option is to reveal as many topics as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of the relationship, you can bring up interesting topics from the past and talk about your goals for the future. There is a chance that your soulmate also has similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only a thread for communication, but also something in common. For the first time it will be a good start.

If the relationship lasts a long time and you are already used to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in a relationship that lasts for a long time can be quite normal.

No matter how long you've been in a relationship, communication is a way to learn to understand each other better, learn more about your significant other, and just get closer.

25 topics for communication

All these themes you can use on a daily basis.

1. Plans for the weekend. Plan your leisure and rest, even if today is Monday. Firstly, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will be looking forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites similar in subject matter to afisha.ua (for Ukraine) and afisha.ru (for Russia) will help you keep track of events that take place in your city.

2. Compliments. Talking about the qualities you love is an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but will also show how much you value and appreciate your beloved or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. To be interested in what happened throughout the day, how you slept that night, how your working day or day at school went, whether he or she was tired for the whole day, whether something worries - all this makes it possible to feel care from close person, which is important in a relationship.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a large amount of our time is work (study). Things happen at work every day. Conflicts and all sorts of situations often arise in the workplace. Also, by talking about work, it will be easier for both of you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It's always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game by uncovering one secret in turn. It's exciting and a lot of fun.

6. Movies, entertainment programs, shows. There are more and more films every year. If we are not at the TV screens, as we used to be, then we watch everything on the computer. Discussing some new movie or show is a great conversation starter.

7. Food, cooking. Who doesn't love delicious food? Especially interesting when it comes to co-cooking. Even if your loved one or loved one is not a master at cooking, you can learn how to cook together. You can learn together about your favorite and least favorite dishes, share cooking experiences.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is half feasible, or in your opinion not feasible, your loved one or loved one will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan a vacation together for a couple of days, a week or a month. Holidays together will be the highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have daily hobbies? Share your hobbies, most likely your significant other may have several hobbies that you enjoy.

11. Friends. It's always good to know about each other's friends. This is another step to learn more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask a loved one or loved ones moments in life that they can be proud of. These can be personal achievements (at work, school, in any sport, etc.), which will be nice to remember and talk about.

13. Offer for help. If you can help in any way, offer your help. The more often you try to help and the more often you do something together, the closer you will be to each other.

14. Plans for the future. Does your future plans say how you see yourself in a few years? Shared goals always make relationships stronger and give you the opportunity to achieve them together.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you work together to be the best for each other, relationships become stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personal qualities of character or get rid of bad habits, talk about a previous quarrel, review your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Your every step towards improvement will be appreciated by your significant other.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you have not introduced your beloved or loved one to your parents, she or he will certainly be interested in knowing about your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are problems in bed, don't debug them. At some point, they will return anyway, so it’s better to solve them right away. If your loved one is not fully enjoying it, you should sit down and talk about how you can work it out together.

18. Talk about sex. In a relationship, sexual intimacy is just as important as romance. Talk about your sexually sensitive spots, erogenous zones, positions you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies and everything that turns you on in bed.

19. Health. Taking care and asking about the health of a loved one or loved one is no less important than taking care of everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any issue, problem, situation, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, any business at work, daily personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Topics about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. better not to touch.

22. Future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may involve intelligent conversations that can help you get your significant other's opinion about life and activities that are important to them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it can be conversations about the little things in life that can drag on for several hours. Talk about your likes and dislikes. From time to time, preferences change, and the more you know about current preferences, the more you know about your loved one or loved one.

25. Memories. It is always a pleasant topic to remember the first hugs, the first kiss, the first words “I love you”, the places you have been together, funny stories that have happened to you.

The last time you talked to a girl, did you mumble something incoherent about your math homework, then mention going to the dentist, and then start snapping your fingers in awkward silence while the girl stared at the floor? Don't worry, it's happened to all the guys. It's okay, if you prepare and make an effort, then the next time you talk, the girl will be extremely passionate.


Where to begin

    Start with a casual theme. In your first conversation with a girl, pick a light topic that both of you can talk about quite naturally without feeling embarrassed. Don't talk to her about the weird rash you have on your back and don't ask her to tell you about the most embarrassing situation in her life; you can talk about it when you get to know each other better. Choose neutral topics to start a conversation she feels comfortable with. Don't swear. She wants to be treated like a lady! Here are some safe but fun themes to get you started:

    • your favorite bands;
    • the latest movies you have watched;
    • your pets;
    • your brothers and sisters;
    • What did you do last weekend or what do you plan to do next?
    • your vacation plans.
  1. Avoid personal topics. This rule goes hand in hand with starting a conversation on a light topic. You'll be able to have deeper conversations once the girl gets to know you better, but for now, it's best to avoid talking about family deaths, your first loves, strange illnesses, or fear of death. If you feel like you have an instant connection with a girl, then you can quickly move on from chatting to more important topics, but it is worth avoiding too personal topics when you first begin to communicate with a girl, otherwise she may retreat.

    • Well, if she started a conversation on a personal topic and wants to continue it, then you can support him and see where it leads, but still be on the lookout.
    • Pay attention to the girl's facial expression and body language. If she backs off or looks upset when you ask her about something simple, then it may be a sensitive topic for her.
  2. Keep smiling. If you smile and act positive, then you can keep the girl interested and make her want to continue the conversation. While you shouldn't smile until your cheeks are numb, it's worth taking advantage of every opportunity. This will show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and leave a positive impression of you. You may be so nervous that you forget to smile, so remind yourself of that.

    • Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to a girl, and also at the end of a conversation. It is important to start and end on a good note.
  3. Look into her eyes. Eye contact is the key to making a girl feel important and see that what she says really matters to you. You may feel uncomfortable talking to her and start looking around just because you are afraid to look at her, but try to break this habit. You don't need to look into her eyes with tension and love, because this can scare her - just look into her eyes during a conversation to make her feel important. If you find it difficult to make eye contact with a person or prefer to avoid eye contact, look at her nose - look, but don't stare. Not everyone is able to maintain eye contact during a conversation; tell her about it - if she is worthy of your attention, she will understand.

  4. Ask her questions. This is the key to making the girl feel special as quickly as possible. You can show that you care by asking questions about her or what she's been doing lately. The questions don't have to be very personal - they don't have to - but you should show your interest in her and her life. If she doesn’t ask you anything, then you should stop asking questions for a while - perhaps she feels like she is being interrogated. Here are some topics for questions:

    • her hobbies and interests;
    • her favorite bands, books and TV shows;
    • her favorite subjects at school;
    • her dream job;
    • her best friends;
    • her plans.
  5. Give her a compliment. After talking for a while, you can give her a little compliment to make her feel appreciated. Make sincere compliments, do not dissemble. You can compliment her sweater, her new haircut, jewelry, or even a personality trait. Don't be too specific ("You have great legs") because it will make her uncomfortable. Don't overdo it, choose something neutral and show her you care.

    • One compliment per conversation will be enough. Do not bombard her with compliments or act like you are not sincere in your words.

    How to keep her interested

    1. Find common themes. Once you've started a conversation, look for common ground to make it easier for you to find topics for conversation. It is not necessary to have common interests, however, if you find them, the conversation will be easier. When you talk to a girl, try to determine if you have something in common - maybe you grew up in the same city, maybe you like the same sport, or you have a mutual friend or teacher.

      • If you talk about something in common, you can open up, enjoy the conversation, and talk about new topics. For example, you can talk about how much you love football, and then move on to the craziest stories that have happened to you at the stadium, and then discuss your favorite places in the city.
      • Let things take their course - don't try to find out if she likes the same thing as you. Try to keep the conversation open, otherwise it will stop if she does not share your interests. For example, instead of saying, “Have you seen Frozen? It's my new favorite movie" - better say: "Have you watched anything interesting lately?"
    2. Ask her opinion. This is another way to keep the conversation going and show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and that she means something to you. If you ask her for her opinion, she will see that you see her as an individual and that you really value her opinion. You can ask about the political situation in the country or even if she likes your new shoes. She will understand that you are not just trying to hit on her, but respect her as a person.

      • Don't ask her questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no"; ask questions that can be answered in detail so that she has something to talk about. Use "What do you think about..." instead of "Do you think that...".
    3. Use your environment. If you're nervous and feel like the conversation is waning, look around to see what you can use to your advantage. Maybe you have a concert poster hanging behind you, then you can ask if the girl likes this group. Maybe you are standing outside a coffee shop, then ask her if she goes there to read. This does not mean that you need to immediately look around as soon as the conversation begins; look for clues in your surroundings when awkward pauses begin to arise between you.

      • This is a creative way to keep a girl interested and continue the conversation. She will be impressed by how observant you are.
    4. Make her laugh . If you want to keep the girl's interest, it would be nice to make her laugh. If you make a girl laugh, she will want to continue the conversation with you, so look for situations where you can dilute humor. You can gently laugh at yourself, make a kind joke about a mutual friend, or tell her a joke if you think she won't laugh. If you have a funny story that can really make you laugh, you can tell it, as long as it's not too long and complicated. Do not overdo it, but look for ways to make the girl laugh.

      • If you don't have a natural sense of humor, then don't try to be something you're not. The girl will see that you are trying, and will begin to feel sorry for you. Instead, you can just be yourself, and if you can make the girl laugh in the process, great!
      • If you don't know the girl well, then don't tease her, unless you're already flirting and teasing each other. She may misunderstand and be offended, and this is definitely not what you wanted.
    5. Don't turn the conversation into a one-sided monologue. Some guys are so worried about not seeming boring that in the end the girl can't get a word into the conversation. Maintaining interest does not mean talking incessantly. Speak, but let her speak too. Stop from time to time - she probably has something to say too. You should not pull everything on yourself. Of all the time you spend talking, you should only talk half, no more (or a little more if you're shy).

      • If you constantly talk about yourself, then you will look narcissistic, and she will not want to continue this conversation.
    6. Ask about her interests. Almost all girls like to talk about what is especially important to them, so be sure to ask her about what she does in her free time, how often she does it, and why she likes it, and find out why for her so important. You will not have to persuade her for a long time - you will notice how her face lights up when she starts talking about what is really important to her.

      • If she doesn't go into details when discussing her interests, share yours.

    How to end a conversation

    1. Show her what makes you stand out from the crowd. You don't have to be able to do back flips to impress her. However, it's worth ending the conversation in such a way that she thinks she gets to know you a little and realizes that she makes you stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your charm, or your love of playing the guitar. Whatever it is, open up to her, show her who you really are. So, when she meets you again, she will have something to talk to you about and she will have pleasant memories from the previous conversation.

      • This does not mean at all that you need to tell her everything about yourself in the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation. Tell some interesting facts about your life - that will be enough. If you only talk about “weather” all the time, you will never really get to know each other.
    2. Don't overdo it. Remember that you need to relax and be yourself, and that the girl is just as nervous as you. This means that you should not tell her fictional stories to get her attention. For example, don't talk about your love of motorcycles just because you think it will sound cool. Also, don't use foul language or mean things about other people just because you think it will get her attention. Just take a deep breath, relax and talk about what you would talk about with your friend instead of putting on a show for the girl.

      • If you overdo it, the girl will notice. Your goal is to show her that you like to communicate with her, but not to show that this is very important to you.
    3. Be positive . When you feel like the conversation is coming to an end, end it on a positive note, no matter what you are talking about. If you've been complaining about your parents, teachers, the weather, or anything else that has upset you for the past five minutes, then the girl is unlikely to have a good conversation with you. Your goal is to make the girl feel positive vibes and remember that it was fun to communicate with you, and not boring or even painful.

      • You can complain only when there is something that annoys both of you. But even in this case - in moderation. Save your complaints for someone who knows you a little better.
    4. Don't forget about self-confidence. Remember to remain confident while speaking. Show the girl that you believe in what you are talking about and that you are happy with yourself. If she feels this, then she will understand that you are in harmony with yourself, that you are fun and easy to communicate with. If you get nervous, put yourself down, or talk about how you can't find a topic to talk to, then she will feel uncomfortable and is unlikely to want to talk to you again.

      • You don't have to act like you're the most interesting person in the world or like you're so sexy you could be a movie star; just show that you are happy to be yourself(Is that true?), and everything else will follow.
      • There is a fine line between boasting and self-confidence. If you brag too much, it will push the girl away.

Today we will talk about an interesting topic and analyze what you can talk about with a girl?


For example, you enjoy playing a musical instrument, rollerblading or playing video games. In this case, if the girl is also at least a little fond of this, then she can be invited to ride. Even if she does not know how to ride, in this case, you can offer to teach her. In addition, there is the opportunity to play video games together or play a musical instrument for her.

About leisure

One of the many topics of conversation is how you spend your free time. You can talk about what has been interesting in your life lately, where you went or what you plan to see in the future. These can be trips to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, field trips or various trips.

Cinema or other trips

You are always allowed to ask, “Did you go to the cinema to see a movie…?”. So you can find out what the girl likes to watch and invite to the movie.


If you enjoy playing a sport, then you should talk about it. If it will be some unusual or extreme sport, it will add some points to you. Many girls are interested in these topics and will be interested in listening to you.

Memorable places

Almost any city has interesting museums, theaters, exhibitions. You need to find out detailed information about them and invite a girl there.

Emotional themes

You can always talk about your childhood or your dreams. But know that when you talk about such topics, the girl must completely trust you. These are too personal topics and not worth discussing with everyone. First you need to talk about general topics, and then move on to personal ones.


From simple family dinners to favorite dishes, good cafes, exotic seafood. Invitations to your favorite cafe or picnic.


Ask if the girl likes cars. Can she drive or does she want to learn? Share your thoughts on what kind of car you would like to buy.


Talk to the girl about your and her favorite music, songs, bands. All girls like this theme and you can always share music with it if you have the same tastes.

Study and work

You can talk about funny situations that happened at school or work. Ask about relationships in the team: about bosses, teachers, etc.


Ask what kind of guy she wants to meet. What worries her: tediousness, betrayal, greed, etc. Give your opinion in response. Ask about your friends and tell about yours. Remember that in this conversation you do not need to remember former girlfriends.


Younger brothers and sisters, kids, nephews and just acquaintances. In such a topic, there will definitely be something to talk about: pranks, whims, funny statements.


Ask what her favorite holiday is, what she likes to receive or give. Also tell us about your favorite holiday and gifts.


Unbeatable theme! If a girl has various pets, then you can talk forever. Do not forget to tell about your pet and ask if she wants to have another pet in the future.


You can shock the girl and in the course of conversations tell about your sexual preferences. But for this you need to wait until your relationship is really close. In the meantime, you can always talk about famous star couples.

Even a sociable and previously in a relationship man does not always know what to talk about with a girl, how to start a conversation and be an interesting conversationalist. To find a suitable topic for conversation, you should better know the character of the girl and her hobbies.

List of topics that are not suitable for a romantic date or friendly communication:

  1. Previous relationships. Neither your romances nor your girlfriend's relationship with previous partners should be the subject of discussion. If a person often remembers a lover with whom he broke up, it seems that he still has some feelings for him. Try to focus on your today's partner.
  2. Success with the opposite sex. It is not recommended to tell a new girlfriend about your many love victories. The girl will feel not loved, but your next trophy.
  3. Gossip. A man who spreads gossip is likened to a woman. Do not tell the girl what others say about her. This may upset her.
  4. Religion. Such disputes always divide people. It is especially undesirable to discuss each other's faith if you adhere to different faiths. You should not persuade a girl to accept your religion during romantic meetings or try to prove to her the existence of God if she is an atheist.
  5. Politics. For a romantic date or everyday communication, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of political parties is not suitable. In addition, not all women are interested in politics.
  6. Problems. Do not discuss what is bothering you. Do not complain about your failures, friends or relatives. A woman instinctively looks for a protector in a man. "Whiners", showing their weakness, do not like the girls. You can talk about your failures, but only in a positive way. Tell us what life lesson you learned. A friend will appreciate your mind and philosophical attitude to life.
  7. Hooligan actions. Do not mention how you tortured kittens or beat one of your classmates as a child. If you want to cheer up your companion, you can tell her a funny story in which your hooligan actions did not harm anyone (for example, you hid a class magazine from your teacher before class).
  8. Material wealth. If the girl agreed to communicate with you disinterestedly, she will never be interested in the level of your salary. You should not be the first to touch on this topic, talk about your high incomes, a new foreign car and an apartment in a prestigious area.
  9. Your girlfriend's friends. A woman does not like it when another is praised in her presence. Try to avoid talking about your girlfriend's friends. Do not praise them and do not compare with your interlocutor.
  10. "Male" themes. In the company of men, racing cars, motorcycles, computers are often discussed. Even if a girl drives a car, discussing vehicle repair does not excite her.

Dirty topics for a sharp conversation

Such topics are not suitable for communication with every woman. If your interlocutor is intelligent and shy, sharp conversations can turn her away and make her want to stop communicating. You shouldn't jump into a sharp conversation on a first date if your new girlfriend didn't initiate the conversation herself. Your interlocutor may think that you are only interested in as an object for pleasure. However, the more liberated one considers sharp conversations the norm and does not like shy men. It is appropriate to discuss with such a girl:

  1. A porn movie you recently watched.
  2. Sexual attraction of the girl.
  3. The last sexual contact, if you have already had intimacy between you. In such cases, sharp conversations are not only allowed and not considered indecent, but also recommended. You should tell your friend about your erotic fantasies and get information about what positions your beloved prefers.

Correspondence Vkontakte and messengers

When chatting on the Internet, topics for conversation can be the same as when communicating live. A virtual conversation helps to loosen up and reveal what a man is not always able to say at a meeting. To make the woman you want to meet or already communicate with feel your emotions, use emoticons. However, they should not be used in excess.

If you want to meet the chosen girl live, you should not send her photos of movie actors or people who look better than you. After the meeting, a new acquaintance may be disappointed, feel cheated and do not want to continue communication.

Talking to a girl on the phone

Talking on the phone is not the best way to communicate. Try to resort to it only when you cannot meet or are too far apart. Do not discuss important matters on the phone. Limit yourself to questions about health, study (work), plans for the evening. Phone conversations don't have to be long. You can wish the girl a good day (good night) or make a date.

Some topics are suitable for communication with most women and help to get to know each other better.


Tell your beloved about how you want to meet sunrises and see off sunsets with her, listen to the rustle of autumn leaves or the sound of the surf. At the same time, words should not diverge from actions. Find an opportunity to watch the sunrise or enjoy the sunset together. Take a walk in the autumn park. Go to the sea or at least to the local river. The most suitable entourage for romantic communication is a candlelit dinner at your place or at your beloved home.


Not all girls are into sports. Don't try to tell your friend the details of the last match if she doesn't like football. Many women, not being sports enthusiasts, go to the gym to keep their bodies in good shape. You can attend training with a friend, give her advice. Together, it will be easier for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you have a common favorite sport, you can attend competitions or watch live broadcasts on TV. If your beloved does not go in for sports, invite her to sign up for a section or do morning runs together. At the same time, your proposal should not look like a hint of a desire to correct the shortcomings of her figure.


Almost every girl is interested in art in one form or another. The sphere of interests can include both modern genres and classics. If your sweetheart sings, plays an instrument, or dances, her hobby can become a constant topic of conversation. Ask her to sing, play or dance. Attend her performances if she performs. To keep up the conversation, be interested in the kind of art that is the girl's hobby.

If you want to communicate with an intellectual interlocutor, take your beloved to exhibitions and concerts of classical music. You will help your beloved woman broaden her horizons, get to know something new.

Her family and relatives

If a friend often starts talking about her loved ones, ask her questions about them as often as possible. Perhaps she is proud of her brother - a talented artist - or happily remembers visiting her grandmother's house. During the next meeting, take an interest in the success of your brother or the health of an elderly relative. If your beloved has no sisters or brothers, ask her if she would like to have them, share your experience. You can tell her about those of your relatives who are closest to you.

Be prepared for a negative conversation about relatives. Your friend may have conflicts with her younger sister, and she will want to tell you about it. It is necessary to listen carefully to the interlocutor and try to give her advice. Avoid judgment.


You can meet an animal lover in zoos and zoological gardens. Visit an exhibition of thoroughbred cats together. If you wish, you can become a volunteer in a shelter for homeless animals.


If all suitable topics for communication are over, you can try to cheer up your companion by telling her 2-3 funny anecdotes. Women are easier to make contact with those who are trying to cheer them up. Humor evokes a feeling of psychological comfort. However, remember that what you find funny may seem rude, vulgar, etc. to another person.

Invite a friend over to watch a comedy to get an idea of ​​her sense of humor. Joke in the later stages of your dating. Humor should serve as a pleasant addition to your communication, and not its basis.


Some girls do not like compliments, considering them a mockery. Praise can also cause embarrassment. However, most women are positive about compliments. To conquer a girl, choose those traits of her character or appearance that she pays the most attention to.

If your girlfriend visits the gym and beauty salons, praise her slender figure, good hairstyle, original manicure. An intellectual will appreciate a compliment to her erudition. If a girl prefers knitting to the gym, beauty salon and library, praise her new handmade sweater. Your compliment should be:

  1. Brief. The phrase should be short and bright so that the interlocutor remains under her impression for a long time.
  2. Honest. Do not praise what you do not like or looks bad. A woman is able to feel false.
  3. Individual. Avoid general phrases (for example: "You light up this world with the light of your smile!"). Such compliments seem like an excuse. Try to find in your companion something that distinguishes her from others - unusual eye color, graceful hands, etc. If your relationship has not reached the stage of intimacy, you should not comment on your beloved's breasts or buttocks.
  4. appropriate. Choose the most appropriate moment to compliment the girl. You can do this immediately at a meeting, at a table in a restaurant, while walking in the park. Don't compliment in a hurry, like when you're in a hurry to a theater premiere.

Compliments, like humor, should not form the basis of your conversation, so that it does not become empty. If you are embarrassed to praise a friend on a date, send her SMS messages from time to time.

Secrets of Great Communication

The main secret of good communication lies in sincerity on your part. The indifference of the interlocutor and his inability to listen will be unpleasant for a woman.

Get the conversation right

A good conversation should have a structure:

  1. Discuss the latest news. The beginning of your conversation can be a discussion of some important event, for example, the arrival of a popular artist in your city.
  2. Let the girl speak first. Women are more sociable and emotional than men and need to express their emotions more often.
  3. Move on to the main topic of the conversation. It should be prepared in advance. And sharing news will help make your communication more natural.

Stop being afraid of silence

You should not turn a live conversation into a theatrical performance, during which you need to pronounce memorized phrases. A pause in the conversation in some cases is not only appropriate, but also helps to emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of the moment. Don't be afraid to be silent while listening to the sound of the sea together or watching a beautiful butterfly on a warm June day.

Learn to talk about nothing

You can discuss not only relatives, animals or hobbies. Pay attention to your companion on a cloud of unusual shape. Invite her to guess which bird just sang above your heads. Talking about nothing indicates a low level of your intelligence. Often, lovers are happy with the opportunity to just be together and do not need topics for conversation.

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