Geneticist Bruce Lipton: The power of thought changes the human genetic code. Genetics. Can the human genetic code be changed? When it will be possible to change a person genetically

I am not against other people's beliefs - everyone has the right to believe in what he wants, and not make excuses for it. My attitude towards other people's beliefs changes somewhat when this belief begins to be preached as the truth - I begin to ask questions. And I don’t like it at all when this faith is presented under the guise of science, and even on behalf of a doctor of sciences.

In one of the mailings devoted to translations from foreign languages, a surprise awaited me and my wife - an interview with a doctor of philological sciences, professor, head. G. Zvezdova, Department of Modern Russian Language and Methods of its Teaching, Leningrad State Pedagogical University (Lipetsk). As I read, I fell into more and more bewilderment and amazement. Weak traces of scientific thinking are densely diluted with the mythological view of the world and the human psyche, which is so popular at the present time. And all this is spreading under the guise of science… I won’t undertake to judge the philological side of the interview, but as soon as G. Zvezdova enters the field of psychology, it begins… In general, judge for yourself what begins. I will comment on some of the most "wonderful" revelations (hereinafter my text - in italics).

… The word is inextricably linked with the consciousness, with the spirit. The destruction of the word leads to the destruction of consciousness, and this process is looped. It continues at ever deeper levels.

Comment: already in these first lines one can see the classical magical attitude towards the word as an independent entity capable of destroying consciousness. True, simple questions immediately arise: what is the “destruction of the word” (I can’t imagine it well) and what is the “destruction of consciousness” in the view of a doctor of philological sciences? Perhaps by “destruction of a word” is meant a change in its meaning? So this is a normal process of language development in this case. Don't like the new meaning of the word? Well, that's the personal problem of whoever doesn't like it.

- Could you give an example?

You are welcome. Are the expressions “to make love”, “to have sex” that have appeared not associated with sharp breakdowns in consciousness, in spirit, in the idea of ​​morality? Can you imagine that during the Great Patriotic War a soldier in a letter from the front wrote to his wife or fiancee: “I dream of making love to you”? This is unimaginable, because then there was LOVE, and not occupation with it. But after all, everything did not stop there, the destruction went on, when the words, God forgive me, “fuck”, “get laid” appeared. This is simply reducing human relations to the level of animals. This is a disregard for the great mystery of love, and for oneself, and for another person. Doesn't this mean a huge shift in the minds of young people? After all, love includes friendship, and compassion, and pity, and responsibility. All that was left of all this was their "basic instinct"... And when the word "philistinism" was replaced by the word "consumption", spirituality began to disappear, because it became not a shame to live only materially.

Commentary: a familiar story about how the world was better in "old times". The myth of the golden age is one of the most tenacious of mankind. This "golden age" was best called by the Australian Aborigines: "the time of dreams." As soon as these dreams begin, we can immediately conclude: we have stepped on the shaky ground of legends and myths, the main thing in which is emotional involvement, and not agreement with the available facts.

I agree that the words reflect changes in public consciousness. However, I am very surprised by the fact that the doctor of philological sciences did not think about the fact that the appearance of such a phrase as “make love” (tracing paper from English), as well as the use of words like “fuck” is due to the extreme poverty of the Russian language in the field of CENSORED expression of sexuality , which was under a total (formal) ban. It was this disembodied, anti-sexual "morality" that led from a situation where "there is an ass, but there is no word." And when she appeared, there were no words. And cause and effect are also replaced, in full agreement with the magical world view: it is words that change consciousness and society, and not changes in society and social psychology lead to a change in the meaning that is put into words.

And I can easily imagine a soldier who, writing the word "love" in a letter, was thinking about sex. The current time is simply more frank in terms of expressing attitudes towards sex. Not so hypocritical.

- Can the word really play such a huge role in our life?

But how? The word can both save and kill. It has great power and energy. It’s even ridiculous to argue here, this has long been proven by biologists, physiologists, and representatives of the exact sciences. After all, everyone remembers the experience with plants, when one was “scolded”, and the other was “praised” and said how they love it. The first - withered, and the second quickly grew. Everyone already knows how the structure of water changes depending on what words are pronounced over it. So how can we assume that a person is not subject to such influence? And how can you be so irresponsible about your native language, the words that we pronounce? There are terrible changes not only in consciousness, but also in the genetic code.

Commentary: It is simply impossible to comment on this. A word is sounds that propagate in space with a certain frequency. That's all his physical characteristics. The word affects a person and his consciousness through the meaning that it carries, and not through “energy”. Moreover, this meaning can also change several times: the one who pronounces puts one meaning, the one who receives it can decipher it in a completely different way. It cannot destroy anything. Shout at the tree as much as you like - it will not crack, it genetic code Will not change. Although ... It depends on how loudly you scream ...

It’s not funny to argue, because the “special power of the word” has not been proven by either biologists or physiologists, and the doctor of science retells the legends and myths of pseudoscience about the magical power of the word. A shaman will believe this easily, but a scientist?... There were no correct scientific studies with plants and water, but why does a doctor of sciences need critical thinking? Mythological consciousness is much better, because it works on the principle of "I like it - so it is." I propose a simple scientific experiment. Pour water into a glass, swear over it for an hour and say all sorts of "unkind words" like "Hitler", "evil", "Satan". Give the ill-wisher a drink and ... wait until he starts to twist and he mutates into a green man.

I would love to use powerful words that change the genetic code, but something is not lucky for me. I probably don't know the words. I also have a couple of enemies in whose minds I would make terrible changes, but again, something doesn’t add up ... And President Putin, probably, has long been a mutant. Together with the opposition.

There are no analogues to this word (Universe) in any language. In all other languages ​​there is a "cosmos", that is, a world order. And the "universe" - from the word "to move in." It is not enough for our person to know how everything works, it is important for him to determine his place in this world, to understand why he came into it, that is, to "settle" in it

My comment: UNIVERSE. Loans. from st.-sl. lang. Derivational tracing paper in Greek. oikoumenē, are suffering. incl. from oikeō "I inhabit, I inhabit, I live." Universe literally - "inhabited" (earth). (School etymological dictionary). What is there about the uniqueness of the word "Universe"? And then there's "universum creeps up gloomily, looking unkindly at the doctor of sciences.


I'm very worried about what's going on. To read this stream of consciousness, mixed with the worst examples of nationalism, from the DOCTOR OF SCIENCE ... Hmm ... If the above revelations were spoken by a person who has nothing to do with science or education, then I would not pay attention to him, you never know who has any legends and myths ... It's a shame for the scientific philological community, which is discredited by such interviews (especially since I know excellent philologists). The rollback of society to a pure, uncomplicated mythology is the path to the darkest depths of the human unconscious. The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters, and it is very sad to be present at the birth of these monsters ... Let's better the excellent philologist Krongauz

Studying the genes of different peoples of the world, scientists came to an unexpected and terrifying discovery. It turned out that in recent years, humanity has acquired hundreds of new mutations. Children with various deformities began to appear more and more often. Geneticists attribute everything to bad ecology and radiation. However, esotericists and priests assure: it's not about radiation at all. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the human body is an imprint of his past life, and any flaw is evidence of his sins. But the magic of the gene also lies in the fact that, having learned to control your own genotype, you can change both your future and the future of your offspring. But is it possible to change a person's genetic code and rewrite their dark past? How can you change your genetic code so that your offspring will be rich and happy?

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For a long time, scientists considered the human genome (all hereditary material contained in a cell) to be something static and permanent. But in the last 30-40 years, the science of epigenetics has proven otherwise. “The genome is like a dynamic, living being that is constantly growing, learning and adapting,” writes Catherine Shanahan, geneticist, biomechanic and bestselling author of The Smart Gene: What Foods Your DNA Needs. You may have heard that most diseases are caused by random mutations or "bad genes". But epigenetics says that's not the case. If you need glasses, or you've been diagnosed with cancer, or you're aging faster than you should, then your genes are probably perfectly normal, but they don't function well."

What influences how genes work?

Literally everything we do, everything we touch, everything we eat. “You could say that our lifestyle teaches the genes how to behave. By choosing between healthy or unhealthy foods or habits, we program our genes for good or bad behavior,” comments Katherine Shanahan.

Moreover, diet plays a key role in this. “The labels that are put on the genes, control their work and help direct the course of evolution, are made up of simple nutrients - minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. That is, there are almost no intermediaries between what you eat and how the genes behave, and it is the behavior of the genes that determines which changes become permanent and inherited, ”says Katherine.

The expert insists on regular care of your own genome, which will help improve well-being, health and protect your future children from many unpleasant diseases.

What Diet Healthy Genes?

The one that contains a maximum of natural ingredients (familiar to the human body for thousands of years). The logic is simple: we know that they have a positive effect on the genome, otherwise, as a species, they simply would not have survived to this day.

1. Meat cooked on the bone.

2. Internal organs and offal.

3. Fresh (raw) vegetable and animal products.

4. Fermented and sprouted foods.

“The importance of these categories is proven, if only by the fact that they are literally ubiquitous,” comments Katherine Shanahan. “These categories have proven to be successful because they guarantee their consumers health and survival.”

From the point of view of the content of nutrients, all these products perfectly complement each other.

* Meat on the bone contains a lot of glycosaminoglycans (growth factors) and minerals (building materials for the skeleton). “All of this will keep your joints well lubricated, keep your aging bones from breaking down, and take care of your muscles,” says Katherine Shanahan.

* Domestic meat bodies rich in fat-soluble vitamins. “And brains and nervous tissue are a source of omega-3s and other fatty acids and phospholipids, building blocks for the nervous system,” Katherine adds.

* Fresh plant food naturally rich in antioxidants that will never survive the process of drying, cooking or packaging into capsules and bottles. The same applies to meat - that's why experts do not recommend subjecting it to a long heat treatment, during which many useful substances are lost. The best cooking option is stewing.

* Fermented food, full of probiotics, protects the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics living in the intestines also produce a variety of vitamins, which helps to fill their possible deficiency in the diet.

The human brain is truly phenomenal, and its capabilities are impressive. Everyone can learn to manage, if not the state of things in the lives of others, then at least their own body. In 1976, scientists placed a group of elderly people in a recreated atmosphere of 1956, that is, 20 years earlier, when they were much more cheerful and younger. We decided to check what would happen if they started watching old TV and programs of that time, reading newspapers, wearing clothes in the fashion of 56, etc.

Identification of consciousness with that specific time and age has yielded startling and stunning results. Since our unconscious is gullible, an interesting phenomenon occurred: according to the indicators of medical devices and the state and work of their organs, they all became 20 years younger.

It also describes an experiment that was carried out in a nursing home. It was announced that on one of the floors, patients themselves can choose the time to watch movies, take care of plants, etc. That is, make small decisions. On the other hand, nurses and nurses will do everything. After some time, it turned out that on the floor where people could influence at least minor details, the mortality rate dropped significantly. It is very important for a person 1) to have some goal in life and 2) at least an illusory confidence that he can control the course of events and influence something. As soon as this disappears, there is no point in living anymore, the program of self-destruction is activated. Almost all psychosomatic illnesses, such as stroke and heart attack, are, in fact, a way to die.

In the course of a survey among the most healthy people of age, it was found out that they like to listen to music that was popular in their days of youth, and watch old films that reflect the reality of that time, with role models that are understandable to them. You can also apply the experience of psychologists for yourself. Recreate for yourself the atmosphere in which you felt young. Play classic games like Pac-man or board games, reread books that delighted you in your youth, and don't force yourself to listen to modern trendy music.

You have probably heard about mentally ill people with dissociative identity disorder, some of them have several personalities in one body, of different sex, age, nationality and beliefs that conflict with each other. When moving from one personality to another, the blood composition, pressure, etc. often change. So a blind 37-year-old woman with a split personality, at the moment when she believed that she was a teenage boy, began to see. Switching between personalities occurred instantly, and at the moment of transition, the woman either began to see or plunged into darkness. This case proves the extraordinary ability of our brain to control what we see and who we are.

Another patient, a man with a personality disorder, was seen at the clinic for a long time. One of his personalities suffered from severe diabetes, and the other was healthy. That is, they call a sick person, check the blood - the person is already a non-resident. Enter into a state of hypnosis, another person talks to the doctors. They take blood for analysis - and he does not have diabetes at all. How is this possible? His brain changed the composition of the blood and the state of the organs in a couple of minutes.

American geneticist Bruce Lipton claims that each of us is able to get rid of any disease only by the power of thought. His research showed that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism. The problem is that humanity has become too rational and distrustful.

All people are different. Someone is higher, someone is lower, some have a predisposition to one, others to another. Professor and PhD Richard Dawkins believes and publishes in his book The Selfish Gene that we are all machines designed for the survival of our genes. The same natural selection: the strong survive, the weak are weeded out. Very often in society, smart, strong and attractive people are endowed with great attention. What are these advantages built on, apart from hard work?

The answer for some will seem very obvious: genes. It would seem that this cannot be changed or corrected in any way. Partly true. No one has ever been able to completely change their genetic code. But some changes are still subject to us. What can influence genes in such a way? Hormones. Naturally strong people have a fairly high level of testosterone, it is much easier for them to achieve some goals in power sports. Tall people are carriers of high levels of somatotropin, while short people are deficient in it. In this article, you will learn how to produce these two important hormones on your own.

Royal posture is not the most significant, but a significant factor. A correct, not curved spine will not put pressure on the body, and in a free state it is much better able to produce and distribute the necessary hormones throughout the body. Corset, own habit, swimming pool or gym - your choice. There are plenty of ways.

Stretching. Or stretching. One of great ways force the body to produce somatotropin. There are many advantages: a flexible body, accelerated processes in the body, hormone production, strong joints. If you are interested in how it is correct and how much it can advance your progress, I advise you to read the method of A. Berg.

Nutrition. There are products that serve as catalysts for the production of hormones. Nuts, cabbage, foods containing a fairly large amount of protein (meat, fish, dairy products). Also pay attention to foods containing vitamins. For example, "Omega-3" can significantly improve the growth of nails, hair, promote the burning of excess fat. In addition, try not to feel hungry at all, but don't overeat either. Ideal: 5-6 small meals.

Sports games: basketball. What you enjoy doing, you can do more. Constant jumping up causes your body to produce somatotropin, which is why people who play basketball grow a little faster than their peers.

Dream. If your sleep pattern is knocked down, you do not get enough sleep, or even sleep every other day, then you yourself greatly slow down the process. In a dream, a person produces up to 80% (!) Of hormones. How better sleep the more your body will be able to reward you. To do this, sleep needs to go through all 5 phases, each of which lasts an average of about an hour and a half. In addition, an afternoon nap of up to one hour will help your body recover better.

Power training. In addition to simple physical education or workout, which has now gained great popularity due to its accessibility, let's pay attention to sports that are more significant in terms of hormones. Namely bodybuilding and powerlifting. If your priority is strength, then testosterone plays a big role here. In both sports, the classic rule has long been adhered to: “make the base!”. This includes the three most important basic exercises: Squat, deadlift, bench press. And the point here is not only that these exercises are complex and involve several (in a squat, for example, almost all) muscles at once, they also force the body, under the influence of a powerful load, to produce a huge amount of hormones! Just imagine, your body itself is able to produce anabolic hormones without side effects. I will write a separate article about the harm of artificial injections and taking steroids.

Stick to a healthy lifestyle. I think the previous sentence speaks for itself: exercising in the morning, stretching, running, proper nutrition and much more. However, in this paragraph, I will pay attention to what can greatly slow down the process. The first is smoking. On average slows down your process by 40%. The second is alcohol. The administrators of one group [VKontakte] "Rocking Rocker", which was very popular among athletes, argued that if you bring yourself to complete intoxication, you can throw out about a week of training (!) Just to restore your performance and full ability to grow.

So, now you have the knowledge to improve your genetics, and give your future children considerable benefits, because what develops from childhood is easy to develop, and develop dramatically. Go in for sports and lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. Good luck!

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