When it will be possible to change a person genetically. Geneticist Bruce Lipton: The power of thought changes the human genetic code. When consciousness is not enough

American geneticist Bruce Lipton argues that with the help of true faith, solely by the power of thought, a person is indeed able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... genetic code organism.

Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in the field of genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and became the author of a number of studies that brought him fame in academic circles. In his own words, all this time Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot, whose life is subject to a program written in his genes. From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that, by and large, we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.
The turning point in the life and views of Dr. Lipton was his experiments in the late 1980s to study the behavior of the cell membrane. Before that, it was believed in science that it was the genes located in the nucleus of the cell that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments clearly showed that various external influences on a cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.
It only remained to understand whether such changes could be made with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, with the power of thought.

“Basically, I didn't come up with anything new,” says Dr. Lipton. – For centuries, doctors have been well aware of the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that this is a miracle drug. As a result, the substance actually has a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a truly scientific explanation for this phenomenon. My discovery made it possible to give such an explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes taking place in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, force others to "turn on" and even change his genetic code. Following this, I thought of various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we had only one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature. And to suggest that if one succeeded, then perhaps others will do the same.

Of course, academic science has taken these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body.

Including, by the way, and with the help of a specially selected diet. So, for one of his experiments, Lipton bred a breed of yellow mice with congenital genetic defects that doom their offspring to overweight and a short life. Then, with the help of a special diet, he ensured that these mice began to give offspring that were completely different from their parents? of normal color, thin and living as long as the rest of their relatives.

All this, you see, smacks of Lysenkoism, and therefore the negative attitude of academic scientists to Lipton's ideas was not difficult to predict. Nevertheless, he continued experiments and proved that a similar effect on genes can be achieved with the help of, say, the influence of a strong psychic or through certain physical exercises. A new scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet, Lipton considers the power of thought, what is happening not around, but inside us, to be the main influence that can change the state of our health.

"That's nothing new either," says Lipton. – It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, but one has the disease, and the other does not. Why? Yes, because they lived differently: one experienced stress more often than the second; they had different self-esteem and self-awareness, which gave rise, respectively, to a different train of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes with the help of thought, faith and aspirations. The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal himself from deadly diseases and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving the body mental guidelines for this. We do not have to be victims of our genetic code and life circumstances. Believe that you can be healed and you will be cured of any disease. Believe that you can lose 50 kilograms - and you will lose weight!

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance…

If everything were so simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by saying simple mantras like “I can heal from this ailment”, “I believe that my body is able to heal itself” ...

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, it cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% of the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believe in the possibility of self-healing with the help of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore succeed. Most subconsciously deny this possibility. Even more precisely: their very subconsciousness, which, in fact, automatically controls all the processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the probability that something positive will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the “experience of the subconscious” and, as a result, a person’s personality. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events. As a result, the "experience of the subconscious" in the vast majority of people consists of 70% of the "negative" and only 30%? from positive. Thus, in order to really achieve self-healing, it is necessary, at the very least, to change this ratio to the exact opposite. Only in this way can the barrier set by the subconscious mind be broken in the way of the intrusion of the power of our thought into cellular processes and the genetic code.

According to Lipton, the job of many psychics is precisely to break down this barrier. But he suggests that a similar effect can be achieved with the help of hypnosis and other methods. However, most of these methods are still waiting to be discovered. Or just widespread recognition.

After the worldview revolution that occurred for Lipton about a quarter of a century ago, the scientist continued his research in the field of genetics, but at the same time became one of the active organizers of various international forums with the aim of building bridges between traditional and alternative medicine. At the congresses and seminars he organizes, famous psychologists, doctors, biophysicists and biochemists sit next to all kinds of traditional healers, psychics and even those who call themselves magicians or sorcerers. At the same time, the latter usually demonstrate their capabilities to the audience, and scientists arrange a brainstorming session to try to explain them scientifically. And at the same time, they are thinking about future experiments that would help to identify and explain the mechanism of the hidden reserves of our body.

It is in this symbiosis of esotericism and modern methods of treatment with the main reliance on the capabilities of the psyche of the patient himself, or, if you like, magic and science, that Bruce Lipton sees the main path for the further development of medicine. Whether he is right or not, time will tell.

Published on 15.07.11 15:29

Researchers set about trying to create an organism from scratch.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in collaboration with colleagues at Harvard, have done the extraordinary. They nullified the value of one of the triplets of the genetic code of the bacterium Escherichia coli - that is, they changed the genetic dictionary of a living organism, Compulenta reports.

The bacterium survived the operation normally.

To understand the whole essence of this phenomenal work, it should be remembered that each protein is a strictly individual sequence of amino acids. Order intkbbee amino acids, in which they line up from one end of the protein molecule to the other, is written in DNA using the genetic code: each corresponds, so to speak, to a word of three nucleotide letters - a triplet, or codon. Without delving into the subtleties of protein synthesis, we note that the sequence of triplets serves as a template for constructing a polypeptide chain. But the genetic code has one basic feature, which is called the degeneracy of the code: each amino acid corresponds to several three-nucleotide words. Moreover, even the signal triplets, which signify the beginning and end of the synthesis of a protein molecule, do not exist in the singular: there are several start and stop codons.

There are three such stop codons in E. coli: TAG, TAA and TGA, where T is the nitrogenous base thymine, A is adenine, G is guanine. All of them perform the same job - they signal to the protein-synthesizing conveyor that the polypeptide chain is ready and it's time to let it go "into the wild".

The scientists decided to replace all TAG codons with TAA. 314 DNA fragments were synthesized, which exactly repeated the sections of the bacterial chromosome with TAG codons, only TAG in them was replaced by TAA. The researchers introduced these DNA fragments into bacterial cells and eventually received about 30 strains of Escherichia coli, in which substitutions occurred in one place or another.

As a result of several cycles of exchange between the "unfinished" strains, a bacterium was formed that carried all the necessary replacements. But, since there are protein molecules in the molecular apparatus of the cell that are designed to recognize the TAG codon, these recognition proteins had to be cut out from the genome of bacteria as well. As a result, a word was formed in the genetic dictionary that did not mean anything.

Initially, a group of American and Korean biologists led by George Church at Harvard Medical School developed two methods to edit DNA. Biologists have created tools MAGE ("magician") and CAGE ("cell"), with which you can find and select certain sequences of nucleotides - the building blocks of DNA - in the original genetic material, and replace them with new sequences, clarifies RIA Novosti.

That is, the researchers first broke down the genetic material of the bacterium into 32 regions, each of which contained 10 TAG regions. To replace the "cut" sections, biologists used the MAGE tool - when a combination of nucleotides connects to the desired DNA section and forces the bacterium to replace it with another.

After that, scientists began to combine the "cut" genome using the CAGE tool, a procedure that ensures the exchange of DNA fragments between bacteria.

Under natural conditions, this mechanism helps microorganisms to better adapt to environmental conditions and spread beneficial mutations.

I am not against other people's beliefs - everyone has the right to believe in what he wants, and not make excuses for it. My attitude to other people's beliefs changes somewhat when this belief begins to be preached as the truth - I begin to ask questions. And I don’t like it at all when this faith is presented under the guise of science, and even on behalf of a doctor of sciences.

In one of the mailings devoted to translations from foreign languages, a surprise awaited me and my wife - an interview with a doctor of philological sciences, professor, head. G. Zvezdova, Department of Modern Russian Language and Methods of its Teaching, Leningrad State Pedagogical University (Lipetsk). As I read, I fell into more and more bewilderment and amazement. Weak traces of scientific thinking are densely diluted with a mythological view of the world and the human psyche, which is so popular at the present time. And all this is spreading under the guise of science… I won’t undertake to judge the philological side of the interview, but as soon as G. Zvezdova enters the field of psychology, it begins… In general, judge for yourself what begins. I will comment on some of the most "wonderful" revelations (hereinafter my text - in italics).

… The word is inextricably linked with the consciousness, with the spirit. The destruction of the word leads to the destruction of consciousness, and this process is looped. It continues at ever deeper levels.

Comment: already in these first lines one can see the classical magical attitude to the word as to an independent entity capable of destroying consciousness. True, simple questions immediately arise: what is the “destruction of the word” (I can’t imagine it well) and what is the “destruction of consciousness” in the view of a doctor of philological sciences? Perhaps by “destruction of a word” is meant a change in its meaning? So this is a normal process of language development in this case. Don't like the new meaning of the word? Well, that's the personal problem of whoever doesn't like it.

- Could you give an example?

You are welcome. Are the expressions “to make love”, “to have sex” that have appeared not associated with sharp breakdowns in consciousness, in spirit, in the idea of ​​morality? Can you imagine that during the Great Patriotic War a soldier in a letter from the front wrote to his wife or fiancee: “I dream of making love to you”? This is unimaginable, because then there was LOVE, and not occupation with it. But after all, everything did not stop there, the destruction went further, when the words, God forgive me, “fuck”, “get laid” appeared. This is simply reducing human relations to the level of animals. This is a disregard for the great mystery of love, and for oneself, and for another person. Doesn't this mean a huge shift in the minds of young people? After all, love includes friendship, and compassion, and pity, and responsibility. All that was left of all this was their "basic instinct"... And when the word "philistinism" was replaced by the word "consumption", spirituality began to disappear, because it became not a shame to live only materially.

Commentary: a familiar story about how the world was better in "old times". The myth of the golden age is one of the most tenacious of mankind. This "golden age" was best called by the Australian Aborigines: "the time of dreams." As soon as these dreams begin, we can immediately conclude: we have stepped on the shaky ground of legends and myths, the main thing in which is emotional involvement, and not agreement with the available facts.

I agree that the words reflect changes in public consciousness. However, I am very surprised by the fact that the doctor of philological sciences did not think about the fact that the appearance of such a phrase as “make love” (tracing paper from English), as well as the use of words like “fuck” is due to the extreme poverty of the Russian language in the field of CENSORED expression of sexuality , which was under a total (formal) ban. It was this disembodied, anti-sexual "morality" that led from a situation where "there is an ass, but there is no word." And when she appeared, there were no words. And cause and effect are also replaced, in full agreement with the magical world view: it is words that change consciousness and society, and not changes in society and social psychology lead to a change in the meaning that is put into words.

And I can easily imagine a soldier who, writing the word "love" in a letter, was thinking about sex. The current time is simply more frank in terms of expressing attitudes towards sex. Not so hypocritical.

- Can the word really play such a huge role in our life?

But how? The word can both save and kill. It has great power and energy. It’s even ridiculous to argue here, this has long been proven by biologists, physiologists, and representatives of the exact sciences. After all, everyone remembers the experience with plants, when one was “scolded”, and the other was “praised” and said how they love it. The first - withered, and the second quickly grew. Everyone already knows how the structure of water changes depending on what words are pronounced over it. So how can we assume that a person is not subject to such influence? And how can you be so irresponsible about your native language, the words that we pronounce? There are terrible changes not only in consciousness, but also in the genetic code.

Commentary: It is simply impossible to comment on this. A word is sounds that propagate in space with a certain frequency. That's all his physical characteristics. The word affects a person and his consciousness through the meaning that it carries, and not through “energy”. Moreover, this meaning can also change several times: the one who pronounces puts one meaning, the one who receives it can decipher it in a completely different way. It cannot destroy anything. Shout at the tree as much as you like - it will not crack, its genetic code will not change. Although ... It depends on how loudly you scream ...

It’s not funny to argue, because the “special power of the word” has not been proven by either biologists or physiologists, and the doctor of science retells the legends and myths of pseudoscience about the magical power of the word. A shaman will believe this easily, but a scientist?... There were no correct scientific studies with plants and water, but why does a doctor of sciences need critical thinking? Mythological consciousness is much better, because it works on the principle of "I like it - so it is." I propose a simple scientific experiment. Pour water into a glass, swear over it for an hour and say all sorts of "unkind words" like "Hitler", "evil", "Satan". Give the ill-wisher a drink and ... wait until he starts to twist and he mutates into a green man.

I would love to use powerful words that change the genetic code, but something is not lucky for me. I probably don't know the words. I also have a couple of enemies in whose minds I would make terrible changes, but again, something doesn’t add up ... And President Putin, probably, has long been a mutant. Together with the opposition.

There are no analogues to this word (Universe) in any language. In all other languages ​​there is a "cosmos", that is, a world order. And the "universe" - from the word "to move in." It is not enough for our person to know how everything works, it is important for him to determine his place in this world, to understand why he came into it, that is, to "settle" in it

My comment: UNIVERSE. Loans. from st.-sl. lang. Derivational tracing paper in Greek. oikoumenē, are suffering. incl. from oikeō "I inhabit, I inhabit, I live." Universe literally - "inhabited" (earth). (School etymological dictionary). What is there about the uniqueness of the word "Universe"? And then there's "universum creeps up gloomily, looking unkindly at the doctor of sciences.


I'm very worried about what's going on. To read this stream of consciousness, mixed with the worst examples of nationalism, from the DOCTOR OF SCIENCE ... Hmm ... If the above revelations were spoken by a person who has nothing to do with science or education, then I would not pay attention to him, you never know who has any legends and myths ... It's a shame for the scientific philological community, which is discredited by such interviews (especially since I know excellent philologists). The rollback of society to a pure, uncomplicated mythology is the path to the darkest depths of the human unconscious. The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters, and it is very sad to be present at the birth of these monsters ... Let's better the excellent philologist Krongauz

American geneticist Bruce Lipton argues that with the help of true faith, solely by the power of thought, a person is indeed able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism.

Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in the field of genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and became the author of a number of studies that brought him fame in academic circles. In his own words, all this time Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot, whose life is subject to a program written in his genes. From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that, by and large, we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.

The turning point in the life and views of Dr. Lipton was his experiments in the late 1980s to study the behavior of the cell membrane. Before that, it was believed in science that it was the genes located in the nucleus of the cell that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments clearly showed that various external influences on a cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.

It only remained to understand whether such changes could be made with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, with the power of thought.

“Actually, I didn't come up with anything new,” says Dr. Lipton. – For centuries, doctors have been well aware of the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that this is a miracle drug. As a result, the substance actually has a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a truly scientific explanation for this phenomenon. My discovery made it possible to give such an explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes taking place in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, force others to "turn on" and even change his genetic code. Following this, I thought of various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we had only one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature. And to suggest that if one succeeded, then perhaps others will do the same.

Of course, academic science has taken these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body.

Including, by the way, and with the help of a specially selected diet. So, for one of his experiments, Lipton bred a breed of yellow mice with congenital genetic defects that doom their offspring to overweight and a short life. Then, with the help of a special diet, he ensured that these mice began to give offspring that were completely different from their parents - the usual color, thin and living as long as the rest of their relatives.

All this, you see, smacks of Lysenkoism, and therefore the negative attitude of academic scientists to Lipton's ideas was not difficult to predict. Nevertheless, he continued experiments and proved that a similar effect on genes can be achieved with the help of, say, the influence of a strong psychic or through certain physical exercises. A new scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet, Lipton considers the power of thought, what is happening not around, but inside us, to be the main influence that can change the state of our health.

"That's nothing new either," Lipton says. – It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, but one has the disease, and the other does not. Why? Yes, because they lived differently: one experienced stress more often than the second; they had different self-esteem and self-awareness, which gave rise, respectively, to a different train of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes with the help of thought, faith and aspirations. The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal himself from deadly diseases and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving the body mental guidelines for this. We do not have to be victims of our genetic code and life circumstances. Believe that you can be healed and you will be cured of any disease. Believe that you can lose 50 kilograms - and you will lose weight!

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance…

If everything were so simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by saying simple mantras like “I can heal from this ailment”, “I believe that my body is able to heal itself” ...

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, it cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% - the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believe in the possibility of self-healing with the help of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore succeed. Most subconsciously deny this possibility. Even more precisely: their very subconsciousness, which, in fact, automatically controls all the processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the probability that something positive will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the “experience of the subconscious” and, as a result, a person’s personality. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events. As a result, the “experience of the subconscious” in the vast majority of people is 70% “negative” and only 30% “positive”. Thus, in order to really achieve self-healing, it is necessary, at the very least, to change this ratio to the exact opposite. Only in this way can the barrier set by the subconscious mind be broken in the way of the intrusion of the power of our thought into cellular processes and the genetic code.

According to Lipton, the job of many psychics is precisely to break down this barrier. But he suggests that a similar effect can be achieved with the help of hypnosis and other methods. However, most of these methods are still waiting to be discovered. Or just widespread recognition.

After the worldview revolution that occurred for Lipton about a quarter of a century ago, the scientist continued his research in the field of genetics, but at the same time became one of the active organizers of various international forums with the aim of building bridges between traditional and alternative medicine. At the congresses and seminars he organizes, famous psychologists, doctors, biophysicists and biochemists sit next to all kinds of traditional healers, psychics and even those who call themselves magicians or sorcerers. At the same time, the latter usually demonstrate their capabilities to the audience, and scientists arrange a brainstorming session to try to explain them scientifically. And at the same time, they are thinking about future experiments that would help to identify and explain the mechanism of the hidden reserves of our body.

It is in this symbiosis of esotericism and modern methods of treatment with the main reliance on the capabilities of the psyche of the patient himself, or, if you like, magic and science, that Bruce Lipton sees the main path for the further development of medicine. Whether he is right or not, time will tell.

Jan Smelyansky

It has been scientifically proven that a person's faith can heal him of any disease.

When from time to time there are publications in the media about a miraculous cure from a deadly disease, skeptical smiles usually appear on the faces of doctors and scientists. Even when it comes to indisputable facts, confirmed by modern research methods, traditional medicine either dismisses them or tries to explain the unexpected recovery of the patient by an error in the initial diagnosis.

However, the American geneticist Bruce Lipton argues that with the help of true faith, only by the power of thought, a person is indeed able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism!


Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in the field of genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and became the author of a number of studies. All this time, Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot whose life is subject to a program written in his genes.

From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.

The turning point in Dr. Lipton's views was his experiments in the late 1980s to study the behavior of the cell membrane. Before that, it was believed in science that it was the genes located in the nucleus of the cell that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments showed that external influences on a cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.

It only remained to understand whether it is possible to produce such changes with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, by the power of thought - faith.

In fact, I did not come up with anything new, - says Dr. Lipton. - For centuries, doctors have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a medicine. As a result, the substance actually has a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

My discovery made it possible to give such an explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes taking place in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, force others to "turn on" and even change his genetic code.

Following this, I thought of various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we had only one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature.


Academic science has taken these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body. The scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet, Lipton considers the power of thought to be the main influence that can change the state of our health - what happens not around, but inside us.

It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, Lipton says. - But one had the disease, and the other did not. Why? Yes, because they lived differently: one experienced stress more often than the second; they had different self-esteem and self-awareness, a different train of thought.

Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes with the help of thought, faith and aspirations.

The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal from deadly diseases, and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving mental instructions to the body for this. We do not have to be victims of our genetic code and life circumstances.

Believe that you can be healed - and you will be cured of any disease. At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance…


If it were that simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by uttering simple mantras like "I can be healed of this disease" « I believe that my body is able to heal itself.”

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, it cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% - the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believe in the possibility of self-healing with the help of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore succeed. Most subconsciously deny this possibility.

Even more precisely: their very subconsciousness, which, in fact, automatically controls all the processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the likelihood that something supernatural will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the “experience of the subconscious” and, as a result, the personality of a person. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events.

As a result, the "experience of the subconscious" in the vast majority of people is 70% "negative" and only 30% "positive". Thus, in order to really achieve self-healing, it is necessary, at the very least, to change this ratio to the exact opposite. This is the only way to break the barrier set by the subconscious on the way of the invasion of the force of our faith in cellular processes and the genetic code.

"All things are possible to him who believes" ~ Bible

Faith is a powerful force that sweeps away any obstacles in its path!

Believe and receive your miracle!

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