Advice for the future online. Fortune-telling of the section “Fortune-telling for fate, future, past. An abbreviated way of divination for the future

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are talking about. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Online fortune telling Near future. One of the simplest and most reliable ways to find out what is happening or will happen in the very near future with a fortuneteller. ancient divination, which was very often guessed at Christmas time. It was very common in Russia and enjoyed well-deserved popularity. Of course, this is not the easiest layout option, but with proper experience, it should not cause serious difficulties. The interpretations given by us have not been changed and are presented as they are, that is, as they guessed before. You will need to independently apply them to the existing situation.

Online divination technique:

Before the alignment, it is best to retire and exclude extraneous sounds. We hold a deck of 52 cards in our hands and set it up for "work". Shuffle the cards well. After that, you need to take two cards from above and lay them out on the table with the words: "Now - in an hour - by evening - for the whole night - what happened - what will happen - how the heart calms down - how the cards close"

The method of performing the ritual is given in the book by E. L. Isaeva. All types and methods of divination

Popular divination

Fortune telling on tarot cards Zen Osho "Prediction" is a quick way to understand the situation, get advice or decipher a dream or vision in mediation. A commentary on the Zen philosophy card will help you understand the motives and conscious image that this card carries.

Fortune telling on fortune cookies is a quick and easy way to find out what awaits you in the future and teach helpful advice or a warning from higher powers. Our online divination contains tips, predictions and warnings of all kinds of topics. Do you want to know what awaits you? Just click on the cookie to break it and get the fortune sheet.

This divination on the bones of dominoes allows you to find out the events of the near and distant future. You can assign each bone to the day of the week and get a forecast for the week, you can find out how the situation of interest will develop step by step, starting from today's events and ending with the denouement-final in the future. The same dice can fall out several times in the layout - this means that the event that predicts the domino dice will come true in the near future, or that you should pay attention to its value.

One of the oldest games of Domino is closely related to divination, which was performed on bones with dotted notation of numbers. Fortune telling on one domino bone helps to predict fate, find out hidden and important events that are already happening or about to happen, and most importantly, answer the question “What awaits me?”. In order to get your prediction - choose one of the 28 dominoes.

Byzantine divination is one of the divination options using dice and a diagram. The cube is thrown three times on the table and occupies one of its 15 sectors. For each throw, the table has its own decoding for each segment. So, the first roll of the die will show what awaits you in the very near future, the second roll - what events should be kept secret and the third - what changes will soon enter your life.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and indicate exactly what is shown on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards “For Happiness” shows how happy and self-sufficient you are. With the help of this alignment, you will find out who or what contributes to your happiness, and what hinders you, what you need for happiness and what is the forecast for the next six months for you. Concentrate and ask your question, then choose 9 cards from the deck.

The layout of the Seven Angels Tarot cards is ideal for clarifying the situation, predicting the development of events in the future and analyzing the most important fateful events of the past. With the help of this virtual fortune-telling, you can find out the reason for this or that situation, as well as find out how it will end. Think of your question and choose cards from the deck.

Divination "Mokuso Joi" is one of the oldest national divination in Japan. This fortune-telling is similar to fortune-telling according to the I-ching book of changes, however, instead of coins, ordinary bamboo sticks are taken with symbols printed on them - a dot or two dots. Depending on the sequence of dropped symbols, a figure is built, each of which has its own meaning. Ask your question and read the transcript that has fallen out for you.

Tibetan fortune-telling on Mo cubes, which originated in ancient Tibet and has its roots in the local Buddhist culture, like any fortune-telling, is aimed primarily at predicting the future, determining important nuances in the present, as well as explanations of the events of the past that most influenced the current situation. Ancient Tibetan wisdom will tell you the right attitude to certain circumstances of your life and will advise on which area of ​​life it is desirable to pay attention. It is advisable to go through relaxation meditation before starting this fortune-telling in order to perceive the decoding of fortune-telling correctly.

Divination on two dice "What will seem?" It is aimed at showing the fortuneteller hidden, but of interest to him, the nuances. In just one phrase of prediction, great wisdom can be hidden, if the answer is not immediately clear to you, you may soon understand what the decoding of fortune-telling is for. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on two dice "Prediction" allows you to find out what awaits you, whether your desire will come true or get advice for action. Unlike simple divination on three dice here, in addition to the sum, the numerical value on each of the dice is taken into account. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune-telling on three dice "For the Future" is a simple fortune-telling that predicts the near future, gives advice or a warning, or shows you nuances currently unknown to you that matter. To start fortune telling, focus and ask your question and click on the cup to mix the bones.

The Egyptian goddess Heket, depicted as a frog, helped women in childbirth and spirits in the afterlife. The alignment itself resembles the possibilities of directing a frog's jump and is aimed at predicting fate and the future. The alignment will show the events and the nuances of interest to you in the present, future and past, as well as fortune-telling explains to you what benefits the situation and what counteracts the situation. Ask your question and choose five cards from the deck.

The layout of the Lenormand cards "Your Light" is intended to be brief. but from that no less informative forecast of the near and distant future. With the help of this online fortune-telling, you can find out what awaits you, how events will develop, what surprise awaits you, and where everything will lead. Also, cards give advice on how to behave in order to achieve a goal or prevent trouble. Before starting fortune-telling, think about the person you will be guessing at and select cards from the deck.

The layout of the Tarot cards "Intersection" is focused on the prediction and analysis of life situations that are important for a person. The essence of this fortune-telling is to find out how fateful events manifest themselves in your life, how to understand an exciting situation, how to solve possible obstacles and what conclusions to draw for yourself. Before starting the divination, ask your question and then select nine cards from the deck.

Divination on the oracle of Endora "Oracle of the World" is similar to the similar divination "Four Winds", however, it gives even more information related to the physical and spiritual spheres. With the help of this alignment, you can find out the full characteristics of a person in three time periods: present, past and future. A fairly universal layout that allows you to track the development of events, find out the reason for a particular act and situation, and also foresee what the situation you are interested in will lead to or how a person will act in the future.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora "The Oracle of the Four Seasons" is used in cases where it is necessary to find out the cause of the situation, how it was formed in the recent past, what served as its foundation in the distant past, what development trends it has in the near future and how the matter will end in the distant future . You can also guess events specifically for 4 seasons of the year, in which case four cards will characterize the actions, events and deeds of the corresponding time of the year. focus and ask your question, then choose cards from the deck.

Each generation has its favorite books, its favorite songs, its heroes, including movie heroes. Born in the seventies and eighties, they grew up on the film "Guest from the Future". The above film is a visiting card of that forever lost era. This is something that still makes the hearts of adults already tremble, at the sounds: “I hear a voice from a beautiful far away ...” But why did this film fall in love so much, why could it hurt children's and not only children's hearts so much? Have you ever thought about it?

Meanwhile, everything is simple: this film made it possible to touch the secret of secrets - the Future! Judge for yourself, all the guys, not only Kolya and Fima, saying goodbye to Alisa Selezneva, who was supposed to return in due time, asked her the same questions. questions about their future. All the children wanted to know who they would be, in what matters they could succeed. What a pity that in those ancient times there was no our wonderful service with online divination for the future!

Of course, the Present is our “Everything”! But the future is not in lesser degree our Everything and More! If we knew how events would develop, many mistakes, sometimes fatal, could have been avoided. Alas, we do not have such information. Alas, the time machine presented in the film "Guest from the Future" has not yet been invented. And whether they will ever invent it is a big question. Meanwhile, you still want to look into the future, and sometimes it is vital. How many impasses can a person find himself in?

How to be? Where to go for an answer? Where can you find the information you need? Of course, on the site of Mogur!

Online fortune-telling for the future is a great opportunity to look into your own “Tomorrow”! This can be done through any of the listed Oracles. As they say, fly in and choose whatever your heart desires! Of course, sometimes it is not so easy to choose a fortune-telling system, especially when you have never heard anything about it before. Well, isn't this a reason to try to tell fortunes on each of them? Today - on one, tomorrow - on the other. Or maybe immediately, try to access several systems in one day? Who knows what answers you will get...

It is worth noting that fortune-telling online for the future (free of charge) is considered to be the most accurate. According to statistics, the accuracy of predicting the future is about eighty-three to eighty-seven percent, which, as you yourself understand, is a pretty good result.

There are many ways to know your future. One of them is the use of an ancient divination table. This method is simple and highly efficient.

The essence of the method is that you simply close your eyes, and when you open them, fix your eyes on a certain number. The first number you saw will determine your destiny. You can also just close your eyes and then poke your finger at the screen. The number you hit will be the cherished determinant of your near future. The most convenient way to choose only you.

Prediction table and its interpretation

Below is the table itself. It contains numbers from 1 to 100. Each number symbolizes a different fate. We recommend using this method no more than once a week. The table is most effective on the Full Moon, New Moon and on days such as February 29, December 31, January 1, the days of the solstice or equinox, and so on.

Deciphering numbers:

1. Soon a dilemma awaits you, a difficult choice.

2. Pay attention to the little things, because they will make a huge difference to you over the coming week.

3. A fateful meeting awaits you.

4. Random receipt of money, finding a new source of income.

5. Strengthening or finding new love.

6. Someone from the environment will hate you and will wish you harm.

7. Changes in personal life, new friends, new love.

8. Quarrels with loved ones in the coming days.

9. Depression awaits you.

10. An unexpected twist of fate, which may or may not be pleasant.

11. Attacks from loved ones.

12. Unplanned spending.

13. Travel, trip, change of scenery.

14. Luck in money.

15. Annoying problems.

16. Love triangle.

17. New opportunities, choosing a new path.

18. Avoid hasty conclusions and rash actions until you feel that you have succeeded in something extremely important.

19. Loss of strength, nervousness, fatigue.

20. Harmony with the outside world and with ourselves, finding an important balance.

21. Your decisions can cost you your luck. For the next couple of days, try not to make hasty decisions.

22. Someone from the people around you can become a happy talisman for you for a while.

23. Be optimistic, for a small series of disappointments awaits you.

24. Learn from your mistakes in the next couple of weeks.

25. Diplomacy is your best friend for the rest of this week.

26. Your distrust of people can be both a salvation and a curse in equal measure.

27. Serious internal contradictions are possible.

28. Be careful. Any risks or adventures can lead to a fiasco.

29. Avoid expensive purchases until the end of next week. You may face big financial problems.

30. Betrayal.

31. The end of friendships, love relationships.

32. Health problems.

33. New pleasant acquaintances in the next two weeks.

34. Wait for inspiration.

35. It is or will soon be the time to take a break from everyday problems.

36. Your dreams will move away from you.

37. Envy of the environment.

38. Good news, relief.

39. There may be a period of uncertainty in the next two or three days.

40. New temptations, mistakes.

41. Discipline is most important to you right now.

42. A small black stripe a couple of days long.

43. Your actions will have a special weight for many people until the end of the week.

44. You will miss your chance to win.

45. Relax and go with the flow.

46. ​​Do not share your plans and dreams with anyone, because in this case they will fail.

47. Maybe it's time to get rid of someone from your environment. Someone pretended to be your friend.

48. Don't chase two rabbits at the same time. Choose one path for yourself.

49. Changes in life.

50. There is a test strip coming up that can make you stronger.

51. Fate can turn unexpectedly for you. You will immediately feel it.

52. Grab every opportunity in the next couple of weeks.

53. Love is your salvation, your curse and your hope.

54. Among your priorities, there is one that is absolutely useless now.

55. Circumstances can mislead you, but don't lose your temper.

56. In the near future there will be new perspectives in the financial sector.

57. Someone will wish you harm.

86. Random cash receipts. Good luck in business.

87. Stay close to those who value you.

88. Vanity is the path to the abyss.

89. Strictly austerity will help you stay afloat in the coming days.

90. Those from whom you do not expect it will wish you harm.

91. You can be taken advantage of.

92. Within two weeks you will have a chance to increase your authority among colleagues, partners, friends.

93. It's time to put the house in order - throw away all unnecessary trash.

94. Soon you will see a prophetic dream.

95. Great time for expensive purchases.

96. Expect unreasonable kindness from a stranger.

97. Believe only what you see for yourself, not rumors.

98. Perhaps a slight misunderstanding with loved ones.

99. It is possible to realize the meaning of life, setting new goals.

100. The sixth sense will let you down, but when exactly is unknown.

Fortune-telling according to the prediction table is made for a period from 1 day to a year. In most cases, the predicted comes true within a week, a month, a couple of months. If, for example, a fateful meeting did not happen in a couple of weeks, then you should not forget about it, because it can happen in a month or two. That is why clairvoyants and psychics recommend guessing on the prediction table again only after the previous prediction is fulfilled.

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