Reducing the mortgage rate of the current delta loan agreement. Mortgage rate in Rosbank Dom. Mortgage of Rosbank and DeltaCredit for a room

Banks have been cutting mortgage rates for months now, but over the past two years, borrowers have taken out more than a million mortgages at high rates. Experts told the website "RIA Real Estate" how such borrowers can reduce the rate on their loan by resorting to refinancing.

What is refinancing?

Refinancing in fact is the replacement of one loan agreement with another. Sometimes it is otherwise called "on-lending", explained in the press service of the bank "DeltaCredit". In order to refinance a previously taken mortgage, you need to go through several stages.

First, the borrower must come to the bank where he intends to refinance the loan and submit the necessary documents - as a rule, they are exactly the same as for a conventional mortgage loan. The balance of the debt on the existing mortgage is indicated as the loan amount. "Here you need to name not an approximate amount, but take an extract from the lender," the bank's specialists warn.

Further, the refinancing procedure repeats the standard process of obtaining a mortgage: the bank studies the borrower's credit history, his income and the subject of collateral. If everything meets the requirements, then the bank approves the issuance of a loan for the amount of the balance of the debt on the previous mortgage, which it transfers to the creditor bank. After that, the borrower independently or with the help of bank specialists registers a new mortgagee for his mortgage. "The whole procedure can take a maximum of a month, but for this time, until the collateral is registered with a new bank, the borrower pays interest at an increased rate, as in a consumer loan," DeltaCredit explains.

When the registration procedures are completed, further relations between the bank and the borrower are built as in any other loan agreement.

Who benefits?

According to AHML, at the end of 2016, mortgage rates averaged 11.9% for the secondary market and 10.9% for the primary market (subject to state support). In parallel, banks in accredited new buildings offered mortgages at lower rates of 8.5-9%.

As a result, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the weighted average rate on issued mortgage housing loans decreased from 13.44% at the end of 2015 to 12.62% at the end of 2016. At the same time, according to the Central Bank, 2015 is an "expensive" year mortgages - more than 710 thousand loans were issued in the country.

What did you want to know but were embarrassed to ask about mortgages?It seems that everything has already been said and written about mortgages, but potential borrowers who are just thinking about a loan are still asking simple, sometimes even naive, but extremely important questions. Yury Nikitchuk, Head of Morton Sales, Subsidies and Social Programs, took on the responsibility of answering them.

Thus, now is the right time for borrowers who would like to refinance loans, Irina Baranova, head of the retail services department at Uralsib Bank, believes.

At the same time, the head of the Rusipoteka analytical center, Sergey Gordeiko, clarifies that refinancing makes sense when it makes it possible to reduce the rate by 1.5-2 percentage points.

Baranova believes that for those who took out a mortgage in 2014-2015, there is now an opportunity to reduce the rate by 3-6 percentage points through refinancing.

In addition, one of the benefits for the borrower is the ability to change the payment schedule, experts say. "The borrower can not only reduce the rate, but also get a more convenient payment schedule by increasing or reducing the term," the press service of DeltaCredit Bank notes.

Benefits in numbers

The main comfort lies in the reduction of the monthly payment, and the benefit is in the total costs (payments). The option of changing the loan term is not ruled out, which can reduce the overpayment, explains Gordeyko.

"For example, a loan of 3 million rubles for 15 years. At a rate of 14%, the payment will be 37,954 thousand rubles and total payments of 6.831833 million rubles. At a rate of 12%, the payment is 34,204 thousand rubles and total payments of 6.156862 million rubles. Difference: monthly 3750 rubles and for the entire term 674,971 thousand rubles," he calculated.

There are contraindications

Not all borrowers should resort to refinancing, experts warn. So, Novikov notes, there is no point in refinancing if there is a short period left until the end of the contract.

It is also not worth resorting to refinancing if the benefit is not obvious, adds Gordeiko.

How to divide a mortgage apartment during a divorce?The division of property by spouses during a divorce is a complicated procedure in itself, and an unpleasant one, and when a mortgage is involved, the situation can escalate white. The RIA Real Estate website, together with the Granel company, compiled a memo on how to properly and with the least "losses" divide a mortgage apartment during a divorce.

When making a decision on refinancing, the borrower should take into account changes not only in the absolute amount of the interest rate, but also a possible reduction in the amount of the payment, as well as all the costs that he will incur when applying for a new loan: the cost of registering collateral in favor of a new lender, paying for real estate valuation, insurance , AHML experts warn.

It is also possible that a mortgage refinancing will be denied.

“First of all, this is possible if the first creditor interferes in every possible way with such a transaction. The new creditor must take the risk and issue a loan without collateral. That is, the first loan will be repaid first, then the encumbrance will be removed. Then the new creditor will be able to register the pledge,” — explains Gordeiko.

They can refuse if the client has a bad credit history, adds Baranova. DeltaCredit adds that a borrower may be denied refinancing if it does not meet the general requirements of the bank: for example, if the bank is not ready to accept the collateral offered by the client.

"If the borrower's credit history has deteriorated, he paid the loan in bad faith, there were delays, income decreased, the apartment itself does not qualify for accreditation - they may refuse to refinance," Novikov draws attention.

Mortgage Lending Center of Societe Generale Group in 2019 – DeltaCredit Bank. This is a subsidiary bank of Rosbank, with interesting interest rates and mortgage conditions for primary, secondary, and refinancing in Moscow.

When applying for a mortgage at Rosbank, you can get advice and then apply for a loan through DeltaCredit Bank, which has become one of the leaders in mortgage lending in Russia. The process goes as follows.

Clients apply to Rosbank for a mortgage, bank employees introduce them to lending programs, choose the most suitable one, and fill out a preliminary application. And after that, a mortgage specialist of DeltaCredit Bank contacts the borrower and appoints a convenient time for applying for loan approval.

You can also contact DeltaCredit Bank directly. The terms and interest rates of the mortgage will be the same.

The convenience of such a symbiosis of banks for the client also lies in the fact that servicing a mortgage loan taken from DeltaCredit will also be possible at any branch of Rosbank or through remote services (ATMs, Internet banking).

Let us consider in more detail the features of obtaining a mortgage loan at DeltaCredit Bank and the parent Rosbank in 2019.

Mortgage DeltaCredit (Rosbank): favorable rates 2019

Mortgage conditions and interest rates are targeted at different categories of customers. First of all, you should pay attention to the options for collateral: the issuance of money is made both for the purchased property and for the existing one. The bank will offer customers borrowers to take advantage of lending on special terms by choosing one of the programs:

  • Mortgages for young people;
  • Maternal capital;
  • Loan without down payment;
  • Designate your insurance;
  • Place your bet!;
  • Corporate mortgage.

Each of them has its own characteristics. We will focus on the basic mortgage programs of DeltaCredit and Rosbank banks.

Mortgage of Rosbank and DeltaCredit for an apartment or share

A mortgage loan is provided for the purchase of an apartment, shares or last shares in apartments in the primary and secondary real estate markets.


Term: up to 25 years

Size: from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions of Russia.

Down payment: from 15%

Interest rate

from 8.25% per annum

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Not satisfied? See what mortgage rates are offering today

Mortgage of Rosbank and DeltaCredit for new buildings

A mortgage loan is issued for the purchase of an apartment in the primary real estate market - in houses under construction.


Term: up to 25 years

Down payment: from 15%.

Interest rate

from 8.25% per annum

Doesn't fit? See what mortgage rates are offering today

Mortgage Rosbank and DeltaCredit to buy a house

A mortgage loan is provided to borrowers to purchase a house.


Term: up to 25 years

Size: from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions.

Down payment: from 40%

Interest rate

from 9.75% per annum

See what mortgage rates are offering today

Mortgage of Rosbank and DeltaCredit for a room

A mortgage loan is provided for the purchase of a room in an apartment.


Term: up to 25 years

Size: from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions.

Down payment: from 25%

Interest rate

from 8.75% per annum

See also the conditions of mortgage lending in

Home Improvement Loan

The loan is provided by Rosbank or DeltaCredit Bank secured by an existing apartment in an apartment building to improve living conditions. The money received can be used at your discretion - for example, to repair an apartment or otherwise improve living conditions.


Term: 3 - 15 years;

Size: up to 50% of the value of the existing property;

Minimum amount: 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, 300,000 rubles. for other regions.

Maximum amount: 10 million rubles, but not more than 50% of the value of the mortgaged apartment.

Interest rate

from 11.25% per annum

Not profitable? See what mortgage conditions it offers today

Mortgage of Rosbank and DeltaCredit for the construction of a house

A mortgage loan is provided for the construction of a private house or the acquisition of a land plot for it.


Term: up to 25 years;

Size: from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions.

Interest rate

from 8.25% per annum

See what mortgage conditions it offers today

Mortgage of Rosbank and DeltaCredit for apartments

A mortgage loan is issued for the purchase of non-production non-residential premises - apartments.


Term: up to 25 years;

Size: from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions.

Down payment: from 20% for an object under construction, from 30% for a finished one;

Interest rate

from 8.25% per annum

Loan for a parking space or garage

A loan is issued by DeltaCredit Bank (Rosbank) in Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation for the purchase of a parking space or a garage in completed and under construction apartment buildings / detached garage complexes / multifunctional buildings for non-industrial purposes.


Term: up to 10 years;

Minimum amount: 300,000 rubles,

Maximum amount: 3 million rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, 1 million rubles for other regions.

Down payment: from 30% for a finished object, from 40% for a building under construction;

Interest rate

from 8.25% per annum

See also bank mortgage rates

Mortgage refinancing at Rosbank in 2019

Rosbank and DeltaCredit Bank offer both on-lending of mortgages issued by a third-party bank and mortgage refinancing for their existing clients who have taken a loan in foreign currency and wish to transfer it to rubles.

Mortgage refinancing is carried out in the absence of overdue payments under the current agreement, the property to be financed must be located in the region of direct presence of DeltaCredit Bank, and all its owners under the current agreement must appear as borrowers / co-borrowers in the new agreement.

Refinancing mortgages of other banks

It is permissible to refinance a mortgage loan issued against the security of an apartment, room or share. Initially, the loan must be issued in rubles.


Term: up to 25 years.

Size: from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from 300,000 rubles. for other regions.

Initial interest rate for the program

In case of non-execution within 90 days of documents, pledge in favor of the Bank, the interest rate increases by 3%.

If the Borrower provides documents confirming the pledge in favor of the bank, the interest rate is set in the amount of the Initial Interest Rate on the loan, reduced by 1%.

Reducing mortgage refinancing rates

  • 10.5% - for clients confirming income with a certificate in the form of the Bank
  • 10.9% - for business owners and individual entrepreneurs whose income is confirmed by a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL or a tax return.
  • from 9.75% - for borrowers confirming income in the form of 2-personal income tax.

This promotion applies to ready-made housing (except suburban real estate) and housing under construction (except for the acquisition under a share accumulation agreement from housing cooperatives). The loan term is from 3 to 25 years.

See also the conditions and interest rates of mortgage refinancing in

How to get the lowest mortgage rate

You can get a mortgage loan at a minimum interest rate in Rosbank (DeltaCredit) if you meet a number of conditions:

  • initial payment from 50% of the market value;
  • loan term from 3 to 10 years;
  • registration of necessary insurances;
  • good credit history, etc.

Another way to get the minimum mortgage rate can be to make an interest reduction payment. The bank offers three payment options:

"Optima". A one-time payment of 1% of the total loan amount to reduce the mortgage rate by 0.5% of the base rate for the selected loan program.

"Media". A payment of 2.5% of the total loan amount to reduce the rate by 1% of the base rate.

"Ultra". A payment of 4% of the total loan amount to reduce the rate by 1.5% of the base rate.

To reduce the mortgage rate in this way means to significantly save on monthly payments and on the basis of all payments.

Who can get a mortgage at Rosbank (DeltaCredit)

  • The bank makes the following requirements for a potential borrower:
  • Citizenship: doesn't matter
  • Age: 20 years old at the time of applying for a loan and not older than 64 years old at the time of full repayment of the loan
  • Employment: both employees and founders and co-founders of companies and individual entrepreneurs are credited
  • Co-borrowers / guarantors: up to 3 people can be co-borrowers, both from among relatives and any third parties

Mortgage under maternity capital in Rosbank (DeltaCredit)

What could be better than a mortgage with a low interest rate? The opportunity to determine this parameter on your own, which Rosbank Dom gives its customers!

"Rosbank Dom" allows borrowers to influence the size of the mortgage rate during the initial loan application. The conditions of the offer are simple: when concluding the contract, the client pays an amount equal to a certain percentage of the total loan amount. This allows you to reduce interest charges. The offer is calculated in such a way that you can choose one of three options for lowering the mortgage interest rate:

    Reduction by 0.5% upon payment of 1% of the loan amount;

    The rate is reduced by 1% when paying 2.5%;

    When paying 4%, a decrease of 1.5% is possible.

Mortgage lending with a lower interest rate is possible in the secondary and primary markets, and the program is also compatible with refinancing and other special products of Rosbank Dom.

The unique offer allows you to reduce the percentage per annum by making a lump sum, as well as reduce the total overpayment and monthly payment under the loan agreement. Thus, the benefits of lowering the interest rate are:

    overall savings in the budget for the purchase of real estate;

    optimization and reduction of the monthly fee.

The possibility of lowering the rate is Rosbank Dom's own development, which was highly appreciated by both banking market players and consumers. In 2007, the offer won the "Best Retail Financial Product" award at the prestigious Retail Finance Award.

"Rosbank Dom" is ready to offer suitable attractive conditions to young families, clients who are going to buy housing under construction or non-residential real estate. There is an optimal offer for any kind of transaction. Learn more about how to lower your mortgage rate by contacting our specialists.

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Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS

What is being refinanced

A new refinancing loan can cover any type of loan - consumer, car, cash, card or mortgage. You can refinance one or more by combining the payment schedule for them and lowering interest rates.

Mortgage refinancing is one of the most popular programs. “Now, for the most part, clients who took out a mortgage in the first half of 2015 are being refinanced,” says Alexei Tartyshev, head of marketing at DeltaCredit Mortgage Bank. Then the average rate for this type of loan was kept at the level of 14% per annum. In July 2017, it dropped to 10.94%. Against this background, mortgage holders began to turn to banks to mitigate their debt burden. “After the rate cut in August, a sharp increase in demand for the product was recorded,” confirms Nikolai Vasev, director of the DomClick division of Sberbank.

Refinancing of cash loans is also in great demand - this service was the leader in the VTB Group in the first half of this year. “Mostly, loans from the past and the year before last are being refinanced,” says Yulia Demenyuk, deputy head of the retail products department at VTB.

How to apply for loan refinancing

You can apply for refinancing both in your bank and in a third-party bank. To do this, you need to prepare a standard package of documents: a passport, a 2-NDFL income statement, a loan agreement or a notice of the full cost of the loan, SNILS - and write an application. In this case, the borrower must be older than 21-23 years, depending on the bank, work for at least three to six months at the current place of work, have an income of 10-25 thousand rubles. per month, depending on the region where the loan is serviced, as well as being a conscientious borrower, that is, repaying existing loans on time over the past 12 months.

Banks impose requirements not only on the borrower, but also on the loans that he is going to refinance. In particular, the loan must be opened and serviced for at least three to six months before applying for refinancing. At the time of refinancing, at least three months must remain before the end of the loan. Experts say that the closer the time of repayment, the less profitable refinancing becomes for the client, however, such credit movements are not unprofitable.

As for the level of the rate, some market participants determine it depending on the planned term of servicing the refinanced loan. The period of the new loan provided is from 12 to 60 months. In rare cases, the maximum term reaches 84 months, but the rate for it will be higher. The conditional rule “the longer the repayment period, the higher the rate” applies to Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank and Gazprombank. Other banks set the rate based on the amount of the loan: "the smaller the volume, the higher the rate." According to this logic, they work in all banks of the VTB Group, Rosbank and UniCredit Bank.

Photo: Alexander Koryakov / Kommersant

Special Requirements

Banks describe the refinancing service as mass and available to any client. However, for some categories of the population, refinancing is less accessible. For example, it will not be easy to find a bank and favorable refinancing conditions for people who have reached retirement age. The maximum age at which such a loan is granted is set at 65 years in most banks. The refinancing program for clients older than this age at Post Bank is almost the only one in the entire market.

Banks may impose other unusual requirements on the borrower. For example, Raiffeisen Bank refuses to refinance individual entrepreneurs, lawyers who have established their own office, and business owners. The bank explains this by minimizing risks. VTB also has restrictions in relation to this category of borrowers, however, one year of successful business is enough to qualify for the refinancing program. “This indicator is enough to consider a self-employed client trustworthy. Such calculations are applied throughout the market,” experts from VTB specify.

Banks are most loyal to their payroll clients. Firstly, for them, the number of necessary documents that must be provided is reduced - this is a passport, a loan agreement and SNILS. Moreover, for them the rate is set on average by 2-3% less.

Employees of budgetary organizations from the areas of healthcare, education, public administration and law enforcement agencies can count on some preferences. Banks set a minimum rate for such customers. But those borrowers who do not have or refuse to purchase either personal insurance or insurance on property acting as collateral receive the maximum.

What are the benefits

The main benefit for the borrower is a reduction in the monthly payment. “The new loan is issued on more favorable terms than the previous ones, and the monthly payment is lower,” says Nikolai Volosevich, head of the department for the development of credit cards and cash loans at Alfa-Bank.

“The benefit from refinancing depends on the period that the client is already servicing the loan, on the amount of the loan and on the rate - past and future,” explains Alexey Tartyshev. In a mortgage, if the loan is taken recently, in the current conditions, “there is the greatest rational benefit from lowering the rate by about 3-4%,” he explains.

For example, if the borrower took a mortgage loan for 5 million rubles. for a period of ten years at 14% per annum, then its payments for the entire period will amount to about 9.3 million rubles. If he manages to refinance the loan at a rate of 11% per annum, the total payments for ten years will amount to just under 8.3 million rubles.

“On average, the difference between the old and new rates for cash loans is about 5 percentage points. However, the “discount” may amount to 10-15 percentage points if we are talking about refinancing unsecured loans issued in 2015,” says Yulia Demenyuk, Deputy Head of the VTB Retail Products Department.

Financial advisers also consider the possibility of pooling loans serviced by the borrower as an advantage. “The danger of having several loans is that it becomes difficult for the borrower to control the level of his expenses and he may forget about the need to service the loan or he will not have enough of the right amount on the right day,” warns Associate Professor at the Financial University, independent financial adviser Saida Suleimanova. “Loan consolidation allows you to clearly track your opportunities and loan obligations,” adds financial consultant Natalya Smirnova. Daniel Zelensky notes that many borrowers have already begun to understand that in the current economic situation it is not rational to service several loans at the same time in different banks.

Photo: Vladimir Smirnov / TASS

Underwater rocks

Some experts believe that it is easier to get a refinancing loan from a third-party bank. “The interest on the loan is the profit of the bank. If the bank lowers the interest rate for the borrower, it will simply reduce its own profit. And the bank, as a commercial organization, does not want to reduce its own profits, ”explains Dmitry Ovsyannikov, director of the mortgage broker

Zelensky notes that it is often easier to get refinancing from another bank, as banks use this service as a cross-selling tool and attract new customers with a positive credit history, for which they are ready to soften conditions or make a profitable offer.

VTB Bank Group does not refinance loans issued by banks of its financial group but offers alternatives. “We offer our clients banking procedures similar to refinancing, in particular, a pre-approved loan for a large amount to repay a previous loan and at a lower rate,” Yulia Demenyuk explains. Sberbank has found a different solution that combines the ability to refinance its own customers and at the same time lure them away from competitors: the bank refinances up to five loans at a time, but at least one of them must be taken from another bank.

You also need to keep in mind that those who want to refinance on more favorable terms are in for a kind of credit trap. The transfer of funds from the new bank to the old one does not automatically repay the debt without the participation of the borrower, Nikolai Volosevich warns. “The new bank transfers funds to the old one, but this does not automatically close the previous loan: the funds will remain in the account until the client submits an application for early repayment,” the expert says. As a result, it may turn out that for some time the borrower will have to pay both the old refinancing and the new refinancing loans.

Financial advisers recommend that you prepare for this in advance and stock up on the documents necessary to pay off the old loan, thereby reducing costs. “Banks, on the one hand, offer customers to take a certain amount in excess of the required amount, supposedly to reduce the financial burden for this time. But this is another one of those tricks that will really help one client, and relax another, and as a result, the latter will spend more time and money on paying off the old loan,” warns Saida Suleimanova.

Some banks for the period of re-registration set an increased rate for a new client, which will be valid until he ends his relationship with the previous bank. Such a scheme, for example, is provided for in DeltaCredit Bank.

“The situation, however, can be reversed: a low rate is initially given, which can be sharply increased if the client has not repaid his previous loans – usually 40-50 days are given for this,” Volosevich clarifies. In Raiffeisen Bank, this period has been extended to 90 days, and upon its expiration, the rate will increase by 3 percentage points if the client fails to fulfill its obligations.

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