Sweet banitsa with pumpkin or “Pumpkin. Banitsa pie with cheese and pumpkin - a recipe with a photo, how to cook a Bulgarian dish

Banitsa is one of the oldest dishes in the Balkans - the tradition of making this pie goes back almost 10,000 years. In modern Bulgarian cuisine, banitsa still occupies a place of honor. Banitsalooks like a strudel- a pie made of the finest stretched dough, in which a variety of fillings can be wrapped - both sweet and salty. For Christmas (Bulgarian Koleda) to the banitsa it is customary to hide written on parchmentpredictions-wishes(Bulg.kasmetcheta), there also put a coin for good luck. A very tasty and festive banitsa is made with pumpkin and spices. For her you will need:
Packaging of ready-made dough for banitsa (phyllo dough, or, as it iscalled in Bulgaria - kori chisels) or self-cooked dough for strudel, a good description of the technology for its preparation can be found- 400 - 500 gr.

500-600 gr. grated fresh pumpkin
100 gr. butter
Half a glass of refined vegetable oil
100 gr. walnuts or raisins (both together, or you can do without them at all;)
120 gr. sugar (brown works well, you can add more or less sugar, depending on preference and the initial sweetness of the pumpkin)
Spices - depending on preferences and availability thereof. Finely ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, ginger - to taste, for example, cinnamon - 1 tsp, the rest ¼ tsp. orange peel (1-2 tsp) - also very well complement the flavor of this cake.

Prepare all the ingredients (if raisins are used, wash and soak them first in water or alcohol, sort out the nuts, chop coarsely)
Peel the pumpkin and grate on a coarse grater.
On medium heat, dissolve a couple of tablespoons in a pan. butter, put pumpkin in it, fry over low heat until soft. Pour sugar, zest and spices into the pumpkin, stirring again until the sugar dissolves in the butter and a light taste of creamy caramel appears. Taste the mixture and add additional sugar (spices) if necessary. The filling should thicken, stop separating water. The whole operation should in any case take no more than 10-15 minutes. Add nuts to the filling - raisins. Send to cool.
Melt about 100 gr. butter in the microwave. Add the same amount of refined vegetable oil to the oil.
If you used homemade stretch dough (link to technology above), follow the instructions for shaping the strudel given in the recipe.
In theory, you should not need crackers or starch to thicken the filling, because if everything turned out the way it should, then the filling should not be watery, because. the water from the pumpkin has partially evaporated, and the butter and sugar have thickened, forming a caramel. If you feel that the filling is still liquid, use a couple of tablespoons of crackers, lightly sprinkling them on the dough before laying out the filling, and a couple of tablespoons of any starch, mixing it into the filling.
If using ready-made phyllo dough, proceed as follows. Prepare the surface where the formation of the banitsa will take place, a piece of film for covering the sheets of filo dough (or a wet kitchen towel), a brush for lubrication. Grease a baking dish with the oil mixture.
Open the package with the dough and separate 2 sheets, cover the rest with cling film or a wet towel. Lightly spread 1 sheet with the oil mixture, put the second sheet on it, grease again and put a thin, transparent layer of filling on it. Usually there are 12 - 14 sheets in a package, i.e. you can pre-divide the filling into 6-7 equal parts.
Roll the sheet into a tube diagonally. Wrap the resulting tube with a snail (spiral) and place in the center of the baking dish. If the dough bursts in places, it's okay. Repeat the operation, twisting new tubes around the previous ones. Try not to wind the tubes too tightly, so the banitsa will be more baked and crispy.
Prick the cake with a fork, generously spread the surface with melted butter.
Bake at 175 C until browned (approx. 20 min.) The finished banitsa can be sprinkled with oil again, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Happy Holidays!!!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 80 min

Very often, when sculpting dumplings and dumplings, you may encounter a situation where there is less filling than dough. The dough is left, but it is too hard for baking, even for pizza it is not suitable. But you can use the Bulgarian recipe and cook a delicious pie with filling. At the exit, you will get the most delicate cake - a banitsa and utilize the dough with benefit. By the way, on our website you can find another option.

Twisted banitsa with pumpkin - recipe with photo.
Products for cooking:

- a fist-sized ball of any residual dough;
- pumpkin - 300 grams;
- an egg or ½ cup of kefir for greasing the pie;
- sugar - ½ cup;
- vegetable oil - ¼ cup.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The pumpkin needs to be peeled and grated. The amount of pumpkin can be increased if you want a more moist banitsa consistency.

Sprinkle the grated pumpkin generously with sugar and mix. Such a pumpkin cannot be used, it will be too wet. Leave it for 30 minutes and see how it gives juice.

Squeeze the pumpkin, which gave a lot of juice, with our hands and transfer the squeezed mass to a plate. Now the pumpkin is ready as a filling.

Let's talk about the test. The best dough for this recipe is the one you have left from making dumplings, since our task is to roll out the dough to paper thickness, and with soft dough this is difficult to do. If you have a soft dough left, you can knead more flour into it. We roll out the dough for the pumpkin banitsa very thinly, do not be afraid to tear it, it's not scary at this stage.

Lubricate the dough with sunflower oil. This will serve as some imitation of puff pastry during further manipulations.

Fold the dough 4 times. This is exactly how puff pastry is made, when it is greased, folded several times and rolled out again.

Roll out the dough again. Now your task is to get the thickness of the paper. With a hard dough, this is not difficult - it does not tear.

Sprinkle evenly with grated pumpkin. Here you can add raisins or nuts as desired.

We carefully twist the dough with the filling in the shape of a tube, trying not to press it, but rather create a maximum of voids.

Bookmark preparation. Line the pan with foil or brush with oil. The roll is rolled up.

Wrap the roll with a “snail” and put it in the pan. You can lubricate it with kefir - in Bulgarian recipes, everything is lubricated with kefir, which will also be the sauce for the pie. But if there is no kefir, then take an egg.

We send a twisted banitsa with pumpkin for 30 minutes to a heated to 180-200 degrees. oven. If the banitsa is large, then the degrees are higher, if you got a small one, then 180 is enough.

Put the finished banitsa on a plate and cut into small slices. It is wonderful to dip the slices into kefir while eating.
As the Bulgarians say, "Yes, it's sweet!" or "Bon appetit!". See also other recipes

A simple recipe for banitsa with pumpkin. More precisely, a twisted banitsa with pumpkin from Bulgarian cuisine. A step-by-step recipe for Bulgarian cuisine with a photo for cooking at home for 55. Contains only 92 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 55
  • Amount of calories: 92 kilocalories
  • Servings: 9 servings
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Bulgarian cuisine
  • Dish type: Main dishes

Ingredients for six servings

  • flour - 500 g
  • drinking water - 300 ml
  • salt - a pinch
  • pumpkin - 500 g
  • sugar - 300 g
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml

Step by step cooking

  1. ... such a story - our culinary specialist and my friend Radka was born in Bulgaria, lives in Italy, understands Russian, but cannot write in it. She is a professional hot kitchen cook, she cooks excellently, including (naturally! . .) and banitsa.
  2. She recently sent me a recipe in Bulgarian with beautiful step-by-step pictures, I edited them and sent her a translation of the recipe. However, Radka refused to publish it and suggested that I do it. For a while we argued over the issue, but just now I agreed.
  3. Thank you for your trust, Radka. I must say right away, dear friends, that it is better to address reviews and thanks for presenting such an interesting dish to her. Here is a quote from Radka:
  4. Knead the dough and divide into 7 parts. Cut them one by one into a paste (dough - approx. mine) about 0.5 mm thick, and if possible thinner.
  5. Sprinkle each pasta sheet with grated pumpkin and sugar, drizzle with oil and roll up.
  6. Lubricate the form for the banitsa with oil, roll the first roll into a snail and put it into the form, and wrap it around the other in a circle until the form is completely filled.
  7. Sprinkle the banitsa with sugar and place in an oven preheated to 180-200º.
  8. Bon appetit!

All pictures are the property of Radka, provided for publication of the recipe. Below I put those that did not fit in the step-by-step


Pie Banica- an unusually delicious dish of Bulgarian cuisine. Moreover, it is prepared in a variety of ways and with a variety of fillings (with cottage cheese, lamb, greens and tops, etc.). However, the classic Bulgarian recipe is the salty Banitsa with cheese and the sweet one with pumpkin (“pumpkin”).

It is quite possible to cook a real Bulgarian Banitsa at home, although, we warn you, it is not very simple. But our step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you cope with all the difficulties: if you don’t understand something, look at the photo - and everything will fall into place.

We will prepare two Banitsa at once - with cheese and pumpkin (this is how much dough from 1 kg of flour is enough). Accordingly, half the ingredients are needed for one pie (but not for the filling!). If you don't have brynza or don't like it, substitute cottage cheese for brynza (Bulgarians sometimes do this too).

Let's start cooking!


  • (1 kg)

  • (4 tablespoons for the dough + 10 tablespoons for the filling)

  • (5 tsp apple or wine)

  • (1 piece in the dough + 4 pieces in the filling)

  • (1.5 tsp)

  • (1 st.)

  • (300 g for filling + 50 g for topping)

  • (100 g)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (50 g)

  • (350 g)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    In the sifted flour we make a recess and add salt, vinegar, vegetable oil, one egg and 1 tbsp. warm water. Knead all of this into a soft dough.

    We roll the dough into a kind of thick sausage and with a knife we ​​separate small round pieces from it ( must be an even number).

    Having moistened a hand in vegetable oil, slightly crush each of the resulting balls, and then connect them in pairs and press the edges.

    Sprinkle the resulting double cakes on all sides with flour.

    We put the cakes in a single container, cover with a cloth and send for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator or on a cold window.

    Meanwhile, prepare the filling of cheese and eggs. To do this, we combine cheese, 4 chicken eggs and yogurt (it can be replaced with any other fermented milk product) mixed with baking soda. We mix everything thoroughly.

    In a separate bowl, heat up 10 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and throw in a piece of cheese with a piece of butter or margarine (to your taste).

    We take one cake of dough and roll it into a thin layer on a table sprinkled with flour.

    Then, using a rolling pin, we transfer it to a separate oilcloth or tablecloth.

    Already there we spread the filling on the dough and bend the edges in such a way as shown in the photo.

    From above we distribute a mixture of sunflower and butter with cheese.

    After that, we lift the edge of the oilcloth / tablecloth - and the blank for Banitsa itself folds into a tube.

    The result should look like this.

    Now wrap it with a snail and transfer it to a greased round baking dish.

    We repeat all the steps until the form is filled. Then we lubricate Banitsa with the remnants of vegetable oil and yogurt.

    We send the cake to an oven heated to 180-190 degrees to bake for 20 minutes, and then reduce the heat to 120 degrees (if not possible, just cover Banitsa with foil) and bake for another 20 minutes.

    While Banitsa with feta cheese is baking, we begin to prepare its sweet version. To do this, grate the pumpkin on a medium grater and distribute it over the rolled out layer of dough, and sprinkle sugar on top to taste.

    However, before putting the sweet cake in the oven, we grease it not with butter and yogurt, but simply with milk.

    As a result, it will turn out no less ruddy.

    Bon appetit!

Banitsa is a multifaceted layer cake made from unleavened dough. Making the dough for the banitsa is a process that requires meticulousness, because each sheet of the pie must be very thin and evenly rolled out. The filling is very different. There is a banitsa with rice, mushrooms, apples, pumpkin, a milk banitsa, and even a “beaten” banitsa. So it is called because the dough for it needs to be beaten off well before it is put to fit. The unwritten law of Bulgarian housewives states that in order for the “beaten” banitsa to succeed, the already kneaded dough must be hit on the table 101 times with force (my banitsa is a quarter beaten). The classic banitsa recipe calls for a filling of eggs and cheese. This dish in Bulgaria has always been considered festive.

List of ingredients

  • dough
  • flour - 500 g
  • water - 270-300 ml
  • salt - a pinch
  • filling
  • pumpkin - 500 g
  • sugar - 200-250 g
  • vegetable oil / (butter melted.)- 100 ml
  • cinnamon - to taste

Cooking method

Knead the dough, let it brew for 15 minutes. and divide into 4 parts.

Peel the pumpkin and rub it on a coarse grater.

Roll each part of the dough on a tablecloth powdered with flour very thinly with a rolling pin into a rectangle, then stretch the dough from the center to the edges with your hands (if the dough breaks a little, it's not scary).
Sprinkle each leaf with grated pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, drizzle with oil and roll up.

Lubricate the mold for the banitsa with oil, roll the first roll into a snail and put it into the mold,

and others to wrap it in a circle until the form is completely filled.
Lubricate the top of the banitsa with oil, sprinkle with sugar and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 * for ~ 40 minutes.

Bon appetit!

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