Calculation of property insurance in reso guarantee. Peculiarities of insurance of property of individuals in reso The company offers powerful protection against such risks

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Property insurance in RESO GUARANTEE on the best terms!

How much does it cost to insure an apartment in RESO Guarantee?

Economy - the cost is 6,000 rubles.
Sums insured:
Constructive 3,000,000 rubles.
Finishing 450,000 rubles.
Movable property 300,000 rubles.
Civil liability 300,000 rubles.

Express - the cost is 7,500 rubles. (with a franchise of 5,000 rubles - the cost is 6,000 rubles)
Sums insured:
Constructive 5,000,000 rubles.
Finishing 500,000 rubles.
Movable property 450,000 rubles.
Civil liability 600,000 rubles.

Express 1 - cost 9,800 rubles. (with a franchise of 5,000 rubles - the cost is 7,800 rubles)
Sums insured:
Constructive 7,000,000 rubles.
Finishing 700,000 rubles.
Movable property 600,000 rubles.
Civil liability 1,200,000 rubles.

Premium - cost 17,000 rubles. (with a franchise of 7,000 rubles - the cost is 12,800 rubles)
Sums insured:
Constructive 10,000,000 rubles.
Finishing 1,200,000 rubles.
Movable property RUB 1,000,000
Civil liability 1,700,000 rubles.

Premium 1 - cost 35,000 rubles. (with a franchise of 10,000 rubles - the cost is 27,000 rubles)
Sums insured:
Constructive 15,000,000 rubles.
Finishing 2,000,000 rubles.
Movable property RUB 1,500,000
Civil liability 3,000,000 rubles.

Objects of insurance

Apartment construction- structural elements of the building (walls, ceilings), window and door structures, pipelines of various systems.

Finishing– covering walls, ceilings, floors, interior doors, built-in furniture.

Technical equipment– heating systems, floor heating, water supply, sewerage, gas supply, surveillance and security systems, ventilation, plumbing equipment, etc.

Movable property- furniture, interior items, audio and video equipment, electronics, household appliances, musical instruments, clothing, dishes, tools, household items, etc.

Civil responsibility- liability for causing harm to life, health or damage to property of third parties.

RESO-Garantia offers the best apartment insurance option - for a full package of risks, including:

Fire, lightning strike, gas explosion;
damage to property by water or steam due to accidents of various systems or flooding with liquid from other residential premises;
natural disasters;
burglary, robbery;
unlawful actions of third parties - hooliganism, vandalism, deliberate destruction and damage to property;
collisions, impact - collisions with vehicles, collisions with animals, falling trees and other objects, falling aircraft and their parts, impacts of sound waves;

And an additional risk: terrorism, sabotage - the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions in order to violate public safety

Fill out the form, our specialist will contact you, advise on the real estate insurance program, make an individual calculation of apartment insurance.

Apartment insurance in RESO Guarantee

RESO-Garantiya insurance company has been carrying out insurance activities for over 25 years and is one of the leaders in the Russian insurance market. The company offers its clients property insurance programs for reliable protection of real estate against robbery, fire, flooding and other unforeseen incidents.

Advantages of property insurance in RESO-Garantia

According to the results of 2015, the company took the 3rd place among Russian insurance organizations in the property insurance segment, having collected 3,163,807 thousand rubles. premiums and paid 584,296 thousand rubles. for insured events.

The authorized capital of IC "RESO-Garantia" is 10.85 billion rubles, and the reliability rating of the company is estimated by the "Expert RA" agency as exceptionally high "A ++" with a stable outlook. The insurance obligations of the company in terms of payments are guaranteed by the reinsurance companies Munich Re, Hannover Re, Gen Re, SCOR, Partner Re. The RESO-Garantia client base is over 10 million individuals and legal entities.

Other advantages of insurance in IC "RESO-Garantia" include:

  • the ability to insure a wide range of objects - apartments, houses, cottages, fences, swimming pools, greenhouses, technical equipment;
  • payment of an insurance policy in installments;
  • payment of insurance compensation within 15 days.

Insurance risks covered by the policy

All property insurance programs from RESO-Garantia guarantee compensation for losses associated with the following insured events:

  • fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
  • water damage;
  • natural disasters (earthquake, flood, flood, hurricane, storm, tsunami, tornado, rockfall, landslide, avalanche, hail, mudflow);
  • robbery, burglary;
  • damage associated with illegal actions of third parties;
  • collision with foreign objects;
  • terrorism.

Types of property insurance programs

IC "RESO-Garantia" offers several programs of real estate insurance, differing in the objects of insurance. The list of insurance risks is identical for all programs.


This program was created to insure suburban property and provides for insurance of such objects as:

  • cottage, dacha;
  • interior decoration;
  • movable property;
  • fencing, fences;
  • landscape structures.

"Policy without inspection"

The insurance product is designed to insure any out-of-town buildings worth up to 1 million rubles. To conclude a contract, a preliminary inspection of the property by a representative of the company is not required.


This program is designed to insure an apartment, namely its structural elements such as:

  • walls, windows, doors, pipelines;
  • covering walls, floors, ceilings;
  • Built in furniture;
  • heating, ventilation, sewerage, gas and water supply, surveillance and security systems;
  • movable property (interior items, furniture, electronics, equipment, household appliances, dishes, tools, clothes).

In addition to the listed objects of insurance, the program provides for life and health insurance of apartment residents against accidents, as well as civil liability insurance. Registration of the insurance program "Brownie" is possible in four options, depending on the selected amount of insurance coverage - "Economy", "Preferential", "Express", "Premium".

The cost of property insurance programs

The table below provides indicative data on the cost of property insurance from RESO-Garantia in Moscow as of 2017.

The name of the program
Insured risks
The amount of insurance coverage, rub.
Cost of insurance, rub./year

fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
water damage;
natural disasters;
robbery, burglary;
damage associated with illegal actions of third parties;
collision with foreign objects;
house - 6,500,000;
movement property - 500,000;
bath - 800,000;
garage - 300,000;
fence - 150,000.
30 520
"Policy without inspection"
house - 500,000;
movement property - 50,000;
bath - 250,000;
hozblok - 50,000.
6 480
apartment design - 1,500,000;
finishing - 300,000;
movement property - 300,000;
3 000
apartment construction - 3,000,000;
finishing - 450,000;
movement property - 300,000;
civil liability - 300,000.
6 000
apartment construction - 7,000,000;
finishing - 700,000;
movement property - 600,000;
civil liability - 1,200,000.
9 800
apartment construction - 10,000,000;
finishing - 1,200,000;
movement property - 1,000,000;
civil liability - 1,700,000.
17 000

The Resogarant company appeared on the insurance services market in 1991. It was then that the boom in the creation of private companies began, because the USSR with its state-owned economy was actually disintegrating and new forms of management were emerging.

About company

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The company has been constantly developing and expanding the range of services provided for legal entities and individuals. Today, the company with a 26-year history of success is considered one of the most stable in Russia. during its existence, it has turned into an international corporation: insurance companies are represented in Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

The range of services provided is extremely wide (more than 100 products).

The main areas of insurance activity are as follows:

  • insurance of property of FL and LE;
  • insurance of tourists going on a long journey;
  • health insurance;
  • CASCO and OSAGO for all Russian motorists;
  • life and health insurance.

The company has repeatedly become a laureate of Russian recognition awards among insurance companies, received other prizes for merit and good offers for customers. The reputation of IC "Reso" is impeccable, because there have never been any delays in paying out insurance claims to customers.


The company "Reso" is mainly engaged in insurance of real estate of citizens of the Russian Federation. Let's take a closer look at how cottages and houses are insured.

The list of insured events, which are provided for by the norms of insurance contracts of the company, includes:

  • emergency situations (lightning strike, domestic gas explosion);
  • fire;
  • natural disasters;
  • flooding, the consequences of showers;
  • illegal actions of third parties, robbery, burglary;
  • consequences of an accident.

There are several options for insuring houses and cottages (depending on the list of insurance risks, the consequences of which are compensated by insurers):

In the aspect of home and dacha insurance, the company has developed several software products. Among them is the Resodom insurance policy.

Under this program, you can insure:

  • cottages, garden houses;
  • cottages outside the city;
  • fences;
  • utility rooms in the yard;
  • bath rooms;
  • fences and fences.
  • select a risk package (for example, No. 3);
  • note (or not) the possibility of insurance against terrorist acts;
  • we prescribe the name of the region in which the property is located (for example, the Kemerovo region);
  • indicate the objects of insurance (the main building with an estimated value of 100,000 rubles, outbuildings with an estimated value of 15,000 rubles);
  • we prescribe the features of the house and living conditions (we put marks. Let's say the client wants to insure a brick house);
  • set the deductible amount (optional).

The sum insured will be approximately 483 rubles.

It is also possible to issue a product called "Policy without inspection". What is its essence? To obtain insurance, there is no need to visit the Reso insurance agent at the location of the property.

Other benefits of insurance are:

  • it is possible to issue protection for three buildings located at the same address. It is important to bear in mind that the cost of each building cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles;
  • the validity of the policy will begin 7 days after the issuance of the document;
  • the insurance company will skip the execution of the contract only after providing 2 photos;
  • it is possible to take out insurance at home via the Internet without visiting the office of the company.

For apartment insurance, the company offers to issue an insurance policy "Domovoy" (there are 4 types).

You can insure the following:

  • apartment designs;
  • finishing;
  • engineering and technical equipment and movable property located inside the insured real estate;
  • health and life of persons who live in the apartment;
  • civil liability to neighbors for harm caused to them.

The company offers powerful protection against such risks:

  • man-made accidents;
  • natural disasters;
  • actions of third parties with the aim of causing damage to the structures or property of the owners;
  • falling objects or running over vehicles (for example, the apartment is located on the first floor near the roadway).

Now let's take a closer look at the conditions of each of the packages, because there are differences among them.

So, the program "Brownie Preferential" provides an opportunity to insure:

  • apartment structures with an area of ​​​​not more than 100 square meters with coatings up to 1,500,000 rubles;
  • decoration and interior doors for no more than 300,000 rubles;
  • property of the owners and technical systems of the apartment (up to 300,000 rubles);
  • civil liability to neighbours.

The amount of the insurance premium will be 3,000 rubles per year.

The House Economy package provides for the possibility of insuring the same items, but there are some differences:

  • the amount of insurance coverage for apartment structures has been increased to 2,100,000 (outside Moscow) and 3,000,000 rubles;
  • the insurance limit for trim elements has been increased to 450,000 Russian rubles;
  • the cost of the policy will be 4500 or 6000 rubles.

The Domovoy Express policy offers the company's customers a choice of design options and, accordingly, coverage amounts.

The first option has the option:

  • to insure the construction of an apartment with an area of ​​up to 120 square meters with a coverage of up to 7,000,000 rubles;
  • finishing elements in the amount of up to 700,000 rubles;
  • technical systems and property of citizens with guaranteed coverage up to 600,000 Russian money;
  • liability to neighbors is covered up to 1,200,000 rubles.

The price of this insurance option is 9800 rubles.

The second option provides for slightly reduced amounts of risk insurance coverage:

  • no more than 5,000,000 (structures);
  • up to 500,000 (finishing, doors);
  • maximum 450,000 in case of damage to the property and technical systems of the apartment;
  • civil liability is insured for up to 600,000 rubles.

The Reso company offers the most favorable conditions to its customers as part of the Domovoy Premium service package.

Again, the client can choose one of two interesting options for receiving insurance compensation. Option #1 is:

  • insurance of structures without limiting the area with compensation up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • risk insurance for finishing surfaces with damage coverage up to 2,000,000;
  • protection of technical systems and property (movable) of the residents of the apartment in the amount of up to 1,500,000;
  • civil liability insurance to neighbors on the floor and below with coverage up to 3,000,000 rubles.

The cost of such a policy is 35,000 rubles per year.

Option No. 2 provides for the protection of the same elements of the apartment and the payment of civil liability with the following reservations:

  • the area of ​​insured structures cannot exceed 150 square meters, and the amount of coverage is 10,000,000;
  • the maximum compensation for damage caused to the finish cannot be more than 1,200,000;
  • liability to neighbors is covered by a maximum amount of 1,700,000;
  • if something happened to the property or technical systems of the apartment, the owner will receive a maximum of 1,000,000 as compensation.

The cost of acquiring such a policy is 27,000 rubles.


It is impossible to list all the insurance rules within the framework of a small article. We note just a few of them:

  1. The list of insured risks is stipulated in the insurance contract and is exhaustive, therefore, the insured does not have the right to claim compensation for any other reasons.
  2. The validity period of any policy is 1 year.
  3. The company issues insurance for objects located exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. The contract is concluded only if all necessary documents are provided.
  5. The territory of a particular policy is specified in the contract.
  6. The insurance contract loses its legal force in such cases:
    • full fulfillment of obligations;
    • expiration of its validity;
    • liquidation of an insurance company;
    • death of the person who insured the property;
    • by mutual desire;
    • in case of recognition of the invalidity of the contract;
  7. The maximum amounts of insurance compensation for specific objects established in the text of the contract are conditional. The amount of specific compensation is set based on the severity of the damage and the destructiveness of the consequences of the incident in the apartment.

How to apply for real estate insurance for individuals in RESO

To draw up an insurance contract, you must:

  • contact the office of the company;
  • Submit an application for an insurance policy online.

Further actions can develop as follows:

  • the policy will be issued automatically after providing 2 photos of the object by e-mail (private home insurance program "Policy without inspection") and sent to the specified postal address after the payment of the insurance premium is received on the company's settlement account;
  • an insurance inspector will leave for the specified address of the object to assess the property.

After completion of the appraisal actions, the insured will have to prepare a package of documents and visit the company's office to sign the contract and receive the policy.

Required documents

To conclude an insurance contract, you will need:

  • compose, which is located on the object;
  • to write an application;
  • draw up a list of property that is insured, indicating the main technical characteristics of each part and cost;
  • provide documents confirming the ownership of the apartment and property (an exchange agreement or, a certificate of the right to inheritance, a social tenancy agreement, contracts, acts or invoices for the acquisition of property (if any));
  • provide a floor plan and other technical documents for the apartment (house);
  • passport and identification code of the insured;
  • a certificate with a list of people living in the apartment.

Consider which insurance company is better to insure your real estate. Today there are a large number of SCs, each of which offers its own package of services. These include:

Every citizen can insure a house with the following trusted companies:

  1. AlfaInsurance.
  2. Alliance (ROSNO).
  3. RESO-Guarantee.
  4. SOGAZ.

Where is the best place to insure your home under various conditions?

In the city

Companies where you can better insure urban real estate:

  • Alpha.
  • Inogostrakh.
  • Country.

Country or country

Summer cottages are most often concentrated away from the developed system of fire departments and police stations. The fact is that such houses are most often endangered. Where is the best place to insure a house in the countryside?
Policies are offered by the following companies:

We wrote about insurance for country houses in.


It is not always possible to build a house in a short time. The construction process of an object can be slowed down during cold weather, due to lack of money or for other reasons. To protect the already invested finances, it is worth using the services of such insurance companies:

  • Ingosstrakh.
  • Renaissance Insurance.

It is told about the insurance of an unfinished house.

Various options


This company is one of the oldest in the territory of the Russian Federation, dealing with real estate insurance.

It offers its clients two programs:

As an added bonus, the two programs come with the ability to insure not only the house, but also the property that is inside the building. This includes even engineering and other communications.

Read about insurance of private houses in Rosgosstrakh.

VTB Insurance (home keeper)

This company has developed the following insurance programs for its clients:

  • "Hi, neighbor!"- for property and apartment insurance.
  • "Advantage for home"- for insurance of country houses.
  • “Advantage for the apartment» — for insurance of apartments.
  • "advantage for furniture" for furniture insurance.

VSK insurance house

The company has been operating in the financial market for 25 years. Insures houses, apartments and other residential real estate.

The company offers the following programs to its clients:


The company has been operating in the financial market for 25 years. It offers its clients insurance for apartments, cottages, houses against fire and flooding. The Domostroy program remains very popular. It includes the following risk packages:

  • Premium.
  • Express.
  • Economy
  • Preferential.

Rules of the program Reso Dom provides protection for suburban buildings, dachas, land plots and apartments.

For example, if a house is insured for 6.5 million rubles, then insurance will be 19.6 thousand rubles, and fence insurance for 150 thousand rubles will be 600 rubles.


This company belongs to the universal insurers of the federal level. The key home insurance package includes the following risks:

In addition, the following risks are an additional bonus:

  • glass breakage;
  • radiation exposure;
  • breakdowns.

Important! SOGAZ provides insurance only if the insured amount in terms of volume is above 60 thousand rubles and not more than 3.5 million rubles.

Alpha Insurance

This company has been on the market for about 10 years. It is one of the top five leaders in the open insurance market.
Alpha insurance provides clients with such popular programs:

  1. Repair insurance.
  2. Neighbor protection.
  3. "Though the Flood" (a comprehensive package of risks - values, repairs, decoration, civil liability).
  4. Calm.

This company is popular due to the quick payment of insurance claims, and you can also apply for a policy online.


The company has been in the financing market for 70 years. You can insure property in Ingosstrakh for 20 insurance programs. Some of them can be distinguished:

  • Platinum - a full package, for a period of 3 months.
  • Vacation is a short-term policy.
  • Freedom.
  • Express - economical insurance.

Representations exist in countries near and far abroad.


The company has been operating in the insurance market for 25 years. It offers numerous home and apartment insurance options. There are restrictions on payments for the elements of "bearing structures", "finishing".

The company offers clients who wish to insure real estate to take advantage of the following programs:

  1. House. The basic set includes the following risks: gas explosion, lightning strike, aircraft crash, vehicle entry. The extended package contains the following risks: flood, natural disasters, encroachments by third parties.
  2. Flat. The company insures such risks: fire, gas explosion, flood, natural disasters, force majeure, illegal actions.


This bank is the largest in Russia. The state-owned company provides various insurance services for houses and apartments. Main .

Where is the best place to go?

Today, for home insurance, people are increasingly turning to a company such as VTB 24. This company has been operating for 15 years on the market. Its offices are located in 114 cities of the Russian Federation. The financial stability of the company is confirmed by reputable rating agencies, the company's own funds amount to 12 billion rubles.

VTB Insurance is always responsible for all its obligations and this is one of the main advantages for buying a policy. According to the rating agency "EXPERT RA", the company belongs to the reliability category A ++ (the highest level of reliability).

In fact, today it is quite difficult to choose the right insurance company. The reason is their wide variety. But it is best to trust proven insurers who already have sufficient experience and have never let their customers down.

RESO is one of the largest players in the domestic insurance market. The company was founded in 1991 and was originally called the Russian-European Insurance Company.

From this name came the modern abbreviated name. At the moment, the insurer is consistently among the top 5 Russian insurance organizations.

RESO is a universal insurer. This means that its clients can take out a policy to protect life, health, movable and immovable property, insurance for traveling abroad. Against the background of other products of the organization, programs related to real estate (housing) stand out.

Among the features of this sphere of insurance in "RESO" are the following:

  • A wide variety of insurance programs. The company works with both private houses and apartments. For each type of housing, several products are provided at once.
  • The possibility of issuing a policy in installments.
  • No need to demonstrate the insured property to representatives of the organization.
  • Having a franchise.
  • Benefits for persons who have a issued policy "RESO-Dom".

Unlike other insurance companies, RESO not only reimburses the cost of damaged items, but also provides funds for clearing the territory after an emergency.

"RESO-Garantia" - Insurance of Apartments and Townhouses against Flood and Fire

Apartment insurance provides for its protection against such insured risks as: fire, explosion, lightning strike, actions of third parties, impact and collision, natural disasters. Unlike other companies, it is impossible to issue a policy remotely. However, a preliminary calculation of its cost is allowed with the subsequent purchase from an insurance agent or at the office of the organization.

At the moment, the company provides its customers with the opportunity to issue one of 10 options for insurance policies. They differ from each other in cost, the size of insurance coverage, additional risks.

You can learn more about the features of the programs by reading the following table:

Program nameThe price of the insurance contract in rublesStructural elementsFinishingProperty located inside the apartment (movable and technical equipment)Liability insuranceRestrictions related to the region where the apartment is located, its area and the age of the house
"House Basic GO"In the absence of a franchise - 1,500 (for residents of the Leningrad Region - 2,200)NotNotNot150 thousand
"Domovoy Basic GO+"In the absence of a franchise - 2,500 (for residents of the Leningrad Region - 3,300)NotNotNot300 thousandThe location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living space - without any restrictions; The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - no limits are set.
"House Basic Finish"In the absence of a franchise - 3,500 (for residents of the Leningrad Region - 5,300)NotNotNot
"Domovoy Basic"In the absence of a franchise - 5,000 (for residents of the Leningrad Region - 7,500)NotUp to 700 thousand rubles, per m2 no more than 8,000 rubles.600 thousand150 thousandThe location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living area - can not exceed 100 m2. The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - only buildings erected after 1950.
"Domovoy Basic +"In the absence of a franchise - 6,000 (for residents of the Leningrad Region - 8,600)NotUp to 700 thousand rubles, per m2 no more than 8,000 rubles.600 thousand300 thousandThe location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living area - can not exceed 100 m2. The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - only buildings erected after 1950.
House Economy 200In the absence of a franchise - 6,0003 millionUp to 450 thousand rubles, per m2 no more than 4,500 rubles.300 thousand300 thousandThe location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living area - can not exceed 100 m2. The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - only buildings erected after 1950.
"Domovoi Express 7500"In the absence of a franchise - 7,500; The presence of a franchise of 5,000 rubles - 6,000.5 millionUp to 500 thousand rubles, per m2 no more than 6,000 rubles.450 thousand600 thousandThe location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living area - can not exceed 100 m2. The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - only buildings erected after 1950.
"House Express 9800"In the absence of a franchise - 9,800; The presence of a franchise of 5,000 rubles - 7,800.7 millionUp to 700 thousand rubles, per m2 no more than 8,000 rubles.600 thousand1 200 000 The location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living area - can not exceed 120 m2. The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - only buildings erected after 1950.
"Domovoy Premium 17 000"In the absence of a franchise - 17,000; The presence of a franchise of 7 thousand rubles - 12,800.10 millionUp to 1,200,000 rubles, per m2 no more than 15,000 rubles.1 million1 700 000 The location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living area - can not exceed 150 m2. The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - only buildings erected after 1930.
"Domovoy Premium 35 000"In the absence of a franchise - 35,000; The presence of a franchise of 10 thousand rubles - 27,000.15 millionUp to 2 million rubles, per m2 no more than 22,000 rubles.1 500 000 3 millionThe location of the immovable property is not taken into account; The size of the living space - without any restrictions; The year of construction of the building in which the housing is located - no limits are set.

Thus, insurance programs operate throughout the country, however, there are restrictions associated with the area of ​​real estate, as well as the age of a multi-storey building. A feature of Premium class packages is that the insurance risks "terrorism" and "sabotage" are automatically included in the contract.

"RESO" - Calculator for Calculating the Cost of the Policy for Apartments and Townhouses

The main insurance programs of the company are presented above. These are pre-prepared packages, the user just needs to choose the most suitable option. However, it is possible to conclude an agreement with individual conditions. In this case, to find out the cost of the product, you will have to use a special online calculator.

You can access it like this:

The calculation form will open in front of the user. You will need to fill it out. To do this, you need to specify:

  • the region in which the property is located;
  • insurance risks included in the contract (it is enough to put a tick);
  • objects of insurance - you must select, and then prescribe the amount of insurance coverage.

After entering all the data, click on the "Calculate" button. The cost of the policy will be shown below the form. The result obtained is preliminary data. The final cost can be specified by the insurance agent.

"RESO-Garantia" - Insurance of Houses and Cottages against Flood and Fire

The insurance of private houses from RESO is also relevant. The company draws up policies for the protection of summer cottages and cottages, both within the city and outside the villages. The client can choose one of the insurance packages or draw up a contract on individual terms.

Home and Cottage Insurance Programs at RESO - Finishes and Elements

The company's employees have developed several insurance packages at once, which differ from each other both in the number of insurance risks covered and in cost. Separate tariffs are developed for baths.

You can get acquainted with the cost of insurance of combustible elements at home by examining the following table:

600 000 2900 3 600 4 300
800 000 3 800 4 800 5 800
1 000 000 4 800 6 000 7 200
1 200 000 5 800 7 200 8 600
2 000 000 9 600 12 000 14 400
3 000 000 13 000 16 200 19 400
5 000 000 21 600 27 000 32 400
10 000 000 38 400 48 000 57 600

Prices for insurance of non-combustible elements are different:

The maximum amount of compensation in rubles.The first package (minimum), cost in rubles.The second package ("Advanced"). Includes protection against fire, explosion, theft and robbery, illegal actions of third parties, natural disasters. Cost in rubles.The third package ("Full"), including the same risks as in the previous case, + water damage and falling trees, aircraft, cost in rubles.
600 000 2 000 2 500 3 000
800 000 2 700 3 400 4 000
1 000 000 3 400 4 200 5 000
1 200 000 4 000 5 000 6 000
2 000 000 6 700 8 400 10 100
3 000 000 9 100 11 300 13 600
5 000 000 12 100 15 100 18 100
10 000 000 26 900 33 600 40 300

When insuring a bath, the cost of the policy will be as follows:

The maximum amount of compensation in rubles.The first package (minimum), cost in rubles.The second package ("Advanced"). Includes protection against fire, explosion, theft and robbery, illegal actions of third parties, natural disasters. Cost in rubles.The third package ("Full"), including the same risks as in the previous case, + water damage and falling trees, aircraft, cost in rubles.
600 000 4 500 4 800 5 100
800 000 6 000 6 400 6 800
1 000 000 7 500 8 000 8 500
1 200 000 9 000 9 600 10 200
2 000 000 15 000 16 000 17 000
3 000 000 22 500 24 000 25 500

Prices for the RESO-Dom Express program:

Elements100 000 300 000 500 000 700 000 1 million1.5 million2 million3 millionBath100 000 300 000 500 000 700 000 1 million
non-combustible1 100 2 400 3 500 4 900 6 300 9 000 10 800 15 800 All elements1 700 3 800 6 000 8 300 10 500
combustible1 500 3 400 5 000 7 000 9 000 12 800 15 300 22 500 All elements1 700 3 800 6 000 8 300 10 500

Above are approximate rates. The specified cost is not final and can be adjusted by insurance agents, based on the characteristics of the insured property.

"RESO" - Calculator for Calculating the Cost of the Policy for Home and Dacha

As in the case of an apartment, the RESO client can buy one of the pre-prepared insurance packages, or conclude a contract with individual characteristics. The cost of such a document can be calculated independently. To do this, do the following:

A form will open asking you to:

  • insurance package (the same risks are covered as listed in the tables above);
  • region of insurance;
  • additional risks;
  • objects of insurance and the amount of insurance coverage;
  • building features;
  • franchise size (can be omitted).

The cost will be displayed under the form after filling in all the fields and clicking on the "Calculate" button. This data is also not the company's final offer and may be revised based on the characteristics of the insured property.

Policy for Apartments and Houses from "RESO-Garantiya" - Buy Online

The RESO company provides its customers with the opportunity to issue travel policies and e-OSAGO remotely. At the same time, to conclude a real estate insurance contract, you need to do the following:

  • Find the nearest office of the insurance company. The website of the organization lists the addresses of all branches of the insurer in the cities of the Russian Federation.
  • Visit the selected branch.
  • Contact a member of staff to request a clearance.
  • Act in accordance with the instructions provided by the employee of the organization.

The approximate price of package policies is indicated above. You can calculate the cost of a contract with individual insurance conditions using online calculators. An insurance agent will be able to name the exact price after analyzing a specific building.

When choosing a specific insurance package, you need to focus on certain factors. Among the main ones:

  • The nature of the property.
  • Its level of wear.
  • House cost.
  • Items to be insured.
  • The likelihood of certain incidents (for example, if the house does not have a gas stove or boiler, insurance against a domestic gas explosion may be superfluous).

It is also necessary to take into account the restrictions associated with the placement of the apartment / house, living area, year of construction. It is recommended to choose a specific program based on the real value of the insured property.

"RESO" compensates only the cost of the property, taking into account its depreciation. Therefore, it makes no sense to pay more for the policy in the hope of obtaining additional funds.

"RESO" - Insurance of Apartments in Moscow with a Discount of 50-70%

Special offer for the company's clients. The possibility of drawing up an insurance contract to protect the apartment at a discount of 50% of the original cost of the policy. Construction, finishing, civil liability and movable property are insured. The contract includes all major insurance risks.

The cost of the policy is from 3,000 to 3,750 rubles with insurance coverage in the amount of 1,600,000 to 6,550,000 rubles. For residents of the Leningrad region, the rates are different. They will have to pay for the policy from 4,900 to 17,500 rubles with an insurance amount of 9.5 - 21.5 million rubles. Initially, the promotion was valid until June 30, 2016, but was extended, as in the previous year.

Only those persons who already have one issued policy of the organization can take advantage of the offer. At the same time, the scope of insurance, as well as the cost of the service, does not matter. The only caveat is that for OSAGO policies, the discount becomes available only a month after the start of their action. Action of the action does not extend to insurance of hypothecary apartments.

"RESO-Garantia" - Insured Event in the Apartment and House, What to Do?

The first thing to do when an insured event occurs is to call the competent authorities to eliminate its consequences. If any of the property can be salvaged, you should try to do so.

After the complete elimination of the consequences of the accident, you need to do the following:

  • Contact the competent authority for a certificate confirming the fact of the incident.
  • Fill out an application. It can be downloaded using this link: .
  • Submit completed application form by email [email protected] or print it out and bring it to one of the branches of the insurer.
  • Wait for a call from an employee of the organization, then collect a package of documents that he will say and provide it to the company.

It is necessary to send a written application within 14 days from the moment of occurrence of the insured event. The decision on payments is made within 15 days. Funds are transferred to the bank account specified by the organization's client.

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