Examples of lean production at Russian enterprises. Instructions: how to implement a lean manufacturing system in a company. Teamwork

The main task of the production system is to constantly improve the so-called "value stream" for the target audience. Its basis is a rational combination of all processes. Thanks to this, products can be produced with minimal labor costs. In addition, this affects economic indicators, as well as the results of the organization's production and economic activities, including the cost of the product, and the profitability of production, and profit, and the amount of working capital, and volumes of work in progress.

At the same time, for many organizations the most important issue is the efficiency of production processes in terms of complexity and duration of the production cycle. The longer it is, the more additional productions are involved in it, the less efficient production is in general. In addition, you have to make a lot of efforts to coordinate the process and ensure smooth operation.

It is to solve this problem that many companies implement a lean production system into their activities, which allows them to optimize the production process, improve the quality of the product and reduce costs. This article is dedicated to him.

What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lean manufacturing (in English it has two names: “lean manufacturing” and “lean production”) is a special approach to enterprise management that allows you to improve the quality of work by reducing losses. Losses are anything that reduces the efficiency of work. The main types of losses are:

  • Movements (unnecessary movements of equipment and operators resulting in increased time and cost)
  • Transportation (excessive movements leading to delays, damage, etc.)
  • Technology (technological flaws that do not allow to implement all consumer requirements in the product)
  • Overproduction (unsold products requiring extra costs for accounting, storage, etc.)
  • Waiting (unfinished products waiting in line for processing and increasing cost)
  • Defects (any defects resulting in additional costs)
  • Inventory (excess finished goods that add value)

The lean manufacturing system can be implemented in design, in production itself, and even in the process of marketing products.

This system was developed at the turn of the 1980s-1990s by Japanese engineers Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo (in general, its beginnings appeared in the middle of the twentieth century, but it was adapted only at its end). The goal of the engineers was to reduce non-value-adding activities throughout the product's life cycle. Thus, the system is not just a technology, but a whole management concept with the maximum orientation of production to the market and the interested participation of all company personnel.

The experience gained in implementing the system (sometimes its individual elements) in the work of various organizations has shown its effectiveness and prospects, and is currently used in a variety of industries. If initially the system was used only at Toyota, Honda, etc. automobile plants. (and was called Toyota Production System), today it is found in many other areas:

  • The medicine
  • Trade
  • Logistics
  • Banking services
  • Education
  • Oil production
  • Construction
  • Information Technology

Regardless of the area in which the lean manufacturing system is used, it can significantly increase work efficiency and reduce losses many times over, even if it requires some adaptation to a specific company. This video shows how the work of an organization can change with the use of Lean technologies.

By the way, enterprises that implement a lean production system in their activities are often called “lean”. They differ from any other enterprises in several important characteristics.

First, the basis of the production of these enterprises are people. They play the role of a creative force in the production process. Equipment and technology, in turn, are only a means to an end. The main message here is that no technology, strategy or theory can make a company successful, only people with their own creative and intellectual potential can lead it to high results.

Secondly, the production systems of these enterprises focus on the maximum elimination of waste and the continuous improvement of production processes. It is interesting that all employees of the organization, starting with ordinary workers and ending with top management, take part in the daily activities to ensure this.

And, thirdly, all decisions made by the management of these enterprises necessarily take into account the prospects for further development, and the current material interests are not of decisive importance. Managers of organizations exclude from their activities useless administration-command, unreasonably tight control, evaluation of employees through the most complex systems of various indicators. Management functions to adequately organize the production process, detect, solve and prevent problems in a timely manner. The ability to recognize and resolve problems in your workplace is highly valued in any employee.

However, the introduction of lean production requires an obligatory understanding of the basic principles of this system and the ability to work with its tools. First, let's briefly talk about the principles.

Lean Manufacturing Principles

Despite the fact that the practical implementation of the principles of lean manufacturing requires quite serious efforts from the enterprise, they themselves are quite simple. There are five of them, and they can be formulated as follows:

  1. Determine what forms the value of the product from the consumer's point of view. A variety of actions can be performed at an enterprise, and not all of them are important for the consumer. Only when a company knows exactly what the end user needs is it able to determine which of the processes allow you to provide him with his values, and which do not.
  2. Determine what actions are required in the production chain, and then eliminate waste. To optimize performance and identify waste, it is required to describe in detail every action from the moment an order is received to the moment the product is delivered to the consumer. Thanks to this, it is possible to establish with the help of which it is possible to improve production processes.
  3. Redesign activities in the production chain so that they turn into a holistic workflow. The production process should be built in such a way that any losses (downtime, waiting, etc.) between operations are excluded. This may require new technologies or process redesign. It is important to remember that any process should include only those activities that add value to the final product, but do not increase its value.
  4. Act in the interests of the consumer. It is desirable that the enterprise produces only the product and in such volume, which is necessary for the end consumer. This avoids unnecessary actions, unnecessary losses and costs.
  5. Strive to improve by continually reducing unnecessary activities. It is necessary to apply and implement a lean manufacturing system more than once. The maximum effect will be only if the search for losses and their elimination are carried out regularly and systematically.

These five principles should be based on the implementation of a lean manufacturing system, and this applies to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, from design and project management to direct production and management. To increase labor productivity, find and reduce losses, optimize production, etc. Lean system tools help.

Lean Tools

Below we will look at the main tools of lean manufacturing:

  • standardized work. They are a clear and maximally visualized algorithm for performing any specific work. This algorithm includes different standards, for example, standards for the duration of the production cycle, standards for the sequence of actions during one cycle, standards for the amount of materials for work, etc.
  • SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die). This is a special technology for quick changeover of equipment. For changeover, as a rule, two categories of operations are used. The first is external operations, and they can be carried out without stopping the equipment (this includes the preparation of materials and tools, etc.). The second is internal operations, and for their implementation, the equipment must be stopped. The meaning of SMED is that the maximum number of internal operations is translated into external ones. This is achieved through organizational and technological innovations.
  • Pull production. An approach to the organization of the production flow, which eliminates the losses associated with waiting (until the previous stage of work is completed) and overproduction. Here, each operation of the technological process, as it were, "pulls" the required volume of product from the previous operation and then transfers it to the next one. This avoids the appearance of both surpluses of the product and its shortage.
  • The system for submitting and considering proposals. According to it, any employee can offer their ideas to improve the workflow. All employees are provided with a clear mechanism for the implementation of their proposals. The system also includes methods to encourage employees to offer their ideas.
  • Method "Breakthrough to the flow". It is used to level and improve the efficiency of the production flow. For this, fixed production cycles are created, in each of which the principles of standardized work are introduced.
  • TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). General equipment maintenance system. When using it, the operation of the equipment is combined with its constant maintenance. Such constant monitoring and maintenance of equipment in good condition is provided by qualified employees. TPM helps to reduce the losses associated with repairs, downtime and breakdowns, and ensures maximum efficiency throughout the entire life cycle of the equipment. Another plus is that the maintenance staff gets time for other tasks.
  • The 5S system is a management technique that allows you to effectively organize your workspace. Under the abbreviation are the following concepts:
    • o Systematization (all items are in a specific place where there is easy access)
    • o Maintain order and cleanliness
    • o Sorting (documentation and/or items are arranged in the workplace based on the frequency of their use; this includes the elimination of anything that is no longer needed)
    • o Standardization (jobs are organized according to the same principle)
    • o Improvement (established standards and principles are continuously improved)

Other lean manufacturing tools include:

  • (an approach to enterprise management based on continuous quality improvement)
  • " " (approach to production management based on consumer demand)
  • Kanban (project management system and goods and materials management system inside and outside the company)
  • Andon (visual production feedback system)
  • Quality management tools (PDPC diagram, priority matrix, network diagram, matrix diagram, tree diagram, link diagram, affinity diagram, etc.)
  • Quality control tools (control charts, control sheet, scatter plot, Pareto chart, stratification, histogram, etc.)
  • Quality analysis and design tools (5 Whys method, House of Quality method, FMEA analysis, etc.)

In the same section, it is necessary to say separately about the method that is used to model and prevent errors in production processes and reduce losses associated with defects. This is the Poka-yoke method.

The Poka-yoke method consists in finding the causes of errors and developing technologies and methods to eliminate the possibility of their occurrence. It is based on the idea that if it is impossible to do the work by any means other than the right one, but the work itself is done, then it is done correctly, i.e. no mistakes.

Errors can appear for various reasons: negligence, inattention, misunderstanding, forgetfulness of a person, etc. Given the human factor, all these errors are natural and inevitable, and in order to find a way to prevent them, they should be considered from this angle.

Components of the Poka-yoke method:

  • The prerequisites for error-free work are created
  • Error-free work methods are introduced
  • Occurring errors are systematically eliminated
  • Precautions are being taken
  • Simple technical systems are introduced that allow workers to avoid mistakes

This method is used in conjunction with other tools of the lean manufacturing system and ensures that the finished product will not have defects, and the production process will run smoothly.

All of these tools, when used together, affect labor efficiency, eliminate various types of losses, minimize the likelihood of emergencies and contribute to creating a favorable atmosphere in the workplace. In addition, the joint use of these tools allows them to reinforce each other, and make the Lean approach more flexible.

All this is the main reason why many organizations abroad and in Russia are implementing a lean production system into their activities. And now is the time to talk about real examples.

Lean Manufacturing Efficiency

According to the developers of the lean manufacturing system, its implementation can have a significant impact on many business processes. More specifically, then:

  • The duration of the manufacturing cycle can be reduced by 10-100 times
  • Marriage cases can be reduced by 5-50 times
  • Downtime can be reduced by 5-20 times
  • Performance can be increased by 3-10 times
  • Warehouse stocks can be reduced by 2-5 times
  • Deliveries of new products to the market can accelerate by 2-5 times

According to the Expert media holding, lean production began to be introduced in Russia only in 2004. And by 2007 (in just three years of practice), the system showed impressive results. And there is more than one example of this:

  • Costs decreased by 30% in the areas of oil production, instrumentation, assembly of automotive components
  • 30% freed up production areas in the field of instrumentation
  • Work in progress in the field of oil production decreased by 50%
  • 60% reduction in the production cycle in the areas of instrumentation and aviation industry
  • The efficiency of non-ferrous metallurgy equipment increased by 45%.
  • 25% freed up labor resources in the field of oil production
  • Changeover time reduced by 70% in the iron and steel industry

According to the same Expert media holding, by 2017 the practice of using lean manufacturing in Russia and abroad led to the following results:

  • 25% freed up production space in the electronics industry
  • Production in the aviation industry accelerated 4 times
  • 35% increase in productivity in non-ferrous metallurgy
  • Waste in the pharmaceutical industry has been reduced by 5 times
  • 55% increase in production, 25% reduction in production cycle, 35% reduction in inventories in the field of consumer goods production
  • Production areas in the automotive industry freed up by 20%

As for Russian companies specifically, Lean technologies are currently used in their work by UC Rusal, LLC Expert Volga, EPO Signal, OJSC Khlebprom, VSMPO-AVISMA, PJSC KamAZ, LLC Oriflame Cosmetics, TechnoNIKOL LLC, Gas Group PG, EuroChem LLC and dozens of other major organizations.

However, in the Russian market at present, experts note a shortage of professionals who are able to optimize production processes through the introduction of a lean manufacturing system. (By the way, those who master the Lean approach today will surely have a stable job, career growth, prospects and a secure future.)


Lean manufacturing helps companies, without resorting to major investments and using mainly their internal reserves, to achieve tangible increases in labor productivity. But the Lean system is a special approach to production and all its components, offering not only to increase labor productivity and make production more efficient, but also to create favorable conditions for the formation of a corporate culture, where each employee participates in the company's success.

In a broader sense, the lean manufacturing system is a manufacturing paradigm for implementing innovative methods of enterprise management, increasing production efficiency, developing people and eliminating any kind of waste. And today, almost any company can deploy a Lean system on its base.

Lean manufacturing is a special scheme of company management. The main idea is to constantly strive to eliminate any kind of costs. Lean manufacturing is a concept that involves the involvement of each employee in the optimization procedure. Such a scheme is aimed at maximum orientation towards the consumer. Let's take a closer look at what a lean manufacturing system is.

History of occurrence

The introduction of lean manufacturing into industry occurred in the 1950s at the Toyota Corporation. The creator of such a control scheme was Taiichi Ohno. A great contribution to the further development of both theory and practice was made by his colleague Shigeo Shingo, who, among other things, created a method for quick changeover. Subsequently, American specialists investigated the system and conceptualized it under the name lean manufacturing (lean production) - "lean production". At first, the concept was applied primarily in the automotive industry. After a while, the scheme was adapted to process production. Subsequently, lean manufacturing tools began to be used in healthcare, utilities, services, trade, the military, the public administration sector and other industries.

Main Aspects

Lean manufacturing in an enterprise involves analyzing the value of a product that is produced for the final consumer at each stage of creation. The main objective of the concept is the formation of a continuous process of cost elimination. In other words, lean manufacturing is the elimination of any activity that consumes resources but does not create any value for the end user. For example, he does not need the finished product or its components to be in stock. Under the traditional system, all costs associated with marriage, alteration, storage, and others are passed on to the consumer. Lean manufacturing is a scheme in which all company activities are divided into processes and operations that add and do not add value to the product. The main task, therefore, is the systematic reduction of the latter.

Lean Manufacturing: Waste

In costs, the term muda is used in some cases. This concept means various expenses, garbage, waste and so on. Taiichi Ohno identified seven types of costs. Losses are formed due to:

  • expectations;
  • overproduction;
  • transportation;
  • extra processing steps;
  • unnecessary movements;
  • release of defective goods;
  • excess stock.

Taiichi Ohno considered overproduction to be the main thing. It is a factor due to which other costs arise. Another item has been added to the list above. Jeffrey Liker, a researcher on the Toyota experience, cited the unrealized potential of employees as a waste. The sources of costs are called overload of capacities, employees when carrying out activities with increased intensity, as well as uneven performance of the operation (for example, an interrupted schedule due to fluctuations in demand).


Lean manufacturing is presented as a process divided into five stages:

  1. Determining the value of a particular product.
  2. Installing this product.
  3. Ensuring continuous flow.
  4. Allowing the consumer to pull the product.
  5. The pursuit of excellence.

Other principles on which lean manufacturing is based include:

  1. Achieving excellent quality - delivery of goods from the first presentation, the use of the "zero defects" scheme, identifying and solving problems at the earliest stages of their occurrence.
  2. Formation of long-term interaction with the consumer by sharing information, costs and risks.
  3. Flexibility.

The production system used by Toyota is based on two main principles: autonomy and just-in-time. The latter means that all the necessary elements for assembly arrive on the line exactly at the moment when it is needed, strictly in the quantity determined for a particular process to reduce stock.


Within the framework of the concept under consideration, various components are distinguished - methods of lean production. Some of them may themselves act as a control scheme. The main elements include the following:

  • The flow of single goods.
  • General maintenance of equipment.
  • 5S system.
  • Kaizen.
  • Fast changeover.
  • Error prevention.

Industry Options

Lean healthcare is a concept of reducing the time spent by medical staff not directly related to helping people. Lean logistics is a pull scheme that brings together all the suppliers involved in the value stream. In this system, there is a partial replenishment of reserves in small volumes. The main indicator in this scheme is the logistic total cost. Lean manufacturing tools are used by the Danish Post Office. As part of the concept, a large-scale standardization of the services offered was carried out. The goals of the event were to increase productivity, speed up transfers. "Value flow maps" have been introduced to control and identify services. Also, a system of motivation for employees of the department was developed and subsequently implemented. A special strategy has been formed in construction, focused on increasing the efficiency of the construction process at all stages. Lean manufacturing principles have been adapted to software development. Elements of the scheme under consideration are also used in city and state administration.


The idea was formulated in 1950 by Dr. Deming. The introduction of this principle has brought great profits to Japanese companies. For this, the specialist was awarded a medal by the emperor. After a while, the Union of Science announced the prize to them. Deming for the quality of manufactured goods.

Benefits of the Kaizen Philosophy

The merits of this system have been evaluated in every industrial sector, where conditions have been created to ensure the highest efficiency and productivity. Kaizen is considered a Japanese philosophy. It consists in promoting continuous change. The kaizen school of thought insists that constant change is the only path to progress. The main emphasis of the system is on increasing productivity by eliminating unnecessary and hard work. The definition itself was created by combining two words: "kai" - "change" ("transform"), and "zen" - "in the direction of the better." The advantages of the system quite clearly reflect the success of the Japanese economy. This is recognized not only by the Japanese themselves, but also by world experts.

The goals of the kaizen concept

There are five main directions in which the development of production is carried out. These include:

  1. Waste reduction.
  2. Immediate troubleshooting.
  3. Optimal use.
  4. Teamwork.
  5. The highest quality.

It should be said that most of the principles are based on common sense. The main components of the system are improving the quality of goods, involving each employee in the process, readiness for interaction and change. All these activities do not require complex mathematical calculations or the search for scientific approaches.

Waste reduction

The principles of the kaizen philosophy are aimed at significantly reducing losses at each stage (operation, process). One of the main advantages of the scheme is that it includes every employee. This, in turn, involves the development and subsequent implementation of proposals for improvement at each site. Such work contributes to minimizing the loss of resources.

Immediate troubleshooting

Each employee, in accordance with the concept of kaizen, must counteract problems. This behavior contributes to the rapid resolution of issues. With immediate troubleshooting, the lead time does not increase. Immediate resolution of problems allows you to direct activities in an effective direction.

Optimal use

Solving problems quickly frees up resources. They can be used to improve and achieve other goals. Together, these measures make it possible to establish a continuous process of efficient production.


Involving all employees in solving problems allows you to find a way out faster. Successfully overcoming difficulties strengthens the spirit and self-esteem of company employees. eliminates conflict situations, promotes the formation of trusting relationships between higher and lower employees.

The best quality

Fast and effective problem solving contributes to well-coordinated teamwork and the creation of a large amount of resources. This, in turn, will improve the quality of products. All this will allow the company to reach a new level of capacity.

Some enterprises, due to improper planning of activities, do not get the desired result or suffer losses. Then it is necessary to revise the existing system and find new methods so that the enterprise does not remain out of business. Some companies in such a situation take a reference point to lean manufacturing. What is the essence of this concept? How effective is it for Russian entrepreneurship? Are there examples of positive application of the methodology? More on all these questions in our article.

Define the concept

The term "lean manufacturing" has a foreign origin. In the original, it is pronounced as lean production or lean manufacturing and literally translates as “poor production”. Poor - means not deprived of funds, but not burdened with unnecessary actions and costs.

This is a management system created in 1950 at the Toyota automobile production. The founder was the Japanese Taiichi Ono. He developed and supplemented the concept of Shigeo Shingo, who introduced a system of readjustment of both equipment and all stages of product manufacturing into production.

The specificity of lean production is based on the desire to save the enterprise from all possible costs that are not directly related to the formation of the final cost of goods for the consumer. The client does not want to overpay for what is the cost of the enterprise due to negligence or due to an incorrect internal management scheme. The less manipulations are performed, the cheaper the product costs.

All employees of the enterprise, and not single personnel, should participate in the improvement of the production process. So thought Taiichi Ono and his followers. Any method is suitable for reducing costs. For example, the absence of a production stage of storing products in a warehouse. Each part should be produced only in the required volume and preferably at the time when its stage in the assembly begins.

In the automotive industry, parts are delivered to the assembly line according to the scheduled schedule and should not be stale or delivered late so as not to slow down the process. Japanese tools for improving the production process at Toyota have been successful and have been adapted to different areas of the enterprise.

The main task of the top management of the enterprise is the analysis of the production process. As well as increasing efficiency by restructuring the old scheme. The focus is on identifying the links that slow down the process and create the need to overprice.

Each product has a value that is acceptable to the client. If the value of the product is too high, then the demand for it may fall. This will lead to an overflow of the warehouse and a loss of the expected profit. From overproduction of products, the enterprise will be forced to stop the process. The labor force will not be able to be used for its intended purpose, there will be a need to reduce the staff. Lean manufacturing is a management system that eliminates such problems.

How the system works

If the leaders of the enterprise have decided to apply lean production, then at the first stage, consultation of specialists in this matter is needed. This may be an independent consultant or company managers who have been retrained in applying the new concept.

The first task is a deep analysis of the current system and the identification of weak links that do not give value to the product, but increase the final cost.

Development of a new scheme after analysis - elimination of unnecessary losses, rational use of labor and equipment. But simple research without response, that is, elimination of problems, will not give a result. Therefore, the principles of lean manufacturing must be implemented to the end. These are a few points containing the main idea of ​​​​the update:

  • The value of the product, focused on the customer, and not the desire to write off all costs. It is necessary to create conditions under which there are no unforeseen costs.
  • Production should not be idle, the organization of a constant flow without downtime is required. Usually they arise due to disruptions in the supply of raw materials and components. At this stage, cooperation with partners is reviewed.
  • Expedient use of equipment without overvoltage, this can lead to unexpected breakdowns and downtime.
  • Realization of goods immediately to the client without delay.
  • Reducing unnecessary product movements.
  • Eliminate the possibility of marriage at an early stage so that the product is accepted by the customer immediately.
  • Striving for excellence as far as possible.
  • The use of personnel only according to its profile, the exclusion of duplicating positions.
  • Improving working conditions, equipping the workplace in accordance with the requirements.

You can think of your own methods so that the implementation of technologies that lean manufacturing provides is successful. These decisions are based on what types of waste exist in your facility. The concept of lean production identifies seven main types of waste:

  1. Movement (transportation) of products.
  2. Warehousing, remanufacturing.
  3. Fuss, unnecessary movements of personnel during production, which slows down the delivery of products, increases the number of working hours.
  4. Production downtime, when parts that do not arrive on time or a delay in the production of a previous product stop the production process of a product.
  5. Production of goods in larger quantities than intended, without the possibility of sale. The company incurs additional costs, which it tries to compensate by making an extra margin on the goods.
  6. Outdated technology or technology that is not designed to manufacture products according to customer requirements.
  7. Defective product, which requires additional costs for rework.

By working on the listed types of losses, you can significantly reduce the margin on products and get high demand from the consumer. This will increase the efficiency of the production system.

Using the tools of lean manufacturing, you can find your own version of the management scheme. There are many of these tools, so before starting the implementation of a new scheme, it is advisable to study each method in detail and adapt it for yourself. The scheme for each area is individual.

Modern Use of Japanese Business Methods

Lean manufacturing has become in demand not only abroad, but also in Russia. Many enterprises, having found themselves in a situation of decline, have reviewed various management systems and have chosen lean manufacturing.

Examples of the use of the Japanese concept can be seen in various areas of business, medicine, education, and government departments. Let's note some of them:

  1. Automobile production: GAZ group of enterprises, Solers company, KamAZ.
  2. Banking systems: Sberbank of Russia.
  3. Construction. Modern houses are built according to the principle of lean production, where not only losses during the construction of houses by the construction company are reduced, but also further exploitation by residents. New technologies allow to reduce heat losses, reduce utility costs.
  4. The introduction of lean manufacturing is also observed in the provision of public services. For the convenience of the population, multifunctional centers are being created that operate on the principle of a single window. A citizen can apply for any question to one operator and receive all the information or service. There is no need to run around different departments. The introduction of terminals for recording and electronic queue eliminates crowds and waste of time for visitors.

There are more and more companies that have tried lean manufacturing methods and got a positive result every year. A map has been created in Russia showing companies implementing the concept of lean production. Forums are held where leaders share experiences with each other and talk about their successes.

The production system can work without losses if the planning of the circuit is thought out to the smallest detail and does not stand still, but is constantly being improved.


The Lean Manufacturing management system, having got its start in an automotive company, has gained fans in various areas of business. The prospects for efficient production depend on the activities of managers. The concept will not work if the optimization remains only on paper.

An audit will not solve the problems of a loss-making enterprise. Only active entrepreneurs who are ready to constantly work on eliminating costs will be able to introduce new tools.

The production process entails the formation of costs, the monetary equivalent of which is included in the price of the product produced. Business is always looking for ways to reduce costs and optimize production processes, and as part of these searches, the concept of lean manufacturing was born at the end of the last century.


The term comes from the English phrase "lean production", and literally translates as "lean production". The history of the origin of the concept is connected with the study of the organization of production processes of the Japanese company Toyota, which interested businessmen from the USA: James Womeck, Daniel Jones and Jeffrey Liker.

The concept of lean manufacturing comes down to the constant elimination of absolutely all types of waste in the course of production. It is assumed that the manager involves each employee in the optimizing process, while the business itself is focused on its client as much as possible.

It is understood that all costs that do not carry value for the final consumer are eliminated from the production process. For example, in a traditional business, all costs associated with storage in a warehouse, loss in the form of defective products and other indirect costs are borne by the buyer. In lean manufacturing, it is understood that the customer does not need any surplus of finished products or their parts stored in the warehouse, and defects produced due to technical problems. According to this concept, all business processes of an enterprise are divided into those that bring value to the consumer and those that do not add value. The main task of the manager applying the ideas of lean manufacturing is to progressively reduce to zero the processes and activities that do not carry value.

What are the losses in lean manufacturing?

One of the authors of the lean concept, Taiichi Ohno, considered unnecessary losses due to unnecessary transportation, costs due to overproduction, waiting, excess inventory, unnecessary processing steps, due to scrap and unnecessary movements.

Various sources also add such types of losses as losses from the unrealized potential of the employee, from overloading employees and production capacities, from uneven work schedules.

How are the principles of lean manufacturing applied? It's easy to say - reduce waste that does not provide value to the consumer. But how to do it in practice?

Of course, as in any optimization process, you should start with analysis. Analyzing manufacturing processes and separating them into value-adding and non-value-adding processes will make it easier for you to understand what to look for when implementing lean manufacturing principles.

Let's look at a few examples:

Example 1 Automotive manufacturing company. All tools are in one workshop cabinet, from where they are taken by operators. If necessary, the employee must go to the cabinet and change the tool for another. A lot of time and effort is spent on these extra walks during the working day. The solution to the problem is to equip a separate cabinet for tools near each work area. This has optimized workplaces, making them comfortable, and allowed to increase the productivity of workers.

Example 2 Bus manufacturing company. Absolutely all product surfaces were painted according to the highest accuracy class. After a survey of customers, it turned out that they do not have such increased requirements for the quality of painting. As a result, the accuracy class of painting to surfaces that are not visible was reduced in production. This reduced costs by hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

Example 3 Bakery company. A large percentage of losses in the form of defective products was revealed. Blanks for cakes did not pass according to aesthetic requirements. Quality control methods were introduced at the stage of their manufacture - if problems were identified, production was stopped to immediately eliminate the causes. This helped to reduce the number of defective semi-finished products by 80%.

The concept of lean manufacturing will really save your enterprise, as Toyota saved it in its time, if you take the changes seriously. We need a good analysis of current business processes, a clear strategy and consistent implementation of changes. Perhaps you should turn to third-party experts to see the whole situation from the outside.

Mezentseva Vasilisa

Lean manufacturing is victoriously striding through Russian enterprises. From pilot implementation examples, which the press carefully wrote about a few years ago, successful experience in the development of production systems (RPS) is transferred to almost all industries, large holdings and state corporations, medium and small businesses, to federal and regional targeted programs and GOSTs.

Secrets of an Effective Production System Development Program

It is clear that companies that have been working “lean” in recent years have now taken strong places in the top lists of their markets. It is more difficult for those who have not yet been trained and have not implemented lean production, or have approached efficiency projects formally, for show. After all, the usual result of the “correct” RPS program is millions of savings, productivity growth by 2-4 times, defectiveness reduction by 50%, and cycle time by 2-3 times.

The Government of the Russian Federation pays special attention to military-industrial complex as a driving force for the development of the entire economy. In 2014, at the April visiting meeting of the government Military-Industrial Commission (MIC) in Naberezhnye Chelny with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, the development and implementation of the target program "Development of production systems of organizations of the military-industrial complex" was launched. And now practically all defense industry companies and corporations are working on the creation and implementation of efficiency programs.

How to lay the right foundation in a lean manufacturing program to get the most out of it? A member of the working group for the development and implementation of lean manufacturing technologies at Russian industrial enterprises at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, director of the Orgprom Group of Companies, chairman of the Council of the Lin-forum. Lean Manufacturing Professionals Alexey BARANOV.

O the main task of companies and corporations military-industrial complex today – efficient and high-quality fulfillment of the increasing volumes of the state defense order. The President and the government set tasks to increase labor productivity, reduce costs, reduce the resource intensity of production activities and the cost of production.

It is necessary to constantly improve efficiency and competitiveness indicators in the domestic and international markets, implement import substitution programs, create new industries, develop new types of equipment and weapons, and organize high-performance jobs.

Proper application of lean manufacturing practices, sustainability, and continuous improvement of manufacturing processes can provide fast start programs and reliable results with little investment. At the same time, the return on investment in lean manufacturing projects, judging by our experience, ranges from 3:1 to 300:1.

As noted Dmitry Rogozin at a conference that we organized at the request of the Military Industrial Commission, together with "KAMAZ" and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Naberezhnye Chelny, in the face of growing volumes state defense order and investments in the development of technologies the level of organization of production at defense industry enterprises not yet high enough. The rate of growth in prices for products and the rate of growth in wages outstrip the rate of growth in labor productivity. This problem concerns not only the defense industry - in general, Russia is 4-6 times behind Germany in productivity and, on average, twice behind the EEC countries.

What is the point of investing more in "leaky" processes? In addition, I think the country's leadership is betting that an effective defense industry will give impetus to efficiency growth in tens of thousands of supplier companies and contractors from other industries, which will favorably affect economic development in general.

Lean(Lean, Lean production, Toyota Production System, TPS) a breakthrough low-investment approach to management and quality management developed at Toyota Motor Co., which includes process optimization, customer focus, product quality improvement, and the creation of a continuous improvement system. ROI in lean programs and projects ranges from 3:1 to 300:1.

Following the concept of "lean" helps thousands of companies around the world achieve and maintain leadership in their industries for decades. Among them are Toyota, Ford, General Electric, Nissan, Caterpillar, Bridgestone, Xerox, Scania, Alcoa, Boeing, etc.

In Russia, hundreds of companies and corporations have already embarked on the path of building production systems based on lean manufacturing. Among them are Rosatom, United Aircraft Corporation, United Shipbuilding Corporation, GAZ Group, KAMAZ, Uralmashzavod, VSMPO-AVISMA, Sibur Holding and many others.

How to walk the path without loss and get maximum results?

There are three secrets to the success of a lean program. First- the director and the owner are involved in the transformations, maintain the high status of the program, respectively, and the team includes positive group dynamics, focus on achieving results. The more time management invests in the program, the greater the impact. One of the examples is our corporate project at the Izhevsk Plant of Thermal Equipment, where we even organize excursions for lean manufacturing experience.

Secondly, it is critically important to identify and develop their leaders (all company leaders from top to bottom, plus all leading specialists), mastering the skills and technologies for sustainable development of production systems. Operational breakthroughs alone will not make the system sustainable; this requires a comprehensive and differentiated learning program, and learning by doing, as part of specific and relevant, highly profitable projects to improve efficiency.

Third- the transformation strategy should be developed on the basis of a qualitative analysis of the current state and potential for improvement. This step is the most important. Further correct sequence of application of certain actions and tools provides a guaranteed result. Here, the experience and professional competencies of the stewards of the "lean program" are very important, because they are different for different industries, types of production and the shown results of certification of production systems.

What mistakes do companies make when implementing lean manufacturing?

The first mistake is an attempt to implement a corporate lean manufacturing program by improving only one stream - material, optimizing the processes of development, production, marketing, etc. In fact, the program should cover all streams: continuous development of personnel, improvement of the management system, including the creation of a steering committee for the CPF program, standardization and visualization, optimization of all systems.

A big mistake is when a group of people “does” lean production in an enterprise, and the rest observes. One of the main principles of the lean enterprise is the involvement of each participant in the program of continuous improvement.

It is very important when planning to focus on true values ​​and goals, and not on what lies on the surface. “I want a lean program” is not the goal. Lean manufacturing is a means to achieve very specific digitized goals: for example, achieving the No. 1 position in the regional market, increasing productivity by 40% in one year, reducing construction time by 30%. At the first stage, we specify and detail these goals together with the client.

How to start a lean manufacturing program?

With diagnostics, as a result of which we show: this is how you work now, but these are the results you can achieve by effectively using the principles of lean manufacturing. The constructed value stream maps – current and future state – usually impress owners and directors, opening up opportunities that they did not even suspect in the daily routine.

Diagnostics includes certification of the production system according to a unique methodology developed by our company, which formed the basis of the Regulations for the evaluation of enterprises participating in the Competition of Performance Leaders for the Cup. A.K. Gastev. It allows the management of the company to see the state of the production system on a certain scale in many parameters in the field of process development and personnel development and understand the potential.

Diagnosis takes two to three weeks, on complex objects and two to three months. We organize working groups, clarify tasks, agree on ways to collect and analyze data in selected flows on key equipment (by bottlenecks that limit productivity growth), calculate equipment utilization efficiency, structure losses, and identify opportunities. Next, we analyze the causes of losses, assess the possibilities for achieving goals, formulate proposals, define projects and teams of performers. Then a report is prepared for the management of the customer company, after which the planning stage begins, the formation of the infrastructure of the program and the allocation of resources: human, time, material and financial.

What does the company get after the diagnosis?

First of all, a document developed and agreed with the customer and all interested parties - a strategy for the development of the production system. It includes maps of the current and future state, a vision of how to move from the current state to the planned state, recommendations for the selection of pilot sites. The strategic plan can be drawn up for a year, two or five years.

Secondly, is a program of training sessions for top management and staff - to obtain the optimal set of skills and knowledge necessary to achieve specific goals for each department and employee.

Thirdly, program roadmap. This is a list and description of all projects that must be opened in order to achieve the goal. It includes project passports according to PMI PMBoK standards with a description of the participants, goals, objectives, sequence of actions, risk analysis. Each of the projects for a certain period must solve a specific problem.

Finally, the last thing that should be in the document "Strategy" or "RPS Program" is a description of the system for monitoring the progress of the project. Prompt response to deviations is very important to achieve the planned results on time.

It is also important to formulate at this stage the foundations of the business and the breakthrough vision of the company, followed by horizontal and vertical two-way communications. Not only every shop manager, but also a foreman, a foreman, every employee must know and agree with the goals of the company, his department, understand his contribution to their achievement and ways of implementation, promptly see progress in this achievement.

In most of our enterprises, however, such information is only in the head (or in the nightstand, or in the computer) of the chiefs, and only occasionally can one find last year's yellowed reports on the stands. The policy deployment methodology and the setting of the "Periodic Company Sustainability Management System" help to solve this problem.

The greatest risks are usually associated with middle-level employees, where, as a rule, there is the greatest resistance, because diagnostics open the eyes to "sores" in the areas for which they are responsible. This raises problems, for example, in collecting reliable data for the development of a quality program. Over the years, we have developed certain techniques to eliminate or minimize this and other risks.

Enterprise ResultsOPC of Russia

Instrumentation company: increase in labor productivity by 70% in two years. Assembly throughput increased by 77.1%. As a result of the training and involvement of personnel in RPS projects, an economic effect of 53,655,490 rubles was achieved only at pilot sites, and the company plans to increase it many times when replicated to other divisions.

Aircraft factory: 40% to 70% increase in production across departments, 29% to 96% reduction in lead times, 60% or more reduction in non-productive costs, 36% reduction in division staff for new products, 30% reduction in equipment downtime, and etc.

Lean companies with minimal investment receive the following benefits:

  • Increase in labor productivity - 35-70%
  • Reduction of production cycle time - 25-90%
  • 40% increase in quality
  • Equipment operating time in good condition - 98.87%
  • Release of production space - 25-50%
  • Marriage reduction - 58-90%
  • Savings - up to 10% of annual turnover
  • Reducing the need for investment - by 10–30%, and in some cases by 100%
  • Reduction of the terms of implementation of investment projects - by 10–20%, etc.
Lin in the US aerospace sector: impressive results

Many American aerospace companies have achieved impressive results through the use of lean methods.

Repair and production of radar antennas of the F-16 aircraft (2005)

Problem: In 2004, an average of 3.4 F-16s (out of 1320) did not take off every day because their radar antenna did not work. The waiting time for a working antenna exceeded 12 days. The remaining F-16s on the ground cost the Air Force $26.9 million, and the cost of hours of unfulfilled missions increased this figure to a quarter of a million.


  • lack of standards and inventory control;
  • delivery delays;
  • unsuitable tools, uncomfortable tool stands;
  • poor organization of information collection.

Lean Solutions:

  • methods of continuous improvement and problem solving;
  • the flow of single products;
  • standardization.


  • Shop floor lead time reduced by 93%. What used to take 28.5 days now takes two days.
  • The volume of production has been increased several times. It used to take technicians 24 hours to make an antenna, now it takes 2.3 hours.
  • Reliability increased by 55.5%. The average time between breakdowns was 425 hours, increased to 661 hours.
  • The time during which the aircraft are not functioning has been reduced by 90%, and cases of non-missions have ceased.
  • Almost $36.5 million was saved on repairs.

Factory in Mesa, Arizona

The rollout of lean concepts, including the creation of high-performance work teams, has revolutionized the Boeing site in Mesa, Arizona, which has already produced nearly 1,500 Apache helicopters for the US Army and ten overseas customers. In March 2005, the Mesa site won the prestigious Shingo Production Award, presented annually by the Utah State University College of Business.

  • Over the past five years, the time for the final assembly, assembly and testing of each aircraft has been reduced by 85%.
  • Since the introduction of the lean concept in 1999, a 100% on-time delivery rate has been achieved, and overall production time has been reduced by more than 48%. Lead time has also been reduced by more than 40%.
  • The number of internal defects has decreased by more than 58% since 2000, while the cost of internal defects (rework, repairs and rejects) has decreased by more than 61% over this period. The lost time injury rate has decreased by more than 58%.
  • The assembly line has been converted into U-shaped assembly cells, which, according to Ed Koopman, general manager of the Mesa plant, has further reduced cycle times by 5 to 8%.
  • Kits of necessary parts (with the exception of some large parts) are delivered to workstations operating according to the "just in time" system. The productivity of the assembly area has doubled (from 3 to 6 items per month).

Fighter developmentF/A-18E/F, site in St. Louis

Problem: constant rework, long cycle times

Decision: kanban system and pull, lean product development techniques


  • Within three months, the cycle time for engineering corrections was reduced from 35 to 6 days;
  • Rework costs reduced by 60%;
  • The number of defects per aircraft was reduced by 75%;
  • Saving 1.5 million man hours.

BOTTOM LINE: Savings of approximately $655,000 per aircraft

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

At the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation plant in Stratford, Connecticut, the decision was made to create a production flow in the machining shop where important parts were manufactured. First of all, a product family matrix was created, combining clamps and screw spindles into one family of parts, since they went through similar stages of processing on the same machines, and the demand and production volume for these parts were also comparable.

Sikorsky's executives used the lean concept of "each type of part in its interval" to even out the range of manufactured parts and create flow in the cell. The lean conversion team started with a five-day interval and analyzed demand every quarter or every month (in case of significant changes), and also applied the changeover time reduction method - SMED. Changeover began to take no longer 30 minutes, but 2–3 minutes, and the interval during which parts of the same type were produced was reduced to three, and then to two days. The introduction of standardization to reduce changeover times has also improved quality.

Cell flow was further improved by eliminating the non-value-added work of operators that forced them to leave the machines. For example, operators used to go to the tool store for cutting pliers, but now tool store personnel deliver the pliers to the operators. The improvement in flow also exposed maintenance deficiencies that needed to be corrected.

Reference :

Interregional public movement “Lin-forum. Lean Manufacturing Professionals unites the efforts of more than 2,000 experts in the development of production systems, managers and specialists from such companies and corporations as Rosatom, Roskosmos, Shvabe, Russian Helicopters, OKB Novator, Russian Railways, Sberbank of Russia , Irkut Corporation, Alcoa, Severstal, GAZ Group, Evrazholding, Sevkabel, Russian Paints, TechnoNikol, teachers - to exchange experience and solve global problems of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. Site www.leanforum.ru

Group of companies "Orgprom" is a leading Russian provider providing a full range of services for the sustainable development of production systems (RPS), the development of lean production (lean, Kaizen, Toyota Production System). Orgprom's projects help enterprises significantly increase productivity and competitiveness by turning on internal efficiency reserves based on the involvement of all personnel in continuous process improvement.

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