Italian sausage with mold title. Meat Italy: the most delicious sausages and delicacies. Finocchiona - sausage with onion

), I decided to stick with Italian salami. Unlike Hungary, where salami is obligatory smoked, in the Apennines this sausage is dry-cured, but at the same time it has a characteristic recognizable taste due to the use of traditional Italian seasonings. Also, this time I decided to use beef casing instead of pork casing and change the drying process to make the recipe easier.

The result did not look too much like a neat salami from an Italian supermarket, but it turned out to be very similar to those handmade sausages that I once bought in or on: a unique irregular shape, the same fragrant, slightly awkward and very tasty. Perhaps the epithet "homemade Italian sausage" fits her perfectly.

Italian homemade salami


2 hours + 2 weeks


2 medium or 4 small sausages

80 cm beef

860 pork ham

140 g. fat

23 g nitrite salt

10 ml. dry white wine

10 g sugar

3 g black pepper

3 y. dried garlic

1 g fennel seeds

Soak the beef casing and rinse under running water to prepare it for sausage making. Soak the fat in advance in cool water, then cut it into layers about 1 cm thick and put it in the freezer for 1 hour. Cut the pulp from the pork ham into cubes with a side of 3 cm and put it in the freezer for 3 hours so that they harden slightly - the minced meat from such meat will turn out chopped, and not shapeless, which will positively affect the texture of the finished sausage. In the same freezer, remove the removable parts of the meat grinder, as well as the hook and bowl of the mixer, if you have one, or the spatula with which you will knead the minced meat. Remember, the key to our success is the minimum temperature of minced meat at all stages of cooking.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder with a large grill, cut the bacon into small cubes with a sharp knife and combine in a mixer bowl or metal container. Add nitrite, white wine and all the spices, ground in a mill or thoroughly crushed in a mortar, and mix quickly but vigorously (ideally with a stand mixer, if not with a spatula).

Every time I write about sausages, I get questions about nitrite salt, and, apparently, someday I will talk about it in more detail. In the meantime, I want to note that nitrite salt is indispensable in the manufacture of dried sausages, since the sodium nitrite contained in it inhibits the reproduction of undesirable microflora and gives the sausages a pleasant color, and its concentration - 0.5-0.6% - is absolutely safe for the body. Nitrite salt and casings, like everything else for making Italian homemade sausage, I purchased on the website

Install the sausage attachment on the meat grinder and, tying the casing on one side, stuff it tightly with minced meat (it is best to do this together so that the minced meat is evenly distributed). When the stuffing is over, tie the casing on the other side, rewind it in several places to divide the long sausage into smaller sausages, pierce with a toothpick where air bubbles appeared, and wrap with twine. Hang the sausages in a dry and cool place (a glazed loggia is ideal) and dry them for 5-8 days until they become elastic and hard to the touch and lose 30-40% of their original weight.

Another traditional warning is about mold. It may appear on the surface of the sausage during drying, and in no case is evidence of its deterioration. If the mold is white, which is what you want, cherish it and cherish it, as it in many ways forms the perfect taste of dried sausage. If the mold is green or dark in color, wipe it off with a piece of cheesecloth soaked in vinegar and try to prevent it from reappearing.

Ready-made sausage can be eaten immediately with sandwiches or as a meat snack, but since you most likely did not have the opportunity to control the humidity and air temperature during drying, it could turn out that the outer layers dried out before the inner ones. The ideal way to fix this is to vacuum seal your sausages and leave them in the fridge for a week to even out the moisture levels inside the sausages. If you don’t have a vacuum sealer either, well, you will have to come to terms with the fact that voids may appear inside the sausage, which, however, should not affect its excellent taste in any way.

Is it possible nowadays to make sausage without preservatives? Absolutely without them, most likely, it is impossible, because. table salt is also a preservative. But without all sorts of E-E and similar horror films, it’s quite, if you follow the old technologies that were used by the peasants of the southern Italian Cilento.

Having heard about the cellito pig farm, which produces excellent sausages, I set out to make a report on their production. Detto fatto!

The farm's sausage shop was located near the town of Sicili, which is ten kilometers from the place where we spend our summers in southern Italy. We were expected early in the morning somewhere among these forests of the Cilento e Vallo di Diano National Park

At 7 am, work was already in full swing. The July heat dictated its schedules to the Norchins. I hope that my readers remember that this term in Italy defines the profession of a butcher who processes pork.

In the workshop was one of the owners of the farm Giovanni Cammarano and his assistant. Knowing about the popularity of Cellito dry-cured sausages, my impressions began with surprise at the small number of staff in the shop. The explanation for that surfaced then by itself.

We left all conversations with questions and presentations for later, because. the sausage production process called Cilento sopressata (sopressata di Cilento) has already been launched.

They explained to me that for this refined sausage, the best meat comes from the carcass: fillet and upper part of the thigh. The meat is chopped quite thinly in order to obtain a uniform and dense texture of the finished product on the cut.

Chopped meat was carefully weighed, and only then transferred to a machine for kneading minced meat.

The moment of weighing is one of the most important, on which the quality of the future product depends: the mass and consistency of the meat determine the required amount of salt for minced meat. Gianni determined the consistency of the meat by touch, after which he calculated the required weight of salt. I immediately asked: “How much?!”

Aha! This was the only secret in sausage technology that was not revealed to me. Otherwise, any more or less good sausage could be served in the showrooms of the Valentino fashion house. (This is already an excerpt from conversations in the smoking room))))))

Sopressata - sausage, practically dietary. The fat content in the sopressate is only 5%. Lard is cut exclusively by hand in order to maintain its consistency in the finished product.

The second photo shows how the worker grinds pieces of lard in order to separate them: otherwise, then they will be crowded in minced meat in one place.

For the same purpose, those same pieces of fat were distributed over the surface of the minced meat more than once. Simultaneously with a portion of bacon, a portion of salt, previously mixed with black peppercorns, was scattered.

After each portion of fat and salt, the machine was turned on for half a turn, then the next doses were distributed again.

If you return to the title photo of the post, you can see the result of this method of adding ingredients: on large sausage slices, the inclusion of fat is quite uniform.

Until the moment of the minced meat kneading operation, there was no mention of the old peasant methods of sausage production. It was here that the experience of many generations of local peasants began to appear, whose sausages were known even by the ancient Romans.

One does not need to be too educated either in history or in gastronomy to assume the complete absence of mechanization of sausage production among Lucans. The ancient Lucans were the ancestors of the current population of the Cilento.

The Lukans used to knead the minced meat with their hands only. Labor-intensive manual kneading had a lot of advantages for obtaining a quality product: meat fibers were less destroyed, but at the same time, meat juices, which were actively released in the presence of salt, glued the fibers together well.

Blinding cut meat fibers in minced meat is precisely the ultimate goal of kneading it. Gianni uses the principle of delicate handling of the product, mixing the minced meat for a very short time.

To speed up the effect of gluing the meat fibers, he simply added about a liter of mineral water. In the sausage industry, milk powder is used for this, because. it is unlikely that minced meat is made from good juicy meat.

When a piece of minced meat stuck to his hand, Jani considered the process of kneading the minced meat complete.

The peasants left the mixed minced meat to “reach” all night in a cool room. We also left ours and went out onto the veranda to take a sip of coffee and fresh air. Well, talk, of course.

Now I can tell my readers about Gianni Cammarano and his case what he himself told me.

In Italy, there is an expression “dalle stalle alle stelle”, which can be literally translated as “from the stables to the stars”, which in meaning corresponds to our expression “from rags to riches”. Gianni laughs that this expression applies to him in reverse, i.e. "from the stars to the barn." After graduating from the University of Milan and having worked for 15 years in a five-star Milan hotel in an important position, he once left everything and returned to his homeland in the Cilento, which is called “to the roots”.

The Cammarano family has a long history of breeding and fattening pigs. In 1993, a pork sales crisis arose in Italy, so the family was forced to start processing meat on their own. In 1995, a small sausage shop was opened on the farm, in which they began to produce dry-cured pork products, traditional for the Cilento. Gianni took up the production of products, its commerce.

The sausage shop is located on the territory of the national park, which is also designated as WWF Oases. Absolute silence, crystal air, the beauty of the surrounding nature, not the slightest hint of rush and stress - all that, probably, Gianni lacked at his stellar work in Milan. Here, all of this is in abundance.

While we were talking in the fresh air, the minced meat “reached” the condition, which became noticeable by its slightly darkened color.

Animals on the farm are free-range, and in the warm season they are driven out to pastures. Sausages from the meat of such pigs are distinguished by a darker shade.

This feature even played a negative role at the very beginning of the formation of the sausage production of the economy, because. commercial firms were suspicious of unusually colored sausages. It's good that there were gastronomes who appreciated the quality of products and even made them fashionable not only in the region, but also abroad.

Minced meat was loaded into a filling machine, and ...

...began to fill the sausage casing with it.

The natural pork casing used for sausages is purchased from Germany. Half of the workshop equipment is also of German production.

Interestingly, a small machine that doses and bandages sausages affects the cost of production more than any other device. Now two people handle all the work in the workshop, and earlier only up to 8 workers worked on dressing sausages. Now the task of the worker is only to prick the shell in order to release the air.

Now buyers are already accustomed to both the darker shade of sopressate and its rounded shapes.

And just a few years ago, in order to be successfully sold, a copressate had to have a flattened shape. Even to non-Italian readers, the very name "sopressata" may suggest that the sausage must have been subjected to a press.

This is exactly what Gianni says while I photograph his story.

The packaged sausage was placed under a press so that the sausage mass was compacted.

Machine packaging under pressure a priori compacts the sausage mass, so there is no need to put the sausage under the press. But ... they still put it made for the Valentino fashion house and for especially important gastronomic events: traditions dictate their requirements!)))

Sausage is made in the workshop once a week, on Friday. This is due to the fact that on Monday there is a slaughter of pigs that have reached a mass of 110-120 kg; on Tuesday the meat is cooled; on Wednesday and Thursday, meat is deboned; on Friday it is processed into sausage.

Each batch of sausage must be certified with its number and release date. In this way, it is possible to trace the path of products and easily remove them from sale if the meat analyzes, which are mandatory at each slaughter, suddenly turn out to be not entirely satisfactory.

Packaged sausages were moved to the basement of the workshop in the cooling chamber. The sausage will stay in this chamber for 6 days, during which the temperature will be gradually reduced from 24 to 12 degrees.

The humidity in the chamber will also vary: from 92 to 65%. Approximately this is how the humidity of the air changed in winter in peasant houses, over the fireplaces of which such sausages were hung.

After 6 days, the sausages are transported to the ripening chambers, where they stay from 60 to 180 days. Uniform coating of the shell with mold indicates that the process is in the right order. It is easy to see that the shape of sausages at the beginning of ripening and at the end change slightly due to the loss of moisture.

Ripe sausages are cleaned of mold and packed under vacuum. Such packaging prevents further loss of moisture. The peasants kept, and now they keep!!! sopressate under a layer of melted lard.

Sopressata was once a great delicacy. From the best pieces of meat of one or two pigs, which the peasant family slaughtered in January, they made such a sausage for big holidays. The first loaf of sausage was cut in June during the feast of St. Blaise, the patron saint of cattle and the town of Sichili, where the Cammarano family comes from. Just about 180 days have passed since the pigs were slaughtered.

As I hinted above, a sausage called Sopressata antica, i.e. ancient, is the most refined product of the workshop. My readers can only imagine the taste of this sausage, which contains only excellent natural ingredients.

It remains for me to note that I conducted a small experiment with the sausage, which consisted in the fact that I left the sausage cut in the refrigerator for a long time. I wanted to see if salt crystals would show up on the surface of the cut. This often happens with similar products of industrial production, which do not spare salt for the best preservation of their products.

Not after a week, not after two, not after a month, not the slightest salt coating appeared on the cut surface of the Cellito copressate. This suggests that the salt concentration in the product was calculated with sniper precision between the harmony of taste and the need to preserve the product. Therefore, such a sausage is served at Valentino.

Having finished with the sopressata, Gianni took up the salsa. This is the name of the most famous sausage in the history of southern Italy. It was this sausage that the ancient Roman gourmets liked, who called it Lucania.

Salsicha is a fatty sausage. It contains up to 25% fat. This sausage tastes more “male” or something, because. the grinding of meat for her is coarse-grained, more noticeable in the finished product.

For the production of salsich, the meat from the carcass is used, which is left over from the production of copressates. A small amount of fillet is also left for this type of sausage, so that the product is more tasty.

Red hot peppers and fennel seeds serve as obligatory ingredients in minced meat. Although wild fennel is a dime a dozen in the area, the seeds for production must be sterilized, which, fortunately, does not deprive them of flavor.

Fennel seeds and pepper powder are mixed with a weighed dose of salt.

Acquaintance with the homeland of Leonardo da Vinci and Christopher Columbus would be incomplete without tasting Italian sausages, whose names have long become synonymous with exquisite taste and unsurpassed quality. What varieties are worth trying in Italy - this will be discussed in this review.


The homeland of this boiled sausage is Bologna, so in other regions of Italy it is often called Bolognese. Tourists trying it for the first time, mortadella impresses not only with its wonderful delicate taste, but also with its impressive size. The sausage has a cylindrical shape, and one loaf can weigh from 0.5 to 100 kilograms!

Mortadella is made from minced pork with pieces of tender bacon, which is why the pattern on the cut resembles a mosaic. Other types of meat are often added to pork: veal, beef or horse meat. The composition of some varieties of sausage includes cracklings and offal. Garlic, pepper, pistachios, nutmeg, and dried myrtle berries are used as spices.

Sausage is usually cut into very thin slices and eaten with white bread, crackers or dry bread. Panini with mortadella are also popular in Italy.

The best brands in the country are Mortadella di Prato and Mortadella Bologna. The latter can be considered a kind of culinary symbol of Bologna. Mortadella costs from 12 to 30 € per kg. Popular manufacturers are Salumeo, Golfera and Italia Alimentari S.p.A.


This Italian sausage with mold is best known outside the country. It is made from pork with the addition of bacon, black pepper, white wine and herbs. The delicacy has a rich taste and a special aroma that spices give it. And most importantly, real italian salami has a characteristic marble pattern on the cut and a white "crust" of mold.

One of the best varieties is salami di Felino. It is produced in the city of the same name in the Italian province of Parma. The maturation process of this dry-cured sausage is carried out under a special temperature regime and humidity, as a result of which fermentation occurs and mold occurs. Such conditions allow the use of a minimum amount of salt.

In the city of Felino, the Salami Museum is open, which is located on the territory of a medieval fortress. Tours are conducted by English-speaking guides. Here you can get acquainted with the history of the famous sausage and local production traditions. The cost of the entrance ticket with tasting is 5 €.

Another type of salami is pepperoni, a spicy type of sausage. It is also made from pork and is a popular ingredient for sandwiches. In Italy, salami can be bought at a price of 10-11 € per kilogram.. Notable manufacturers are Negroni Groupe and Salumeo.


This is a fairly popular sausage in Italy. Her homeland is the region of Abruzzo. Ventricina is made from pork and lard with salt and spices. As spices, fennel, rosemary, pepper (sweet and hot), sometimes garlic and orange zest are used. There are two main types - Vasto and Teramo.

Ventrichina Vasto contains 20-30% fat. All ingredients are not ground into minced meat, but cut into cubes. Then pieces of meat and fat are rolled in spices and filled with them. Sausage ripens within 120 days. The finished product has a piquant, spicy flavor and uneven red color.

The fat content of Ventricina Teramo sausage is much higher - 50-60%. It also includes offal, and all the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. The delicacy is eaten spread on bread and used to make meat sauces.

Both varieties of sausage were named after settlements where they are produced. Traditionally, porcine bladder has been used as the ventricina casing, but modern manufacturers can also use an artificial casing. Ventricina is made by Portalupi, Villani SpA, Alto Concetto and other manufacturers. You can buy sausage in Italy at a price of 18 to 32 € per kg.


The composition of this Italian sausage includes pork neck, parts of the head, meat, lard, pieces of skin and cracklings. All ingredients are finely ground and seasoned with salt, pepper and spices. Sausage goes on sale in a raw, slightly dried form. Demand for it increases on the eve of the New Year, since one of the traditional dishes on the New Year's tables of the inhabitants of Italy is lentil kotekino.

Sausage must be cooked before use. Basically, it is baked or boiled over low heat, after piercing the shell in several places. On the cut, the finished product has a pink, almost red color. You can buy kotekino in Italy at a price of 16 to 30 € per kg. One of the most famous sausage manufacturers is Antica Ardenga Srl.


These fatty sausages are made in many regions of Italy. And in each of the areas, production and recipes have features. In some areas, pork is used as the main ingredient - for this they take the dorsal or femoral part. In other areas, salsiccia can be made with turkey, lamb or beef, as well as with the addition of offal. The shell is used natural or artificial.

The ingredients are not crushed too finely. A mixture of herbs, fennel seeds, salt and pepper (allspice, bitter and paprika) are added to the prepared minced meat. Spices may also vary by region. In some Italian regions, coriander is added to these sausages, in others - garlic, in others - a little fortified wine and even cheese. The sausage has a small diameter and a ring shape.

Salsiccia is also prepared in different ways. Some varieties are dried for two months, like Salsiccia Stagionata (its price is from 16 to 29 € per kg). Others are sold raw, like Salsiccia Fresca (it costs 13–15 €). These sausages can be baked or fried at home. Dried salsiccia is added to stews or used as a pizza topping. Among the manufacturers it is worth noting Salumeo and Casa Montorsi.

Where to taste and buy sausage in Rome

The list of popular types of Italian sausages is not exhaustive. In a sunny country, many varieties are produced, among which there are many raw-smoked, dry-cured and smoked. Local producers honor traditions, so the taste of some products has changed little since the Middle Ages, when they were served on the tables of the Italian nobility.

You can buy the best varieties of sausages in Italy in the Volpetti store in Rome (Via Marmorata, 47). The fantastic assortment of this gastronomic shop is able to amaze the most sophisticated gourmets. Each customer will be helped to make a choice here, and tourists who buy delicious souvenirs before returning home will pack sausages in vacuum packaging.

Another great place in Rome to shop for authentic Italian delicacies is Antica Salumeria (Piazza della Rotonda 4/00186). The shop at this restaurant offers several hundred varieties of sausages, cheeses, cured meats and wines. Here you can buy and taste local products. A large plate with different types of delicacies will cost 15 €.

Italy has been a world leader in meat preservation technology since the dawn of time. Salting, smoking and drying through the centuries have come down to our days. Pork is the most common type of meat in the country. Nevertheless, beef, wild boars and even venison are cooked there. Spices are of great importance in this art. As a rule, the smoked products of the Italian south are more piquant than those of the northern regions of the country. These products play a prominent role in the world of snacks and are one of the options for antipasto, which means "before a meal." This is the name of the first course, consisting of slicing meat and vegetables.

Meat products can be divided into two categories: from a whole piece of meat and from minced meat in a shell (sausage products). In Italy, they are classified on a different basis: depending on the method of preparation. Distinguish:

  • Prodotti crudi- raw meat products.
  • Prodotti cotti– products undergoing heat treatment.

It is by this principle that we will delimit our article, presented for convenience in alphabetical order.

Raw meat products

Prodotti crudi is prepared by curing combined with salting. There is no need to worry that they are not heat treated, as all raw materials are subjected to a thorough safety analysis. Many products are included in the product lists due to their quality.

(Bresaola) is the only Italian meat product that is made exclusively from beef. The ambassador of a whole piece of meat of the femur with garlic, cinnamon, bay leaf and cloves goes for about 2 weeks. The ripening process lasts from 1 to 3 months at a temperature of 12-18 degrees.

The finished product has a bright red color and a delicate, slightly spicy aroma. The taste ranges from moderately salty to sweet. The texture is soft and compact. In such meat there is practically no fat, and contains a large amount of protein. Bresaola della Valtellina, produced in the province of Sondrio, has been awarded the IGP category. Bresaola is eaten, cut into thin pieces and sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice, accompanied by capers.


Ventricina is a sausage typical of the area between (Abruzzo) and Molise (Molise). There are two main varieties of sausage: Ventricina teramana and Ventricina del Vastese.

Ventricina del Vastese is 80% pork and 20% lard. The peculiarity of the product is that the raw materials are not crushed to a mushy state, as for most sausages. It is cut with knives into cubes 2-4 cm in size. The prepared meat is rolled in sweet pepper, chili, dill and salt. Some varieties add orange zest. The spicy stuffing fills the intestines, stomach or bladder of a pig. Ventricina ripens for about 120 days. The cut of Vasto sausage is red, uneven, coarse-grained. Aroma is spicy. They eat it on their own, cut into slices, in combination with bread.

Ventricina teramana has a higher fat content (60-70%). It contains by-products. Raw materials for it are twisted several times in meat grinders. Therefore, the cut of the sausage is evenly pink. They eat such a ventricina spread on bread, or use it to make meat sauces.


Coppa, capocollo or capicollo (Coppa, Capocollo, Capicollo) is a product from the muscular part of the pig's neck, the production of which is partially similar to the preparation of ham and. Its name depends on the region of Italy. Ambassador koppa is carried out in combination with pepper and spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg). After that, the meat, wrapped in the intestines of a pig, matures for a long time for 3-6 months.

The shape of the product is cylindrical, pointed at the ends. The consistency is compact, not elastic. The color is red with white patches. The aroma is sweet. The taste is delicate, intensifies with exposure. Products with quality marks: Coppa Piacentina DOP, Capocollo di Calabria DOP, Coppa di Parma IGP. Koppu is thinly sliced ​​and eaten with a slice of bread or accompanied by red wine or another light alcoholic drink.

Culatello is one of the most valuable traditional meat products in Italy. Typical product of the province. They make culatello from pork meat, which is located around the thigh bone. It is separated from the skin and excess fat. The bone is cut by hand to give the piece its characteristic pear shape. This is followed by an ambassador, lasting about a week. After that, the meat is placed in a natural casing, wrapped with twine and sent for maturation. The last phase lasts an average of 14 months (or at least 10 months) and is carried out at a temperature of 13-17 degrees.

The weight of the finished product is 3-5 kg. The color of the cut is uniformly red with small white streaks of fat. The aroma is rich, the taste is sweet and delicate. Culatello di Zibello is marked with the DOP quality mark. Culatello is served with bread, accompanied by butter. Pairs well with dry sparkling wine. For storage, the cut of the product is lubricated with olive or butter.


Lardo (Lardo) or simply Italian lard. In the republic, it is classified as a meat product. It is very popular in the northern regions of the country. For the manufacture of lardo, the fat part is taken from the back of the pig. In special containers for salting alternate layers of bacon, salt and spices (pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, sage, etc.). In this form, the product is left to ripen for a period of 3 to 12 months.

The finished lardo looks moist, the color is white with a slight shade of pink, the texture is uniform and soft. The taste is delicate, almost sweet. Specially noted varieties: Lardo d'Arnad DOP and Lardo di Colonnata IGP. They eat lard with bread, cut into thin slices. A variety of dishes are prepared with it. In Italian restaurants you can find an unusual combination: lardo with seafood.

(Pancetta) is a traditional Italian product, for the preparation of which meat is taken from the belly of pigs. Its shape varies depending on the variety. For example, pancetta tesa is square, like bacon, and pancetta arrotolata is made in the form of a roll. It can also be with or without skin, classic or smoked. For salting pancetta, even the size of the salt crystals is important: not too thin, but not too coarse, for optimal penetration depth. Clove, nutmeg, pepper, juniper are used as spices. Ripening lasts from 50-60 to 90-120 days depending on the size.

The finished pancetta is pinkish-white when cut with wide red streaks. Taste and aroma vary with spices. Pancetta Piacentina and Pancetta di Calabria are DOP rated. Pancetta is cut into cubes or slices and eaten as a cold appetizer as part of a cold cut. It is added to sauces, soups, casseroles and pizza.

Prosciutto crudo

There are soft and crispy chichioli. The former are ideal for hot cereals, the latter are wonderful as an aperitif or for filling rustic pies. There is a variant of pizza with cracklings - pizza pe ret frittole. In (Napoli) they are eaten with cottage cheese and pepper.

It is impossible to imagine, but there was a time when poor Italians had to sail to America to escape hunger and eat. Times have changed. And now many of us should visit Italy to fully enjoy the taste of true meat delicacies.

Sausage Ostankino Salami Italian raw-smoked sliced ​​150g is prepared according to the original recipe of the Ostankino meat processing plant from pork and bacon with the addition of aromatic spices. A slice of appetizing pink color with chaotic inclusions of small bacon. Ostankino brand products are produced on the latest equipment from Germany and Austria, chilled meat and natural spices are used as raw materials, smoking takes place on natural wood chips of deciduous trees. Vacuum packed, ready to serve.


Manufacturer OMPC
Trademark Ostankino
The country Russia
Type Sausage
Treatment Boiled products are prepared from salted minced meat, then boiled at a temperature of 80 degrees.
Cooked-smoked products are first boiled, then smoked. May contain small pieces of meat.
Semi-smoked products are first fried, then boiled and smoked.
Raw smoked products are cold smoked at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for several weeks.
Dry-cured products are prepared from marinated meat. First they are smoked in cold smoke, then dried at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.
Structure With fat
Sausage Salami
cutting type slicing
The weight 0.15 kg
Type of packaging Vacuum packaging
Compound Pork, bacon, complex food additive (acidity regulator E575, sugar, dietary fiber, soy protein, flavor and aroma enhancer E621, ascorbic acid antioxidant, flavor); salt, nitrite-curing mixture (salt, color fixer E250), dye E120, starter culture
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