Electronic electricity meter. How to choose an electricity meter. Where to go to connect the meter and is it possible to do it yourself

Electricity meter - a device for obtaining reliable information about electricity consumption. They are installed for accounting and control and allow you to monitor the level of expenses. Their installation, accuracy class and operation are strictly subject to legislative regulations. Models are designed for current strength from 5 to 60 A. For three-phase networks, three-phase devices are produced, for single-phase - single-phase.

To date, two types of devices are used: induction and electronic. Induction devices are used more often, since for a long time they were uncontested, and users only had a choice about 15 years ago. In its design, the energy consumption is displayed by turning an aluminum disk, which is set in motion as a result of the magnetic field of current-carrying coils acting on it. The number of rotations is directly proportional to the consumption of electricity, and a special counting mechanism records the data. Until recently, reliability was attributed to the advantages of this technique, but with the advent of energy-intensive equipment in domestic use, such as electric stoves and ovens, air conditioners, old models experience overloads, which contributes to fire hazard situations. In addition, devices with an accuracy class of 2.5 do not meet modern requirements. Newer induction models are grade 1-2, have a lifespan of over 32 years, and have a 16-year test interval. It should be noted that with such accuracy of the results at low loads, the error increases to 60%. The device is not well protected against falsification of readings and theft of electricity. The undoubted advantage is the low price.

Electronic counters are distinguished by a more perfect design. They have a modern component base and convert incoming signals into values ​​corresponding to energy consumption. Electronic models are equipped with a liquid crystal one-line display, from which it is convenient to read current information. The devices are multi-tariff and are programmed to manage different billing schedules. Information about daily, seasonal and holiday tariff changes is taken into account. Multi-tariff electronics independently performs the transition to winter and summer time and stores in memory the readings of the last 20 years. On average, the service life of the device is 30 years, it can withstand temperatures from 60 to -40 degrees. The advantages of this technique are maintaining high accuracy at low loads, the ability to take into account different types energy, fixing unauthorized interference and theft of energy carriers, remote data retrieval. The disadvantages are the insufficient level of protection against mains and lightning voltage surges, the lack after-sales service, higher cost. The declared service life has not yet been confirmed, since the meters appeared in use relatively recently. Recent times cheaper models began to appear on sale, which were assembled on lower-quality microcircuits.

All installed meters must be approved for use in Russia and registered after installation. The device should be no higher than 170 cm and no less than 40 cm from the floor for comfortable data reading. The rules for operating the devices are quite simple: follow the safety rules, avoid mechanical damage and violation of the integrity of the seals, protect from moisture.

Without the life of any hostess, it will become much more complicated. Many constantly use both, and a bread machine. For the operation of each such device, electricity is required, the consumption of which is monitored by special meters. Paying utility bills, some think about the possibility of reducing them. If your energy sales organization allows you to keep a differentiated account of consumed kilowatts, we suggest that you find out which one is better to put in an apartment so that the size of the invoice is significantly reduced as early as next month.

Meters are metering devices that can be used to control the consumption of electricity by a specific consumer. They are installed in all buildings connected to the power supply system. They are mandatory not only in public or industrial facilities, but also in a residential complex.

Depending on the design and functionality, such equipment allows you to track how many kilowatts were spent in a certain time interval. Some models allow you to keep differentiated accounting, charging payment at different rates, depending on what time of day the consumption was.

Types of electricity meters for an apartment by design type

Metering devices can have a different design, which determines the procedure for their operation and control of consumed electricity. Manufacturers offer electronic and induction models. When deciding which electric meter is better to put in an apartment, it is worth knowing the features of each type.

Electronic counters

Electronic models have a relatively simple design. The special sensors included in their composition are connected to the power supply network during operation. Information from the sensors is fed to the converter, with the help of which the analog signal is transformed into a digital code. The latter enters the microcontroller and is decrypted. At the same time, the device calculates how many kilowatts were spent by the consumer and displays the information received on the display of the device in a format convenient for the consumer.

Induction electricity meter

Such devices were actively mounted in residential buildings in Soviet times. You can recognize them by the characteristic glazed window behind which the disk rotates, changing the energy expended. Modern models have been modified. However, despite this, the principle of operation of the induction electricity meter remained the same.

The device consists of two coils subjected to a voltage, which becomes a source of an electromagnetic field. Acting on an aluminum disk, the induced magnetic fluxes force it to spin. Due to this, the wheels with numbers begin to rotate. The greater the voltage, the stronger the magnetic field, and the faster the disk rotates.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric meters of various designs

Electronic and induction models have different designs, which largely determine their main advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of metering devices of the first type include:

  1. small error;
  2. Accounting for multiple rates. To realize this possibility, apartments are installed;
  3. accounting accuracy due to minimal risks of electricity theft;
  4. the presence of a number of auxiliary functions, which include remote control, clock and much more.

At the same time, electronic models have low level surge protection. This significantly reduces their reliability during operation. Their purchase is expensive, and the more functionality a model has, the more you have to pay for it. Modern appliances are repairable, however, the cost of repair work can be significant.

Induction electricity metering devices have undeniable advantages. They are:

  1. reliable. Failure of the induction model is very rare;
  2. have no restrictions on the duration of work;
  3. not sensitive to power surges;
  4. available.

At the same time, they have a large error compared to electronic models. Sometimes there is a self-propagation of the disk, in which the meter readings begin to change, although in reality no electricity is consumed. There is also a risk due to the low degree of protection.

Rules that will tell you which electric meter to choose and why

It can be difficult to immediately decide which electric meter to choose for your house or apartment so that it can effectively cope with the assigned task. In this case, you can use the standard rules that involve choosing a model according to its main characteristics. Attention deserves the phase, accuracy, the number of tariffs and the rated current.

Choosing an electric meter for an apartment by the number of phases

Manufacturers offer single- and three-phase meters. The choice should be made taking into account the type of wiring. As a rule, single-phase electric meters are purchased for an apartment.

You can determine the number of phases by the number of power lines suitable for the meter. If there are two of them - the wiring is single-phase, four - three-phase. There are four single-phase electricity meters: for the supply and removal of phase and zero. Three-phase - eight: four for input and output.

Attention! Three-phase models can work on single and three-phase wiring. Single phase - no.

Deciding which electric meter is better to put in a private house, you should think about the need to connect special equipment. Many may require a three-phase network to operate. In such a situation, a two-tariff three-phase meter would be the best solution. Of course, if there is a possibility of differentiated metering of electricity consumption.

What accuracy class should the electric meter have

The accuracy class assigned to the meter corresponds to the maximum percentage error with which the metering device can operate. The current regulations establish that meters used for domestic purposes are limited to 2. If it was previously possible to install equipment with an accuracy class of 2.5, then at present such devices are not produced or repaired.

When choosing a suitable model, you should pay attention to modern equipment, whose accuracy class is 0.5; 1.0 or 2.0. Here you should immediately decide which electricity meter is best for an apartment. The price of the first will be higher than the others. But it will be more accurate, and you can not be afraid that some time after the publication of the new decree, the replacement of the electric meter will be required.

Attention! On energy meters installed near the apartment, the accuracy class is located on the front panel in a circle.

Which electricity meter to put on the number of tariffs?

Modern models can be:

  1. One-rate. The price of a kilowatt has nothing to do with the time of day. All induction models are single-tariff.
  2. Two-tariff. When calculating, two tariffs are used: daytime (from 07:00 to 23:00) and night (from 23:00 to 07:00).
  3. Multi-tariff. The night tariff is preserved, and the day tariff is divided into several periods: two peak and one semi-peak.

How to choose an electric meter for an apartment by the number of tariffs? Find out from the energy sales organization about the possibility of metering electricity at several tariffs. In the absence of technical feasibility for multi-tariff accounting, installing any other model instead of a single-tariff one may not be appropriate. Given that the purchase of such equipment will have to pay much more.

Types of electricity meters by current strength

Each meter has its own maximum current value. The devices are designed for a certain range of current strength. For single-phase models, it is 5 - 80 A, for three-phase models - 50 - 100 A.

Attention! The higher the rated current, the more expensive the equipment will cost. Overpaying for a significant stock does not make sense.

Requirements of Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters

Decree 442, which came into force, on the replacement of electricity meters has made significant changes to the procedure for selling electricity to retail consumers. This document prescribes that citizens of Russia can use metering devices, the class of which does not exceed 2.0. The period of the calibration interval has been reduced. It was established that the replacement of the metering device should be carried out at the expense of the owner of the housing.

Terms of operation of the electric meter in the apartment

A technical passport is attached to each metering device, which lists the operational life of a particular device. If during the operation of the meter the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, the operating rules are followed - energy metering will be carried out as accurately as possible throughout the period.

If you are interested in the life of the electric meter in the apartment, you should clarify the information contained in the technical passport. Even at the production stage, the manufacturing plant makes a mark on the first verification of the device. The countdown starts from this date. On average, the equipment is able to provide reliable data on energy consumption for 25 to 30 years.

The term for replacing an electric meter in an apartment is determined after a scheduled verification and depends on the class of specific equipment. If the device belongs to the accuracy class:

  • 1.0 or 2.0, then verification is carried out every 16 years. If there is a violation or exceeding the permissible error value, the device must be replaced. On average, a high-quality electricity meter installed in an apartment can last 32 years;
  • 2,5. Replacement is made after the end of the service life of the electricity metering device, which is given in the technical passport. In case of incorrect readings, the replacement is performed earlier.

Attention! Devices allowed for operation must be manufactured no earlier than two years ago (single-phase) or one year ago (three-phase).

List of documentation for replacing the electric meter

How to change the electricity meter in the apartment? Certain instructions must be followed. The procedure for replacing metering devices in apartment buildings is regulated. Apartment owners must apply with a corresponding application to the energy sales organization. A certain package of documents is attached to the application. After that, an act is drawn up and the verification procedure for the equipment provided is carried out. Then the equipment for electricity metering is sealed with the issuance of the corresponding act to the owner of the apartment.

When making an application, in addition to contact information, you must specify:

  • characteristics that a new device should have;
  • the address at which it is required to replace the accounting equipment;
  • number of the contract concluded with the energy sales organization;
  • current date.

Attached to the application:

  • a document on the right to own an apartment;
  • a power of attorney, if the application is submitted not by the owner of the apartment, but by another person;
  • citizen's passport, in which registration must be marked.

Attention! After reviewing the provided package of documents, a decision is made on the advisability of replacing the meter.

After the replacement, the owners are issued an appropriate act, which provides information about the metering devices (old and new), the date of replacement, and which legal entity made the replacement.

Economic aspects or which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment?

For each consumer of electricity, not only the costs in the process of consumption are important, but also how much it will cost to install electricity meters in an apartment. Often financial question becomes main reason, according to which they refuse to buy a model with wide functionality in favor of a cheaper analogue. If you are planning to install meters or it is time to replace them, we suggest you find out in advance how much a meter costs for electricity or how much the services of energy sales organizations will cost.

How much does an electric meter cost: information for reflection

The cost of metering devices depends on the functionality of a particular meter. Single-phase models are cheaper than three-phase ones. You will have to pay less for single-tariff ones than for a multi-tariff counterpart. We suggest you find out how much an electric meter costs from the following table:

A photo Electricity meters Average price, rub.
Mercury 201.4 10-80 A 220 LCD1050

Mercury 201.5 5-50 A 220 MOU630

Mercury 231 AM-01 5-50 A 3*220/380 MOU2040

A competent choice of a sufficiently functional and reliable electric meter in operation is a prerequisite for effective metering of electricity in the territories of any form of ownership. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that representatives of the Energy Sales Service simply will not connect the object to the power supply system if there are any comments to the metering device installed on it.

In order to decide which electricity meter to choose for a particular object, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features and details of this procedure. In this regard, just before buying, you need to learn the following important points well:

  1. First, according to accepted rules (i.e. theoretically), the responsibility for the operation of the electricity meter should be borne by the local branch of the energy company. However, in everyday practice, it is most often completely shifted to the residents of the house or owners of office premises. Thus, it is the user who is responsible for the product already purchased by him and must ensure its repair or replacement in case of non-compliance with certain requirements;
  2. Secondly, the solution of the question of how to choose an electric meter for your apartment should be approached with the utmost responsibility, especially since various models There are more than enough of these devices on the market. At the same time, most private buyers are concerned not so much with the price of the meter installed in the apartment, but with its reliability and compliance with all the requirements;
  3. And, finally, before choosing an electricity meter, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the existing varieties of modern metering devices, which differ not only in their technical characteristics (number of recorded phases, current load and accuracy class), but also in ways to control energy consumption.

We will take a closer look at the features of choosing electricity meters suitable for a private user, which differ in the above parameters, in the following sections.
Please note: The designs of obsolete products of the induction type are not considered in this article.

Types and classes of electric meters

Before choosing an electricity meter, it is necessary to clearly define the parameters by which the main difference between one model and another is observed. At the same time, even a superficial acquaintance with modern electronic devices for controlling electrical energy allows us to conclude that they all differ in the following indicators:

  • the number of fixed phases (one or three);
  • number of tariff regimes;
  • accuracy class of the recording device;

In addition, products of this class differ in some design details that depend on a particular manufacturer (the presence of additional functionality, for example).

Let's look at each of these differences in more detail.

Considered number of phases

Single-phase electric meters are installed in communal apartments and service premises, the power supply of which is organized according to a scheme with a single phase voltage of 220 volts. In contrast, three-phase meters are able to take into account the consumption of electricity in 3 phases at once and are most often used in country farms equipped with special power equipment (heating boilers, water heaters, pump motors and other mechanisms), as well as in production.

Additional information: All the equipment listed above functions normally only in three-phase circuits with a voltage of 380 volts. Simultaneously with a three-phase device in country house a conventional single-phase meter is also installed. It controls the consumption of electricity in the circuits used for local lighting and for powering all household consumers in the house (electric kettles, washing machines, TVs, irons, etc.).

As for the difference in the number of modes used in the device, which make it possible to differentiate the costs for the consumed energy carrier, modern electronic products can have from one to 3 tariffs. The multitariff of modern electronic devices allows the consumer to choose the time of using household equipment based on economic considerations.

It is for this reason that the issue of differentiating the accounting of consumed electricity requires more detailed consideration.

Selecting an electric meter by the number of tariffs

Modern multi-tariff electronic devices allow you to take into account the consumption of electricity depending on the time of day and the workload of electrical networks. At the same time, in two-tariff meters, payment for electricity is differentiated depending on the time of day in terms of day / night. As for the 3-tariff devices that are currently widely used, the price per kW / hour is minimal in them at night and below the norm during periods of low load on the supply substations. And only in the so-called peak periods of consumption (maximum load) the tariff for electricity increases slightly.

Taking into account these factors, it is necessary to decide which electricity meter is better to purchase: a regular one-tariff one, involving a fixed payment per kWh, or with differentiated accounting. In the event that your established lifestyle allows you to operate electrical appliances with high power consumption at night or during periods of semi-peak circuit loading, the choice of a multi-tariff product will be fully justified. Otherwise, the savings from this is unlikely to exceed 200-300 rubles. per month, which does not justify the cost of a good, but relatively expensive electronic device. In such a situation, we advise you to purchase an electricity meter with a fixed rate and worry about finding other ways to optimize your electricity costs.

Differences in accuracy class

Electric meters, as you know, differ not only in their design and the number of tariffs included in them, but also in the accuracy class. This parameter characterizes the magnitude of the error in taking readings and is very important for the correct assessment of electricity consumption. This is explained by the fact that with a large measurement error, weak currents are simply not fixed as effectively operating quantities (like water dripping from a tap), which is very disliked by the services that supply the energy carrier.

It is for this reason that modern metering devices are subject to special requirements for the accuracy class, which for household electricity meters is regulated at level 2.0. At the same time, it is a mistake to assume that the higher this indicator, the better it is for the apartment. So, using an accounting device with increased rate accuracy (0.2%, for example) can lead to inflated readings of electricity consumption, for which you do not have to pay at all.

Important! For domestic conditions, an electric meter with an accuracy class of no higher than 2.0 is quite sufficient, which meets the requirements of the main regulations. And for those who are trying to force you to install a more accurate device, advise you to familiarize yourself with the above regulatory requirements.

Choice of electric meter by current load

After studying the question of what kind of electricity meters are, immediately before buying, you should decide on the maximum possible current load, which can be determined in the following ways:

  • measurement of the effective value of the electric current at the input to the apartment (for this you need the so-called current clamps);
  • determination of the current load by the cross section of the conductors in the wiring installed in your home;
  • calculation of the total power of household electrical equipment used in the house, taking into account the fact that some more consumers will be additionally connected.

In the first two cases, you can hardly do without the help of professionals, but the third method is quite accessible to any competent user. To implement it, it is enough to find out from the passports the power of all devices connected to the sockets and sum them up. To the amount received, it is necessary to add a couple of kilowatts, taking into account the current consumption of various illuminators. In the event that the figure resulting from the calculations is within 10 kW, a counter designed for 60 Amperes will be quite enough. With large values ​​​​of the total amount of consumption, you will have to purchase a product for 80 or even 100 amperes.

An analysis of a large number of user reviews indicates that a single-phase meter with a maximum current load of 60 Amperes is quite enough to account for consumption in a house with a standard set of household appliances. This can be explained by the fact that even with a large number of consumers differing in power, the probability of their simultaneous inclusion is very small. A completely different matter is the installation of a three-phase metering device in a private house, in the electrical circuits of which the total current load can reach 100 Amperes.

Please note: The use of a meter with such a current load is possible only after obtaining a special permit from Energosbyt.

In conclusion, we note once again that no matter which electric meter you prefer, it must first of all meet all the requirements of the current regulations. Only in this case, you can easily register it with the relevant authorities and get permission to connect.

Electrical energy is transmitted over vast distances between different states, and distributed and consumed in the most unexpected places and volumes. All these processes require automatic accounting of passing capacities and the work they perform. The state of the energy system is constantly changing. It must be analyzed and competently managed by the main technical parameters.

The measurement of current power values ​​is assigned to wattmeters, the unit of which is 1 watt, and the work done for a certain period of time is assigned to counters that take into account the number of watts for one hour.

Depending on the amount of energy taken into account, the devices operate within the limits of kilo-, mega-, gigo- or tera- units of measurement. This allows:

    one main meter, located at a substation that provides power to a large modern city, to evaluate the terabytes of kilowatt-hours spent on the consumption of all apartments and manufacturing enterprises of the administrative industrial and residential center;

    a large number of appliances installed inside each apartment or production, take into account their individual consumption.

Wattmeters and counters work due to constantly receiving information about the state of the current and voltage vectors in the power circuit, which is provided by the corresponding sensors - instrument transformers in AC circuits or DC converters.

The principle of operation of any counter can be represented in a simplified block diagram, consisting of:

    input and output circuits;

    internal schema.

Electrical energy meters are divided into two large groups operating in networks:

1. alternating voltage of industrial frequency;

2. DC.

AC electricity meters

This class of counters is divided into three types according to the design:

1. induction, working since the end of the nineteenth century;

2. electronic devices that appeared not so long ago;

3. hybrid products that combine digital technologies in their design with an induction or electric measuring part and a mechanical counting device.

Induction meters

The principle of operation of such a counter is based on the interaction of magnetic fields. generated by electromagnets of a current coil embedded in the load circuit, and a voltage coil connected in parallel to the supply voltage circuit.

They create a total magnetic flux proportional to the value of the power passing through the meter. In the field of its action is a thin aluminum disk mounted in a rotation bearing. It reacts to the magnitude and direction of the generated force field and rotates around its own axis.

The speed and direction of movement of this disk correspond to the value of the applied power. A kinematic diagram is connected to it, consisting of a system of gears and wheels with digital indicators that indicate the number of revolutions completed, acting as a simple counting mechanism.

Single-phase induction meter, device features

The design of the most common induction meter, designed for a single-phase AC power supply, is shown disassembled in the picture, consisting of two combined photographs.

All main technological units are indicated by pointers, and the electrical diagram of internal connections, input and output circuits is shown in the following picture.

The voltage screw, installed under the cover, must always be tightened during the operation of the meter. It is used only by employees of electrical laboratories when performing special technological operations - checking the device.

The device, principle of operation and features of the operation of electric meters were previously described here:

Electric induction meters of this type are successfully completing their resource in residential buildings and apartments of people. They are connected in electrical panels according to a typical scheme through single-pole circuit breakers and a package switch.

Design features of a three-phase induction meter

The device of this measuring device is fully consistent with single-phase models, except that the formation of the total magnetic flux affecting the rotation of the aluminum disk involves magnetic fields created by the current and voltage coils of all three phases of the power circuit power circuit.

Due to this, the number of parts inside the case is increased, and they are denser. The aluminum rim is also doubled. The connection scheme for the current and voltage coils is performed according to the previous connection option, but taking into account the provision of the summation of magnetic fluxes from each individual one.

The same effect can be achieved if, instead of one three-phase meter, single-phase devices are included in each phase of the system. However, in this case, you will need to manually add their results. In a three-phase induction meter, this operation is automatically performed by one counting mechanism.

Three-phase induction meters can be made in two types for connection:

1. immediately to the power circuits, the power of which must be taken into account;

2. through intermediate voltage and current measuring transformers.

Devices of the first type are used in power circuits of 0.4 kV with loads that cannot cause harm to the metering device with their small amount. They work in garages, small workshops, private houses and are called direct connection meters.

The switching circuit of the electrical circuits of such a device in the electrical panel is shown in the next picture.

All other induction metering devices work directly through measuring current or voltage transformers separately, depending on the specific conditions of the power supply system, or with their joint use.

The appearance of the scoreboard of an old induction meter of this type (SAZU-IT) is shown in the photograph.

It works in secondary circuits with measuring current transformers with a nominal value of 5 amperes and voltage transformers - 100 volts between phases.

The letter "A" in the name of the device type "SAZU" means that the device is designed to take into account the active component of the total power. Measurements of the reactive component are carried out by other types of devices that have the letter "P" in their composition. They are designated by the type "SRZU-IT".

The example given with the designation of three-phase induction meters indicates that their design cannot take into account the magnitude of the total power expended on the performance of work. To determine its value, it is necessary to take readings from active and reactive energy metering devices and perform mathematical calculations using prepared tables or formulas.

This process requires the participation of a large number of people, does not exclude frequent errors, and is laborious. New technologies and metering devices operating on semiconductor elements relieve it of its implementation.

Old induction-type meters have practically ceased to be produced on an industrial scale. They simply modify their resource as part of operating electrical equipment. They are no longer used at the newly assembled and put into operation complexes, but new, modern models are installed.

Electronic metering devices

To replace induction-type meters, many electronic devices are now being produced that are designed to work in a household network or as part of measuring complexes of complex industrial equipment that consumes enormous power.

In their work, they constantly analyze the state of the active and reactive components of the total power on the basis of vector diagrams of currents and voltages. According to them, the total power is calculated, and all values ​​\u200b\u200bare entered into the memory of the device. From it, you can view this data at the right time.

Two types of common electronic accounting systems

According to the type of measurement of composite input quantities, electronic type meters produce:

    with built-in measuring current and voltage transformers;

    with measuring sensors.

Devices with built-in instrument transformers

The schematic block diagram of an electronic single-phase meter is shown in the picture.

The microcontroller processes the signals coming from the current and voltage transformers through the converter and issues the appropriate commands to:

    display with information display;

    an electronic relay that switches the internal circuit;

    random access memory device RAM, which has an information connection with an optical port for transmitting technical parameters via communication channels.

Devices with built-in sensors

This is a different design of the electronic meter. Her circuit works based on sensors:

    current, consisting of an ordinary shunt, through which the entire load of the power circuit flows;

    voltage, working on the principle of a simple divider.

The current and voltage signals coming from these sensors are very small. Therefore, they are amplified by a special device based on a high-precision electronic circuit and fed to amplitude-digital conversion units. After them, the signals are multiplied, filtered and output to the appropriate devices for integration, indication, transformation and further transmission to various users.

Meters operating on this principle have a slightly lower accuracy class, but they fully meet technical standards and requirements.

The principle of using current and voltage sensors instead of measuring transformers makes it possible to create metering devices for this type of circuits not only for alternating current, but also for direct current, which greatly expands their operational capabilities.

On this basis, meter designs began to appear that can be used in both types of DC and AC power supply systems.

Tariffs of modern metering devices

Due to the possibility of programming the operation algorithm, the electronic meter can take into account the power consumption by time of day. Due to this, the interest of the population is created to reduce electricity consumption during the most intense peak hours and thereby relieve the load created for energy supply organizations.

Among electronic metering devices there are models with different capabilities of the tariff system. The greatest abilities are possessed by meters that allow you to flexibly reprogram the counting device for changing tariffs for electric networks, taking into account the time of year, holidays, and various discounts on weekends.

The operation of electricity meters according to the tariff system is beneficial for consumers - money is saved for paying for electricity and for supplying organizations - the peak load is reduced.

See also on this topic:

Design features of industrial metering devices for high-voltage circuits

As an example of such a device, consider the Belarusian counter of the brand Gran-Electro SS-301.

It has many useful features for users. Like ordinary household metering devices, it is sealed and undergoes periodic verification of readings.

There are no moving mechanical elements inside the case. All work is based on the use of electronic boards and microprocessor technologies. Measuring transformers are engaged in the processing of current input signals.

With these devices, special attention is paid to the reliability of operation and the protection of information security. In order to preserve it, the following is introduced:

1. two-level sealing system for internal boards;

2. A five-level scheme for organizing access to passwords.

The filling system is carried out in two steps:

1. access to the inside of the case of this meter is limited immediately at the factory after the completion of its technical tests and the end of the state verification with the execution of the protocol;

2. access to the connection of wires to the terminals is blocked by representatives of the energy supervision or the energy supply company.

Moreover, in the operation algorithm of the device there is a technological operation that records in the electronic memory of the device all events associated with the removal and installation of the terminal cover with an exact binding by date and time.

Scheme for organizing access to passwords

The system allows you to differentiate the rights of the device users, to separate them according to the possibilities of access to the meter settings by creating levels:

    zero, providing the removal of restrictions on viewing data locally or remotely, time synchronization, correction of readings. The right is granted to users authorized to work with the device;

    the first, which allows you to perform adjustment of the equipment at the installation site and write to the RAM the settings of operating parameters that do not affect the characteristics of commercial use;

    the second, allowing access to the information of the device to representatives of energy supervision after its adjustment and preparation for commissioning;

    the third, giving the right to remove and install the cover from the terminal block to access the clamps or the optical port;

    the fourth, which provides access to the device boards for installing or replacing hardware keys, removing all seals, performing work with the optical port, upgrading the configuration, and calibrating correction factors.

Ways to connect industrial meters at energy enterprises

For the operation of metering devices, branched secondary circuits of measuring circuits are created through the use of high-precision current and voltage transformers.

A small fragment of such a circuit for the current circuits of the Gran-Electro SS-301 meter is shown in the picture. It is taken from the working documentation.

For the same metering device, a fragment of connecting voltage circuits is shown below.

Combining metering devices into a single ASKUE system

The system of automated control and accounting of electric energy began to develop actively thanks to the capabilities of electronic meters and the development of methods for remote transmission of information. To connect metering devices of the induction system, special sensors have been developed.

The main task of the ASKUE system is the rapid collection of information in a single control center. At the same time, it receives data streams from all consumers of operating substations. They contain information on the issues of consumed and supplied power with the possibility of analyzing the methods of its generation and distribution, calculating the cost and accounting for economic indicators.

To solve organizational issues of the ASKUE system, the following is provided:

    installation of high-precision metering devices in places of electricity metering;

    the transfer of information from them is carried out by digital signals using "adders" with RAM;

    organization of a communication system via wire and radio channels;

    implementation of the scheme for processing the received information.

DC electricity meters

Models of meters of this class capture energy in different technological modes, but most often they are used on the equipment of electric rolling stock of urban transport and on railways.

They are created on the basis of an electrodynamic system.

The basic principle of operation of such meters is the interaction of the forces of magnetic fluxes formed by two coils:

1. the first is fixed permanently;

2. the second one has the ability to rotate under the influence of magnetic flux forces, the magnitude of which depends proportionally on the value of the current flowing through the circuit.

The rotation parameters of the coil are transmitted to the counting mechanism and are taken into account by the consumption of electrical energy.

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