Raw food beginner mistakes. Typical mistakes of raw foodists, which did not bypass me. Inattention to such a factor as the feeling of hunger

Hey! I will tell you about 10, 50, 100, a million secrets of a raw food diet. I myself am a raw foodist with experience, on this diet for more than 5 years. The main secret is that there are no secrets in this. Everything is very simple.
The simplest option is a kind of raw food diet, the so-called fruit diet, when you eat only fruits and vegetables, and do not mix them in any way. I understand that this can be quite difficult, especially at the first stage. Therefore, there are simply, literally 2 simple rules that you need to use. Then your transition to this diet will be as simple as possible, comfortable, and you will feel amazing.

The first point is that you need to eat fruits and vegetables, nuts and dried fruits in a certain sequence throughout the day. Accordingly, you start your day with the most juicy or sour fruits, for example, it can be oranges, it can be watermelon or melon, and so on. By the way, an important point - never, please, mix watermelon or melon with anything. These fruits, or rather berries, must be eaten separately, not mixed with anything due to the fact that they are very juicy, and they will simply dilute any other food in your stomach. You can start your day with an orange, watermelon or melon.
Then you eat sweet fruits - it can be apples, bananas, peaches, it doesn't matter. Any berries - strawberries, cherries, whatever. Eat sweet, juicy fruits throughout the day. Further, it can already be vegetables, for example, any vegetables that you like. From vegetables, you can make a vegetable salad, greens, make vegetables with herbs, and so on. And at the end of the day, finally, you can treat yourself to dried fruits, nuts. But do not abuse them, because one way or another it is better to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables.

The second rule is also as simple as possible. It consists in the following - you should not mix some types of products. It is clear that you come to make salads for yourself - it can be fruit, vegetable, any other salads. In fact, the variation of live food recipes is huge. You can find them on the Internet. Accordingly, do not mix fats and fats. For example, avocados are fat, and nuts are also fat. Don't mix avocados and nuts in the same meal.

The second point is that you don’t need to mix - you don’t need to mix sugar and fats. Sugar can be any dried fruit, and fat can be nuts, avocados, and so on. Not worth it. Yes, of course, all kinds of dried fruits with nuts are very tasty. You can indulge in it, but don't abuse it. Because otherwise fermentation in the body begins - this will cause some discomfort later.
The third point that you should not mix when you are on live food is starch and acid. Starch and acid are, for example, oranges and bananas. Orange is acid, bananas are starch. It is also not recommended to mix, because otherwise you will begin to bloat and so on, all sorts of such unpleasant consequences.

In general, that's all. So, I will repeat once again. First, you start your day with the most juicy fruits, continue it with sweet fruits, and end with vegetables, dried fruits, nuts. In this sequence, you eat during the day, preferably. And don't mix starch with acid, fat with sugar, and fat with fat. It's very simple, eat like this, and you will be fine, you will feel great, just like I feel.
If you find my tips helpful, please like and subscribe to my channel. See you in new videos! Bye Bye!

28.11.2014 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Hello dear friends and guests of the blog! Vladimir Zuykov is in touch with you again. Recently, with the approach of winter, I have noticed such a trend - people have become more active in becoming raw foodists. What is it for? Why not in the summer when there were a lot of fruits? Apparently now for many, awareness has come, because on winter evenings there is time to stop and think.

That's when I began to understand what was happening in the world of raw food, what kind of feces raw food fanatics zombify people with. Do not think that I am blaming anyone, because everyone makes mistakes, the one who does not try does not.

So, this book gave me a clear understanding of how NOT to cook on a raw food diet. But I really liked that you need to eat greens and a lot (of course, if you don’t climb, you don’t need to, but over time it’s already difficult to live without it).

I fell in love with green salads with vegetables and fruits in their natural form - wonderful food! I have developed my own concept of transition to a raw food diet.

Therefore, if we eat something, but this is bad - the body is either weakened, or the point here is EXACTLY IN FOOD! For example, the same cereals. At the beginning of the raw food diet, I ate sprouted wheat - a cool thing for the transition period. But it’s not good for the future - it acidifies too much, even sometimes it causes thoughts about boiled food (some, as I understand it, even dream about boiled potatoes from cereals).

I’ll tell you a secret that all acidifying food leads to breakdowns in the long run. Table of alkaline and acid foods for the body. In general, a competent combination of oxidizing and alkalizing factors will greatly help to avoid many problems on a raw food diet.

On this I have everything on the topic of the article for today. We will talk about other less global, but important mistakes of a raw food diet in one of the following articles. Subscribe to blog updates not to be missed!

Be healthy, friends, raw food wisely! If you have any questions - feel free to ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them.

Subscribe to blog updates– there are many more interesting articles ahead!

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Four years ago, I switched to a raw food diet. I just decided once and for all to refuse any thermally processed food. It wasn't difficult because I had been a strict vegetarian for about ten years before switching to a raw food diet. For many years I did not eat bread, sugar, potatoes and many other products. So, to be fair, my transition to a raw food diet took more than a decade. It's just that four years ago I took the final final step of becoming a 100% raw foodist.

Since then, for four years now, until today, I eat only fruits, vegetables and herbs. Sometimes I eat some honey with herbal tea. No breakdowns, no desire to eat anything boiled or harmful during this period I did not have. I don’t know if I will remain a raw foodist for life or return to a traditional diet, or maybe one day I will decide to become a prano. But for now, I'm completely satisfied with the raw food diet. At least at this stage of development of my consciousness.
I believe that, with a competent approach, a raw food diet can be considered as a complete nutrition system that can provide the human body with all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids and vitamins.

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Then why is there still so much controversy between supporters and opponents of the raw food diet? And why some raw foodists on this food system look good and feel great. Others, having become raw foodists, begin to get sick, or constantly “break down” on, conditionally, unhealthy food.
In my opinion, there are a huge number of reasons why some people bloom and smell on a raw food diet, while others, on the contrary, lose their last strength, forever losing their precious health and self-confidence. This is the age at which a person decides to switch to a raw food diet, the state of health and the degree of contamination of the body with toxins and slags at the time of the transition. There are also factors such as the level of awareness of a person, his ability to intuitively feel the needs of not only his physical body, but also other facets of his being, which include the body of emotions, mental and others. The degree of psychological maturity of a person who decides to change his lifestyle and switch to a raw food diet is also important. His ability and willingness to take full responsibility for the decision and much more.
In this article, I do not set myself the task of revealing all the nuances of this topic. I will just focus on some of the main reasons why, in my opinion, many raw food beginners fail to succeed on a raw food diet. And because of which they quickly go the distance, returning to their previous diet. And then on every corner they begin to declare that the raw food diet supposedly does not work.
Or maybe it's not about the raw food diet, but about what mistakes beginner raw foodists should avoid?

So, the first mistake that many people stumble over is the insufficient degree of awareness of the novice raw foodist. Before switching to a new nutrition system, you must honestly answer yourself a number of very important questions: why am I switching to a raw food diet? Why do I need it? Many switch to a raw food diet because of the desire to follow the new fashion trend, for the sake of expressing protest to society, the desire to be special, not like everyone else. Needless to say, such motives are not entirely successful and, most likely, will lead the novice raw foodist to a dead end.

The second error is a consequence of the first. In an unconscious state, a person does not hear himself, his own intuition. Such a person is easily influenced from outside, any new idea can be imposed on him. Including, passion for a new food system. People without an inner core certainly believe in the advice of "authoritative" experts in the field of raw food. They are so addicted to this idea that they become fanatics. They shout about the benefits of a raw food diet on every corner, and everyone who does not follow this system is called corpse eaters. At the same time, due to their unawareness, they remain insufficiently attentive to themselves, which is why they do not hear the signals that their own body sends them. And this inevitably leads to errors in the diet, breakdowns and, as a result, a return to the previous diet.

The third mistake, which relates directly to the diet - e then eating lots of nuts. Usually men are more guilty of this, but it happens that girls also overeat nuts. This is mainly due to the myth that raw foodists allegedly lack protein and the desire to get it through nuts. In fact, we do not need pure protein, but amino acids, from which the body itself will build its own high-quality protein. In order for the body to succeed, it must have a healthy microflora. And in order for the microflora to be healthy, you must first cleanse the intestines of putrefactive and fermentative microflora, and then eat right. Nuts and seeds in large quantities clog the digestive system and cause rotting processes in the intestines. That is, with their excessive use, an unfriendly microflora will begin to grow. So, nuts can be eaten no more than 300 gr. in Week.

The fourth mistake of beginner raw foodists is the passion for the so-called raw food cuisine. Cooking all kinds of raw food sweets, cakes and so on. These complex recipes, which can be found on the Internet, have a large amount of fat and sugars, although they are natural. The simpler the food, the healthier it is. Although the first six months, when the habit of eating boiled food and different dishes in a person is still strong, you can sometimes afford to cook raw foods, experiment with different tastes. However, gradually it is better to move away from this and cook some simple salads, as well as eat fruits and vegetables in their natural form.

The fifth mistake is mono-raw food. This is another extreme or fanaticism, which is not uncommon among newcomers. Do not set yourself too difficult tasks at the beginning. You should receive from food not only benefit, but also pleasure. Feel free to mix any vegetables and herbs in salads. Add spices, avocado or coconut oil. Many fruits also go well with each other. Treat yourself to a variety of flavors. Food nourishes not only our physical body, but also our emotions.

Mistake six - insufficient consumption of greens. In fact, this mistake can kill your raw food diet. It is impossible to oversaturate yourself with greenery. You can even eat half a kilogram of greens in their pure form every day. This is easy to do if you make green smoothies from it. Your body will only thank you.
The seventh common mistake is that many novice raw foodists drink little water. It is very important to drink at least 2 liters of pure structured water, especially in the first year of the raw food diet. This will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. When the body becomes clean, the amount of water consumed will be significantly reduced. The quality of the water is very important. You should not buy water in a supermarket in plastic bottles. Better buy a good reverse osmosis filter. If there is no such filter, the easiest way to prepare usable water is to take filtered water and activate it yourself. To do this, the water must first be frozen, and then thawed. After that, the molecules in the water become in the correct order. It is also desirable to saturate the water energetically. For example, prayer or other moods. It is better to drink water warm, but not heated, but at room temperature.
The less impurities in your water, the better. The ideal choice from this point of view is distilled water. But keep in mind that distilled water is slightly acidic. Its pH balance is 5.4-6.6, so before you start using it, you need to thoroughly cleanse the body. Otherwise, you can get poisoned by your own toxins and toxins. In general, pH-balance of water is a separate issue. Many healthy lifestyle advocates argue that alkaline water should be drunk on the grounds that such water alkalizes the body. But I strongly disagree with them. From my point of view, and I can prove it, you should drink slightly acidic water. For example, acidified with lemon juice. Why explain for a long time. This is a topic for a separate article. Let me just say that such water helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and makes the body's buffer systems work in such a way that it becomes alkaline. You should drink at least an hour before meals and, in no case, after.

The eighth mistake is insufficient physical activity. Physical activity is simply necessary for raw foodists! Complex exercises improve digestion and energize the body, which significantly reduces the need for roughage.

The ninth mistake is the use of a large amount of vegetable oils. This is a very broad topic that I'm going to expand on in my next article. In the meantime, I’ll just limit myself to the fact that one should be extremely careful when choosing oils on a raw food diet.

The tenth most common mistake is usinghoney, maple syrup and other concentrated sugars. I confess that I myself sometimes sin with this. I still use honey occasionally. My experience of eating a raw food diet with and without honey has led me to the conclusion that honey is a very controversial food and should be used with extreme caution. On the one hand, high-quality natural honey contains a large number of microelements and concentrated solar energy, which the body of raw foodists sometimes needs, especially at the transitional stage. Living in Siberia, I sometimes feel a strong need for the sun. In part, honey helps me fill this need. However, a large amount of concentrated sugars contained in honey are a breeding ground for fungal microflora. In addition, honey has a negative effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, I personally concluded for myself that the use of honey in the body of a raw foodist does more harm than good. It can be used only in rare cases, as a medicine. Although I admit that not everyone will agree with my opinion regarding honey. Well, that's your right. Experiment, draw your own conclusions and share your experience.
P.S. You can find more information about the raw food diet, the history of my transition, my diet and analyzes after four years of a vegan raw food diet on the ENERGY LIFE channel.

Today, one comment on my post made me think, or rather, return to the thoughts that have been sitting in my head for a long time. The question was why do people on CE look older than their age, although the idea is to look younger. I started to answer it, but I realized that a lot of things have accumulated in my head lately, there is something to say and my answer is already pulling for a whole post.

First of all, I would not say that people on a raw food diet (CE) look older or younger. We all know vegetarians or meat eaters who look older or younger than their age. This is in any power system, the same with CE. Just in my opinion it depends on many factors, and nutrition is nothing more than one of them.

Secondly, it seems to me, on the contrary, on CE people usually look younger than their age, they usually do not have excess weight, they are more healthy and energetic. There are many sites on the Internet where people post their photos before and after switching to CE, and most often the person "after" looks younger than the "before". Just like there are examples of raw foodists who look much younger than their age.

Thirdly, we must not forget that the majority of people who came to a raw food diet came to this system not because they are very reasonable and consider it optimal nutrition for a person, but because their problems and illnesses forced them to look for other nutrition systems other than those adopted by us now. And most of these people are very sick and sometimes very serious illnesses, so there is nothing to be surprised that not all of them begin to look 20 years younger, but they can get rid of a huge number of diseases, including chronic and "incurable".

And fourthly, not all of these people are really raw foodists. As an example, a "raw foodist" with 30 years of experience was cited, for example, I'm not sure that this person eats really live food, although I do not argue that this is partly true. And this is normal if it satisfies a person, it is in any case more useful than a regular diet. Also, for example, other "raw foodists" start doing strange experiments with my body, either they eat something incomprehensible, then they drink water with hydrogen peroxide, or something else like that, I'm not sure that such experiments lead to health. For example, for me personally, an example of a healthy lifestyle is Douglas Graham, who has been on a raw food diet since 1978. For example, I look at my 30s, no older and no younger. But as people who looked at my photo report rightly noted, before the June 2010 photo, I clearly looked younger and better, and then I began to look worse and older :-) This is especially true for my face and there are reasons for that. Further in this post, I will try to at least briefly analyze a few of these reasons.

I consider the first and main problem to be a sharp transition to CE, especially for people of my constitution (ectomorph or vata constitution, I’ll say right away that I’m not a big supporter of constitutions in general, but practice shows that there is still a difference and a significant difference). We usually do not have excess weight and when we “take away” the food familiar to our body (and in 20-30 years it has obviously got used to it and learned to digest it well enough and partially reduce the consequences of its bad effects on our body, especially if others are present factors of a healthy lifestyle) and give him new food, he is simply in shock, he does not know what to do with this new food (especially for those of us who used to hardly eat fresh vegetables and fruits before), how to digest it, and The old one is already gone, but I want to eat.

Here, many can lose 20-30 kg, and they have extra ones, well, maybe they had a maximum of 10 kg (and usually less), so they become like concentration camp prisoners. And it’s good if a person’s digestive system is in excellent condition and it can quickly rebuild, and a new microflora in the intestines will also quickly form, but what if not? It’s just that we sometimes act not very “great” and not reasonable for the sake of health :-) Personally, in my case, at the moment my face is very thin, that is, just a skull covered with skin, which obviously does not look good and the wrinkles have deepened and become more pronounced and deep, which made me look older. I have not found an exact explanation for this factor, but this happens when there is a problem with digestion and I believe that this is due to an abrupt transition. I've only been talking to three guys in the last couple of months who had even worse effects from the abrupt transition than me, the weight dropped even lower, which had its consequences. For girls, this is less of a problem, because now dystrophic girls are in fashion, but for them it also becomes a problem when the weight falls below any reasonable measures.

I have seen many such examples in a year and a half, these people then “break down”, they have some kind of eternal “crises”, they return to the old diet, then they have a very negative attitude towards the raw food diet, or most often they simply disappear from view. And partly I understand these people. We can immediately say that more than 90% of these people have an ectomorph constitution. For other constitutions, usually there are no serious problems when switching to CE, most often the usual symptoms of cleansing the body appear. For people with an endomorph constitution (kapha) and those who are overweight, it is very good to switch to a raw food diet, even abruptly. While their body is in shock and rebuilding, they lose 20-30kg of fat, then when the body is rebuilt and the weight stops falling so quickly, the skin tightens and then the weight goes off gradually, in a healthier way. But how much easier it becomes for them when they get rid of this burden, and how many problems can go away literally in the first couple of weeks, because they are associated precisely with obesity, plus the body receives more “clean fuel” and a huge amount of energy and the process of treatment and recovery The body goes by leaps and bounds.

But let's get back to us, to the dead :-) In our country, this is most often not observed. We lose weight, we look bad, we may have a lot of problems, there may be constant fatigue, exhaustion, weakness, and a lot of things can be. I think we have all seen photos of these "happy" guys and girls, and could read their stories on the forums. Personally, when I was interested in the raw food diet for the first time, this repulsed me very strongly from this topic, and I am sure that not only me, there are especially many such raw foodists among the Russian-speaking population. They are still waiting for the weight to return, they are all waiting and waiting, and then when they can no longer endure pressure from anxious relatives and friends, they move away from this food system, without seeing the positive side and advantages of a raw food diet.

And of course you can understand relatives and friends, because from the outside they see how much a person is exhausted and worry about his health, and it’s hard for them to understand that we are “destroying” ourselves for the sake of health. Yes, there are those who endure for a long time and stubbornly and wait until everything is more or less normal, but how long does it take? 1-2-3 years? How many such people? One in a hundred? And does this happen without consequences for the body? Is it really necessary? I personally am not sure that it is worth going this way and that it is good for health, it's like attacking in the forehead and putting almost the entire platoon on the attack, it seems to me that this is not reasonable, maybe it was worth using some other tactics and strategy? I am sure that it is in this case that a smooth transition is needed, which, like in the first case, may take a year or 2-3 years, but will not have such negative consequences.

Of course, everything is very individual and it is difficult to advise something specific to everyone, each case needs to be analyzed separately, but still, if we have a low weight, a thin constitution, thin bones, and in general we instantly lose weight if, for example, we don’t get enough sleep, we overwork, we don’t eat enough, then we clearly should not rush to the transition to CE. Remember bigotry never leads to anything good. Why do we need to be convinced of this by our own experience? Don't rush.

You just need to gradually eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, and less cooked food. Then, over time, for example, you can eat only fruits for breakfast, and only vegetables and herbs for dinner, and only eat the usual food for lunch. Even ready-made food can be changed to more healthy, fried food can be replaced with boiled, boiled, baked or stewed food, then you can steam it, some cereals can simply be poured with boiling water. You can remove salt, spices, oils from the diet and everything else, especially chemical and unnatural foods. And slowly add more and more living food, let the body get used to it, let it learn to digest it and take from it more and more of what we need. Likewise, the flora in the intestines may gradually change. Where are we going? For 20-30 years we ate fried meat and french fries, drank Coca-Cola and now we think that an extra day when we eat buckwheat or stewed vegetables will drive us to the grave? And God forbid we will not become cool 100% raw foodists?

Believe me, we are MUCH more likely to come to a raw food diet and to health in general. Let's just be more reasonable and do really "healthy" things for the sake of health, and not cripple ourselves for it. Many people think that today I ate my burger with fries, drank my last glass of beer and smoked my last cigarette, and tomorrow I'm already 100% raw foodist. And how long will we last until we break? Day? Month? Year? Or maybe it’s better not to break down and do everything gradually? Or are we on fire? Are we in a hurry somewhere? We need to hurry when we have diarrhea, then we really need to run to the toilet as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be too late :-)

I could also understand if we had cancer in an advanced stage, and we didn’t have time to rant and delay, all possible and extreme measures would be needed. But that's rare, isn't it? So let's not be surprised if, in a hurry, we find ourselves with a lack of weight, gray hair, deep wrinkles and dozens of other problems until everything more or less normalizes, but will everything normalize with time? Is not a fact.

The speed of the transition to CE in my opinion depends on how you ate before, how many years you ate like that, your digestion, your general health, your constitution, your age, the number of your bad habits and diseases, and even where you live: -) The same is true when switching to vegetarianism, especially if you have an ectomorph constitution and if meat food is the basis of all your nutrition. There is no need to once again introduce the body and ourselves into stress and shock, we are city dwellers and so we live in stress, whether we like it or not.

And once again, I'm not against abrupt transitions. I am for something to do everything reasonably and without fanaticism. Each case is individual, I know very good examples of abrupt transitions. When people had diabetes in a couple of weeks, etc. But my experience and my observations tell me that people with low weight need to be more careful and it is worth delaying the transition for the individual time needed for each, a year, two, but at least five.

The second problem in my opinion is how we eat and that we are one. The motto of raw foodists is to eat anything, the main thing is that it is raw, it seems to me far from the best option. Many beginner raw foodists do not know what to eat and rush into all sorts of different facets, then we eat only cabbage and raw potatoes, then a couple of apples a day, then we just chew all day without ceasing, everything in a row, then we sit on the same nuts and dried fruits, then we eat everything is mono (one type of product per meal), then we prepare a variety of dishes from many ingredients (not always raw or healthy at all), then we eat some fruits, some vegetables, some of us do not drink water at all, some absorb it is in incredible quantities, someone eats sprouted grains and beans, and all this, in my opinion, unfortunately also does not add to our health.

It is better to follow some kind of system or make yourself a nutrition plan for the transition period or for the first time. I know that many of us ate kebabs yesterday and washed them down with vodka, today we switched to a raw food diet and immediately begin to "listen" to our body. Today he tells us that we need to eat cabbage, tomorrow 2 unripe bananas, after tomorrow a kilogram of nuts. And what's next? He again tells us to eat barbecue and drink vodka? But are we sure that our body is so adjusted and that we are so sensitive that we can really know what is best for us to eat at the moment? What food will be our medicine? I'm not sure, I think it takes at least years, not a couple of hours or days.

In general, if you read the forums, then sometimes you are simply amazed at what people eat. It seems to me that the main thing at the beginning is to eat enough food, and not enough for us, but for our body. Many are literally starving and do not notice it until the body can no longer go on like this and there is a “breakdown” or some kind of “crisis” or something else with a strange name :-) Understand, even though we are used to a certain “volume” of food , but our new food, fresh, ripe, alive in the end, is different from the dried, fried and baked that we ate before, it has more water and we need to eat such food more than we used to before. We immediately begin to be drawn to dried foods like nuts and dried fruits, or fatty foods like the same nuts, seeds, oils and some fatty fruits, but we are only trying to replace one bad thing with another, we are looking for something familiar to us, but a large amount of fat will not bring us health, we sometimes start to consume fat many times more than we did on a standard diet, it's just more familiar to us, it takes less, saturates faster, digests longer (or rather tries to digest) and satisfies hunger for a longer period, but this is not an option, it is better to gradually increase the amount of fruits, vegetables and herbs. Real raw, whole and wholesome food.

Someone, on the contrary, shoves an unmeasured amount of food into himself, this also seems to me not the best option. We should understand how much food we need to consume, now, on this day. And this norm can change over time, like our lives. Also, do not chew all day, accustom yourself to eat a couple of times a day, depending on your metabolism or constitution, it will be enough for someone to eat 1-2 times a day, for someone 3-4 times. Constantly eating, we always have an acidic environment in the mouth, instead of an alkaline one, and because of this, at least there may be problems with the teeth. Yes, and let the stomach at least a little rest.

It is not bad to not eat at all sometimes, for example, to fast once a week, observe Ekadish or other fasts. Periodically do longer hunger strikes, the main thing is not to overdo it, again without fanaticism. It is also worth understanding in general, what do we actually want? Eat food similar to what we used to eat and just more raw (I invented a new word :-) ? Or do we want to eat the food that nature intended for us and is ideal for us? And these are usually two different things :-) I already wrote how you can determine what is more suitable for us from food.

If you want to eat something similar to your usual food, just more healthy, then this is not a problem, there are thousands of recipes and hundreds of raw food books now, but try to keep it low-fat and from really raw foods. I think probably 90% of these dishes will immediately disappear. Do the rest for your health. You also need to understand that dried fruit or anything cooked in a dehydrator is not alive or raw, just like toasted nuts. It is a completely different matter if you want to eat really live, raw and natural food intended for us to eat. That is usually fruits, vegetables and young greens. And usually there is rarely a desire to mix this food, and then it is rather our habit. And there is no problem if you eat salads at the beginning, over time you will want less and less of it, and salads will become easier and easier over time, until they completely disappear, I think.

And the third problem, not really a problem of a raw food diet, this applies to everyone who is interested in more useful food systems, but the problem is serious. The fact is that we are too obsessed with nutrition and do not pay attention to other equally important health factors. A raw foodist who does not go in for sports spends half a day in front of a computer, and the other half a day at the TV, walks only to the toilet or to the car, does not go out in nature or in general on the street, goes to bed at 3-4 in the morning, how can he be really healthy person? My answer is no!

Some still manage to drink coffee, smoke and drink alcohol on CE. We need to realize that nutrition is an important factor, but not the only one. I met many people who were sure that if you eat right, then the rest is no longer important, or the main thing is to play sports, but you can eat anything, or you need to breathe according to Frolov and everything will be fine, or you need to do only spiritual practices, etc. Is it reasonable? All of these factors are important and there are many more factors that lead to health and many examples of how these factors work and actually improve health, but why dwell on just one?

And in the end, I would like to summarize a little. I think if we want to switch to a raw food diet, then we are on the right track. But you don’t need to throw yourself into the sea without knowing how to swim. Let's first study this issue at least a little, find people who will help us understand this topic (but you should not rely on the opinion of one person and it is desirable that these people have a lot of experience and experience) If we have never been interested in healthy eating and ate everything or we are a very short/tall, thin person or we have just recently switched to vegetarian/veganism, then perhaps we should not rush and should do everything gradually, especially if we have problems with the stomach or intestines.

We also need to understand what is best for us to eat. It is also worth seriously studying what kind of food is best for us? How much of it should I use? When and how many times a day? And in any case, we need to understand that the more raw, fresh, ripe, whole and truly living food we eat, the better for our health. Also, you shouldn’t experiment on yourself, there are many people who have already experimented on themselves, maybe it’s worth taking advantage of their experience? :-)

And finally, you don’t need to assume that everything came together like a wedge on nutrition. These are the thoughts that have been spinning in my head lately :-) Thank you for reading. I do not intend to argue or convince you of anything, I just share my experience and my implementations. I'm also not saying that they are the only true ones :-)

And I will be glad to any feedback, positive or negative. I wish you yourself to do what you think will be reasonable, better for you and those around you and will bring you the best results on the path to health and happiness. I hope you took something useful for yourself. Good luck and good health! :-)

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Equipment Lesson progress. I. Organizational moment. 1) What process is referred to in the quote? “.Once upon a time, a ray of the Sun fell on the Earth, but ...
Description of the presentation by individual slides: 1 slide Description of the slide: 2 slide Description of the slide: 3 slide Description...
Their only enemy in World War II was Japan, which also had to surrender soon. It was at this point that the US...
Olga Oledibe Presentation for children of senior preschool age: “For children about sports” For children about sports What is sport: Sport is ...
, Correctional Pedagogy Class: 7 Class: 7 Program: training programs edited by V.V. Funnel Program...