Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists. Biographies from to to about. Mikhail Antonov, radio host "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Agafonova Tatyana Vladimirovna (1930-1994)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1957 to 1976 - correspondent of the letters department, traveling correspondent of the information department, special correspondent of the newspaper. After the publication of an interview with People's Artist of the USSR Galina Ulanova, he becomes her close friend and assistant. Author of a serial television film about the great ballerina.

ANDREEV Nikolai Alekseevich

Born on April 11, 1947 in the city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg Region. He graduated from the Trinity Energy College, worked as an electrician. He studied full-time (1969-71) at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Then in "Komsomolskaya Pravda": trainee, trainee, correspondent of the working youth department (1971-84). After that, he worked in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, the Novoe Vremya weekly, the Izvestia newspaper, and the Obshchaya Gazeta.

From 1998 to 2002 - in the television company "ViD", the author and host of the historical program "How it was." Later he switched to independent literary work. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and the Writers' Union of Moscow. Author of the biographical novels The Life of Sakharov (M., 2013, prize of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation in the Golden Shelf of Russian Journalism nomination) and The Life of Vysotsky (M., 2014). Laureate of the prizes of the Union of Journalists of Moscow (1988), the Union of Journalists of Russia (1999, 2003, 2014). Currently lives and works in his estate near Kaluga.

Andriyanov Victor Ivanovich (1936 - 2009)

In Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1967 to 1986: own correspondent for the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions, then in Vladivostok, Czechoslovakia, deputy editor, editor of the propaganda department, member of the editorial board.
After "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - in the newspaper "Socialist Industry" (now "Tribune") - editor of the department, deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, columnist.
Laureate of the prizes of the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Fuchik Prize, the Kosygin Prize and others. Author of documentaries. Among them are “The Tale of the Miners' Regiments”, “People from Reportage”, “Wormwood of Foreign Land”, “The Way of the Cross”, “Kosygin”, “Heydar Aliyev” (the last two in the Young Guard series “ZhZL”) and others. The books have been translated into English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Slovak.

Allahverdova Nina Grantovna

She was born in 1938 in Uzbekistan. Childhood and youth were spent in Baku. She worked as a senior pioneer leader, headed the department of schools and universities of the district committee of the Komsomol. Since 1959 in Moscow. She studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, worked in the Pioneer magazine (1960-65). In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1965-69) she led a page for high school students "Scarlet Sail", published essays.
She graduated from the Higher Script Courses at the USSR State Film Institute (1969-72). She worked at the film studios Mosfilm, Gorky, Lenfilm, Odessa Film Studio, Ekran. She taught screenwriting at the Higher Directing and Screenwriting Courses (1983-85). He is one of the founders (2000) and artistic director of the Patmos film studio. Scriptwriter for 2 feature films, 17 documentaries, 3 published scripts for feature films, and 10 unproduced feature films. Documentaries "Prayer" (1999). "Forgiveness Sunday" (2001), "Today there is fog outside the window ..." (20010), "Common Meal" (2010) were marked by a number of cinematographic awards.
Author of pedagogical and art history books and articles, poetry collection. Member of the Union of Cinematographers, the Union of Journalists of the USSR. Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism” (2008). Winner of the diploma of the 11th National exhibition-fair "The Book of Russia-2008" for the screenplay "Garlic, Onion and Pepper".

Arich Leonid Fedorovich
A native of the Donetsk region. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov (1980). In Komsomolskaya Pravda - an intern, correspondent, head of the department of the Komsomol Searchlight, special correspondent for the working department, staff correspondent in Mongolia (1979-90), deputy. editor of the department of regional publications (1993-97).
In different years he worked in the "Tribune" - the editor of the department of letters and morals, the chief editor of the information service. In recent years - editor-in-chief of the weekly "Business Tuesday". Since 2012 - founder and publisher of the New Tuesday newspaper.
Awarded with the Sign of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "For participation in the construction of the BAM".
Laureate of the Badge of Honor of the Union of Journalists of Russia "For services to the professional community" (2008).

Afanasiev Alexander Vasilyevich (1954-2002)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1979 to 1997 - an intern, own correspondent for In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1979 to 1997 - an intern, own correspondent for the Altai Territory, deputy. editor of the department of literature and art, deputy. editor of the department of working youth, political observer, member of the editorial board. Organizer of the country's first alternative election of the director of an enterprise (RAF plant, Latvia). Organizer and executive director of the international literary and public association "Club of Rome". The only journalist from Komsomolskaya Pravda interviewed the President of the United States (George W. Bush, May 1, 1995).
On the TV channel "Russia" - the creator and host of the TV program "I am a leader", the author of the series of documentaries "My War" (1995).
Publicist, prose writer, author of the story "Seven miles to heaven", journalistic books. Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1987).

Barkhatov Alexey Alexandrovich

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1972-74) - correspondent of the propaganda department, military-patriotic education. Then at Moskovsky Komsomolets, Literaturnaya Rossiya, editor-in-chief of the magazines Soviet Literature and Lepta, deputy editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta. Since 2002 she has been teaching.
Writer, critic. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Candidate of Philology.
Laureate of the M. Gorky Prize.

Berezhnoy Yuri Nikolaevich

A graduate of the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, he has been published in the central press since 1954. A graduate of the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, published in the central press since 1954.
He was transferred to Komsomolskaya Pravda by A.I. Adzhubey from the interns of the Pravda newspaper, where he got on the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU to attract engineers to the industrial departments of newspapers. Since 1957, he worked in the information department of the Communist Party. Repeatedly named among the best reporters in Moscow. One of the award-winning reports (1961) has not been repeated to this day: the journalist, having undergone parachute training, received a unique permit from the Air Force Commander-in-Chief and flew independently on a MiG-23 PF twin aircraft with maximum acceleration - twice as fast as sound - at maximum altitude (20 km ).
Later, he worked in Cuba for many years. branch of TASS.
Author of more than 600 articles in national newspapers and magazines, ten books and brochures.
He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - the Badge of Honor "For Merit to the Professional Community" (2010).
In recent years, he has been president of the Pharmstroy-Unionstroy group of Russian-Belgian-South Korean companies engaged in the construction of pharmaceutical enterprises.

BERSHACHEVSKY Yuri Vladimirovich (1948-2001)

Born on August 20, 1948 and grew up in the city of Lugansk (former Voroshilovgrad). In 1973, being a third-year student of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, he was hired as an intern, then as a correspondent for the Komsomol life department of Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Since 1975 - an employee of the Scientific Information Sector of the Department of Socio-Economic Problems of the Scientific and Technical Revolution of the INION of the USSR Academy of Sciences, executive secretary of the abstract journal "Socio-economic and ideological problems of scientific and technological revolution" (based on foreign materials).
Since 1978 he has been a leading employee of the laboratory of scientific information of the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, author and editor of textbooks.
Since 1989 - head of the department for working with letters of the journal "Economic Issues", the organizer of an intense and high-profile public discussion on the economic and social problems of restructuring the USSR.
Since the end of 1990 - head of the apparatus of the Committee for Economic Reform and Property of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Prepared and edited materials of the Committee, draft laws and Resolutions of the Supreme Council, press releases, organized and held press conferences. During the days of the August putsch of 1991, he was and worked in the White House, was one of its active defenders. At the end of 1991, he headed the secretariat of the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, and then (until December 1993) - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
From 1994 until the end of his life on December 23, 2001 in the apparatus of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: in the secretariat of the Chairman of the Federation Council, head of the protocol department of the International Relations Department, consultant-expert of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.
He had the qualification category of the adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class.
He was married and father of five daughters.

Blagodareva Ekaterina Konstantinovna (1925-2004)

She graduated from the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute in 1952. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1948 to 1995 - head of the shorthand bureau.She conducted a great social activity in the field of military-patriotic education, the organizer of the school museum. Author of a number of publications dedicated to the memory of front-line fellow villagers.

Blagodov Sergey Vladimirovich

He started as a turner at the AZA plant (Altai Plant of Aggregates), worked in the factory's large circulation; After serving in the army, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov (1984).
He was a correspondent for the newspaper "On a combat post" (an organ of the Moscow Air Defense Forces); special correspondent of the newspaper "Soviet Russia". In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - special correspondent of the department of socio-economic problems (1988-2002).
Laureate of the Union of Journalists of Russia for the "Best Journalistic Investigation", the title of "Best Journalist of the Year" (1999).
In recent years, he has been a political strategist, an organizer of election campaigns at various levels.

Blatin Mikhail Anatolievich

Born in 1935. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (1958). In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1960 to 1986 - an intern, literary worker, in the seventies - the editor of the military sports department, a member of the editorial board of the newspaper. From 1980 to 1985 - own correspondent in Hungary. Then - work in the magazine "Soviet Union", the newspaper "Business World", the newspaper of the older generation "Dignity", in the bulletin "ZOZH".
Author of journalism books. Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation - Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism".
Honored Worker of Culture of Russia. He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valour". He was awarded the titles "Excellent worker of the Soviet militia" and "Excellent worker of physical culture".

Bodnaruk Nikolai Davydovich (1942 - 2009)

Born in 1942 in the village of Bukatinka, Vinnitsa region.Graduated from art school in Chernivtsi. After serving in the army, he enteredFaculty of Journalism. With 1969 of the year - in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Intern, correspondent, member of the editorial board, editor of a group of departments. Executive Secretary, Correspondent in Australia, Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

From 1985 to 1996 - deputy editor-in-chief of the Izvestia newspaper, then - first deputy editor-in-chief of the Obshchaya gazeta".(1996-97), editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta (19 97-98).

In recent years - advisorChairman of Vneshtorgbank.

Bocharov Gennady Nikolaevich

From 1967 to 1984 he worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda as a special correspondent and columnist for the newspaper.
Then - a columnist for the Literaturnaya Gazeta (1984-94), a political observer under the general director of TASS, a political observer for the Izvestia newspaper.
As a special correspondent, he visited more than fifty countries of the world, including all its "hot spots". He was awarded orders and medals of the USSR, including the military order of the Red Star, badges of honor to them. Y.Gagarin, Academician S.Korolev and others.
Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize. He was awarded the highest professional awards: the Prize of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, the Prize. Mikhail Koltsov, awards to them. Vladimir Gilyarovsky, sign "Golden Pen" of Russia (2011), etc. Author of many documentary books with a total circulation of one and a half million copies. Most have been translated into the main languages ​​of the world. The book "Russian Roulette" became a world bestseller. Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow.

Bulgakov Nikolai Alekseevich (priest)

Born May 6, 1950 in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Literary Institute.

The first publication in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - October 14, 1966 in "Scarlet Sail" (story "White Crow"). Together with I. Zyuzyukin and A. Ivkin, he prepared a strip issue of "AP" "Normal school day" (1967). Then - an intern in the department of feuilletons and culture of everyday life of the Communist Party, edited the humorous section "Smile" (1968-69). Dismissing him from the editorial office, one of the then leaders of the newspaper prophetically formulated: "For the Christian pallor on the face." He served in the army (1975-76) as a soldier in Leninakan (now Gyumri).

He worked in the editorial offices of Literaturnaya Gazeta, Literaturnaya Rossiya, the Literary Study magazine, was published in Youth, in other magazines, newspapers, collections, wrote for radio and television. In 1976, the publishing house "Young Guard" published the first book of prose "I'm going for a walk" (reissue - M., "Pilgrim", 2007). In 1985, in the "Moskovsky Rabochiy" - a book of prose "Love", in 1989 in the "Children's Literature" - a book of stories for children "Anya and Katya". Member of the Writers' Union of Russia (1992).

Since the late 1980s, he has been an Orthodox publicist. Author of the first Orthodox articles in Komsomolskaya Pravda (1989-90): about N.V. Gogol (“Contemporary” and “Unknown Russia”), about St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (“Patriarch”), about the revival of Optina desert (“Save and Save”). Permanent author and contributor to such publications as “Russian Bulletin”, “Derzhavnaya Rus”, Orthodox sites. A literary record of conversations with a children's doctor - priest Alexy Grachev (1960-1998) "When children get sick", published as a separate edition (1992), was reprinted many times. The publishing house of the newspaper "Russian Messenger" published a collection of articles "Orthodoxy. Army. Power "(1993), written jointly with hieroschemamonk Moses (Bogolyubov; 1915-1992), a resident of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, and A.A. Yakovlev-Kozyrev, later republished under the title "Conquer this!".

In 1981 he was baptized by Archpriest Valerian Krechetov; On April 2, 1995, he was ordained to the rank of deacon, and on April 16, 1995, to the rank of priest by Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna. Served as pastor of St. Archangel Michael in the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow. Since 1998 - at the same time the rector of the temple of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Kratovo. In 1999, a new six-altar Sovereign Church was founded here from scratch. Since 2000, he has been the rector of this church only, where services have been performed since 2002.

In the established parish publishing house, the book "The Soul Hears the Light" was published. N.V. Gogol - about us "(2003), an updated edition of the book of stories" Anya and Katya "(2007). He is the editor of the books “Invented Stories” by L.S. Zaparina (from the Orthodox samizdat; 3rd edition - 2004), oh blessed. Xenia of Petersburg, a collection of sermons by Archpriest Valerian Krechetov "Mary and Martha" (2006), co-author of a collection of interviews with the same clergyman "How to live by faith today in Russia?" (2009), as well as the educational Sovereign Leaflets and the parish website www.derzhavnaya.info.

Burkov Boris Sergeevich (1908 - 1997)

Born on May 11, 1908 in the village of Kurkino, Tula Region.From 1925 - at the Komsomol work. Upon completion of the All-Union Agro-Pedagogical Institute (1933), he worked as an agronomist in Kyrgyzstan, and then taught in Ryazan.In January 1938, he was appointed executive editor of the Ryazan regional Komsomol newspaper Stalinets.In Komsomolskaya Pravda (1939 - 48) - Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Executive Secretary, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper (February 1942 - January 1948).After graduating from the graduate school of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, he was executive secretary, member of the editorial board of the Bolshevik magazine (1949-51), deputy editor-in-chief of the Ogonyok magazine (1951-54), editor-in-chief of the Trud newspaper (1954-60), deputy chief editor of the newspaper "Pravda" (1960-61). For 10 years since its foundation (in May 1961) he was the chairman of the board of the Novosti Press Agency (APN, now RIA Novosti).Candidate of Historical Sciences, author of a large number of articles, essays, books: "In China. Notes of a Journalist" (1955), "Friends Everywhere. Travel Notes" (1957), "America Remained One-Story. Notes of a Journalist" (1962), "Two Latin America" ​​(1966), "Land of people. Notes from a journalist's notebook" (1970), "Meetings on five continents. Journalist's travel notes" (1973), "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in an overcoat "(1975)," Lines scorched by war "( 1987).He was awarded two orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Red Star, medals.

Vesensky Vladimir Petrovich (1934 - 2009)

He graduated from the 1st Higher Baltic Naval School of Diving (navigation department), MGIMO, later studied at the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University.
In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1970 to 1979 - own correspondent for Latin America, in the Republic of Cuba, correspondent for the department of foreign information and the international youth movement.
Then - Literaturnaya Gazeta's own correspondent for Latin American countries, editor-in-chief of LG in English, columnist for LG. Since 1994 - in business. Currently, he is the representative of the Telos Fine Technology Fund in Latin America.
He is the author of non-fiction books Following the Legend and Reality, Lights of Big Cities, In the Darkness of Day and Light of Night, Search for a Common Platform to Combat International Terrorism (co-authored with American and Russian experts) and others.
Posthumously, the Club of Journalists of the KP and the International Club of KP Staff Correspondents published the screenplay “I'll be back!”

Volodchenko Valery Yurievich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1974 to 1979 - his own correspondent in Kazakhstan. He was a member of the pool of "space" journalists.
In 1980 he moved to the printing sector of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. Then - the publishing house "Young Guard". In recent years, he has been a columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Parlamentskaya Gazeta. In n / a is engaged in writing activities.
Member of the International Community of Writers' Unions.

Voronov Yuri Petrovich (1929-1989)

In Komsomolskaya Pravda, after graduating from Leningrad University and working as editor of the newspaper Smena, from 1954 to 1965 he was a member of the editorial board, deputy editor-in-chief, first deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief.
Then - a member of the editorial board - executive secretary of the newspaper "Pravda", head of the correspondent office of this newspaper in the GDR, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Znamya", head of the Department of Culture of the Central Committee of the CPSU, editor-in-chief of "Literaturnaya Gazeta".
Poet, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
At the age of fourteen he was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", has the Order of Lenin and other orders and medals of the USSR.

Vyzhutovich Valery Viktorovich

Graduated from the Ural State University. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1974 to 1980 - trainee, correspondent, deputy. propaganda editor.
Then - columnist for Literaturnaya Gazeta (1980-88), editor of the journalism department of Ogonyok magazine (1988-89), columnist for Izvestia newspaper (1989-2000), Moscow News newspaper (2000-05), Rossiyskaya newspapers” (n/a).
Winner of the "Golden Gong" award (1998), the sign of the Union of Journalists of Russia "Golden Pen" (2002), the award of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples", etc.
Author of journalistic books marked by professional awards.

Ganyushkin Vitaly Alexandrovich (1930-1998)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1954 to 1977 he was a literary worker, head of the student youth department, traveling correspondent, editor of the working youth department, member of the editorial board, own correspondent in Poland.
From 1978 until the end of his life - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Novoye Vremya magazine.
Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Geiko Yuri Vasilievich

Born on August 28, 1948 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Automotive and Literary Institute. Gorky Institutes. Worked for 10 years as a tester at AZLK. , hereinafter - KP.? In Komsomolskaya Pravda for more than two decades (1982-2005): correspondent for the department of working youth, editor of the department of literature and arts, member of the editorial board, columnist. He was elected chairman of the trade union committee and the housing commission.

Member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation.

Participant and organizer of two round-the-world motor races - on "Moskvich-2141" (1989) under the name "Columbus Caravan", for which he was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen" of the city of Columbus, the capital of Ohio (USA); and on the car "KIA Spectra" (2006).

Golovanov Yaroslav Kirillovich (1932-2003)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1958 until the end of his life - a literary employee of the department of science and technology, head of the departments of information, science and technology, traveling correspondent, member of the editorial board, columnist.
Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize. He was also awarded the Orders of the Badge of Honor and Friendship of Peoples.
Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Author of many popular science books, scripts, films, TV shows, incl. - KVN. The creator of a fundamental work about S. Korolev and other key figures of Soviet cosmonautics, about the history of the industry. The last work is the diaries "Notes of your contemporary".

Goncharenko Alexandra Alekseevna

Master of Sports of the USSR in athletics.
In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1964 to 1990 - a correspondent for the department of letters. Carries out a lot of work to perpetuate the memory of her husband - a multiple world champion and Olympic Games in speed skating Oleg Goncharenko. Veteran of labour. Repeated thanks to the Central Committee of the Komsomol

Gorbuntsov Dmitry Gerasimovich

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. On a Komsomol voucher, he left to build the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine. He worked as a concrete excavator at a construction site, a coal mine slaughterer, a correspondent for the editorial office of the Zapolyarnaya Pravda newspaper, city radio and the Norilsk television studio, then as head of the department of the regional newspaper Youth of Altai.
In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1971-1982) - staff correspondent for the Altai Territory, Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region, Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Khakassia and East Kazakhstan, head of the department. Special Correspondent, department of culture of the newspaper "Pravda" (1983-1997). He was the editor of the public opinion analysis department in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the editor of departments in the Factor and Oil of Russia magazines. At present, he is the general director of the Voskresenye Publishing House.
Member of creative unions - writers of Russia, artists of Russia, journalists of Russia, as well as a member of the Russian Geographical Society. Author of several books of prose and journalism, scripts for documentaries and satirical films, including plots in the All-Union satirical film magazine "Wick". Laureate of Komsomol, journalistic and literary awards. There are state awards and awards of public organizations.

Gorlov Viktor Nikolaevich
Born on May 24, 1953 in the village of Oskolkovo, Altai Territory.
Graduated from high school. He served in the ranks of the Soviet Army (PVO). After the service, he worked at the Barnaul boiler plant.
He studied at the Barnaul Pedagogical Institute. By education - a teacher of Russian language and literature.
He worked at the Barnaul television studio, in the regional newspaper "Leninskaya Pravda" (r. p. Topchikha), the regional newspaper "Altaiskaya Pravda". He headed the sports departments in the newspapers Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, and Trud.
In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" since 1982. Own correspondent for the Altai Territory, East Kazakhstan Region, Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1985 - staff correspondent in Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata). Since 1986 - deputy. editor of the sports and news department, editor of the department, member of the editorial board of the KP. In 1990-1992 he was a special correspondent of the Communist Party in Yugoslavia (during the Balkan war). Recognized as the best foreign correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1991.
Working in Komsomolskaya Pravda, he proved himself to be an outstanding organizer. With his submission, the newspaper published the idea of ​​reviving the Nizhny Novgorod Fair (the prologue took place in 1990), creating the USSR Futsal Association (the first president), holding the first commercial mini-football tournament in the USSR "Honor the Brand" and the national championship among fans ( more than 40,000 teams participated, which remains a record).
In 1991, President of the Futsal Federation of the USSR (under the auspices of FIFUSA).
Since 1994 - President of the Regional Public Organization "Children's Football League". Coaches L. Slutsky, I. Osinkin, A. Vasilenko, players A. Anyukov, R. Adamov, D. Kolodin, M. Izmailov, A. Dzagoev, A. Kokorin, I. Gorbatenko and many others began their careers in DFL competitions Russian football stars.
Every year, more than 70,000 young players under the age of 13 from all regions of the Russian Federation and more than 20 foreign countries take part in competitions under the auspices of the "Children's Football League". The largest of them is the international festival "Lokobol - Russian Railways" (46,000 participants).
The international festival "Big Stars Shine Small" is unique. Its main message: do not forget the place where you were born and raised, remember your first coach, first team, know that the current boys need your help. More than 80 well-known players and coaches in Russia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan conduct festival tournaments in their small homeland.
Member of the bureau of the Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia, member of the RFU Technical Committee
He was awarded the Medal for Labor Distinction, the Badge of Honor for Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, the Nikolai Ozerov Medal, the Badge of Honor for Merit in the Development of the Olympic Movement in Russia, and the UEFA Bronze Medal.
Winner of the international award "Fair Play".

Goryunov Dmitry Petrovich (1915-1992)

Born in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region. He graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1949). In his youth, he worked as a turner, planner, and executive secretary of the factory newspaper. Then - executive secretary, editor of the regional newspaper in Ivanovo(1934-40), secretary of the Kovrov city, Ivanovo regional committees Komsomol (1940-42), responsible officer of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (1942-46).

After graduating from the VPSh, he was sent to Komsomolskaya Pravda as the editor-in-chief (1949-57). Then - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Pravda newspaper (1957-60), General Director of TASS under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1960-67), at the same time - a member of the CPSU Central Committee, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

After journalistic transfer to diplomatic work, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to Kenya (1967-73) and Morocco (1973-78).

Refers to the galaxy of leading media managers of the Soviet period. As the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda, he pursued an anti-dogmatic ideological line, returned the sharpness and integrity of publications to the newspaper, raised a galaxy of journalists, the so-called. "sixties" who subsequently replaced each other as chief editors of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Alexei Adzhubey, Yuri Voronov, Boris Pankin.

Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. Author of journalistic books "Return to Africa", "Kenya", "Ways-Roads".

He was awarded the Order of Lenin and other orders and medals of the USSR.

Grafova Lidia Ivanovna

Special correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda (1960-79).
Columnist for Literaturnaya Gazeta (1979-2003).
Currently published in Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Novaya Gazeta and other publications. Since 1990, he has been working with migrants, heading the Forum of Resettlement Organizations public human rights movement, which unites 168 organizations created by migrants in 43 regions of Russia. Since 2000, he has been the head of the Migration Information Agency. Organizer and editor-in-chief of the magazine “Migration. XXI century".
Member of the Expert Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation.
Nominee for the A.D. Sakharov Prize “Journalism as an Action” (2002), awarded the title “Best Human Rights Journalist of the Year” (2003).

Grigoryants Yervand Gevorgovich (1930-1982)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1964 to 1972 - head of the student youth department, deputy. head of the Institute of Public Opinion "KP", deputy executive secretary of the newspaper.
Then - in the "Literaturnaya gazeta", deputy executive secretary.
Prose writer, author of parables. A collection (posthumously) "Truths for Every Day" was published.
He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valour".

Gromova Tamara Vladimirovna

In 1954 she graduated from the journalism department of the Leningrad University. She worked in the newspapers "Altaiskaya Pravda", "Aktobe Pravda". Then - Moscow, freelance collaboration on the radio, in the magazines "Znamya", "Communist", with the publishing house "Children's Literature".
From 1962 to 1976, in Komsomolskaya Pravda, he was a correspondent for the propaganda department, a literary group for the letters department. 1977 - Deputy Head of the Culture Department of TASS. From 1978 to 1990 - head of the editorial board of book science and bibliophilia at the Kniga publishing house. 1991 - editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Dom" at the Children's Fund. From 1992 to 1999 - director of the Rudomino publishing house at the Library of Foreign Literature.

Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.
Currently resides in Canada.

Grushin Boris Andreevich (1929 - 2007)

Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. From 1956 to 1966 (with a break) - in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Founder of the Institute of Public Opinion "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Initiator of the creation of the Center for the Study of Public Opinion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. One of the organizers and leaders of the All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion. Creator of the country's first private public opinion service - "Vox populi".
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education.
Author of the multi-volume edition “Four Lives of Russia. Essays on the mass consciousness of Russians in the times of Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

Gubarev Vladimir Stepanovich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1960 to 1975 - a literary worker, head of the department of science, deputy editor-in-chief. Then he worked in the newspaper "Pravda" (1975-91). Now - Advisor to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the promotion of science.
Writer, playwright. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, the State Prize of the USSR, the prizes of the Union of Journalists, Olof Palme, Laurence Olivier, twice - the Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism” and the sign “Golden Pen of Russia”.

Gutiontov Pavel Semenovich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1975 to 1985 - correspondent of the department of student youth and pioneers, deputy editor of the department of young scientists and specialists, correspondent of the internal information department.
Then - work in the newspaper "Izvestia".
At the present time - Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Author of nonfiction books and memoirs “Marzan is almost invisible.” Laureate of the badge of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation “Golden Pen” of Russia.

Danilin Yury Valerievich

Graduated from the Ural State University and the Academy of Social Sciences. He worked in the youth newspapers of Siberia, since 1975 - the own correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions. Since 1977 - head of the department of scientific and student youth of Komsomolskaya Pravda, then - member of the editorial board, editor of the departments of scientific, student and school youth, first deputy editor-in-chief. From "Komsomolskaya Pravda" he moved to a member of the editorial board, editor of the science department of the newspaper "Izvestia". He headed the first popular science newspaper in Russia, Evrika, an appendix to Novaya Gazeta. He worked as deputy editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta.
For the past twenty years he has been teaching at VGIK, where in 2005 the first workshop of scientific film directors, revived with his participation, was released after many years of interruption. Faina Ranevskaya's diaries prepared by him and published became a bestseller. He writes scripts for documentaries, television films about science and music, collaborates with many newspapers and magazines in Russia.
Organizer and executive director of the Vera Lothar-Shevchenko International Competition for Young Pianists.

Demidov Nikita Pavlovich

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" since 1978 - an intern, in the state (1980-86) - an intern, a correspondent for a crime chronicle in the news department. Then in TASS (1986-90) - as a special correspondent for "hot spots".
Founder of the information agency "Krimpress" (1991-93), "The Demidov Publishing House" (1992 - present).

Depsames Rafail Abramovich (1913-1980)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1944 to 1980 - deputy editor of the traveling editorial offices of "KP" in the Donbass, in the city of Krivoy Rog, in Stalingrad. In the editorial office, he worked as a literary worker, deputy head of the department of student youth and the FZO, feuilletonist, executive secretary of the press bureau. He was responsible for the release of the “Library of Komsomolskaya Pravda”.
He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, a medalist at VDNKh for organizing visiting editorial offices of Komsomolskaya Pravda in the post-war years. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

Didurov Alexey Alekseevich (1948-2006)

The first publications in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in 1964, from 1966 to 1972 - an intern, a correspondent for the departments of information, military-patriotic education.
From 1972 to 1975 - a correspondent for the magazine "Youth", then cooperation with radio, television, theaters and cinema. Creation of the musical and poetic association "Cabaret" (1980) and its permanent leadership for more than twenty-five years.
Author of ten own books, several albums of songs, plays and screenplays, songs for performances and films. Compiled two anthologies of Russian rock poetry, two anthologies of songwriters. The book of prose and poems "Legends and Myths of the Ancient Scoop" (1995) according to the rating of the magazine "Spark" entered the top ten best books in Russia. The anthology of the literary rock cabaret "Solar Underground" according to the results of the All-Russian competition "Artiada-99" received the status of the best domestic book of the year.

Dobryukha Anna Nikolaevna
She came to Komsomolskaya Pravda immediately after school - as a referent in the department of socio-economic problems (1996). The first publication - "17 years plus a telephone - work for yesterday's schoolboy (tested on myself)" allowed me to go to the workshop of journalists. Worked her way up from an intern to a special correspondent for a newspaper.
At the same time, she graduated from the law faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Department of "Constitutional Law"), hosted a program on consumer rights on TV. Currently, she is the host of legal advice for readers, listeners and viewers of Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Secretary of the primary journalistic organization ZAO ID KP.

Dolgopolov Mikhail Nikolaevich (1901-1977)

One of the founders of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in 1925. He worked in it until 1938 as a special correspondent for the department of culture.
Then he moved to the same position in the Izvestia newspaper, having worked until the end of his life.
Member of the Civil and Great Patriotic War. The only Soviet journalist present at the signing of Germany's surrender in Karlshorst and at the Nuremberg trials.
Author of many books, scripts for feature films. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR.

Dolgopolov Nikolai Mikhailovich

After graduating from the Faculty of Translation of the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, he worked in Iran. In Komsomolskaya Pravda since 1973 (freelance), from 1975 to 1997 - correspondent, head of the sports department, editor, member of the editorial board, own correspondent in France (1987-92), deputy. Chief, First Deputy chief editor.
In 1993 he completed postgraduate courses at STRACclyde University in Glasgow (Scotland). From 1997 to 2007 - executive secretary of the Trud newspaper.
At present, he is deputy editor-in-chief of Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
Laureate of the awards "For courage and skill shown in covering events in the Chernobyl area" (1986), the International Fair Play Award ("Fair Play") - the first Russian to receive this award (1992), the Mayor of Moscow (2002) . Awarded with a nominal gold medal of Yuri Andropov. (2004).
Chairman of the Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia, Vice President of the Sports Press Association, member of the Council for Physical Education and Sports under the President of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Interregional Union of Writers.
Author of fourteen non-fiction books, including the biographies Abel-Fischer and Kim Philby in the ZhZL series.

Drozdov Alexander Alekseevich

Born in Moscow, in the family of a military man. Great-nephew of the hero Born in Moscow, in the family of a military man. Great-nephew of the hero of the Civil War, army commander Nikolai Shchors. Graduated from the Faculty of International Law of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in international law (1974).
From 1979 to 1990 - at Komsomolskaya Pravda - an intern, correspondent for the international department of the newspaper, then - own correspondent in Tokyo (1981-87), member of the editorial board, editor of the international department (1987-89), executive secretary (1989-90) . Since September 1990 - assistant to the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, executive director of the Rossiya weekly, member of the editorial board of the Japan Today magazine. Chief editor of the weekly "Russia" (1991-96), host of the weekly journalistic program of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Don't cut it out!" (1995-97).
He was the founder of MNVK (TV-6), the Party of Beer Lovers, the Club of Veterans of Komsomolskaya Pravda, the Club of Golden Feathers Komsomolskaya Pravda - "6th Floor".
He was a member of the management of the Trading House “Descendants of the supplier of the court EIV P.A. Smirnov" (1990-2000).
Currently - Chairman of the Board, Executive Director of the Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin.

Dudintsev Vladimir Dmitrievich (1918-1998)

Essay writer of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1946-1951). He began to print in 1933. Fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In 1956, Dudintsev's novel "Not by Bread Alone" was published in the Novy Mir magazine, which was declared "slander" by officialdom. After the magazine publication of the philosophical and allegorical "New Year's Tale" (1960) and the publication of the collections "Tales and Stories" (1959) and "Stories" (1963), the writer was actually sentenced to a publication ban.
Only in 1987 appeared in print and immediately became a milestone in the history of modern Russian literature, the second long-term work of Dudintsev - the novel "White Clothes" (USSR State Prize, 1988), based on a documentary narrative created by the author during the years of work in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Dyunin Viktor Mikhailovich
From 1958 to 1970, he worked in the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda as a staff correspondent for Kazakhstan, a literary worker, deputy editor, editor of the working youth department, and a member of the editorial board. He also worked in the newspapers Socialist Industry, Rabochaya Tribuna, the magazines Kommunist, People's Deputy, and as a full-time consultant for the International Information Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Currently, he is an employee of the large-circulation newspaper of the state agency ITAR-TASS "Tassovets".
For direct participation in the creation of the country's first detachment of scientific and technical creativity of youth (NTTM) at the Moscow Automobile Plant named after I. S. Likhachev, he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Laureate of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and the Moscow Journalistic Organization. Winner of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism" (2011).
He is the author of eight collections of journalistic articles and books (the documentary story “Step First” about the legendary hero of the Soviet five-year plans, miner Alexei Stakhanov, co-authored with Vyacheslav Proskura, former staff correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda for Donbass).
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

E strandedYanov Sergey Mikhailovich

Born in the village of Sura, Pinezhsky District, Arkhangelsk Region, on May 15, 1957. Graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Journalism of the Leningrad State University. He worked in the regional newspaper "Pinezhskaya Pravda", was the editor of the regional newspaper "Severny Komsomolets".

In 1988 he was invited to work in the press sector of the Komsomol Central Committee. Then he worked as the first deputy chief editor of the magazine "Young Russia", head of the sports department at Novaya Gazeta, 1994-2003 - head of the sports department, editor of the news department, deputy. secretary, member of the editorial board at Komsomolskaya Pravda. From January 2004 to 2014 in the newspaper "Soviet Sport", First Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief of the weekly "Soviet Sport - Football".Currently - employee of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

Zhavoronkov Gennady Nikolaevich (1941 - 2006)

Graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical and Literary Institutes. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1975 to 1983 - Head. department of student youth. Then - the first deputy. executive secretary of the newspaper "Soviet Russia", head. department of the Moscow News newspaper, political observer for the General Newspaper, later Literaturnaya Gazeta.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow. Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, twice winner of the Presidential Prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
He was awarded the Polish Order of the Two Swords for investigating the Katyn tragedy.

Zhadan Oleg Lvovich (1943 - 2001)
Born in Tatarstan. From 1960 to 1962 - radio operator.
Studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1966-85) - an intern, literary employee, correspondent for working youth and news departments; since 1976 - head of the department of internal information.
Then - head, editor of the feuilleton department of the newspaper "Trud" (1985-2001).
He considers his main publications to be a series of reports from the ship Arktika, which reached the North Pole (1977), a series of feuilletons "About the glorious city of Volosolapsk" (90s).
A collection of feuilletons "And we came with Zhadan ..." was published posthumously.
Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia award (2002).

Zhitomirsky Vladimir Alexandrovich

Born on January 3, 1941 in Moscow in the family of a famous graphic artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR, author of political photomontages. The first publications (in the circulation of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages) date back to the end of the 50s. Subsequently, a journalistic diploma was also obtained. After graduating from In "yaz, he was a translator in India. He worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1964-66, as a correspondent for the department of international affairs. Then, as an employee of the Journalist magazine created by Yegor Yakovlev (1967-74), columnist and editor of the department of the Novoe Vremya weekly "(1974-93), editor of the Russian-South African newspaper New Bridge. (1993-96). Then, as an independent journalist, he collaborated with travel magazines, translated books from English. Author of eight non-fiction books, including " The book of the father in the book about the father" (based on his illustrated diary of the war years) and the memoir "Less foam!! Or more?.." (2017).
Member of the Union of Journalists since 1969. He was awarded numerous diplomas for essays based on the results of business trips to foreign countries.

Zavada Marina Romanovna

After graduating from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, she came to Komsomolskaya Pravda, where she worked for fourteen years. Was a correspondent, Art. correspondent, special correspondent. In 1987-1991 she worked in the Literaturnaya Gazeta office in India. Returning to Moscow, she headed the press service of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Member of the Russian Association for Public Relations, member of the Expert Council of the Silver Archer National Award. Four years later, she was appointed Director of the Directorate for Public Relations of the TV Center, a member of the board of the television company. In the late 1990s, she returned to the print media: editor-in-chief of the Sovremennye Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine, special correspondent for the Gazeta newspaper, and Izvestia columnist. Author of several books-dialogues - with E.Primakov, A.Volsky, A.Shokhin and others. Twice laureate of the prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia. In particular, in 2012 - for the book “One cannot be counted. Temptation by Conversations” in the “Golden Shelf of Russian Journalism” nomination. In the Non-fiction category, the book was included in the "25 Books of the Year" rating.

Zagalsky Leonid Matveevich

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Simultaneously with his studies, he worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda. He started as an intern at the "Scarlet Sail" (1973), then until 1984 - a correspondent for the departments of schools, student, scientific youth. After "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - a columnist for "Literaturnaya Gazeta" (1984-89).
In 1989 he left for the USA. Studied at Stanford University. Worked in the California Committee to Protect Journalists, head of the country office of Eastern Europe and countries of the former USSR. Since 1994 - the exclusive representative of CTW (Children's Television Workshop, New York) in Russia and the CIS and Baltic countries. He was engaged in the production of the Sesame Street program (NTV, ORT).
General Director of Endemol Moscow LLC. Projects "Star Factory", "Big Brother", "Fear Factor", "Deal", etc. Producer, screenwriter of feature and documentary films, TV programs. In the asset - the American feature film "From the Cold", Russian films "Signs of Love. Fairy Tale for Adults”, “Playing a Victim”, “Canned Food”. He took part in the creation of the documentary film "Russia for sale", aired on US television. Together with Semyon Livshits, he was the author of the script for the feature film "White Bone", the first Soviet video film "Group at Risk", documentaries ("Talented Children", etc.), television dramatizations ("Blue Cup", etc.). Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Zlobin Victor Andreevich

Own correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Kazakhstan (1970-1980). In the future - a correspondent for "Soviet Russia" in the Volga region ((1980-1992), editor of the all-Russian newspaper "Federation" (! 992-1993), consultant for the newsletter "Presidential Control" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (1993-2003).
Author of poetry and journalistic collections. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Zyuzyukin Ivan Ivanovich (1932-2015)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1960 to 1971 - correspondent for Far East Head of the department of student youth. One of the creators of the page for high school students of the KP is "Scarlet Sails".
From 1972 to 1973 he was a special correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta. In other years - a free artist.
Author of novels, stories, essays, scripts. Laureate of the prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia "Golden Pen". Diploma winner of the Moscow International Book Fair (2007).
Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism".

Ivanova Maya Mikhailovna

Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Leningrad State University. She came to Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1960, to the department of letters, then moved to the secretariat - secretary on duty, deputy executive secretary for graduation. In January 1977, she went to work for Literaturnaya Gazeta. Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Ivashchenko Anatoly Zakharovich (1925-2004)

The first entry in the work book in December 1950 was "appointed as a special correspondent for the editorial office of the Bolshevik Change" (Salsk). to work in "Komsomolskaya Pravda", as its own correspondent in the Kazakh SSR. Since 1955 - in the editorial staff, since 1960 - its traveling correspondent.
Since 1971 - columnist for the magazines "Journalist", "Spark", the newspaper "Izvestia". TV program host. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, creative awards.

Ivkin Alexey Nikolaevich

From 1965 to 1972 - in the department of school youth and pioneers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, responsible for the release of Scarlet Sail.
Then - service in the USSR Armed Forces, from 1974 to 1979 - deputy executive secretary of the "KP").
Later, an employee of the international journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism" (Prague, 1979-84), department of international problems of the newspaper "Pravda" (1984-86), staff correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" in Australia and Oceania (1986-91), deputy executive secretary, executive secretary of the Izvestia newspaper (1991-2002), director of the Information and Analytical Center of the State Fisheries Committee of the Russian Federation.
Since May 2003 he has been the head of the department, editor-in-chief of the Gosstrakh corporate newspaper.

Ignatenko Vitaly Nikitich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda", after graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, from 1963 to 1975 - from an intern in the department of working youth to a member of the editorial board, first deputy editor-in-chief.
Then - editor-in-chief of the magazine "New time", General Director of TASS, now ITAR-TASS, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
President of the World Association of Russian Press. President of the Union of News Agencies of Asia and the Pacific. Member of the Union of Writers, the Union of Cinematographers. Author of more than twenty films.
Laureate of State and journalistic awards.

Illesh Andrey Vladimirovich (1949 - 2011)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" since 1969 - an intern, correspondent, acting. news editor. Since 1977 - editor of the department of the newspaper "Soviet Russia".
Since 1984, in the newspaper "Izvestia" - a member of the editorial board, deputy. editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief of the Nedelya weekly, member of the board of directors of the Izvestiya newspaper editorial board. Since 1999 - Deputy General Director of ITAR-TASS.
In 2003, he founded the Business Media Publishing House, which owns the magazines Manager, Career Formula, and Florist Herald.
He is the author of more than a dozen documentary books published in Russia, the USA, Germany, Japan and Turkey, and two collections of short stories - Notes of a Stowaway (2009) and A Lonely Catcher Against the Background of Fast Water (2011).
Twice laureate of the Union of Journalists of Russia, laureate of international professional awards. For participation in rescue operations (Pamir, Barents Sea, Kamchatka) and in the elimination of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant awarded Russian and foreign orders and medals.

Our columnist Evgeny Chernykh (the same one who experienced the popular Kremlin diet) decided to regain the body of a 17-year-old guy and started with vision [video]


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Last week we announced the start of a global action to restore youth. Our journalist Yevgeny Chernykh (the one who experienced the popular Kremlin diet) decided to go all the way. Namely - to return the body of a seventeen-year-old guy. And the first step on this long journey is getting rid of glasses. So, his word...

I'm lucky! My consultant was Professor Vladimir Zhdanov, the best in Russia, yes, perhaps, in the world, a specialist in getting rid of glasses without medical intervention.

- Where do we start, Vladimir Georgievich?

I want to take off my glasses!

- I have it! I want to give myself a gift for my 60th birthday.

What glasses do you wear?

- Plus 3. Help cure sore eyes, professor!

Wrong, Eugene! Your eyes are not sick!!! The great American ophthalmologist William Bates proved back in 1901 that all four visual disorders - myopia, hyperopia, strabismus and astigmatism - are associated with improper functioning of the oculomotor muscles. Some muscles are excessively tense, others are excessively weakened. Therefore, some people have myopia, others have farsightedness, and almost everyone has astigmatism. Bates developed a system of exercises. We relax tense muscles, we train weak ones. And vision is restored without operations.

- Isn't it too late to train? 60 years on the nose!

Academician Fedor Uglov wore +2.5 glasses for half a century. At the age of 95, he studied at my courses for 4 days, trained on his own for another three weeks, and restored his eyesight. And for the last 8 years of his life, Fedor Grigorievich read, wrote and performed the most complex operations without glasses.

- Convinced, professor! Where exactly do we start?

From palming.

The warmth of your palms

PALMING(from English palm - palm) - the most important exercise for relaxing the oculomotor muscles. Performed WITHOUT POINTS.

Everyone knows that our palms have some kind of unknown to science, but very healing radiation, says Professor Zhdanov. - We involuntarily put our palms on sore spots - the stomach, forehead, ear, tooth ... They also help the eyes a lot.

We rub our palms together until warm. Place the fingers of each hand tightly together. As if you want to drink from the palms of the birds, and so that the water does not spill between the fingers. With the fingers of one palm, overlap the fingers of the other at a right angle. And we put this design on our eyes instead of glasses (see photo in a circle), so that the crossed fingers are in the center of the forehead, the nose sticks out between the bases of the little fingers, and the eyes fall exactly into the center of the dimples of your palms. The nose breathes freely, not pinched. The eyes are closed. The palms are pressed tightly to the face - no gaps so that the light does not fall on the eyes. Put your elbows on the table or press to your chest. The main thing is that the elbows should not be in weight, and the head should be a direct continuation of the back.

Calm down, relax, take a comfortable position. We say aloud (or mentally, to ourselves): “My eyes are good, wonderful, thank you, eyes, for giving me joy and happiness to see all the colors of this world in all its glory ... My eyes will see better and better every day” . And similar kind self-hypnosis under warm palms.

Then the short-sighted imagine how their eyes again become round, balls, in order to perfectly SEE FAR without glasses (their transverse muscles relax).

And the far-sighted imagine how their eyes easily, easily stretch forward, like cucumbers, in order to perfectly SEE NEAR the smallest letters without glasses (the longitudinal muscles of the eyes relax).

At first, for some time, under closed eyes, covered palms, residual light images will loom: a TV screen, a light bulb, a piece of a window, some kind of fog, a cloud ... This indicates an overexcitation of the visual tract - the light does not fall on the eyes, but we think we see something. To remove residual light images, imagine a black velvet curtain in a theater each time under palming. It's so black-black, big-big... And then the lights go out in the hall, and it's getting blacker, darker. Or imagine the black mascara that you poured in front of you and cover these luminous places with it.

Another important exercise under palming is a fond memory.

Every time think about something good, good that happened in your life. (My memories under warm palms - how I drag my first three-kilogram pike caught on spinning, the first date ... but you never know what was pleasant for each of us! - E. Ch.).

Exit from palming. They sat up straight, under the palms of their hands closed eyes slightly closed - loosened, closed - loosened, closed - loosened. The palms were removed. With their eyes closed, they slightly shook their heads, restoring the blood supply to the brain. Like children, they gently “wet” their eyes with their fists, wiped them. They sighed. Exhaled. And we open our eyes, blinking fast.

Whenever you feel tired, tired eyes when reading, working on a computer, watching TV, etc. - put everything aside, rub your palms until warm and do palming. Three - five minutes.

Ideally - every hour when working on a computer.

Palming can and is useful for EVERYONE!

Well, after palming, Professor Zhdanov taught me gymnastics for the eyes.


Attention! It is categorically impossible to do for those who underwent ANY eye surgery less than six months ago. Wait six months for everything to heal, to heal. It is also CONTRAINDICATED for those who have retinal detachment. You can provoke further detachment. Go to the doctors, now there are methods of "welding" the retina. After welding, wait six months for everything to take root. And proceed with caution.

We do all exercises WITHOUT POINTS! Smoothly, without any jerks, sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! Blink after every exercise!

1. Eyes raised up, down, up, down, up, down. Blink-blink-blink.

2. They squinted their eyes to the right, left, right, left, right, left. They blinked.

3. "Diagonal". Look right up - left down, right up - left down, right up - left down. They blinked. Reverse "diagonal". Left up - right down. Also 3 times. They blinked.

4. "Rectangle". They raised their eyes up, “drawn” the upper side of the rectangle, the right side, the lower, the left side, the upper again, and so on 3 times in a row. They blinked. In the opposite direction, “draw” a rectangle (counterclockwise). Top side, side left, bottom, right. 3 times. They blinked.

5. "Dial". Imagine you have a huge dial in front of you. You inspect it clockwise. They raised their eyes at 12 o'clock - 3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12. And so 3 laps. They blinked. In the opposite direction "Dial". We raised our eyes for 12 hours, 9, 6, 3, 12 ... 3 circles. They blinked.

6. "Snake". We start drawing from the tail. Eyes left down - up, down - up, down - up and head. They blinked. Back. From the head of the "snake". Down - top, down - up, down - up and tail. They blinked.

Professor Zhdanov warns!


Do gymnastics for the eyes 3 times a day - before breakfast, lunch, dinner in the amount recommended by me, otherwise your eyes will hurt.

Do not hurry

1. Do all exercises very smoothly, slowly, without tension, sudden movements. No need to "tear the traces". The oculomotor muscles are one of the most delicate muscles in our body, they are very easy to strain, tear, and damage with stupid, abrupt movements.

2. Who has severe myopia (more than minus 4), do the exercises very, very carefully! Your eye is pulled forward, so the retina is stretched, tense, and there is a danger of sudden movements and loads of rupture or detachment of the retina.

3. Special care for those who have had a retinal detachment. We recommend that you take a full-time course under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Before starting classes, ALWAYS go to the doctor, check your eyesight. Find out the state of the retina. Do you have farsightedness or myopia (its degree), astigmatism?



My eye problems started at the age of 40. It became hard to read. The doctor diagnosed her with presbyopia (presbyopia). Prescribed plus reading glasses. Fair warning, this is forever! From time to time I had to write out more and more powerful glasses. In recent years, he wore plus 2.5. But they were already uncomfortable. In the summer I bought two pairs +3. One for home and one for work. A journalist has to read a lot, type on a computer. Without glasses - nowhere. There are no problems with the retina. That's what I said to Professor Zhdanov.

He asked to immediately forget about +3. Back to those that are weaker. + 2.5. “Not for long, Eugene! For two or three weeks. Then buy the weaker ones." I agreed, although it was difficult to read with old glasses. But I unconditionally believed Professor Zhdanov. It is very important, by the way, to believe in a mentor and achieve the goal - to take off points (why I chose Vladimir Zhdanov - I will explain next time). If you doubt that it is possible to restore vision without surgery, it is better not to take it. Personally, I firmly believed and knew that I would definitely throw off the eye “crutches” that I had been carrying for 20 (TWENTY!) years.

✔ Palming the first week did 5-6 times a day. We'll see how it goes. In the morning, at work, before bed.

✔ Eye exercises (see diagram on the next page) - in the morning before breakfast, in the afternoon, in the evening. Monday - Wednesday: 3 repetitions of each of the first FIVE exercises. The sixth - "Snake" - is always performed only ONE time (back and forth). Thursday - Saturday - already at 4. Sunday - day off.

✔ No fanaticism, as the professor ordered. Although, I confess, the desire was immediately 6-10 times to do. So I wanted to quickly lose the hated points. But he held back his impulses. Been with them for twenty years. I'll be patient for a few more weeks.

✔ I do exercises like this. I sit down on a chair, an armchair, I look ahead at the wall. Floor, ceiling, side walls. Between them I draw diagonal eyes (from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa), rectangles, snakes, dial circles. The state of the eyes allows. Whoever has weaker eyesight, it’s hard to “paint” an entire wall at once, take a piece of the wall, a carpet on it, a poster, a closet, a door ... At work, by the way, my wall is lined with cabinets, and I “draw” on them.

Why am I afraid of surgery

The first question of acquaintances who learned about the experiment: “And why did you train for seven whole weeks, wasting time, “breaking” your eyes, if you can quickly do an operation, laser correction? Medicine is on the rise!

I shake my head (good for the eyes!):

No, guys, I have sad examples before my eyes. In the late 1980s, in my house next door to Mnevniki, a man decided to improve his eyesight in a fashionable surgical center and completely lost it. I remember this blind man well.

Uncle Vasya Vaselik lives in my village. Nicknamed for his cheerful disposition. He always helped fellow villagers in carpentry, plowed vegetable gardens. Unfailing person. I began to see worse - I went to the regional eye center. After the operation, he became blind in both eyes. And Vaselik wilted! Now he doesn't leave the house.

A few years ago, a terrible story thundered in the media: in Kharkov, a whole group of patients of a commercial laser clinic went blind. The wrong liquid was injected into the eyes of the poor fellows.

I understand very well that such tragedies are extremely rare. But what if it’s me who gets the fatal card during the operation? In my profession, blindness is a DISASTER!

By the way, I'm not the only one who is so timid. A colleague once wrote in Komsomolskaya Pravda about a loud conflict in the famous eye center. She told me that it was not the conflict that struck her the most: many surgeons, eye doctors who put operations on stream, themselves ... wear glasses. As well as the world eye luminary Ernst Muldashev, who works miracles.

The other day I read that one of the American inventors of the advanced LASIK laser correction technology wears glasses himself. Apparently he doesn't want to take risks. He who has eyes, let him see it! It's hard to operate with glasses. Sweat fills the glass.

An American journalist, having met a bespectacled laser inventor, changed his mind about using a laser to correct his myopia.

So I didn't risk it. Moreover, there is a way to restore vision in a natural way, without any risk. And cheap unlike operations. For seven weeks I spent only 1450 rubles. I had to buy three pairs of weaker glasses, which I gradually changed during training. Yes, and it takes little time to train the eyes.


Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, 64 years old. Optical physicist, psychoanalyst. Chairman of the all-Russian public organization "Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety". He started this fight together with Academician Uglov back in 1983, for which he had many problems. Professionally engaged in the natural restoration of vision for 19 years. After he himself got rid of +2 points. Lives in Moscow . But rarely in the capital. He travels a lot around the country, the world with lectures, courses.

The continuation of the story of how the Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist got rid of glasses in 7 weeks is in the next issue of the KP weekly and on our website.

Professor Vladimir Zhdanov: "You can get rid of glasses and restore vision at any age. Even at 95!"Ruslan RAKHMANGULOV

At the beginning of the week, Uliana Skoybeda's column was published on the website of Komsomolskaya Pravda with the subtitle “Sometimes you regret that the Nazis did not make lampshades from the ancestors of today's liberals. There would be fewer problems." The text was about the words of the oppositionist Leonid Gozman, who in his blog equated the Soviet counterintelligence SMERSH with the Nazi SS troops. Gozman was outraged by the series about the valiant SMERSH employees, and Skoybeda, in turn, was outraged by the fact that "liberals are revising history in order to knock the ground out from under our country's feet."

Words about lampshades from the ancestors of the liberals caused a scandal on the Internet, which resulted in calls to boycott KP. Later, the provocative statement was removed from the site. Editor-in-chief of the newspaper Vladimir Sungorkin named the phrase “ugly”, however, he referred to the fact that Ulyana Skoybeda blurted it out in an emotional heat. Sungorkin added that he would reprimand the journalist, but at the same time noted that the words of Gozman, whom he called "an ideological madman", still seem offensive to him. The State Duma has already dealt with the statements of the oppositionist, Komsomolskaya Pravda has so far gotten off with a warning from Roskomnadzor for violating laws on the media and on countering extremism.

Lenta.ru asked several well-known journalists who once worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda to talk about how a column with anti-Semitic statements could have appeared in the newspaper, what has changed in the newspaper in recent years and how it stands out from the rest of the Russian press .

Olga Bakushinskaya, columnist, worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1995 to 2006

When I started working at Komsomolskaya Pravda, such things could not even come close. But the newspaper gradually changed - it became especially noticeable when Yeltsin resigned. The press began to change in principle, but Komsomolskaya Pravda, in my opinion, especially. It was in the early 2000s that people of extreme right-wing nationalist views came to it. I cannot say that this has never been felt in Sungorkin. Another question is that he would never give out his views with the words of Skoybeda - simply because he is a good journalist and a rather smart and cautious person.

The readership has also changed a lot in recent years, because what kind of food to spread - such consumers will come. I think that the person who is now reading Komsomolskaya Pravda likes everything, and he fully supports Skoybeda's position. In this sense, the newspaper satisfies its reader. Sungorkin is also a very good businessman, and partly he does it now because it is profitable.

Komsomolskaya Pravda always had a lot of journalists' emotions, and this was its big plus. Your opinion, if you knew how to express it well, was very much appreciated. But before, at least, it was necessary to confirm your emotions with actual events. I'm afraid the balance has shifted now.

I cannot say that Komsomolskaya Pravda was or is now in any special position. The point, rather, is that now you can print something like this in any publication and there will be no big scandal - marginality is not just allowed, it has become a kind of general line. Look what statements deputies allow themselves. In any normal coordinate system, this is a criminal case and rejection by society. And here you can say whatever you want, you will also be given an order. So Sungorkin is not the only one here - he is like everyone else.

Many journalists who once worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda do not really like to talk about the modern edition. Frankly, we are quite hurt that this happened. Previously, when you said that you worked at KP, everyone understood that you had a strong school and that you were a real journalist. And now it's getting more and more embarrassing to mention it. But I'm still proud that I worked at KP - it was a good newspaper.

Aleksey Sinelnikov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper My District, worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1995 to 2007, at the time of his departure he headed the editorial office of the site

I don’t really follow what Komsomolskaya Pravda writes now, but I can’t say that I’m very surprised. Uliana Skoybeda by nature is such a woman who waves her saber on every occasion. In addition, a biting manner is, in principle, cultivated in Komsomolskaya Pravda - it is important that the articles are sincere and reach the audience. Sungorkin is generally careful about the possibility of journalists to splash out what is on their minds. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is valuable for the mass reader because it is so unkempt.

But, in my opinion, there was a bust with this column, as well as with some of the previous columns of Ulyana. Unfortunately, this story reflects the state of the whole society. We do not know how to stop in time, we do not know how to negotiate - the nature of the discussion has acquired sick features on both sides. For me, both points of view are unacceptable: Ulyana committed indecency, but Gozman with his position is just as disgusting to me. My grandfather ended up in a penal battalion, probably behind him were the same machine guns of people from the NKVD. I have no complaints about them, it was a war, there were completely different conditions.

There is an opinion that a lot is forgiven for Komsomolskaya Pravda. But in the case of this column, I would not speak about power, but about society. Most people won't rebel against a newspaper, won't boycott it, no advertiser will refuse to cooperate. If such a story happened in Europe, there the state would not even have to intervene in the situation - there ordinary readers would say to the newspaper: "That's it, goodbye." We ourselves are quite inert, so we - the Internet community as part of the inhabitants of Russia - can be ignored. We will now shout about it on the Internet and switch to the fact that the Americans beat us 8:3.

At the same time, I do not think that Sungorkin is completely indifferent to the reaction of the public. It is not bestial people who work at Komsomolskaya Pravda, they can apologize, they can explain how it happened. But it seems to me that a newspaper with such a huge audience still needs to be more careful.

Valery Simonov, worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1988 to 1997, went from the first deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper to the chairman of the board of AOZT Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then the editor-in-chief of the publication

I do not want to comment on this scandal, because I do not consider it particularly outstanding. In my opinion, this situation has often been happening in various media lately, so I don’t want to stand up and judge an individual journalist or publication. There is already such a genre in journalism - the excitation of a scandal. In Komsomolskaya Pravda, this story just sounded so loudly, because it suddenly touched on such a sensitive topic.

When I headed the newspaper, there were other laws of journalism. Then the responsibility of the publication for publications and the personal responsibility of the journalist for his words were incomparably higher. Of course, there were scandals and high-profile materials in KP - without this, the newspaper could not exist at any time, and Komsomolskaya Pravda, frankly, was always allowed a little more than the rest of the monsters of the newspaper market. But those scandals were more significant, interesting, or something. The current "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has retained many generic features, including a penchant for outrageousness, a desire to be a pioneer in those topics that are usually not discussed aloud in society.

During my creative biography, my attitude towards the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper has changed a lot. I have probably experienced the whole range of feelings that exist between people and newspapers - from great love to hatred. Now I treat my colleagues from KP with quite benevolent interest. I will not say that Komsomolskaya Pravda is the publication with which I start all day, but I follow it. There are a lot of names from the old guard that I'm interested in.

Azer Mursaliev, editor-in-chief of the Kommersant publishing house, was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in the 1980s

I have not read the article by Ulyana Skoybeda, so it is difficult for me to judge this scandal. Now I hardly read Komsomolskaya Pravda, because our publications and KP occupy completely different niches. The newspaper I worked for was completely different - it was designed for what is now called the elite, for the smart reader. She was, of course, a mass newspaper, even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most circulated edition. But now mass publications have become different, they suggest a different level of audience development. Now its readers are people who watch NTV and TNT channels. Perhaps the fact is that society has changed a lot over the years, stratified.

I worked for the newspaper in the last years of the Soviet Union and the first years of the new Russia, when it did not strive for such scandalousness. But in general, Komsomolskaya Pravda has always published polar opinions, sharp, high-profile articles. In Soviet times, Komsomolskaya Pravda really was in a special position: it was allowed a little more than other major publications, or it allowed itself what others could not afford. But what happens to the newspaper now, I don't know.

I have a good relationship with Vladimir Sungorkin, I think that he is a talented and successful media manager. I worked with him for many years and I think that he is an intelligent person with a balanced position. He never adhered to radical or extremist views. I do not think that Sungorkin gave the task to write such a column, but the fact that he later removed the phrase that caused outrage from there speaks rather in his favor.

Vladimir Mamontov, President of Izvestiya Publishing House, worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1990 to 2005, at various times he held the positions of first deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and then editor-in-chief of the publication

I don't think Sungorkin saw this [Skoibeda's article]. In any case, this is unacceptable and needs a clear explanation for the public. There can be no two or three opinions. I remember that I myself wrote that many critics of Russia would not exist in the world if the Russian and Soviet "muzhik", "cattle" had not saved Europe. Some he just pulled out of the oven. Managed. But here is something else: here is mockery. As well as Gozman's comparison of Smersh with the SS. Ulyana succumbed to a provocation, but this is impossible. Yes, and without provocation it is impossible to write like that.

Karmen Alexander Romanovich (1941-2013)

Born in 1941 in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1967).

After graduating from the institute, he worked in the foreign department of the Izvestia newspaper (1968-73), art. correspondent of the foreign department of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the newspaper's own correspondent for Latin America - with places of residence in Havana (Cuba) (1974-77) and in Lima (Peru) (1977-85). Since 1986, he has been an editor-consultant of the Main Editorial Office of Latin America of the Novosti Press Agency (now RIA Novosti).

From 1988 to 1995 - own correspondent of APN for South America, based in Montevideo (Uruguay).

Since 1995 - correspondent and columnist for the international department of the magazine "New Time", head. department "Abroad" of the newspaper "Vek", correspondent of the international department of the newspaper "Vremya MN".

From 2004 to 2009 - Deputy editor-in-chief of the Latin America journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 2002 - Lecturer in the Department of International Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The main topics of publications are foreign policy, history, culture and social problems of Latin American countries, Russian-Latin American relations.

Author of four essay-journalistic books, illustrated with his own photographic works, about the countries of Latin America. Author of a book of memoirs about his father - an outstanding documentary filmmaker of the 20th century - "Unknown Wars of Roman Karmen", awarded with a diploma of the 20th II Moscow International Book Fair (2009).

Laureate of the Artyom Borovik Prize (2010) “Honor. Courage. Mastery”, prize of the Union of Journalists of Moscow and the Yulian Semyonov Cultural Foundation (2012) “For a great creative contribution to the development of extreme geopolitical journalism”, a special award of the Union of Journalists of Russia “Golden Shelf of Russian Journalism” (2012). He has diplomas of "Recognition of Merit" from the National Union of Journalists of Peru and the Prensa Latina Agency (Cuba) for his contribution to the development of relations with these countries.

The book of essays "The One and Only", published as a textbook for student journalists, was awarded the prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia (2011).

Kirinitsyanov Yury Ivanovich

Born on March 5, 1949 in Semipalatinsk, in a family of employees. Graduated with honors in 1971 from the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh State University. S.M. Kirov. According to the distribution, he began in the regional newspaper "Avangard" (Dzhetygaru, Kustanai region). Since 1972, he worked in the republican newspaper "Leninskaya Smena" - as his own correspondent in the Kustanai and Turgai regions, head of the department of rural youth. From March 1974 to September 1975, he was the editor-in-chief of the Leninskaya Smena newspaper at a student construction site (supplement to the Leninskaya Smena). Then - in "Komsomolskaya Pravda", as his own correspondent for the Kazakh SSR (1975-78). Then there was Pravda, Stroitelnaya Gazeta, and Rabochaya Tribuna. In "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - own correspondent in Kazakhstan (1995-2009). In October 2002, he founded the monthly international newspaper Ves Mir, which is published in Russian and printed in Kazakhstan (Almaty). Circulation up to 5000 copies, distributed in 22 countries. The main topics are the commonwealth of Kazakhstan and Russia, Eurasianism, politics, economics, education, science and culture. Among the authors - including journalists of all generations of the KP.

He was awarded the Soviet medal "For Labor Valour". Laureate of the prizes of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and Russia., the highest award of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation - the Badge of Honor "For services to the professional community." He was noted with gratitude from Grigory Rapota, Secretary General of the Eurasian Economic Community, for his great creative contribution to the development of partnership and mutual understanding between the EurAsEC states. (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan). He was noted with gratitude from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev - for "active coverage of the processes of integration and development of the Eurasian Economic Community".

Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Knyazeva Marina Leonidovna

She published her first poem in Komsomolskaya Pravda, in Scarlet Sail, later she worked in the newspaper as an intern in the information department. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (1976) and postgraduate studies, having defended the title of candidate of philological sciences, she worked as a correspondent for the magazines "Youth", "Student Meridian", while simultaneously teaching, and still conducts a special course at the department of periodicals of her native faculty.

Participated in political movements "For a Healthy Russia" (1996; director of the "Culture" program), "For Civil Dignity" (1998; member of the presidium).

Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR , the Union of Russian vers libre, the Union of theatrical figures. Member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Literary Fair".

Kovalevsky Vladimir Alexandrovich

Born on June 5, 1948 in Kazakhstan, in virgin lands (Dzhetygara, Kustanai region). He published his first notes and stories in the regional newspaper Avangard.

He studied journalism at the Kazakh State University in Alma-Ata and at the same time worked in the republican youth newspaper Leninskaya Smena.

At the age of 23 he received a government award - for organizing the virgin expedition "The Bread of the Decisive".

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1975-84) - staff correspondent for the Turkmen SSR, head of the department of morality and law (since 1981). For participation in the actions of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the virgin lands and on the BAM, he was awarded the badge of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Labor Valor".

Then work in the newspaper "Izvestia" (1984-99) - as a special correspondent, executive secretary of the weekly "Soyuz", columnist for "Financial News". After 2000 - vice-president of the audit and consulting company "Ekfi", then adviser to the president and editor-in-chief of the corporate newspaper in the company "TransTeleCom".

Kozhevnikova Kapitolina Vasilievna

She was born on September 26, 1925 in the village of Ivanovka, Sterlibashevsky district of Bashkiria. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University (1948). For ten years she worked in the newspaper "Soviet Moldavia" (1948-58). Since 1958 - own correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Moldova, since 1960 - correspondent of the newspaper in Voronezh. Since 1965 in Moscow. As a special correspondent for the newspaper, she traveled to many regions and republics of the country. The range of journalistic interests is the protection of a person from arbitrariness, injustice, violence; national features, life, life, history, economic, social problems of different peoples of the USSR. Favorite genre - essay. The well-known essay "Bashkir Honey" tells about the history of beekeeping in Bashkiria, its problems of that time, about his father, a collective farm beekeeper, about his childhood spent in the apiary. In 1975, she moved to the editorial office of Literaturnaya Gazeta, where she worked as a columnist on agrarian problems for 19 years. Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Journalists of the USSR for 1984. Author of publicistic books "Signals of the Soul" (1972), "The Warmth of Your Hearth" (1975), etc.

Kozhukhov Mikhail Yurievich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1982 to 1989. Correspondent of the foreign department, own correspondent in Afghanistan. Then - Izvestia correspondent in South America, editor of the international department of Izvestia. Further biography is connected with television: the author and host of the programs "International Panorama", "Take a Step", "Old Apartment", "True Friends", "In Search of Adventure", "Far and Farther" and many others.

Currently, he manages his own television company "Contrast". Co-author and producer of dozens of documentaries and television programs.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Star for his work in Afghanistan. Laureate of the national television award TEFI in the nomination "The best host of entertainment programs", the National Tourism Award named after Yu. Senkevich, the award of the Union of Journalists "Golden Pen of Russia".

Kozlova Svetlana Mikhailovna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" since 1975, she worked in the department of literature and art.

Since 1978 - head of the department of a literary magazine, member of the editorial board of a trade publication, press secretary of the first deputy mayor in the Moscow government.

Kolesnikova Natalya Vasilievna

She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University in 1976. She worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1973-76 as a courier and secretary. Author of memoirs about the people of Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Further work in the magazine "Student Meridian" (1976-78), the newspaper "Soviet Russia" (1978-86), the magazine "Young Artist (1986-2002), currently - in the magazine" Hour for You ".

Member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Artists of Russia.

Korneshov Lev Konstantinovich (1934-2005)

The first publication in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - when he was the secretary of the Kirovograd regional committee of the LKSMU. He worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Young Naturalist", deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Young Communist".

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1970 to 1978 - Deputy, First Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief. Then - deputy editor-in-chief of the Izvestia newspaper, columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, employee of the Voskresenye GZhO.

Author of seventeen books, four feature films and about thirty documentaries.
Member of the Union of Writers and Cinematographers, Secretary of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. Laureate of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, the Moscow Journalistic Organization, the KGB of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and a number of foreign creative awards.
Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Korsakova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. From December 1974 to December 1999, in Komsomolskaya Pravda, she worked as her own correspondent, head of the student department, and special correspondent.

Then - the editor of the department of letters and special correspondent of the newspaper "Tribuna". (2000-02), deputy chief editor of the monthly "Practical Journal for Teachers and School Administration" (2002-2014)..
Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Journalists of Moscow, the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - the Badge of Honor "For Merit" (2011).

Kostenko Kim Prokopevich (1923 - 1990)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1950 to 1969 - staff correspondent for the Stalin region, head, editor of the department of working youth, member of the editorial board, executive secretary, deputy editor-in-chief.
Later - deputy secretary of the Pravda newspaper, executive secretary of the Sovetskaya Kultura newspaper, head of the correspondent office in Czechoslovakia of the Novoe Vremya magazine.
Front-line soldier, participant of the Great Patriotic War. He was awarded two orders of the "Patriotic War", the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of the Red Star, medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad", "For the Liberation of Prague", and other government awards.

Kotenko Irina Ilyinichna (1941 - 2009)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1964 to 1997 - secretary, assistant of the department of student youth, correspondent of the department of letters, correspondent of the department of the verification bureau. Awarded with the Diploma of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation.
Active organizer and participant of such corporate editorial and club events as "Front Compatriot", "Hour of Writing", "Book Salon", "Anniversaries", "Thursdays".

Krasnyansky Eduard Vladimirovich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1968 to 1974 - an intern, correspondent of the news department. Then - correspondent, first deputy chief editor of the newspaper "Soviet Trade" (1975-95).
Member of the Board of Directors, PR Director of SBS-AGRO Bank, Press Secretary of First OVK Bank (1995-2003), General Director of Alexander House (2003-04). Currently, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Capital Credit Partnership Bank, the Alexander House company and other organizations. Cavalier of government awards. Author of documentary and fiction books.
Krivomazov Nikolai Pavlovich (1947-2012)
Born on the Don. After graduating from the Kamensk Pedagogical College, he worked as a teacher in Yakutia.
Graduated from the Irkutsk State University and the screenwriting department of VGIK.
Since 1968 - a professional newspaperman: he started in the regional Yakut newspaper "Lena Mayaktary". Then the Irkutsk regional newspaper "Soviet Youth" (1969 - 77) - literary worker, staff correspondent for the North: Bratsk, Ust-Ilim, Boguchany, BAM.
In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1977 - 82) - correspondent for Eastern Siberia. Then the correspondent of the newspaper "Socialist Industry" (1982-87), the newspaper "Pravda" (1987-88), later - deputy. department editor, executive secretary of the Pravda newspaper (1988 - 95), columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta (1995 - 98).
Founder and founder of the Grazhdanin Publishing House (1998), publisher and editor-in-chief of the Grazhdanin and Russian Vodka magazines. The author of the two-part film "Raging Bus" (1990).
Laureate of the V. Gilyarovsky Prize.

Krylova Zoya Petrovna (1944-2017)

She worked as a kindergarten teacher, accountant, secretary of the people's court. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. The first publications appeared in 1961. Since 1965 - a correspondent for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.
From 1966 to 1981, in Komsomolskaya Pravda, he was an intern, literary worker, head. department of student youth, editor of the departments of students, students and scientific youth, member of the editorial board. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Academy of Social Sciences. PhD in Philosophy.
Author of a book on folk pedagogy.From 1983 to 2009 she headed the Rabotnitsa magazine. Was a board member of the Committee Soviet women. Editor of an Orthodox newspaper for prisoners (2012-16). Compiler of the encyclopedia (volume 2) of the Union of Journalists of Ioskva "Journalism at the Turn of the Ages". Creative activity was marked by the Order of Friendship of Peoples, medals, prizes of the Union of Journalists.

Kulikov Yury Petrovich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1975 to 1982. Since 1982 - in the "Literary Gazette": first deputy. Executive Secretary, Own Correspondent in India, South and Southeast Asia, Executive Secretary, Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Then the editor-in-chief of a city newspaper, a magazine, a special correspondent for the newspaper Gazeta, a columnist for Izvestia. Author of several books-dialogues - with E. Primakov, A. Volsky, A. Shokhin and others. Twice winner of the Union of Journalists of Russia, including in 2012 in the nomination "Golden Shelf of Russian Journalism" for the book "One Can't Be Counted . The temptation of conversations.

Kulikova Albina Ivanovna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1961 to 1987 (with a break for study) - referent In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1961 to 1987 (with a break for study) - referent of the department, deputy executive secretary.
Later, Deputy executive secretary, executive secretary, art editor, art editor, head of the design department, chief artist (together with artist Viktor Skrylev) of many publications - Medical Newspaper, Culture newspapers, Litera Gazette Internaithle, Federation, "Superman", magazines "Peasant Woman", "Foreigner", "Autograph", "Tobacco Shop", "Medical Bulletin", etc. She was awarded the Sign "Excellent Printer".

Kupriyanov Alexander Ivanovich

In Komsomolskaya Pravda (1978-92) he was his own correspondent for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Magadan Region, head of the Komsomol life department, deputy editor-in-chief of the Sobesednik weekly, executive secretary and own correspondent in England. For his work in the newspaper he was awarded medals and the Order of the Badge of Honor.
After Komsomolskaya Pravda, he worked as First Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Editor-in-Chief of Express-Gazeta, Stolichnaya Evening Newspaper, Editor-in-Chief of Izvestia, Editor-in-Chief of Rodnaya Gazeta, General Director of the National News Agency, is a book publisher.
Returning to Komsomolskaya Pravda, he became the organizer of radio and television KP (2009-2011). In n / a - editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva".
Author of short stories and novels, poetry collections.

Kushnerev Sergey Anatolievich

Since 1982 - in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda": trainee, correspondent, head of the student youth department, executive secretary, member of the editorial board (1988-93).

One of the founders of Novaya Gazeta. Worked in the newspaper "Moscow News" (1994-1996).

Since 1994, he has been the editor-in-chief of the Vzglyad program. From 1996 to the present, he has been the editor-in-chief of the TV company VID.

Television projects of Sergey Kushnerev:

Scandals of the week (1995-2001, TV-6); Make a move (1996-1999, TV-6); How it was (1997-2002, ORT); Wait for me (1998 - our time, RTR, then Channel One); Another life (2000, Channel One); Testament of the XX century (2000, Channel One); The Last Hero (2001-2008, Channel One); 12 Little Indians (2004, TNT); Incredible stories about life (2008 - our time, Channel One).

Producing documentaries about Chechnya:

"Dreams of War" (1996); "Demobilization Album" (1997); "New Year in Chechnya" (1997); "Soldiers of Love" (1999).

Member of the jury at the Festival of Television Programs in Monte Carlo (1997).

Member of the Academy of Russian Television (1001). Winner of the TEFI-2002 award in the Best Producer nomination.

He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" (1990), the Order of Friendship (2006).

Kuchkina Olga Andreevna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" since 1957 - an intern, literary worker, traveling correspondent, deputy editor of the department of literature and art. Currently, he is a columnist at the main editorial office.
Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow, member of the Russian PEN Center, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Playwright, poet, prose writer. He is the author of the book of plays "White Summer", collections of poems "The Communicating Vessel", "Italian Butterfly", "Leap Age", novels, other books of prose, including the memoirs "Slanting Rain".
Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

Lavrova Kira Nikolaevna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1964 to 1992. Own correspondent in Kuzbass, then in Samara. Since 1972 - Deputy Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board. She led a personal column "Street. Company. Teenager." Author of many publications in magazines and collections. Honored Worker of Culture. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation - the Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism".

Lapin Alexander Alekseevich

He came to Komsomolskaya Pravda as a correspondent for Kazakhstan. For 15 years (1986-2000) he went from a journalist to the deputy general director of the newspaper in the newspaper. Under his leadership, a regional network of Komsomolskaya Pravda was created.

In 2000 he created his own newspaper business and moved to Voronezh. The publishing house of Alexander Lapin "EURASIA-PRESS - XXI CENTURY" operates in 8 large cities of Central Russia.

Member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Larin Vladimir Alekseevich (1957-2008)

He worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda for fifteen years - from 1986 to 2001. He started as a staff correspondent for Orenburg, Bashkiria and Northern Kazakhstan, wrote excellent essays. A year and a half later, he was taken to the floor - he was a special correspondent, deputy. editor of the propaganda department, in the most difficult, critical times - in the late 80s and early 90s - he headed the department of the republics responsible for "hot spots", many of which he visited personally. Then - the first deputy. secretary, executive secretary, deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

After "KP" for several years he worked as the chief editor of "Soviet Sport". For the last two years, he has been executive secretary of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta-Nedelya weekly.

Levina Alevtina Yakovlevna (1935-1987)

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1965 until the end of his life - an intern, a literary employee of the information department, a special correspondent.
Member of mountaineering ascents, including Everest, parachutist. Author of the journalistic book "A Thousand and One Doors", compiled posthumously by colleagues from Komsomolskaya Pravda. Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Lipatov Viktor Sergeevich (1935 - 2007)

Historian by education. Journalist and editor by occupation. Essayist and poet by vocation.
He started in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1966 to 1986 - head, editor of the department of Komsomol life, columnist, editor of the department of literature and art, member of the editorial board.
Since 1986 - editor-in-chief of the magazine "Youth". Author of books on art: "Colors of time", "Color, light, life"; series "World of Masterpieces". Poetry collections were published: "The Secret of a Restrained Heart", "The Step of a Legionnaire", "On the Peaks", "The Midnight Cross", "The Eight Candlesticks", "The Light in the Palms".
Laureate of literary prizes, as well as prizes named after Nikolai Ostrovsky and Lenin Komsomol.

Lubitsky Vladimir Nikolaevich

In Komsomolskaya Pravda from the beginning of 1977 to the end of 1978 color: # (color); laquo; Old apartmentraquo; (1977 yes - staff correspondent for the Belgorod, Kursk, Oryol, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov and Ryazan regions, deputy editor for the department of Komsomol life of the editorial office.
The next twelve years in the newspaper "Pravda" - special correspondent, deputy editor of the department, editor, member of the editorial board. Chief editor of the magazine "Illustrated Russia" (1991-96), head of the press service of the Provisional Administration in the zone of the Ossetian-Ingush armed conflict, head of the press service of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (1996-2000), deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Vek" (2000- 04), executive editor of the Moskovskaya Sreda newspaper. Poet, writer, playwright.

Makarov Sergey Sergeevich

He started in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1971 to 1975 - a correspondent for the department of rural youth. Then - a traveling correspondent for the magazine "Rural Youth". Author of essay books.

Diploma winner of the Moscow International Book Fair (2008) for the book "Crane Cries".

Makartsev Yury Dmitrievich

After graduating from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, he worked in the Sakhalin press, from where he was transferred in 1969 to the department of working youth of Komsomolskaya Pravda. He went from a literary worker to a member of the editorial board, editor of the working youth department. Until 1981 he was his own correspondent in Germany. Upon his return, he worked in the Smena magazine, and from 1985 to 1988 he was a special correspondent for Interlocutor.
Then - the first deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Working Tribune" and to the present day "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".
Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - the Badge of Honor "For Merit" (2011). Diploma winner of the Moscow International Book Fair (2009) for the novel "Non-Diplomat".

Marina Lyudmila Vasilievna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1959 to 1999 - secretary of the military sports department, correspondent of the letters department, head of the economic department of the editorial office. Awarded with the medal "Veteran of Labour".

Marinicheva Olga Vladislavovna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1973 to 1993 - she began as a referent for the school department, and ended as a newspaper columnist. After and to the present time - a special correspondent for the Teacher's Newspaper. Laureate of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Author of prose books.

Marshkova Tatyana Ivanovna

Born and raised in Moscow. Graduated from the faculty
journalism at Moscow State University. The first publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda appeared in 1970
year before entering university. In 1971-1981. - trainee, apprentice
Correspondent of the department of literature and art. Worked in a publishing house
"Sovremennik" (editor of criticism and literary criticism), in the magazines "Fatherland" and "Hearth", in the "Parliamentary newspaper",
"Literary newspaper". Since 2006 - the leading editor of the Algorithm publishing house.
She constantly presented materials on the problems of Russian culture, the main creative predilection was and remains the musical theater. Author of many conversations with artists, published in national publications.

Culturologist, biographer, critic. Author and compiler of the books “Alexander Vedernikov. So that the soul does not become impoverished”, “Yesenin and Isadora Duncan”, “Yesenin in Konstantinov”, “Mikhail Evdokimov. No time to live”, “Tchaikovsky. Last years". In collaboration with L. Rybakova, she wrote the book Bolshoi Theatre. Golden Voices” about the masters of the national opera stage (Moscow, 2011). Editor of more than two hundred books on culture, literary criticism and social and political topics.

Member of the Union of Journalists. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Mikhalev Pavel Filippovich

Graduated from Leningrad State University. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1958 to 1987 (with interruptions) - literary worker, deputy editor of the department of physical culture and sports, member of the editorial board, editor of the foreign department, own correspondent in the UK, columnist.
Since 1987 - Deputy, since 2011 - Advisor to the General Director of TASS. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

Murtazaev Akram Kayumovich

Laureate of the sign of the Union of Journalists of Russia "Golden Pen".

Mussalitin Vladimir Ivanovich

From 1969 to 1974 - own correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the Orenburg region, Western Kazakhstan, Bashkiria. Then - a special correspondent and columnist for the Izvestia newspaper (1974-80). After graduating from the graduate school of the Academy of Social Sciences - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Nash Sovremennik" (1984-88), Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house "Soviet Writer" (1988-90).
Now - Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia, editor-in-chief of the international magazine "Forum". Ph.D.
Winner of a number of international and Russian literary awards, including the Bunin Prize and the International Prize of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

Nedoshivin Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1977 to 1986. Last position - member of the editorial board, editor of the department of morality and law, letters and mass work. Then - postgraduate studies at the Department of Theory and History of Culture of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, defense of a dissertation on literary anti-utopias (he published several editions of J. Orwell's novel and fairy tale in his own translations), teaching at the department (course on the history of literary criticism).
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor.
In 1991 he left the CPSU. He worked as a press secretary of the State Secretary of Russia (1991-93). Organizer and head of one of the first PR agencies in Russia (1993-97).
In recent years - a historian of literature, in particular, Russian poetry of the Silver Age. Author and presenter of 60 episodes of the television cycle “Nameless Houses. Unknown Pages of the Silver Age” (2001-02) for St. Petersburg TV, a 40-episode documentary-fiction television cycle dedicated to the 860th anniversary of Moscow “Nameless Houses. Moscow of the Silver Age”, television films about M. Tsvetaeva, F. Tyutchev, D. Davydov, A. Kuprin (2003-04), A. Green and others for TVC and the channel “Culture”.
Author of several editions of the book “Walks through the Silver Age. Very personal stories from the lives of great poets.
Laureate of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists "Golden Pen" award, the All-Russian competition of television films of the Media Union (2003). The highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - the Badge of Honor "For Merit" (2010).

Oberemok (Lipatova) Elena Eliseevna

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from the student's bench (from 1970 to 1999) - from an intern to a manager. department. She led the author's bands "Literary cabaret" and "Heal for health."
In 1999 she moved to Literaturnaya Gazeta. She was the editor-in-chief of the socio-political supplement "Characters" and at the same time the first deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Youth". In n / in deputy. editor-in-chief of a socio-political publication, the daily newspaper Stoletie.ru, expert of the Historical Perspective Foundation Natalia Narochnitskaya.
Prose writer. Published in the magazines: "Sowing", "Continent", "Friendship of Peoples", "Literary Study", "Youth", etc. Laureate of awards. Boris Polevoy and Vl. Maksimov.
Author and presenter of a series of lectures on émigré Russian literature of the early 20th century at European universities.
Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and the International Literary Fund.

Ovchinnikova Ludmila Pavlovna

Born in the Stalingrad region. Graduated from Moscow State University. In Komsomolskaya Pravda from 1959 to 199laquo; Evening Moscow alt = 7 years (with a break in the early 60s) - a member of the department of student youth, the department of letters, staff correspondent for the Volgograd region, a member of the department of working youth, military-patriotic education, special correspondent department of the republics.
Since 1997 - in the newspaper "Tribuna".
Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Author of the books “The Bell in the Long Meadow”, “Women in Soldier's Greatcoats”, “Stalingrad. 164 days at war" and others.
Awarded with the medal "Veteran of Labour". Laureate of the highest award of the Union of Journalists of Russia - Badge of Honor “Honour. Dignity. Professionalism ”(2007), awards of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation for the collection“ Children of Stalingrad ”(2010).

Oleinikov Nikolai Fedorovich (1943 - 2011)

Born on the Don. From the age of fifteen he worked as a carpenter, fitter, instructor of the district committee of the Komsomol. Served in the army. He went through the school of district and regional youth newspapers.
In 1974-77, he was a staff correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda in the Rostov Region, organizer and editor of the visiting editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda at a shock Komsomol construction site - the construction of the Atommash plant. In 1977-79, he was the head of the Komsomol Searchlight department of the editorial office.
Later he worked in the magazines "Dialogue", "Political Education", "Peasant Woman", the newspaper "Chimes". In recent years, he has been an associate professor at the Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
Candidate of Economic Sciences. Author of a number of publicistic books and scientific papers.
Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia (1992).

Ostroukhov Anatoly Alexandrovich

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from 1973 to 1988 (courier, employee of the department of letters, intern of the secretariat, issuer, deputy head of the illustration department, head of the artistic design department).
Then: Deputy Executive Secretary of the newspaper "Soviet Culture", Executive Secretary of the magazine "Capital"; build editor, executive secretary, editor of the photo department of the Ogonyok magazine; deputy executive secretary of the newspaper "Izvestia"; executive secretary of the newspaper "Vremya MN"; executive secretary of the journal "World Energy"; executive secretary of the National Banking Journal.
Developed and implemented print design for several publications.Member of the Union of Journalists.One of the founders of this website of the Club of Journalists of All Generations of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", its first designer and publishing director.

I said that I did not trust the journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda. In response, Komsomolskaya Pravda invited me to visit the radio to discuss my position. A CP military journalist, Colonel Viktor Baranets, was invited as an opponent. As a result - two hours of live broadcast with lies, substitution of concepts and personal attacks. But this, as usual, worries only me, because the next day, in the morning on the main page of the KP website and all day on the radio, such an inestimable, excellent teaser for the final program sounded, in which the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio Victoria Sukhareva with colleagues discussed the evening broadcast with the following conclusion: "We have an honest Colonel Baranets and there is a provocateur and manipulator Ksenia Sobchak ...".

You can evaluate the broadcast with me and Baranets yourself, the morning final

For me, the “honest Colonel Baranets” really opened up when I asked him how such a patriot and keeper of spiritual bonds relates to the fact that his grandson lives in Monaco and posts wonderful photos of a war game in a suit with pink ears on Instagram hare?

Instead of an answer, I heard some kind of stream of consciousness, from which I could only understand that my father slept with heifers, and I was a prostitute. The "honest" radio KP turned off the microphone to Barants so as not to disgrace him completely. But God be with him. With a former military correspondent who says that being an unbiased journalist today is “a betrayal of the Motherland”, perhaps one can only talk about abstract and pleasant topics: for example, about his son’s work as vice president at Gazprombank or about climate in Monaco.

However, the “honest” KP journalists in the morning program explained the reaction of the colonel as follows: “Baranets realized that all the rules had already been violated, and something had to be done. He says: “Ksenia, dear, what does the grandson from Monaco have to do with it? Let's talk about journalism! ”, - which, of course, is not at all true! You can verify this by listening to this passage:

And here you can listen to how, on the most honest radio, aunts on the air funny shut up the mouth of a radio listener who called to say that he agrees with my position. This is about the fact that even after making a live broadcast, these people continue to lie, retelling it, and distort obvious things for everyone who heard our conversation with their own ears.

Now to the essence of our conversation with Baranets. Once again, I will briefly show with examples how exactly Komsomolskaya Pravda lies and "misses" unnecessary facts, and how the "propaganda technology" works.

Komsomolskaya Pravda does not cover the troubles taking place on the Ukrainian side, because its correspondents Kots and Steshin do not cross the front line, allegedly for “security” reasons. And to send a correspondent to the other side of the front for Sungorkin, apparently, it’s a shame. You can compare the reports of Komsomolskaya Pravda from the Donbass with Western media or Russian publications, which have not yet managed to become “the mouthpiece of state propaganda”. But I decided to compare the reports of the Russian Komsomolskaya Pravda with the reports of its “daughter” in Ukraine, which, under the license of the Russian publishing house Komsomolskaya Pravda, publishes the media holding of Sergei Kurchenko, who left Ukraine with Viktor Yanukovych, and lives in Russia. Given his location, he is clearly loyal to Russia and it is unlikely that his publications will publish outright slander against Russia.

The description of events by Komsomolskaya Pravda publications in Russia and Ukraine often differ in general. For example, the capture of the headquarters of the Naval Forces of Ukraine in the Crimea. The Russian edition writes that the building was seized by the wives of the Ukrainian military! “About three hundred local residents gathered at the checkpoint. "Give us back our husbands!" - chanted the wives of the Ukrainian military. And they asked: "Do not shoot!" .... “And then the people rushed to the entrance gate….took them down in a matter of minutes…they pulled the flag of Ukraine from the flagpole and raised the Russian tricolor.”

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda-Ukraine, “Crimean self-defense launched an assault on the headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy. Masked self-defense demolished the gate at the headquarters checkpoint. Among the attackers, in addition to the militants, are women, portraying an "outraged population".

Exactly the same situation was with the capture of the airport "Belbek" (Russian version and Ukrainian version) and other objects in the Crimea.

If Komsomolskaya Pravda cannot figure out which of its publications is telling the truth, then comparing its information with other media does not make sense at all.

But back to technology.

Consider fraud on the example of Mariupol

1. Special correspondents Kots and Steshin do not go to Mariupol, but cover the events from the side of the militias. The data of the Ukrainian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is not given. The investigation is published with the following text: “Who killed 30 residents of Mariupol? The civilized world community, as usual, hastened to conclusions and traditionally blamed the militias for the terrible tragedy.” And here is one of the excerpts from the report: “Now let's find this school on a satellite image ... In the first photo on the left in the frame we see a small extension in the courtyard, it is also visible in the image from space. There can be no mistake. Comparing these two pictures, we determine: the projectile came from the west, that is, from the center, that is, from the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, ”war correspondents Kots and Steshin conclude.

2. According to the law of the genre, after this "reportage" excuses for the militias are needed. The next day, Kots and Steshin go to the village of Oktyabr, from where, according to Kyiv, Grads could have been fired at a residential area of ​​Mariupol, and they write an article: “Militiamen of the southern front of Donbass: “Tell the Mariupol people - we didn’t hit them. Let them deal with the Ukrainian army.”

3. On the same day, the OSCE published a report on the shelling of Mariupol, which indicated that the shelling was carried out from the territory of the Oktyabr village, controlled by the DPR. Many foreign and Russian mass media wrote about the OSCE conclusions. It was from the village where Kots and Steshin made their report (On the air, the military correspondents answered that they were writing the text in a hurry). The “truthful” Komsomolskaya Pravda writes “just about the village” of October, without mentioning that it is located on the territory controlled by the DPR.

The shelling of Kramatorsk was covered in the same way.

Later, Mr. Sungorkin explained in an interview with Ekho Moskvy: “Since she was very excited (and one can understand her: “I am a journalist, and they put me in prison”), she wrote a rather angry report. It was published in KP Ukraine, from where she worked. I did not put it in the Moscow [issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda], because I think this report is biased. And by the way, there were a lot of details that weren't objective."

"Forgotten" graves

In early 2015, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article about Ukrainian military burials near Odessa with signs “surgical waste”. The link led to some bloggers. On the other hand, the scandal with the unmarked graves in Pskov of Russian paratroopers who allegedly died on the territory of Ukraine was simply not noticed. Amazing myopia!!! Sungorkin, when asked by Ekho Moskva whether the KP did an investigation or covered the funeral of the Pskov paratroopers, replied: “I don’t remember. True, I don't remember. It was quite a long story."

Russian paratroopers in Ukraine

Russian edition publishes

“... the performances of the captives boil down to the following: they arrived at the exercises in the Rostov region and during the night forced march, lagged behind the column and, without noticing, crossed the border. “We were just driving through the fields. When we drove into the village, a tank with the Ukrainian flag had already passed, and then we understood. We began to look where our people were on the road, and then they opened fire on us. We got off the BMD, and a second shell hit it, ”the fighters admitted.”

The first time the Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" decided to write about our military in the Crimea, when Vladimir Putin spoke about "polite people." But Sungorkin replies harshly to the reproaches of his colleagues: “You also had a lot of situations when you stuck your tongue in a known place and kept quiet. Just like now, you all lie about what is happening…”.


Komsomolskaya Pravda is very fond of writing about mercenaries: On NTV air, women shouted to me about mercenaries, who introduced themselves as residents of Donbass, and invited me to go to the war zone to see everything with my own eyes. But what a misfortune, Komsomolskaya Pravda war correspondents Kots and Steshin, who see the war with their own eyes, tweeted to a reader's question

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