Pyogenic granuloma on the finger. Pyogenic granuloma as an interdisciplinary problem. Subcutaneous granuloma migrans

In this article you will learn that skin granuloma is not only a cosmetic defect, but a serious symptom of a malfunction of the immune system or the presence of viral infections. We will tell you how to distinguish the cause of a granuloma by its severity on the skin, how to navigate the types of granulomas and determine the root cause on which the treatment method depends. We will determine the necessary diagnostic measures and the most effective treatment methods for both traditional and traditional medicine. Armed with knowledge, you can easily cope with any granuloma!

Definition, symptoms and process of occurrence

Granuloma is an inflammation of the skin that looks like a small plaque up to 3 cm in diameter. The surface of the granuloma can be flat and rough. It is an infiltrate (an accumulation of connective cells with blood and lymph) from overgrown epithelial cells - tissue that covers the muscles and body cavities.

This tissue grows during an autoimmune reaction of the body, that is, an unreasonable immune response. Granuloma cells contain blood and lymph, so the plaque has a bright color.

The appearance of granuloma can be divided into 4 stages:

  • At the initial stage, there is an accumulation of young cells prone to phagocytosis. Phagocytes are cells of the immune system capable of capturing and digesting harmful foreign particles - bacteria and viruses.
  • There is an active proliferation of the formed phagocytes;
  • The phagocytes then transform into epithelial cells.
  • An accumulation of epithelial tissue is formed, which forms a granuloma.

Granuloma resembles lichen in appearance, and so that you can skillfully distinguish one from the other, read.

Symptoms of granuloma are not always clearly visible. The fact is that the main part of the cells is located deep in the skin - in the dermis layer. On the surface of the skin (in the epidermis) there is a small part of the source of inflammation. External manifestations on the skin may disappear on their own and reappear. Then bright red spots appear. Such symptoms usually do not give any unpleasant sensations - granulomas do not hurt. However, 50% of granulomas are characterized by itching.

Reasons for appearance

Different granulomas have different causes. Granulomas are divided into 4 groups:

    1. Immune granulomas. The cause is an autoimmune reaction - that is, the unreasonable production of protective absorbing cells - phagocytes.
    1. Infectious granulomas. Here the cause is some kind of infectious disease - fungal infections of the skin, blastomycosis, chromomycosis, histoplasmosis and others.

    1. Granulomas caused by a foreign body. They occur as a result of various particles entering the skin - parts of insects, remnants of a sea urchin needle after an injection, threads from postoperative sutures, tattoo pigment.

    1. Post-traumatic granulomas. In case of injury, an enhanced immune response occurs with excessive proliferation of phagocytes - immune cells, which subsequently form into a granuloma.

  1. Other factors- allergic reaction, Crohn's disease, rheumatism, diabetes and others.

That is, local cellular immunity, which is provoked by the factors listed above, is responsible for the appearance of granuloma. The exact mechanism of the appearance of granulomas is not clear.


Despite the common name, there are many types of granulomas. Let's look at the most common subtypes of the disease and their features.

This type occurs due to pyococcal infection. In appearance, the granuloma looks like a fairly large soft formation, up to 3 cm wide. The lesion can have either a smooth surface or a raised one.

Often such a granuloma is post-traumatic, that is, it occurs at the site of skin damage, after a presumably staphylococcal infection has been introduced there. The pyogenic form appears on the hands and fingers, feet, or face.

Granuloma annulare

It is a collection of small nodules in the shape of a ring, hence the name. No one knows for sure why such a lesion occurs on the skin. People with diabetes, tuberculosis, and rheumatism are prone to granuloma annulare.

Granuloma annulare is a benign formation, since it is not a tumor, but an inflammation in the skin. This type of granuloma cannot always be seen on the skin; inflammatory cells are located in the deep layer - the dermis. Granuloma annulare can manifest itself under external irritants - an abundance of sunlight, after insect bites. The typical form of granuloma annulare is most often located on the feet, hands, under the knees, and less often on the buttocks and neck.

Dermatologist Galina Vladimirovna Menshikova will tell you about granuloma annulare:

This form is a consequence of infectious diseases, in particular tuberculosis, leprosy, and syphilis. A tuberculous granuloma is a focus of necrosis (dead tissue) surrounded by epithelial cells (connective tissue) and white blood cells. This is not just a cosmetic defect, it is a dangerous symptom. Such granulomas are located not only on the skin, but in the lungs, lymph nodes, respiratory tract, and tissues of the excretory system.

This is a chronic process provoked by a sexually transmitted infection - syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia. This granuloma looks like a small red pimple and is located in the groin area and on the genitals.

The inflammation progresses slowly and can cause obvious discomfort.

Men are more prone to this type than women.

This type occurs as a result of an autoimmune reaction, that is, the body produces antibodies - eosinophils - for no reason, causing inflammation to appear on the skin, developing into granulomas.

The problem is that not only the skin is affected, but also the bones and internal organs.

Occurs as a reaction to suture material. It can also appear when an infection enters the wound. It appears at the site of the scar. After an immune response to an irritant in the form of suture material or infection, phagocyte cells accumulate, which is why a postoperative granuloma occurs.

Subcutaneous granuloma migrans

Appears as a result of chronic osteomyelitis or periodontitis - inflammatory processes in the periodontium (connective tissue at the root of the tooth) of the teeth or bone marrow and surrounding tissues.

Often such a granuloma appears in the lower jaw; the skin in this area has a blue tint. Inflammation changes location, which is why the granuloma is called migrating.

Breast granuloma

Owners of silicone implants, which are perceived by the body as a foreign body, are especially susceptible to this problem.

Also, granulomas on the chest can be a consequence of sarcoidosis, an infectious inflammation of the lungs, or actinomycosis, a fungal disease. Breast granulomas are easily excised and do not recur once the underlying disease is eliminated.

Important! Granuloma is not a tumor; it cannot develop into cancer.


Determining the cause of granuloma on the skin is extremely difficult. Many diseases can provoke inflamed nodules on the skin. At the first appointment, the dermatologist conducts an examination, studies the patient’s medical history, then, based on the differential (preliminary) diagnosis, prescribes further examination, which may include:

  • Blood tests for various infectious diseases.
  • Microscopic examination of genital smears for suspected granuloma venereum.
  • A complete blood test to determine the level of eosinophils if eosinophilic granuloma is suspected.
  • Biopsy of granuloma cells. That is, a part of the inflammatory tissue is pinched off and examined under a microscope. The nature of the granuloma can be determined by the composition of the cells.
  • Additional examination methods are possible at the discretion of the doctor.


Since granuloma is a consequence of either an autoimmune reaction or infectious and other diseases, therapy is varied and depends on the underlying disease:

    • requires surgical removal. You can also resort to laser excision and cryodestruction;
    • Granuloma annulare also lends itself to cryotherapy - freezing tissue with liquid nitrogen. There is also a conservative technique - injections of corticosteroid hormones are injected into the site of inflammation. That is, they give injections of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (“Dexamethasone”, “Prednisolone”) directly into the granuloma.
    • is not treated separately from the underlying disease; accordingly, tuberculosis itself is treated with courses of appropriate antibiotics in the form of injections or tablets (“Isoniazid”, “Rifampicin”);

  • disappears when sexually transmitted infections are cured - syphilis, gonorrhea and others. Antibacterial drugs are also usually prescribed systemically - tablets and injections of antibiotics: Doxycycline, Norfloxacin, Amoxicillin.
  • It is treated systemically with corticosteroid hormones - “Prednisolone”, Dexamethasone” in injections or tablets. These drugs suppress the immune system and stop the unwarranted immune response in the form of inflammation, which is expressed as a granuloma.
  • treated surgically - excised along with the scar.
  • Breast granulomas more often they are also excised, but drug treatment with immunomodulators (“Avonex”, “Reaferon-EC”) and antibiotics (“Ceftriaxone”, “Azithromycin”) cannot be ruled out.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes can be effective for skin granuloma. However, before starting treatment, you should know the type of granuloma. As we have found out, some skin manifestations are a consequence of systemic diseases, such as infectious diseases and autoimmune reactions; it is useless to treat granuloma caused by a foreign body with folk remedies.

Homemade recipes for granuloma can be used in parallel with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Arnica ointment

Use for granuloma annulare.


  1. Arnica roots 100 gr;
  2. Pork fat 100 gr.

How to cook: Grind the roots and mix with the melted fat.

How to use: Apply the ointment to the granuloma 3 times a day for 1 to 3 months.

Result: Arnica perfectly relieves inflammation and helps in case of granuloma bleeding. Fat is a good base - it holds the composition on the skin for a long time. Granuloma can be treated in this way for a long time, from 1 to 3 months, but the first effect can be noticed after a couple of days of use.

Rosehip and elecampane root

Use for granuloma annulare, eosinophilic granuloma and granuloma of the mammary glands.

Since granuloma is often a consequence of poor immunity, restorative folk decoctions help well.


  1. Dried rose hips 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Chopped elecampane root 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mix dry fruits and roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then leave for another 1 hour.

How to use: Take twice a day, after diluting with boiling water, like tea for 1 month.

Result: Elecampane root normalizes metabolism, which is especially necessary in case of immune system failures. Rose hips charge you with vitamin C and strengthen your general condition.

Vitamin balm

Use for immune granulomas.


  1. Radish juice 0.5 cups;
  2. Carrot juice 0.5 cups;
  3. Honey 1 tbsp. L;
  4. Juice of 1 lemon.

How to cook: mix all ingredients thoroughly.

How to use: take 1 tbsp. l. balm three times a day before meals.

Result: this balm is a storehouse of vitamins - C, B, PP, E, A, K, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and amino acids are present. The overall tone will improve within a week of regular use of the balm, which will prevent the formation of new granulomas and increase the body's resistance.

Question answer

I have a granuloma on my finger. I smear it myself with different ointments - “Ichthyol”, “Tetracycline”, I used folk recipes, nothing helps. The granuloma itself is convex and quite large. How to get rid of it?

Judging by the description, you have pyogenic granuloma. This variety cannot be treated locally with ointments, but is removed surgically. You can also resort to cryodestruction and laser removal. Contact a dermatologist and also a virologist to determine the root cause.

I had granuloma annulare on my leg, the dermatologist prescribed Ichthyol ointment. After a month, the spots were almost gone. Six months passed and the granuloma reappeared. Didn't I finish my treatment last time? What can I do to prevent spots from appearing again?

Granuloma annulare is an autoimmune reaction of the body, that is, it is impossible to predict its appearance. In this case, treatment is symptomatic - that is, if “Ichthyol ointment” relieves symptoms and there is no need to prescribe hormone therapy, great. However, it is impossible to exclude the recurrence of stains. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminate nicotine and alcohol, try to avoid stressful situations, eat right, eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, eat dietary protein - lean beef, chicken fillet, eliminate foods containing sugar.

I have a granuloma in the groin area, how to treat it?

Granulomas in the groin occur due to sexually transmitted diseases. Immediately contact a dermatovenerologist and get tested for major infections.

A year ago I had silicone breast implants installed. Recently a granuloma appeared on one breast. What to expect?

The granulomas themselves on the mammary glands are most often excised. In some cases, antibiotics and drugs that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. However, if this is a reaction to the implant, like a foreign body, the granuloma will appear again. You may have to get rid of the implants. In any case, consult a specialist.

What to remember

  1. Skin granuloma is not a tumor or neoplasm, it is an inflammation of the skin. There are many types of granulomas, as well as the causes of their occurrence. They are often the result of a malfunction of the immune system, the body’s reaction to a foreign object, and the result of an infection in the body.
  2. Diagnosis of granuloma is difficult. It is necessary to first identify the root cause of inflammation.
  3. Treatment comes down to eliminating the underlying disease, or symptomatic therapy in case of autoimmune reactions.
  4. Some granulomas, such as pyogenic granulomas, are excised surgically.

The content of the article

Pyogenic granuloma- a chronic, atypical, vegetative formation caused by staphylococcus, which appears in places where there is a long-term infection (around fistulas, ingrown nails, on the oral mucosa).

Etiology of pyoderma

Most often, microorganisms such as Streptococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, and S. albus are detected on the affected areas of the skin. These cocci secrete various exotoxins and enzymes that determine the clinical difference between various pyodermas.

Pathogenesis of pyoderma

Pyoderma develops under the influence of various exogenous and endogenous factors.
Exogenous factors
- Skin trauma.
- Skin contamination, non-compliance with hygiene standards, excessive degreasing of the skin.
- Violation of the secretory function of the skin.
Endogenous factors
- Focal infection.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Neuroses, mental trauma.
- Chronic intoxication.
- Immune deficiency, HIV infection.

Clinic of pyogenic granuloma

In the area of ​​the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes, sometimes on the face, mucous membranes of the mouth, and lips, a small tumor-like formation appears, often with a granular surface in the form of pink-red granules, sitting on a stalk and slightly flattened (reminiscent of a raspberry). Sizes can range from pea to walnut. Between the juicy red-bluish granulations, pus accumulates, which shrinks into yellow-brown loose crusts. When removing the crusts, pain and bleeding are noted. There are angiomatous, verrucous, papillomatous and chancriform varieties of pyogenic granuloma. Without treatment it can be a long time.

Differential diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma

Squamous cell epithelioma. In older people, a painful ulcer that has a woody consistency and bleeds easily appears and slowly develops. The edges of the ulcer are dense, raised, everted. Regional lymph nodes become enlarged and adhere to each other and surrounding tissues. Vegetating pyoderma. Development is preceded by impetigious or follicular pustules. One or several ulcers are formed, around which daughter abscesses are formed, communicating with the main ulcer through fistulous tracts. The skin is bluish-purple in color, thins, softens and opens. Pus and necrotic masses pour out of the hole. From some fistulous tracts, ulcers form, which increase in size and connect with others. The bottom of the ulcers has uneven bluish edges and is covered with loose crusts, under which papillary growths are revealed.

Treatment of pyogenic granuloma

Local therapy
1. Disinfecting, therapeutic baths with a solution of potassium permanganate, sea salt, 2% soda, 2% boric acid, 5% ichthyol.
2. Disinfectant creams, ointments.
1. Destruction with a sharp spoon, diathermocautery, Sol. Argenti nitrati 10%, etc.
2. Granuloma surgery.
3. Laser surgery.
General therapy
1. Antibacterial agents (antibiotics, fucidin, sulfonamide drugs).
2. Vitamin therapy.
Laser therapy to improve microcirculation.

Pyogenic granuloma(bothryomycomoma) is a benign, rapidly growing neoplasm, similar to a tumor and consisting of granulation tissue with a large number of dilated, proliferating capillaries. Most often, pyogenic granulomas are localized on the fingers, hands, feet, face (cheeks, lips), sometimes on the genitals, eyelids and mucous membranes.

Symptoms of pyogenic granuloma

As a rule, this neoplasm has a round shape, a smooth or coarse-grained surface, and is located on a stalk. The size most often does not exceed 1.5-3 cm in diameter, the color is red or brownish. In most cases, pyogenic granuloma is single; multiple formations are less common.

Initially, the pyogenic granuloma grows, after which it may decrease in size. These neoplasms can easily bleed, erode, and become necrotic. In the absence of treatment, botryomycoma can exist for many years without a tendency to spontaneous regression.

Causes of pyogenic granuloma

It is believed that pyogenic granulomas occur in response to mechanical injuries - cuts, injections, burns, etc. Staphylococcal infection plays a certain role in the formation of these elements. This disease is also associated with treatment with retinoids.

Diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma

Basically, making a diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma is not difficult and is based on the clinical picture. Some difficulties arise with atypical granulomas (multiple, giant), granulomas of uncharacteristic localizations, and in advanced cases with the addition of a secondary infection. In such situations, a histological examination is performed.

Treatment of pyogenic granuloma

Treatment of pyogenic granuloma is carried out through surgery using one of the following methods:

In most cases, the result of the operation is favorable. If pyogenic granuloma is not removed sufficiently, relapses may occur.

It is worth noting that conservative methods in the treatment of pyogenic granuloma do not give positive results, so it is recommended to immediately carry out surgical treatment. Treatment of pyogenic granuloma with folk remedies also does not bring the desired effect.

is a benign neoplasm of the skin or mucous membranes of a vascular nature. Externally, it is a rounded formation (papule) with a diameter of up to 1.5 centimeters of bright red, cherry or black-brown color. The tumor volume is filled with small vessels and capillaries surrounded by connective tissue. The surface is easily injured and bleeds profusely. An external examination, dermatoscopy, and histological examination helps the doctor determine the type of neoplasm. If the compaction does not reverse spontaneously, surgical treatment (electro-, cryo- or laser coagulation) is indicated.



General information


The development of papule is based on the reactive growth of granulation tissue under the influence of external and internal influences. Granulations consist of newly formed vessels and connective tissue, ensuring rapid wound healing. They create conditions for subsequent epithelization of the wound surface and scar formation. Granuloma is a consequence of disruption of the normal process of granulation formation, excessive development of blood vessels, active division of fibroblasts, and excess production of connective tissue fibers during injury. The normal thickness of the granulation layer is 1-2 mm. The diameter of the pathological formation can reach one and a half centimeters.

The development of pyogenic granuloma largely repeats the process of wound healing. The papule consists of arterioles, venules, capillaries, a small amount of fibroblasts, and connective tissue fibers. The longer the tumor exists, the more connective tissue it contains. The final stage is pronounced fibrosis of the papule, accompanied by epithelization of its surface.

Symptoms of pyogenic granuloma

In 75% of cases, the growth of the node begins on unchanged skin. Microtraumas that can lead to the appearance of botryomics often go unnoticed by the patient. In addition to the fingers and oral mucosa, papules can appear on the skin of the face, the back of the hands, palms, neck, chest, and upper back. In pregnant women, seals form mainly on the mucous membrane of the gums of the upper jaw and the inner surface of the lips.

The papule grows for several weeks. The maximum diameter is 1.5 cm, the average is 6 mm. It has a round or lobular shape, a rich color due to the large number of vessels, a wide base, and less often a short stem. The consistency is soft and elastic. The surface of the papule is easily injured, often eroded or covered with crusts, and may be surrounded by a white border of exfoliated epithelium. The node is painless, because has no nerve endings. Discomfort is caused by the presence of a protruding formation on the arms, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body, which clings to clothing, objects, and produces profuse bleeding when damaged. Botryomycoma in the nail bed area can peel off the nail plate during active growth.

Having reached a certain size, the papule begins to gradually thicken due to the active development of connective tissue layers up to complete fibrosis. Thrombosis and emptying of blood vessels lead to focal necrosis of pyogenic granuloma. When the causative factor is eliminated, the formation may disappear on its own. Reversal of granuloma may take several months.


The only significant complication of pyogenic granuloma is heavy bleeding, which occurs when the seal is damaged. With prolonged bleeding from multiple nodes, the patient is at risk of developing anemia. With external localization of formations, the source of blood loss can be easily determined. Suspecting bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract can be much more difficult. Difficulties may arise in the differential diagnosis of botryomycoma and bleeding ulcers of the stomach or intestines.


Benign pyogenic granuloma must be distinguished from a number of other pathological formations. Here, the appearance of the node, its microscopic structure, and any other data that helps the dermatologist make an accurate diagnosis are decisive: the growth rate of the tumor, the presence of provoking factors, the effectiveness of previous treatment, and concomitant diseases. Valuable information can be obtained from:

  • Dermatoscopy. Examination of the papule using dermatoscopy reveals signs characteristic of an angiomatous neoplasm (a homogeneous reddish node surrounded by a white rim). As a rule, visual signs are sufficient for differential diagnosis of the disease with a number of benign and malignant pathological changes in the skin that are similar in appearance to botryomycoma.
  • Node biopsy. Tissue collection for histological examination is often carried out directly during surgery to remove the tumor. This allows you to confirm the diagnosis of botryomycoma and determine the extent of surgical intervention. Pathomorphological examination reveals the proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts, and infiltration of the stroma with leukocytes.

Complex diagnostic cases may require examination by a dermato-oncologist or surgeon. Pigmentless melanoma, squamous cell skin cancer, skin metastases of bone tumors, internal organs, and a number of other malignant neoplasms are similar in appearance to botryomicoma. The location of lesions between the shoulder blades may be one of the manifestations of Hodgkin's disease, which requires the attention of a hematologist.

Treatment of pyogenic granuloma

Medical tactics regarding a neoplasm are determined by a number of factors: how long it has existed, location, amount of bleeding, and whether the woman is pregnant. An occasional bleeding finger will need to be removed immediately to make it easier for the patient to carry out daily activities. The formation of the oral mucosa, which appeared during pregnancy, is recommended to be observed several months after childbirth. If the pyogenic granuloma does not regress spontaneously, it is removed during a minor outpatient surgery. Surgical treatment methods include:

  • Electrocoagulation. Allows you to remove pathologically altered tissue quickly, with minimal blood loss. The likelihood of recurrence of botryomycoma after electrocoagulation is lower compared to other surgical methods. Anesthesia with local anesthetics is required. Using an electrode, the seal is cut off from the surface of the skin at the base. The resulting tissue fragment is sent for histology.
  • Liquid nitrogen removal. Cryotherapy is used only in cases where other techniques are not available. Low temperature also helps reduce bleeding, but not as well as electrocoagulation. In this regard, a mixture of lidocaine and epinephrine is recommended for pain relief. Epinephrine causes a sharp constriction of blood vessels at the injection site, prolonging the duration of the local anesthetic.
  • Laser removal. Laser coagulation is an almost bloodless method, after which, if the procedure is carried out correctly, no noticeable scars remain. Blood cells contain the pigment hemoglobin, which absorbs the energy of laser pulses much more actively than surrounding tissues. This allows the laser beam to act differentially on the area where the papule is located. The vascular formation is removed, and healthy cells remain undamaged.

Regardless of what surgical method was used, a round-shaped wound remains at the site of the manipulation, covered with a dense dark crust. Optimal conditions for epithelization are created under it. The crust cannot be removed until the wound has completely healed, otherwise there is a risk of scar development. This is the only limitation of the postoperative period. Prescribing conservative treatment is advisable only at the first signs of relapse. In this case, an ointment containing 5% imiquimod is applied topically.

Prognosis and prevention

In case of an established and confirmed diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma, the prognosis for life and recovery is favorable. Regression of compaction without treatment is observed in every second case. Surgery provides a complete cure, but there is always a risk of relapse. A young papule may appear in the same place where the removed node was located. A persistent course requires a more attentive attitude to the causative factors of the appearance of pyogenic granuloma, and their elimination whenever possible. Methods for preventing botryomycoma due to the lack of accurate data on the etiology of the disease have not been developed; Injury to the skin and mucous membranes should be avoided and dermatoses treated in a timely manner.

Nail granuloma is a pathological process that is represented by focal proliferation of connective tissues. Such formations can be single or numerous. Often they are benign in nature and are a manifestation of an acute or chronic infectious disease.

Nail granuloma - what is this disease?

This is a compaction whose diameter does not exceed 3 cm. Such a tubercle has a rough, flat surface. Most often, pyogenic granuloma is reddish in color. It may bleed or have a serous-purulent coating. Nail granuloma is very different from neoplasms that affect other areas of the body. The reason for this is that these seals differ from each other in morphological characteristics. They are like this:

  • giant cell;
  • macrophage;
  • epithelioid cell.

Photos show what a nail granuloma looks like. In this case, seals come in the following types:

  1. Specific - pathology occurs against the background of a disease that is infectious in nature. These groups include scleroma, annular, leprosy and tuberculous granuloma.
  2. Nonspecific – the occurrence of this pathology is facilitated by infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Nail granuloma - causes

To date, the study of the etiology of this disease continues. It is believed that granuloma under the nail develops as a reactive process due to microtrauma. In this case, the following factors play an important role:

  1. Mechanical damage. For a granuloma to appear, a small impact is enough, for example, carelessly processing the cuticle plate or introducing a splinter.
  2. Exposure to certain medications. The likelihood of developing a granuloma near the nail increases when taking protease inhibitors and retinoids, which are prescribed for acne. The same effect is observed with systemic (in the form of injections or tablets) and local (creams, ointments) administration.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. More often, neoplasms appear in adolescents, pregnant women and women taking hormonal contraceptives.
  4. Thermal and chemical burns. Often after them, multiple neoplasms are observed in the affected area.

Granuloma of the fingernail

There are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of this neoplasm. Pyogenic granuloma on the finger occurs for the following reasons:

  • improperly processed plates;
  • too wide fingers with pronounced nail folds;
  • convex plates, the corners of which cut into the skin of the fingers at right angles;
  • nail dysplasia (can be observed in diseases of the lungs, heart, diabetes and other metabolic disorders).

Granuloma on toenails

There are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing this disease. Pyogenic granuloma on the toe may have the following causes:

  • poorly ventilated and too narrow shoes;
  • congenital deformation of the feet, accompanied by pathological elongation of one or more toes;
  • intense physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • transverse, in which the big toe is deviated outward or shifted to the inside of the foot;
  • injuries and fungal infections of the nail plates;

Pyogenic granuloma - differential diagnosis

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will recommend that the patient undergo an examination. This procedure will allow the doctor to make sure that the person who turned to him for help really has a pyogenic granuloma in an ingrown nail, and not another pathological formation. To do this, the following manipulations are prescribed:

  1. Dermatoscopy– a procedure that allows you to identify existing signs of an angiomatous neoplasm.
  2. Biopsy of nodules– this is tissue sampling carried out for subsequent histological examination. This procedure helps determine the degree of proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts.

In addition, a granuloma on the toe near the nail additionally requires consultation with the following specialists:

  • dermato-oncologist;
  • surgeon

Pyogenic granuloma - treatment

Self-medication is dangerous! At best, it will be useless, and at worst, it can make the situation worse. For this reason, all appointments must be made by a doctor. Nail granuloma treatment involves a comprehensive treatment, including the following methods:

  • use of drug therapy;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • surgical intervention.

For conservative therapy, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • disinfectants (Iodinol, Chlorhexidine, Nitrofural);
  • antibacterial agents (Azithromycin, Baneocin, Tyrosur);
  • vitamins (Complivit, Supradin, Vitrum, Centrum);
  • immunomodulatory drugs (Dibazol, Lykopid, Interferon).

Nail granuloma - treatment at home

Timely initiation of therapy helps to achieve better results. However, even before using traditional medicine, it is important to remember that some of them can provoke allergies. To prevent the occurrence of such a reaction, a test should be performed before using the “drugs.” When fighting tumors, baking soda, garlic, tea tree essential oil, honey and other ingredients can be used.

Pyogenic granuloma - aloe treatment


  • aloe – 3 medium leaves;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • beeswax - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Preparation, use

  1. Onions and garlic are peeled and then washed together with aloe.
  2. All components are placed in a blender bowl and mixed until smooth.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a heat-resistant container and cook for 3-4 minutes over low heat.
  4. Cool the ointment to room temperature. Apply it to the affected area and leave overnight. It is recommended to do such procedures for 10-12 days in a row.

Removal of nail granuloma

If the neoplasm does not regress under the influence of conservative treatment, surgical intervention is resorted to. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. It should be performed by an experienced doctor. If a nail granuloma is diagnosed, only he knows how to remove it. Surgery can be performed using one of the following methods:

  1. Electrocoagulation– during the procedure, the seal is cut off from the base using a special electrode. The tissue is then sent for histological examination.
  2. Cryotherapy– freezing the tumor with liquid nitrogen.
  3. Treatment of granuloma with laser– a bloodless method of removal, after proper implementation of which there is not even any scar left.
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