What zodiac signs are lucky in the year. Send by email. Pisces: forget the old

Happiness is the most elusive, ephemeral and fickle thing in the world. The sages say that happiness is a process, not a goal, and that each of us carries it within ourselves. You just need to be able to see it at a certain point in time in 2018 and feel it. The stars agree with the sages — they say that some zodiac signs find it easier to be happy than others in 2018. The rating of the happiest signs in ascending order is in our new review.


The main opponent of the mood for happiness in 2018 is the mood of Sagittarius, changeable and fickle. Just now they radiated cheerfulness and optimism, and a minute later we see a gloomy and angry person in front of us. This can be partly explained by the characteristic feature of the representatives of this sign: they want everything to be as they need. And immediately and without options. If this does not happen, Sagittarius can become discouraged - instead of enjoying the current moment or prospects.


Scorpios largely live by the same principle this year: they are very impulsive and want everything at once, except that they are not so upset over trifles. These people often do not have the simplest character and willingly notice the shortcomings of other people. And there are legends about the ability to introspection and reflection on any occasion. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult for them to feel completely happy - and all that is needed is that they treat themselves and the world a little more condescendingly.


The subtle mental organization of Pisces sometimes prevents them from being truly serene and happy in 2018. One wrong word, a sideways glance, or simple bad weather outside the window is enough - and the peace of mind of Pisces is lost for a long time. If the representatives of this sign want to achieve a state of harmony, they need to consciously come to such a feeling: for this, you just need to react less to trifles from the outside.


Representatives of the Libra sign often seem very happy and satisfied with everything: they are charming and self-confident. From the outside, they give the impression of very lucky people, for whom everything in life often develops on its own. But inside, Libra sometimes turns out to be dissatisfied, and they themselves can’t really explain what the matter is, where is the reason for their bad mood. All they really need is a state of harmony, to achieve which they need to appreciate what they have right now, when 2018 is on the calendar.


On the one hand, it is important for them to meet a certain bar so that “everyone is like everyone else” of the signs of the zodiac this year. On the other hand, for complete happiness, Taurus wants things to be at least a little better than most. While these people are equal to the feelings and ideas about the happiness of others, they may not have time to enjoy what they already have. Many of the Taurus are able to feel happy only next to someone, so they make every effort to make their loved one happy first.


Capricorns are so used to being in control in 2018 that other people's actions can sometimes piss them off. Then they begin to suffer from the imperfection of the world. To achieve a state of happiness, they sometimes lack the understanding that other people can make their own mistakes and should just be left alone. This will in no way lead to loss of face by Capricorn, but there will definitely be less reason to worry and worry about important and trifling matters.


These are the hardest working people of the zodiac signs - and nothing has changed this year - who strive to organize their lives as comfortably as possible (and to reduce improvisation). This makes their existence simple, understandable and very calm: chaos brings them mental discomfort. Virgos need to learn how to relax and enjoy life, even if everything suddenly turns upside down and moves according to a logic they do not understand. Excessive worries about order are sometimes so tiring that it is easier to go with the flow and not pay attention to annoying little things.


Dreamy and sensitive Cancer loves to be happy and is able to make a lot of efforts to achieve this comfortable state for him. The internal resource and the ability to concentrate this year will be quite enough for them for this, but external circumstances and luck will sometimes turn the wrong way, as we would like. Then they fall into melancholy and go into inner experiences: Cancers are not really happy very often for this very reason.


It is important for them to always move forward in 2018. They know how to do this and are well aware of their strengths, which help them more than representatives of other zodiac signs. Aries are often partial to status and recognition of their merits - no matter how large-scale and grandiose their own contribution to the common cause turned out to be. With age, this trait sometimes changes in the direction of the ability to enjoy simple things - and then Aries are serenely happy, even if there is no reason at all.

a lion

People born under this sign are sometimes vain, arrogant and narcissistic. No matter how strange it may sound, it is these qualities that will allow them to enjoy life this year to the fullest and feel really happy. It would never occur to them to doubt their talents and luck, and they simply do not react to external stimuli. Selfishness? Perhaps, but Lions in a state of spiritual harmony are able to royally improve the world around them this year, and doing it completely voluntarily and sincerely.


Such people tend to be interested in meditative techniques - and in general, everything that is very conducive to achieving happiness. This year they are especially open to the world, friendly and often happy to share their spiritual discoveries with anyone who shows interest. Aquarians love to arrange holidays and surprises - even to strangers, even for no reason. Therefore, it is pleasant and easy to be near them, and they themselves are constantly in search of new ways to achieve harmony and peace.


It would seem, how can representatives of such an emotional sign be at the top of the 2018 rating? The thing is that Geminis always try to see only positive aspects in everything that happens to them and around them. This year - with a vengeance. They are able to sincerely appreciate every moment and infect others with optimism. Even if something upsets them, these people try not to dwell on failures, but rather look for a new situation or person in whom they will again find something positive and joyful. Tomorrow pleases them already because it is fraught with something new - Gemini's curiosity often makes them look forward to the new and the unknown.

Jupiter, the planet of great fortune or Great Benefactor, passes through different signs of the Zodiac every year. Of course, the sign of the Zodiac, through which the planet of great luck passes, will be lucky a little more than others. The sign of the zodiac in 2018 will be Scorpio.

So, Jupiter will spend most of 2018 (more than 10 months) in Scorpio. That is exactly why scorpions they will feel a strong desire for growth and development, they will feel the demand for their abilities. Good luck awaits typical Scorpions in any independent and personal endeavors. 2018 will also bring Scorpios more optimism, enthusiasm, and will allow them to better discover and use their talents and abilities. In general, this is in many ways your year and you need to use the potential you have to the maximum.

But what about representatives of other signs? According to astrological tradition, any sign is one of the astropoles of another sign. So, for example, Taurus is the second astropole (home) for Aries and, for example, the third for Pisces. Each astropole is responsible for a certain sphere of life, and therefore, Jupiter will give good luck to each sign of the Zodiac, but in its own sphere, characteristic only for this sign.

Aries in 2018 will be lucky in business matters. Aries have a successful year in 2018 in terms of starting their own business, developing an existing business. Financial investments will turn out to be successful, it will be easier to get a loan for your needs. It is also worth noting that Jupiter activates the sexual sphere in 2018 - here 2018 will bring more sexuality, the desire for new sensations and, of course, a little more luck.

Taurus Jupiter in 2018 will bring good luck in personal and business relationships. In existing relations, progress and development are likely, more harmony. The desire for new horizons in the development of current relations will increase. Single Taurus have a high chance of starting a promising relationship in 2018. In business relations, there will also be more luck, it is likely that more promising partners will be acquired, and the beneficial effect of business cooperation on one's own growth.

Gemini 2018 will bring good luck in your work. This position of Jupiter does not always promise career growth, but new professional experience, an increase in respect from colleagues and an increase in one's own professionalism very often brings. There will be a little more work, but within a year you will be able to become a real specialist. If you are looking for a job, 2018 will bring many promising offers.

Cancers 2018 will bring good luck in the romantic realm. You will be the center of attention from the opposite sex. If you are free - the year will bring many dates, the opportunity to start a promising love relationship. Lovingness also increases, but if you are in the mood for a serious relationship in the near future, focus on the quality, not the quantity of love affairs. In existing relationships, there will be more romance, joint entertainment. The year is successful for conception and the birth of a child. In general, in all matters related to children, 2018 will bring much more luck and joy.

a lion in 2018 will be lucky in solving family issues. The year will bring harmony in relations with relatives. You will also have more luck in matters related to home, housing, and probably better living conditions. Good luck awaits in matters related to repair, construction, 2018 is a good year for undertakings in these areas.

Virgo good luck on your travels. Any short trips in 2018 will add up more successfully. 2018 will also bring Virgo an expansion of social circle and new interests. This year can and should be used to build relationships with brothers and sisters, neighbors and people from your daily environment.

Libra 2018 will bring good luck in financial matters. The year will bring growth in income, foresight in investments, as well as successful (and often large and important) purchases and acquisitions. The only advice - try to spend money not on a thousand little things, but to get something really important and worthwhile.

For Sagittarius the year does not promise bright successes in the visible spheres of life. For you, 2018 is a year of spiritual growth and development, a year when you can overcome your fears and complexes. Good luck will accompany in solving health-related issues. To feel happy, you will need more peace and even some solitude. Rest more - a year of success will come for you next year, 2019.

Capricorn 2018 will be full of new plans and ideas. I must say that luck awaits you just in their implementation. 2018 will also be a successful year in terms of communication with friends, now you can significantly improve relations with old friends and make new promising acquaintances. Success awaits Capricorns also from participation in collective and social events.

At Aquarius 2018 is almost as favorable as Scorpio, the leader of the ranking. Aquarius is waiting for success in realizing their goals, so the year is also favorable. Set yourself new challenges and solve them. Success awaits you in your career, there are good chances for promotion. The horoscope for 2018 also promises you patronage from the leadership.

Pisces 2018 promises good luck in travel and learning. A strong desire for new knowledge and experiences will allow you to actively travel, communicate with interesting people and improve your level of knowledge. Increased luck awaits you when traveling long distances (or any distance when it comes to traveling abroad), as well as in all matters related to education.

If 2017 was a successful year for you, it doesn't mean that the next one will go just as smoothly. Some Zodiac Signs may be at the pinnacle of happiness, but the patroness of 2018 may not love someone from the very beginning.

A new year is a new beginning. Already from January 1, you can notice changes, but for many, they will not come immediately. The following year, power passes to a new mistress - Yellow Earth Dog. This animal is distinguished by a kind character and devotion. However, despite the positive qualities of the patroness, not each of the Signs of the Zodiac will be successful. The site site team will tell you which representatives of the zodiac circle will be lucky in 2018, and who will face failures and defeats.


The beginning of the year will be successful for you. You will be able to prove yourself in the business sphere, as well as improve your personal life. Luck itself will go into your hands. If you plan to implement your ideas, then it is desirable to do this already in January. By the middle of the year, the situation may change, and your internal energy will decline. So don't waste a minute.

During the year, you may encounter problems, mainly they will relate to your health. In 2018, even mild colds should not be neglected. Strengthen your body, and then in the future you can avoid problems and unpleasant moments.


The horoscope does not promise Taurus significant changes in the year of the Yellow Dog. Problems can bring an unstable emotional state. Any little things will create both positive and negative impressions for you. At first you can rejoice, no matter what, and only then start to be sad for no reason. To avoid this state, try to calmly react to what is happening around you.

The work will bring you only pleasure, because it will not be fruitless. The more you try, the more good reward awaits you. Do not overload yourself too much, try to work to the best of your ability. Try to be creative in problem solving and don't hesitate to pitch your ideas to your boss. The brighter you show yourself, the sooner you will achieve success.


Gemini should prepare for global changes. However, the beginning of the year will be calm for you. You can devote time to yourself and do what you love. You may want to retire and reflect on your life. This will help you plan your next steps and spend 2018 with the maximum benefit for yourself.

Long loneliness does not threaten you. In the spring, good acquaintances and popularity await you. You will have many brilliant ideas, by embodying which you will achieve recognition and financial success.


The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring difficulties for Cancers. This will be especially noticeable at the beginning of the year. You may feel like everyone around you is against you. If you can overcome difficulties, then you will be lucky in your career, in your personal life and even in business. The most important thing is to act and not give up.

Sometimes difficulties will give you inner discomfort, because of which you will often experience a feeling of fear. You are afraid to lose what was acquired by overwork. Site site experts recommend that you overcome this unpleasant feeling and achieve your goals, regardless of the risks.

a lion

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign will feel confident, and determination will help them achieve success in any field. Many changes await you. First of all, they will concern personal life. Perhaps lonely Leos will find their soul mate. Others may expect a fateful event or a new love.

You will want to be close to your loved ones more than ever. Despite the fact that Leos love attention and recognition, in the year of the Yellow Dog they will want to spend more time at home. If a turning point occurs in your family, then it is you who can fix everything.


Virgos dream of trying themselves in all areas. Today they see themselves as brilliant writers, and tomorrow they want to try their hand at sales. In 2018, try to change your plans as little as possible. You need to decide on your desires, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Your personal life may also suffer from your constant uncertainty. Even if several people show sympathy for you at once, you need to choose only one of them. If you learn to make informed decisions and do not want everything at once, then the year of the Yellow Dog will bring you many new achievements.


In 2018, Libra will be determined. Once you set a goal, you will definitely achieve it. Your endurance will help you with this. You do not like to rush and consciously take action. This is what will help you bring your ideas to life.

Perhaps by the middle of the year you will think about changing professional activities. In this case, you should fulfill your desire. Such a measure will bring you a positive result, and by the end of 2018 you will be able to reach new heights.


Scorpios are always active, and their inner strength sometimes delights those around them. It is with her help that you will show what you are capable of. In 2018, your hard work will be appreciated. Despite this, success will not go to your head. You will be able to maintain warm relationships with loved ones and even improve your personal life.

Try to live not only for your own pleasure. Pay more attention to your loved ones. After all, sometimes Aquarians are so passionate about their lives that they forget about other people. Do not forget: The dog first of all appreciates the family. It would be desirable to follow her example in the future.


For representatives of this Zodiac Sign, the Yellow Dog will be more generous than the Fire Rooster. Already at the beginning of the year, it will give you new achievements and rapid career growth. Pleasant changes in personal life are also expected - especially for Pisces, who are still unlucky

When it comes to difficult life situations, people seek the help of qualified professionals. However, only the stars can answer some questions. It is they who are responsible for the favor of fortune, its changeable character. Thanks to the astrological forecast for 2018, a person can adjust his own behavior in order to bring good luck to his side. It is important to prevent potential mistakes in a timely manner, and then everything in life will be fine. Let's study the star horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac.


Even such energetic guys as Aries will find it difficult to keep up with swift luck. Today this butterfly flutters carelessly, and tomorrow it is nowhere to be found. These transitions are somewhat disorienting for self-confident representatives of the sign, who are used to seeing the target in front of their eyes. To catch a butterfly in a net, you will probably need the help of friends. A dog always sincerely seeks to please a person. Therefore, every advice received from loved ones must be taken into account. This will allow us to achieve the desired success in the second half of the year.


Despite the favorable arrangement of the stars, Taurus will have to come to grips with their health. Consistently putting your ideas into practice takes quite a lot of energy. Therefore, the winter period should be devoted to prevention, muscle relaxation. At the same time, the Dog will regularly urge them to work. You need to find the right balance. Purposeful and stubborn Taurus always want to give all the best. However, this is fraught with problems with the musculoskeletal system, which will make themselves felt in the second half of the year. It is better to move in small steps, but true. And then the desired results will not keep you waiting. By the way, Lady Luck and the Dog are preparing an unusual surprise for Taurus regarding their personal lives.


The serene representatives of the most windy sign were lucky this time too. Nothing can disturb their airy mood, since no problems are expected in 2018. Old questions will gradually close, and the appearance of free time will finally allow you to choose the right path. It is enough for the dog to be somewhere nearby so that the calmness of the Gemini is unshakable. This state of affairs can be safely considered luck.


If anyone will have to work in the coming year, it is the cautious Cancers. The well-established little world of these amphibious representatives will undergo a cardinal shake-up. Revision of values, receiving an inheritance, engagement with a loved one - all the most important milestones in life are at risk of being embodied with the advent of the Dog. She will not let Cancers sit quietly in one place. Charge with inspiration, new ideas, meeting the right people. Especially lucky creative representatives of the sign. Their love for their own business will finally bear fruit. The rest should rely on the support of friends. Each close person in 2018 will become a guide to the advice of an energetic Dog. And it's better to listen to them.

a lion

The star map foretells Leo a lot of activity in 2018. Their charge for success will get an excellent chance to be realized. It is important to try to cover the maximum range of difficult issues. One of them contains the key to solving most of Lviv's problems. After answering this difficult question, representatives of the fire sign will be able to make friends with the Yellow Dog. And already she will not leave in trouble, she will become the best helper of royal cats. Therefore, bold Lions can prepare for material well-being.


Surprisingly simple may seem the forecast of 2018 for the most earthly sign of the Zodiac. Thanks to the patronage of the Earth Dog, Virgo will be able to fully realize their potential. And it lies in the ability to get to the bottom of the deepest truth, to see the world without rose-colored glasses. These sensible guys will become the beacon of calm that all people, without exception, strive for. Their authority in the coming year will be strengthened, and their own desire for the ideal will begin to sprout. It is important to devote as much time as possible to your personal life, since there is no end to the requests of others. It is better to control this process.


The most harmonious sign of the Zodiac is about to undergo serious changes. The dog will not leave the balanced Libra alone, in every possible way urging them towards vigorous activity. 2018 should be remembered by them for mastering new skills or even a job. Perseverance and the desire to succeed will certainly be rewarded towards the end of the year. A devoted assistant will bring a bone for agreeing to play his game. However, rest should not be forgotten either. In the middle of the year, it is desirable to relax, gain strength. And then luck itself will knock on the door.


Representatives of the elements of water will inevitably expect changes. They always have a curious relationship with the earth. Either she fills up their streams, becoming an insurmountable obstacle on a straight path, or gives way to her ledges span by span. Therefore, only the most stubborn will be lucky in 2018, who will grow in all directions. Self-education, firm discipline and a mystical sense of intuition will allow Scorpios to get rich in spite of all prejudices. Any error should be taken as a hint. This is just a side effect of being active. Humans shouldn't have any problems. The ability to see through them is too great.


A small test lies ahead for the fiery Sagittarius. Earth and fire are not very friendly, and therefore the Dog may initially ignore the representatives of the sign. Many cases will end without much success. The first half of the year will seem completely devoid of luck, but this is a misleading impression. In order for all self-doubts to evaporate, it is recommended to rest before the end of summer. This will allow the head to gain clarity, and logic - again to prevail over the tricks of fickle intuition. And then the end of the year will be held under the auspices of the already benevolent Dog.


Luck will not go anywhere from Capricorns. Earth signs are favored by the Dog. However, with one warning. The purposefulness of the representatives of the sign for material well-being can deprive them of the rest of the pleasures in life. Therefore, a faithful assistant person will in every possible way push Capricorns to other goals. For example, the arrangement of personal life. Shouldn't it be lucky to meet an amazing person? And, especially, a wedding? Instead of chasing one fat hare, it is better to choose a good hunt for white rabbits. A few eared ones at the end of 2018 will pleasantly amuse the pride of Capricorns.


Where only Aquarius does not shine luck! All material issues will be resolved at the beginning of the year. Any undertaking will pass like clockwork. The only thing to avoid is boasting about your successes. It is better to give everyone around you positive energy with your smile alone. Since the absence of problems in business can turn your head, it is recommended to take the highest possible bar. The sincere desire to achieve it, and the guarantee of the hardworking Dog, should show the result before the end of the year. Most importantly, believe in your star of luck.


Dexterous Fishes do not have to circle the slow Dog around their fingers. Therefore, the latter will not even try to control the movements of representatives of this sign. Luck itself will sail into the hands of Pisces, without the slightest effort. In order not to waste gifts of favorable fortune, it is strongly recommended to make large investments in real estate in 2018. A contrast with a mobile lifestyle is needed. Maintaining balance is the very recipe for good luck. And after the perfect transaction, you can afford an exciting journey. This will please the playful hostess of the year.

Helpful Hints

Undoubtedly, each of us expects that the new year will bring him or her new luck, new happiness and new interesting and memorable events. Who doesn't want to be happy? That is why the New Year holiday is so valuable for us, because it gives hope for the best.

Astrologically, you can find out who will have more carry and who will be luckier in a certain period of time, and who will be more likely to be unlucky during that time.

If you don't find your zodiac sign on this list, don't be sad, it might just be a little harder for you to get your luck than these lucky ones.

Read also:These 4 signs will be EXTREMELY UNLUCKY in 2018: what to do to deal with crises?

So, Scorpions and Sagittarius can be called the most successful and lucky this year, especially if they were born duringfrom November 9 to December 4 any year!

The rest of the signs of the zodiac can also meet luck, but they will be h they are somewhat smaller and not in all areas of life. Cancers, for example, can have very successful business at work, butpersonal lifewill survive not the best of times!

Which signs will be lucky in 2018?

SAGITTARIUS: Lucky in everything!

Good luck and prosperity await almost all Sagittarians in the new year, but especially those who were born from November 23 to December 4. Your luck will simply go into your hands, and the circumstances will develop successfully, as if the guardian angel himself leads the luck and protects you from difficulties.

Previous few years were difficult for your sign, you may have encountered difficulties, restrictions, the inability to do as you wanted.

The reasons for this could be very different: someone had children, so there was no time for themselves and their personal goals, someone probably had health problems, someone could not find a normal job, someone there was no financial opportunity to travel or he could not go because of close relatives and so on. There could be many reasons everyone has their own.

In any case, know: now fate has mercy, the planets are rushing along the white stripe, giving you a lot of opportunities for self-realization and new interesting events in 2018!

In your case, you don't have to worry that luck can be "scared" in some way. The fact is that you are exactly the sign of the Zodiac that can now decide on the most daring and adventurous things without any fear of failure.

You have had enough failures in the past, but thanks to your innate optimism, now you will not be too worried that you will not succeed again. Believe that everything will work out, do your thing, do what gives you true joy.

SCORPIO: Lucky in the most important!

Your zodiac sign will feel more or less confident at the end of 2017. Something new and memorable will come into your life, any most daring and even somewhere unexpected ideas will be successful.

But still, you yourself will determine for yourself those very levels and areas that lack luck so much. Remember: this magical year for you your most cherished dream will come true, or the desire that you have nurtured for so long, but did not fully believe that it could come true.

What is important for you? Family, work, money, new experiences? This is up to you to decide. If there was no success at work, now it is quite possible to be promoted, you will be offered a new job, and so on. The business did not bring the desired income? Now with a high probability you will have a new profitable deal! Are you single and want to start a family? A new important acquaintance awaits you!

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? The most important thing for you now is not to doubt, but to believe that everything will work out! Determine the most important thing for yourself and think of it as a fait accompli. But do not get too hung up, but let your desires come true without your participation. Later, looking back, you will be surprised to understand that this is exactly what you wanted!

The Luckiest Signs of 2018

ARIES: Good luck with travel!

Although you will not be lucky as fabulously as the previous two signs of the Zodiac, you can still count on pleasant events in your life, especially closer to the fall of 2018.

This year you should not doubt: all your trips, travels and long-distance travels will turn out to be very successful. over the past 4-5 years! You might just draw a lucky ticket, find a trip with huge discounts, or just someone will give you the trip of your dreams.

New journeys will bring you rich life experience, new grandiose knowledge and impressions for life. Is this not important to you? After all, you are one of those signs of the Zodiac for whom it is difficult not to see changes around you, not to change the situation, not to move forward. This year you will have a great chance to go where you have never been before!

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? If you have long dreamed of going somewhere to a distant country, you have a chance to do it! First, you should find fellow travelers, as well as constantly monitor offers. One day you will find what you really need. And one more thing: it is important to have a plan in mind that will help you get closer to your goal.

If you don’t yet know which country you want to go to, at least imagine what you will do there, what landscapes you want to see, what to bring home, what dream of getting impressions. If you are a fan of a beach holiday - imagine bright beautiful beaches with white sand and azure sea, if you love history - keep in mind pictures of interesting historical buildings and events, and so on.

Who will be the luckiest in the new year?

LEO: Lucky in love and creativity!

Lions this year can count on good luck in love and personal life, including in the family. Perhaps someone may even have replenishment in the family, someone can decide on a serious proposal, and so on. It is also a period when you can expand your living space.

If you have long wanted to live in more spacious conditions, 2018 may bring you opportunities to move closer or fulfill your wish. You can move to a new house or apartment, acquire a summer cottage or move in with your loved ones!

Read also:Good luck horoscope which zodiac sign is most often lucky in love

This year can also be memorable, especially the last third of it, thanks to success in creativity. If you have been nurturing some special creative idea for a long time, now would be the best time to implement it.

It is also possible that this year you may find new hobbies, hobbies and favorite activities, go beyond the usual boundaries, learn a lot of interesting things and really feel the flight of creative thought!

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? The main thing now is not to give up on your dreams and go towards your goal! Good luck will be on your side if you do not change your principles and demonstrate your willpower and ability to get what you want. You can't be afraid of even the most daring and unrealistic ideas: they have every chance of becoming a reality!

PISCES: Lucky in your career!

This year can open up a lot of new and interesting things for you: it is possible that you will be seriously interested in something, you will be interested in religion, philosophy or history. May open at this time important new knowledge, or you will have to seriously learn something completely new.

You can easily use all new knowledge in your work, and this, in turn, can bring you significant advantages and competitiveness. Career growth this year can be obvious, especially big changes can be expected towards the end of 2018 - in November-December.

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? Now it is important not to stand still and not expect that everything can turn out by itself. Although your zodiac sign will be lucky, this luck can quickly disappear if you do not take serious action.

Determine for yourself what exactly you lack for the job that you dream of. Find out what it takes to work in this direction and boldly move forward. It's important to have initial impulse, push, then inspiration will not leave you, you will move by inertia and you will get what you so dream about.

CANCER: Lucky at work!

Your zodiac sign will experience a variety of feelings this year and face both difficulties and great fortunes! That is why we do not put you on the first lines of the lucky ones, but still we can say that luck will accompany you not in all areas of life, but, most likely, only at work.

If you have your own business, it is likely that you can expand it: recruit new employees, explore new interesting areas of activity, expand production, develop service quality.

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