How much alcohol is exhaled? Time it takes for alcohol to leave the human body. Video: “The effect of alcohol on the human body”

Alcohol is absorbed quite quickly into the human blood and has a negative effect on almost all organs, especially the nervous system. Under the influence of substances contained in alcohol, the speed of reactions slows down, concentration of attention decreases and drowsiness appears, which is especially dangerous for people who are driving a car at that moment.

Alcoholic drinks come in different alcohol contents and are therefore excreted from the blood differently. To protect yourself from road accidents and fines, you need to know how long it takes for a particular alcohol to disappear from the human body, and a comparison table can help with this. It will give an idea of ​​how long a drunk person should avoid driving.


What law regulates the permissible limit and how is the presence of alcohol in the blood determined?

The upper limit of the blood alcohol level that is allowed when driving a car is regulated by Article 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Offences”. The article indicates preventive measures for persons driving a vehicle while intoxicated, and also contains information about the permissible levels of alcohol in the body and methods for determining it. However, on April 3, 2018, the President of the country signed Federal Law No. 62-FZ “On Amendments to Article 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.”

According to this law, the state of intoxication of a driver can be determined not only using a breathalyzer, but also a blood test. Since the entry into force of Law No. 62-FZ, the traffic police inspector has the right to send the driver to conduct such an analysis. This expansion of powers of government employees. The inspection will help determine the amount of alcohol in the body of persons injured in an accident and unconscious, as well as drivers who are unable to pass a breathalyzer test.

Note! The new law changed the permitted blood alcohol level: if previously it was 0 ppm, then after it came into force the upper limit of the norm was 0.3 ppm. The content in exhaled air should not exceed 0.16 ppm.

Such changes are due to the fact that even non-alcoholic foods and some drinks can affect the result of an alcohol test, showing a certain amount of ppm. Such products include kvass, warm juices, overripe bananas, chocolate, citrus fruits, as well as all products obtained by lactic fermentation.

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How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Alcohol of different strengths is eliminated from the body at different rates. Thus, low-alcohol drinks disappear much faster than strong alcohol. The rate of ethanol elimination is also affected by the amount you drink.

Comparison table of different types of drinks

When calculating the rate of elimination of alcohol-containing drinks from the body, the person’s weight is also taken into account. The greater your body weight, the less time it takes to completely eliminate alcohol.

Drink/amount drunk in l 60kg 70kg 80kg 90kg
How many minutes does it take to withdraw?
Beer 4v: 35 30 25 20
Beer 6v: 55 45 40 35
Champagne 11vol.: 95 80 70 60
Port wine 18v: 155 135 120 105
Tincture 24vol.: 210 180 155 140
Liqueur 30v: 280 225 195 175
Vodka 40vol.: 360 330 285 225
Cognac 42vol.: 360 345 295 240

The table shows the rate of elimination of alcohol-containing drinks of various strengths, for people of different weight categories, when drinking 100, 300 and 500 ml. However, it is worth considering that the data provided are average indicators, without taking into account gender, age and other individual characteristics of a person.

Time tables for main types of alcohol

The rate of weathering of an alcoholic drink depends on its strength, as well as the period of time during which it enters the blood. To understand how long it will take for a particular drink to be eliminated from the body, you need to consider it separately. It is also important to pay attention to how the data on the alcohol content in the blood will change with each subsequent hour after drinking it, until the alcohol completely disappears.

The time it takes for 5% of beer to leave the body of a middle-aged man weighing from 80 to 90 kg and 1 m 80 cm tall. The volume of drink is 1.5 liters.

From the body of a girl weighing about 60 kg and height 1 m 65 cm, beer will be completely eliminated only after 450 minutes.

The table clearly shows the rate of weathering of 750 ml of red and white wine, as well as champagne with an alcohol content of 11%, from the body of a middle-aged woman weighing about 60 kg. Despite the different compositions of these drinks, they are eliminated from the body at almost identical rates.

Similar drinks are usually eliminated from the male body faster. This is explained by the fact that the average man weighs more than the average woman, which plays a very important role in the weathering of alcohol.

Drinks that are classified as strong and contain about 40% alcohol are eliminated from the body at approximately the same rate. Such alcohol includes vodka, whiskey, cognac, and rum.

These indicators are averaged; at this rate alcohol will be eliminated from the body of a 36-year-old man whose weight is in the range of 80-90 kg.

What determines the rate of alcohol elimination from the body and how to increase it

The length of time during which alcohol disappears from the body primarily depends on its quantity. However, there are other factors that affect the rate at which alcohol is eliminated. A person’s physical parameters, his height, weight, gender and age play a significant role. People of large build get drunk much more slowly than thin and short people, and alcohol is eliminated from their body faster. For this reason, strong drinks have a stronger effect on women and the elderly than on men and young people.

The liver, being the body's natural filter, removes most of the ethanol from the human body, and as a result, its dysfunction can significantly slow down its weathering.

Advice! Consuming food with ethanol-containing drinks in small doses will help keep the level of alcohol in the blood at a moderate level and also slow the rate at which it is absorbed.

The physical and emotional state of a person, as well as the air temperature in the room, play an important role in the rate of ethanol weathering. Nervous, upset or emotionally excited people react more strongly to alcohol. A physically unhealthy person reacts identically to alcohol. However, it is worth considering that strong emotional overexcitation or a stressful situation can quickly “sober” a person.

A constant flow of fresh air or being in a cool room will speed up the weathering of ethanol. Drinking plenty of water after an alcoholic feast will allow you to remove some of the alcohol through frequent urination. Orange juice and tea with lemon also stimulate faster elimination of ethanol due to the content of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. A contrast shower or washing with cold water will also help you sober up faster.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that alcoholic drinks, one way or another, accompany a person throughout his life, regardless of century, culture and geography. And although everyone knows that they have a special effect on our body, which directly depends on the measure of this “pleasure,” cases in life are different. In order to prevent undesirable consequences and, for example, feel good and confidently get behind the wheel of a car after a pleasant leisure time, you need to know not only your amount of alcohol, but also how long it will take for this amount to disappear from the body.

What determines how long it takes for alcohol to disappear from the human body?

How long it takes to remove alcohol from the body primarily depends on its quantity. The best option for keeping yourself informed regarding this issue is a tester. But, as practice shows, a tester is an object that not everyone always carries in their jacket/trouser/bag pocket, and therefore most people are guided solely by characteristic features that symbolize the level of alcohol in the blood.

It should be noted that this level is measured in ppm: one gram of alcohol per liter of fluid in the human body. The female human body, according to scientists, consists of 60% water, and the male body – 70%, let’s draw some conclusions.

In addition, the main organ in the body responsible for how much alcohol is eliminated is the liver. According to generalized data, a healthy liver “wins” 0.10-0.15 ppm in one hour in men, and approximately 0.08-0.1 in women.

When analyzing the “exodus” of alcohol from the body, it is necessary to take into account the influence of a number of factors on this process: the presence and quality of snacks, the type of alcoholic drink, air temperature, physical, psychological and physiological characteristics of a person, his age, gender, heredity are important, even the time of day is important .

About the norms

In accordance with the new legislation, the concentration of ethyl alcohol per liter of exhaled air must be less than 0.16 mg. This is a very small indicator; weak household breathalyzers will not even record it, but devices used by traffic police inspectors will certainly record it.

Factors influencing the rate of weathering of beer

How long it takes for a bottle of beer to dissipate depends on body weight and body characteristics. It is known that as weight increases, the rate of alcohol processing also increases. However, there is another factor: the condition of the liver. With the normal functioning of this organ, the body quickly gets rid of the toxic compounds that are formed.

Other circumstances affecting the withdrawal period of beer:

  • general health;
  • gender;
  • the strength of the drink, its unique composition;
  • food consumption with beer, quantity of products and their quality;
  • frequency of drinking;
  • time of year and time of day.

There are also average data on how long it takes for a liter of beer to dissipate. Doctors say that with a normal build this takes 6 to 8 hours.

The effect of beer on the driver's reaction

  • After drinking a bottle, the alcohol concentration reaches approximately 0.5 ppm. In this case, a person experiences difficulty in determining the speed of moving objects.
  • After a liter (about 0.8 ppm), the eye's reaction to red light and changes in lighting worsens, and the viewing angle decreases.
  • Having drunk more than 2.5 liters, the driver is unable to drive.


Now we will look at how much 1.5 liter beer with a strength of 5.4% disappears from the body. This real-life test involved a 35-year-old man with a height of 178 cm and a weight of 74 kg.

Oddly enough, after the second glass the indicator jumped to 0.71 ppm, and after the third it returned to 0.62. According to narcologists, this is the result of the fact that a drunk bottle of beer is eliminated from the blood much more intensively than stronger alcoholic drinks. The above table states that with a volume of 1.5 liters drunk in the evening, a man could freely get behind the wheel in the morning, however, this requires at least 8 hours of full sleep.

How much beer is excreted: specific cases

In order to describe in more detail how long it takes for beer to be eliminated from the body, special tests were carried out.

Male, 35 years old, body weight 74 kg, height 178

Beer. Strength 5.4 turns; volume 1.5 liters.

  1. After drinking one bottle, the breathalyzer showed 0.62 ppm;
  2. After the second bottle - 0.71 ppm;
  3. After the third bottle - again 0.62 ppm.

Such sudden changes occur due to the fact that beer is removed from the blood in the shortest possible time. When compared with other alcoholic drinks, wine and vodka, it should be noted that beer is eliminated much faster.

After just one hour, the breathalyzer showed 0.48 ppm. This figure is quite normal for a driver in some countries, for example, Italy. For our country, this figure exceeds the norm.

The breathalyzer showed zero only after 8 hours. That is, If a driver drinks beer in the evening, then in the morning he can get behind the wheel without any consequences.

More details:

  • After drinking 1.5 liters of beer – 0.62 ppm;
  • After 1 hour – 0.48 ppm;
  • After 3 hours – 0.31 ppm;
  • After 5 hours – 0.2 ppm.
  • After 8 hours – 0.

Woman, 34 years old, body weight 65 kg, height 178 cm

For comparison with beer, dry red wine was used in this experiment.

  1. First glass – 0.48 ppm;
  2. Second glass – 0.68 ppm;
  3. Drinking bottle – 1.15 ppm.

The breathalyzer showed 0 12 hours after the experiment.

More details:

  • After consumption – 1.15 ppm;
  • An hour later - 1.35 ppm;
  • After 3 hours – 0.75 ppm;
  • After 5 hours – 0.6 ppm;
  • After 8 hours – 0.2 ppm;
  • After 12 hours – 0.

The approximate rate at which the body releases beer is from 0.1 to 0.15 ppm per hour. For women the figures are lower – approximately 0.08. There are also approximate data regarding the withdrawal period of beer alcohol.

  • Narcologists say that it takes about 5-6 hours to dry out a bottle of beer. A person may not feel intoxicated, but a breathalyzer will certainly record an excess of the norm.
  • If you consume a liter of beer, you should not drive for up to 8 hours.
  • 2 liters of beer will disappear in a period of 12 to 15 hours. How long it will take for it to be safe to drive is determined by the factors listed above.

Other data may be found in some sources. Thus, some experts claim that 0.5 liters of beer, the strength of which is 4%, is removed in approximately 2-3 hours, a liter in 3.5-4 hours, and it will take approximately 8 hours to evaporate 2 liters of such a drink. In principle, all the given data are averaged, since much depends on human physiology and other factors.

How long does it take for vodka to dissipate: an experiment

This most popular alcoholic drink has a rather unusual effect on the body. Studies have shown that after the first 100 g of vodka, a breathalyzer shows 0.8 ppm, after the next 100 g – 0.2 ppm, and after another 150 g, the alcohol in the body is 2.75 ppm. For those who are interested in how long it takes for vodka to dissipate, we note: during the same experiment it was determined that the final 350 g of vodka comes out after 12 hours.

By the way, chacha evaporates over time more than vodka, due to the fact that the degree in it is higher. To be more precise 50%. By the time chacha is removed from the body, immediately add +20% to the withdrawal of vodka.

To find out how long it takes for vodka to dissipate, a 36-year-old man with a weight of 86 kilograms and a height of 176 centimeters was tested. They drank 350 ml of 40-proof vodka. So, what has been the progress of removing the alcoholic substance from the body?

An interesting fact should be noted: after the first glass, the tester gave a reading of 0.8 ppm, after the second – 0.2, and after the third (the entire volume is 350 ml) – already 2.75 ppm. Narcologists note that strong alcohol initially reacts in the stomach, after which it only enters the blood. It is also worth noting for those who want to know how much cognac disappears that this drink has almost identical removal rates from the body to vodka, however, due to the peculiarities of the composition of this product, it still requires a little more time to be removed from the blood. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for cognac connoisseurs to add about 10% of the time to the above values.

Duration of wine withdrawal

The weathering time for 100 ml of wine is 1.5 hours; to remove 0.5 liters of unfortified wine, the average person will need about 7.5 hours, which means that to completely cleanse the body of 1 bottle of wine (700 ml) it takes 10.5 hours.

Champagne Breeding

Stories that champagne is eliminated from the body almost instantly are somewhat exaggerated. Even 100 ml of this sparkling wine will “play” in your blood for an hour! And if you consider that no one drinks it in such microscopic doses on holidays, then it becomes obvious that you won’t be able to drive for at least another day... By the way, 100 grams of plain red wine takes an hour and a half to digest, so all the legends about its harmlessness are better forget.

Your weight Withdrawal time
less than 60 kg 1 hour 36 minutes
60 – 70 kg 1 hour 22 minutes
70 - 80 kg 1 hour 22 minutes
80 - 90 kg 1 h 04 min
90 - 100 kg 57 min

Cognac and whiskey withdrawal time

Lovers of cognac and whiskey should know that the principle of their effect on the body is similar to drinking vodka. However, due to the presence of additional impurities, the period of complete cleansing of the body from cognac and whiskey lasts approximately 10% longer than from vodka (see table).

Your weight Withdrawal time
less than 60 kg 6 h 05 min
60 – 70 kg 5 hours 13 minutes
70 - 80 kg 4 hours 34 minutes
80 - 90 kg 4 h 04 min
90 - 100 kg 3 hours 39 minutes

How long does it take for moonshine to dissipate?

But calculating how long it takes for moonshine, the favorite drink of many alcohol lovers, to dissipate is much more difficult. The fact is that it is quite problematic to accurately determine the strength of moonshine. And the amount of impurities and fusel oils in this drink can vary in different directions, and they also prevent the rapid removal of moonshine from the body.

Three folk myths

  1. A half-hour walk in the cold - and you’re sober. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, frost constricts them. Due to such compensation, it may seem that you are sobering up, but alcohol is still in the blood: when you go into the warmth, it immediately spreads.
  2. In the steam room, beer disappears faster. Firstly, heat and alcohol put a double burden on the heart. Secondly, the sauna will only kill the smell of beer.
  3. The breathalyzer can be fooled by Antipolice or similar means. You can only fool your wife, but not a breathalyzer. The driver is allowed no more than 0.3 ppm - this is about a small sip of beer.

How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate depending on its physical condition?

Alcohol elimination largely depends on your physical fitness. If you are harmoniously developed, do not suffer from excess weight, and have drank quickly absorbed types of alcohol (champagne, beer), then you will sober up much faster than a person who suffers from obesity, and even drank something stronger.

In addition, how much alcohol disappears is largely influenced by your emotional state.. Simply put, in a state of shock or deep psychological trauma, metabolic processes go much faster. Moreover, in this state a person can drink vodka literally in glasses, but not feel intoxicated. However, this does not mean at all that he is sober and can get behind the wheel.

What to do?

There are ways to speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood. Exercises and other physical activities help people for these purposes (the more active it will be, the better). If your health allows, take a bath or sauna, but according to your mind, do not take any further alcohol. The following vitamins will be useful: ascorbic acid, thiamine and various mineral complexes.

It is advisable to drink as much healthy fluids as possible, exclude heavy foods and eat dietary ones - to help the liver, because it is a “factory for recycling alcohol in the body.” You can help your body by breathing in fresh air and avoiding heavy sweets and smoking. This way you can speed up your metabolism somewhat. However, quickly make sure that there is no longer ethyl alcohol in the body: there is not a single ppm of alcohol left in the blood or in the exhalation, use a breathalyzer. This device will allow you to be confident and not wait too much.

On holidays, most people drink alcohol. Light alcoholic drinks include beer, any wine and champagne; to heavy: vodka, cognac and whiskey. Very often it turns out that you need to get behind the wheel after a feast. Therefore, drivers are concerned with the age-old question: “how long does it take for alcohol to disappear from the body?”

In this case, the situation is quite ambiguous, because it is necessary to take into account the person’s gender, his weight, height and equipment as a whole.

There is a special table that shows the number of hours it takes for alcohol to leave the blood.

Alcohol Law

Alcohol in the body is usually measured in ppm, that is, the amount of alcohol contained per liter of blood is determined. Thus, 1 ppm is equal to 1 gram of ethyl alcohol. For example, a 500 gram beer has 25 grams. pure alcohol.

When measuring with a breathalyzer, data of no higher than 0.16%o on exhalation are allowed. In the results of a blood test, this ratio should not exceed 0.35 ppm. If these numbers are exceeded, a fine of 30,000 rubles or 1.5 years of imprisonment for the first time, a 2-year imprisonment for the second time or a fine of 50,000 rubles is provided. This is far from small, so if you have drunk a lot, it is better to take a taxi.

As practical observations show, alcohol disappears from the male and female body in different ways, and for both it takes quite a long time:

  • Men: from 0.10 to 0.15‰ per hour.
  • Women: from 0.085 to 0.10‰ per hour.

Weathering time for different alcoholic beverages

To have an idea of ​​how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate, you need to study the factors that influence this process. Among them are the following:

  • Physical state.
  • Mental state, stress, shock, psychological trauma.
  • Variety and strength.
  • Amount drunk.
  • Amount of food eaten.
  • Body weight.
  • Temperature indoors and outdoors.

Different types of alcohol leave people's bodies in different numbers of hours. There is a special useful table that shows the most famous types of alcohol and their release time. Let's take a closer look at these types of alcohol.

Beer weathering time

Let's see this factor with an example. A man of average build drinks 1.5 liters of beer at regular strength. When drinking the first glass, the breathalyzer reading is as follows: 0.62‰, which is much higher than, for example, wine. Repeating the previous amount of beer shows 0.71‰ in the blood. After the third intake 0.62‰. The beer leaves the blood almost instantly. Thus, beer disappears from the body much faster than vodka, whiskey or wine.

We come to the following conclusion:

  • 0.62 ppm shows after 1.5 liters of beer.
  • 0.48 ppm – 1 hour.
  • 0.31 ppm – three hours.
  • 0.2 ppm – five hours.
  • 0 ppm after eight hours.

Wine weathering time

For the experiment, we take a girl who drinks dry red wine. 750 ml strength 12 degrees. After one glass the reading is 0.48‰. In this case, driving a car is strictly prohibited.

After two glasses, this figure is already 0.68‰, and if it is a bottle, it will be 1.15 ppm. This indicates that the person is drunk and has a slow reaction. How long does it take for wine to disappear from the body? The dynamics of alcohol are as follows:

  • 1.15‰ after consumption.
  • 1.35‰ after one hour.
  • 0.75‰ after three hours.
  • 0.2‰ shows after eight hours.
  • 0‰ after 12 hours.

Vodka release time

In this case, the man will drink vodka in a volume of 50 ml and a strength of 40 degrees. After the first drink, the breathalyzer reading is 0.8‰, and after two drinks it is only 0.2‰. After the third glass of vodka or whiskey they were 2.75‰.

This difference is explained by the fact that this type of alcohol is initially absorbed in the human stomach, and then into the blood. The following table shows the degree of weathering:

  • 2.75‰ after 350 g of vodka.
  • 2.75‰ after 1 hour.
  • 1.1‰ after 4 hours.
  • 0‰ after 12 hours.

The weathering of alcohol is influenced by the number of ppm, age, gender, weight and many other factors.

Stages of alcohol intoxication

During periods of fatigue or fasting, even small doses of alcohol can cause severe intoxication. With a healthy psychological state, the effects of alcohol are significantly reduced. There are three stages of intoxication:

A person cannot always wait a day for alcohol, for example, vodka, to completely disappear. Therefore, drivers resort to various methods of quickly sobering up. Here are a few recommendations that will help reduce the degree of intoxication as soon as possible:

  • It is not recommended to mix alcohol with coffee, tea or various tonic drinks, as they help slow down the withdrawal of alcohol.
  • In a quarter of an hour you can take 4 tablets of activated carbon, then you should drink another 2 tablets per hour. But their number should not be more than 20. Activated carbon has adsorbing properties, and therefore slows down the absorption of alcohol.
  • If you drink a lot of liquid, the alcohol will disappear faster. In this case, orange and grapefruit juices are considered beneficial.
  • If you are very intoxicated, it is recommended to take a tablet of Glycine, Limontar or Biotredin.
  • A couple of Antipolitsay tablets will not remove alcohol from the body, but will hide the smell of fumes.


All data presented may vary from person to person. However, in any case, you should understand that after a feast it is better not to get behind the wheel until the next morning. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations or accidents on the road, as well as lose your license. The optimal solution would be to give up alcohol on the eve of your planned trip.

Unfortunately, there are a huge number of people who drink nowadays. Every non-religious holiday is celebrated with vodka, beer, wine, etc. And Russia has the largest number of holidays compared to other countries. Some even drink several hours before driving. Is it worth the risk? Running into a traffic cop might be a better option for him than causing an accident. Today we’ll talk about how long it takes for alcohol to disappear from the body.

  1. Alcohol law.
  2. How is alcohol removed from the body?
  3. Table of alcohol removal from the body.
  4. How long does it take for beer to go away?
  5. Time to weather the wine, Shapansky.
  6. Time for weathering of vodka, cognac, whiskey, alcohol.
  7. Video.

Alcohol law

The level of alcohol in the body is measured in ppm. What does ppm mean? 1 ppm = 1 milliliter of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) per 1 liter of blood. Promille is designated almost like a percentage, only under the slash there are two zeros - “ ».

The following rules apply in 2019:

Since small amounts of alcohol may be contained in products, there is a permissible dose of alcohol when exhaled and in the blood. It is 0.16 ppm when exhaled into a breathalyzer, 0.35 ppm is the permissible dose in the blood.

Alcohol may be contained in the following products:

    non-alcoholic beer;

    chocolates, liqueur sweets;

    some medications;

    dairy products (kefir, curdled milk and yogurt);

    warm juices;



    sandwich made from sausage and black bread;

    mouth freshener;

    overripe bananas;

  • sour jam.

So, the permissible alcohol content when measured with a breathalyzer is 0.16 , and the permissible alcohol content when donating blood for analysis is 0.35 .

If the readings exceed these indicators, then you will be deprived of your driver's license for 1.5 years with a fine of 30,000 rubles. This is if you got caught for the first time. And for the second time, the driver’s license is being deprived for 2 years with a fine of 50,000 rubles. These amounts are higher than average salaries, and you can also lose the right to drive for 1.5 or 2 years. Is it worth it?

How alcohol is eliminated from the body

We are all unique, each body digests food and liquid differently and reacts differently. There are people who, after drinking 50 grams of vodka, begin to blush, etc. It all depends on metabolism, that is, on the speed of digestion of food and liquid.

If a person often drinks alcohol, then his liver is already enlarged. Therefore, alcohol disappears from his blood faster.

Differences between the female average organism and the male average:

  1. The female body contains 60-65% water and can digest 0.1 ppm per hour.
  2. The male body contains 70% water and can digest 0.15 ppm per hour.

The time it takes to digest alcohol depends on various factors: whether the person ate or not, what he ate, how long he has been drinking, his weight, his metabolism, what he drank, etc.

Alcohol Weathering Table

The table below in the third column shows the total time for the removal of alcohol from the blood and from the exhaled air. Human data for research: height 180 cm, weight 80 kg, average age.

How long does it take for beer to fade?

For research, beer with a strength of 5% was taken. Height and weight are the same as in the other table.

The weathering time for beer for a girl 165 cm tall and weighing 59 kg is 7.5 hours. This is one hour more than a man.

How long does it take for wine and champagne to dissipate?

The summary table shows the weathering time for a girl 165 cm tall and weighing 59 kg. I drank 0.75 liters of wine. Strength 11%.

How long does it take for vodka, cognac, whiskey to dissipate?

These drinks contain approximately the same amount of alcohol - 40%. A man with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 80 kg is drinking. I drank 350 grams. For him, the weathering time was:

Time after use Content in blood, ppm(‰)
1 minute 2,80
1 hour 2,70
3 hours 1,43
5 o'clock 1,02
8 ocloc'k 0,62
12 hours 0,03
13 hours 0

As can be seen from the table, more than half a day still contains alcohol. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to drive or perform dangerous types of work, such as roof construction, etc.

General table


This video shows the time it takes to remove alcohol from the body.

The time it takes for beer to leave the body.

Car enthusiast - how to fool a breathalyzer.

Today, beer is perhaps the most popular low-alcohol drink. Its main drawback is its specific smell, which immediately identifies the person who has embroidered even a small amount of this product. However, the smell is a minimal problem. The main thing that interests drivers is how long it takes for beer to dissipate (1 liter, half a liter, etc.) so that they can drive without fear.

About the norms

In accordance with the new legislation, the concentration of ethyl alcohol per liter of exhaled air must be less than 0.16 mg. This is a very small indicator; weak household breathalyzers will not even record it, but devices used by traffic police inspectors will certainly record it.

Factors influencing the rate of weathering of beer

How long it takes for a bottle of beer to dissipate depends on body weight and body characteristics. It is known that as weight increases, the rate of alcohol processing also increases. However, there is another factor: . With the normal functioning of this organ, the body quickly gets rid of the toxic compounds that are formed. Other circumstances affecting the withdrawal period of beer:

  • general health;
  • gender;
  • the strength of the drink, its unique composition;
  • food consumption with beer, quantity of products and their quality;
  • frequency of drinking;
  • time of year and time of day.

There are also average data on how long it takes for a liter of beer to dissipate. Doctors say that with a normal build this takes 6 to 8 hours.

The effect of beer on the driver's reaction

  • After drinking a bottle, the alcohol concentration reaches approximately 0.5 ppm. In this case, a person experiences difficulty in determining the speed of moving objects.
  • After a liter (about 0.8 ppm), the eye's reaction to red light and changes in lighting worsens, and the viewing angle decreases.
  • Having drunk more than 2.5 liters, the driver is unable to drive.

The approximate rate at which the body releases beer is from 0.1 to 0.15 ppm per hour. For women the figures are lower – approximately 0.08. There are also approximate data regarding the withdrawal period of beer alcohol.

  • Narcologists say that it takes about 5-6 hours to dry out a bottle of beer. A person may not feel intoxicated, but a breathalyzer will certainly record an excess of the norm.
  • If you consume a liter of beer, you should not drive for up to 8 hours.
  • 2 liters of beer will disappear in a period of 12 to 15 hours. How long it will take for it to be safe to drive is determined by the factors listed above.

Other data may be found in some sources. Thus, some experts claim that 0.5 liters of beer, the strength of which is 4%, is removed in approximately 2-3 hours, a liter in 3.5-4 hours, and it will take approximately 8 hours to evaporate 2 liters of such a drink. In principle, all the given data are averaged, since much depends on human physiology and other factors.

Myths about ways to speed up beer elimination

Myth 1. Walking in the cold quickly brings you back to normal.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate; when exposed to cold, they narrow. Such compensation creates the illusion of sobering up, but in reality the alcohol remains in the blood. In warmth, its action is resumed.

Myth 2. The sauna helps the beer to fade.

A very dangerous misconception, since the simultaneous influence of high temperatures and alcohol exposes the heart to double stress. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Myth 3. You can fool the breathalyzer with the help of the Anti-Policeman.

It's practically impossible. The device records even the minimum alcohol concentration.

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The meaning of breathing Breathing is a vital process of constant exchange of gases between the body and its external environment. IN...

Hypoxia is most clearly detected during stay in a rarefied space, when the partial pressure of oxygen drops. IN...

Alcohol is absorbed quite quickly into the human blood and has a negative effect on almost all organs, especially the nervous...

In this article you will learn that skin granuloma is not only a cosmetic defect, but a serious symptom of a dysfunction of the immune system...
2088 0 In this group, studies were carried out in 12 (11.3%) patients with locally advanced malignant processes of the mucous membrane...
Thank you The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under...
Acid-base reactions include neutralization reactions. A neutralization reaction is the interaction of an acid and a base with...
Gene diseases are a large group of diseases that arise as a result of DNA damage at the gene level. Duchenne muscular dystrophy...
Hypertrophy is a pathological process, which is based on an increase in the volume and number of cells. As a result, a mass of tissue...