How to process raspberries during flowering. Spring processing of raspberries. Raspberry diseases, description with photos and methods of treatment

Fragrant, tasty and healthy berry grows in almost every garden plot. However, gardeners often complain that the raspberry is a prickly jungle, through which it is very difficult to get through. And the yield at the same time gives a very small one. What is going wrong? Most likely, proper processing of raspberries in the spring is not performed. There is a wild growth of culture, often it even migrates to a neighboring garden plot on its own. Unfortunately, its yield will be low, but it will soon take up a lot of space, so take the pruner in your hands and put the raspberries in order. You will need to devote time to these bushes in spring and autumn, so that every year they will delight you with a fragrant berry.

spring pruning

Processing raspberries in the spring is primarily a double pruning. It is very important to understand what and why you are going to cut off. You need to cut the bushes with a sharp garden knife almost as soon as the snow melted. Be sure to before the soil warms up, and the plant starts to grow. Most often this is the end of March, but each region is different, so be guided by the weather. During this period, you need to remove all weak, old, diseased and broken branches. Ruthlessly remove frozen shoots, and cut all the rest to a healthy kidney. That is, the garden knife must touch each raspberry branch. The same is done in the spring.

If this moment is missed, the shoots will not have time to develop, and the crop will be in jeopardy. What happens after pruning? Buds are awakening, which during the fruiting period will give about 5 shoots 50-60 cm long. But our work does not end there. After the buds have blossomed, you need to remove about 15 cm from the top of each shoot. This is the secret of double pruning, which will allow you to reap a good harvest. In the process of pruning, you will receive 10-15 new shoots, each of which will bear fruit. This method, as a result, leads to a thickening of the planting, therefore, based on the density of plantings, it is necessary to calculate how many shoots can be left.

It is especially important when performing pruning to choose the right time. Too early, when there is still snow, it is very difficult to determine which of the shoots should be left, and which one will definitely not wake up. You will be late - and it is better not to touch it, otherwise you risk being left without a crop. In this case, it is better to postpone pruning for the fall. A bush well formed at this time will overwinter well and will need little additional adjustment in the spring.

Pest control

Raspberries are susceptible to attack by fungal diseases and many insect pests. That is why raspberries are processed in early spring. Before the start of the growing season, immediately after pruning frozen and diseased branches, it is necessary to spray the raspberries with Bordeaux liquid. A little later, before flowering, preventive spraying from the spider mite should be carried out - colloidal sulfur is used for this. At about the same time, powdery mildew is prevented. Topaz is considered one of the best drugs to protect against this scourge. Do not forget that all methods of processing raspberries are good only before flowering. If you are late, you will have to sacrifice the harvest.

The most dangerous pests

There are enough of them. Unlike fungal and viral diseases, their occurrence is quite difficult to prevent. For example, the raspberry beetle bites into the seed and lays eggs that will develop in the berries. It will have to be collected mechanically before the bush blooms. Preventive treatment of raspberries from pests can be carried out during the appearance of buds. For this, an infusion of tansy is prepared, which processes the plant.

There are also folk methods that will help save your plantings from diseases and pests. They have been tested for centuries. As a prevention of gray rot, you can use pine needles, which must be laid out along the rows of shrubs. Infusions of medicinal herbs will also help. Such properties are possessed by yarrow and dandelion, onions. Everyone is very afraid of garlic. All these funds are used in the form of infusions.

Transplanting and feeding raspberries in the spring

For about 3-4 years, bushes can grow in one place. After that, the soil must be allowed to rest and recover, otherwise the yields will drop dramatically. The best place is the beds where potatoes or tomatoes grew. To do this, prepare trenches in advance, where you need to make mineral and organic additives, including manure and ash. Transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn, in anticipation of the winter cold. Be sure to water the raspberries well in the new location. In the spring, fresh mullein should be introduced to stimulate the formation of new shoots. A rich harvest greatly impoverishes the soil, so we must not forget about top dressing.

Autumn events

Care for raspberries in spring and autumn is a bit similar. After harvesting, you need to carefully inspect the bushes and cut out all weak shoots that will not survive until spring. It is better to shorten the shoots to avoid freezing them. The bushes themselves are tied into bundles and stacked as low as possible. The leaves must first be removed, as they can cause bud rot.

Fertilizers must be applied in autumn, as raspberries have greatly depleted the soil during the season. To do this, once every three years, manure is introduced into the aisles at the rate of five buckets per square meter. Every year you need to make mineral fertilizers.

Plant density adjustment

As you can see, the cultivation of raspberries also requires certain knowledge. Processing raspberries in the spring plays a big role in shaping the future harvest, but it is she who contributes to the growth of additional shoots, which means thickening of the plantings. In order to cope with this, it is recommended to plant bushes no more than 50 cm apart, and leave up to 2 meters between rows. In addition, no more than 20 shoots are left per meter of each strip.

Density can be adjusted throughout the growing season. But if it is a pity to cut fruit-bearing branches, it is better to wait until autumn. There is one more nuance: pruning weakens the plant somewhat, so it is better to leave cardinal cleaning for the spring period, having previously marked the branches to be removed with ribbons.

Secrets of a Good Harvest

Raspberries are very fond of the sun. A shady location will cause shoot growth and a complete lack of yield. Therefore, the brightest place in the garden should go to her. The second secret is abundant watering. Only thanks to this procedure it is possible to increase the yield several times. If the soil is light, then you can not be afraid to pour, because even a slight drying of the soil will lead to crop loss. Be sure to feed on time. If the raspberries are transplanted to a new place, where fertilizers are applied under each bush, then you can take a break for several years. But as the soil is depleted, you need to remember this necessary procedure.

Summing up

Caring for raspberries is not as easy as it seems at first glance. A creeper plant can appear on your site completely unexpectedly and grow beautifully. But so that, in addition to a large number of untidy branches, you also have a berry, you need to work hard. A good, well-groomed raspberry is a real feast for the eyes. The shrub grows in even rows, not intertwined. The aisle is neatly wired, and the branches are strewn with ripe berries. It is the observance of all the necessary conditions that will allow us to count on a similar result. All of the above methods of processing raspberries will help you achieve these goals.

Raspberry , a tasty healthy berry, is loved by many gardeners - and therefore grows in so many areas. To get a bountiful harvest, proper care and prevention of the appearance of pests and pathogens is needed.How to treat raspberries in the spring from diseases and pestsso that she pleases with a sweet harvest, we will consider in the presented material.

Diseases and pests of raspberries

Most of the diseases on raspberries are brought by insect vectors. The appearance of other diseases is a consequence of poor care. Viral diseases are brought to the site with new seedlings and winds from neighboring infected plantings. Common raspberry diseases are presented in the table.

DiseasesManifestationsConsequences of the disease
Anthracnose (fungal disease) The appearance of small spots of a grayish tint with a purple rim. Over time, the spots grow, merging and forming ulcers. The death of individual parts or the entire bush.
Root cancer (bacterial disease) Tumor formations on the roots and at the base of the stem. Sick shoots are low, fruits are small.
Root rot (fungal disease) The defeat of brown spotting of large roots and the lower part of the shoot. Withering of the upper part of the shoot and its death.
Rust (fungal disease) The appearance of dark spots on the leaves. Death and fall of affected leaves. The appearance of brown ulcers on the branches.
white spotting The appearance of light brown spots of a rounded shape with a dark rim around the edge. Gradually, the center of the spot brightens, dries and breaks. May lead to plant death.
purple spotting Appearance near the kidneys of brown or blue-violet spots in the form of ellipses. After winter, the spots become light gray with black dots. Affected buds die or give weak shoots that are not able to overwinter.
powdery mildewWhite loose coating on leaves and berries. Rotting of the affected areas and their death.
Verticillium wilt (Verticillium wilt) Growth of thinned shoots, rapid loss of leaves. Escape death.
Gray rotRapid necrosis of berries, which are covered with a fluffy coating of gray. Berry death.
Viral diseases
streakIn spring, the appearance of necrotic stripes on the leaves and stems of young shoots. Deformation of affected plants. They weaken and die after 2-3 years after planting due to a sharp increase in sensitivity to low temperatures.
MosaicRandom alternation of dark and light areas on the leaves.
growthThe appearance of many thin sprouts, similar to shoots from seeds.
ChlorosisYellowing of leaves.
CurlyWith shortened shoots twisting of the leaves.

Insect pests are of particular danger:

PestWhat is dangerous
raspberry beetleEats leaves, buds, flowers. The larvae develop in the soil at the roots of the plant, pupae and adult pests hibernate there.
gall midge On the shoots there are growths 1-3 mm long, inside of which there are larvae.
Aphids are small insects, green or dark gray in color. Accumulation of sap-drinking insects on the underside of leaves and tops of shoots, which leads to deformation, curling of leaves and death of the sprout bud.
Weevil strawberry-raspberry The larvae are inside the flower. After flowering, leaves are affected, which eventually deform and dry.
spider miteThe appearance of discolored areas on twisted leaves, covered with randomly arranged cobwebs. The tick lives on the inside of the leaf.
Raspberry stem fly Withered, rotting and dried tops of the shoots in which the larvae develop speak of its presence.
kidney mothIt reveals itself as whitish caterpillars that eat berries from the inside.
Raspberry hazelnut It affects the stems, on which swellings and longitudinal cracks up to 10 cm long develop.
GlasswareThe larvae infect the roots and stems, causing swelling in places of accumulation. Affected shoots weaken, break easily. The plant dies.

Spring processing time

For growing healthy bushes and getting a full harvestspring raspberry care and pest controlmust be carried out in a timely manner.

  1. They begin work in the raspberry with pruning, removing damaged and affected shoots, shoots that thicken the plantings. The removed parts are burned, thereby destroying pests and pathogens wintering in plants.
  2. The procedure is carried out immediately after the snow melts and the positive temperature is established.
  3. When choosing the timing of processing raspberries from pests and diseases, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of a particular region.
  4. In the southern regions of the country, this is the end of March. In the central regions, the beginning of April will be optimal. In the Urals and Siberia, the dates are shifted to the first days of June, when the risk of return frosts disappears.
  5. The indicated dates are not some kind of constant, you need to focus on the specific weather.
  6. spring processing of raspberries from diseases and pests begins in March, and the end of work - a few days before flowering.
During floweringspraying is strictly prohibited, it can cause the death of pollinating insects, and a “strong” chemical solution causes the ovaries to dry out.

Preparations and means

There are a huge number of drugs and products that can protect raspberries from pests and diseases.can be carried out by a number of effective means. Everyone knows urea, Bordeaux mixture, vitriol (copper and iron). These substances have been used by gardeners for many years, more about them will be discussed below. For the destruction of pests, preparations have proven themselves well:

  • "Aktellik" is a broad-spectrum insecticide. The solution is prepared from 2 ml of the drug and 1 liter of water, this amount is enough to process 10 square meters. m landings;
  • "Karbofos", for spraying which a 0.5 - 1% solution is prepared, 2 liters per 10 bushes are enough. Check the information on the package - different manufacturers may produce a product with different concentrations of the active ingredient. Karbofos is effective against stem flies, kidney moths, raspberry nutworms, glass cases, raspberry beetles, stem gall midges, and spider mites.

Spraying is carried out during spring pruning.

  1. According to the instructions, solutions of preparations are prepared " Fitoverm" , "Agraverin", "Decis", "Confidor" for the fight against raspberry beetle, stem fly, kidney moth.
  2. Treatment is effective against aphids " Aktara".
  3. The pest insect stem gall midge dies only from Fufanon. A solution prepared according to the instructions is used to treat shoots and root soil.
  4. Consider, how to spray raspberries from diseases.
  5. During the budding period, fungicide treatment is carried out: "Fundazol 50 SP" 0.1%, "Rovral 50 SP" 0.1%, "Sumilex 50 SP" 0.1% to combat gray rot, verticillium wilt.
  6. "Nitrofen" successfully fights powdery mildew, anthracnose. This drug does not harm humans and the environment.
  7. Spraying "Vertimek ohm" (effective against mites) is dangerous for bees. It is used only in early spring.

In addition, new products are constantly appearing that do not harm the soil, do not accumulate in fruits and plants. Suchpreparations for treatment protection is provided garden plantings.


The effectiveness of the use of urea (the second name is carbamide) for pest control is quite high. processing procedure urea should be carried out in early spring, when the average daily temperature is set at +5°C. Handle raspberry neededbefore bud break, which guarantees the destruction of all pests that wintered under the bark in scales.

Dilute the remedy , observing the proportions from the instructions in warm water.

It is recommended to engage in processing in dry weather, spraying bushes abundantly (until wet).

Processing raspberries in the spring from pests urea it will also help to strengthen the plant's immunity to infectious and fungal diseases and provide the bushes with nitrogen, since urea is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer (content - 46%). Urea is not dangerous to humans and quickly decomposes in air. Spraying with urea will save the raspberry from the weevil, aphids, copperheads and many other pests.


For the prevention and destruction of pests, as well as for the fight against fungal diseases, raspberries use therapeutic and prophylactic solutions withblue vitriol. The content of the active substance in them: 0.5 - 1%. Preparation of the solution involves dissolving 50-100 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water.

  1. Effective solution against fruit rot, anthracnose, brown leaf spot.
  2. Such solutions are also used to protect sections and wounds on the bark from damage by pathogenic fungi.
  3. Processing is carried out by sprinkling plants. The soil under them should not be heavily shed, because this leads to the accumulation of copper in the berries and inhibition of the growth of bushes.
  4. The solution must be prepared immediately before processing, otherwise crystallization of vitriol dissolved in cold water may occur.

Iron sulfate (ferrous sulfate) is used against insect pests and diseases:

  • gray rot;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • chlorosis (for prevention).

To prepare the solution, take 30 g of iron sulfate per 10 liters of water. When working with iron sulphate, be sure to use gloves. Container - only plastic or glass.A good effect is observed when alternating treatment with copper and iron sulfate.

Bordeaux liquid

In early spring, raspberry bushes are sprayed over dormant buds from infections with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture (“blue spraying”), for the preparation of which you will need: 300-350 g of fluffy lime, 300 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water (carefully study the concentration of the active substance in the purchased product).

This treatment will help in the destruction of rust pathogens, powdery mildew, which lead to the death of the crop.

For the treatment of blossoming buds and buds, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is used.


Biological preparations are used to destroy many pests. They use living bioagents and products of their vital activity. Consider the most popular.

"Fitoverm" - a biological product of natural origin, which is designed to combat aphids, mites and thrips.Causes paralysis and death of insect pests.The drug does not pollute the environment, being destroyed in a short time in water and soil. Alirin-B is used to combat pathogens of bacterial diseases:

  • root and gray rot;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew.

2 to 10 tablets are diluted in 10 liters of water, liquid soap is added as a sticky agent. Shake the solution while spraying. The use of the solution is strictly on the day of processing, it is not subject to storage. The drug is safe for humans and the environment.

For the processing of raspberries, Polyversum BP is also used. It protects against diseases, strengthens the immune system of the plant and allows you to get a higher quality crop. "Fitolavin" suppresses and destroys bacteria and fungi. Treats various types of rot. Bushes are treated in early spring for prevention.

The drug is compatible with Fitoverm and Bitoxibacillin. "Pharmaiod" is an antimicrobial drug that acts on fungi, viruses, bacteria. For spraying use 5 ml of the drug dissolved in 10 liters of water. The procedure is carried out in early spring on bare stems, repeating for prophylaxis when the buds swell.

It is not used against pests.Sections are treated with an undiluted preparation.

The best result is achieved by using a mixture of "Pharmaioda" (1 tablespoon), "Fitolavin" (2 tablespoons) and "Liposama" adhesive (1 sachet) for spraying. The number of biological products is growing every year, allowing you to choose the right one for solving any problem.

Folk remedies

In the spring, before applying insecticides, it is recommended to usefolk remediesfor pest control. To do this, prepare an infusion of spices, herbs and flowers with a strong odor that will scare away insects. The following plants are suitable:

  • tansy;
  • wormwood;
  • marigold.

Dry mustard with a pungent odor is also suitable for these purposes. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and stand for several hours to obtain a rich infusion. The resulting broth is treated with bushes. Some gardeners use turpentine to protect raspberries from pests. The effectiveness of folk remedies is low. They are used in the initial stages of diseases and against a small number of insects. More often, folk remedies are used as part of complex therapy.


Spraying with mustard is done to protect the bushes from the larvae of the raspberry-strawberry weevil and scare away adults. To prepare the infusion, take 20 g of dry mustard powder per 1 bucket of water. Leave for 12 hours before use.


To scare away the raspberry beetle, an infusion of wormwood is used. 200 g of dry branches of the plant are brewed with 1 bucket of boiling water, the infusion is ready in a few hours. The tool is used to process raspberries in the spring.


Successfully used to control insect pests on raspberries infusion of tansy. To prepare it, you need 350 g of a dry plant and5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for a day, dilute in a bucket of water before use.

Boiling water

Raspberry processing boiling water carried out before bud break, when there is still snow. Garbage is removed from the planting, removed from the site and burned. Boil water in a bucket or in a metal watering can, water the bushes immediately after boiling water. Due to the low temperature outside, the water cools down quickly, by the time of the procedure it will drop to 80-90°C. To avoid burning the kidneys, the watering can is kept at a distance of 1 m from the plant. 10 l is enough to process two or three bushes. At the same time, the soil under the bushes is watered to destroy pests wintering there.

In this way, you can get rid of a significant number of pests and even nematodes, which are not affected by any pesticides.

The method is not convenient: not everyone can hold a heavy watering can with hot water on an outstretched hand.

The main mistakes during the procedure

Not all gardeners know whatspray raspberries for pests, as properly handleraspberry bushes from pests to avoid diseases and pest damage. Here are the most common mistakes:

  • spring pruning was not carried out, which leads to the death of damaged bushes and infection of the entire planting;
  • incorrect timing of the procedure;
  • solutions for processing with the wrong concentration are prepared (underestimated will not give effective results, overestimated - will lead to burns of the plant);
  • spraying on a sunny afternoon will cause burns;
  • a rainy overcast day will negate spraying.
Compliance with the rules and compliance with the deadlines for procedures will make it possible to detect problems at the initial stages of development, and the preparation of solutions of the proper concentration will solve them in time.

Repelling pest invasions and fighting raspberry diseases takes too much time and effort. Much easier to take preventive measures. Timely procedures will ensure a bountiful harvest of sweet berries.

Seeing unpleasant changes on raspberries, do not rush to get upset. Protecting fertile bushes from diseases and insects is an essential part of a good harvest. Every gardener must know how to sprinkle raspberries in order to save the plant.

Processing raspberries in the spring from diseases and pests gives good results. To prevent the occurrence of trouble, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures throughout the cycle. Raspberries, like any other plant, require special care. It is important to understand that it will not work to completely protect the bush from the effects of insects in the garden. In the natural environment, they live off plants, this is their little world. Therefore, do not set out to exterminate the multi-million army of pests.

If the cultivation of berries is put on a conveyor, then farmers equip greenhouses in which optimal conditions are created. This option has many advantages. The process is controlled at each phase, and specialists monitor the appearance of changes and try to prevent their negative impact. Timely control has a positive effect on the growth of berries and the total yield. It is better to get rid of the beetle in time than to look for drugs later to spray the raspberries from settled pests.

Different insects attack the plant for their own reasons. Some hunt for berries, others feed on leaves, and still others need flowering. The main rule of protection remains unchanged: the bush is processed at the peak of pest reproduction or disease development. Based on this fact, we can say that the spraying period does not depend on the time of year, but rather on the moment the problem occurs. Each insect chooses its most suitable growth phase of the bush. For example, the fight against the raspberry beetle occurs during flowering, preventive measures against gall midges are recommended in the fall after the foliage has fallen.

When using chemical agents, an important role is played by the economic component or the threshold of harmfulness. It is calculated based on the area of ​​infection of the bush. If the disease has hit the plant too much, it is necessary to apply a double dosage of the drug. But this can greatly affect the quality of the berries and the entire crop as a whole. Agree, there will be more benefits from an uneaten berry than from eating a fruit oversaturated with chemicals. This criterion is also called the appropriateness of processing.

The choice of means and rules of spraying

Regardless of whether raspberries are processed in the fall from pests and diseases or in the spring, it is necessary to maintain the timing of the complete removal of the drug. Most of the funds are designed taking into account the characteristics of the human body and do not affect it. But there are chemicals that can cause harm, cause allergies or poisoning.

As a rule, instructions for use are located on the back of the package or inside the box. Additional information will not hurt, on the contrary, it will warn against unforeseen situations, because manufacturers are not always honest with consumers.

When thinking about how to treat raspberries from diseases and pests, gardeners go to extremes and choose potent emulsions that are not always effective. One of the reasons is incorrectly done work. It is important to follow the grammar to the smallest detail. There are cases when no remedy is able to overcome the disease.

The most dangerous diseases are viruses that appear suddenly. They are insidious, they are easily confused with simple types of diseases. A diseased bush can no longer be saved, but it is possible to prevent the development of bacteria on healthy plants. Infected parts are uprooted and burned along with the soil around. The process of distribution occurs with the participation of insects. They feed on the sap, then move on to another plant and bring the viral fluid with them.

Insects are not as scary as viruses. To the question "How to process raspberries in spring or summer from diseases?" must be approached responsibly. The appearance of curly leaves, mosaic coloring or browning indicates the need for prevention for the entire plantation.

Fungi are easy to treat. It is enough to process raspberries with Fitosporin in early spring. Despite the harmlessness of fungal diseases, it is not recommended to neglect them, because there may not be another time to spray the bush. "Zircon" is considered a stronger remedy, but it lingers longer in the cells of the plant. It is recommended to apply it after harvesting, when the old shoots are removed and the new ones are prepared for winter.

When raspberries do not bear fruit, you can introduce Aktara into the irrigation. It copes well with all bugs, has a long-term effect and does not affect the human body. Experienced gardeners have long developed treatment regimens. It is much more efficient to process raspberries according to a calendar with a clear schedule.

Sometimes folk methods work faster.


Definitely, chemicals cope with the task more quickly. There are different classes of powders and emulsions that can be used to treat raspberries from diseases. Among the drugs recognized by horticulture:

  • "Actara". Introduced into irrigation to control pests of various types;
  • "Fitosporin". Raspberries are sprayed with a solution to treat fungi;
  • "Acres". Effective when infected with spider mites;
  • "Fufanon" (1 ml per 1 liter of water for treatment of raspberry mites);
  • "Topaz" (10 g per 10 liters of water for purple spotting);
  • Bordeaux liquid. A 1% solution is applied against leaf curl.

Working with chemicals requires precautions. Some products can be addictive, so you should handle them as carefully as possible.

Folk methods

If the choice fell on harmless substances, it is worth figuring out how to treat raspberries from pests in the spring. The use of soft control methods is allowed in the active phase of bush growth. Among them:

  • tansy. Infusion you need to sprinkle the bush from the beetle;
  • urea (6%). Solution for the prevention of the appearance of a tick;
  • garlic. Effective in the appearance of weevil. An infusion of raw materials passed through a meat grinder is diluted with grated laundry soap. It is necessary to spray the plant 2 times a day.

Folk methods are chosen to process raspberries mainly from pests, and not always from diseases. Infusions should be prepared in advance. For example, garlic should be kept in a dark place for about 5 days, and tansy is infused for 2 days, then boiled for half an hour.

Video "Raspberry pest control without chemistry"

From this video you will learn how you can get rid of raspberry pests without the use of chemicals.

Raspberry is a widespread shrub. With proper care gives a rich harvest. However, the shrub is susceptible to various diseases and insect pests. To reduce the risk of their occurrence, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment. If, nevertheless, pests or diseases are taken by surprise, urgent treatment is required.

Preventive treatment of raspberry bushes from diseases and pests reduces the risk of damage to the shrub during the period of growth, flowering and ripening of berries.

spring processing

Processing of raspberries from diseases and pests begins in early spring, after the snow melts and the earth warms up. First, the area with shrubs is put in order. Frostbite, broken and rotten stems are cut off. Shoots growing inside the bush are also removed.

Cut stems in early spring. In the middle or end of the season, pruning is not recommended, as the volume of fruiting is significantly reduced.

Last year's grass and foliage are raked from the ground. All stems and foliage are burned. This is due to the fact that in the foliage can
be pest larvae. The situation is similar with stems. Rotten and affected shoots may contain insect larvae.

The soil is dug up, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to it. After that, each bush is tied to a trellis. As a fertilizer, urea is used, which is rich in nitrogen. Saturating the plant, it strengthens it, makes it resistant to disease. Urea is taken at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 sq. m.

For the prevention of diseases, various formulations are used. The solution is sprayed on the stems of the shrub and the soil around it. A solution of Bordeaux liquid or nitrafen helps to cope with many diseases. The first treatment is carried out before bud break. Depending on the condition of the plant in the last season, it may be necessary to re-spray the solution in spring and summer.

It is impossible to carry out treatment with agents from diseases and harmful insects during the flowering period. This repels insects that pollinate the flowers.

Also, before bud break, it is required to process raspberries from harmful insects. For this, various compositions are also used. Each tool is designed to prevent the appearance of a particular pest. Atellik and karbofos have a good effect.

autumn processing

After the end of fruiting, raspberries are re-treated with compounds from diseases and pests.

Before the onset of cold weather, all stems of the 2nd year, diseased and weak branches are cut off. Next year, there will be no more fruits on them, and weak branches will only interfere with growth.

The stems of the first year are cut to a height that can be reached with a pruner from the ground. Next, the foliage is removed from them. To do this, a glove is put on the hand, the shoot is slightly clamped in the hand, which is carried out from the bottom up. The remaining leaves are cut with secateurs.

Movement should be directed precisely from the bottom up. Otherwise, the kidneys will be damaged or completely removed.

When growing raspberries, it should be noted that many diseases occur due to excessive moisture and high acidity of the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly regulate the watering of the plant. To reduce acidity, wood ash, slaked lime or dolomite flour are added to the soil. For 1 sq. m is taken about 150 g of the substance.

Pest control

Raspberry processing carried out in the spring minimizes the risk of plant damage by various pests. There are many insects that damage the health of the plant.


This insect infects many fruit bushes and trees. The pest feeds on the sap of the plant, which leads to twisting of the leaves, drying of the stems.

To combat insects, use an actellik solution (15 ml per 10 liters of pure water), or a 10% solution of karbofos.

raspberry beetle

To prevent the appearance of a pest, raspberries are treated with a solution of nitrafen. To prepare the mixture for
10 liters of pure water is taken 200 g of the substance. The solution is sprayed with branches and soil around the bushes. Processing is carried out after pruning and tying the stems. A 10% solution of karbofos also helps to get rid of the insect.

In the fight against the beetle, you can also use folk remedies. For this, an infusion of bitter wormwood and marigold flowers is used. It is prepared in the following way. 100 g of crushed marigolds are poured into 5 liters of water and kept for 2 days. Bitter wormwood is poured with water in the same ratio, but the infusion is kept for 2-3 hours. Then both solutions are filtered and mixed with each other (in equal proportions). Raspberries and soil are treated with the resulting composition.

stem fly

Insects damage the stems. The fly infects young shoots, which leads to their decay and infection.

To prevent pest damage in early spring, mulching is carried out. Well, pine needles help with this. Sprinkling makes it difficult for the larvae to leave the ground.


To get rid of the weevil, they are treated with a 10% solution of karbofos, or actellik (15 ml per 10 l of water).

Of the folk remedies for insect control, mustard is used. For spraying, a solution is prepared from 10 liters of water mixed with 20 g of the product. The solution is kept for 12 hours, after which the bushes are processed. Instead of mustard, you can use baking soda: 2 tbsp. spoons in a bucket of water.

stem gall midge

Raspberries are harmed by a larva, not an adult. A sign of defeat are growths on the branches.

If affected stems are identified, they are cut and burned. To prevent the appearance of larvae in the spring, processing is also carried out. Fufanon has a good effect. The substance in a volume of 15-20 ml is dissolved in 10 liters of pure water. The resulting solution cultivates the earth. Previously, the soil is dug up to a depth of 10-15 cm. The solution is also re-treated during the period of bud setting. But already 10 ml of Fufanon are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Careful spraying should be carried out: 150-200 ml of solution should go to one bush.

Actellik solution has a similar effect. To prepare it, 15 ml of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water. All bushes are sprayed with the composition.

kidney moth

The kidney moth is a red butterfly that infects the buds of plants. And insect larvae damage the stems. In an old raspberry mole can destroy up to 90% of the kidneys.

To prevent pest damage in the spring, you need to cut off the dried shoots, and in the fall, rake all the fallen leaves. Spraying is also carried out before flowering with a 2% solution of karbofos, or with insecticides such as Corfidor, Iskra and Decis.

spider mite

Signs of damage by a spider mite are the presence of cobwebs on the underside of the leaves, which eventually become discolored, begin to dry and completely fall off. Most often, the pest infects raspberries during prolonged dry and hot weather. The most effective way to deal with a tick is spraying with acaricides (a solution of karbofos, colloidal sulfur, phosphamide, etc.). With numerous individuals, the treatment must be carried out up to 4 times, with an interval between each spraying of 10 days.

Raspberry diseases

Various diseases can reduce the fruiting of raspberries. Moreover, they can lead to the complete death of the bush. To prevent this from happening, the plant is treated in the spring.


This disease is caused by fungi. A sign of the disease is the formation of pinkish or purple blotches on the leaves of the plant. Over time, the size of the spots increases, and they acquire a gray tint.

For prevention, raspberries are treated with Nitrafen. To prepare the solution, take 200 ml of the substance and dilute it in 10 liters of water. The resulting composition is sprayed with raspberries.

A solution of copper sulphate helps a lot. To obtain a solution, 50 g of the substance is taken per 5 liters of pure water. The composition is sprayed with raspberry stalks and the soil around it.

It is forbidden to treat with copper sulfate during the growing season and plant growth, as the substance accumulates in shoots and berries.

white spotting

The disease affects stems and leaves. It manifests itself in the form of brown spots on blossoming foliage or on young shoots. Over time, the entire sheet becomes light, holes appear. Cracks and peeling of the bark appear on the stems with white spotting.

To prevent the disease, spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is carried out. For treatment, colloidal sulfur is used. To obtain a solution, 40 g of the substance should be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Gray rot

This is a fungal infection that is characterized by the appearance of gray spots on the berries themselves. Over time, the entire fruit is covered with a brown coating. The infection also affects the leaves: spots are formed on them in a similar brown-gray color. For the prevention of the disease, Nitrafen is also used, or a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.


Another fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of bright orange growths on the underside of the leaves. The disease develops very quickly, which leads to the drying out of all raspberries.

To prevent infection in the spring, they are treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease. It affects almost all raspberries: leaves, berries and shoot growth points. A whitish coating forms on diseased areas. The development of powdery mildew can provoke high humidity and temperature.

To prevent the development of the disease in the spring, raspberries are treated with a solution of lime and copper sulfate. For its preparation, 400 g of lime and 300 g of copper sulfate are taken and mixed in 10 liters of water. Repeat spraying should be before flowering and after harvesting. At the same time, 100 g of lime and copper sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Also in the spring, you can carry out preventive treatment with Bordeaux liquid.

root cancer

The disease is very difficult to detect at an early stage of development. Signs of root cancer are a change in the taste of fruits and an almost imperceptible deterioration in shoot growth. When identifying these signs, it is necessary to examine the roots. If bulges appeared on them, then it means that the raspberries were struck by root cancer. Bulges can reach sizes up to 5 cm.

To prevent the development of the disease, raspberries need to be transplanted every 2-3 years. If, nevertheless, the cancer struck a shrub, then before planting, the roots should be soaked in a solution of copper sulfate. Processing is carried out for 10-20 minutes. To prepare a solution, 100 g of copper sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Raspberry chlorosis

Raspberry chlorosis or jaundice is a viral disease. Initially, the leaf areas between the veins are affected, and then the entire plate turns yellow and twists. The stems become thin, weak and elongated. The fruits shrink, deform and quickly dry out.

There is no cure for this disease. Only the creation of favorable conditions for growth can prevent its development. To do this, you need to lower the acidity of the soil and regulate watering to ensure normal humidity. In case of damage by chlorosis, raspberries must be dug up and burned. You can plant a shrub in this place no earlier than 10 years later.

Mycoplasma disease

Another disease that cannot be cured. It manifests itself in the form of the formation of many infertile small stems 30-50 cm high. Up to 200 branches can form on one bush. If such a plant is identified, it must be immediately destroyed. The reason for the development of mycoplasma disease is the spread of the virus by insects or the planting of diseased raspberries.


Viral disease that affects the stems and leaves. Signs of a mosaic are the appearance of yellow spots with brown swellings. The diseased shrub becomes weak, new shoots practically do not grow, and the berries become small and sour.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to cut diseased stems, remove weeds around raspberries and feed the soil with organic fertilizers.


A type of viral disease that manifests itself in the form of twisting leaves and a decrease in the height of shoots. Fruits that cannot fully set also suffer.

Curl prevention is similar to the methods used to prevent mosaic development.

Thus, the treatment of raspberries from diseases and pests can solve a number of problems. In order for the shrub to please with a good harvest, it is important to properly care for the plant and carry out prevention. If everything is done properly, then in the process of growth, flowering and fruiting, problems do not arise.

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