Happy birthday words list. Birthday wishes in your own words: original and sincere words. Short words of congratulations on your birthday

What wishes do we often hear on our birthday? Most likely, these are wishes for health, good luck, love and happiness. This, of course, is the most necessary thing for every person, but you really want to hear or say something else.

What more could you want for your birthday?

If you are going to congratulate a person with a postcard, messages on social networks, or personally have to say a few words, then these wish options will come in handy:

  • About the fulfillment of dreams and the achievement of goals.
  • On the realization of creative potentials.
  • About bright colors in life, a sea of ​​​​positive.
  • Personal growth and development.
  • About unusual, mysterious and magical phenomena in life.
  • Overcoming steep climbs and self-confidence.
  • Faithful friends nearby and strong, great love.
  • Unearthly blessings, joy and smiles.
  • Prosperity, career growth and a stable, beloved job.
  • Comfort and happiness in the house.

What can you wish for your birthday - funny wishes

When jokes are appropriate at the holiday, here are a few wishes that will amuse the birthday man:

  • Excellent health and bad memory, as Uncle Hemingway said! And he knew a lot about real happiness!
  • Become the ultimate warrior in an army of... lovers!
  • So that the demand for the birthday boy always exceeds the supply!
  • Let no one forget her birthday, but never remember how old she is!
  • Even if the streak of bad luck turns out to be a take-off!
  • To remember everything in the morning!

What you can wish for your birthday - original congratulations

In addition to the usual wishes, compose them in such a way that they become original and unlike others. Here are a few examples of how you can diversify wishes and bring a smile to the face of the birthday man:

  • Come up with a congratulation - a toast, it can be both short and long, with some kind of conclusion at the end.
  • Compose a quatrain or write a poem. The birthday boy will not remain indifferent to such a manifestation of attention to his person.
  • If the poems are not given, then you can find something on the Internet and memorize it. Depending on the age, gender and hobbies of the hero of the occasion, select the appropriate work. An amusing, appropriately humorous poem will be well received.
  • For the most daring and talented, an option is suitable: learn a song with wishes and sing it. Or just find a suitable song and perform at the celebration.

Your ingenuity and unusual approach will help to surprise a person and remember exactly your congratulations on this beautiful day!

Hello, this is the author of the blog “With a Gift” Maria Zazvonova. I want to reveal to you my secrets about what you can wish, for example, on your birthday! Many have heard wishes on their birthday: health, happiness, love ... But since you stopped by to visit “With a Gift”, then you want to surprise the birthday culprit with more interesting and elegant wishes, albeit with our favorite and familiar words, but not in another a very familiar form, say, without a postcard, right?

A cool option to cheer up a birthday person is scene-congratulation, we read and here. And you need to involve guests, let everyone have fun.

What can you wish for your birthday?

Good question: what do you want? After all, the day is special, unique, which means that congratulations, if possible, will be special.

idea i. We wish positive in everything to the birthday man together with the guests.

“So that our ________ (the name of the hero of the holiday) be lucky in all areas of your life, we will now set you up for a cool life! Dear guests, we don’t get bored, but join the process together, together it’s more fun and more useful.”

1. Ask everyone present to close one eye.

2. Turn on an excerpt from the song "Tired toys are sleeping ..."

3. Comment on the actions of the birthday man and the guests: if the birthday man closed his left eye, it means that his desire will be fulfilled in the near future, if the right one, then the guests should fulfill the birthday man’s desire. (In the second case, the culprit of the holiday comes up with a task that any of the guests will complete)

5. Turn on an excerpt from the song "Well, where are the pens ..."

6. Decipher the actions of the guests: when the right hand is at the top, the guest is right. The left hand is wrong, but with a unique opportunity to send the right ones to hell.

7. Insist on guests to cross their legs.

8. Turn on the song of the Accident "Legs, ...".

9. Say: no matter which leg is on top, in honor of the birthday, we simply have to sing "Loaf". (guests stand in a circle, loaf is performed)

10. It is necessary to summarize: “I see your eyes are “burning”, a positive has come to us. Congratulations to the birthday boy with a new cool-cool life on his birthday!” (Turn on the song "Cool, I live cool") Download cuts!

Idea II. We shout wishes together.

We read congratulations that end with a wish. Intuitively, the guests, listening to the congratulatory, guess the missing word and pronounce it in unison.

- I want to wish you today:

Live for a long, long time and do not know grief!

Forget what pharmacies are for

Be joyful, cheerful, and most importantly ... Guests: HEALTHY!

- Let the wallet be full,

Salary is paid on time.

Loan repaid, taxes paid

And the money is piling up for the future!

I want to wish on this day and always:

Financial order and great ... Guests: SUFFICIENCY!

- To go on vacation, dreams, fulfilling,

To ride carefree in a new car,

So that the store accurately handed over the change

We'll have to catch the tail ... Guests: GOOD LUCK!

- So that you are surrounded by care and affection

Wish others great ... Guests: HAPPINESS!

Idea III. Give wishes with a particle of NOT.

“Dear Birthday, today you received a lot of nice words addressed to you and it’s great, and today we decided to tell you about what we would not wish you:

No need, our friend Expensive,

Work in the sweat of your face.

But also to lie, "playing the fool",

You certainly don't fit!

You don't take used things

Don't wait for "heavenly manna".

Let your years go

Strive where the Soul calls!

Avoid excesses in food

And do not look at the dream of the coming news!

Let the series of unwillingnesses not be for you!

After all, you have us: relatives and friends!

You can also make riddles for the birthday man, about this article. And one more idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow fun it is to present congratulations and gifts to the hero of the holiday -!

I answered the question: what can you wish on your birthday. Tell us in the comments which idea do you like best? Or maybe you have your own unique wishes that give an explosion of bright emotions, write!

Wishes usually include positive words (such as "happiness, joy"), but can also include negations of the negative, such as "so that there is no sadness." We have collected the most common options for congratulations, you can choose what suits you best, and what suits the one you want to congratulate.

Thanks for understanding. The materials presented on the pages of our site are created by the authors of the site, sent by users, taken from open sources and presented on the site for informational purposes only.

What wishes do we often hear on our birthday? Most likely, these are wishes for health, good luck, love and happiness. Unearthly blessings, joy and smiles. The birthday boy will not remain indifferent to such a manifestation of attention to his person.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you health and happiness! You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful!!! With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and career advancement! On your birthday, we sincerely wish ... May it bring you good mood, joy, warmth in your soul. I wish you all the best, brightest in your work, in your destiny. On this brightest day for you, we want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and worries always remain outside the door! Do not expect that every day in life will be a joy and a reward, joy can turn into misfortune.

On your birthday, I want to wish you the main thing - health, sincere happiness and satisfaction from the fact that everything that was planned comes true. The series of gray days has stopped at a bright and festive point - today is your birthday. Birthday is a celebration of desires.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in your own words

Share your holiday with them, and life will become brighter, and happiness will increase many times over! Happy birthday! Hello! I want to congratulate you on entering a new age! Let the aroma of many flowers and a kaleidoscope of friendly smiles fill your home today, so that you, on this day, truly feel the presence of the holiday. On a birthday, you can wish a birthday man a lot. It happens that even the most expensive gift fades before a sincere congratulation or a comic wish for something special.

I mean the usual short wishes in our own words, which we write on a postcard or say when presenting a gift to a birthday person. As usual, my friends wrote me congratulations and wished me many good things. We show a little creative imagination, decorating a camomile and that's it - you can give it as a gift. The tree of wishes is more often used in wedding celebrations to congratulate the newlyweds, but in general, you can make such a gift to anyone. Idea number 5. Sweets with wishes.

However, we will not wish the birthday man happiness, happiness, and then happiness again, this is at least boring and tantamount to a situation where there will be only one dish on the festive table, no matter how tasty it is, we still want variety, we want frills!

Let's start with the fact that happiness, in the traditional sense, can be broken down into five components. In this case, your congratulations will look like this: "I wish you health, love, joy, wealth and success" . In this wish, in fact, it is laid down that everything that one person can wish another person. Agree, it is also too traditional and boring, the obligatory part of the series has been completed.

Then everything is simple and the solution suggests itself. All it takes is a little imagination to replace each of these words with more capacious phrases. It is advisable to conclude the individuality of the birthday man in these words and phrases, then it will be much more pleasant.

Here are a few examples for each of the above wishes.

Wish for health. Instead of one noun "health" you can use a number of verbs: do not get sick, do not get sick, do not cough, do not know doctors, live without pain. You can attach adjectives to a noun and wish not just health, but good health, Siberian, bearish, heroic, steel.
You can replace "health" with strength, fitness, cheerfulness, "blooming appearance", "virus resistance".
You can list all the organs and parts of the body that should be healthy. And in the end, wish what is the result of a healthy lifestyle - longevity.

Love wish. Love can be wished to the birthday man in the sense that is closest to him. Indeed, for some, love is healthy sex, for others it is, above all, a romantic relationship, for others it is a fiery passion, for someone it is family comfort. And for someone to feel love, you need a "sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfans." And the fifth, not seeing the difference between love and friendship, offer to drink "for your friends who love you so much." For someone, a good wish may be love for life, for children, or for their work. There can be any number of examples here.

Wish for joy. The common phrase "joy" can be clarified by indicating its source: "Let children, relatives, friends, neighbors please you ... TV and weather." You can jokingly clarify the size of joy: the sea, a train car, a full house, or just a huge, huge, great, immeasurable and endless.
You can simply replace the word joy with a cheerful mood, indescribable delight, heavenly pleasure and "so that angels sing in your soul." And since we strongly associate joy not with work, but with rest, we can wish for all conceivable and inconceivable ways to joyfully spend hours of leisure: “so that you finally get enough sleep” to “so that you make a round-the-world trip”, from “so that you always have, what to drink" to "so you can find time to read all the books in your own library".

Wish for wealth. The too frank word “wealth” can be replaced with a more streamlined phrase - “wealth”, “material well-being”, “cashless happiness”. At the same time, you can explain where it comes from: “so that you find a treasure!”, “so that you win the lottery! "," so that you receive a fee! "," so that they leave you an inheritance! "," so that your salary is increased! ". At the same time, you can specify what this "wealth" is embodied in: you, carpets around you, pilaf inside you and another 1000 money in the passbook!

Wish for success. Instead of "success" in general, one can wish success in something specific: in studies, in a career, in business, in sports, in creativity. Or even more concrete: at the end of a repair, at an appraisal, at a deal, at a harvest, at a quarterly report. Or you can make a toast to substitutes for the concept of "success": "for the implementation of plans", "for recognition of merit", "for inevitable victories", "for the fulfillment of desires", "so that dreams come true". Sometimes, instead of success, they wish his more playful companions: good luck and luck. But to wish for what success is usually built on - diligence, responsibility, perseverance, accuracy, diligence - is somehow not accepted.

In general, there are only five wishes, and they can only be deciphered. Or, conversely, reduce. The way rude men sometimes do it, offering a toast that incorporates all the key wishes: "To ... stand and have money." Or, as sometimes not rude, but not blessed with either fantasy or eloquence girls do: "I wish you all the very best." Or like this: "I wish you everything that you wish for yourself."

We do not want anything new, the main thing is to give the same content a different form.

As potatoes can be boiled and stewed, fries and mashed potatoes, in the form of pancakes and in the form of a casserole, and not stuffed, so wishes can be given a different shape. For example, the most common parting word "Be healthy!" can be presented in the form of a speech or a toast, it can be dressed up in the form of a legend or a riddle, you can pre-read a fable or an ode, you can sing a romance or a ditty, you can deduce it as a summary from an aphorism or anecdote. In general, there are many ways to overcome the banality of traditional congratulations and wishes.

Your relative, friend or loved one is celebrating a birthday and you want to congratulate him in a bright and original way? On this page of our site you will find suitable birthday greetings in your own words.

Happy birthday! I wish you good, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all the bad bypass you, life's adversities are overcome with ease, and every day will be filled with joy. And of course, I want to regret you the fulfillment of desires and happy love.

Today is your big day! And we hasten to rejoice with you at your birth. Rejoice and wish good, sunny warmth, wish love and tenderness of people close to you. And also the most incredible happiness. May your most cherished dream come true, and you will find everything that you have been dreaming about for long days and nights. Happy holiday!

Today is a beautiful and joyful day - your birthday! We want to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday! We wish you a lot of smiles, confessions and gifts on this day. May happiness never leave you, and may health only come with age. May every new day in your life be better than the previous one!

Sincere words of congratulations on your birthday will bring joy to the birthday man on this day. Choose an original text with suitable wishes that will cause a lot of positive emotions and be remembered by the hero of the occasion.

On your birthday, everyone wants to tell you as many warm and sincere words as possible, and I will not be an exception. I wish you true friends nearby, their understanding and support. And also - more confidence in the future, more positive and bright thoughts. Let the health of your family not make you upset. With the birth of you in this world!

Happy Birthday! I wish you the fulfillment of the most incredible and dizzying desires, I wish you bright and unforgettable impressions, success in all your endeavors. May the days be sunny and bright, filled with smiles and happiness. In general, everything is positive!

Congratulations and birthday wishes expressed in your own words can be read aloud, sent by e-mail or in the form of SMS. The main thing is to express your attention to the birthday man on this wonderful day.

I congratulate you! On this wonderful day, I wish you good health, faithful and devoted friends, boundless happiness, boundless income, crazy love and more joyful days! Have a good mood and a great holiday!

Happy Birthday! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and well-being - I wish your cherished dreams come true, that every day brings pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded only by kind and loving people. And I wish you luck, luck in everything and always. And so that every business you start ends successfully!

Congratulations! Let from now on and always the whole world be one big road for you, along which you can travel with a fair wind and true friends, making amazing discoveries and gaining magical treasures! Let a cup of freshly brewed tea and the rays of the sun please you in the morning, a fragrant, hot, lovingly prepared cake and a walk in the park in the afternoon, and a pleasant rest and a strong, sweet dream in the evening! May you be pleased with the gifts that will be presented to you today, may you be pleased with postcards and smiles, cheerful laughter and talk about beauty, may life please you!

Happy birthday greetings in your own words

Dear friend! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that every day of your life be filled with optimism, fresh ideas and interesting meetings. May you have excellent health and cheerful mood. I also wish that every morning you were greeted with bright sunshine and smiles of loved ones. Be happy!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May all your plans, dreams and desires come true not only on this day, but also on all subsequent ones! Let a smile shine on your face more often, and your eyes be filled with joy. I wish you well, love and good luck! Good health, endless happiness, great and pure love!

And so another year has passed. Over the years, a person becomes wiser, begins to perceive the actions of other people, life situations in a slightly different way, sees life in a different way, which he begins to appreciate more. And in a different way with age, we feel love, tenderness, care. I wish you great happiness, so that every year nothing decreases, but only arrives in your life: well-being, luck, money, significant people. Do not worry in vain and do not be sad, be more cheerful and happy! Happy birthday!

Do not skimp on kind words when you are preparing to wish someone a happy birthday. The main thing to remember at the same time is that congratulations are an expression of your sincere feelings filled with warmth and love. Choose the appropriate texts - and congratulate the birthday man on the holiday.

We wish our birthday boy to always keep spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, it is a feeling that everything is possible, everything is within your power. We wish you health, happiness, and may you always be accompanied by success and good luck!

From the bottom of my heart, accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, financial stability, harmony in everything, love in all its manifestations, a peaceful sky above your head. May good luck and success accompany you in life, people close in spirit surround you, and every day of your life shines with new rainbow colors!

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