Statuses about hidden love for a guy. Men's statuses about love. Quotes about love

Hi all!

Two sections with statuses that carry the meaning of love for a man. Such statuses can be written in any social networks, whether it is VKontakte, Vatsap or Odnoklassniki, it doesn’t matter.

The first section, which contains 16 statuses about love for a man who cares about you. Choose and apply.

  • When he is around, the world changes. He is my fluffy white rabbit, who opens the magical Wonderland for me every day.
  • I know my happiness is near. I know happiness loves silence. I fall asleep with him every day, and every moment I love him.
  • My love for him, like a boundless ocean, will never end.
  • And it's like music sounds in me when I see his eyes again.
  • A real storm is raging in my soul, as soon as I see it.
  • It doesn't matter how my day went, because when you hug me, all the problems will seem like a trifle.
  • To love and feel that it is mutual is the best thing in life.
  • I love life. And I love him. For me they are equal.
  • My eyes sometimes speak for me. Look at mine, they have only one word: love ...
  • My love is like an ocean. You are my lifeline. Without you, I will drown in my own feelings.
  • It seems to illuminate everything around me, but not the sun, as if it makes me breathe, but not the air. In general, he is what I live by.
  • Just together, just next to each other. And nothing else is needed.
  • I want to scream how much I love you. But shh... because happiness loves silence.
  • Only he can warm not only my body, but also my soul. And this is the most important thing.
  • I miss him everyday.
  • Want nothing. I only want love. And only one man.

And here for the most fastidious 13 more statuses to your man. It's like you have to love him to look for such statuses. I envy with white envy and with understanding.

  • And love for him still lives in my soul. And the heart believes in miracles.
  • Love is not for egoists, because it makes us give much more than we receive from another person.
  • I love your eyes when they look at me and your hands when they warm me at night.

With you, music is more wonderful, the city is more beautiful, and life is more fun.

For my love, even the universe will not be enough. It cannot be measured.

In a house where love reigns, there is no place for resentment and anger. I want ours to be just like that.

I'm like wearing rose-colored glasses: I laugh, dance and sing. And it's all just a chance meeting with him.

  • An accidental glance - and that's it! You don’t sleep at night, you sigh languidly, you watch your weight, you make up every day. And how wonderful it was...
  • They say women love with their ears. Not true! I love him with my heart. And all other parts of the body.
  • True love is listening to his stories for hours about how to change the steering rack on a car, and not understanding a single word.
  • When I saw how he carefully puts his socks in the washing machine, I immediately realized that this was the man I wanted to marry.
  • There is no access to my heart! It is under lock and key. Only your love can open it.
  • Love doesn't come alone. Doubt, jealousy, passion, fear and happiness always go hand in hand with her. But without them, love would be just a beautiful word.

I think that anyone who is looking for statuses about love for a man was able to find the right one for themselves. The site also has

  • Again we chatted with him until nightfall. Leaves. Writes. Thank you. I ask. For what? He. For being what it is. How not to love him?
  • And even if his name is the same as that of half the globe… for me it still sounds special…
  • He is the boy who paints a smile on my face...
  • Having met once, I fell for you. Among the thousands of Vkontakte contacts, I eagerly searched with my eyes.
  • I love you, but what the hell.
  • Don't you love?... Then why are you looking for statuses for him? -
  • And his eyes are beautiful ... so dear ... insanely kind ... and sad ... it’s not difficult to fall in love with such eyes ... they give a desire to live ... just to live, and not to exist ...
  • There are two blind people in the world ... You, because you do not see how much I need; and I, because I can't see anyone but you.
  • Raspberry dreams, always in them only you.
  • I am always with you. In bad weather, I'll be the rain that caresses your body. When the sun, I will be a ray that warms you. I will be anyone, just feel that I am next to you and only yours.
  • Love is when you are ready to make a scandal to him, just because he slept without turning to you!
  • ..He looked into my trusting eyes and said that he loved me madly... but at the same time he cheated on me with another... I loved him madly... and now I love him... but there was a residue of sadness in my soul... it hurts so much...
  • Sometimes it seems to me that I love you, but then... I open my eyes... No, not you again!
  • Love is when you call a two-meter unshaven gouging with a meter span of shoulders, who listens to heavy music and walks in all black, the sun.
  • Today I accidentally found your scent in a passer-by ... Never at the same time did my heart spin and my head shrink ...
  • I need to sleep!! And I can't sleep... After all, you're not there. Come into it.
  • I told him that I would kill myself. He smiled and replied: "So I will live for two ..." And for this I love him very much.
  • I would like to call you and tell you how good I am... that I'm getting enough sleep and finally happy... that it's already July outside, and spring is in my soul. I would like you to believe it... But I won't call, I still love you...
  • The best place for me is in your arms.
  • One morning you will wake up and understand how dear I am to you ... But when that day comes, I will wake up with the one who understood this earlier ...
  • Most of all I want to come to you and lie next to you... And know that we have tomorrow...
  • I think I'm starting to fall in love with you...
  • I wrote to him that I love him, he replied that he no longer loves me ... it hurts so much ...
  • Today, when I heard his voice, I forgot how to breathe... And all my wisest decisions died at the smell of his perfume... He is the greatest joy in the world... He is a synonym for happiness... I'm crazy from his brown eyes...
  • Love is when there are a lot of guys on a booze, and you only think about one that is not with you now ..
  • Girls, tell me what should I do, how should I be? I love one kid, and he likes me a little bit !! How can I make him fall in love with me?
  • Three words "I love you", I have already said a hundred times to many people, but I can’t say how I truly fell in love.
  • I don't want to hear "I love you", I want to feel it, I don't want promises, I want action... I don't want your body, I want your soul...
  • I love you, and I don't need anyone, I'll wait for you through the slush and puddles...
  • Never talk about yourself that you are made of iron, don't behave like steel, don't say that only the weak cry... Every metal rusts, steel bends, and only real women can cry beautifully... -

    #101. When you love, everyone around hears the beat of your heart, when you hate - it resounds only in your head, when you die - only you stop hearing it, but it remains with those who love you ...

    #102. In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy. (Omar Khayyam)

    #103. I do not need an ideal, I need you, harmful, jealous, but so beloved.

    #104. Love never asks, it always gives.
    Swami Vivekananda

    #105. If you can't see the flaws in a person, then you're in love, you idiot.

    #106. A person falls in love the same way he falls down the stairs. This is an accident.

    #107. I need something like you, but only for it to love me.

    #108. A wonderful feeling is love. With the help of it, prisons and psychiatric hospitals are filled.

    #109. Nowadays, probably, even love is made in China.

    #110. Or maybe really, you need to be with someone who loves you, and not who you love.

    #111. When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem like ladybugs to him.

    #112. Before you give up everything for great love, think about what you will have left if love refuses you.

    #113. What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

    #114. A person has no power over his heart, no one can be considered a criminal because he fell in love or fell out of love.

    #115. He truly loves you who secretly prays for you to God.

    #116. A woman is more likely to love a man whom she hates than one to whom she is indifferent.

    #117. Separation will teach you to love truly.
    Saint Exupery

    #118. Don't owe anything to anyone except mutual love.

    #119. When they love you - you do not doubt, when you love - doubts haunt at every step. Why do you doubt? Don't love anyone.

    #120. Fools from unhappy love shoot themselves. Smart people write poems and quotes. The smartest people don't fall in love.

    #121. A broken heart is a good sign. A sign that you've at least tried to love someone.

    #123. If you love me, then you are with me, for me, always, everywhere and under all circumstances.

    #124. Falling in love is a very brave thing to do. You need to be able to trust someone with all your being. It is extremely difficult and very brave.

    #125. Love is like a tree; it grows of itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.

    #126. Look into your beloved eyes, lying on his chest and keep silent about something in common .... Here it is ... Happiness ...

    #127. When I hug him, I close my eyes, burying myself in his neck. and I understand that I don’t need anything else, just to never let him go.

    #128. Sometimes for happiness it is enough to see the person you miss madly.

    #129. It's nice when you wake up in the morning, you see him sleeping next to you, and intending to get up, you feel how he presses you closer to him and asks: "Where are you going?

    #130. A loved one cannot be replaced by anyone and never!

    #131. Trust is one of the main secrets of love... Do not trust other people's words... Trust your heart...

    #132. You take care of her... All your happiness is in her...

    #133. It blows my mind when I hear your name.

    #134. You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I am like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

    #135. No need to waste yourself on just anyone. Better accumulate love, care and tenderness in yourself in order to give it to the right person at the right time!

    #136. If you love someone, you should never hurt them. Never.

    #137. It's an amazing feeling to not feel anything when you see a person for whom so many tears have been shed.

Sent him an SMS: "I don't care about your plans, in 5 years I'm marrying you!"
His answer: "I don't care about your plans! You will marry me in a year!"

I fall asleep and wake up the happiest person in the world, because next to me is your beloved.

"I love you" takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain, and a lifetime to prove.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, and I don’t believe that I can just hug him ... I kiss him softly ... and suddenly I feel a strong hand gently press me to him ...

When you hugged me, I realized that I was standing behind a stone wall, when you kissed me, I realized what tenderness is, when you left, I realized what pain is, when we are at a distance, I realized that our feelings are strong! And most importantly, I realized that all this is called LOVE!

Maybe all your buddies don't like me, and you won't call me a cool girl ... But I love you like no one else will ever love you ...

He reads your statuses and understands everything. He knows they are about him. No need to torture yourself and him. Just say "I love" he will answer and "I".

They say that a kiss is a word. Well, my dear, get ready. You're in for a serious conversation...

The most beautiful thing a guy can say to a girl: - If I ever fall in love with another girl, it will be our daughter.

I don't need someone who will say "I love you" all day long, but someone who will say one day: "... I need you like that ... a little unbalanced psychopath ...".

Hello, dear, turn on the first channel! -Turned it on. -What's going on there? -"Let's get married"! -I agree!

A girl in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity.

I love it more than chocolate! I love it more than rock! I love it more than light! I love him more than life...

I love. To tears. Up to the stars. Until oblivion. Earth. Impossible. Yours. I miss...

There are only two blind people in the world - you, because you do not see how much I need, and I - because I do not notice anyone but you.

You filled my existence with meaning, gave me such happiness! Thank you, my joy, that I have you!

Life without you is like tea with lemon and no sugar - many people like it, but I can't drink this stuff.

I don't care what color your eyes are - the main thing is that they look only at me.

And his eyes are beautiful ... so dear ... insanely kind ... and sad ... it’s not difficult to fall in love with such eyes ... they give a desire to live - namely to live, and not to exist ...

No matter what happens, and no matter what happens - I love you, loved and will always love you, please remember this, but I will never be with you, and these are not big words - this is only the truth, the truth about us.

You know, you are so kind. Your hands are always warm. I love holding them in my palms. And your eyes are beautiful, very... And your hair smells delicious. There is no such smell in nature. You only smell like that. And your smile is quite childlike. Infects. And in general, you know, you are mine. Somehow I didn’t want to fall in love, but it somehow happened like that, it just happened ...

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