Funny sayings about tea. Poems about tea, sayings, creativity, phrases, aphorisms, quotes from famous people about tea

Tea is a magical drink! How many people were born thanks to the invitation "for a cup of tea"!

Better than an alarm clock can only be a big mug of tea drunk at night!)))))

I understand that coffee and cigarettes are cool, fashionable and all that. But you must admit, tea with cookies still tastes better.

Excessive coffee consumption harms excessive tea drinkers.

If you poured boiling water into a cup, but forgot to put a bag of tea there, and the tea still brewed, it’s time to wash the cup along the way ...)))

Lipton tea leaves contain antioxidants, unique compounds that researchers say help double the price of tea.

Life gets better when a tea bag becomes truly disposable.

Job. Coffee. And smoke with longing. Have you become a bitch? No... Another. Doubts in the abyss, smiles mask. And someone believes that there is a fairy tale in the heart. More and more falsehood, more and more do not care. Iron nerves... and stronger than coffee...

Let's say I drink tea without sugar. I like the reaction of people who react to it like this: “HOW??? DO YOU DRINK WITHOUT SUGAR??” as if I killed someone :))

Who does not drink chiai - that tsmo!

You just don't have to look for anyone. You need to look for a hobby, live for today, drink green tea and smile.

I don’t know how it is in China, but my tea ceremony is to search for a mug all over the apartment.

Sometimes you just need to take a break for tea and comfort. And a few days alone with my thoughts.

I'm so lazy that I drink tea in the kitchen.

Coffee is a cruel drink: you want to sleep, you drank coffee, you still want to sleep, you go to bed and CAN'T SLEEP BECAUSE YOU DRINK COFFEE!!!

She's just one of those girls who invite you to tea and really go to put the kettle on.

During one of the operations, 007 was caught on tea plantations, and he had no choice but to pretend to be a tea bush: I am Bond. Brook Bond.

If you are consistent and give the waiter a tip, then you need to give the taxi driver a trolley bus!

Now we need silence, an understanding person and delicious tea.

I read the inscription on the tea pack: "Tea leaves are collected in India, Ceylon, China. Packed in Ukraine. Enjoy the taste of real English tea!"

Do you also eat by force when it's delicious?)))

Sometimes just having tea with mom and chatting is better than any feasts with friends.

Oh, that sad moment when the tea is already drunk and the sandwich is left!

Chinese tea "Chui Deblui" acts instantly!

What are you going to have tea with? - With you! - And? - And with pleasure =)

That's how you always Drink tea, dip cookies in tea, and hop! it fell off, you start to catch it with a spoon, but it all fell apart and you sit and drink tea like that.

I want a tea with lemon ... bucks.

There are very few people to talk to over a glass of tea. The rest have to drink.

Tea bags - be responsible, we are for safe tea!

I have a friend who always pours tea for me to the brim :) ... I thought she loves me so much :)) ..... it turns out that I couldn’t put sugar :)

Why don't I brew a cup of filthy shit...

If a girl calls you for tea, don't forget that it can only be tea!

Foam tea for the director? Yes, spit!

I want rain, you, long kisses and hot tea...

- Do you want tea with sugar? - No, I'll have champagne with a kiss and a ring.

An invitation to a tea party isn't always limited to just tea.)

You understand the real taste of Indian tea when the house runs out of sugar ..

Fuck life and a cup of tea, please!

Early morning, summer, in a mug - cooled tea. I miss you... please come. I have no one to smile at and talk nonsense to...please come back or I'll go crazy...

I'm standing in the kitchen. Dad cleared his throat behind his back and said "Yeah. Fuck it! Go to sleep."

A MOUSE pad usually becomes a CUP pad)))))

When making love, remember - skipping the foreplay, you lose a lot, it's like having breakfast and not drinking tea ...

“And this is for tea,” he said to the waiter and put a lump of sugar in his palm.

Tea can be brewed seven times. On the eighth - tea leaves emerge to look at this redneck ..

Campaign, only I can, sitting down to drink tea with sandwiches, gobble up all the sandwiches, and leave the tea untouched)))

- Waiter, what did you bring me, coffee or tea? - Can't you tell the difference? - Not. "Then what's the difference to you?"

You can't fill grief with tea.

- I noticed that you stir the tea with your right hand - So what? - And most people use a spoon for this ...

A person differs from a kettle in that he can boil only from the mere thought that they want to heat him up.

Very calmly, without disturbing anyone, I stir sugar in tea with a spoon.

Picking tea leaves on the Lipton plantation, Hindu Mohammed does not even suspect that he does it carefully and with love.)))

- Shall we have a cup of tea? - Listen, you made 4 mistakes in the word "beer"!

Awoke. She put the kettle on. After some time I hear a knock on the window (I live on the 1st floor). I look out, a guy is standing, smiling and saying "Girl! Your kettle is boiling"

Sadness makes tea taste better...

Wonderful day today, whether to go drink tea, or hang yourself.

Every morning I tell myself: “Get up, beauty, great things are waiting for us!”, But an inner voice whispers that if they wait, then they love, and if they love, they will wait ...

- Do you want tea in bed? - No, in my cup!

I’ll make chamomile tea ... I’ll drink and guess: loves, doesn’t love!

How to make frothy tea? Heh! Yes, spit!

- Ma, would you like some tea? - Not. - And I will, go brew!

I know where the salt is, I see grated cheese... I believe that sausage and tea will save the world.

As soon as I whistle, the girls run headlong towards me. Kettle.

I would like to have a neighbor with whom on winter evenings I could sit in the kitchen, drink tea and talk about everything in the world

Glory is an extra piece of sugar in a glass of tea.

Think for yourself... genies don't live in teapots...

A seagull or a man... it doesn't matter, just to keep warm...

Tea. When you want you hot, you instantly cool down. When you wait until it cools down, you almost boil in a cup. Tea, you're wrong.

Do you want some tea? I have wonderful Thai tea! It was brought to me by Armenians from Holland!

When there is nothing to drink tea with, you just want Carlson to knock on the window on the 7th floor with a jar of jam =)

I made myself tea and while carrying the bag to the trash, not a single drop fell! It's a miracle!

Morning. I lie down, trying to force myself to wake up. Tea smelt from the kitchen. I get up, I go, my mother drinks tea. Dialogue: Me: Good morning. I came to the smell of tea) Mom: Well, sit down ... Smell ...

I look at my colleague, he is standing, pouring tea, holding a mug at an angle, probably so that it does not foam ... the person has a good rest.))

You go to the kitchen for tea, you realize that the computer has a mug, you come back, update the contact, you go to the kitchen again, and again you realize that the computer has a mug.

I accidentally break a cup. Automatically whisper: "For luck ...". Realizing, I break the saucer: "Let at least these do not part"

I want to tea with you. Only without tea.

Some men lie so sweetly that listening to them, you can drink tea without sugar.

New tea: "Allah Akbar"... - every third pack ticks softly.

Sowing a remote control from a TV set is an everyday thing. But losing a mug of tea going into the room from the kitchen is already a clinic.

Chocolate and tea... Goodbye depression, goodbye.

Pouring tea into two mugs is a habit of the happy.

Tea and statuses about tea

Tea! You are a soft, sober, wise and respectable drink, you are an innocent excuse to gather together in the morning the sinful souls of different sexes; you untie women's tongues, soften smiles, open hearts; sincere friend, to your magnificent insipidity I owe the happiest moments of my life, so let me prostrate and bow before you.

The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love it, only under this condition can you fully enjoy it with rapture.

I fear the end of the world will come before afternoon tea.

Give me enough coffee and I can rule the world.

The saddest drink is a cup of weak tea.

There are things that are worth keeping faithful to. For example, coffee.

I'm always afraid that the end of the world will come before the afternoon tea.

Sleep is a symptom of caffeine starvation.

After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd around like battalions of a great army on the battlefield.

If you are cold, tea will warm you; if you are hot, tea will refresh; if you are upset, it will comfort; if you are excited, it will calm you down.

Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love.

A real tea bouquet is like an expensive wine, it cannot be repeated, the secrets of its preparation are available only to the author.

Wine is the drink of the gods, beer is the drink of the Germans, tea is the drink of the women, and water is the drink of the animals.

If I didn't like coffee so much, I wouldn't have any outstanding personality traits at all.

Tea is not vodka: you can't drink much.

Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love.

Sometimes life is just a matter of having a cup of coffee and the privacy that it provides.

The ideal temperature for tea is two degrees higher than necessary.

What would the world be like without tea? How could he exist? Thank God I was born when there was already tea.

There is no better love potion than ordinary coffee brewed by oneself. When a man tries it, he will not go anywhere.

Coffee drinkers enjoy more than those who don't have sex.

Good tea has folds like on the leather boots of a Tartar horseman, it rounds like a bull's dewlap, unfolds like fog rising over a hollow, gleams like a lake in a light breeze, and it is moist and soft, like earth just irrigated. rain.

The truth is inaccessible to those who have not joined the foamy grace of coffee.

No one can teach you how to brew tea perfectly. It comes by itself with time. Dressing up in cashmere certainly helps.

Tea gives a person determination, increases the ability to process impressions, and encourages concentrated thinking.

Tea can replace wine. And wine will not replace tea. Poetry can replace prose. And prose will not replace poetry.

I had to drink a lot of tea, because without it I could not work. Tea releases those possibilities that lie dormant in the depths of my soul.

A person without tea is incapable of seeing truth and beauty.

New life smells like coffee and chocolate...

Our trouble is that we drink too much tea. I see in this the unhurried revenge of the East, which let the Yellow River flow down our throats.

Cheerful guests should be given wine. Sad guests - ordinary tea. Sincere friends - make the best tea and enjoy the conversation.

The proper use of tea is to entertain the idle, to give respite to the industrious, and to dilute the copious meals of those who cannot exercise and do not wish to restrain themselves.

Winter! What should we do in the village? I meet a servant who brings me

If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me.

Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, should not be drunk in mugs!

There is tea - there is hope.

I want to come to you... for tea... for a movie... for a conversation... in my arms... under the covers... it's the same as..., but only to you...

The Japanese make a tea party out of any sex, and the Russians do the opposite.

Tea drinking is a wet business)))

Headphones in your ears, but do not turn on the music. There is a chance to hear a lot of new things.

We take the heart, put it in a glass, fill it with water, put it in the freezer for several hours. We wait. We take it out, hold it in our hands, feel the cold, accidentally drop it. To smithereens. They clapped. Gone.

Shall we have a cup of tea? - Listen, you made 4 mistakes in the word "beer"!

She loves the wind, smiles, meetings, chocolate, smiling at random passers-by... She is not timid, but not brave either... forever in love and madly faithful...

Tea can be brewed seven times. On the eighth - tea leaves float up to look at this goon ...

He is no more ... and he will never check the mail again ... he will never get in touch ... but his status in the contact "I love Nadia" will remain there forever ... he will warm her soul in many many years .. when perhaps she will forget him... and accidentally looking through his forever closed page, she will remember everything... everything that happened... for 5 years of their friendship...

Bought tea for weight loss. Nothing goes wrong with cake!

If you were offered to erase all the pain from your memory in exchange for the fact that you will never love anyone again, would you agree? - Not. - Then sit down and be quiet. Drink tea, it will get cold.

Life without a brunette is like tea without candy)

Dear Fairy! The loot is over, the shoes are fucked ... the prince sent to x .. I'm sitting in a pumpkin, drinking vodka with rats, celebrating mother's day ... Help me out ...

Do you want some tea? - Will. -What do you want? - Kiss me please.

I choked and I was faced with a choice: to die or pour tea over Claudia. I chose death. but a miracle happened and the tea went down the drain.

While studying for a Latin exam, medical students accidentally summoned the devil.

My name is Bond. Brook Bond. I'm fucking tea!

A seagull or a man... it doesn't matter, just to keep warm...

The old kettle is getting scum. Also, the people around me boil and burn out nafig.

I go into the room with a large tray: Tea, cookies, apples, candies. Mom: where are you? Me: Internet!

Juice? Tea? Coffee? Chair. Soap. Rope.

Why, if a guy invites for tea, then we don’t even have time to turn on the kettle?

A man at his mistress after the "case" in the kitchen drinks tea. - Sharpen your knives, otherwise your husband has no time ... He sharpens and thinks: - Stop, but who sharpens knives at MY house ?!

If in the winter you absolutely accidentally froze eggs to the exhaust pipe, then remember - THIS IS NOT A FUCK RANDOM!

A wonderful statement from mom when you enter the kitchen in the morning: " Drink coffee while tea is hot!"

While I'm painting my eyelashes here and drinking hot tea, watching movies about love, you remember one thing: I'll find you someday anyway ..

You can do this meditation to set yourself up to make a decision or just to get a feel for what mindfulness is. You can repeat it at any time and with any drink.

Tea is like a hug. Only in a cup.

When it's bad weather outside and you don't feel like going out, a cup of tea is just happiness... and you can drink this happiness...

Will you have lemon or mint tea?

Can I have tea with you?

- What will you drink tea with? With jam or lemon?

- With pleasure!

Let's sit again

For fragrant tea

And we'll talk about everything

Hours without noticing ...

Watch good films, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, walk, get enough sleep and, most importantly, believe that everything will work out for you. And that's when everything will be fine!

I want tea...

In casual company...

In a quiet, pleasant place…

If everything is incomprehensible, and everything is already in itself, and does not depend on you, you just need to stop and drink tea. Everything will fall apart on its own, get better on its own).

When brewing fragrant tea, it should be remembered that according to the Tea Code, one should talk about good things over a cup of tea: about Nature, about Art, about Beauty...

I'm chasing hot teas

I rustle candy in the morning

Replenishing stocks for the day

Make yourself a fasting day today - do not load yourself! Better drink tea with delicious 😊

Pause for aromatic tea...

Frozen soul? Make some tea :)

How much does it take to start a great day? A cup of hot tea and a kiss from a loved one. Think positive.

In any incomprehensible situation, put the kettle on))

Everyone knows that there is nothing better than a cup of tea to raise the tone and uplift the fallen spirit, in which all guides and instructions, both Western and Eastern, converge.

José Sarmago "The Book of Names"

Tea - unless you drink it the Russian way - you can't drink it with sugar. Yes, I realize I'm in the minority here. But still, how can a person who is able to kill the taste of tea with sugar call himself a teapot? With the same success, you can flavor tea with pepper or salt. Tea is supposed to be bitter, just like beer. Having sweetened it, you are not drinking tea, you are drinking sugar, which you could just as well dissolve in hot water. George Orwell, A Great Cup of Tea

Tea is always a good idea.
Don't look for an excuse, just treat yourself to tea...

"Can we come over for tea?"

“Just for tea?”

— No... more jam.

Tea is a huge world placed in a small cup.

It's wonderful when you have someone to brew a second mug of tea.

Tea is the most affordable and honest medicine that heals without turning your pocket inside out.

Not only tea, gloves, a blanket are warm... Everything can be warm - conversations, glances, letters, people... This is that special feeling that gives us the strength to live, believe, dream, love...

- You have some kind of tea cult ...

“I only have rooibos, hibiscus, pu-erh, black, green, oolongs, four types of mate, three cups for different types of tea, two teapots ... What a cult, what are you talking about ...

Through a dreamy window

Gentle rays of the sun

On my cheek

Three pinches of tea

God, what else do you need?!

Autumn... Rain... The time of the warmest hugs, the most comfortable evenings, the most sincere words...

Tea is not drunk anywhere. Tea is personal.

Brew tea only with the correct brew:

with happiness, luck, adventure and good mood!

The best evening is an evening with warm tea and a warm person.

Tea drinking has a rare virtue: to bring a particle of calm harmony into our existence.

Is it possible to feel something if you have not drunk strong fragrant tea? Tea is the rise of the soul!

Tea is a divine drink that gives us a reason to eat half a kilo of sweets and a couple of pieces of cake before going to bed with a clear conscience ツ

And me tea. Seven glasses...

A thousand gallons of tea and five hundred biscuits are enough for one friendship.

Ray Bradbury, "Dandelion Wine"

Happiness is always in the simple things. In such, for example, as a day off, Sunday tea or just peace in your heart ...

You'd better fly to me tomorrow morning - we'll drink tea.

With goats?

With goats, with goats!

big uh


Life has an iron rule:

what you brewed - then you disentangle!

You should never refuse a cup of tea under the following circumstances: if it is hot outside; if it is cold outside; if you are tired; if someone thinks you are tired; if you feel uneasy; before leaving the house; if you are not at home; if you have just come home; if you want a seagull; if you do not really want a seagull, but you could; if you have not drunk tea for a long time; if you have just intercepted a cup. George Mikes - How to be British

A cup of tea?

Making tea is no ordinary task. For this, a suitable person is needed, who would be equal in dignity to the dignity of tea. Such a person must have the soul of an exalted hermit, keeping in himself the beauty of misty haze, mountain springs and mighty rocks. Lu Shusheng, 16th century

Tea gives a person determination, increases the ability to process impressions, and encourages concentrated thinking. Jakob Moleschott, German physiologist

A real tea bouquet is like an expensive wine, it cannot be repeated, the secrets of its preparation are available only to the author. Caitlin Turner, American actress

The aroma of tea and the taste of tea spread widely, widely, strengthen the relationship between people. Jin Zhang Zaiw, ancient Chinese poet

The first cup moisturizes my lips and throat, the second destroys loneliness, the third explores my insides, the fourth causes a slight perspiration, all the sorrows of life go through the mountains, with the fifth cup I feel cleansed, the sixth lifts me to the realm of immortality, the seventh ... But I am already more I can not. I feel only the breath of a cool wind that rises in my hands.
Ancient Chinese poet from the Tang Dynasty

Tea elevates taste and helps to achieve refinement of the will. Liu Zhen Liang

Meeting for tea is the same “meeting of feelings”. Yasunari Kawabata

Tea is not an easy drink. When tea drinking becomes a ritual, it develops the ability to see the great in small things. Muriel Barbery

If a person has not drunk tea, he is not able to perceive truth and beauty. Japanese proverb

You have to drink tea to forget about the noise of the world. T'en Yuiheng

The first cup moisturizes my lips and throat, the second destroys loneliness, the third explores my insides, the fourth causes a slight perspiration, all the sorrows of life go through the pores, with the fifth cup I feel cleansed, the sixth takes me to the realm of immortality, the seventh ... But I am already more I can not. I feel only the breath of a cool wind that rises in my hands. Ancient Chinese poet from the Tang Dynasty

Where there is tea, there is hope. Sir Arthur Pinero, English playwright

If it's cold, tea will warm you up. If you are hot, it will cool you down. If you are in a depressed mood, he will cheer you up; if you are excited, he will calm you down. Sir William Gladstone, 19th century British minister

A person who has not drunk tea is at odds with the universe. Japanese proverb

"Tea! Empty drink! And if the Chinese don’t give it to us, more turmoil could come out!” M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Russian writer

“Tea is my favorite drink. I don't recognize others. Sh. Muslimov, long-liver - 120 years

“Good thing tea, very good! The more tea people drink, the less they will reach for a rifle - this is an important matter.
V. Peskov, Russian writer

“In general, I am a big tea drinker, I have had this since the war years. Wherever I had to visit - in Siberia, in the Far North, in the hot south. Tea warms me in the cold, refreshes me in the heat, gives vigor and efficiency ... "A. Rodimtsev - Colonel General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Over tea, light conversations fade away. Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet

There are few hours in a man's life that are more pleasant than the time devoted to afternoon tea. Henry James, American writer

Experience has convinced me that tea is better than brandy. For the past six months I have been replacing brandy with tea, even when I was sick. Theodore Roosevelt, US President

Tea raises muscle tone, making the body strong. It helps with headaches and dizziness, cheers up and drives away spleen. Tea cleanses the kidneys of stones and sand, if taken with honey instead of sugar, it makes breathing easier for colds. This drink helps improve eyesight. Tea relieves fatigue, making a person cheerful. Thomas Harvey, owner of England's first tea house

Sayings, phrases, aphorisms, quotes, creativity, poems about tea from folk wisdom:

Distrust that TEA is the best cure for mental wounds leads to banal drunkenness.

Love is the engine of life. TEA is the locomotive of health.

A person is not fed up with tea alone.

Have a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

We do not miss tea - we drink seven cups each.

Do not drink tea, so do not live in the world.

The samovar boils, does not order to leave.

Put the grandmother's samovar, we will listen to Manowar!

Drinking tea is not chopping wood.

Tea is not intoxicated - will not understand.

I'm sitting, drinking tea - and you come in, drink tea!

Tea should be like a woman's kiss - strong, hot and sweet!

You don't drink tea - where do you get the strength from?

Where there is tea, there is paradise under the spruce.

With tea dashing does not happen!

Do not be lazy, but distinguish where the straw is, and where the tea is!

No one choked on tea in Russia!

We have Chinese tea, the master's sugar.

Tea is stronger if it is shared with a good friend.

Nowadays, even a drunkard does not ask for vodka, but everything for tea.

Samovar, that the Solovetsky sea. We drink from it for good health.

Come to tea - I treat you with pies.

You do not drink tea - what strength? Drinking tea is another matter.

Tea is not vodka - you won't drink much

Drink tea slowly and with respect, as if it were the axis around which the Earth rotates: slowly, evenly, not rushing into the future. Thich Nath Khan

Good tea and a kind soul warm each other. Vadim Sinyavsky

When there is no tea or sugar in the cup, but only hot water, fantasy and a sense of humor help. Janusz Leon Wisniewski

“Look how beautiful it is here when the sun rises.

In order to properly enjoy the spectacle, he took out three folding chairs from the trunk. He handed the journalists glasses and poured a fragrant drink from a thermos.
“Tea with bergamot,” he explained. “A necessary addition to dawn magic. B. Werber

I had to drink a lot of tea, because without it I could not work. Tea releases those possibilities that lie dormant in the depths of my soul. Lev Tolstoy

It was getting dark, shining on the table
The evening samovar hissed,
heating chinese teapot
A light steam swirled beneath him.
Spilled by Olga's hand,
In cups with a dark stream
Already fragrant tea ran,
And the boy served the cream ...
Pushkin A.S., Russian poet

They call a neighbor to the samovar,
And Dunya pours tea,
They whisper to her: “Dunya, note!”
Pushkin A.S., Russian poet

Deaf longing for no reason
And doom is a haunting frenzy.
Let's prick the torch -
Let's inflate our samovar!
For loyalty to the old order,
To live slowly!
Perhaps, and steam out the torment
Soul sipping tea!
A. Blok, Russian poet

Cheerful guests should be given wine. Sad guests - ordinary tea. Sincere friends - make the best tea and enjoy the conversation. Xu Ze Shu

Tea can replace wine. And wine will not replace tea. Poetry can replace prose. And prose will not replace poetry.
Zhang Chao, Chinese intellectual

You should never refuse a cup of tea under the following circumstances: if it is hot outside; if it is cold outside; if you are tired; if someone thinks you are tired; if you feel uneasy; before leaving the house; if you are not at home; if you have just come home; if you want a seagull; if you do not really want a seagull, but you could; if you have not drunk tea for a long time; if you have just intercepted a cup.

George Mikes (Hungarian journalist), "How to be British"


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