2nd wedding day scenario. Second day of the wedding. Scenario. At home

According to tradition, the wedding should be celebrated for three days in a row, and the happier the guests are, the happier the young family will live. Now this tradition has begun to revive, especially the bride and groom who want to hold a rich entertainment program gravitate towards it. But at the same time, all their ideas cannot be carried out in one day.

Also, such a big holiday as marriage and the celebration of the second day is suitable for those whose relatives or friends live far away, as a result of which they want to see each other more. A cool scenario for the second day of the wedding in nature can help with this. It gives you the opportunity to spend time together playing active games or relax your soul in the bosom of nature.

Due to the fact that the first day of the wedding is rich in solemn events, such as the ransom of the bride, registration and wedding, it gives the whole holiday severity and ceremoniality.

And the second, unlike him, is more informal, with a relaxing atmosphere. Guests who come to continue celebrating most often behave quietly at first, trying to overcome the consequences of yesterday's libations. But gradually they begin to come to life, being interested in what is happening at the holiday, so it is important to write a script for an entertainment program.

Holding a holiday in nature in the warm season means that guests will be dressed lightly. But it's also important to warn about how comfortable things need to be. It depends on the competitions that the newlyweds are going to hold. After all, if sports activities are planned, then the guests who come in strict suits will be bored. Therefore, the scenario in general terms needs to be thought out even before the creation of invitations.

And after deciding what entertainment will be, enter the dress code opposite the second day.

When they plan to hold a wedding for several days, their number is indicated in the invitations. This is especially important for out-of-town guests who need to know what date to book a return ticket for.

If this is not done, the person may be offended by the fact that he has to leave in the midst of the celebration. Due to the fact that the form of clothing can be any, on the second day, the thematic part of the holiday is most often arranged.

It could be a pirate party, a gathering of witches, dudes, Chicago in the 30s. The choice depends only on the imagination and preferences of the newlyweds. Such a costume party will help create the right mood, and allow guests to feel like a different person. Because of this, people will relax and be able to allow themselves the most insane actions and contests that under normal circumstances would cause rejection.

The script should be designed so that all guests can arrive at the appointed time.

To do this, either the first day ends earlier, or the second begins at noon.

This is important, otherwise only a few people will come to the beginning, and everyone else will start arriving when they wake up. Such a holiday will look boring and disorganized. Half of the guests will be sad that they arrived so early, and the second that they missed half the competitions. The first competition that can be organized at a costume party is a competition for the best costume.

To do this, the newlyweds and witnesses evaluate the guests when they are greeted. Or, if only a few participants are planned, you can invite them to the stage and demonstrate the outfit. At the same time, not only correctly selected clothes are evaluated, but also how a person presents them.

Competitors are warned that not only their appearance is important, but also the gestures and words with which they introduce themselves.

You can create several nominations - "for the best costume", "the most charming smile", "speaks like a real pirate!", "The audience is delighted", etc.

The second one can make a more active competition. So, the guests are divided into two teams and play football (volleyball, basketball, etc.).

They just use not the usual equipment, but the one that is used in fitness (fitballs), or bought in a toy store (small imitations).

It is very good if the ball is painted in bright non-standard colors, this will add a little madness to the game. After active competitions, guests should have a little rest.

Therefore, sports competitions alternate with competitions for only a few participants, while everyone else takes a breath at this time.

funny contest

Men need to demonstrate that love, compliments and attention can turn even the most terrible witch into a charming woman.

Props (each type of 3 pieces):

  • huge colorful skirt;
  • headscarf;
  • false nose;
  • old knitted sweater;
  • a beautiful cloak that is fixed around the neck;
  • imitation of a horse (stick with a head);
  • golden crown;
  • broom;
  • women's jewelry similar to large jewelry;
  • baby diadem.

A young wife, mother-in-law and mother-in-law participate in the competition. Women dress up as evil old witches, and men dress up as handsome princes. At the same time, it is important that jewelry and beautiful clothes are worn under unattractive things.

The host announces that now all the men present will be reminded that their main advantage is attention.

After all, it is he who is often lacking in the second half, and they begin to believe that they are not loved.

Now the trio of men will demonstrate how to properly care for women, and that even under the most impregnable mask a beauty can hide. And to make everything fair, the young spouse will charm the mother-in-law, the father-in-law will charm the wife, and the mother-in-law will court the father-in-law.

Mummers take the stage, and men begin to compliment, recite poems, sing serenades. It will also look good if the group does not stand in one place, but walks between the guests. If the representation is mobile, then each pair should have its own trajectory of movement.

Then people not participating in the skit will choose one couple to watch.

If a woman likes the way a fan behaves with her, then she removes one of the elements of the image of an evil witch.

He forgets the broom first, then takes off his handkerchief, etc. Gradually, a beautiful woman appears, who was hiding under a terrible image. To make the competition more reckless, the one who is the first to be able to rid his partner of the ugly one is awarded a certificate “100 actions from the loser Don Juan (the name of the most unskillful man)”.

It can be a stack of sheets or one large letter with tear-off coupons. If there is no desire to present such a prize, then penalties can be created for each remaining element of the witch's vestment. They take effect when one of the women is completely reborn.

In this scenario, there are two losers, so it is necessary to prepare quite a lot of expiatory measures.

The game "Put in a pot"

To carry out, you will need a large flower pot or a souvenir pot. The guests become shoulder to shoulder, forming a circle, in the center of which are the newlyweds. At the same time, the leader, standing in a cordon, says: “I am friends with the young, and I will put a letter in the piggy bank.” He calls a random letter and says wishes that begin with it - there can be 3 or 5 of them.

Then he passes it to the guest, standing on the right hand, and calls him a letter. The person says wishes, after which he passes the bowler hat further, also inventing any letter. And this happens until the bowler hat is again at the toastmaster.

The winner, who expressed the most original, pleasant wish for the newlyweds, can be determined by both the judges who do not participate in the competition (parents) and the newlyweds themselves. And if the company is friendly and honest enough with each other, then the winner is chosen all together, deciding which statement was the best.

It is this person who hands the pot to the couple, and the host explains that this is a talisman for a new family. And if the young spouses need some of the wishes, or they cannot come up with an affectionate word for each other, then they can safely take it from the container.

With these words, the man gives the winner a valuable prize, and the woman kisses him on the cheek.

In the village

One of the unusual ways for a modern person to spend the second wedding day is to make it in a rustic style.

You can use a real house in the village for this, but it is better to rent an imitation. After all, the housing of a villager is quite small, and all guests may not fit. Moreover, even if the site is large enough for a holiday, then everything will be perfectly audible behind the fence, and the neighbors may be unhappy.

And the newlyweds are unlikely to like the sounds of a real village. Most often, such a holiday is held in ethnic style, with authentic competitions. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which people's traditions will be chosen for the celebration.

Newlyweds can take as a basis both their national traditions and prefer the ethnic group that attracts them the most.

Even if there are no gypsies or Tatars in the family, but the newlyweds want to spend the holiday in their style, then everything is fine, the main thing is to warn the guests. But still, Slavic traditions are most often chosen, supplementing them with their ideas and dreams.

There is no need to follow strict rules, the second day of the wedding is created in order to have fun with relatives and friends. The first competition is how to dress from a hangover in a young family. To conduct it, you will need a large box, blindfolds and clothing, ranging from underwear to shoes and jackets. A heterosexual couple is chosen from the guests, and roles are assigned.

In this case, the woman portrays the husband, and the man, therefore, the wife.

They are blindfolded and given a limited amount of time to dress for work.

The host explains that the newlyweds have become so unaccustomed to the alarm clock during their honeymoon that they now overslept for work and dress in a hurry. While the toastmaster tells the story, the couple tries to put on the whole set of clothes.

At the same time, it is important that a man takes only women's and vice versa. If someone does not have time for the allotted time, then the boss comes out, forcing the couple to draw an explanatory note on a large sheet of paper. Both competitors must participate in the punishment, while the blindfolds are not removed.

To make the competition more fun, with a more gambling mood, not one couple, but two or three participate in it. But then the number of props must be increased proportionally.

Who is first

The competition demonstrates to the guests that the most important thing in life is resourcefulness, or you will have to try hard to achieve your goal.

For carrying out you will need:

  • felt boots, 2 pairs per contestant;
  • two tapes;
  • 2 people assistants;
  • 10-12 people to participate.

The first tape is placed at the start, and the second at the finish. And next to the beginning of the pile are boots. The host explains to the contestants that they need to put on felt boots and try to cross the finish line first. But there is a condition - only those who run to it on four felt boots can win. After the announcement, people take their shoes and try to figure out how to cross the finish line faster. They can jump, run on their hands and feet, try to put one pair on another, etc. After the contestants take their place, the assistants command the start.

When all participants reach the finish line, or the allotted time runs out, the newlyweds award the winner. And at the same time, the host says that everyone tried so hard - it's wonderful.

But everything could be much easier if the contestants were smart, and now the assistants will demonstrate how it could have been easier to solve. The toastmaster passes a note to the assistants, and they go to the start, where they each put on a pair of boots, hold hands and quickly run to the finish line. “You see! They complied with the condition - they ran on four felt boots, but at the same time they did it very quickly.

In this video - another funny contest for the second day of the wedding:

Young people, remember - you are now one family, and it is much easier to overcome obstacles together than alone.

Getting out of town in the summer is the greatest boon. Therefore, it is natural that the newlyweds plan to spend the second day of the wedding in nature, because there is a large area for movement, which is perfect for both quiet competitions and active games. And what fun competitions do you know that you can involve most of the guests in?

Despite the fashionable trend of celebrating marriage with an eye on Europe, with its thematic and often pathetic concepts, the need to have fun in a homely, relaxed atmosphere the day after the main celebration has recently become more and more relevant.

The official event has already died down, you can relax and arrange a holiday in a pleasant friendly atmosphere with jokes and funny contests. A cool scenario for the second day of the wedding at home will help make the event even more fun, intricate and interesting.

How to welcome guests

The bride and groom must prepare outfits for the second day - after all, the continuation of their holiday. Of course, a suit with a tie and a fluffy dress is not required, but the appropriate entourage will not hurt, for example, you can leave boutonnieres by attaching them to clothes and choose a shirt for the groom to match the bride's dress.

To celebrate the second day of the wedding at home, mainly close relatives and friends of the young couple gather.

As a rule, in this circle there are entertainers and jokers who are able to come up with and play out funny, witty scenes on the go, over which all guests will laugh until they have stomach cramps. And you can prepare a funny scenario for the so-called "hangover" day. The plots of popularly beloved Soviet comedies are taken into service:

  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
  • "Love and pigeons";
  • "The Marriage of Balzaminov";
  • "Wedding in Malinovka".

Dress up the most tongue-tied and lively relatives in recognizable and colorful movie characters - and you can let out to meet the main group of guests.

It will look chic at the “Meeting Guests” stage on the threshold of the “Popandopulo” house in a torn vest and red sports trousers, with an accordion on his shoulder and with a bottle of alcohol and a faceted glass in his hands, greeting guests with famous phrases from the comedy: “Pan Gritian of Tauride with his wife , please love and respect!" And when the newcomers raise a cup for the entrance to the house of the young, say "To me, to me, everything to me again!"

Distribute the roles of your favorite heroes among friends and relatives: Komarikha and Yashka the gunner are quite capable of playing the parents of the bride or groom. And the rest of the guests will complement this comic ensemble, inventing jokes and comments during the event, creating a unique and original atmosphere of fun.

If the second day of the wedding is planned to be celebrated at home, then, as a rule, they do not resort to the services of a toastmaster. The groom's witness or a close relative can perfectly cope with his role, able to give everyone a positive attitude throughout the holiday. Very often, guests are greeted by "masked" bride and groom.

A friend of the couple, dressed in lace lingerie and stockings, acts as a young wife.

A veil is thrown over her head, hiding her face, and in her hands is some kind of broom imitating a wedding bouquet. The costume of the pseudo-groom consists of a jacket and trousers, different in style and style, a shirt worn for graduation, and a cap with a flower.

Seeing this luxuriously ridiculous sweet couple, guests from the threshold will receive a charge of positive and mood for a fun roam. Also, guests can be met by noisy, cheerful gypsies with songs and dances. They offer fortune-telling to those arriving, ask to gild the pen, sing songs with a guitar and circle in dances.

The role of charming and impudent gypsies can be asked to be played by several close friends or male relatives. It has been noticed that men cope with such assignments much more colorfully and with special enthusiasm than the fairer sex. Wigs, colorful scarves, shawls, flowery skirts to the heels, an abundance of sparkling beads, bracelets and rings - everything you need to create a picturesque group to meet the bulk of the guests.

Having provided the “gypsy camp” with a deck of cards, a guitar and a tambourine, they are sent outside to greet the rest of the visitors.

Plan of holding and competitions at home

One of the current options for a cool scenario for celebrating the second wedding day will be playing out situations with a medical bias.

The day before, the guests celebrated the beginning of the young couple's life together at an official banquet, so the health workers who meet them at the doorstep with a large cardboard thermometer will come in handy.

They measure the temperature of all newcomers to them, reporting that it is below 40 °. Each patient is offered a glass of vodka and a pickled cucumber as medicine. Guests who have passed such a medical examination are allowed further into the room, where the newlyweds and the laid festive table are already waiting for them. And this is where the main fun begins.

Surely, every couple has a friend - a joker and a comedian who has charisma and is able to organize people.

It is to this person that you can turn with a request to become a toastmaster at a home banquet. Amusing contests will help to raise the degree of the holiday. Here is some of them:

  1. Apply a bandage to a patient with a flux for a certain period of time - at speed, using a whole roll of toilet paper as a bandage.
  2. Sort the pills by color into boxes at speed. Instead of pills, hand out bottles with mixed multi-colored dragee candies.
  3. Give each participant in the competition a pipette and a shot of vodka. You need to empty the container faster than anyone else, picking up alcohol in a pipette and pouring it into your mouth. The winner is the one whose glass is freed earlier than the others.

An excellent entertainment will be a musical competition for the diagnosis of a patient.

After listening to lines from popular songs, guests will have to guess what disease they are talking about. For example, such riddles:

  1. You scold the rain in vain, you scold it in vain, you stand and wait, but you don’t know why ... (Sclerosis) Tamada proposes a toast to the long and happy life of the young.
  2. We honestly want to tell you - we don't look at girls anymore. (Impotence) A toast to the health of a young husband.
  3. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want, I know for sure - you want, you want, but you are silent. (Silence). A toast to the wife's patience.

While guessing the encrypted diagnoses, the funniest and coolest thing will be the issuance of various answer options and their comments.

Undoubtedly, this competition will be liked and remembered for a long time by all the invitees.

Having decided to spend the second day of the wedding at home and having adopted the medical theme as the basis of the holiday, it is advisable to decorate the room following this plan. Bottles with drinks are labeled with the inscription "potion" or "living water".

Several beakers will replace the usual stacks. You can distribute medical caps and gowns to some guests to create an appropriate entourage. In fact, there are a lot of funny and original scenarios to celebrate the second wedding day.

The main thing is to choose a suitable theme and stick to it at least in detail throughout the event. In order for the newly-minted spouses and their guests to be satisfied with the holiday, it should not turn into an ordinary ordinary feast. It is necessary to prepare in advance various competitions for both young people and invited relatives and friends.

You can arrange a win-win lottery with playful prizes, which will be held by the bride and groom.

Coupons with numbers and the name of the prize are placed in a glass jar (it will replace the drum). Guests are offered to buy tickets, but not for money, but for example, for performing a ditty, a song, or for a funny anecdote about a wedding. Each prize is accompanied by a humorous saying:

  • Is it time for intimacy? This item is essential! (Candle)
  • Nothing is a pity for you - here is a miracle lighter for you! (Matchbox)
  • You will be the coolest - we give you a limousine! (Toy car)
  • Live the whole year happily and get a can of beer! (Juice bag)
  • You do not need a wallet - you better prepare a bag! (Sack of potatoes)

Lovely trinkets will cheer you up and will remind you of a great time in a warm friendly company for a long time to come.

On the second day of the wedding, the relatives of the young couple get to know each other better, the two families come together in an atmosphere of jokes, fun and funny contests.

Often, most of them are associated with the appearance of future heirs of the couple. One of the most popular is Find the Baby. The newlyweds are given a head of cabbage and are told that the one who finds the baby faster will win.

When the couple guts both forks, the parents will jokingly notice that they are not looking for children in cabbage and will ask them not to delay the birth of their grandchildren. In addition to competitions, the celebration program includes rituals aimed at a long and happy family life for young spouses.

Such a ritual is the transfer of a large beautiful lit candle from parents to children.

This action symbolizes the continuation of the family, loyalty to the family and traditions, as well as the family hearth, in which the fire is supported by patience, understanding, love and respect for each other. The candle is instructed to be kept by the spouses as a family heirloom and lit on special occasions, such as every year on the day of the wedding date. A ceremony is held under background music, for example, to the melody from the movie "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg", or any other of the choice of a young couple.

A very cheerful meeting of guests on the second day of the wedding:

On such a sentimental note, you can end the celebration of the second day of the wedding. The young family is sure to thank all the guests for the warm and sincere congratulations.

Organizing an original, fun and memorable second wedding day is not at all difficult. You just need to show creative imagination, get a little creative, enlist the support of relatives and friends. All this together guarantees a great mood and just maximum pleasure for a young couple and guests who visited them on the first day of their life together.

It is not necessary to adhere to the strict style of the celebration. It is better to organize and spend the second day of the wedding in nature - for example, in a country house, in a country house or on the territory of a sanatorium (recreation center), and in extreme cases, traditionally, in a restaurant or cafe.

This scenario is designed for holding the second day of the wedding outside the city, but not in open areas.
Before entering the banquet hall or the room where the second day of the wedding will be held, the newlyweds, together with the witnesses, meet the guests at the entrance and make them drunk, demanding a nominal fee for this. After everyone gathers at the festive table, the leader of the celebration takes the floor. Leading:
I propose to raise glasses and drink for the young.
I wish you happiness, joy in full,
To make you the envy of the whole district.
And so that you get drunk not only from wine,
And because you love each other.
Let it never go out
Happy life dawn.
May you always be happy.
Well, today - "bitterly". Leading:
And now let's test our young with trials.
First test:
The host asks the newlyweds to come up, and asks them to stand on both sides. Leading:
Let's see how much the groom knows his betrothed! Questions for the groom:
1) What color are your eyes?
2) Does she talk in her sleep?
3) What size shoes does she wear?
4) What are her favorite flowers?
5) What does she like about you more?
6) What does she like more: chocolate or ice cream?
Questions for the bride:
1) What is your spouse's favorite dish?
2) What color of underwear is he wearing now?
3) His favorite sport?
4) Does he like to snore in his sleep or not?
5) How affectionately does he like to call you?
6) Who do you think your loved one would choose football with beer or you? Second test:
The host gives the newlyweds one balloon with a different color. The color symbolizes the gender of the unborn child that the couple is planning. For example: blue or green - there will be a boy, and red or pink - there will be a girl.
The task of the test is as follows: at the command of the host, inflate your balloon faster than each other. What color the balloon will be inflated first, that one will be born to the young.
This is followed by a break for food 15-20 minutes. Leading:
And now, dear guests, I will make riddles, and your task is to guess them, for the correct answer, a prize is awarded (prepare small souvenirs in advance). Riddles for guests
And who is this serious?
Always in everything everywhere worthy.
There is a place in his soul for everyone,
And we call him (father-in-law).
Strong, wide, beautiful soul
And a little jealous.
Good-looking, do not give not take,
His name is, of course, (son-in-law).
She is smart, slim, beautiful,
And a little arrogant.
Always cook delicious borscht,
And her name is (mother-in-law).
Sweet, gentle, kind, beautiful,
And good at housework
But, only in appearance so simple,
Her name is (daughter-in-law).
There is everything in a woman
She is harmonious
Hardworking, fun
She loves everyone,
And her name is (mother-in-law).
The host distributes prizes to the winners and then there is a break for food
25-30 minutes. Leading:
Dear guests, the auction will now begin, in which all guests present can participate. At the auction, a bottle of souvenir champagne will be put up, which depicts our young(It is necessary to prepare three bottles of champagne in advance (two for parents, handed by the newlyweds themselves) and order stickers in the form of labels with portraits of the newlyweds).
The one who names the highest price for a bottle gets the goods.
Everyone has the right to participate in the auction, even parents. The proceeds from the auction go to the family budget of the newlyweds.
Break for food 10-15 minutes. Leading:
A traffic police inspector, Ensign Petrenko, came to visit us.
One of the guests, dressed in a police uniform with a baton, comes out, who is selected in advance and prepared for his role by the host.
He, like on a highway, asks one of the guests to stop and turn to the side of the road. Inspector (saluting):
- DPS Inspector Ensign Petrenko! I will ask you to show your documents: rights, registration certificate and insurance card for the vehicle! Well, well, it means that the documents are not quite in order, the technical inspection will not pass, there is no insurance card. And why are you violating the rules of the road? What does that mean, what are the rules? Rules of the road, you also say that there are no signs on the street. Newlyweds, didn't you notice?! Inspector (sniffing the guest):
Oh, yes, you seem to have drunk a little alcohol! We'll have to pass the alcohol test, by line, citizen!
The guest is blindfolded, but before that, a rope is stretched across the floor - the ruler along which you need to go. The guest is placed at its beginning, he is blindfolded, he begins to move. At this moment, the leader bends the rope to the side. Having reached the “turn”, the guest either gets lost or boldly goes further in a straight line. Both are interpreted as a violation. Inspector:
- Well, well, citizen, you can’t go through the line, the documents are not in order, and even the traffic rules have been violated.
And the rule is this: movement along the street. Newlyweds without timely refueling are prohibited. When was the last time you refueled? I see that yesterday, so urgently need to refuel. If you refuel right now, I won’t take a fine, but it’s advisable to turn in voluntary contributions to the young drivers fund.
That's it, have a good trip, and so that you don't appear on this street again without fuel!

You can come up with other tests, for example: tongue twisters, tests for quick wits or for coordination of movements. Inspector (makes a toast):
I wish our newlyweds
So that your path in life is successful,
And so that from the palace itself,
There was peace and happiness to the end.

I wish you happiness over the edge
Health, peace, joy.
Let there be a strong family
And now and into old age.
In conclusion, the young man makes a speech of thanks to the guests present, like thank you for coming, congratulating, giving a bunch of gifts, everyone ate and drank.
The host asks everyone to get up from the table and distributes a small candle to each guest. First, one candle is lit, and the guest pronounces a wish word to the young, after which the candle fire is transferred to the next guest, who pronounces his wish word, and so on until the fire reaches the young (wish words should not be repeated).
At the end of the evening, you can arrange a festive fireworks display. ©

Preparation for a single wedding day lasts more than three months, but what if the soul requires the continuation of the holiday. Of course, do not spend as much time developing a plan of action on the second day of the wedding, because it is invariably the "continuation of the banquet."

You can arrange it with the toastmaster in advance and indulge in fun, leaving the official part of the holiday in the past. However, knowing the main traditions of this day, assuming the place of its holding, having active friends as assistants, you can organize everything yourself.

The ready-made scenario presented in the article for holding the second wedding day will help you navigate the traditions, become the basis for action and cheer you up.

Meeting with guests

The meeting of guests can be performed in various conditions, but as a rule it is the street in front of the house, where you can turn around and start the action with a theatrical performance of mummers, because they are a symbol of the second day of the wedding.

Below is just one of many options for such a meeting.


  • Nurse - Pipetkina Igolka Valerianovna
  • Doctor - Menzurkin Aibolit Asperinovich
  • Bath attendant: Brunya Berezovich Venichkin
  • Masseur - Kostolomkin Tik-Tak Mazovich

MS: Aibolit Asperinovich, how many people came to us today!

VR: Yes! Yesterday they played a wedding. Tired, tired, unwell, or maybe they got hurt with something else! Okay, skip one! Will watch! Let's heal! And who will we send to specialists for a day hospital?

Next come the inspection steps using appropriate medical instruments. (Toy squeaking hammers, large syringes, syringes, statoscopes look funny in the doctor's suitcase). Upon completion of the inspection, each guest is issued a certificate stating that he can continue the fun. The doctor has the right to prescribe a medicine in the form of a glass of tan, brine, mineral water. Especially "sick" he can send to the attendant or masseur, who are just waiting in the wings.

An impromptu inspection, diluted with jokes, will definitely cheer up the guests and set them in a positive mood. The newlyweds can also play the role of a doctor and a nurse.

To mother-in-law for pancakes

The second tradition of the second wedding day for many years has been considered a trip to the house of your beloved mother-in-law. It is she and the father-in-law who can act as the hosts of various competitions and quizzes. You can play this event in the following way.


  • father-in-law
  • Bride
  • Groom

Mother-in-law - Hello dear guests! Hello daughter, hello son-in-law! We greet you with a bow and want to ask why you came to us, how can we help you?

Bride - She came to ask for advice on how to build a young life and how to raise children!

Groom - He came to respect his mother-in-law and speak with his father-in-law for life!

Father-in-law - Well, we ask, than we can, we will help!

Further, various competitions can be played, describing family life, raising children, developing ingenuity, perseverance, etc. An interesting action is the bride baking pancakes according to mother-in-law's recipes, for example, salted ones, with raisins or nuts. Competitions with shoes and dressing of the mother-in-law by the son-in-law, washing her feet, their joint dance are also always relevant.

Magnificence of the young

The solemn act of glorifying young people with the titles of prince and princess goes back to the traditions of ancient Russia and can be played out as follows.


  • Young
  • Mother-in-law and father-in-law
  • Helpers from the guests

Mother-in-law - Well, now that you have completed our school and know how to live, it's time to reward you and wish you family wealth, strong and friendly love, healthy and smart children and call you Prince and Princess.

The father-in-law brings out two makeshift crowns, the assistants spread a long white cloth on the ground, in the middle of which the young people stand. A rite of passage takes place. All those gathered stand in a circle, in the center of which the newlyweds. Father-in-law and mother-in-law hold crowns over them or, if possible, carefully put them on their heads. Then everyone expresses a short wish and sing or shout out in chorus “Many summers!”, i.e. wish many years to the new family.

If such an action takes place outside and the weather permits, at this moment you can release balloons or burning multi-colored lanterns into the sky.

Banquet in the script for the second wedding day

Banquet program and menu on the second day of the wedding maybe not as grandiose as the day before. It is possible to use snacks and drinks left over from the holiday.

For a country option, barbecue, pilaf, fish soup are most often chosen as a hot dish. However, the feed scheme remains standard. You can hold a banquet, both immediately after arriving at the mother-in-law's house, and after her competitions, it all depends on the conditions and mood of the audience.

Competition program

Holding contests without a toastmaster and host is a difficult task, so the role of "referee" can be entrusted to active, charismatic friends. They can develop their own competitions in advance or use ready-made options.

The second wedding day is an original Russian tradition. And now, when many newlyweds hold themed celebrations, the preparation of the next day remains relevant. A ready-made script for holding the second wedding day is a great opportunity to use custom-made contests and fun tests.

Traditions of the second wedding day

On the second day, it is customary to invite only relatives and witnesses. Although the number of guests depends on the budget of the wedding. Despite the variety of scenarios, there are unshakable customs that both the toastmaster and the newlyweds adhere to. It:

  • Meeting with guests. Whether there will be a continuation of the banquet in a cafe, apartment or in nature, the ritual of meeting guests must be present. Usually this moment is jokingly beaten and they offer a hangover to all who come.

  • The bride and groom are already husband and wife. Therefore, they should be hosts, cordially regale their guests and clean up after them.

  • Wedding pancakes and sale of spoons. Opinions differ on who should bake the pancakes. According to some customs, it should be a bride, others - mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Be that as it may, pancakes should be on the second day. Spoons are sold by ear either for money or for comic tests.

  • Sor is also a controversial tradition. The newly-made wife is obliged to remove all the garbage that her husband's relatives throw in.

  • The most important feature of the second day is the informality and ease of holding. The main semantic load falls on the solemn registration and banquet. The next day you can relax and just have fun.

How to spend the second day with a toastmaster

If the continuation of the wedding feast is planned with the toastmaster, then you can discuss the topic and competitions for guests and newlyweds in advance. The scenario proposed below assumes the presence of a host - toastmaster.

  • Meeting with guests. Before entering a cafe, apartment or picnic area, guests are met by gypsies (these may be disguised relatives or witnesses) led by a host.

Host: Good health to all guests! How did you sleep? How's the little head, doesn't it hurt? Have you come to congratulate the young? Yes, you are delayed. Here the gypsies were the first to wake up here, they demand a hangover, but they can’t do it without company! To start celebrating, let's give the gypsies what they want - they won't let go!"

Guests should drink a glass of vodka with gypsies. Of course, disguised witnesses do not have to drink with everyone, you can drink water poured into glasses. But here the guests are served glasses with poured vodka. There is also an appetizer on the tray. To the cheerful gypsy songs, the guests leave the table.

  • After the guests have taken their places (there are no spoons for the first course on the tables), the husband and wife are invited to the hall.

The host says: “They were a bride and groom yesterday, and now they are a young husband and wife! Meet our hospitable hosts - (names the young people)! The newlyweds enter, greet all the guests. They have spoons for soup or any first course in their hands. Host: “Dear guests, have you come to taste the ears - so as not to get sick and hangover? Buy our spoons, they are for soup and porridge!” Young people themselves choose how to sell spoons. It can be small amounts of money for a new family fund. The process of selling spoons takes a long time. After that, the toastmaster invites everyone to eat and take a break.

  • The toastmaster, in order to give the newlyweds time before a new test, must hold two or three contests with the guests. For example, you can turn on the fun moment "Bogatyrs" - several men are selected. They are given helmets on their heads and swords, and they are seated on chairs with their backs in front. For a certain amount of time, they must skip the allotted distance on chairs to the music. The best one gets a small prize.
  • After the newlyweds have rested and eaten, the ritual of selling pancakes from the mother-in-law begins. Toastmaster: “Our mother-in-law did not sleep at night, she baked fresh pancakes for everyone. Only they are not simple, but magical! Whoever eats a pancake will never be alone! Whoever dips a pancake in jam will be surprisingly happy to everyone! Whoever eats a pancake with sour cream - money will fall unexpectedly!” Guests must pay for pancakes to the family fund. After the last pancake is sold, the plate they were on is broken by the mother-in-law for good luck. The bride is given a broom, she collects the pieces.
  • At the end of the second day, the young people thank all the guests and give gifts. Presenter: “The time has come for the young to say thank you to everyone! The young wife prepared gifts for her mother-in-law and father-in-law as a token of gratitude for her wonderful husband. And our yesterday's groom is ready to please his mother-in-law and father-in-law with his gifts!

To be continued without toastmaster

Since the second day of the wedding does not require such formality as the first, you can lead it yourself without spending the family budget on a toastmaster. The finished scenario is a sequence of actions of young people and bystanders. You can connect relatives - brothers and sisters to the embodiment of the plan.

  • Meeting guests - Dr. Pokhmelkin and nurse Nalivaikina. Guests are greeted at the entrance by a dressed-up doctor and nurse. Doctor: “How are you, dear guests? Does your head hurt? To get to the table, you have to be healthy. Let me examine you and examine you!” With tools prepared in advance, they carry out a comic inspection, quickly, so as not to detain guests. And they offer alcoholic drinks poured into glasses or beakers as a medicine.
  • The guests go to the table and see that in the place of the young ones the dressed up bride and groom are sitting. When a husband and wife enter, they are surprised and ask to give them their seats.

Mummers: “We are your bride and groom! We are real! The bride asks the false bride to answer some questions about the groom. For example, birthday, as he was affectionately called in the family, is his hobby. The false bride answers out of place.

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