Funny congratulations to colleagues on the day of the power engineer. Cool congratulations on the day of the power engineer Cool toasts on the day of the power engineer

Toasts and poems for the day Energy

Energy is hidden in everything
And only with it in the world we live.
We congratulate, and the words are pure,
People who have energy for you.
We will be grateful to them for
What is dry and light in our house,
That we are not afraid of frosty winters,
Severe storms and ice avalanches.

Man cannot live without light -
All in lights blue planet
And warmed by artificial heat.
Someone created all this, right?
The power engineer gives light to people.
And science moves forward:
We see from the first small hydroelectric power plants
Progress towards nuclear reactors.
The atom was curbed - it serves people,
But we don't need a second Chernobyl -
Let's return to the kerosene lamp,
And save yourself from radiation.
It is better to live with a torch again,
Just to keep the planet alive.
But we believe that the atom will become peaceful,
And the Earth is a blooming, bright garden!
Your work is dangerous, now we know
But we wish to live in warmth, in the light.
We appreciate your work and respect
Congratulations on the holiday!
Congratulations to all who give light!
There is no life without heat and light!
How else will you surprise us?
GOELRO, UES, and then what? ..

Power engineers are held in high esteem, they are at work all day.
Electricity, as a mother, we will not miss him.
All devices come to life if they are turned on to the current.
A process of amazing miracles is born
Ecology is in order if the current flows in abundance.
Transformers murmur, current goes to the addressee.
There is a revival in the factories, pandemonium in the offices
From clients there is no release, the current is not the time for stagnation.
Children in schools do not get bored, they meet the day with the boarding school.
The little ones are blooming in the gardens, the current is going through the light bulbs.
The current helps the old man, he turns on the TV,
And he will help around the house, an amazing artist.
Today is not an easy day, the power engineer is our hero.
Let him celebrate his holiday and do not forget about us.
Let the dreams that YOU dream about become a reality.
An energy worker's day
When I decided to create earthly life,
- Let there be light! - the Lord spoke from heaven,
Then the praenergy was born,
Absorbing the divine flesh.

Luminaries of the nineteenth century
Captured the essence of talented ideas.
Electric current laws
They discovered Ohm, Ampere and Faraday.
The twentieth century is glorified by addresses
Great construction projects of the GOELRO plan.
Russia sparkled with lights -
Enough darkness, let good reign!
Powerful dams arose on the rivers,
The pipes of the thermal power plant and the state district power station soared into the sky,
The power lines tied us into a single bundle.
Light. Warm. Long live progress!
Let the weather put obstacles for us,
Let in December the day is short, the night is long -
We can handle any bastions,
Our friendship is sealed by work.
Aisin R. G.
Yes, I am an electrocult fan
Mom often repeated: "Children,
Growing faster every day
Get to the outlet
Don't you dare touch her!"
Father's commandment was: -
Fear the electric current, son, -
It also has useful power,
And dormant insidious genie.
A school physicist once admitted,
How electric it choked him.
As a result - tick and cataract,
Now we know why.
The village electrician boasted: "Know
What me and God - no equal!
Do not scare the end of the world,
Let's replace the plugs - there will be light!"
I am an institute and a specialty
I did not choose by inheritance,
In MPEI, sorry for the banality,
Almost by accident I got there.
In studies, I clicked on TOE,
I did not know thieves' assessments,
Pushed offsets not without a fight
And I was able to relax.
Washing a new rhombus in a glass,
Saying goodbye to generous Moscow -
From the Siberian hydroelectric power stations, where life is harsh,
I started my career path.
And the search for "land" at night,
And the "hares" of the first "KZ" -
Everything happened. But between us
Not everything was given with the letter "3"
The wife grumbled: "I do not understand,
What is your job,
There is no rest day or night,
Have pity on yourself."
Mother-in-law loved to swear:
"Zyatek, you have a head,
In a fit of passion connect
You don't dare to "terminals" not to your own."
Only children joyfully greeted
Anytime every time
and accepted with interest
My wise electroskaz.
We've traveled half the world
Cherishing every kilowatt,
Giving everyone a sea of ​​light,
The country is proud of us, brother!
At the main electrical panel
I have the honor to tell you:
- Yes, I am a fan of electrocult
And I am faithful to my fate.
Aisin R. G.
This title is honorary - power engineer
We appreciate the vocation for energy,
But the chosen harsh landmark -
Without intelligence, morality, knowledge
You can destroy the world overnight.
You are the coolest
Native profession.
Shine without fading
This is my fate.
Burden before society
Hanging over us like a sword of Damocles.
It looks like our dashing time
Reforms will stun you more than once.
Moments of our full life
Heat and light are constantly guarded,
And so we are on guard day and night -
Talent and honor lead us through life.
Yes, the power engineer plows without a release,
He is an aesthete of luminous magic,
Guarantor of well-being, peace
And God, bringing a bright light into the darkness.
This title is honorary - power engineer,
And happy is he who knows this honor.
Long live the scientist, that geneticist,
What the gene of my profession has created!
Aisin R. G.
Strong frosts roam under the window,
Snowdrifts are hunched like an evil libel,
The sun got lost in the veil of whitish,
Only at night timid moonlight glimmers.
In the old days, grandfather used to lay down the stove,
Grandma's splinter to the spinning wheel is good.
Now, in the age of progress, this is not good for us,
The soul reaches out for light and comfort.
And in the south the summer is warming for the time being,
To reduce the arrogance of the cold winter,
Labor and a bright mind created a miracle -
Little sun, and called the CHP.
The turbine is pushing, multiplying kilowatts,
And with her breath our city will be warmed.
Come out for the threshold with a sled baby
They are waiting for him from a walk and warmth and light.
They will remember with a kind word in the noble frost
Slender supports taller than crowns,
twisted cables, warm transformer,
That a peaceful electron is brought into the house.
Ivanov-Ervul I. Ya.
Energy Veterans
We keep the memory of those years sacred,
But sometimes we don't even understand
You, who managed the homeland once
And defend, and re-raise.
Humble soldiers of their homeland,
Immensely loyal to both duty and country -
With a rifle, with a plow, with a crowbar and a shovel -
Both old and young, you fought in that war.
And when you win, wipe your sweat and tears
And making sure that spring is around,
You plunged into labor prose:
Without further ado, without rest and sleep.
And there was only one simple word
What could inspire you to a feat,
What helped you win again:
You saved the Motherland like a mother.
And that's why, freezing themselves,
You were in a hurry to warm her up:
Construction was in full swing in Urussu and Zaya
And power lines grew up among the fields ...
And we grew up - heirs, descendants
And successors of your great deeds.
They grew so that the fireboxes flared up brighter,
So that the transformer buzzed everyday.
Also to say thank you
For this day with a double victory
And for you to be happy
And warmed in your every day.
Leysan Yunusova
Glory to the energy veterans!
You created the power of the system.
When spring blossomed in my soul,
You gave everything to work,
Not knowing rest and sleep.
You lived forgetting your home
In the first place - only business.
You have such a fate
For this honor and praise to you.
Those battles have died down for a long time,
But their fragrance is dear to you,
And now you are in a new business:
Walks, grandchildren, house and garden.
Came to change generations
They live in a new way
But you are not forgotten.
Thank you for the wonderful work!
And let from all our power
Warmth and light come to you.
Health to you, good luck, happiness
For many, many more years!
Poltavets V. M.

funny congratulations on the energy day

Everything is on the table! Champagne, sweets;
You can have marshmallows and halva -
Everything for you, comrade power engineer,
To be energetic!
So I can't imagine you otherwise:
All in business, in worries day after day ...
Happy holiday! Health and good luck!
That's for this tea and wave!

And God said, "Let there be light!"
So the sun appeared!
But we can't wait for the dawn
To part the darkness.
Were you able to pacify the atom -
Networkers, thanks!
You managed to illuminate everything
So bright, so beautiful!

When the light is on in the window
And the samovar is about to ripen,
The record will play softly
Your heart is getting warmer.
For this evening my happy
For weekdays, holidays, for everything
For your work, dear power engineer,
May you be lucky in your destiny!

Vigorously celebrate the holiday
I want energy
Let both adults and children
Congratulations on this day!
Let the dream come true
The best will happen
Let the dream come true
And great joy awaits!

Today in every house they sit at the table,
Raise a toast to the power engineers!
Glory to the power engineers - the wires are buzzing!
Both nuclear power plants and thermal power plants are blinking so happily!
I wish you happiness and health!
Let your bosses and relatives congratulate you!
Let your energy be enough for both of us,
Happy holiday, my dear, hug me!

You give us light every day,
You supply heat and gas to apartments,
On your holiday, we send you a fiery greeting,
You, energy workers, are always held in high esteem by us.

We wish that love always warms you,
So that the passion for science always burns in you,
So that the guiding star leads to success,
So that fun surrounds you, a lot of laughter.

From you breathes warmth and light,
The lights of big cities
The smoke of factories and the noise of factories,
Your work is the foundation of the foundations!
Energy, congratulations,
Let the ship carry you only up,
Rewarding with love and happiness
Interesting ringing life!

Power engineer, you are our Prometheus,
Today the holiday has come, the hour of fun.
All year you gave us warmth and light,
So accept the gratitude tribute in return.
You are an ace in your craft
You are respected everywhere
Be always successful and loved,
In everything, lucky, happy.

It is impossible to live without light and heat,
Here is some simple arithmetic
Therefore, I hasten to congratulate you, friends,
Happy Professional Power Engineer Day!

Let it burn, the light does not go out in every house,
Joy and comfort, giving people,
Happiness to you colleagues, and there is no doubt about that
That everything in your life will be fine!

Your holiday at the end of the year,
We hasten to congratulate you again.
You bring light and warmth to the people,
By investing a piece of your own soul.

Happy Energy Day guys, congratulations!
We sincerely wish you
Health, happiness, fulfillment of all desires,
Anything you dare to dream about.

Our work is not easy,
Watch how the current runs through the wires,
To energy obediently,
Warmth and light gave you.

It's hard to live without electricity
And we can't do without
With all my heart I wish you success,
Happy energy day, friends!

Let there be light! - said our power engineer,
And the Earth lit up in the darkness.
It so happened that gratitude is everything in the world
We express in mid-December.

Congratulations, colleagues!
Our work is not easy, but it gives an effect.
Requiring no special privileges
We just turn on the light on Earth.

Day and night, in bad weather
We give people warmth and light.
We fight every adversity
We meet the dawn in the morning.

I will not want standard phrases.
You know what is important to us.
I will not forget our joint work.
And I will bow to everyone.

Energy Day, colleagues,
Our holiday, there is no dispute about it.
No extra privileges needed
May only God keep from troubles.

My dear, dear energy colleagues, on our professional holiday I want to wish you that your life is as long as the night of December 22; there was as much heat in it as Gcal of energy will be generated today by all thermal power plants in our country; and the impressions of the holiday turned out to be so vivid that they overshadowed the brightest illumination of the city.

He is not just a theorist
Our colleague is a power engineer.
To give light with warmth,
There is a lot to know.

Where to screw the valve
How to start a turbine
What can be done
To increase efficiency.

We all respect him
We love the team.
We wish you many years
Let the light not go out in the soul!

Once the light went out, and immediately remembered
People about their power engineers.
Mother scolded until midnight
The bright light did not catch them in the darkness.

And immediately the power engineers were forgotten.
Who gives light - no one thinks.
And even those who have not paid for a hundred years,
At the hour of the shutdown, he demands "his own"!

Try for the Internet forget
At least a couple of days to delay payment,
Without social networks, you seem to be orphans,
To pay, you will run!

The water utility will cut your water,
If suddenly the counter gives out with a head,
The people, however, most of all do not like
Those who lend them, and more than enough.

The power switch does not pull,
He believes that the consumer is holy,
Has a conscience, will be able to pay,
When they send a salary to the card.

However, everyone runs to the shops
For new clothes, for food,
And the light is on, and the light is all one,
He is given for free by fate itself.

Seeing the car of power engineers
In your yard, they will consider it an enemy tank,
Hey people, why are those offended,
What do they give you energy on credit?

The light does not go out, and the tape rushes for days,
The electrician is having his best day.
He will never cut down those customers
Who is supposed to pay, but too lazy.

Light up the lights all over the country
That's why we're on fire today!
On the darkest winter day doubly
We burn, we shine, we warm.

There are no holidays without light.
There is no house without heat.
You and I are responsible for this.
To power engineers and glory and praise!

We are not too lazy to have fun,
And a little against the rules
We will direct all energy
For fun on this day.

We sit together on a bench
In bright light - not in the dark,
We will not say: we don't care
Lighting in houses.

We have worked hard
Together with electricity
To make the night dark
Outside it is as bright as day.

Congratulations to Funny congratulations of colleagues on the day of the power engineer
Funny congratulations to colleagues on the day of the power engineer how to congratulate?
congratulation text to Funny congratulations of colleagues on the day of the power engineer

Cool congratulations of colleagues on the day of the power engineer


Energy Day is one of the brightest holidays of the year in the truest sense of the word. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of energy in our lives, because the viability of all other sectors of the economy and comfort, heat and light in the homes of many people depend on it. Power Engineer's Day is a celebration of people who have devoted their lives to creating and maintaining the country's energy complex, for whom the words "heat" and "light" are an entire era.

On December 22, all employees of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday. The holiday originates from the times of the USSR, when it was celebrated in honor of the adoption of the plan for the electrification of the territory of the Union in 1920.

Short toasts for Power Engineers Day for a corporate party in prose: beautiful pictures for the holiday

Power engineers are important people:
Transformers, networks, contacts, electrons…
That we don't understand anything
Energy workers are especially pleased!
But everyone knows that if the light is on,
So your master is not sleeping!
Power engineers are simple people,
They are given small salaries.
And responsibility is above heaven,
All of them are waiting for some miracles:
For light, for warmth, for progress...
Show interest in them too!


Charge everyone with your energy on a holiday,
And pour full glasses
We will celebrate Energy Day now,
Let's arrange an internal, interroom collapse.
In the soul, energy knocks and we are comfortable,
Relax, feel free on a holiday,
Everyone can celebrate Energy Day
Get drunk on Russian today, in moderation.


Energy Day will be celebrated by the whole country,
The houses are light and it's not fun,
After all, thousands of people are now working,
Serving our stations in Russia.
Thank you dear don't be sad
And congratulations on such and such a day, accept.
Shine on us always, everywhere - shine,
Illuminate the roads with rays of glory and love.


Depend on energy in the whole world,
Children will not be able to sit at the computer,
Mom and dad can't go on living
And the whole country will have to mourn.
Your role for us is not measurable,
And for everyone, of course, palpable,
I personally congratulate the power engineers,
Be joyful dear friends.


Congratulations on Energy Day
Let there be specifics in the work,
Work without congestion, obstacles,
Dear friends, don't be lazy.
Let the energy boil in your veins
Gives you a feeling of joy
Through the great, Russian expanse,
Happiness rushes to your home.


The power engineer makes sure that we always have
Electricity, gas and of course water.
So that everything works smoothly in production
And the equipment was set up.
Happy Energy Day! Happy holiday everyone!
Let there be less interference in the work,
Let the light bulb shine for everyone and always,
Let the water gurgle in the tap all the time!


Congratulations to the power engineers on the holiday,
And we want to wish you health,
May fate protect from electric shock.
Well, life will seem like fresh birch sap.
May they always be successful in everything,
And let worries and problems leave their lives.
May they always keep their word and stand their ground,
Well, on this day, let the suit be estimated.

Short prose toasts for Power Engineers Day for corporate parties: official congratulations

Our dear energy! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Your task is to give warmth and comfort to the world, to give people light, to provide comfort, which ultimately means "to give life"! We wish you good health for many happy years, intense but very successful working days, fun variety during the holidays and good rest! May the energy of your souls and hearts never run out, your work is highly appreciated! Let love and respect bloom in your families, there will always be prosperity and a peaceful sky above your roofs!

Professional toast of power engineers: "For those who are currently restoring power supply in a snowy field."

Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you easy working weeks, uninterrupted power supply, smooth operation of all mechanisms, fullness of resources, a lot of strength, energy, good health and personal happiness!

Our dear power engineers, people, without whom nothing would spin, glow and work! Without you, it is cold and hungry in this world, because today a person cannot survive without energy! We congratulate you and wish that the energy is not only in the wires, pipes, but also in your hearts! Let strength and health help you enjoy life, work successfully and have fun! Peace and grace to your families, joy and fun, love and friendship, material and moral well-being!

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Imagine how dreary our life would be without power engineers: we would still sit by the torch and weave bast shoes for the new season. And there would be no Internet! It is only thanks to them, the selfless Prometheus, who bring light to every home, that we have some kind of entertainment at any time of the year, even the darkest, in addition to "blind-seekers" and "towns". And therefore, all enlightened humanity cannot ignore this professional holiday.

Funny congratulations on the Power Engineer's Day may contain semantic parallels with the amazing vigor of the hero of the occasion; you can beat energy drinks; you can refer to the paranormal energies inherent in man. In any case, one should look for positive meanings, and not arrange a “holiday” energy collapse for the whole city - this will only add work to our energy and problems to everyone around. The maximum is to turn off the light in the apartment so that our hero can, like Bruce Willis, save the world and be pleased with himself.

Energetic is not a gift:
With a cockroach in my head!
From a candle a mean stub
Give me better!

I need a humanitarian.
Energy sometimes
Not enough hemispheres
To solve the problem is simple!

I want to congratulate him!
I just won't give it to you:
I would send him to Siberia
Run current through the wires.

Though sometimes drunk
Electrician in our area
There is no other flaw in it,
Because it won't do any damage.

On the contrary, one, two, three
Fixes all problems
After all, he has a fire inside!
Congratulations to him today!

Power engineers - important people:
Transformers, networks, contacts, electrons...
That we don't understand anything
Energy workers are especially pleased!
But everyone knows that if the light is on,
So your master is not sleeping!
Power engineers are simple people,
They are given small salaries.
And responsibility is above heaven,
All of them are waiting for some miracles:
For light, for warmth, for progress...
Show interest in them too!

You are the ones who light up our life,
Who gives us comfort, coziness,
Dreams and plans embody,
Thank you for this work.
On your professional holiday
We wish you happiness and good
You really bring us light,
Happy Energy Day! Hooray!

Power engineer at the factory -
Sort of like a float.
Helmsman, he's a lighthouse, sort of.
Chief, right hand.

We want to congratulate him -
Let's just fix the syllable!
We want to send him
Outrageous verse!

We want to thank him
Say for energy!
And we want health either
Wish you a lot of money!

Charge everyone with your energy on a holiday,
And pour full glasses
We will celebrate Energy Day now,
Let's arrange an internal, interroom collapse.
In the soul, energy knocks and we are comfortable,
Relax, feel free on a holiday,
Everyone can celebrate Energy Day
Get drunk on Russian today, in moderation.

He has amps in his mind,
Watts, volts, wires!
And he aims for gentlemen!
My God, never!

Energy, calm down.
Take care of the light
Get a job,
Give a ring, a bouquet!

In the meantime, hurry to the holiday,
Learn a lesson at school.
I send you my awkward
And a funny poem!

Our ancestors are not very distant
The electricity seemed like a miracle.
And now - if suddenly they didn’t add it,
Turned off for the slightest -
Immediately followed by a flurry of indignation.
But sometimes we remember a miracle,
Expressing your admiration
Power engineers! To your health!

It's cool to be an energy man
No doubt it is -
The light turned on, and in a minute
Darkness and gloom recede.
Let it always contact you
Current flows through wires.
Happiness, joy, good luck
On holiday, we wish you!

On the day of energy you happiness,
We wish you good health
Heat and light - everything is in your power,
The country needs your work.
And there is no profession more important
After all, you are with energy on "you".
May it be fulfilled soon
All your plans and dreams!

If you turn off the switch,
Then the light around will disappear,
Mobile phone won't charge
And the laptop turns off.
The trolleybus will not even go,
The refrigerator will leak.
On this holiday, let's say together:
"Energymen honor!"

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