Status 5 days left until vacation. Vacation statuses. The last days of work are the easiest

Chief!!! I need a vacation! - From what? - Excuse me, dick or numbers?

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss now ...

Most of all you hate your job a few days before the holidays.

From the statement: "How do I all ..." Crossed out. “Like I have you all…” Crossed out. “Yes, would you all go to ...” Crossed out. "Please grant me another vacation."

Did you bring warm clothes? Yes, seven bottles.

Subordinates have two vacations, the first is their own, the second is the boss's vacation!

Traveled to Turkey. All inclusive. Really everything! The computer is good, the Internet is fast, ICQ, Skype, toys. Had a great time, I advise everyone.

The Germans get up at 5 am to put their towels on the sunbeds that are still free, then they go to sleep peacefully, the Russians get up at 3 pm, go to the sunbeds and think: “What a great service in Turkey - sunbeds with German towels!”

Only a Russian person, after a sick leave, can go to work tanned and with a hangover !!!))))

The husband leaves for the resort alone, without his wife. A week later, he sends her an SMS: "I still love only you!" Wife: "Yes, and you're still the best."

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps and mom wants to go to the sea. Dad began to look for a compromise, but mom had already found a compromise - the whole family goes to the sea, but dad is allowed to take skis with him.

The strength of the tan is determined by the whiteness of the ass relative to other parts of the body.

There are two after the holidays: - Well, how is it on the Red Sea? - Shut up! Diving, yachting, dancing, shopping! And you?! - And we have - vyping, draking, blewing, fucking ***!

One guy asks his friend how to teach a girl to swim. - Nuu, this is a whole science: with one hand you hug your waist, you put the other under your chest. - Fool, I'm talking about my sister! - So I would immediately say - give her a kick from the bridge.

Soul on the sea. Ass on a chair.

There was no money, he went on vacation to Turkey, Switzerland, the money appeared, he went to rest in the Crimea.

It is difficult to stop in time when you selflessly and recklessly lie on the couch ...

Sea ... I still hear your gentle whisper! I'll be back... I promise!

My vacation has begun! :- People, lend a liver for three weeks .. I will return it in double size ..

"Good morning!" - This is when it is 13:00 on the clock, summer is on the calendar, and outside the window is the Mediterranean Sea ...

Vacation is a short period of time that is given by the employer to remind you that you can do just fine without you.

Take care of your homeland - relax abroad.

I went to work after a vacation, I feel like children in a kindergarten - I want to cry and go home!

For our tourists in the hotel, what is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

Well, how did you spend your vacation? - Just like at work. You sit, do nothing and wait for dinner.

Meet the palest girl on the beach, she's just got it!

I want to go where there is no Internet ... the SEA excites ... lights SUMMER ...!!!

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that Khan came to leave.

The main thing in extreme rest is to notice in time when extreme ends and f **** begins.

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And I want a psycho and I'll go to the country! I will water, weed, dig.

Only the fridge magnet helped me remember where I spent my vacation.

Paradise is a place where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses...

After a vacation, you need to take a week off.

ANYWHERE is the most popular holiday destination...

I want summer. Stupidly hanging out on the street, trying to find a shade, so that the breeze blows, not thinking and not even knowing the day of the week!

Planning a vacation is very easy: your boss tells you when, your wife tells you where.

She left where she was sent, I behave as they called me. Very like!

The worse the returnee from vacation looks, the better he rested.

As long as there are legs, the road does not end; as long as there is a priest, something happens to her.

For the entire vacation, I received only 1 text message from home: “Where is your corkscrew?”

The last day before leaving for work, I had to go through the door sideways - a satisfied mug did not crawl through!

For some, a vacation is just a replacement for an office romance with a holiday…

A vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one.

If a Russian person decides not to do anything, he cannot be stopped.

Ahah ... my mother and I wrote a list of things that we need to buy with us on vacation ... so my mother burned it ... "Daughter buy condoms? Or let them buy it themselves?”…0_o…I’m shocked…

All day, I dream about you, and this is not a lie ... Hurry to you, hurry to you ... my favorite sofa!

The first vacation is like the first sex... You look forward to it, but you don't know what to do!

How sometimes we need a vacation, but in reality it is still very far away. What to do in this case? No, you should never despair. Set yourself up in a positive mood by simply posting a beautiful photo of a sandy beach, and attach a cheerful status to this photo that will remind you that the vacation is coming soon, the main thing is to wait for it. You can find this status on this page. A huge number of statuses will cheer you up, and you can use them to cheer up one of your loved ones. They will certainly appreciate it. In addition, reading these statuses, your mood will rise and you will get the feeling that life is beautiful, and you can find a positive place in gray everyday life.

I'm going on vacation, dear friends, there is no need to envy and wish good luck. I'll be fine without it!

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And I want a psycho and I'll go to the country! I will water, weed, dig.

I want summer. Stupidly hanging out on the street, trying to find a shade, so that the breeze blows, not thinking and not even knowing the day of the week!

When you go on vacation, take half as much and twice as much money.

Someone comes from vacation tanned, and someone is blue.

Cool vacation statuses: If your cat barked at you, then you have to go on vacation...

As soon as a girl of dubious behavior appeared on the beach, a crowd of doubters immediately formed near her.

The sun shines - but does not warm, vacation warms - but does not shine ...

After rest, you need to rest.

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that Khan came to leave.

As long as there are legs, the road does not end; as long as there is a priest, something happens to her.

For our tourists in the hotel, what is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

It's good to do nothing at first, and then relax a little more

Dear alarm clock! Do not call me more! It's over between us! I'm leaving! On vacation...

The last day before leaving for work, I had to go through the door sideways - a satisfied mug did not crawl through!

It is difficult to stop in time when you selflessly and recklessly lie on the couch ...

The first vacation is like the first sex... You look forward to it, but you don't know what to do!

You have to live in such a way that it would be a shame to tell, but it's nice to remember!

The girl went to the sea, and she herself did not rest, and did not give it to others.

If there is a queue at the pharmacy for condoms and pregnancy tests, then summer has come.

My vacation has begun! People, lend a liver for three weeks .. I will return it in double size ...

Cool vacation statuses: In the summer, there is no difference between outerwear and underwear.

If it were not for such heat on weekdays and not such rain on weekends, then I probably would have been easier to experience the time without a vacation!

Everyone has the right to spend their holidays the way they want! And some of the opportunity...

A nice girl, looking for a young man for an exciting trip to Ivanovo to my parents, like it, we can stay.

The length of the girls' skirts depends on the temperature, the higher the temperature, the shorter the skirts.

Where did you spend your vacation? - In the Canaries. - Where is it? - I have no idea, I flew by plane.

The sun, air and water will never help, Only sex and indifference strengthen the body!!!

The solar circle, the sky around - this is a drawing of a boy ... A naked woman, vodka, barbecue - it was his father who helped him.

Uncle bosses, if you want to see beautiful girls during the beach season, let them go on vacation!

Quotes and statuses about vacation, no matter how beautiful they are, the vacation itself will still not replace. But on the other hand, they will give a reason to dream and, perhaps, plan the upcoming vacation.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed on vacation.

A vacation is when every next day you can relax from the previous one.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

Stop a moment, you're on vacation!!!

Blessed are those who believe. But truly blessed is he who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

The best way to relax is to get away from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

Take me away from here on vacation.

Holidays end faster than vacations.

Nothing is more tiring than someone else's rest.

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now ...

The frantic rhythm of life, the rapid flow of information, work, family - it is natural that you want to take a break from all this. It was for such cases that they came up with a temporary release from work, or, to put it more simply, a vacation. Officially, this is the time provided by the employer for rest. It is calculated in calendar days. But this definition is boring. In order to understand what it really is, we offer you cool quotes, short aphorisms and beautiful vacation quotes.

Funny quotes about vacation and work

For some people, vacation differs from work only in that they sit at a different computer.

Holidays come and go, but you never want to work.

Work turned the monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a person returns to his original state.

There are two types of vacation: one - your own, and the second - the boss. And the second one may not be worse than the first one.

What you do at work is up to your boss to decide, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

No matter how long the vacation is, you still understand at the end of the first working day that you didn’t rest enough.

Eternity is the last two working hours before the holidays.

How nice to do nothing and then relax!

No one needs a vacation as much as a person who has just returned from vacation.

Work ennobles a person, but vacation makes him happy.

Short statuses about vacation without rest

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And if I want to, I'll freak out and leave. To the cottage. I will water, weed, dig...

Stability is when during a vacation a person changes a work computer to a home one.

Summer smells like vacation for those who were on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

He was tired, but became exhausted - this is a vacation spent in the country.

The mother-in-law decided that the best vacation is renovation.

Find time to relax, because there is always work, and life tends to end.

For some, it turns out that a vacation is created in order to dream about a vacation.

The sun shines on everyone, and only the lucky ones sunbathe.

Rest is a very rare opportunity to think about business.

Summer is considered the most suitable time of the year for recreation. The sun, the heat - it's time to relax. True, many of us do not have very long vacations, so we don’t want to waste time. And, just having time to slam the office door behind us with a satisfied smile, most of us immediately pack our bags and rush to the airport, train station, bus station. All in order to fully enjoy the days allotted for relaxation. But, of course, it is advisable to think over your entire vacation well and prepare for it in advance. Well, so that it doesn’t turn out, as in this quote: you are just starting to feel like a free person, as you are - there is still a vacation, but there is no money anymore.

Aphorisms about vacation with meaning

There is nothing more hopeless than entertainment according to plan.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.

For the rest you have to pay, and for a good one - overpay.

Some work to rest, others rest to work.

It is more difficult to rest the head than the body.

Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty aground.

Rest is the right laziness.

On vacation, the main thing is to relax without rest!

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

You can't spend a vacation - it always ends on time.

Vacations are such a popular topic that people very often talk about them, who will go where, where is better, what are the prices, what you need to see and have time to do. To show off your intelligence in such a conversation, these quotes and vacation statuses will come in handy. After all, that's what vacation is meant to do, to take a vacation even from your own personality. Therefore, you can safely show off other people's witticisms and aphorisms.

Before the holidays, I sit on my suitcases for a week. I fidget constantly, I dream of rest, soaring beyond the horizon of happiness. She chained herself to the battery so as not to run away from work ahead of time. I am now wading around the office in shackles.

Pashka Durov makes a surprise for Vkontakte users for the New Year by changing the surroundings and wallpaper. Vacation is crying for him. Now the investigating authorities have caught on.

Beloved mother-in-law: “Oh, I will die, my children, in the summer. I will spoil your vacation, you will be left without rest. We'll have to endure, pull ourselves together and survive the hateful heat. I will remember the hunger strike and the bombardment, I will stand.” The son-in-law is worried: “Mom, don’t change your plans in vain because of us young.”

Just walked away from work, relaxed and strained again. The vacation continues nicely, but the finances are at zero.

Best Status:
When my boyfriend and a close friend tell about my vacation, it will be a funny story with two alternative plots.

I was a naive girl waiting for her favorite cadet on vacation. I have matured - I no longer need a heating pad, because the sultry inferno has come.

I am anxiously awaiting a miracle. It is pleasant to sing, dance and relax with him. Come soon, vacation!

Going on vacation, I will leave the past to you, because the liner will not withstand such a bulky load.

The wife is going on vacation: - What can I bring you, dear? - Yes, FSUs, now everyone is being treated.

It would be nice to take a vacation, that way, for a hundred days ... You can quit ... but not that ..

Decided to take my personal life on vacation...

cheers going on vacation ... visit at * psychiatric hospital No. 5 *

Don't expect miracles, miracle yourself! - said the boss before leaving on vacation.

I'm on vacation and he's at work. And time seems to go by so slowly. And when we are together, it runs so fast. Not fair…

There's a fucking crisis in the country! and immunity took a vacation ...

Refresher courses, corporate events and vacations are perhaps the most interesting thing in any job.

I've known a man for two days, but because of him I don't want to take any vacation. Worth considering...

And my grandfather went on vacation to Germany and, out of habit, took Berlin

... My conscience is temporarily unavailable ... she has a vacation)))

I'm tired of playing, I'm going on vacation.

Vacation… Maybe a little late, but still VACATION!!!))) Uraaaaa!!!))) I'm in it!!)))

we have a guy who is an original pancake at work ... after the New Year holidays he also took a vacation ... XDXDXD

My dream went on vacation!!! Will be back on the next vacation!!!

We do not need an average score, if only the vacation is not lost

Well .. The vacation is over .. now I work .. for two whole days .. and even for fourteen hours .. (c)

Condoms Stork. Buy a 9 month vacation...

Work 2/5, salary 100-150 thousand rubles, vacation six weeks ... Call!!! Let's search together!

my mother's vacation coincided with my vacation ... goodbye freedom ((

Once a year, in March, Professor McGonnaggle took a week off, and then the whole school didn't know what to do with the kittens.

VACATION: * and at home they are so fucked up that they already want to work)))

The connoisseur flirts on the beach with the palest-skinned girl - she has her whole vacation ahead of her.

Give me vodka and leave for a month!

For the whole vacation I received only 1 text message from home: “Where is your corkscrew?”

Yes, yes ... I cried ... and don’t look at me with such eyes, it’s just that my muse took a vacation ... (((.

Vacation should be spent in such a way that later it would not be excruciatingly good from the fact that it is finally over!

Received two years of paid leave to care for women.

Or maybe Masha. -She got sick. -What happened. -Caught in the subway, went on maternity leave!

This is us taking a vacation to overstrain in the country)))

It's hard to hope for the best when you go on vacation in order to make repairs)))

Personal life went on vacation ... indefinitely. Please do not disturb

I’m going on vacation soon .. I’ll leave ... three days in the car ... three days alone with my thoughts ... maybe I will have time to understand the mistakes that I made?

On a foreign beach: -Masha, did you leave food for Barsik? -I thought that you left ... -Well, no matter what vacation, we bury the cat!

it infuriates when your holidays are just starting, mom is on vacation, mom will go to work - dad will go on vacation :(

He is so ... so desired, mysterious, unusual, fabulous, necessary, unique, bright, irreplaceable, long-awaited ...))) my VACATION

I want summer. On vacation!! without parents, BUT by car ..((Therefore, a small announcement: I am looking for a guy with a powerful engine (but not with a shift in my head). I need your horsepower, My Pony!!


My beloved has ended his vacation, he went to work ... The whole day without him now seems to me eternal hard labor (((

Where were you? - Nowhere ... -Yeah, after such “nowhere” they go on maternity leave

As a child, I dreamed of being immortal, stopping time and being able to teleport. Now I want a raise, a member five centimeters longer and a vacation. What this fucking life has done to me...

- Climb! How you meet a vacation, so you will spend it! You don't want to oversleep him, do you? - Want!

Weekends, holidays, summer and life go by very quickly. And life is faster.

Hurrah! vacation! I collect my things and go to the sea, hoping to take a break from all the familiar faces ... but when, in the corridor of hotels I hear screams, “Oh my God! what people!!" , with horror I remember that the earth is round ...

Do you like sweaty women? No! What about warm vodka? No! Then you will go on vacation in December! =)

well, how can I go to another city for three thousand rubles, buy a lot of booze, buy a camera and save money for a vacation ???

how hot it was for the first 2 months of summer...

I realized that I fell in love ... my brains went on vacation ... my eyes filled with tears ... and my heart clenched into a fist *))

We want to go on vacation with our loved ones by car, my parents are against it.” He: we can sign it so that they know for sure that everything is serious with us.” I love him.

Hello! what's new? - hello ... newcomer ?! Mmm ... nothing, the mood took a vacation, and luck sent me to x * d ...

My brain took a vacation))) Summer after all!)

And when you wake up, you realize that today is no-no, since you need to go home from the dacha, after excellent holidays. The time is 6:00 you leave and only after driving halfway dorata that you took a vacation for a week ...

how cool it is in such frosty weather to pack your bags to egypt, vacation)))

my conscience took a vacation

I spent it with my closest friends and my beloved, who for my sake came on vacation from the army. that's what for me ng! envy!

It's nice to hear that the vacation that you will spend with me is for you: to be with me always, and sleep until dinner =)

If the authorities don't let me go on vacation, I'll dig a tunnel from Moscow to the Maldives!!! RRR! Emotions inside out, sorry 🙂

If the weather was good all the time during your vacation, then this was not your

Goodbye! my favorite city! I have a holiday!

Go on vacation for a week - to trouble. Folk omen. Checked by Luzhkov

A vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one.

the pathologist and the gynecologist went south on vacation. The pathologist is blissful on the hot sand, looks around and says with delight - friend, look, there are people around, living people! To which the gynecologist replies - why are there people - around the face!

ahah…my mom and I wrote a list of things to buy with us on vacation…so my mom fired it…”Daughter should I buy conservatives? Or let them buy it themselves?”…0_o…I’m shocked…

Life is work, and death is a vacation from which, unfortunately, they do not return ... ©

When you are in love, common sense automatically goes on vacation)))

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where.

I wanted love, he wanted sex, I wanted the sea, he just went on vacation, I loved him, he used me...

“He is in a high, and you are in a noose!” /Exchange vacation/

the inscription in one office smiled - “chief, remember! white (untanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation”)))

I am not a girl to command me ... and I am not a vacation to make plans for me.) you will never dare to manipulate me

VACATION HAS COME!!! blew it all...

how parents sometimes don’t understand that there is a moment when I don’t want to talk, laugh, go somewhere ... I just don’t want to, the incentive took a vacation ...

If love has come to you, then your mind has gone on a long vacation!

Like warm vodka and sweaty women? Not? Well, then go on vacation in the winter)))

we have been together for 2.5 months, and tomorrow 08/08/11 our joint vacation) I love him!

Someone went on vacation, someone went on vacation! And we, poor students, are renting a session !!!

Durov’s phrase “We are not going on vacation” at the end of VKontakte innovations sounds threatening ...

[`…the doctors will fight, but the pulse will go to zero, and the heart will take a vacation and stop beating, I En=)my…`]

WHO NEED A JOB?! Irregular day, vacation 52 days ... 2 times a year, Salary 75-80 tr. - let us know ... we will search together!))

Hurray!!! My dream came true, I'm going on vacation with my loved one, only HE and I ... romance ... ZAYA I LOVE YOU VERY VERY, although I don't talk about it often, not because I don't want to, but just shy …=)

My inner bitch went on vacation for 1 day, so you can try to break my heart ... But I do not envy you when she returns and starts to take revenge ...

and still the best weekend is when the parents go on vacation)))

- Crap! Here, it turns out, what kind of friends I have - figs to whom you give the cat, when you go on vacation, everyone refuses! - It turns out that a friend is known in a cat ...

When I said to the salesperson this morning in the store “give me WINDOWS easy!” I realized - it's time, bitch, on vacation !!!

and now the long-awaited vacation .. it pours like a bucket, the sea is icy, wet sand, I’m sitting in the room for 3 days ... on the net ... romance B @ me ...

Everything, tired .. my ears take a vacation! um.. you mean? - I mean, stop hanging noodles on my ears!

Why not give vacation to rest from vacation?

A vacation is like a binge - getting into it is much easier than getting out of it.

study during the day, outfits at night ... and while you are serving, the beloved girl (the bride, the wife) is waiting for you on the citizens, and you have carved out at least one minute of time you run to her, just to hug your beloved) he himself served and that's why he let the whole 5th detachment go on vacation. rest guys)

“Like everyone…” *Crossed out* “May you all go to….” *Crossed out* “Please grant me another vacation.”

A note “I'll be there in 5 minutes” hung on the office door will help you go on vacation three days earlier.

It seems that the cockroaches in my head took a vacation for a while ... Now it turns out that I don’t have everything at home?

Previously, before going on vacation, we gave the keys to the apartment to the neighbors so that they sometimes watered the flowers. Now we reluctantly give our VKontakte password so that a person goes there, waters and fertilizes virtual vegetables ... =)

One guy really wanted to go on vacation. Just sit on the grass, go mushroom picking... In the end, he went to Holland...

but I didn’t get drunk like a pig, I didn’t yell songs in karaoke, I didn’t fuck with anyone ..

how I want to go on vacation, I wish I could live up to it as soon as possible ...)))

Hello Dedushka Moroz. You, scribe, have SCLEROSIS. How many times have I written to you, never received a damn thing. I want to go on vacation terribly, but without grandmas everything is in vain. So don't forget the old one, I'm already on my way!!!

Dear alarm clock! Do not call me more! It's over between us! I'm leaving! On vacation…

A vacation is when you find a bottle of cold champagne in the fridge in the morning ... you think: “Why not ?!” ...

Labor made a man out of a monkey ... Vacation returned everything to its place!

Take me on vacation!…

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss now ...

A vacation is two weeks on the beach and then another six weeks aground.

Most of all I want to go on vacation a month before and 10 months after it.

I think I'm pregnant: I'm sick of work and drawn to the salty sea.

No one needs a vacation as much as a person who has just returned from vacation.

The most drinking countries in the world were recognized: in winter - Russia, and in the holiday season - Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus and Thailand !!!

I want to go on vacation... to Bali... to the Bounty.

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And I want a psycho and I'll go to the country! I will water, weed, dig.

Sea. Vacation. Wife to husband: - Honey, look how the waves kiss me! — Aha! And they puke on the shore!

Chief!!! I need a vacation! - From what? - Excuse me, dick or numbers?

A real vacation is when you buy shorts and a panama hat, not new wallpaper and laminate...

Chief, remember! White (not tanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

The sea! .. Almost very soon we will be together ... And we will enjoy each other.

In summer, the competence of workers is of two types:
I don't know, I'm going on vacation tomorrow.
I don't know, I just got back from vacation.

My favorite dream is about a vacation.

After rest, you need to rest.

Only a Russian person, after a sick leave, can go to work tanned and with a hangover!!!

It is so... so desirable, mysterious, unusual, fabulous, necessary, unique, bright, irreplaceable, long-awaited... my vacation.

From vacation, as well as from hard drinking, it is necessary to come out gradually ....

Well, how's the vacation, rested? - I had a rest, but the liver plowed in three shifts!

God, how I want to be at the airport and hear that my plane leaves for the sea in a few minutes.

My vacation has begun! People, lend a liver for three weeks .. I will return it in double size ..

Most accidents on vacation begin with the phrase "Look how I can."

Masha, where are you going to rest this summer? — Near Vladimir. Nothing, normal guy.

For some people, vacation differs from work only in that they sit at a different computer.

Work two to five, a salary of one hundred thousand rubles, a vacation of at least six weeks ... Call urgently !!! Let's start the general search!

As soon as you start to feel like a free person, how are you - there is still a vacation, but there is no money anymore!

The sun shines - but does not warm, vacation warms - but does not shine ...

Times are changing, we save money for Sochi, and if it doesn’t work out, we go to Turkey.

The main thing in extreme recreation is to notice in time when the extreme ends and the f**k begins.

When waking up in the morning is more and more like resuscitation, it's time to go on vacation.

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that Khan came to leave.

For our tourists in the hotel, what is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir ...

The first working days after the holidays - you urgently need to remember how to do nothing if things are fucked up ...

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps and mom wants to go to the sea. Dad began to look for a compromise, but mom had already found a compromise - the whole family goes to the sea, but dad is allowed to take skis with him.

Turkey for every Russian begins with a bar.

Everyone has the right to spend their holidays the way they want! And some of the opportunity...

Upon the return of a colleague from vacation:
- Well, how? Already plunged into work?
- Already dunked ...

If you have been to the Canary Islands and upon returning your friend does not greet you, then she is ... happy for you!

No matter how much you rest, from the first day of work you want to go on vacation again!

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