Omar Khayyam about family. The best poems of Omar Khayyam are great quotes. What is the use of interpreting to someone who is stupid

Omar Khayyam is a famous sage whose clever thoughts and creations touched various areas of life. We suggest re-reading Omar Khayyam's quotes about love, which touch with sincerity and surprise with depth.

Here is what Omar Khayyam said about love:

“Love at the beginning is always affectionate.
in memories - always affectionate.
And love - pain! And with greed each other
we torment and torment - always.

Despite the fact that these wise words of Omar Khayyam sound slightly pessimistic, they are quite truthful and philosophically urge to remember feelings not only good or bad, but the truth. He teaches to try to see two sides in everything, and not just one blinding emotion.

“In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.”

The veracity of this quote about love will be confirmed by everyone who has ever had feelings and felt inspired next to a loved one.

“You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!”

The rather straightforward male view of the relationship of the sexes is as true as possible and confirms that the status of the relationship does not matter if it is not about real feelings.

“Where love judges, all dialects are silent!”

A laconic and capacious quote saying that love is omnipotent and does not tolerate objections.

“Love came - left, as if blood from the veins
completely devastated - I'm full of the one who lived.
Beloved gave away all of myself to the crumbs,
everything, except for the name, became the one he loved.

These rubyahs about love tell how much feeling fills the human soul and how devastated it remains after the loss of love.

Omar Khayyam speaks frankly about his bitterness and selflessness.

“Passion cannot be friends with deep love,
if he can, then they will not be together for long.

The wise remark of Omar Khayyam tells us to distinguish between passion and true feeling and not to expect that the first love impulses will remain unchanged over the years.

Love changes, becomes deeper and calmer, and passion alone will not give a couple happiness.

“In order to live life wisely, you need to know a lot.
Two important rules to remember to get started:
you'd rather starve than eat anything,
and it’s better to be alone than to be with just anyone.”

One of Omar Khayyam's most famous poems, extolling selectivity in everything from food to relationships.

The sage considered love one of the most important human resources and did not advise spending it for nothing.

“A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power.”

Many of Khayyam's wise quotes appeal to men, forcing them to take a different look at their own behavior and attitude towards the fair sex.

In this phrase, the sage tells the strong half of humanity to be able to let go of the woman they love if there is no chance to make her happy.

According to Omar, a man should bring any business he has started to the end or accept defeat with dignity.

"Noble people, loving each other,
see the grief of others, forget themselves.
If you desire the honor and brilliance of mirrors, -
do not envy others, and they will love you!”

This wise phrase succinctly describes the most important qualities that a person should have: the ability to love loved ones, forgetting about one's own egoism, and the willpower to give up excessive ambition and envy.

Khayyam claims that by giving up negative feelings and learning to love others, a person will receive a mutual feeling in return as a reward for his efforts and care.

“I went to the sage and asked him:
"What is love?" He said, "Nothing."
But I know a lot of books have been written:
“Eternity” is written by some, while others - that “moment”.
It will scorch with fire, then it will melt like snow,
What is love? - "It's all human!"
And then I looked him straight in the face:
“How can I understand you? Nothing or everything?
He said with a smile: “You yourself gave the answer:
“Nothing or everything!” - there is no middle ground here!

One of the deepest thoughts of Omar Khayyam, enclosed in a poetic form. The sage talks about the essence of love, its many faces and boundaries, which have been and are being talked about since the beginning of time.

Khayyam is sure: love is an ultimatum, an all-encompassing force that cannot be defined or measured, but can only be felt.

The words that Omar Khayyam said about love have a deep connotation regarding life priorities, human nature and the foundations of the universe.

Rereading his quotes, you find a new meaning in them and fascinatedly follow the flight of thoughts of the great poet, which over and over again combine in the mind in a new way, like a verbal kaleidoscope.

Who instilled a rose of tender love
To the cuts of the heart - did not live in vain!
And the one who sensitively listened to God with his heart,
And the one who drank the hops of earthly delight!

Oh, woe, woe to the heart, where there is no burning passion.
Where there is no love of torment, where there are no dreams of happiness.
A day without love is lost: dimmer and grey,
Than this day is fruitless, and there are no days of bad weather. — Omar Khayyam

Dawn threw a sheaf of fire on the roof
And he threw the ball of the lord of the day into the cup.
Sip the wine! Sounds in the rays of dawn
The call of love, the universe is drunk.

Loving you, I bear all reproaches
And eternal fidelity is not in vain I give vows.
If I live forever, I'm ready until the day of Judgment
To humbly endure heavy and cruel oppression. — Omar Khayyam

If you want to touch a rose, do not be afraid to cut your hands,
If you want to drink - do not be afraid to fall sick with a hangover.
And love is beautiful, quivering and passionate
If you want, don't be afraid to burn your heart in vain!

My eyes are crying because of the chain of partings,
My heart is crying from doubt and torment.
I cry plaintively and write these lines,
Even kalam cries, falling out of hands ...

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes of Omar Khayyam on the pages:

You do not drive a horse on the road of love -
You will fall exhausted by the end of the day.
Do not curse the one who is tormented by love -
You cannot comprehend the heat of another's fire.

I stubbornly wondered over the book of life,
Suddenly, with heartache, the sage said to me:
“There is no more beautiful bliss - to forget in the arms
Moon-faced beauty, whose mouth seemed to bark.

Passion for you tore the robe of roses,
In your fragrance there is the breath of roses.
You are tender, sequins of sweat on silky skin,
Like dew in a wonderful moment of opening roses!

Like the sun, it burns without burning, love,
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale groans,
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved
Sacrifice what is most dear to you.
Never be cunning, bestowing love,
Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

The rose said: “Oh, my present appearance
About madness, in fact, he speaks of mine.
Why do I come out of the bud in blood?
The path to freedom often lies through thorns!”

Give me wine! There is no place for empty words here.
Kisses of my beloved are my bread and balm.
The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
A riot of passion is like her hair.

Tomorrow, alas! hidden from our eyes!
Hurry to use the hour flying into the abyss.
Drink, moon-faced! How often will a month
Ascend to heaven, no longer seeing us.

Above all else, love
In the song of youth, the first word is love.
Oh, unfortunate ignorant in the world of love,
Know that the basis of our whole life is love!

Woe to the heart that is colder than ice
Does not burn with love, does not know about it.
And for the heart of a lover, a day spent
Without a lover - the most lost of days!

Chatter is devoid of magic about love,
As the cooled coals of fire are devoid of.
And true love burns hot,
Sleep and rest, night and day is deprived.

Do not beg for love, hopelessly loving,
Do not wander under the window of the unfaithful, grieving.
Like poor dervishes, be independent -
Maybe then they will love you.

Where to get away from fiery passions,
What hurts your soul?
When I knew that the source of these torments
In the one in the hands that is dearer to you all ...

I'll share a secret with you
In a nutshell, I will pour out my tenderness and sadness.
I dissolve into dust with love for you,
I will rise from the earth with love for you.

From the zenith of Saturn to the womb of the Earth
The secrets of the world have found their interpretation.
I untangled all the loops near and far,
In addition to the simplest - except for the light loop.

Those to whom life was given to the full measure,
Intoxicated with the hops of love and wine.
Having dropped the unfinished cup of delight,
They sleep side by side in the arms of eternal sleep.

You alone in my heart carried only joy,
Burning my heart your death burned.
Only with you could I endure all the sorrows of the world,
Without you, what is the world and worldly affairs to me?

You have chosen the path of love - you must firmly go,
The sparkle of the eyes will flood everything along the way.
And having reached the high goal with patience,
So take a breath to shake the worlds with a breath!

Oh, if only, taking a sofa with poetry
Yes, in a jug of wine and putting bread in your pocket,
I'll spend a day with you among the ruins, -
Any sultan would envy me.

The branches will not tremble... the night... I'm alone...
In the darkness, a rose petal drops.
Yes, you're gone! And bitter drunkenness
Flying delirium dispelled and far away.

Let me touch, my love, thick strands,
This reality is dearer to me than any dreams ...
I can only compare your curls with a heart in love,
So gentle and so quivering are their curls!

Repentance vows we forgot now
And tightly closed the door for good glory.
We are beside ourselves; for this you do not blame us:
We are drunk with wine of love, not with wine, believe me!

Paradise found here, over a cup of wine, I
Among the roses, near the sweet one, burning with love.
Why listen to us talk about hell and heaven!
Who has seen hell? Who returned from paradise?

Reason gives praise to this cup,
With her, the lover kisses all night long.
A mad potter such an elegant bowl
Creates and hits the ground without pity!

Khayyam! What are you grieving about? Be merry!
You are feasting with a friend - be cheerful!
Everyone is waiting for non-existence. You could disappear
You still exist - be cheerful!

Wounded by passion, I shed tears tirelessly,
Please heal my poor heart,
For instead of a drink of love the sky
My cup filled with the blood of my heart.

With the one whose camp is a cypress, and her mouth is like a lal,
Go to the garden of love and fill your glass
While fate is inevitable, the wolf is insatiable,
This flesh, like a shirt, has not been torn off you!

It is better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Than to look for salvation in fasting and prayers.
If a place in hell is for lovers and drunkards,
Then who will you order to admit to paradise?

Oh, don't grow a tree of sorrow...
Look for wisdom in your own beginning.
Caress the darlings and love wine!
After all, we have not been married to life forever.

When violets pour fragrance
And the wind blows the breath of spring,
A wise man who drinks wine with his beloved,
Having broken the cup of repentance on the stone.

Alas, we are not given many days to be here,
To live them without love and without wine is a sin.
Do not think, this world is old or young:
If we are destined to leave, is it all the same to us?

Among the beautiful houris I'm drunk and in love
And I give the blame a grateful bow.
From the shackles of life I am free today
And blessed, as if invited to the highest chamber.

Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love,
We will sit in the meadow with you and on the bank of the stream!
The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of being,
Turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

In the morning the rose opened a bud under the wind,
And the nightingale sang, in love with her charm.
Sit in the shade. These roses will bloom for a long time,
When will our sorrowful ashes be buried.

Do not grieve that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

Kiss your leg, o queen of fun,
Much sweeter than the lips of a sleepy girl!
Day-to-day I indulge all your whims,
To merge with my beloved on a starry night.

Ruby color your lips gave,
You left - I'm sad, and my heart is bleeding.
Who hid in the ark like Noah from the flood,
He alone will not drown in the abyss of love.

Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for the sweet, -
Without consolation, he drags out his sad age.
Days spent without the joys of love
I consider it an unnecessary and hateful burden.

From end to end we keep the path to death;
We cannot turn back from the edge of death.
Look, in the local caravanserai
Don't forget your love!

Our world is an alley of young roses,
A choir of nightingales, a transparent swarm of dragonflies.
And in autumn? Silence and stars
And the darkness of your loose hair ...

Who is ugly, who is handsome - does not know passion,
A madman in love agrees to go to hell.
Lovers don't care what to wear
What to lay on the ground, what to put under your head.

Throw off the burden of self-interest, oppression of vanity,
Evil entangled, break out of these snares.
Drink wine and comb your curls dear:
The day will pass unnoticed - and life will flash by.

My advice: be drunk and in love always,
Being dignified and important is not worth the trouble.
Not needed by the Almighty Lord God
Neither your mustache, friend, nor my beard!

I went out into the garden in sorrow and am not happy in the morning,
The nightingale sang to Rose in a mysterious way:
“Show yourself from the bud, rejoice in the morning,
How many wonderful flowers this garden gave!”

Love is a fatal misfortune, but the misfortune is by the will of Allah.
Well, you condemn what is always - by the will of Allah.
There was a series of good and evil - by the will of Allah.
Why do we need the thunders and flames of the Court - by the will of Allah?

Come quickly, filled with charms,
Dispel sadness, inhale heart heat!
Pour a jug of wine until the jugs
Our ashes have not yet been turned by the potter.

You, whom I have chosen, are dearest to me.
The heart of ardent heat, the light of the eyes for me.
Is there anything in life that is more precious than life?
You and my life are more precious to me.

I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
But still away the wine and aside the glass.
I always drank wine - I was looking for pleasure to my heart,
Why should I drink now, when I'm drunk with you!

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
Except for your face, I don't need anything.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

In the morning my rose wakes up
My rose blooms in the wind.
Oh cruel sky! Barely blossomed -
How my rose is already crumbling.

Passion for the unfaithful struck me like a plague.
Not for me, my dear is going crazy!
Who will heal us, my heart, from passion,
If our doctor suffers herself.

You are the queen of the game. I'm not happy myself.
My knight has become a pawn, but not to take a step back ...
I press the black boat against your white boat,
Two faces are now side by side ... And in the end what? Mat!

The life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let someone else's cup never touch your lips ...
The jug that keeps a trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything ... Everything except your lips!

Cheer up! ... Captive not to catch a stream?
But caresses a runaway jet!
Is there no constancy in women and in life?
But it's your turn!

We are like compasses, together, on the grass:
There are two heads in a single body,
We make a full circle, rotating on the rod,
To match head to head again.

The sheikh shamed the harlot: “You, whore, drink,
You sell your body to everyone who wants it!”
“I,” said the harlot, “really am
Are you who you say you are to me?"

The sky is the belt of my ruined life,
The tears of the fallen are the salty waves of the seas.
Paradise is blissful rest after passionate effort,
Hellfire is just a reflection of extinguished passions.

From the lilac cloud to the green of the plains
White jasmine showers all day long.
I pour a cup like a lily
Pure rose flame - the best of wines.

In this life, intoxication is the best,
Gentle houri singing is best,
Free thought boiling best,
Oblivion is the best of all prohibitions.

If you are in the rays of hope - look for your heart, heart,
If you are in the company of a friend, look with your heart into his heart.
Temple and innumerable temples are smaller than a small heart,
Throw away your Kaaba, look for your heart with your heart.

Curls sweet from the musk of the night darker,
And the ruby ​​of her lips is more precious than stones...
I once compared her figure to a cypress,
Now the cypress is proud to the roots!

Drink wine, for bodily joy is in it.
Listen to chang, for heavenly sweetness is in it.
Trade your eternal sorrow for joy
For the goal, unknown to anyone, is in it.

A blooming garden, a friend and a bowl of wine -
Here is my paradise. I don't want to end up in something else.
Yes, no one has seen heavenly paradise!
So let's take comfort in earthly things for the time being.

I would like to cool my soul to the unfaithful,
Let the new passion take over.
I would like to, but tears fill my eyes,
Tears do not allow me to look at another.

The sayings of Omar Khayyam, the great poet of the East and one of the most famous sages and philosophers, passed down from generation to generation, are filled with deep meaning, brightness of the image and grace of rhythm.

With the wit and sarcasm inherent in Khayyam, he created sayings that amaze with their humor and cunning.

They give strength in difficult times, help to cope with surging problems, distract from troubles, make you think and reason.

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power.


Giving yourself is not the same as selling.

And next to sleep - does not mean to sleep.

Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything.

Not to be near does not mean not to love!

Do no harm - it will return like a boomerang, do not spit in the well - you will drink water, do not insult someone who is lower in rank, and suddenly you have to ask for something.

Do not betray your friends, you will not replace them, and do not lose your loved ones, you will not return, do not lie to yourself - over time, you will check that you are betraying yourself with a lie.


Isn't it funny to save a penny for a whole century,

If you can't buy eternal life anyway?

This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -

Try not to miss the time!

What God once measured for us, friends, cannot be increased and cannot be reduced. Let's try to spend the cash wisely, Not worrying about someone else's, not asking for a loan.


You say this life is just a moment.

Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.

As you spend it, so it will pass,

Don't forget: she is your creation.

The downtrodden die prematurely

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Love in the beginning is always affectionate.

In the memories - always affectionate.

And love - pain! And with greed each other

We torment and torment - always.

In this unfaithful world, don't be a fool:
Do not rely on those who are around.
With a firm eye, look at your closest friend -
A friend may turn out to be the worst enemy.

And with a friend and an enemy, you must be good!

Who by nature is kind, you will not find malice in him.

Hurt a friend - you make an enemy,

Embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

Have smaller friends, do not expand their circle.

And remember: better than loved ones, a friend living far away.

Take a calm look at everyone who sits around.

In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see the enemy.


Don't piss off others and don't piss yourself off.

We are guests in this mortal world,

And if it's not, then calm down.

Think with a cold head.

After all, everything in the world is natural:

The evil you radiated

Will definitely come back to you!

Be easy on people. Do you want to be wiser -

Do not hurt with your wisdom.


Only those who are worse than us think badly about us, and those who are better than us ... They just don’t care about us


It is better to fall into poverty, starve or steal,

Than to get into the number of despicable dishes.

It is better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets

At the table of the bastards who have power.

We change rivers, countries, cities.

Other doors.

New Years.

And we can't get away from ourselves, and if we get away - only nowhere.


You got out of the rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince ...

Do not forget, so as not to jinx it ... princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal ...


If the day has passed, do not remember it,

Do not groan in fear before the coming day,

Don't worry about the future and the past

Know the price of today's happiness!


If you can, do not worry about the running time,

Do not burden your soul with the past or the future.

Spend your treasures while you are alive;

After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor.

Do not be afraid of the machinations of time running,

Our troubles in the circle of existence are not eternal.

Spend the moment given to us in fun,

Do not cry about the past, do not fear the future.


I have never been repelled by the poverty of a person, it is another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

Noble people, loving each other,

They see the grief of others, they forget themselves.

If you desire the honor and brilliance of mirrors, -

Do not envy others, and they will love you.


Do not envy the one who is strong and rich.

Dawn is always followed by sunset.

With this life short, equal

Treat like a rental!


I would blind my life from the smartest deeds

There he did not think of it, here he did not succeed at all.

But Time - here we have a quick teacher!

As a cuff will give you a little wiser.

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)

One does not understand what roses smell like ...
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey ...
Give someone a trifle, forever remember ...
You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand ...

Dear friends! The wisdom of life from talented people is always interesting, and the wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam is doubly interesting. Persian poet, philosopher, astrologer, mathematician... Omar Khayyam is famous in the mathematical world for creating a classification of cubic equations, his calendar, created several centuries ago, surpasses the ancient Roman Julian calendar from an astronomical point of view, and the European Gregorian calendar in accuracy.

You can talk a lot about Omar Khayyam, and I may decide to tell a story about the biography of this extraordinary person, but today's post is about his literary heritage. Omar Khayyam has become famous in our time, first of all, as the author of the famous wise quatrains - reflections - rubaiyat. Rubaiyat - bright, emotional, written with brilliant wit, at the same time musical and lyrical - conquered the whole world. Most of the rubaiyat is meditation on the Qur'an. How many quatrains were written by the poet? Now there are about 1200. According to the Indian scientist, researcher of the poet Swami Govinda Tirtha, up to 2200 quatrains have survived in our time. In fact, no one knows how much was written in total, because for nine centuries many rubais have been lost forever.

Were there any wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam?

The controversy about the authorship of the "Rubaiyat" continues to this day. Someone believes that Omar Khayyam has no more than 400 original texts, someone else is stricter - only 66, and some scholars say - only 6 (those that were found in the most ancient manuscripts). Everything else, according to researchers of Khayyam's work, all these wise sayings and poems are the authorship of other people. Perhaps other people's quatrains were attached to the manuscripts that were passed down from generation to generation, whose authorship was not established. Someone wrote down their own rubies in the margins, and after centuries they were considered missing inserts and entered into the main text.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Perhaps the most concise, daring, witty and elegant quatrains in all ages were attributed to Omar Khayyam. The search for reliable rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is a hopeless task, since today it is difficult to establish the authorship of any quatrain. Therefore, let's trust the ancient and not very ancient manuscripts, let's read wise thoughts and find the quatrain to which our soul is responding at the moment. And then say thanks to the author (regardless of who he is) and the translator.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Learn all the secrets of wisdom! - And there?…
Arrange the whole world in your own way! - And there?…
Live carelessly until a hundred years of happiness ...
By a miracle, you'll last up to two hundred! ... - And there?

"Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" from E. Fitzgerald

The wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam became known thanks to Edward Fitzgerald, who found a notebook with quatrains and translated them first into Latin, and then - in 1859 - into English.

These poems struck the English poet with their wisdom, deep philosophical overtones and at the same time lyricism and subtlety. “After several centuries, old Khayyam continues to ring like real metal,” said Edward Fitzgerald admiringly. Fitzgerald's translation was arbitrary; in order to connect the quatrains, he made his own inserts, and as a result he created a poem similar to the tales of the Thousand and One Nights, the main character of which constantly feasts and periodically speaks the truth over an invariable cup of wine.

Thanks to Fitzgerald, Omar Khayyam gained a reputation as a merry fellow, a joker who loves wine and calls to catch a moment of pleasure. But thanks to this poem, the whole world learned about the Persian poet, and aphorisms, poems, parables and other worldly wisdom were distributed in quotes throughout all countries. The most famous

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up.
He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.

on the ear or on the tongue of many.

The appearance of the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam in Russia.

The first publication of Omar Khayyam in Russian appeared in 1891. The translator was the poet V.L. Velichko. He translated 52 quatrains. These were rather translations-paraphrases, since the poet did not set himself the task of reproducing the original. Only 5 sayings were made in the form of a quatrain.
In general, more than 40 names are known in Russia who translated Omar Khayyam. One of the most famous are the translations of V. Derzhavin, A.V. Starostin, G. Plisetsky, N. Strizhkov, G.S. Semenov. I specifically dwell on these names, because I give the quatrains below without indicating the name of the translator (I did not find it, alas). Perhaps it is these poets who are their authors. To date, more than 700 Khayyam rubaiyat have been translated.

We have already said that translations reflect the essence of the translator, because everyone contributes to the translation not only their talent, but also their understanding of the quatrain (by the way, I “fell ill” with the topic of the interlinear after, which simply stunned me with her conversation). Therefore, the same lines can be interpreted differently. I liked the comparative translation of this original text (interlinear) by Omar Khayyam.

Be cheerful, for there is no end to suffering
More than once the luminaries will converge in the heavens in one sign of the zodiac,
[representing the predestination of fate].
Bricks that will be fashioned from your ashes
They will smash into the wall of the house for other people

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)


Translation by C. Guerra (1901):

Give in to joy! The pain will be forever!
Days will change: day - night, day - night again;
Earthly hours are all small and fleeting,
And soon you will leave us from here away.
You mix with the earth, with lumps of sticky clay,
And the bricks will be smeared with you at the stoves,
And they will build a palace for the base cattle,
And on that bookmark they will tell a series of speeches.
And your spirit, maybe a former shell
Back, to yourself again, it will be in vain to call!
So sing, have fun while they give a reprieve
And death has not yet come to visit you.

Translation by G. Plisetsky (1971):

Have some fun! The unhappy go crazy.
Eternal darkness shines with eternal stars.
How to get used to what is of thinking flesh
Will bricks be made and laid at home?

Unfortunately, I can not give (because of the blog format) another 13 varieties of this translation. Some rubaiyat have 1 translation, and some (the most popular) have up to 15!

But let's just read and enjoy these poetic lines, because we receive precious advice and guidance. Despite the fact that ten centuries separate his work from us, the wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam are still relevant and close to everyone. Indeed, in the quotes of Omar Khayyam about life, about love, about wisdom, the truth is revealed that all the people of the world are looking for. Despite the fact (and perhaps precisely because of the fact) that the statements of his poems are sometimes opposite and contradictory, his rubai conquer people of any age.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

The young, thanks to the wisdom of his poems, have the opportunity to avoid some mistakes. Young people who are just entering into a big life learn worldly wisdom, because the poems of Omar Khayyam give answers to different life situations. Elderly people, who have already seen a lot and are themselves able to give advice for all occasions, find rich food for thought in his quatrains. They can compare their life wisdom with the thoughts of an extraordinary person who lived a millennium ago.
Behind the lines, the searching and inquisitive personality of the poet is visible. He returns to the same thoughts throughout his life, revisiting them, discovering new possibilities or mysteries of life.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

For many years I pondered over earthly life.
There is nothing incomprehensible for me under the moon.
I know that I don't know anything,
Here is the last secret I have learned.

Quotes by Omar Khayyam are an opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle and look into yourself. Even after a thousand years, the voice of Omar Khayyam carries a message of love, understanding of the transience of life and respect for every moment of it. Omar Khayyam gives advice on how to succeed in business, how to raise children, how to live in love and peace with your husband, how to build relationships with people around you. These tips are given beautifully, gracefully, and expressively. They conquer with their conciseness and depth of thought. Every moment of life is priceless, the poet never tires of reminding us.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam

You say this life - one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Everything is bought and sold
And life openly laughs at us.
We are angry, we are angry
But we sell and buy.

Do not share your secret with people,
After all, you do not know which of them is mean.
How do you yourself deal with God's creation,
Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Don't let a scoundrel into secrets - hide them,
And keep secrets from the fool - hide them,
Look at yourself among the people passing by,
Keep silent about hopes to the end - hide them!

All that we see is only one appearance.
Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.
Consider the unimportant obvious in the world,
For the secret essence of things is not visible.

Changing rivers, countries, cities...
Other doors... New Years...
And we can't get away from ourselves,
And if you get away, only to nowhere.

Hell and heaven are in heaven, ”say the bigots.
I, looking into myself, was convinced of a lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

The Persian philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and poet Omar Khayyam never considered himself a philosopher and a person who knows the meaning of life. He considered himself a mere mortal, appreciating the ordinary pleasures and joys of life, enjoying every minute lived.

The poet expressed his thoughts about life and death, about love and beauty, and clothed his words in original, short quatrains - rubai. They are still considered as a set of rules for behavior in this world. That is what our article today is about.

This life was given to you, my dear, for a while ...

Poems by Omar Khayyam about life, about the wisdom of life

Live right, be happy with what you have
Live freely, keep both freedom and honor.
Do not grieve, do not envy the one who is richer,
Who is poorer than you - those in the world can not be counted!

One does not understand what roses smell like ...
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey ...
Give someone a trifle, forever remember ...
You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand ...

Isn't it funny to save a penny for a whole century,
If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss the time!

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is built into our bodies from birth.
We will not get better or worse until we die.
We are who God made us!

Be omnipotent, like a magician, live hundreds of years, -
In the dark abyss of centuries they will not see your light.
Only in legends sometimes our fates flicker,
Become a spark of happiness among these legends!

Be gentle with people! Do you want to be wiser? -
Do not hurt with your wisdom.
With the offender - Fight fate, be bold,
But you swear not to offend people!

You can't look into tomorrow today,
Just the thought of him makes my chest ache.
Who knows how many days you have left to live?
Don't waste them, be smart.

The day has passed - and forget about it as soon as possible,
And is tomorrow worth our sorrows?
Revelation is neither in the past nor in the future, -
We live today. So look more fun!

For the worthy - there are no worthy awards,
I put my stomach for a worthy glad.
Do you want to know if hellish torments exist?
To live among the unworthy is true hell!

If you live silently in the midst of the crowd,
You, O heart, reap the ears of godlessness.
Get away, patient, to the desert land, -
Wonder what you will find there.

If you become a slave of base lust -
You will be empty in old age, like an abandoned house.
Look at yourself and think about
Who are you, where are you and - where then?

For what didn't come, don't punish yourself.
For what has passed away, do not curse yourself.
Get tufts from the vile life - and do not scold yourself.
As long as the sword has not raised rock - live, keep yourself.

It is known that in the world everything is just vanity of vanities:
Be cheerful, do not grieve, there is light on this.
What was, is past, what will be is unknown,
So don't worry about what's not there today.

That life is a bazaar, do not look for a friend there.
That life is a bruise, do not ask for medicine.
Don't change yourself - smile at people!
But people don't look for smiles.

Without hops and smiles, what kind of life?
Without the sweet sounds of the flute, what is life?
Everything you see in the sun costs little.
But at the feast in the lights, life is also bright!

Not to be near does not mean not to love ...
Omar Khayyam

You and my life are more precious to me

Omar Khayyam - poems about life and love

Prepare wine for wounded love!
Nutmeg and scarlet, like blood.
Fill the fire, sleepless, hidden,
And entangle your soul in stringed silk again.

When Love called me to the world to life,
She immediately gave me lessons in love,
The magic key was forged from the heart of the particles
And led me to the treasures of the spirit.

Love in the beginning is always affectionate.
In the memories - always affectionate.
And love - pain! And with greed each other
We torment and torment - always.

Love we bring life the last gift?
A blow is close above the heart.
But even a moment before death - give lips,
Oh, sweet cup of gentle charms!

If you love, then steadfastly endure separation,
In anticipation of the cure, suffer and do not sleep!
Let the heart shrink like a rose in a bud
Sacrifice life. And sprinkle the path with blood!

From scarlet lips - reach for a different love.
Christ, Venus - call everyone to the feast!
With the wine of love, soften the injustices of life.
And the days, like gentle brushes, tear.

Alas, we are not given many days to be here,
To live them without love and without wine is a sin.
Do not think, this world is old or young:
If we are destined to leave, is it all the same to us?

Loving you, I bear all reproaches
And eternal fidelity is not in vain I give vows.
If I live forever, I'm ready until the day of Judgment
To humbly endure heavy and cruel oppression.

You, whom I have chosen, are dearest to me.
The heart of ardent heat, the light of the eyes for me.
Is there anything in life that is more precious than life?
You and my life are more precious to me.

Who instilled a rose of tender love
To the cuts of the heart - did not live in vain!
And the one who sensitively listened to God with his heart,
And the one who drank the hops of earthly delight!

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved
Sacrifice what is most dear to you.
Never be cunning, bestowing love,
Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

When you leave for five minutes
Don't forget to keep warm in your palms
In the palms of those who are waiting for you
In the palms of those who remember you.
Don't forget to look into your eyes
With a smile of timid and humble hope.
They will replace the image on the way
Saints, even unknown to you before.
When you leave for five minutes
Don't close the doors behind you
Leave it to those who understand
Who will be able to believe in you.
When you leave for five minutes
Don't be late to come back
So that the palms of those who are waiting for you,
During this time, they did not have time to open.

We will never get into this world again, we will never meet friends at the table ...
Omar Khayyam

All that is alive now is tomorrow: ashes and clay

Omar Khayyam's poems about life and death

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game.
Of mercury it is living silver.
It will shine with the moon, it will turn silver with a fish ...
He is all flexible, and death is His game.

Some people are deceived by earthly life,
Part - in dreams refers to another life.
Death is a wall. And in life no one will know
The highest truth hidden behind this wall.

We die once and for all.
Terrible is not death, but mortal suffering.
If this clay lump and a drop of blood
Disappear suddenly - no big deal.

You will live two hundred years - or a thousand years
You'll still end up with ants for dinner.
Dressed in silk or dressed in miserable rags,
Padishah or drunkard - there is no difference!

When you comprehend life, then from the darkness
And death would reveal its features to you.
Now you're on your own, and you don't know anything, -
What will you know when you leave yourself?

We are made of clay, - the lips of the jug told me, -
But in us blood was beating brighter than a ruby ​​...
Your turn is ahead. The fate of mortals is one.
All that is alive now is tomorrow: ashes and clay.

We are fed the same song:
Whoever lives righteously will rise righteously.
And all my life I have been with my beloved and with wine,
This is how it is more interesting to resurrect!

I, believe me, am far from the fear of death:
More terrible than life, what has fate prepared for me?
I only got my soul on hold
And I will return it when the time comes.

I came into the world, but the sky was not disturbed.
I died, but the radiance of the luminaries was not multiplied.
And no one told me why I was born
And why my life hastily destroyed.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up.
He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.
Omar Khayyam

Whoever understands life is no longer in a hurry ...

Poems by Omar Khayyam - the best about the meaning of life

In childhood, we go to teachers for the truth,
After - they go for the truth to our doors.
Where is the truth? We emerged from a drop
Let's become the wind, That's the meaning of this fairy tale, Khayyam!

In this vicious circle - do not twist -
It will not be possible to find the end and the beginning.
Our role in this world is to come and go.
Who will tell us about the goal, about the meaning of the path?

Instead of the sun, I can't illuminate the whole world,
I cannot open the door to the mystery of existence.
In the sea of ​​thoughts I found a pearl of meaning,
But I can't get it out of my fear.

Understand, almighty sky, ignoramuses:
Where is the source, where is the goal of our vain hopes?
How many fiery souls burned without a trace!
Where is the smoke? Where is the meaning? Justification - where is it?

Why we live - we do not know ourselves,
We roam the world like blind men...
What for? Won't explain in words
You are no sages!

Where is the sage who has comprehended the secret of the universe?
Look for meaning in life until the end of your years:
Still nothing is certain
Only the shroud in which you will be dressed.

Neither from my life nor from my death
The world has not become richer and will not become poorer.
I will linger for a while in this monastery
And I'll leave without knowing anything about her.

Whoever understands life is no longer in a hurry,
Savors every moment and observes
As a child sleeps, an old man prays,
How it rains and how the snowflakes melt.
Sees beauty in the ordinary
In a confusing simple solution,
He knows how to make a dream come true
He loves life and believes in Sunday
He realized that happiness is not in money,
And their number will not save from grief,
But who lives with a titmouse in his hands,
He definitely won't find his firebird
Who understood life, he understood the essence of things,
That only death is more perfect than life,
What to know, without being surprised, is more terrible,
Something not to know and not to be able to.

Wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam in this video. Listen to poems about the wisdom of life and enjoy the pleasant melody of the East.

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