Wise quotes about winter from Tove Jansson's book about Moomins. To the birthday of Tove Jansson - quotes from the life of the Moomins Quotes by Tove Jansson all about the Moomin trolls

More than a hundred years ago, on August 9, 1914, the "mother" of the Moomin trolls, the writer Tove Jansson, was born in Finland. She herself always emphasized that she was primarily an artist and did not take literary activity seriously.

She has written many wonderful books for adults - but for most readers around the world, Jansson will forever remain the sorceress who gave us Moominmum and Moominpapa, Snufkin, Snork, Sniff, Baby Myu and many other favorite childhood characters.

  • Even the saddest things stop being the saddest things if you treat them right.
  • Sometimes all you need to do to comfort someone is remind them that you are there.
  • Everyone needs to be told a good story from time to time.
  • Don't worry. There is nothing in the world worse than ourselves.

  • You are a traveler, for a short time you are free.
  • I own everything I see, everything I think about. I own the whole world.
  • You have to go random. To tell you the truth, I never believed in compasses. For those who feel the right way, they only hinder.
  • It's terrible to think that all the great people have died! Alexander the Great, Napoleon and all the rest... Yes, and something is unwell to me.
  • Oh, how wonderful it is to finally be old and retire! Hemul thought. Oh, how I love my relatives. Especially now that I can no longer think about them.

  • In everyday life, geniuses are nothing but trouble.
  • Winters are always quite hard. But snow is magic nonetheless.
  • I was so unhappy that I did not even notice how I built a two-story house!
  • You know, sometimes, when everything is good, I get terribly bored.

  • I have always been surprised that the solemn moments of life are often spoiled by insignificant remarks, even if they are made not out of evil, but out of stupidity.

  • Oh, how sweet it is to eat everything, drink everything, talk about everything and dance so much that tired legs can barely carry you home in the quiet predawn hour - sleep, sleep!
  • We love surprises, but we prefer to arrange them ourselves.
  • A comrade may say terrible things to you, but tomorrow everything is forgotten. A comrade does not forgive, he only forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.
  • To live in your own pleasure - what could be better in the world ?!
    ... You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof.
    It is very easy to be happy.

  • Sometimes you have to change things. Too much we take for granted, including each other.
  • The new season comes suddenly, in one leap! Everything changes in a moment, and those who have to leave have not a minute to lose.
  • It's sad not to remember the names of others. But forgetting your own name is fine.
  • To regret means to understand, and if you understand, you must love.

  • To give shape to a big dream, you need space and silence.
  • I love nothing more than the stars. Before going to bed, I always look at the stars and wonder who lives there and how to get to them. The sky seems so friendly when it is full of little eyes.
  • Smell is a very important thing, it reminds you of what you have experienced, it is like a thin but reliable veil woven from memories.

  • Imagine how lonely those who are afraid of everyone feel.
  • We must keep our eyes open and see when we are at a crossroads, because there are so many roads on our way: paths, side paths, different possibilities.
  • You will never be truly free if you admire someone too much.

It's an amazing time - winter! Everything around freezes, is covered with a snow blanket, frost and darkness rule nature, and every outing from the house becomes a feat.

And yet we love winter. For what? Why, everything is for the same thing: there is nothing more beautiful than artful frosty patterns on glass, and icy, snow-covered trees turn the view from the window into a fabulous postcard; dark long evenings make the house the most comfortable place in the world, hot tea - a fabulously warming broth, and reading books - the most pleasant winter activity.

The Finnish writer Tove Jansson knew a lot about a good winter, and she taught the heroes of her books this love for the most severe and at the same time the most magical time of the year. We have selected some wonderful passages from the Magical Winter book to cheer you up on these cold snowy days and make you fall a little bit in love with winter.

Moomintroll had never seen snowfall before and was therefore very surprised.

Snowflakes fell one after another on his warm nose and melted. He caught them with his paw in order to admire their beauty even for a moment, he lifted his head and watched them descend on him; they were softer and lighter than down, and there were more and more of them.

“So this is how it happens, it turns out,” thought Moomintroll, “but I thought that snow grows from below, from the ground.”

The air immediately warmed up. Nothing but falling snow was visible around, and Moomintroll fell into the same delight as he used to in the summer when he forded the lake. Throwing off his bathing robe, he stretched out at full length in a snowdrift.

"Winter! - he thought. - After all, you can fall in love with her too!

The pot on the stove began to boil. The lid lifted of its own accord, and the spoon began to stir the soup. Another spoon poured some salt into the cauldron and carefully returned to the windowsill.

Night was approaching, and the frost was getting stronger, and the moonlight looked into all the green and red glass.

Tell me about the snow, - Moomintroll asked and sat down in his father's sun lounger, burnt out in the sun. - I don't understand what it is.

Me too,” said Too-tikki. “You think it is cold, but if you fashion a snow house out of it, it becomes warm there.” It looks white, but sometimes it's pink, sometimes it's blue. It can be softer than anything in the world, or it can be harder than stone. Nothing can be known for sure about him.

Too-tikki rubbed her muzzle and thought.

You see, - she said, - so many different things happen only in winter, and not in summer, and not in autumn, and not in spring. In winter, the most terrible, the most amazing things happen. There are all sorts of nocturnal animals and creatures that have no place anywhere. And no one believes that they exist in the world. After all, the rest of the time they hide. And when white snow falls, the nights become long, peace sets in and everything sinks into hibernation - that's when they are right there.

Do you know them? - asked Moomintroll.

Who I know and who I don't, - answered Too-tikki. - The one who lives under the kitchen table, for example, I know very well. I think he wants to keep his secret, and I can't introduce you to each other.

Moomintroll kicked the table leg and sighed.

Suddenly, the fur on Moomintroll's back stood on end, and after several minutes of painful waiting, he suddenly saw a reddish glow lit up in the twilight sky, low above the horizon. It thickened into a narrow, dim stripe that scattered long beams of light over the ice sheet of the sea.

Here it is! - Moomintroll exclaimed. Lifting baby Myu, he kissed her right on the face.

Oh! Nothing to fool around! - said little Myu. - Don't make noise! Not for what!

Hooray! - Moomintroll continued to shout. - Spring will come soon! It will get warm! Everything starts to wake up.

Grabbing four caught fish, Moomintroll threw them high into the air, then even stood on his head. Never before had he felt so happy as now on the ice.

At that moment, the ice darkened again.

The crows took to the air and, slowly flapping their wings, flew towards the land. Too-tikki collected her fishes, and meanwhile a small reddish stripe sank below the horizon.

Has the sun changed its mind? - Moomintroll exclaimed in horror.

It's no wonder if you behave like that, - said Myu and rushed off on her tin skates.

The sun will return tomorrow, - Tuu-tikki consoled Moomintroll. - And it will be a little more, already like a crust of cheese. Don't take it so personally.

In the light of the rays of the pale winter sun, a huge hemulen rode down the mountainside. He blew a gleaming brass horn and seemed to feel great.

“This one will eat a whole lot of jam,” thought Moomin. “I wonder what he has on his feet?”

The hemul placed the horn on the roof of the woodshed and took off his skis.

You have good hills here,” he said. “Do you have slalom?”

Now I know, - answered Moomintroll.

He entered the living room again and asked:

Is there anyone here named Slalom?

My name is Salome, - whispered the baby, frightened of the mirror.

Moomintroll approached the Hemulen and said:

There is almost no one named Slalom. There is only one named Salome.

But the Hemulen, not listening to him, sniffed at his father's tobacco plot.

A good place to live,” he praised. “Here we will build a snow house.

You can live with me, - after a little hesitation, said Moomintroll.

No, thank you, - said the Hemulen. - The house has stale air, it is unhealthy. I need fresh air, lots of fresh air. We'll get to work right away so we don't waste any time.

After eating, the Hemulen put on his skis and climbed up the highest slope of the hill, the one that descended into the valley above the cave itself. At the foot of the hill, all the guests of Moomintroll stood and looked at the Hemulen, not knowing what to think.

They trampled about in the snow, wiping their wet noses from time to time—it was an unusually cold day.

But then the Hemulen rushed down. Everyone held their breath in horror. In the middle of the hill, he made a sharp turn to the side, raising a whole cloud of sparkling snowflakes. Then, yelling at the top of his voice, just as sharply turned in the other direction. At great speed, he made turns in one direction, then in the other, and his black-yellow jacket rippled in his eyes.

Closing his eyes tightly, Moomintroll thought: “How different everyone who came here is.”

Little Myu stood at the top of the hill and screamed with joy and admiration. She broke open a wooden barrel and fastened two planks to her shoes.

And now - me! she yelled, and without a moment's hesitation ran down the hill in a straight line. Moomintroll looked up at her with one eye and realized that Myu could handle it. Her small, unkind face expressed joy and confidence, and her legs, like sticks, stood firmly on the snow.

Moomintroll felt a surge of pride. Little Myu rolled so recklessly forward, she rushed desperately, headlong and almost crashed into a pine tree, staggered, but kept on her feet. And now she was already downstairs and, laughing at the top of her lungs, flopped into the snow.

She is one of my oldest friends, - Moomintroll explained to Fillyjonk.

That's what I thought," Fillyjonk said sourly. "When is coffee served in this house?"

The wind immediately calmed down, and only then Moomintroll felt: the wind was warm! He carried Moomin along with him, made him so light that it seemed to Moomintroll that he was flying.

“I am one with the wind and bad weather, I am a particle of a snow storm,” thought the touched Moomintroll. “It's almost like summer. You fight the waves and then you turn and let yourself be thrown right into the surf and you float like a cork in a bottle; hundreds of small rainbows play in the sea foam, and you, a little frightened, laughing, moor to the deserted shore.

Moomintroll spread its paws and flew away.

“Scare yourself, winter, as much as you like,” he thought delightedly. “Now I have figured you out. You are not worse than anything else, only you need to know. Now you can't fool me anymore!"

And winter rushed along with him far, far along the entire coast, until Moomintroll buried his nose in a snowdrift on a snow-covered pier and saw a faint light falling from the window of the bathhouse.

That's it, I'm saved, - said the puzzled Moomintroll.

What a pity that all the most interesting ends when you stop being afraid of him and when, on the contrary, you already become fun.

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Rules of life Moomintrolls

Moomin trolls are one of the most famous "Finns" in the world. The adventures of the mysterious inhabitants of the fabulous Valley are read by both children and adults, and even scientists of aunts and uncles, who wrote many serious scientific works on books about these charming creatures.

She is familiar and loved by all of us since childhood. Her touching stories about the Moomins won the hearts of more than one generation. These instructive, kind, sincere tales want to re-read and re-read. And even if you are already quite an adult, the words of the Moomins will not leave you indifferent.

So what did Moominmama Tove Jansson teach us?

Someone who eats pancakes with jam cannot be so terribly dangerous.

When you have a desire to do something, you need to immediately make a decision and not wait until this mood passes.

Life becomes terribly complicated when you want to possess things, wear them, keep them with you. That's why I only look at things, and when I take off, I carry them in my head. In my opinion, this is much more pleasant than carrying suitcases.

You are a traveler, for a short time you are free.

I own everything I see, everything I think about. I own the whole world.

You have to go random. To tell you the truth, I never believed in compasses. For those who feel the right way, they only hinder.

It's terrible to think that all the great people have died! Alexander the Great, Napoleon and all the rest ... Yes, and something is unwell to me.

To give shape to a big dream, you need space and silence.

I love nothing more than the stars. Before going to bed, I always look at the stars and wonder who lives there and how to get to them. The sky seems so friendly when it is full of little eyes.

Smell is a very important thing, it reminds you of what you have experienced, it is like a thin but reliable veil woven from memories.

Oh, how wonderful it is to finally be old and retire! Hemul thought. - Oh, how I love my relatives. Especially now that I can no longer think about them.

In everyday life, geniuses are nothing but trouble.

Winters are always quite hard. But snow is magic nonetheless.

I was so unhappy that I did not even notice how I built a two-story house!

Imagine how lonely those who are afraid of everyone feel.

We must keep our eyes open and see when we are at a crossroads, because there are so many roads on our way: paths, side paths, different possibilities.

You will never be truly free if you admire someone too much.

You know, sometimes, when everything is good, I get terribly bored.

These rivers and roads are amazing. You look at how they strive past you, and your heart becomes so anxious, so vague. Irresistibly pulling to foreign lands, pulling to go after - to see where they end ...

Every person has to make their own mistakes.

I believe that every canvas, still life, landscape, whatever - in the very depths of the soul is a self-portrait.

Sometimes you have to change things. Too much we take for granted, including each other.

The new season comes suddenly, in one jump! Everything changes in a moment, and those who have to leave have not a minute to lose.

It's sad not to remember the names of others. But forgetting your own name is fine.

To regret means to understand, and if you understand, you must love.

I have always been surprised that the solemn moments of life are often spoiled by insignificant remarks, even if they are made not out of evil, but out of stupidity.

Oh, how sweet it is to eat everything, drink everything, talk about everything and dance so much that tired legs can barely carry you home in the quiet predawn hour - sleep, sleep!

We love surprises, but we prefer to arrange them ourselves.

A comrade may say terrible things to you, but tomorrow everything is forgotten.

A comrade does not forgive, he only forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.

To live in your pleasure - what could be better in the world?!

You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof.

It is very easy to be happy.

“I just want to live in peace, grow potatoes and dream!”

The delightful illustrated Moomin stories were present in the childhood of many of us and remain fond memories of a kind little world. Anyone who grew up with the Moomins knows that they have many secrets of harmony and kindness. It's good that on the pages of Tove Jansson's books these lovely creatures share their cozy wisdom with us!

1. Do not cling to things when you have the whole world at your disposal.

“Life becomes terribly complicated when you want to own things, wear them, keep them with you. That's why I only look at things, and when I take off, I carry them in my head. In my opinion, this is much nicer than carrying suitcases ... Everything I look at is mine. And I rejoice in it. The whole earth is mine, if you want to know."

2. Feelings are the best guide.

“You have to go randomly. To tell you the truth, I never believed in compasses. For those who feel the right path, they only get in the way.”

3. Sometimes it's terribly hard to be yourself.

4. Sometimes someone needs silence and solitude, and there is nothing wrong with that.

“You can’t always be friendly and sociable. You just don't make it."

5. Live for your own pleasure - what could be better in the world?!

“... You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof. It's very easy to be happy."

6. Sometimes all you need to do to comfort someone is to remind them that you are there.

7. Each of us needs to be told a good story from time to time.

“The theater is the most important kind of home in the world, because there people can be shown what they could be if they wanted to, what they would be happy to become if they dared, and what they really are.”

8. Do not worry - in the world there is nothing scarier than ourselves.

Hello, Uncle Muskrat, - said Moomintroll.
- Don't bother me, I'm working! - answered the Muskrat.
- Are you working?.. On what? - Moomintroll was surprised.
- I think, - Muskrat grumbled angrily - I think about the vanity and futility of all things.

9. We all have a responsibility to help those who are less than us.

10. Night can be either scary or magical, depending on the company.

“I love nothing more than the stars. Before going to bed, I always look at the stars and wonder who lives there and how to get to them. The sky seems so friendly when it's full of little eyes."

11. Always remain childishly active and inquisitive.

“You will become an adult so soon if you continue in the same spirit,” said Homsa, “You will become like mom and dad, and that's how you need it. You will see and hear as they do, which means you will not see or hear anything.”

12. People with money sometimes try to tell you what to do... But they don't have flowers.

13. Being a collector is much more fun than being an owner.

"I think I'm beginning to understand," said Moomintroll slowly. - "You stopped being a collector, now you are just an owner, and this is not so interesting at all."

"Yes," the Hemulen confirmed with a stricken look, "it's not interesting at all."

14. Everyone, no matter how small, has the right to get angry sometimes.

"If you're sick, you're sick," said Baby Mu, peeling a potato with her teeth. “Everyone should get angry from time to time. Even the smallest bug has the right to do so.”

15. The trip is made during the day, and the journey is started at night.

16. Basically, the world is a wonderful thing!

“What a pity if the Earth splits! She's so good."

17. Trouble should be taken lighter.

“Well, it’s good that she crashed, she was terribly ugly,” said Moominmamma.
“Oh yes, a comet ...” - Moominmamma said anxiously. - “The muskrat calculated that it would fall into our garden in the evening. So I didn't weed it."

18. Those who love you will never pay attention to your clumsiness.

19. Live life to the fullest every minute.

“It is not the time to dance when the Earth is on the verge of destruction.
“But maybe this is our only opportunity to dance?”

20. Impressions are more valuable than reports about them.

“Why do they never leave me alone, me and my travels? Can’t they understand that I’ll lose everything if I keep talking about them all the time. Then everything will disappear from memory. And when I try to remember how it was, I will remember only my own story.

21. Someone who eats pancakes with jam cannot be so terribly dangerous.

In the photo: Bronze Moomintroll in the Finnish city of Tampere.

22. It is dangerous to have many things.

“She decided to give away her belongings so that there would be more air around her.”

23. Live in the present moment and enjoy it.

Oh, what happiness to be Moomintroll, just awakened from sleep and dancing in mirror-green waves, while the sun rises!

24. “How can we find the sun if we are afraid to cross the swamp?”

25. Even the saddest things can be less sad if you treat them right.

“If he died, then he died,” Too-tikki said conciliatoryly. “This little squirrel will slowly turn to dust. And then, a little later, trees will grow out of it, and new squirrels will jump on them. Is it really that sad?

26. Do not get hung up on one thing - the world is full of interesting things!

When Fredrickson replaced me at the helm at dawn, I briefly mentioned Yuksare's amazing and complete indifference to his surroundings.
- Hm! Fredrickson chuckled under his breath. Or maybe, on the contrary, he is interested in everything in the world? Calmly and in moderation? We are all interested in only one thing. You want to be somebody. I want to create something. My nephew wants to have something. But only Yuksare, perhaps, lives for real.

27. Our ancestors did not worry when they needed to choose the right course. Unfortunately, the instinct weakens if it is not used.

28. In most cases, the end is also the beginning.

“For every wave that dies on the shore, a little song is born in some shell.”

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One hundred years ago, on August 9, 1914, the "mother" of the Moomin trolls, the writer Tove Jansson, was born in Finland. She herself always emphasized that she was primarily an artist and did not take literary activity seriously. She has written many wonderful books for adults - but for most readers around the world, Jansson will forever remain a sorceress who gave us Moominmum and Moominpapa, Snufkin, Snork the Miss, Sniff, Baby Myu and many other favorite childhood characters.

On the birthday of Tove Jansson website collected the warmest quotes from the Scandinavian writer.

  • Even the saddest things stop being the saddest things if you treat them right.
  • Sometimes all you need to do to comfort someone is remind them that you are there.
  • Everyone needs to be told a good story from time to time.
  • Don't worry. There is nothing in the world worse than ourselves.
  • You are a traveler, for a short time you are free.
  • I own everything I see, everything I think about. I own the whole world.
  • You have to go random. To tell you the truth, I never believed in compasses. For those who feel the right way, they only hinder.
  • It's terrible to think that all the great people have died! Alexander the Great, Napoleon and all the rest ... Yes, and something is unwell to me.
  • Oh, how wonderful it is to finally be old and retire! Hemul thought. - Oh, how I love my relatives. Especially now that I can no longer think about them.
  • In everyday life, geniuses are nothing but trouble.
  • Winters are always quite hard. But snow is magic nonetheless.
  • I was so unhappy that I did not even notice how I built a two-story house!
  • You know, sometimes, when everything is good, I get terribly bored.
  • These rivers and roads are amazing. You look at how they strive past you, and your heart becomes so anxious, so vague. Irresistibly pulling to foreign lands, pulling to go after - to see where they end ...
  • Every person has to make their own mistakes.
  • I believe that every canvas, still life, landscape, whatever, is a self-portrait in the very depths of the soul.
  • I have always been surprised that the solemn moments of life are often spoiled by insignificant remarks, even if they are made not out of evil, but out of stupidity.
  • Oh, how sweet it is to eat everything, drink everything, talk about everything and dance so much that tired legs can barely carry you home in the quiet predawn hour - sleep, sleep!
  • We love surprises, but we prefer to arrange them ourselves.
  • A comrade may say terrible things to you, but tomorrow everything is forgotten. A comrade does not forgive, he only forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.
  • To live in your pleasure - what could be better in the world?!
    ...You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof.
    It is very easy to be happy.
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