Statuses with meaning are short. Statuses with meaning to yourself. The topic is not simple, although it affects everyone

I only hang out with people I like...

Money, appearance and their character do not matter to me.

To everyone who discusses my shortcomings, I say with a smile: "Relax! They love me like that too!"

Life has given me a lot: I learned to lie so that I myself believe what I say.

I have my own path to happiness... And I don't like it when other people's routes are imposed on me... BELIEVE, I will not put anyone behind the wheel of my life!

I didn't care about the black stripes of life... We'll whiten them!!!

I apologize to everyone I removed from my life! Nothing personal ... As, in fact, nothing in common ...

And I'm all hurt! And zashib everyone who is not happy with it.

I’m like a kettle ... I boil instantly, only you can’t wash off the scale with any means ...

Harmful, capricious, vindictive, vindictive, with high self-esteem, selfish, distrustful, stubborn, evil and insidious. Modest in intentions, innocent in thoughts! In a word - you will be surprised.

When I was young, I wanted to change the world. Now I'm trying to keep the world from changing me.

When you need me, look for me where you were when I needed you.

It is not necessary to be perfect, everything perfect is kept in the museum.

I am not interested in your personal life and I would like it to be mutual.

I have a great memory, so when I say "I don't remember," I just don't want to talk about it.

They tell me: well, you have statuses! What is it. You have not been in my thoughts yet.

I want to climb into the depths of my soul, but caution whispers - do not rush.

I'm not a gift or a surprise, but conquer me and you'll get a PRIZE!

Accept me for who I am! I won't get worse, but I can't get any better!!!

If an ordinary girl is a mystery, then I am a super-secret state secret!

Speak only good things about yourself, who said - they will forget, but what was said will remain!

If I had the opportunity to have dinner with the most any person on earth, I would also dance with myself.

The dumbest thing you can do is be unhappy with your life. How many excuses there are, how little sense it makes.

My conscience does not torment me, it is in the share and receives a percentage from each of my dirty tricks.

Don't take too much interest in my life. It may turn out to be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.

It is impossible to find oneself - one can only create oneself.

I'm too modest to have a good life.

It's hard to be a woman - you need to come up with some whims every day.

I'm not a candy that everyone likes ... I'm a diamond that not everyone can handle!

At my age, rushing is dangerous, being nervous is harmful, trusting is stupid, and being afraid is too late. It remains only to live, and for your own pleasure!

I'm not fond of sports, so I'm not going to run after anyone.

Everyone has a desire to change the world around them, but no one has the desire to start changing themselves.

It is much more comfortable to blame fate and higher powers for your misfortunes, but not yourself.

I am able to endure many worries, endure all difficulties, if I am not alone.

"Sigmund Freud"

You look up when you strive to rise. And I look down, for I have risen.

"F. Nietzsche"

If something goes out of my life, then I no longer need it.

I don't care what people say about me behind my back as long as they tell lies about me.

Be yourself. All other places are already taken.

One of my minuses is that I forgive people what is not forgiven, and I take offense at the most ordinary trifles.

I want to live life to the fullest, not counting the minutes I have left.

Never give up on what makes you smile.

"Heath Ledger"

I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends.

A person carries love for himself throughout his life.

I would not want to live with a man who lies when sober and who needs to be poured with wine in order to wrest the truth from him.

"Samuel Johnson"

I am still one of many, although I am relentlessly trying to become one of the few with all my might.

"F. Petrarch"

To create your happiness, you need to rush towards it, to be aware of it. And it is not the circumstances that move this process, but only the person himself.

Actually, I'm anti-social. It's not that I don't like people, I just don't care about them.

"Peter Steele"

I am not greedy, I always share with whom wisdom, with whom stupidity.

I do not like to explain - my thoughts are incomprehensible even to me.

Do not rush to talk about yourself. The conversation about you will start as soon as you leave.

"Al Pacino"

I'm not leaving. Sometimes I just don't.

"E. M. Remarque

The first and best victory is the victory over yourself.

You can always recognize yourself in every person and his actions.

Statuses with meaning to yourself

I was glad that I could give an answer immediately. So I did. I said I don't know.

"Mark Twain"

My second human wisdom is that I spare more the vain than the proud.

"F. Nietzsche"

I live in the moment. And he's wonderful.

"Jean Paul Belmondo"

Speak well of yourself more often. The source is forgotten - the information remains.

No need to flatter me, I already know what is good in me, and what is just wonderful!

My main rule is: do your job well and see what happens.

"Denzel Washington"

I convinced myself that I should have more confidence in those who teach than in those who command.

"Augustine Aurelius"

Just be yourself, there is no one better.

"Taylor Swift"

I feel that the simplicity of life is to be yourself. Bobby Brown

The main thing is not what you are outside, the main thing is how many devils are in your pool.

Life is a game, but by my rules.

To be, you must first take responsibility.

I can be indifferent to everything. Indifferent - but not the same.

When I don't think about myself, I don't think at all.

In the general mass of people it is almost impossible to find the same personalities. Sometimes though they may look similar, but their inner essence is still different. The same can be said about the various statuses that can be found on social networks. Some prefer funny, some sad, there are also lovers for deep and philosophical, but everyone likes short statuses with meaning. It is this option that can be considered the most interesting, because these small phrases contain a lot of meaning, ideas, moods and actions. Of course, there are also people who like to express their thoughts and experiences on a larger scale. But at the same time, reading and understanding long sayings is much more difficult than short ones.

A sharp tongue spoils health.

People meet. People disperse. Life is like that.

You can’t eat at night, but you really want to!

It's hard to get to know me - I don't smoke!

Whoever knows he can win wins!

Happy exes don't call.

Unlucky people believe in luck, lucky people believe in themselves!

The more you look at your watch, the slower time goes.

Women don't need to be changed, they need to be loved.

Have more than you advertise, tell less than you know.

And as usual, I continue to eat happiness with spoons.

Other people's scandals are always too banal.

If you stop looking ahead, you run the risk of being behind.

I will always remember you and the summer spent together.

People do not save time, believing that it is enough.

If a husband brings flowers for no reason, it means that the reason still exists ...

The most unrealizable dream is to please everyone.

If you realize that you are falling, remember what you were holding on to before.

Great deeds need to be done, and not to think about them for eternity.

It is better to send honestly than to smile on purpose.

You need to be able to experience what cannot be avoided.

It is very hard not to know if you did the right thing.

Our world is made up of idlers who want to have money without earning it and idiots who are ready to plow for a penny.

You are not an orange, so that you could be shared with someone.

Freedom is needed in order to be able to say to someone's face what they would not want to hear.

Do not forget! Only the one who fights wins.

For a man, the most severe boss is himself.

Don't lecture me. Take care of yourself.

Success is if you fall nine times and get up ten.

I know nothing more than, I know.

Get rid of your pride! Dare to forgive.

Conscience is like a rodent... Or sleeps or gnaws.

Only the legs are beautifully bred.

If not me, then who, if not now, then when?

I can't solve the problem... But I'm delighted with it!

The greatest satisfaction is to do what most thought you couldn't do.

The phone didn't ring because happiness didn't have my phone number yet.

Only those who do not fly will not fall.

The house of love is built on the foundation of trust.

If I go crazy, will the world change?

Like freedom? Free!

Don't know how to get around? When ahead!

Until a choice is made, everything is possible.

Fate is what happens after our actions.

A lazy person is a person who does not create the appearance of work.

Words sometimes hurt... And sometimes they break the whole world.

The more woman we are less, the more woman is not us.

Success should not be expected, it should be achieved.

If you love, then with your soul, if you laugh, then with your eyes.

As usual. Everything is in openwork.

I will be your dream...

The army is a test that not all girls can pass.

Business is a combination of sport and war.

You, as always, understood everything, but not so.

Leaving go.

Time is an enemy for those people who like to live in peace.

Life takes a lot of time...

Money is a great servant, but a terrible master.

We are hardy women: we can take out the garbage, and the brain, if necessary ...

A good office desk should be able to support two people.

EMO gopnik - hit and cry.

How I love waking up at six in the morning to the sound of my dad's electric razor.

Darling, are you not happy with me? And you will have to...

If you call me a chicken one more time, I will lay eggs ... for you ...

There is no more ridiculous sight than a man who explains his joke.

Madam, where can I get so much vodka?

We do not forget what was, we protect what is.

Fortune favors the brave.

All you bastards! Getting up and recovering, the dream said through her teeth.

Well, let the world shit. Think we are all flies.

Age allows me to do stupid things.

Modern children are not waiting for Santa Claus, but for the departure of their parents.

In the end it all: to shit everything is a gift.

I sat in the minibus ... and I stand ...

And I don’t have complexes about breasts, no breasts - no complexes.

He looked at me like a country dweller on an I-phone...

You make me feel light...

If you break my soul, I'll break something else for you!

Give me a decanter of wine with the taste of your kisses...

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