Credit and deposit policy of a commercial bank. The deposit policy of the bank, its principles and the purpose of conducting Deposit policy subjects

The bank's deposit policy (in the narrow sense, an integral part of the bank's credit policy as a whole) is a banking policy for attracting funds to deposits and effectively managing them. The deposit policy of a commercial bank is the strategy and tactics of a bank to attract funds from depositors and other creditors and to determine the most effective combination of sources of funds for a given bank. The purpose of the deposit policy is to meet the bank's liquidity needs by actively seeking borrowed funds as needed. In this regard, the opportunities for making a profit are expanding, but this is also associated with a risk that should be taken into account (basically, these are the ratios between attracted funds and income that can be obtained when using deposits).

In the economic literature of Western countries, a large place is given to issues of monetary policy and, in particular, to the problems of regulating “deposit money”. For effective control and management of money circulation, various methods of planning, forecasting and regulating the state of the money supply in circulation and, as a component, the mass of deposits, are used, various options for structuring the money supply are analyzed. The most common scheme used in the industrialized countries of the West is the definition of the so-called monetary aggregates. Currently, up to 75 monetary aggregates are being designed in the United States, taking into account almost all financial instruments that banks operate. The main principle of including various components in the composition of the money supply is the liquidity of these elements. Liquidity refers to the bank's ability to repay its obligations to customers in a timely manner. The higher the liquidity of a banking asset, the greater the degree of "money" of the corresponding indicator. The M0 indicator (cash) has the highest liquidity. The use in practice of several indicators that characterize various parameters of monetary turnover, the state of the money supply in circulation, allows us to assess the trends in the development of monetary turnover, as well as the pace of information, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the possibilities of regulating the monetary sphere.

This eliminates the need for government funding. The deposit partly helps to curb inflation, diverts the funds of the economy and the population from commodity circulation, which reduces the pressure of the money supply on the market for goods and services. The problem of attracting free funds of the population is one of the most urgent problems today. The recovery of the economy will largely be determined by domestic investment. The task of banks is to accumulate temporarily free funds of the population for their subsequent investment in the economy. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the banks themselves are not able to develop sustainably and stably without a reliable resource base. They cannot develop, in particular, credit operations in conditions of limited resources. Therefore, the problem of developing and implementing the optimal deposit policy of banks has become one of the most urgent problems awaiting their solution. So, the bank today must pursue an active policy aimed at raising funds and using them as resources. It should be based on the interests of depositors in order to maximize their interest in keeping funds in bank accounts. And the main incentive, of course, is the deposit fee, the amount of which, of course, should be higher than the inflation rate. The absence of a scientifically based interest rate is the main brake on attracting deposits.

The decisive condition for the successful implementation of the deposit policy by banks is the effective use of mobilized funds.

Loans in the form of deposited funds received from enterprises and the public for a certain fee must be returned by the bank to the depositor. The matter is complicated by the instability of the development of economic relations, so depositors must be insured against losses. This is an additional incentive for the efficient use of this resource, since the bank, having received funds for temporary use, must not only return them, pay interest, but also get the maximum benefit for themselves from their use. In this regard, the issue of optimizing the structure of credit resources and investments in terms of amounts and terms has become particularly acute in recent years, since many banks have a resource part in terms of terms that are much shorter than the terms of their credit investments.

In the conditions of distribution and use of credit resources, their implementation takes place on the basis of obtaining maximum benefits with minimal risk (principles of profitability and reliability). The deposit policy of commercial banks should focus on two categories of depositors - individuals and legal entities. At the same time, banks need to take into account the characteristics of each group of customers.

Mutually beneficial relations between the clientele and the bank are a guarantee of the success of the deposit policy. To increase the number of depositors, banks need to more carefully study their interests and the condition of the bank serving them. The West has even defined the criteria for the so-called ideal bank, which enjoys the unlimited trust of its customers. Such a bank must be solid, reliable, prosperous; providing a variety of information and advice; well organized, innovative, reputable, customer oriented; affordable in terms of acceptable interest rates; experienced, highly professional.

The growth of deposits is not a spontaneous process. It depends on many factors and is connected, first of all, with the policy of banks aimed at mobilizing funds to increase the interest of clients in investing. In this regard, banks need to develop a provision on benefits for depositors, provide the most convenient forms of service, and minimize time losses.

Deposit policy is a set of measures aimed at mobilizing the funds of legal entities and individuals, as well as the state budget in the form of contributions (deposits) by banks. The deposit policy involves the development of evidence-based approaches to the organization of relations between commercial banks and clients in terms of attracting their temporarily free funds. Since it is the borrowed funds that form the basis of bank resources subsequently used for lending purposes, they should be given special attention.

When conducting a deposit policy, it is necessary to take into account many positions, for example, what are the sources of bank deposits, what is the structure of bank liabilities and assets, what are the deadlines for keeping depositors' funds, etc.

The main principle of the Bank's work in the course of deposit operations is to ensure the amount of resources required for the normal functioning of the Bank, achieved at minimal cost for their purchase. This is achieved through portfolio diversification.
attracted financial resources by sources of their attraction and structure,
linking the volume and structure of these resources (by currency and maturity) to the volume and structure of assets.

Term deposits are deposits in deposit accounts, from the right to dispose of which the depositor waives for a certain period. Term deposits are deposits related to the attracted capital of banks. Often, they are limited to the minimum amount of the down payment. Term deposits are opened by depositors for any purpose, however, the depositor cannot dispose of them at any time, since the depositor cannot at any time demand the return of term deposits from the bank (the right of the depositor to receive the deposit amount on demand, with loss of interest).

There are two forms of term deposits: a term deposit with a fixed term and a term deposit with advance notice of withdrawal. The client and the credit institution have the right to notify. Term deposits imply the transfer of funds to the full disposal of the bank for the term and conditions under the agreement, and after this period the term deposit can be withdrawn by the owner at any time. The amount of remuneration paid to the client on a term deposit depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and the fulfillment by the depositors of the terms of the agreement. Deposits with prior notification of withdrawal of funds means that the client must notify the withdrawal of the deposit in advance, notify the bank within the period specified by the agreement. Depending on the notice period, the interest rate on deposits is also set, but the bank reserves the right to change the interest rate. This is necessary because it is impossible to predict exactly when the client will make the notification.

An obligatory requirement in determining the possible conditions for attracting resources is a preliminary analysis of possible directions for spending the attracted resources with an assessment of financial results and structural changes as a result of the proposed banking operations.

For successful functioning, a commercial bank must constantly expand the range of services provided to customers, improve the quality and improve the culture of service. And at the same time, the efficiency of the bank's activities also implies a reduction in costs, which means that a very important point is to conduct a balanced interest rate policy. The use of a variety of deposits allows the bank to ensure their most optimal structure and, on this basis, clearly distinguish between credit resources according to their intended purpose and turnover rate, which is important for increasing the level of bank liquidity.

Moscow 2004

1. General provisions

1.1. This document has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation and takes into account the recommendations set forth in the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity", Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation "No. 242-P of December 16, 2003" On the organization of internal control in credit institutions and banking groups " , a number of other documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The purpose of this document is to present the deposit policy
Bank, which refers to the Bank's policy in the field of attracting resources.

1.3. The main goal of the Bank's deposit policy is to attract
the optimal amount of financial resources (by terms and currencies), necessary and
sufficient to operate in the financial markets, subject to the provision
the minimum level of costs.

1.4. Resources are attracted in the course of specific
operations under the current banking licenses. Wherein,
the main instruments used by the Bank to attract resources,

Opening and maintenance of accounts for legal entities and individuals,
implying the receipt of funds in these accounts;

Opening and maintaining accounts of other banks, involving the receipt
to these accounts of funds;

Issue and sale of bank bills;

Opening limits on the Bank by other banks, allowing
attract resources in the form of interbank loans.

The list of instruments for raising funds can be expanded in the course of further banking activities. In particular, a bank can start issuing its own bonds, conclude an agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to receive loans from it, and so on.

1.5. Carrying out banking operations that allow attracting resources,
provide the following divisions of the Bank:

a) Customer Relations Department:

Attracting funds "on demand" from legal entities and individuals
persons (excluding employees of the Bank) through the opening of the relevant

Attracting urgent funds from legal entities and individuals
(including employees of the Bank) through the opening of deposit accounts.

b) Department of Accounting and Reporting:

Attracting funds "on demand" from the Bank's employees through
opening appropriate accounts for them;

c) Treasury:

Attracting funds from banks through the sale of bills of exchange of the Bank,
obtaining interbank loans from them, placing bank funds on
their correspondent accounts opened with the Bank;

Attracting funds from legal entities and individuals through the sale of
bank bills.

Other divisions of the Bank may also be involved in the above operations. At the same time, the participation of individual divisions of the Bank in these operations is carried out within the framework of the tasks and functions assigned to them by the Regulations on these structural divisions, as well as on the basis of relevant orders and instructions for the Bank.

1.6. In the course of conducting deposit operations, the Bank's divisions are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Bank, this Document and internal documents regulating the technical procedure and conditions for conducting specific types of banking operations.

2. Basic provisions and principles

2.1. The deposit policy of the Bank is closely connected with the credit and interest policy of the Bank, being one of the elements of the banking policy as a whole.

The deposit policy of the Bank is formed with the allocation of the following

Setting goals and defining objectives of the deposit policy;

Identification of the relevant departments involved in the implementation
deposit policy, distribution of powers of the Bank's employees;

Development of necessary procedures and technical procedures for conducting
banking operations that provide attraction of resources;

Organization of control and management in the process of implementation
banking operations aimed at attracting resources.

2.3. When forming the deposit policy, the following specific principles are taken into account:

Principles for ensuring optimal (subject to subsequent
receipt of income from the placement of resources) level of costs;

the principle of security of conducting deposit operations and maintaining
reliability of the Bank.

Compliance with the above principles allows the Bank to form both strategic and tactical directions in the organization of the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of the deposit policy.

2.4. The deposit policy of the Bank is based on:

Subjects of deposit relations (in relation to individuals and
legal entities);

Banking instruments used to attract resources;

Terms of attraction of resources (short-term, medium-term and
long-term deposit policy);

Purposes of attracting (for investing, lending, maintaining
current liquidity);

Aggressiveness in attracting resources and related
the issue of pricing policy and the degree of risk of operations.

2.5. The deposit policy of the Bank provides for:

Analysis of the deposit market;

Determination of target markets to minimize deposit risk;

Minimization of expenses in the process of attracting funds;

Optimization of the management of the Bank's deposit portfolio in order to
maintaining the required level of the Bank's liquidity, increasing its

2.6. The Bank, when conducting its deposit policy, takes into account the following

Changes in tax legislation;

The current state and trends of the financial market both in part
attraction and allocation of resources;

Changes made to the calculation of banking standards;

Change in the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

Limits, control figures set by the Bank itself on
ongoing banking operations.

2.7. Implementation of the Bank's deposit policy is carried out in the course of
carrying out specific banking operations listed in paragraph 1.3. given
documents that allow you to raise funds. At the same time, the BANK
deposit operations, that is, attracts funds on the terms:



Payment (when it is provided by the relevant agreements);

Publicity (regarding the conditions for raising funds).

2.8. The main principle of the Bank's work in the course of deposit

operations is to ensure the amount of resources required for the normal functioning of the Bank, achieved at minimal cost for their purchase.

2.9.The main principle is achieved through portfolio diversification
attracted financial resources by sources of their attraction and structure,
linking the volumes and structure of these resources (by currency and by maturity) to the volumes
and asset structure.

2.10. Mandatory requirement when determining possible conditions
attracting resources is a preliminary analysis of possible directions
spending attracted resources with an assessment of financial results and
structural changes as a result of proposed banking operations.

3. Policy of the Bank when conducting specific deposit


3.1. Opening and maintenance of accounts for legal entities.

3.1.1. The main source of formation of the resource base of the Bank are
balances on the accounts of legal entities - clients of the Bank.

3.1.2. The Bank's policy in working with legal entities is based,
first of all, at work with existing clients of the Bank.

The increase in the sustainability of the Bank's resource base (in terms of volume and timing) should be facilitated.

Business development by existing clients of the Bank;

Opening accounts in the Bank by organizations and enterprises -
counterparties and partners of existing clients of the Bank;

Accumulation of financial flows associated with the implementation
programs and projects implemented with the participation of the Bank's clients.

3.1.3. The Bank opens and maintains accounts of legal entities in rubles and foreign
currency on the basis of existing agreements that differ depending on
urgency of accounts and categories of customers (companies of municipal form
property, other categories of organizations and enterprises).

3.1.4. The pricing policy of the Bank in working with clients - legal entities,
provides about there is no fee for the balances of funds on the settlement accounts of legal entities, except for the cases of setting an individual fee for the balances of funds on the accounts of enterprises and organizations.

3.1.5. Given the increasing demands from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation regarding
increase in the level of liquidity, expressed in the need for daily
compliance with banking standards, as well as striving for a balance
resources with assets by maturity, the Bank takes measures aimed at
increase in the total amount of funds on the accounts of legal entities of the share of urgent
resources. These activities involve personal work with specific
clients, including:

Tracking the movement of funds on customer accounts -
legal entities, selection on the basis of the information received the most
prospective clients in terms of forming on the database of clients
urgent resource base;

Creation of conditions for clients - legal entities, stimulating to
transfer of part of funds from current accounts to urgent accounts;

Timely informing clients - legal entities about new
terms of customer service.

3.1.6. As part of solving the problems of expanding the range of legal entities,
serviced by the Bank, increasing the resource base of the Bank at the expense of funds
accumulated on the accounts of legal entities, paramount importance is given to
creation of conditions for clients conducive to the inflow of cash into the Bank
resources. Competitive, according to
compared with other banks, the Bank's tariff policy, the Bank's flexibility in
regarding the establishment of fees for attracted financial resources that are beneficial to
customer service conditions, including obtaining loans, the possibility
remote customer service through the Client-Bank system and so on.

In modern conditions, for effective functioning, development and achievement of its goals, each commercial bank must develop its own deposit policy. Deposit policy is a set of measures of a commercial bank aimed at determining the forms, tasks, content of banking activities for the formation of banking resources, their planning and regulation on a return basis. The deposit policy should first of all meet the following requirements: economic feasibility; competitiveness; internal consistency. The deposit policy of the bank should include: 1) development of a strategy for the implementation of the bank's activities to attract funds to deposits; 2) formation of commercial bank tactics for the development, offer and promotion of new banking deposit products for customers; 3) monitoring the implementation of the policy and its effectiveness; The subjects of the bank's deposit policy include the bank's clients, commercial banks and state institutions. The objects include attracted funds of the bank and additional services of the bank (comprehensive service). Principles for the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank: The principle of scientific validity, The principle of ensuring reliability, The principle of an integrated approach. Compliance with these principles allows the bank to form both strategic and tactical directions in the organization of the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of its deposit policy. We can single out the following areas of the deposit policy of a commercial bank: analysis of the deposit market; identification of target markets to minimize deposit risk; minimization of costs in the process of raising funds; optimization of deposit and loan portfolio management; maintaining the liquidity of the bank and increasing its stability. In order to carry out practical activities to raise funds, banks develop Regulations on deposit (deposit) operations (separately for deposits of individuals and deposits of legal entities), which stipulate: rules and conditions for accepting deposits (deposits); the procedure for concluding a bank deposit agreement; its content; the rights of depositors and the obligation of the bank; methods of accrual and payment of interest on deposits (deposits).

The level of interest rates on deposits (deposits) is set by each commercial bank independently with a focus on the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, as well as based on the provisions of its own deposit policy. When setting the interest rate on time deposits (deposits), the determining factor is the period for which the funds are placed: the longer the period, the higher the interest rate. Another important factor is the amount of the deposit. In addition to a flexible interest rate policy in order to attract funds, banks must provide depositors with guarantees for the reliability of placing funds in deposits.

Deposit (deposit) operations of a commercial bank are operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals in deposits for a certain period or on demand, incl. balances of funds on settlement accounts of clients for their use as credit resources and in investment activities. There are: - deposits of legal entities (enterprises, organizations, banks); - deposits of individuals.

Deposits according to the form of withdrawal are divided into: - demand deposits (obligations that do not have a specific period); - term deposits (obligations with a definite term); savings deposits

Demand deposits are funds that can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice to the bank by the client. These are: - funds on settlement, current, budget and other accounts; - funds on the bank's correspondent account opened with the RCC; - own funds of enterprises intended for capital investments and kept in separate accounts; - demand deposits. The main advantage of these deposits is high liquidity, for banks the establishment of a low interest rate or its absence at all. The main disadvantage: for their owners - the lack of payment of interest on the account (or a very small percentage); for a bank, the need to have a higher operating reserve to maintain liquidity (because of the potential for withdrawing money from demand accounts).

Term deposits are funds attracted by banks for a certain period of time. The amount of interest paid to the client on a term deposit depends on the term, amount of the deposit and the fulfillment by the depositor of the terms of the agreement. Term deposits are generally classified according to their term: deposits with a term of up to 3 months; from 3 to 6 months; 6 to 9 months; from 9 to 12 months; over 12 months. The advantage of time deposit accounts for the client is the establishment of a higher interest rate compared to a demand deposit, and for the bank - the ability to maintain liquidity with a smaller operating reserve. The disadvantage of term deposit accounts for clients is low liquidity. For the bank, the disadvantage is the need to pay increased interest on deposits and thus reduce profits. It is also possible to distinguish between: - deposits limited by a minimum amount and without limiting amounts; - replenishable deposit - allows the depositor to periodically replenish the deposit with additional contributions; - not replenished deposit; - deposits with a fixed interest rate for the entire term; - deposits with a fixed, increasing "progressive" interest rate over time; - deposits with unfixed interest rate during the term; - capitalized deposits - deposits on which the amount of accrued interest is added to the amount of the main deposit.

The most important instruments of the deposit policy of commercial banks are deposit and savings certificates. Savings certificate - a security certifying the amount of the deposit made to the bank and the right of the depositor (certificate holder) to receive the deposit amount and the interest stipulated in the certificate in the bank that issued the certificate or in any branch of this bank after the expiration of the established period. A certificate of deposit can only be issued to legal entities, and a savings certificate - only to individuals. Bank certificates cannot be used as a means of payment in settlements for goods and services. They only serve as a store of value. Depending on the category of contributors, certificates can also be classified: - according to the method of issuance: issued on a one-time basis; produced in series; - according to the design method: nominal; to the bearer. Certificates must be urgent only. The main tasks solved by banks during the issuance of certificates are: - attraction of temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals to increase the resource potential; - regulation of the bank's liquidity by accumulating liabilities with a fixed circulation period and profitability; Thus, fixed-term deposits of the population and business entities are the most important factor in making a profit for banks, used to conduct active operations. For depositors, the advantage of a deposit over cash is that the deposit earns interest. Deposit portfolio - The portfolio is diversified in such a way as to evenly distribute not only profitability, but also risk. Deposit portfolio of the bank - the balance sheet on the current, settlement and deposit accounts of legal entities and individuals on a certain date.

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