How to ask questions on Instagram. How do Instagram story questions impact your followers? Rules for creating an interesting name for Instagram

For you: questions for Instagram stories, examples of interesting, funny, original, cool, for subscribers and friends - a total of 70 options and ideas. And also comprehensive information on how to make beautiful questions for Instagram stories, where to look for answers and how to answer.

How to ask questions in Instagram stories, their differences from a poll

Users just got used to doing polls in the stories section, and Instagram figured out how to ask subscribers and friends about something. We'll tell you later how the functions differ and what you can ask. In the meantime, let’s figure out how to ask questions on Instagram in a story.

There are two options to jump to questions. But both instructions are super simple.

Option 1:

  1. Open Instagram on your phone and go to stories using one of the three ways: through the camera icon on the home page, by swiping your finger to the right on the screen, or through the plus sign on your profile avatar.
  2. We take a new photo or video or take them out of the phone’s memory, they will be the background.
  3. If we want, we apply filters, effects, and then click on the stickers icon, it’s a square smiley face.
  4. There we search and click on the word “Question”, do not confuse it with a survey.
  5. A form will open, at the top there will be the words “Ask me a question”, and below “Write something”. We write our text at the top, its maximum volume is 65 characters without spaces. The lower part is intended for your interlocutors.
  6. Previously, users did not know how to change the color of questions on Instagram. The latest updates have added a convenient tool. Let's pay attention to the colored circle at the top. This is a palette with which we can paint the field. Click and select a color.
  7. When you are done with the text and color, click on “Done” in the upper right corner. If we want to add or edit something, click on the section icons again. The prepared text will not go anywhere.

And we finish: click on the words “Your story”, if we post it for everyone, mark “Best friends”, then only they will see the “profile”, or we make an individual newsletter.

The second option is suitable for those who do not want to use photos/videos. In this case, the text will appear on the screen with a gradient coloring.

What to do if you don’t have enough imagination, but you need to invite users to talk? We offer you a ready selection interesting questions to Instagram story. For convenience, we have divided them into thematic blocks.

Let's start with popular questions on Instagram stories:

If your goal is to get to know your followers better, these questions to ask a friend on Instagram are suitable. This collection can also be called questions for friends:

  1. What games did you love as a child, do you play them now?
  2. What would be your ideal day off?
  3. What animal are you like?
  4. What kind of holiday do you prefer?
  5. What are your plans for the coming weekend?
  6. What music do you listen to on the road?
  7. What are your favorite clothes?
  8. Have your New Year's wishes ever come true?
  9. What is more convenient for you: an apartment or your own house?
  10. Where will you go on vacation?

  11. What people admire you?
  12. What people do you absolutely dislike?
  13. What did you collect as a child, do you continue to collect now?
  14. What nickname did you have as a child?
  15. What films do you like?
  16. How do you choose TV series and movies to watch?
  17. How often do you read? Tell us about your latest book.
  18. What do you do if you find yourself in an awkward situation?
  19. What dream from childhood did not come true?
  20. Do you write a to-do plan for every day?

Next block: funny questions on Instagram. You can joke about almost any topic. We offer a list for accounts dedicated to weight loss, fitness and dieting. Here we have collected cool ideas for photos, be sure to check them out.

  1. How many photos will you have to take in the fitness center to lose 5 kg?
  2. If you eat flat food, will your stomach be flat?
  3. Can you retract your double chin?
  4. Please advise how to twist the hoop when it barely fits?
  5. How not to jump off the diet 10 minutes after starting?
  6. How to forget the way to the refrigerator?
  7. What should you eat to lose weight faster?
  8. How many kilocalories does it cost to chew a sandwich at 12 midnight?

You can set funny questions on Instagram on any topic. The more absurd, or even stupider, the message, the funnier the responses.

  1. What are eyebrows, maybe they are forehead mustaches?
  2. Are dumplings meatballs in clothes or ungrown pies?
  3. If someone turns on a fool, how can he turn it off again?
  4. What dose of cognac should I pour into my coffee to make it a good morning?
  5. Is it possible to turn off the drill in the next apartment with the power of thought?
  6. How to start over if you haven't done anything?
  7. How many hands does it take to reach everywhere?
  8. What happens if you watch the series from the end?
  9. How to get out of bed if the blanket is pressing?
  10. Which loss is more important: the meaning of life or socks?
  11. How to cure inner peace with plantain?
  12. What tea should you drink out of despair?

Come up with original questions on Instagram on pseudo-scientific topics or with “deep” subtext. Learn from the “why” children. Here are some examples:

  • Why is the water in the sea salty?
  • Why do dogs need tails?
  • Can a duck drown?
  • Here we have collected ideas for photos at home - you can definitely make the same ones.

    Funny questions on Instagram are great way dilute serious content with entertainment. But you can use this feature for useful purposes. For example, in commercial accounts, the target audience is explored in this way, their interests and preferences are learned. Prepare questions for Instagram stories with numbers.

    1. Name 3 advantages of our store (or disadvantages).
    2. Give 3 tips to improve your posts.
    3. Write 3 topics worth discussing.

    The answers users give will help you choose best strategy for development. And they will tell you what needs to be changed.

    Bloggers for Instagram stories with questions can draw ideas from Everyday life. Try to take relevant topics that are currently popular. Then users will speak out more actively. Ask your subscribers for advice. Every person will be happy to respond if his opinion is listened to.

    How to view answers to questions on Instagram and answer

    You posted cool questions on Instagram stories for a reason because you have nothing better to do, you want to get feedback, find out what other users think. And they are also waiting for your reaction.

    So, it’s time to find out how to see answers to questions on Instagram. You need to go to the story where the question was asked and swipe up. Statistics will open to you; to see them in full, click on “all”.

    Now about how to answer questions on Instagram. You have already opened all the answers and viewed them. If you wish, you can continue the dialogue. Click on any user's answer and choose:

  • And if you are not interested in this dialogue, tap “Delete”.
  • AND helpful advice lastly. Do not abuse this feature. Otherwise, you can cause a negative reaction and irritation. Conduct a “questionnaire” 1-2 times a week, no more often. Better on certain days. If you haven’t come up with a worthy topic, it’s better to refuse the appointment. Think over the wording and check whether you write correctly. Carelessness will drive away subscribers. But fun and relevant questionnaires will attract attention to your account. We will talk about how to designate a quote further.

    The question function on Instagram, which appeared on July 10, 2018, quickly gained wide popularity, and now we can find it in the accounts of stars, media figures, and our friends and acquaintances. Not everyone’s “Ask Me a Question” feature became available on the same day. For some, it is still inactive, and no one knows how long to wait for its appearance. Let's figure out why you don't have questions on your Instagram account, and what to do in this situation.

    Reasons for the absence of the “Ask me a question” function

    Reasons why you don't have questions on Instagram include:

    After listing the reasons, let's move on to options for solving the problem.

    You may also be interested in our material about.

    How to fix missing questions on Instagram

    After we have analyzed the reasons why questions do not appear on the Instagram network, we will also list ways to correct this dysfunction.

    Update the Instagram app

    The question function on Instagram is installed along with updating this application to version 52. Update your application to the latest version, and then reboot your gadget. After downloading, check if there is a question sticker in your story. If not, move on.

    Completely reinstall the application

    If the update did not help and you do not have the question function on Instagram, it is recommended to completely reinstall this application. Uninstall the application, restart your smartphone, and then install Instagram again from the Play Store or App Store.

    Create a new account to activate the questions feature

    Enough in an effective way To solve the problem of lack of questions is a series of manipulations based on creating a new account on Instagram. Do the following:

    1. Log out of your account and create a new account on Instagram (there is no need to add friends);
    2. In the new account, go to creating stories;
    3. Create there new story using a photo or video, then select and attach a question sticker to this story (this sticker must be present in the new account);
    4. Publish the story to the created account;
    5. Activate airplane mode (offline mode) on your smartphone;
    6. Log out of your new account and go to your old account. If you can't log into your old account, turn it on a short time Wi-Fi, log into your account, then turn off Wi-Fi;
    7. Go to the stories section, create a new story there, and go to the sticker selection. Swipe from the left to “Recently Used” and find the question sticker there;
    8. Select this sticker, create a question, then publish a story with this question while in airplane mode;
    9. Turn off airplane mode. The question feature will remain in "Recently Posted" and you will be able to use it. This will get rid of the problem of no questions on Instagram.

    Contact technical support for help

    If none of the above methods help you, try contacting Instagram technical support for help. To do this, launch the application, go to “Options”, then “Support”, and select “Report a problem”.


    To use the question function on Instagram, the most effective way is to contact technical support and create a new account and use the “Recently Used” option. If none of the tips helped, we can only recommend being patient and waiting a little - perhaps the required update to your account will appear a little later.

    We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

    According to statistics, two of your competitors appear on Instagram every minute. Just kidding, there are no such statistics. But new blogs really appear very often. These include personal pages and representative offices of companies of various sizes. Not all of them become successful, but by 2018 the competition has become very serious. It's hard to get ahead using old methods unless you're a celebrity or a well-known brand.

    Now, in order to get promoted, you need to create comprehensively beautiful and engaging content. This means that even stunning photos are no longer enough to gain subscribers into your networks. In this article we will tell you how to develop your account so that it becomes popular.

    We have prepared another interesting article -. Want to lead the community, including Instagram, and receive maximum return? Read!

    How to start an interesting Instagram

    The basis of any blog is its idea. You must determine for yourself why you will spend time, effort and resources on your profile.

    • You have a project or company. In this case, you run a representative store. The emphasis will be on the image of the company.
    • You are a private specialist and are puzzled by building a personal brand. Here the process will be slightly different.
    • You haven't chosen a topic yet and want to make money from advertising.

    In the first two options, there is already a direction in which posts will be created and the target audience is known, which makes the task a little easier. For those who have not yet decided, we have compiled a list of what is interesting to people on Instagram.

    What you can blog about:

    • Lifestyle. If something unusual is happening in your life, you know how to write with humor and excitingly - shoot a photo series from your everyday life.
    • Various types of travel: extreme, hiking and all-inclusive.
    • Moving to another area, notes about the peculiarities of living in another country.
    • Wine, books, movies, TV series. Individually or in one account.
    • Politics, social issues, educational posts about human rights.
    • Gardening, landscape design, floristry.
    • Education. Online lessons on a subject you know well. Russian and Russian are perfect foreign languages, popularization of science.
    • Style and beauty. How to dress, make up, beauty secrets, natural remedies.
    • Pets. Usually these are beautiful and funny stories about the lives of pets. But you can also add care tips.
    • Cooking, proper nutrition. There are a lot of such blogs, but if you are an expert in your field, be sure to try to tell about yourself.

    In fact, there are a thousand more topics. Write down on a piece of paper what interests you and what you can talk about for a long time and with enthusiasm. Perhaps nothing will immediately come to mind. This doesn't mean there's nothing to write down. Think about what you like and what you are willing to learn. Then choose a few of the most consonant directions and create test posts. Test what was easiest as an account concept.

    Once you've chosen a direction, it's time to determine your target audience. Who will read you? Gender, age – insufficient data. Think about what will unite these people. For example, jewelry lovers may belong to a completely different groups. Some of them love minimalism and brutality, while others care about atmosphere, magic and the history of the rings. The texts and visuals for these target audiences will be exactly the opposite.

    Interesting design for a blog on Instagram: information about yourself, photo for your avatar and other points

    When you know the direction of your activities and requests target audience, it will be much easier to make a beautiful profile. To do this, you can leave the current account or register a new one. First of all, pay attention to the brand name. It plays a big role, since it will be used to search for you. The word or combination should be memorable, preferably short.

    If this is a sales page, mention the field of work or company name. It is better to name your personal account by your last name. A blog that is written for advertising should also reflect the chosen topic.

    Rules for creating an interesting name for Instagram

    Go to edit your profile by clicking on the corresponding button next to your avatar. Further actions will be performed in this mode.

    • You can use the Latin layout, numbers, underscores and dots in the middle of the nickname.
    • You cannot enter the words like and follow.
    • Remove the first letter from the name if it begins with a vowel.
    • Come up with a shortened or foreign colloquial form.
    • Add a short word in English.
    • Name by last name or by a combination of the beginning of the first name and last name.
    • Combine with your specialty. For example, a psychologist or makeup artist.
    • If you represent a company, then a domain name or the name of a company or project will do.

    Replace your avatar. It should be suitable for your field of activity, reflect the content of the blog and externally match the chosen publication style. Also pay attention to the clarity and composition of the photo. A good frame is one that will catch the reader’s eye and contribute to opening the post.

    Under the profile photo there is a “header” - a description of the page. This is one of the important components of an engaging account. You have 150 characters to tell someone about yourself so that they understand what they will find here. And he stayed.

    This information block can be located on the right, in the center, line by line or with a space between them. Typically the following information is included:

    • Username/brand name.
    • A succinct description of the blog content.
    • Characteristics of the company. For example: the best resort in Russia.
    • Contact details.
    • Link to another resource.
    • Working conditions (delivery, discounts).

    The easiest way is to write all this in Notepad or Notes. Use space, enter. Then copy the result to the desired column in editing mode. Add an emoji to one or each item. Choose those that make sense. It looks neat and draws attention. Look at this example. It has everything you need.

    Interesting ideas for designing photos on Instagram

    Images must be of high quality and preferably unusual. Learn the rules of composition and working with light, practice every day, look for unused angles for any shot. For example, shoot a clearing of flowers in close proximity to plants. This way they will not merge into one multi-colored carpet and will look beautiful.

    Post in the same style.

    Come up with an element that will be present in each picture. It could be a color, a small object, a signature, a pet. There are apps that can help you plan such content: Plann + Preview for Instagram, Inpreview, UNUM, Snug for Instagram. If the same design seems boring to you, try to find several options and alternate them with each other.

    A chess tape is created in the same way. Where two shades alternate or text and visual information. This feed looks especially good on selling and educational blogs. See what it looks like among popular bloggers.

    The next technique of a unified style is changing the photo frames. Choose a suitable shade to frame the edges of the photo or make it circular. Such accounts stand out from the usual square formats. Applications that will help you implement your idea:

    • Instafit.
    • Whitagram.
    • Diptic.
    • Frame Swagg

    Six More Tips

    • Create pictures with no more than five colors.
    • Choose light shades. There should be only one dominant.
    • Make collages. To do this, you need to download the Layot program. Instagram itself will offer you this action when you go to +, to the gallery. The icon you need is in the middle.
    • Film everyday work if your company produces some goods itself.
    • To post two, three or more photos at once, use the carousel tool. Click + at the bottom of the screen to select several.
    • Subscribe to blogs with beautiful visuals and browse, take away successful details, ideas and recycle them.

    How to make Instagram interesting with Stories

    Stories are small sketches from videos or photographs that are stored for 24 hours and then disappear. They show moments from the life of a project, a company, or your own. Record your thoughts, walks, whatever. This format is very popular among advertisers. Readers also love it, it diversifies the materials.

    How to record stories

    Go to home page profile, find the avatar with a blue plus (upper left corner) and select the type of post. You have the opportunity to make a carousel of pictures or a series of beautiful, short videos. Experiment with the functionality. In Stories it is very easy to create polls, votes, and add emojis. In addition, you can broadcast live, trying on various Gif animations, and write a text message. To do this, in Story mode, click on the corresponding icon.

    Other options:

    • Superzoom. Enlarges the selected object and adds dramatic music.
    • Boomerang. The video plays several times. Stickers and text are often added to it.
    • Reverse entry. He sketches the other way around, in reverse order.

    Filters for photos and videos are also available in stories. Don't overuse them. Avoid posting too rich and bright publications.

    • Post useful information.
    • If the Story is selling, immediately provide a link to the product.
    • Inform about sales, remind addresses.
    • Contact readers and ask questions.

    How to write interesting posts on Instagram, example

    We've covered almost all the key factors for an engaging blog. There is one more left that directly affects popularity. In 2018, texts on Instagram are no less useful than unusual and beautiful photos. It is important to format them correctly - make indents between semantic blocks, add emoji as an emphasis on a certain fragment. And of course you need to be able to tell a simple, succinct, exciting story.

    A few tips to help improve any recording:

    • Use a catchy opening. It should intrigue, surprise, and provoke a desire to argue. Anything as long as the user reads to the end.
    • Place the key piece of information in the first paragraph.
    • Ask at the end and invite discussion.
    • Limit the number of hashtags.

    An example of informational and selling texts from a tea store account. The profile is maintained on behalf of the rhinoceros, which is in each image (another technique of uniform style).

    An example of a survey on Instagram for a company offering car sharing services and information about new items on the menu from a pastry shop-cafe.

    Interesting topics for posts and polls on Instagram

    What to do if an idea for a note doesn’t come to mind? Take advantage of other people's content. No, you shouldn't assign it. It is enough to find out what other bloggers are writing about today and consider this issue from a different point of view or come up with a related one. If inspiration still doesn’t come, look at the selection we have prepared for you.

    • Take a photo of the “Product of the Day” and consider its benefits.
    • Reply to user comments.
    • Get busy debunking myths related to your field.
    • Post sketches from the lives of your employees.
    • Congratulations on the holiday, wish Have a good day, Good night.
    • Tell us about discounts and promotions.
    • Write an expert post.
    • Address controversial issues of our time (especially if they relate to your activities). But remain neutral and be polite.
    • Ask your subscribers how they are doing. Don't forget to reply to comments.
    • Provide links to useful instructions, lessons, videos.
    • Share your stories: the creation of the project, funny incidents, achievements.
    • Hold a competition, flash mob, marathon.

    Interesting topics for surveys on Instagram

    It’s convenient to ask questions both in a regular note and in stories, live. The difference is that the second format has functions for something similar to voting - with buttons, animation, emoji, stickers. This may seem more exciting to the audience. Ask anything. Then you can write a post based on the answers.

    To make such a survey, go to stories, select the desired photo from the gallery. You need the first icon of the three in the top right corner. Select "Poll", enter text. Several design options are available. To get into editing mode, just click on it. Leave the answers as “yes, no” or change them using the keyboard.


    • What city are the readers from?
    • What blogs do they subscribe to on similar topics?
    • What book to read/hotel to book/image processing tool to download.
    • What is missing from the notes or pictures.
    • Share the problem and ask for your opinion.
    • An attitude towards some significant event, an attitude towards a product.

    Polls are an important option that increases profile engagement and other popularity indicators.

    A new sticker has appeared on Instagram stories - QUESTIONS. With its help, you can ask questions to subscribers or, vice versa, accept questions from the audience and answer in an interview format.

    How can you use the new feature to increase the reach of your Instagram account, establish yourself as an expert, or earn the trust of your followers? Let’s try to figure it out.

    Where to look for the QUESTIONS sticker

    The new sticker is hidden in the stickers section (surprise!). To use it, you need to create a new story, go to the stickers section and select “questions”.

    By default, Instagram will offer you the text “Ask me a question.” But you can change it to any other.

    After the question sticker blew up on Instagram, users were divided into 2 camps. Some began inviting subscribers to ask questions and willingly answered them. Others argued that they were doing everything wrong and that they should not collect questions, but rather ask questions to subscribers!

    In my opinion, as conceived by Instagram itself, the idea was still to collect questions from subscribers. That’s why the default text is “Ask me a question.” But fortunately, there are no rules set in stone and you can use this sticker however you like.

    Here are a few options, for example.

    Show your expertise

    If you run a thematic account and position yourself as an expert in some field, invite your subscribers to ask you questions in your stories using a sticker. If everything is ok with your positioning and content, most likely most questions will be related to your topic.

    Practice shows that if one person has a question, he is probably not alone in this and this problem interests many people. By publicly answering questions on your topic, you demonstrate your expertise, overcome user objections, and at the same time create useful content.

    A clever life hack: if you suggested asking questions, but no one asks them, nothing prevents you from asking them yourself 😉 When you publish an answer, subscribers will not know that it is your own question.

    Remind about your products or past publications

    Not all of your subscribers see all of your posts and remember about your products. If you feel uncomfortable reminding about old publications, much less selling them head-on, use questions to make such reminders native.

    If someone asks a question that your old article or product answers, provide a link to the article or product.

    When you answer a question from a sticker on Android, you won't be able to immediately attach a link to your story. To make a picture like mine (above), create a story with the answer, save it without publishing it (or take a screenshot), exit the story, come back again and add the saved story with a sticker from the gallery. Now you can add a link to this story.

    By the way, if this is also relevant to you, then the webinar is about how to write texts for Instagram, and the article is about how to choose a topic for your account.

    If you have less than 10k subscribers and you cannot attach a link to your story, then use the @-link to your account and put the desired link to the selling page or your old article in the profile header.

    Collect topics for publications andLIVE's

    In order for your content to be “visited”, to be commented on, saved and always remain your subscribers, you need to publish what is interesting to your audience. The most reliable way to find out what interests your audience is to ask them.

    Answers based on stickers are collected on one page, which is convenient for sorting results and creating a content plan.

    When publishing a post or going live, be sure to tell them that this is a topic requested by your subscribers. This will show that you are listening to your audience.

    Increase your reach on Instagram through stories

    The total reach of your account also includes the coverage of your stories. By publishing more stories, you can easily level up the sagging statistics.

    What to do if you live a boring life and have nothing to post in your stories? Invite your subscribers to ask you questions. This interview will give you ideas for publications. By the way, reading such stories is very exciting. It's like you're eavesdropping on someone else's conversation.

    Quiz for subscribers

    With the help of a question sticker, not only subscribers can ask questions to you, but you can also ask them. To motivate people to answer your questions, offer them a prize for the best answer, for the correct answer, or for the fastest correct answer.

    Then, of course, you need to sum up the results of such a quiz and this is another topic for publication in stories, in a post, or even live.

    Additionally, your quizzes can be game-based (without prizes). For example, on my account I played a game on knowledge of Soviet films. In the first version, I filmed a video where I said a quote from the film, and through a sticker, subscribers sent in their own versions of the answer. In the second case, I invited subscribers to send me quotes via a sticker, and I guessed them in a reply story.

    Activity in both cases was high, but be careful not to overwhelm your stories with the same type of content.


    If you want to develop your account or at least maintain it at the same level, it is worth collecting feedback from subscribers from time to time. To do this, you need to ask the audience the right questions. For example:

    • What would you like to see in my stories?
    • What posts do you like best on my account?
    • What new section would you like to see in my account?
    • Which section in my account is your favorite?
    • What's missing from my account?

    This is not much, but due to privacy here you can count on more frank answers.

    When initiating such feedback, be prepared for different, including unpleasant, responses. When analyzing the answers, reject 100% hater ones (like “everything is bad for you, delete your account!”) and 100% loving answers (“You are perfect! Stay as you are!”) - they are not useful. Only intermediate options should be processed.

    When analyzing such feedback, pay attention to repeated variations and always consider whether the audience's needs match your positioning.

    Popular questions about the “QUESTIONS” sticker

    I don’t have such a sticker, what should I do?

    Try updating the application. If it doesn’t help, then all you can do is wait for the update to reach you. Updates are delivered to all accounts at different times. Even if these are your accounts and they are on the same phone. It may be a long wait.

    How do I add a video or photo to my answer?

    At the time of writing, only iPhone owners can add videos or photos to replies. Android owners (for now) can only post answers on a colored background.

    What to do if you can’t write a question on a sticker and your story is scrolled through?

    This happens if the update has arrived to you, but not completely :) Try re-login, update or reinstall Instagram. If none of this helps, wait, such a bug will self-heal after some time.

    That's all I have. I hope that now you will use the “questions” sticker more often and not only for entertainment, but also to develop your Instagram account.

    If you need help, we will analyze your problems in detail and prescribe steps to your goal.

    Interesting questions for Instagram stories

    Instagram has stickers with which you can ask questions in stories and receive answers, which you can also publish in your stories. This good way increase the activity of subscribers and involve them in interesting game. One good question can keep your followers scrolling through your stories all day, checking for new answers. But the main challenge here is to find the right questions that subscribers will want to answer. In this post I will give 32 interesting questions for Instagram stories.

    Questions for Instagram stories

    1. What's an unusual gift for a birthday? If you are going to go to the birthday of someone close to you, then do not miss the chance to ask your subscribers this question. How many people - so many fucking ideas!
    2. What's the best place in your city? When asking this question, be sure to include the city name as well. Such a survey is designed more to arouse interest among subscribers who will come in and see if among the respondents there are those who live in their city.
    3. Today is the best day of my life if......??? Let your subscribers try to find the answer to your question. It is interesting to observe who dreams of what today.
    4. What's the last joke or joke someone told you? The answers will also become interesting content for your subscribers.
    5. Give advice that you have tested in practice and it works.
    6. What would you do first if Putin knocked on your door? The characters and events here can be varied. The main thing is that a non-standard situation is created.
    7. What would you say to yourself if there was a low-cost time machine that could only send one phrase back in time?
    8. What can you be praised for? The question is difficult, but the answers are quite interesting.
    9. On a crowded bus, your phone suddenly starts making porn sounds even though you weren't watching anything. What's your reaction?
    10. They gave you a million dollars, but for some reason you are not happy. What happened?
    11. The person who recently dumped you is being very nice to you. What is he doing?
    12. How many times, or for how long, do you have to listen to a good song before it gets you down?
    13. You are standing in a trolleybus and thinking about how to fart unnoticed, and at this time your classmate drives by in a very expensive car. Your excuses?
    14. How did you make excuses for being late for work/school?
    15. Mistakes you keep repeating?
    16. 3 things you would change in your life but you're too lazy?
    17. How to engage in dialogue with a new campaign that is having fun and not paying attention to you? For example, a team at a new job.
    18. What's your scariest dream character?
    19. A thought that made you laugh?
    20. For one question, you can get a 100% correct answer. What do you ask?
    21. 3 things that are no longer relevant to you, but were so in the past.
    22. What's your wildest reaction? The event that caused it?
    23. A joke you told in a campaign but no one laughed at?
    24. They asked you about something again and they are looking at you, but you again did not hear after you asked again. Your actions?
    25. In a restaurant, with a girl, you ordered one dish, and they brought you something completely different. The waiter claims that you ordered this. Your actions?
    26. There is one seat on the minibus, next to a woman who is coughing violently. The bronchus is straight to the point of rupture. Well, it's sooo tough. You have already entered and the minibus has left. What will you do?
    27. You are offered to fly to Mars on the first expedition. They won't pay you anything. Would you agree?
    28. What's the biggest amount you've ever received and for what?
    29. What useful thing for society, even the smallest, have you done in last time? How long ago was this?
    30. To be rich, but have no friends, or to live in average income, but with good friends?
    31. 3 most significant events in your life that changed it dramatically?
    32. Why are you following me? By asking this question, you will also analyze your active subscribers.

    You can find even more interesting questions for Instagram stories in the post - "

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