How to use resin (cedar resin), preparing turpentine balsam. Cedar oleoresin: medicinal properties, instructions for use Why taiga oleoresin is useful from the pharmacy

In the harsh Siberian climate, for hundreds of years, mighty cedars have been growing with excellent wood for construction and furniture production, tree resin, which is popularly called “resin”. The resin received its self-explanatory name due to its beneficial properties, which are due to the fact that cedar itself releases negatively ionized oxygen during photosynthesis. Perhaps for the reason that from time immemorial Siberians have widely used the benefits available to them, including cedar oleoresin, the healing properties of which were known to their great-grandmothers, they are an example for other peoples when it comes to a healthy and strong person.

Benefits of resin

Cedar resin became widely used and became famous during the Second World War, when the problem of disinfecting wounds received in battles was acute at the fronts. The shortage of antibiotics was successfully compensated for when cedar resin was used, the use of which contributed not only to disinfection, but also to the rapid healing of wounds. In addition, this resin, instead of inaccessible vitamins, being part of balms, acted as a stimulant for the body, supporting vitality in it.

In distant Siberian settlements, chewing cakes made from cedar resin are still in use; regular chewing of them eliminates many diseases of the oral cavity: strengthens the gums, disinfects, prevents the suppuration of diseased teeth, etc.

Many years ago, when medicine was still in its infancy and was inaccessible to a simple Siberian peasant, he was saved from inevitable blindness caused by cataracts by cedar resin, the use of which was better than any medicine in curing eye diseases. And even though such medical concepts as cancer and various types of ulcers had not yet been scientifically formed in those days, pine resin served as a preventive measure for their occurrence and even treatment.

Biochemical composition of resin

The best confirmation that cedar resin has medicinal properties is that professional doctors and scientists became interested in it, who carried out a biochemical analysis of the resin, recording the presence of useful components in it. So, without boring with a detailed description of the composition, we should briefly mention the most important substances: monoterpenes - the basis for the further production of turpentine (32-35%), neutral substances diterpenes and sesquiterpenes, organic acids (67-70%); resinols and colored alcohols, esters, and fatty acids (lauric, stearic, etc.).

Here it should be said that the therapeutic and preventive properties of oleoresin are due to the presence of neutral substances in this resin, the proportion of which in the resin is 6-20%.

Resin Energy Wave

In addition to its beneficial chemical composition, some people attribute more exotic medicinal qualities to cedar. They say that everything that the Siberian cedar generously shares with a person emits energy vibrations, the waves of which correspond to the energy waves of a healthy human body. And that due to this phenomenon, oleoresin, in contact with our body, immediately begins to tune the body’s cells to a positive wave, accelerates their regeneration, cleanses them of harmful substances and diseases. The bioenergetics of cedar oleoresin makes the use of resin possible not only as a kind of pharmacological agent, but also in cosmetology. These people also claim that the bioenergy of cedar oleoresin calms the nerves, gives confidence in one’s own capabilities, evens out the mood, and helps make the right decisions. That is, cedar resin, reviews of which can easily be found on the Internet, is a healer not only of the body, but also of the soul. But, unfortunately, these are things that are quite difficult to test scientifically.

How is cedar resin used?

In its pure form, the use of Siberian resin is not as widespread as its use in the production of oils, ointments and balms, creams, etc.

Cedar resin with its medicinal properties reveals itself most fully in balms, which are useful and absolutely safe when used internally.

So, according to professional doctors, you should start taking oleoresin-based balms with five drops, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tablespoon. Drink the balm on an empty stomach in the morning 15-30 minutes before breakfast. The specific dosage will be determined by the attending doctor, focusing on the disease itself and its stage.

You can strengthen the body and get complete relaxation during a massage (therapeutic or general) using oil based on resin.

According to those who have undergone treatment with Siberian resin, cedar oleoresin, reviews of which are only positive, helped them get rid of various types of dermatological problems. So, after using ointments based on the substance in question, all wounds and cuts are healed almost immediately, even those that before using the ointment were very festered and did not want to heal, psoriasis almost completely disappears.

Women with their craving for eternal beauty will receive, together with a cream based on cedar resin, perfectly moisturized skin, which will be free from dryness and cracking, their wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the skin itself will acquire a second youth.

Drops containing cedar oleoresin, whose medicinal properties will allow you to most effectively clean and disinfect the nasopharynx, will help strengthen your immune system and get rid of constant runny nose, sinusitis or a predisposition to colds.

Diseases for which oleoresin is used

No one claims that Siberian pine resin in the presence of the diseases listed below should be used as the only means of treating them - this is not a panacea for all ills. However, cedar oleoresin with its amazing healing properties will be an excellent preventative. It is also recommended to include it in complex treatment so that the patient’s recovery proceeds as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Problems with the stomach, digestive tract, dysbacteriosis, cholelithiasis, enterovirus infections will disappear from a person or their degree of manifestation will decrease when consuming resin, which is better to pre-mix with sea buckthorn oil. This mixture will normalize the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, improve the secretion of gastric juice, the formation and secretion of bile, and will have a healing effect on internal organs affected by ulcers.

For people who are regularly bothered by problems with the heart and blood vessels (varicose veins, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, etc.), who are predisposed to strokes, the use of cedar resin is indicated for the reason that its effect thins the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and normalizes pressure and blood flow through them, improves blood circulation in all systems of the body.

Endocrinologists respect medicinal resin for its ability, when used regularly, to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, which will undoubtedly benefit all diabetics.

It has been proven in practice that oleoresin most favorably helps relieve headaches, calm the nerves, increase the overall performance of the body, can relieve problems associated with sleep disorders, reduce the excitability of the body, minimize the effects of stress, etc.

In fact, there are many more diseases for which you simply cannot do without resin from cold Siberia. We recommend trying it - this is the best way to feel the healing power of cedar resin.

Many lives were saved by cedar resin during the Great Patriotic War. Faced with an acute shortage of bactericidal agents, military surgeons used this natural antibiotic to disinfect and accelerate the healing of bullet wounds.

The action of the healing resin saved soldiers from infection and decay of extensive wounds and prevented the development of gangrene.

Cedar resin is a natural antibiotic

What is unique about cedar resin and what determines its medicinal properties?

Cedar resin - what is it?

This thick resinous mass, released from the cracks of the forty-meter taiga giant during sap flow, is said to restore a person’s vital energy.

Cedar resin is distinguished by a high (30-70%) content of turpentine, which in turn contains up to 80% pinenes - the main material for the synthesis of camphor.

The latter is used to treat disorders of the nervous system, incl. schizophrenia, as well as stimulation of respiratory processes and the cardiovascular system.

It also contains vitamins C and D, resin and fatty acids, impurities of plant origin, as well as colorless and colored resin alcohols, which “trigger” the anti-inflammatory effect of tannins, also contained in cedar resin.
Thanks to such a complex “chemistry”, the benefits of cedar oleoresin are enormous.

For more information about what cedar resin is, watch the video:

How is cedar resin useful?

Residents of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, famous for their good health, use it to cope with eye, heart and nervous ailments, digestive disorders, fractures, purulent wounds, burns, snake bites, boils and dental ailments.

Cedar oleoresin stimulates metabolism and restores blood circulation in the brain, and therefore it has found its application in gerontological practice: it is used in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease and obvious disorders of brain activity.

It will also help cope with depression and support cardiac function after a heart attack.

They also have similar properties. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are among the biochemical compounds that are essential for health.

It is also noted in the literature that Russian healers used it in the treatment of cancer.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of cedar oleoresin

When a piece of resin is slowly burned on coals, healing vapors are released that have a bactericidal, balsamic, and analgesic effect. Such inhalations disinfect the nasopharynx for respiratory diseases.

Based on resin, medicinal ointments are prepared that moisturize the skin and help solve dermatological problems; nasal drops that strengthen the nasopharynx if you are prone to colds; massage oils that relax the body and strengthen the immune system.
A massage with cedar resin oil will restore vitality and strengthen the immune system.

Useful combination

Honey with cedar resin has exceptional beneficial properties. Beekeepers enrich acacia, linden or raspberry honey with it, obtaining a natural energy drink with a pine taste and aroma, toning and strengthening the nervous system, improving metabolic reactions and the functioning of the digestive organs.

It will also help improve digestion. The unique properties of this plant were known among the tribes of the old New World. It was sometimes even called Oswego tea, after one of the Indian tribes, and Indian nettle.

The tasty tandem cleanses the blood and lymph, increases efficiency, has an analgesic effect for muscle, joint and headache pain, and increases sweating during fever.

An excellent antiseptic, gum honey is suitable for treating wounds and cuts, cosmetic masks for the fight against acne and rejuvenation.
By lubricating your sinuses with it, you can quickly get rid of rhinitis.

Resin will help quickly cure a runny nose

Treatment with cedar resin

Siberian cedar resin, produced in the form of ointment, oil or balm of varying concentrations, has found application in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

For rubbing, instillation, lubrication and internal administration, cedar resin with cedar oil is used - turpentine balsam with 5%, 10%, 25% or 50% content of natural resin diluted in cedar oil.

Application of cedar resin on cedar oil

For infectious diseases of the respiratory system and oral cavity:

  • With the first signs of a sore throat Rub a small amount of 5% balm into the tonsil area (outside). If the disease has already begun, soak a cotton pad in the balm and, wrapping it on a stick, treat the tonsils every 5-6 hours;
  • For acute respiratory infections and flu rub the “wings” of the nose, the area under the nose, chest, back, upper and lower limbs with 25% balm 4 times a day;
  • For chronic bronchitis and lung diseases daily rubbing of the chest and back is supplemented with internal administration of 5-10 drops of 5% or 10% turpentine balm;
  • Applications of oleoresin balm mixed with (1:1) on the gums relieve periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis;

Cedar resin will relieve gum problems

For damage to the joints and spine, for neuralgia, balm (5% or 25%) is used as follows:

  • You can smooth out the “acute” course of polyarthritis by combining the internal intake of cedar turpentine with rubbing it into the joints and pine baths;
  • A massage course consisting of 12-15 sessions, carried out in the autumn and spring, will prevent exacerbations of osteochondrosis or radiculitis;
  • For the prevention of joint ailments, a steam bath using turpentine, which is “rubbed” into the joints and spine using a fir broom, will be of great benefit;
  • For trigeminal neuralgia, cedar oil with resin is rubbed along the nerve 4-5 times a day, and the active points are massaged with it. For deep neuralgia, apply a point compress to the painful area for a quarter of an hour.

Skin ailments, abscesses, frostbite and burns

How cedar resin will help with skin problems:

Ointments with cedar resin

The “Zhivichnaya” ointment based on cedar resin also has a very effective composition. Characterized by a high concentration of biologically active substances, it reflexively improves blood supply, providing anti-inflammatory, regenerating, warming, antifungal and antimicrobial effects for colds and bronchopulmonary ailments, inflammation in the oral cavity, teeth and gums, migraines, and skin diseases.

For mastopathy and mastitis, the affected area of ​​the mammary gland is lubricated with ointment at night and wrapped in a piece of warm cloth.
For the treatment of hemorrhoids, pustular and ulcerative skin lesions, radiation sickness and burns, wax ointment based on cedar resin is widely used.

Healthy on the inside – healthy on the outside!

Representatives of traditional medicine claim that Siberian cedar, generously sharing its healing power, “sends” energy waves similar to the energy vibrations of a healthy human body.
And in order for the “wave of health” to overwhelm you as much as possible, it is recommended to use cedar resin internally.

Life-giving cedar resin will restore the body

How to take cedar resin internally?

Naturopaths recommend starting the internal use of gum balm with 5 drops. The initial dosage is increased daily, and for a short time brought to 1 tbsp. Take turpentine in the morning, on an empty stomach, 15-30 minutes before breakfast.

There is also a slightly different, universal preventive scheme, according to which for a month 1 tsp. Cedar oil is taken in the morning and evening, without reference to food intake.

However, if you have chronic diseases, it is advisable to obtain a preliminary consultation with a doctor, who will tell you how to take cedar resin, depending on the activity and stage of the disease.

Similar materials

Recently, interest in Altai products has been growing. Altai honey, berries, herbs, and pine nuts are in demand. Of no less interest is cedar resin, mined in the taiga forests of Altai.

Its life-giving power has been known for a long time. Local residents use cedar resin for treatment and restoration of health, and prevention of diseases. It can cure joints and colds, and speed up the healing of wounds. Modern medicine has not ignored it. Resin is included in medicinal ointments and balms. Added to cosmetics.

Honey with cedar resin deserves special attention. This is a real healing elixir of health, a natural energy drink. Possessing anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral properties:

Strengthens immunity;

Normalizes digestion;

Stabilizes metabolic processes;

Charges you with energy.

Honey with resin is used as an antiseptic for treating wounds, boils and other skin lesions. In cosmetology – a powerful remedy against acne and wrinkles.

Cedar resin is not used in its pure form. It must first be dissolved in vegetable oil in a certain proportion.

For internal use, use 5, 10, 15 percent composition. For external use – from 20% and above.

5 and 10 percent concentrations are used for the prevention and treatment of colds, flu, and diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. For medicinal purposes - mainly 10% turpentine balm.

About the properties and use of cedar resin

Application for treatment recipes

To prepare balm and ointment, cedar or linseed oil is most often used. At the same time, the properties of each component are only enhanced. It is recommended to drink only during the day.

Treatment of joints

For rubbing and massage, use an ointment based on resin, rubbing it into the sore joints. At the same time, it is recommended to take 10% balm, 3-4 drops, and baths with turpentine.

The course of treatment is 12-15 massage sessions with 25 or 30 percent ointment. For prevention, treatment should be carried out twice a year during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases: in spring and autumn.





Muscle pain.

After the massage, cover the treated area with a plastic bag or film. Warm with a wool scarf.

Respiratory diseases

For sore throat, 5-6 drops of 10% turpentine balm are dripped onto the tonsils every 5-6 hours. Or soak a cotton swab in the balm and lubricate your tonsils like Lugol's.

At the first signs of illness, rub the balm into the neck area.

If the disease is advanced or has complications, apply a compress. To do this, soak gauze folded in several layers with balm and apply to the neck area. Cover with film and insulate. Keep for no more than 15-20 minutes.

For influenza, ARVI, 3-4 drops of 10% balm are dripped into the mouth 2 to 3 times a day.

Additionally, you can rub the ointment on your chest, back, and legs.

Massage followed by warming is done for cough, bronchitis, asthma, tracheitis.

For runny nose, sinusitis, and sinusitis, instill 2-3 drops into the nose into each nostril. Additionally, massage is performed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, sinuses, and under the nose.

Infusion for shortness of breath and suffocation

Take 100 grams of 10% resin, honey and vodka. Mix well. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment of tuberculosis

Take 10% balm 5-7 drops three times a day. The treatment regimen is as follows: 7 days of taking oleoresin. 7 days – break. Repeat the course two more times. The total duration of treatment is 21 days.

Wash down the resin with hot natural cow's milk or freshly prepared carrot juice.

Additionally, during the treatment period, drink a decoction made from ground coffee beans, wheat, oats and barley. Everything is taken in equal proportions.

There is another folk recipe. Take 100 grams:

Natural honey



Bear fat.

Mix the composition thoroughly. Take one teaspoon three times a day.

Skin diseases

Poorly healing wounds are lubricated with a solution of 10% balm or bandages soaked in balm or ointment are made.

Trophic ulcers. For deep lesions, flagella are made from bandages or cotton wool, which are soaked in 25-50% ointment. Insert as deeply as possible.

To ripen boils, apply compresses. To do this, a folded bandage is soaked in 10% or 25% balm. Apply to the affected area. Cover the top with film or wax paper and insulate it. The procedure is repeated for 1-2 days. Usually this is enough for him to break through.

Such bandages are applied for panaritium and carbuncles.

Burns or frostbite. Apply bandages soaked in 10% resin. If there are no blisters on the burn, you can apply ointment.

Dry eczema, streptoderma. The affected areas are lubricated with an ointment prepared from gum ointment and medical grease (vaseline). For 1 part of solid oil, take 2 parts of 25% resin.

Weeping eczema is treated 2 times a day with one gum ointment.

At the same time, three times a day you can take 4 to 10 drops of 10% resin orally. Course duration – 3 weeks.

Treat areas affected by psoriasis in the same way and take 10 drops orally in the morning on an empty stomach.

To speed up the healing of herpes, the affected area is lubricated with ointment.

Areas affected by fungi and lichen are treated with 25 percent ointment.

Cardiovascular diseases

During the period of exacerbation of an attack of tachycardia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, rub 10-15 drops of 25% balm in the heart area: the area below the nipple to the middle of the ribs on the side.

For prevention, massage is performed for 30 days with a 10 percent balm once a day.

To stabilize blood pressure (regardless of whether it is high or low), take 10% oleoresin. Begin treatment with 3 drops 1 time per day (preferably in the morning on an empty stomach). Gradually increase the intake to 4-5 drops three times a day.

Course duration:

Up to 40 years – 1 month;

Vascular dystonia, endarteritis, multiple sclerosis. Take 5 to 10 drops (10%) three times a day.

If you have endarteritis or vascular dystonia, additionally rub your feet with 25% ointment at night.

Duration of treatment is from 2 to 3 months. For prevention, repeat treatment for 2 weeks in autumn and spring.

Vascular dystonia of the hands. They rub the limbs with 25% ointment and make pine baths.

Neurological diseases

For inflammation of the ternary nerve, rub a 25% balm along the location of the nerve 4 to 6 times a day. Pay special attention to biologically active points. Take 3-4 drops of a 10% resin solution orally.

The duration of treatment can range from 1 week to 2-3 months. As a rule, after a break, the treatment is repeated.

If you fall and pinch a nerve, apply a compress soaked in the following mixture to your back:

25% balm



All components are taken in equal proportions. First, melt the wax and propolis in a water bath. Cool slightly and combine with ointment.

If a headache occurs, rub half a teaspoon of 10 percent balm into your temples.

To get rid of insomnia, buy a pillow with cedar shavings. Additionally, drip a 10% turpentine resin solution onto a pillowcase (does not wash well) or onto a napkin (place next to the head).

1-2 drops (10%) are taken for depression, anxiety and anxiety. To consolidate the effect, drink 1 teaspoon of cedar oil per day.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Helps from:





For diseases of the stomach and intestines in the first 5-6 days, take 5-6 drops (10%) on an empty stomach no later than 15 minutes before breakfast.

In the absence of side effects and good tolerance, increase the single dose to 10 drops and take up to 3 times a day.

This treatment helps restore microflora and eliminates dysbacteriosis. Has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas. Normalizes their functioning.

Attention! People with high acidity of gastric juice may experience discomfort.

For pathology of the liver or gall bladder, take a teaspoon of 10% oleoresin on an empty stomach once a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. After a 10-day break, repeat.

This way you can cleanse the intestines and dissolve stones. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have gallstones.


Cedar resin has a persistent pine aroma, stickiness and resin. Real resin is cedar resin, which comes out of the tree naturally as a result of sap flow inside the tree. This sticky substance creates a barrier that protects the tree from harmful microorganisms and pests.

In the future, it is carefully collected from the tree. She is credited with unique, miraculous abilities that can completely restore a person’s energy, completely heal and rejuvenate the body.


There are three types of cedar resin known in the world:

  • unrefined;
  • cleaned or melted;
  • tapping.

The second type of resin is more in demand than others, since it does not contain pieces of cedar bark and forest debris that managed to stick to the resin when it was still in liquid form. As for the tapping, it is enough just to know how it is extracted so that a person will no longer have any desire to buy such a product. But more on this a little later, in the section on methods for extracting resin from cedar.

Unrefined cedar resin may contain pieces of bark and other forest debris

Purified resin is obtained by boiling cedar bark with resin, as a result of which the liquid resin is collected from the surface of the water and cooled

Resin resin is collected on an industrial scale by tapping

Collection method

The extraction of cedar resin can be carried out in only two ways:

  • manually;
  • with a tap.

The first method involves collecting only the resin that is independently released from the tree. This method is long, labor-intensive and has low economic benefits, so it is used only by those who collect resin for their own needs.

Some people practice another method, which, although it allows you to get a large amount of resin in a short time, has significant disadvantages.

The surface of the tree, which has previously been cleared of wood, is damaged in the form of cuts.

Additionally, these places are treated with chemicals that promote the release of resin. These substances may contain sulfuric acid or bleach. One way or another, some of these harmful components end up in the resin, which becomes unsuitable for treatment.

Most often, after such damage, the tree dies, so using resin obtained by tapping is also unwise from a spiritual point of view.

Tapping on cedar trees is usually done for a period of up to 5 years


Resin obtained from Siberian cedar has amazing and simply fantastic abilities for healing wounds, and even participates in the process of cellular regeneration.

Hundreds of diseases can be cured with the help of oleoresin, but not in its natural form, but dissolved in cedar and other oils.

The resin initially only has a liquid consistency, but after a short time it hardens so much that it can be compared to stone. Yes, and there are a large number of impurities in it. Another name for resin (more scientific) is turpentine. This is where the name of the dissolved resin in cedar oil comes from - turpentine balsam.

How to choose and where to buy

The Internet is full of offers to buy resin (refined, unrefined) and turpentine balsam, which contains different percentages of cedar resin.

Be sure to pay attention to how the resin was extracted; if the supplier offers to buy the product in large quantities, then most likely the extraction was carried out using the tapping method.

In the unrefined resin, forest debris is visible to the naked eye: bark, cedar needles, sticks, etc. Give preference to those sellers who are directly related to the extraction of this valuable product; at least their location should be either in Siberia or very close to it.


  • initially has a liquid state;
  • hardens when exposed to air;
  • dissolves in absolutely any oil.

Since resin is literally considered a living product, its internal intake should occur during the day, preferably in the morning. All its components interact with our body, so it must remain awake.

How to use

Turpentine balm, which is made from cedar oleoresin, is such a powerful remedy that it is taken when a disease is present, and not for the purpose of prevention. Can be taken internally and externally. For the first case, only 5 percent balms are suitable. All other concentrations are for external use.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Resin in its natural form has almost zero calorie content, which cannot be said about turpentine balsam, the calorie content of which depends on the percentage of oil and cedar resin.

Chemical composition

  • volatile substances (oxygen compounds, turpentine, various derivatives of it, succinic acid, monoterpenes) – 30-35%;
  • diterpenes, sesquiterpenes – 8-10%;
  • resin acids, resinols, resinotannolates, plant impurities, vitamins – 65-70%;
  • higher fatty acids – 0.3%.

Beneficial features

  • an effective antioxidant created by the forces of nature;
  • has a number of hepatoprotective, antiulcer, antiseptic and antisclerotic effects;
  • normalizes the functional abilities of the gastrointestinal system;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • promotes healing;
  • removes toxic substances from the body and neutralizes their effects;
  • characterized by a general strengthening effect;
  • removes depression and fatigue syndrome;
  • promotes brain function;
  • at the molecular level restores the protective abilities of cells;
  • linolenic acid triggers the formation of new cells;
  • linoleic acid improves fat metabolism and improves skin condition.


Neither oleoresin nor its oil solutions have any harmful effects, as well as contraindications.

A contraindication for use can only be individual intolerance, which occurs in a few.

With the correct use of oleoresin in oil solutions, only positive results occur.


In cooking

Resin is not used as widely in cooking as pine nuts or oil. But in order to maintain the gastrointestinal tract in normal condition, you can carry out culinary training by adding a drop of oleoresin to our usual food:

  • any sweet products;
  • first meal;
  • side dishes;
  • while preparing an omelet;
  • in tea and any other hot drinks.

Resin collected from Siberian cedar dissolves well in any vegetable oil when brought to a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. Due to the fact that the products are not completely heated, all useful components are retained in both the oil and the resin. This is especially true if the oily gum solution is intended for internal use.

It is not necessary to buy turpentine balm; you can prepare it yourself without much effort.

You will need resin and any oil, but cedar oil is considered ideal. In a water bath, mix these two ingredients in the proportions that you need, and stir until the resin is completely dissolved.

In medicine

Siberian purge

Everyone who has ever shown the slightest interest in the secrets of Siberian health has heard about the “Siberian cleansing” and was distrustful of the possibilities that are attributed to it.

You will need:

  • regular pipette,
  • 200 ml of resin in a 10 percent ratio with cedar oil.

Every morning begins with taking oleoresin on an empty stomach half an hour before the first meal. On the first day, take one drop of balm, increasing the dosage by one drop each time.

The course of treatment is 40 days, the amount of resin will increase to 40 drops or 5 ml. Then we begin to reduce it one drop at a time. Thus, the duration of the course will be 79 days.

This scheme is designed for people whose weight is between 80 and 100 kg.

For sore throat

For prostatitis

Insert a cotton swab or bandage swab dipped in resin into the anus.

Colds and all their manifestations

Rub the oily gum solution into the area of ​​the nose, back of the head, neck, rub the back and chest and take at least 5 drops orally.

Oral problems

Rinse regularly, apply compresses, applications with the addition of a solution of resin. For prevention, you can drip a few drops onto your toothbrush before applying the paste.

Burns (solar and thermal)

They will not even leave a memory of themselves when applying compresses from resin and rubbing with the same preparation.

The treatment regimen for all diseases is approximately the same, as you can see for yourself. There is only one conclusion: the formation of a home first aid kit begins with the purchase of resin.

In cosmetology

  • beneficial effect on the skin (softening, adding elasticity, softness, maintaining internal water balance);
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • has a calming effect, relieves itching, removes redness and swelling;
  • replaces massage oils and creams;
  • Effectively removes dirt, including cosmetics.

Turpentine balms are suitable for all skin types.


Adding oil resin to bathing water (15 drops), foot or face bath (2 drops) will simultaneously cleanse the skin and saturate it with all the beneficial components that the cedar gave through its sap.


Fill your home with pine aroma and your body with real life:

  • lightly moisten the sponge with life-giving balm and place it in the room;
  • add a few drops to the water you pour into your home humidifier;
  • one drop on the pillow will give you a deep, healing sleep.

Facial care

Wash thoroughly and rub in a few drops of balm (no more than 5%) using circular, light, massaging movements.

Scrub mask

Grind a handful of pine nuts to a paste, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and the same amount of oil turpentine (5%). Rub the mixture into the face area in a circular motion, leave for 5 minutes and rinse off. Once a week will be enough to make your face radiate youth and beauty.

For acne

A turpentine solution will also help, which must be applied after the face has been well steamed (while the pores are still open). This method is effective if the rash is a consequence of living in a big city (gas pollution, dirty air, poor-quality water and food laden with chemicals).

If the reason lies in metabolism or hormonal imbalances, then it is necessary to add internal intake of the balm to the above procedure (every morning, on an empty stomach, half a teaspoon).

Lip care

Every morning we brush our teeth, completely forgetting about our lips, which also need daily care. Every morning, use a soft, damp toothbrush to massage your lips, then rub in 1 drop of turpentine balm. And once a week make an “edible” mask with honey and a couple of drops of balm. Herpes is terribly afraid of oleoresin - take note of this.


They endure a lot of abuse from us - drying, curling, straightening, dyeing, chemicals, highlighting. Oil resin can help remove all the negative consequences, which must be rubbed into the scalp and applied to clean hair. After 20 minutes, you can wash it off using regular shampoo.

When losing weight

Resin is not an independent way to lose weight, but its regular use starts the process of burning fat and helps the body eliminate all excess that has accumulated over many years of leading an unhealthy lifestyle. In order for the weight loss process to proceed faster and the effect to be irreversible, it is necessary to add oleoresin drop by drop:

  • when using phyto-bandages, phyto-belts, phyto-caps;
  • in those cosmetic products that you usually use (cream, lotion, tonic, gel, spray, lotions, masks);
  • in all dishes.

Let oleoresin become not a medicine, but a pleasant and extremely useful habit that will give you an ideal body and many years of healthy life.


  • 5% solution - 1 part of resin will require 19.5 parts of oil;
  • 10% - 1 part resin per 10 parts oil;
  • 25% - 1 part resin to 4 parts oil;
  • 50% - 1 part resin to 1 part oil.

We remind you that only the solution with the first content is suitable for internal use. To treat mucous membranes, you can use a balm with a concentration of no more than 20%. All other balms can be safely applied to the surface of the skin.

Siberian folk healers used resin obtained from cedar to cure a large number of diseases. Shamans considered sacred the fire obtained from burning cedar resin. Previously, only this natural material was used to make incense. When collecting resin, wise healers uttered special words. Since time immemorial, it was believed that only the resin that the cedar gave itself, of its own free will, would be useful. This is how the tree shares its mighty power. The wounded during the Great Patriotic War were treated with turpentine balm, which even helped get rid of gangrene.

Many lives were saved by cedar resin during the Great Patriotic War. Faced with an acute shortage of bactericidal agents, military surgeons used this natural antibiotic to disinfect and accelerate the healing of bullet wounds.

The action of the healing resin saved soldiers from infection and decay of extensive wounds and prevented the development of gangrene.

Cedar resin is a natural antibiotic

What is unique about cedar resin and what determines its medicinal properties?

Cedar resin - what is it?

This thick resinous mass, released from the cracks of the forty-meter taiga giant during sap flow, is said to restore a person’s vital energy.

Cedar resin is distinguished by a high (30-70%) content of turpentine, which in turn contains up to 80% pinenes - the main material for the synthesis of camphor.

The latter is used to treat disorders of the nervous system, incl. schizophrenia, as well as stimulation of respiratory processes and the cardiovascular system.

It also contains vitamins C and D, resin and fatty acids, impurities of plant origin, as well as colorless and colored resin alcohols, which “trigger” the anti-inflammatory effect of tannins, also contained in cedar resin.
Thanks to such a complex “chemistry”, the benefits of cedar oleoresin are enormous.

For more information about what cedar resin is, watch the video:

How is cedar resin useful?

Residents of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, famous for their good health, use it to cope with eye, heart and nervous ailments, digestive disorders, fractures, purulent wounds, burns, snake bites, boils and dental ailments.

Cedar oleoresin stimulates metabolism and restores blood circulation in the brain, and therefore it has found its application in gerontological practice: it is used in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease and obvious disorders of brain activity.

It will also help cope with depression and support cardiac function after a heart attack.

They also have similar properties. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are among the biochemical compounds that are essential for health.

It is also noted in the literature that Russian healers used it in the treatment of cancer.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of cedar oleoresin

When a piece of resin is slowly burned on coals, healing vapors are released that have a bactericidal, balsamic, and analgesic effect. Such inhalations disinfect the nasopharynx for respiratory diseases.

Based on resin, medicinal ointments are prepared that moisturize the skin and help solve dermatological problems; nasal drops that strengthen the nasopharynx if you are prone to colds; massage oils that relax the body and strengthen the immune system.
A massage with cedar resin oil will restore vitality and strengthen the immune system.

Useful combination

Honey with cedar resin has exceptional beneficial properties. Beekeepers enrich acacia, linden or raspberry honey with it, obtaining a natural energy drink with a pine taste and aroma, toning and strengthening the nervous system, improving metabolic reactions and the functioning of the digestive organs.

It will also help improve digestion. The unique properties of this plant were known among the tribes of the old New World. It was sometimes even called Oswego tea, after one of the Indian tribes, and Indian nettle.

The tasty tandem cleanses the blood and lymph, increases efficiency, has an analgesic effect for muscle, joint and headache pain, and increases sweating during fever.

An excellent antiseptic, gum honey is suitable for treating wounds and cuts, cosmetic masks for the fight against acne and rejuvenation.
By lubricating your sinuses with it, you can quickly get rid of rhinitis.

Resin will help quickly cure a runny nose

Treatment with cedar resin

Siberian cedar resin, produced in the form of ointment, oil or balm of varying concentrations, has found application in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

For rubbing, instillation, lubrication and internal administration, cedar resin with cedar oil is used - turpentine balsam with 5%, 10%, 25% or 50% content of natural resin diluted in cedar oil.

Application of cedar resin on cedar oil

For infectious diseases of the respiratory system and oral cavity:

  • With the first signs of a sore throat Rub a small amount of 5% balm into the tonsil area (outside). If the disease has already begun, soak a cotton pad in the balm and, wrapping it on a stick, treat the tonsils every 5-6 hours;
  • For acute respiratory infections and flu rub the “wings” of the nose, the area under the nose, chest, back, upper and lower limbs with 25% balm 4 times a day;
  • For chronic bronchitis and lung diseases daily rubbing of the chest and back is supplemented with internal administration of 5-10 drops of 5% or 10% turpentine balm;
  • Applications of oleoresin balm mixed with (1:1) on the gums relieve periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis;

Cedar resin will relieve gum problems

For damage to the joints and spine, for neuralgia, balm (5% or 25%) is used as follows:

  • You can smooth out the “acute” course of polyarthritis by combining the internal intake of cedar turpentine with rubbing it into the joints and pine baths;
  • A massage course consisting of 12-15 sessions, carried out in the autumn and spring, will prevent exacerbations of osteochondrosis or radiculitis;
  • For the prevention of joint ailments, a steam bath using turpentine, which is “rubbed” into the joints and spine using a fir broom, will be of great benefit;
  • For trigeminal neuralgia, cedar oil with resin is rubbed along the nerve 4-5 times a day, and the active points are massaged with it. For deep neuralgia, apply a point compress to the painful area for a quarter of an hour.

Skin ailments, abscesses, frostbite and burns

How cedar resin will help with skin problems:

Ointments with cedar resin

The “Zhivichnaya” ointment based on cedar resin also has a very effective composition. Characterized by a high concentration of biologically active substances, it reflexively improves blood supply, providing anti-inflammatory, regenerating, warming, antifungal and antimicrobial effects for colds and bronchopulmonary ailments, inflammation in the oral cavity, teeth and gums, migraines, and skin diseases.

For mastopathy and mastitis, the affected area of ​​the mammary gland is lubricated with ointment at night and wrapped in a piece of warm cloth.
For the treatment of hemorrhoids, pustular and ulcerative skin lesions, radiation sickness and burns, wax ointment based on cedar resin is widely used.

Healthy on the inside – healthy on the outside!

Representatives of traditional medicine claim that Siberian cedar, generously sharing its healing power, “sends” energy waves similar to the energy vibrations of a healthy human body.
And in order for the “wave of health” to overwhelm you as much as possible, it is recommended to use cedar resin internally.

Life-giving cedar resin will restore the body

How to take cedar resin internally?

Naturopaths recommend starting the internal use of gum balm with 5 drops. The initial dosage is increased daily, and for a short time brought to 1 tbsp. Take turpentine in the morning, on an empty stomach, 15-30 minutes before breakfast.

There is also a slightly different, universal preventive scheme, according to which for a month 1 tsp. Cedar oil is taken in the morning and evening, without reference to food intake.

However, if you have chronic diseases, it is advisable to obtain a preliminary consultation with a doctor, who will tell you how to take cedar resin, depending on the activity and stage of the disease.

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