Where it hurts during. What do abdominal pains mean? Pain in the epigastric region

It can be completely different - after all, in the abdominal cavity there are many organs next to each other: the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, and very close to each other - the kidneys and ovaries. Each of them hurts in its own way and requires its own treatment. In some cases, you can get by with home remedies, but sometimes you need to urgently call an ambulance. Family doctor Polina Zagorodnaya spoke about how to deal with abdominal pain.

How to properly examine yourself

1. Determine where it hurts the most

To understand this more precisely, place your palm on the abdominal wall and gently, but trying to push deeply, use your fingers to press on the stomach. Note where the pressure causes the most pain. It is best to carry out such palpation while lying on your back. In this position, the muscles of the abdominal wall relax and it is easier to feel yourself.

2. Determine the nature of the pain
It can be dull, aching, squeezing, sharp, dagger-like (as if struck with a knife with a swing), bursting (as if a balloon has been swallowed and it is inflating).

3. H it is accompanied by pain
Does the pain radiate somewhere, does it intensify with movement, coughing, bending, is it accompanied by nausea, fever, diarrhea, etc. - all this is important for making a diagnosis.

4. Remember how pain appeared and developed
It could appear suddenly, after physical exertion, after stress, or hypothermia. Approximately how much time has passed since the onset of the painful attack. What kind of pain was there at first: mild, then intensified, immediately sharp, dull. Did the pain intensify later and how did it happen, quickly or gradually? Has the pain changed its location: for example, with appendicitis, pain in the abdomen first appears in the epigastric region - where the stomach is, and then goes down to the right.


Pain in the epigastric region

Dull or sharp, bursting or aching.

Where does it give?
They can radiate behind the sternum along the esophagus.

What are they accompanied by?
Vomiting may occur at times of particularly intensified pain. After vomiting, the pain usually disappears.

They do not depend on previous physical activity, but can be associated with eating spicy, sour foods, strong coffee, and having suffered severe stress over the past year.

What could it be.
Gastritis or stomach ulcer.

What to do?
Be examined by a gastroenterologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, gastritis or an ulcer can be cured in 7-14 days. To alleviate the condition during an attack, apply a warm heating pad to the painful area, you can drink hot, weak tea or just hot water. If vomiting is mixed with blood (the masses look like coffee grounds), call an ambulance.

Pain in the right hypochondrium

Sharp, squeezing.

Where does it give?
In the lower back on the right, the right half of the chest, the right shoulder, under the right shoulder blade.

What are they accompanied by?
A feeling of bitterness in the mouth, there may be vomiting of bile, after which relief comes, possibly an increase in temperature.

After consuming fatty spicy foods or after shaking in transport.


What to do?
Take an antispasmodic (a drug based on drotaverine or papaverine) and any drug containing digestive enzymes (this will provide the body with complete rest). Go for an ultrasound to make sure there are no stones in your gallbladder. If not, then prevent attacks with blind probes (tubages). To do this, slightly warm up, stirring until all the bubbles come out, a glass of choleretic mineral water (Luzhanskaya, Polyana Kvasova, Polyana Kupel). Drink in small sips over two to three minutes. After this, apply a warm heating pad to the right hypochondrium and lie on your right side for 40-60 minutes. After this there should be some relief. If it doesn't happen, repeat. If there are stones, then consult a surgeon about surgery to remove the gallstone.

Pain around the entire abdomen

Girdles the upper abdomen.

Where does it give?
In the lower back.

What is accompanied by.
Dryness and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, repeated vomiting, after which there is no relief, may increase blood pressure.

After drinking alcohol, spicy or fatty foods the day before.

Acute pancreatitis.

What to do?
You should immediately seek medical help. Without it, necrosis of the pancreas may occur - pancreatic necrosis, and this is already a life-threatening condition.

Pain near the navel

Appeared suddenly, sharp, cramping, strong.

Where does it give?
There is no return.

What is accompanied by.
Weakness, chills.

After eating foods rich in fiber, strong coffee, chocolate.

Intestinal colic.

What to do?
Take an antispasmodic tablet (for example, based on drotaverine or papaverine) and take a lying position. The pain goes away on its own after a few 15-20 minutes. (sometimes after relaxation), but they may appear again later - then the tactics can be repeated. To prevent them from appearing again, do not abuse coffee, chocolate or overeat.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen on one side

They appeared suddenly. They can be so strong that patients rush about in bed, unable to find a place for themselves, and moan.

Where does it give?
In the lower back, perineum.

What are they accompanied by?
Frequent urge to urinate.

After drinking plenty of mineral water, overeating watermelon.

What could it be.
Passage of a kidney stone.

What to do?
Treat with a heating pad, hot bath, antispasmodics. If there is blood in the urine or the pain reaches shock strength, call an ambulance.

Pain in the lower right

They first appear in the epigastric region, then gradually intensify and descend to the right lower (iliac) region of the abdomen.

Where does it give?
Into the rectum, worsens when walking (patients move bent to the right), worsens when trying to lie on their left side.

What are they accompanied by?
There may be fever and nausea.

There is no exact relationship.

What could it be.

What to do?
Call an ambulance.

There were pains all over my stomach

My whole stomach hurts at the same time, constantly.

Where does it give?
To other parts of the abdomen (any).

What is accompanied by.
Dry mouth, nausea, fever, weakness.

After previous pain, for which no medications helped for 24 hours.

What could it be.
Inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis).
Deadly disease!

What to do?
Call an ambulance.


Above the pubis in the center or on both sides

Drawing, fickle.

Where does it give?
In the perineum and (or) in the lower lateral sections of the abdomen.

What are they accompanied by?
There may be discharge from the genital tract. They get worse when walking.

After hypothermia, spicy food, severe stress.

What could it be.
Gynecological diseases, for example, adnexitis, endometriosis, fibroids.

What to do?
Go to the gynecologist for an appointment.

Right or left above the pubis

They appeared suddenly, sharply, very strong.

Where does it give?
In the anus or nowhere (local pain).

What are they accompanied by?
Dizziness, weakness, and possible fainting.

Most often after sexual intercourse (if a cyst ruptures) or 1-2 weeks after a missed period (if there is an ectopic pregnancy).

What could it be.
One of the symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy.

What to do?
Call an ambulance.

Complaints about abdominal pain as common as headaches. Patients say “my stomach hurts”, “the stomach is twisted” or “grabbed”, “the lower abdomen is pulling”, “the stomach hurts”.

When we say that the stomach hurts, we mean a fairly large area - down from the chest and all the way to the groin. This area contains various organs, primarily the digestive and genitourinary systems. The first includes the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines. The second includes the kidneys, bladder, in women – the ovaries, uterus, in men – the prostate gland. And any of these organs can hurt.

Pain comes in different forms. It is useful to distinguish exactly where and how your stomach hurts. This will allow you to more accurately describe the problem at a doctor’s appointment, and a little earlier - to separate pain caused by an accidental factor (for example, poor-quality food) from something truly alarming. The appearance of pain in the abdominal area (often in combination with other symptoms) can be a sign of a serious, dangerous disease.

The causes of abdominal pain in children are collected in a separate article (). The present one is more general.

What is abdominal pain like?

Pain can be acute or chronic.

Acute pain can be paroxysmal, or it can be constant. It can occur sharply, suddenly (in this case they sometimes say “stomach grip”), or it can be weak at first and gradually intensify. Chronic abdominal pain, as a rule, is weaker, passes, but always returns. Increased chronic pain can be caused, for example, by eating.

The severity of pain does not always correspond to the severity of the disease. An attack of severe pain can be caused by a simple accumulation of gases (due to overeating or specific foods) or a viral infection that does not pose a serious danger. Whereas habitual chronic pain can be a consequence, for example, of colon cancer.

Sometimes the pain is localized (the patient can clearly point to the place where it hurts), and sometimes it is distributed (a significant part of the abdomen hurts).

Causes of abdominal pain

Cramping abdominal pain (colic) caused by irritation of the nerve receptors on the inner surface of the hollow organs. In this case, a spasm of smooth muscles occurs - the muscle tissue lining the corresponding organ. Such pains are usually very strong, painful, but do not last long - a few minutes, after which they pass. Attacks can follow one after another, the pain first increases, then decreases...

Attacks can be caused by the movement of stones (in the kidneys, in the gallbladder or duct, in the ureters), inflammatory diseases, and poisoning. One of the common reasons is a violation of the diet (too spicy, salty, fatty foods, excessive eating).

Attacks of pain can be combined with other symptoms - fever, chills (typical of infections and blockage of the bile ducts), changes in the color of urine and stool (with blockage of the bile ducts, the urine darkens and the stool becomes lighter).

Pain may be caused stretching of hollow organs or tension of their ligamentous apparatus(for example, due to injury). It is usually aching or pulling and may not have a clear localization.

Pain may be caused disturbance of local blood circulation(congestion in the vessels of the abdominal cavity), the so-called “abdominal toad” is an attack of pain at the moment of greatest functional activity of the digestive organs.

Acute pain occurs when pathological structural changes or damage to internal organs- inflammation, tumor growth, ulceration, rupture (perforation), transition of the inflammatory process to the peritoneal tissue (peritonitis).

Pain in the abdominal area is not always associated with diseases of the organs located there. Quite common referred pain. In this case, they say that the pain radiates: its source is elsewhere, but the patient feels pain in the abdominal area. This is possible with heart disease, pleurisy, diseases of the esophagus and in some other cases.

Abdominal pain may also be psychogenic origin. Stress, emotional tension, and fear can lead to pain, in some cases quite severe.

Localization of abdominal pain: for which disease where does it hurt?

Epigastric region

The epigastrium (epigastric region) is located in the center of the body between the costal arches, below the sternum. Pain in this area is associated mainly with diseases of the stomach (, duodenitis,). Similar pains occur after eating sour or spicy foods. With a stomach ulcer, painful sensations are possible during long breaks in food (for example, at night). The pain is usually dull, aching, less often sharp. Painful sensations in the epigastric region can also be caused by occasional digestive problems (indigestion, heartburn). In the same area, radiating pain is possible in case of heart disease.

Right hypochondrium (stomach pain on the right side above the navel)

Left hypochondrium (stomach pain on the left side above the navel)

The stomach is not directly in the center of the body, but is shifted to the left, so pain in the left hypochondrium can also be of gastric origin (gastritis, stomach ulcer). The pancreas is also located on the left side, so pain in this area can occur with. The cause of pain can also be diseases of the spleen. Heart pain can also radiate to this area.

Periumbilical region

The intestines (small intestine) make themselves known in this area. Pain can be caused by reasons such as a lack of enzymes (problems with digesting food), intestinal infection, serious inflammatory diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis). It can also hurt here.

Left and right lateral abdominal areas

Pain displaced to one side of the mid-abdomen may be caused by problems with the urinary system. The cause may be inflammation of the urinary tract. However, with kidney disease, pain is still more often localized in the lumbar region. Pain on the side of the abdomen can be caused by constipation and gas in the colon (). The left side is more often the area where intestinal diseases take their toll. Pain here can also be a manifestation of colitis or diverticulosis.

Right iliac region (stomach hurts below the navel and on the right)

In this area, in most people, the appendix is ​​located - the vermiform appendage of the cecum. Inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis - is a dangerous disease. The development of appendicitis is usually characterized by sudden and sharp pain, but in some cases the pain may increase gradually. Sometimes the pain is initially felt in the umbilical region and only then moves to the right iliac region. There are people whose appendix is ​​located higher, and accordingly, the pain with appendicitis will have a different localization.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen is typical with diseases of the urinary system, and in women with gynecological diseases. It can be caused by kidney stones, inflammation of the kidneys (), prolapse of the ureter, gynecological problems: acute and subsequent adhesions, tumors and ectopic pregnancy. Depending on the location of the problem, the pain may be concentrated in the left or right iliac region or in the center (suprapubic region). Another possible cause is varicose veins of the small pelvis (more typical for women). In this case, discomfort in the lower abdomen occurs from time to time, intensifying after physical exertion, shortly before menstruation or after sexual intercourse.

Also, pain in the lower abdomen, especially in the left iliac region, can be caused by intestinal diseases: inflammation of the sigmoid colon (sigmoiditis), irritable bowel syndrome, worms, colitis, intestinal dysbiosis and some other diseases.

What to do if your stomach hurts?

Be sure to consult a doctor, If:

  • pain occurred for the first time;
  • the feeling of discomfort in the abdomen persists for a considerable time (more than a week). If we are not talking about discomfort, but already pain, do not wait more than 1-2 days;
  • bloating (flatulence) does not go away within 2 days;
  • the pain is accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating (or);
  • the stool is upset for more than 5 days;
  • pain is accompanied by fever;
  • pain radiates to the chest, neck and shoulders.

If you are pregnant, the appearance of abdominal pain is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Conditions of serious concern(emergency medical attention required):

  • sudden and/or very severe pain;
  • change in behavior (a person becomes lethargic, apathetic);
  • painful sensations are accompanied by;
  • lack of stool;
  • refusal to eat;
  • increased heart rate, cold sweat, pale skin;
  • heat;
  • tense state of the abdominal wall.

Which doctor should I contact for abdominal pain?

For outpatient treatment of abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor:

  • if gastrointestinal diseases are suspected (this may be indicated by a connection between attacks of pain and food intake) - to;
  • if you suspect a disease of the urinary system - to;
  • for women with suspected gynecological diseases - to;
  • for pain in the groin area - to or;
  • in other cases - to

The localization of abdominal pain indicates which organ of the gastrointestinal tract has a problem. In order to more accurately determine the cause of the pain, try to understand in which part of the abdomen the discomfort is felt.

Right side
Symptoms: in the acute form - sudden pain in the solar plexus or above the navel, pain in the abdominal area without a specific localization is also possible, then it shifts to the right iliac. The pain is constant, moderate, intensifies with coughing, movement, and changing body position.
Vomiting with appendicitis develops as a reflex to pain, accompanied by a decrease in appetite, often one-time. The temperature rises, but does not rise above 37.0–38.0 C. Dyspepsia in the form of constipation, more often diarrhea, occurs against the background of frequent urination, the color of the urine is intense, dark.
Diagnosis: during palpation, muscle tension is noted in the right iliac region, soreness and increased pain when pressing with a sharp release of the fingers.

Pressure is applied:
on the stomach in the area of ​​the right ilium; at several points, to the right of the navel; at several points along a diagonal line from the navel to the right iliac tubercle (this is the bony protrusion of the pelvic bones determined anteriorly in the iliac region).

Symptoms: dull pain under the right rib; heaviness in the right side after eating fatty and spicy foods; skin itching; allergic reactions; frequent constipation and diarrhea; yellow coating on the tongue; dizziness and fatigue; red urine (like tea); increase in body temperature to 37.0–38.0 C; nausea and loss of appetite; light yellow stool.

Diagnosis: in cases where the pain is associated specifically with problems in the liver, it is permanent, may be replaced by a feeling of severe heaviness in the right side, a pulling sensation and acute colic. The pain may radiate to the lumbar region and intensify immediately after eating or with sudden movements. Relief of the situation occurs at a moment of rest, when a person lies down on his right side and provides himself with warmth, but with the adoption of a vertical position, the pain resumes again.

It is worth remembering that the liver begins to hurt in cases of damage to other organs, for example, the pancreas, or the pain is caused by the passage of a stone through the bile ducts, inflammation of the gallbladder. Dull pain is characteristic of acute inflammatory liver diseases, while chronic processes generally pass without any pain.

Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by heaviness and nausea, radiates to the right shoulder - most likely it is biliary (hepatic) colic. May indicate the presence of gallstones.

Dull pain accompanied by loss of appetite is most likely biliary dyskinesia. But it can also occur during exacerbation of hepatitis C, or acute hepatitis A or B, or cirrhosis of the liver.

Left side
Symptoms: sharp pain of a girdling nature, which can be localized in the umbilical region (at the beginning of the disease) or spread to the back. Such pain is felt almost constantly or the intensity of the pain only intensifies - this is why pain with pancreatitis is fundamentally different from the symptoms that arise from other inflammatory processes in the abdominal organs.

Simultaneously with the appearance of pain, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, nausea and vomiting occur, which usually does not bring relief. In addition, a lack of pancreatic juice enzymes provokes indigestion, which is manifested by severe diarrhea.

Symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas often coincide with signs of osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, acute pyelonephritis and stomach ulcers. Also, pain in the left hypochondrium can occur from bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Diagnostics: the pain intensifies after eating, lying on your back. When bending forward in a sitting position, the pain subsides, as with fasting, applying cold to the peri-umbilical area on the left.

Complete exclusion of any food for at least 24 hours - the absence of stress on the cells of the pancreas helps to inhibit the production of enzymes and relieve the organ;

Place a cold heating pad or ice pack on the abdomen (umbilical area) - this slows down the development of edema in the inflamed pancreas;

Taking alkaline mineral water improves the conditions for the outflow of bile and pancreatic secretions - the patient should drink at least 2 liters of liquid without gas per day;

Taking antispasmodics, preferably in the form of an injection.

Pain in the very top center, under the stomach, indicates gastritis, but can be a symptom of a heart attack (especially if the pain radiates to the right arm) or appendicitis.
Pain in the middle of the abdomen most often occurs when overeating, but may indicate dysbiosis.

Pain under your belly button may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Sometimes it is a consequence of a viral infection.

pain in the kidney area: in the back, in the lower back;
changes in urination: burning and pain, infrequent or, on the contrary, frequent, excessive urination - nocturia, polyuria, urine with blood or change in the color of urine;
swelling of the legs and arms – the kidneys are not doing their job of removing excess fluid from the body;
skin rash, which is the result of increased concentrations of toxins in the blood;
changes in taste and smell of ammonia in the mouth;
fever, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.
loss of appetite, weight loss;
blurred vision.

To distinguish renal pathology from back pain, the doctor performs the following technique: he taps the lumbar region with the edge of his palm. In case of kidney disease, effleurage is accompanied by the appearance of dull internal pain.

It is important to remember that such pain can be caused by problems with the back and spine, inflammation of the ovaries, osteochondrosis or appendicitis.

Pain in the right side at the waist level may be renal colic, which can be caused by urolithiasis, kinking of the ureter or inflammation.

Symptoms: in case of acute inflammation - frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by pain, while urine does not come out completely (even with a strong urge, urine comes out in small droplets). But signs of the disease can simply be pain in the lower abdomen and a burning sensation.
The danger is that these signs can end as suddenly as they began. This can happen in just a couple of days, even without treatment.

Diseases of the reproductive system
Chronic nagging, aching pain in the ovaries, lower abdomen and lumbar region.
It occurs in the form of attacks. Pain in the ovary radiates to the lower back, to the leg (if the right ovary is affected - to the right, if the left ovary is affected - to the left).
Menstruation disorders. Sometimes periods can be excessively heavy and prolonged, or absent altogether.
Some women experience signs characteristic of premenstrual syndrome: sudden mood swings, swelling in the legs, engorgement of the mammary glands, and pain in the lower abdomen. But similar pain can also be caused by cystitis, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, or simply constipation.

This information is taken from medical sources, but is for informational purposes only; consultation with a doctor is required.

A situation where your stomach hurts for a week can be a real torment. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek help from a qualified doctor as quickly as possible, but this is not always possible - for example, a person may be far from civilization. A difficult situation arises when a tourist falls ill in another country and contacting local doctors is not only expensive, but also difficult due to the language barrier.

Should I worry?

If your stomach hurts badly, this probably indicates a serious illness, and it is difficult to predict which one - such symptoms are characteristic of a wide range of pathologies. It is not always the stomach disease that manifests itself as pain; the pathology can be completely different, only indicating itself through this symptom. To understand what the reason is, you need to come to an appointment with a doctor and describe in as much detail as possible what kind of pain syndrome is bothering you. It is precisely by the characteristics of sensations that one can often significantly limit the list of possible patient conditions.

If a child or adult has acute abdominal pain, an ulcer is possible. In such a situation, the sensations are sudden, sharp, and very strong. Pancreatitis manifests itself in a similar way. Severe and sharp pain is possible from a chemical burn or poisoning. Sometimes patients describe the sensations as being like being stabbed. This is more typical of ulcer perforation. A peptic ulcer can manifest itself as a burning sensation. The same is true for gastritis. The initial, chronic form of these pathologies often manifests itself as aching, dull, and exhausting pain.

What should you pay attention to?

If the pain becomes stronger after eating or while hungry, there is a high probability that the cause is gastritis. Spasms, unpleasant sensations reminiscent of contractions, may indicate an ulcer or an inflammatory process in the intestines. The syndrome is more often activated during a night's rest or soon after a meal (after an hour or several). It also happens that the pain is acute, but quickly passes, as if shooting, and the duration of the attack is a few seconds. More often this is typical for inhalation or when changing body position. The reason is the spasmodic reactions of the diaphragm, provoked by insufficient blood flow and inflammatory processes.

If a woman or man has a stomach ache, the sensation is weak, aching, and does not stop for a long time, there is a high probability of a malignant neoplasm. Gastric polyps exhibit similar symptoms. If metastases penetrate the pancreas, the nature of the pain changes to girdling. But infection can be suspected by painful sensations of a high degree of intensity, reminiscent of contractions. Colitis and other intestinal diseases often manifest themselves first as severe pain in the upper abdomen. After a couple of days, the pain becomes weaker, but does not disappear completely. When observing such symptoms, it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor as quickly as possible to formulate an accurate diagnosis.

Problems and manifestations

It's not always easy to understand why your stomach hurts. Abdominal pain of increased intensity, localized near the navel, lasting several hours, shifting to the abdomen on the right, slightly above the original area, suggests appendicitis.

With irritable bowel syndrome, the patient also suffers from stomach pain. Often a child has a stomach ache due to intestinal obstruction. The syndrome is provoked by trauma, aortic dissection, vascular intestinal thrombosis and ischemia, and nervous pathologies. Perhaps the reason is an allergy.

Should we panic?

If you experience pain in the sides of the abdomen, lower or upper, regardless of the nature of the sensations, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. Pathologies that manifest themselves as such sensations are, for the most part, quite serious, and medical care is needed very urgently. For example, survival in cases of appendicitis, ulcerative perforation, intoxication, and ischemia directly depends on how quickly help was provided to the patient. Sometimes it is not a matter of hours, but minutes; delay can lead to the most negative results. If the pain is very severe, there is no way to go to the hospital, you need to call an ambulance.

What to do?

If you feel pain in the lower abdomen (and in any other location), you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible. Self-medication for such sensations is strictly prohibited; there is a high probability of the situation worsening, even death. Even an experienced, qualified doctor cannot always clearly formulate just during the initial examination what is the cause of the pain syndrome.

Primary care that can be provided for pain in the lower abdomen (and other localizations) is limited to a fairly small set of measures. You should call an ambulance or go to the clinic if your condition allows it, and for relief you can take a spasm reliever or pain reliever. If heartburn occurs, special drugs from the group of antacids will come to the rescue - they lower the acidity level. Help can be provided by drugs that stop the secretory function - thanks to them, acid will be produced in a smaller volume. It is necessary to understand that sometimes such measures are not effective, since heartburn is provoked by a variety of factors. There is a risk of worsening the condition when using these groups of drugs.

What will help me?

If you experience abdominal pain (in women, men), you must use medications with extreme caution - taking them is associated with considerable risk. The influence of such a drug can significantly change the symptoms of the disease, which will complicate the diagnosis for the doctor. The most modern remedies are really effective, taking them allows you to relieve pain, and the duration of action is often quite long, so the patient believes that he has recovered. This opinion is erroneous; the absence of symptoms does not indicate the disappearance of the root cause. By resorting to painkillers without consulting a doctor, the patient is wasting his time. Eliminating the effect does not stop the cause, and the condition gradually worsens.

It is common to think that abdominal pain can be eliminated with a heating pad. With the exception of some isolated cases, this method of solving the problem is strictly prohibited. For example, if the cause of the syndrome is inflammation associated with the separation of pus, additional heating will significantly worsen the patient’s condition. The heating pad will also have a strong negative effect in case of internal bleeding. The disease will progress faster, the condition will deteriorate rapidly.

What to tell the doctor?

When you see a doctor and wait for the ambulance to arrive, you should describe your condition in as much detail as possible. To begin with, they localize the sensations, saying, for example, that the lower abdomen hurts (or upper, right, left). The better the doctor understands what the patient is feeling, the more effectively he will help. It will not be superfluous to remember what circumstances preceded the appearance of sensations - what was eaten, done, at what time of day the pain occurred, how much time has passed since the last meal. The doctor must imagine what the nature of the sensations is, how strong they are, whether the focus is moving, how the syndrome is corrected over time.

So that the doctor can determine as accurately as possible why abdominal pain is bothering him, the patient should remember everything he ate in the last couple of days. This applies to both food and all drinks, as well as medicines, including vitamins and biological supplements. If there are additional symptoms, they should also be stated as accurately as possible. The doctor is notified if the pain is accompanied by nausea, stool disorders, vomiting, bleeding, gas formation, or belching. Sometimes a rash, fever, dizziness, and heart rhythm are additionally observed. You also need to notify your doctor about this to formulate an accurate diagnosis.

What is important?

If you are worried about abdominal pain, information about the accompanying pain syndrome - for example, in muscle tissue or joints - will help your doctor make a correct diagnosis. If the patient has recently experienced natural, pathological health changes, this should also be warned. Important nuances include menopause, childbirth, feeding a child, and gestation. Illness, nervous feelings, overwork, sudden changes in weight - all this will help the doctor determine the cause of the pain syndrome. Anxiety, depression, and lifestyle adjustments can play a role.

In order for the doctor to quickly determine where all the important information needs to be submitted systematically. When going to an appointment at the clinic or waiting for an ambulance to arrive, you need to think through all the important aspects, you can even write them down on paper so that nothing escapes your attention.

Correct diagnosis

Just knowing that the lower abdomen hurts, no pathology can be established. Correct diagnosis is a complex undertaking. First, the doctor collects anamnesis, interviewing the patient, examining him externally, palpating, listening to the heart and lungs. Based on the information received, a preliminary diagnosis is formulated and what instrumental and laboratory tests are needed to clarify the condition. Usually a test of urine, feces, blood, and stomach juices is prescribed. To ensure that the results are as accurate as possible, ultrasound, CT, MRI, and contrast X-ray are prescribed.

These measures in most cases make it possible to understand why pain in the lower abdomen developed in women and men (as well as with other localization options). In rare cases, there is a need for additional measures, for example, laparoscopy. This is a technology for examining the insides of a person through a small probe inserted through an incision into the internal organs. The probe is equipped with a camera that transmits an image to a monitor where the material is recorded.

How to treat?

If your stomach hurts (during pregnancy, during menstruation, at any other time), treatment should be selected based on the reasons that provoked the sensations, which means that only a doctor can select adequate measures. However, some well-known and widely applicable techniques are worth considering.


Pain in this condition is most often felt in the upper abdomen, near the sternum, slightly behind. The syndrome is caused by substances in the stomach entering the esophagus. This often occurs shortly before a meal. Heartburn is not an independent disease, but only signals other pathologies. Perhaps the reason is gastritis, peptic ulcers, cholecystitis. To determine a specific source, it is necessary to undergo specialized research.

As can be seen from medical statistics, ordinary people often mistake manifestations of heart pathology for heartburn. Such abdominal pain may include angina pectoris and high blood pressure. The symptoms, despite all the similarities, have nothing to do with the digestive system. To get rid of heartburn, you should treat the underlying disease, as well as switch to a proper diet, eating food up to five times daily in small quantities. Spicy, fatty, alcoholic, spices, smoked, salty, carbonated, and legumes are completely prohibited. Avoid eating fiber-rich foods.


Sometimes severe pain in the lower abdomen in women and men is caused by inflammation of the appendix. This pathology develops very quickly, and the best results come from timely treatment. Currently, appendicitis is one of the most common problems with which people present to emergency department surgeons. At the very beginning, this disease can easily be cured with medications; surgery is not required, but many simply do not pay attention to the symptoms, so they have to undergo surgery. However, the forecasts are mostly favorable. Often, patients seek medical help a day after the start of the acute phase and even later. Slightly less than one percent of these situations result in death.

If your stomach hurts during pregnancy due to appendicitis, you should immediately seek qualified help. It must be remembered that the disease progresses very quickly, only three days are needed from the initial manifestation to gangrenous foci. Symptoms are often vague; a fifth of all patients, even with tissue necrosis, feel only mild pain, which they do not pay attention to until the situation becomes critical.

Responsibility is the key to health

If your stomach hurts during menstruation, during pregnancy, suddenly, without any obvious reason, you should seek specialized help as quickly as possible. Delay in such a situation can end disastrously, especially if the cause is toxicosis, peptic ulcer disease, or infection. There are known cases of death caused by such reasons.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations indicate only minor disruptions in the functioning of the body, but it is possible that very serious pathologies manifest themselves. For a non-specialist, it is not possible to determine what the matter is just by symptoms; different causes have too much in common. You can't ignore the pain. A reasonable and responsible approach is a timely visit to a qualified doctor.


This term is usually used to denote inflammatory processes that affect the mucous membranes of the gastric system. The cause of gastritis can be frequent and severe stress, adversely affecting colonies of microorganisms, metabolic problems, and infectious diseases. Gastritis is often caused by alcohol abuse and prolonged use of medications. Among the most common causes are autoimmune pathologies. Gastritis itself can provoke a gastric ulcer. When eliminating the symptoms of such a pathology, it is prohibited to use aspirin and ibuprofen. Despite the high effectiveness of these drugs as painkillers, they are not applicable for this situation, since they negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa. But adsorbents that envelop can bring benefits. If the disease is associated with bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe a course of antimicrobial medications.

An important aspect of the fight against pain caused by gastritis is strict adherence to a therapeutic diet. Normally, the patient is prohibited from eating salty, fried, spicy, fiber, or any foods that stimulate fermentation. You cannot drink milk, eat products based on it, bread and similar dishes. The ban is also imposed on a number of fruits, in particular grapes.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

General information

Everyone has been bothered at least once pain in the lower abdomen, so everyone knows that such an illness can cause many painful minutes. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen can easily leave you bedridden for several hours.

Did you have nagging pain in your lower abdomen in the morning?
The day will definitely be ruined.
Why are pains in the lower abdomen so exhausting?
The fact is that even if the painkiller does work, only the most daredevils will risk a tasty meal after such a start to the day.
What is life without a delicious, juicy hamburger or your favorite cake with airy cream?
Just about, suffering begins from just one glance at a plate with healthy, but absolutely tasteless oatmeal.

What is the difference between pain in the lower abdomen?

Avoiding the unnecessary suffering that pain in the lower abdomen always brings with it is not so difficult. Perhaps one tablet of painkiller will be enough, which can be bought without a prescription at the nearest pharmacy. Although some may require longer treatment.

In any case, you first need to clearly determine what kind of pain is bothering you. To do this, you will need to comprehensively answer the following questions:

When did the first unpleasant sensations occur?

Pain in the lower abdomen often appears after eating. Still, not every body responds well to an overly nourishing and plentiful lunch or dinner. A fairly common situation is when pain in the lower abdomen makes itself felt after sex. And for many women, pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation has long become habitual.

What is the nature of the pain?

To make it easier for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, the patient must somehow characterize the pain. Dull pain in the lower abdomen is quite common. Many also complain that there is acute pain in the lower abdomen.
Many people have difficulty describing pain. But the doctor needs to hear at least some comparison to understand which disease is most likely. To explain what kind of pain a person experiences, you can use the following adjectives: sharp, dull, cutting, stabbing, sharp, cramping, pulsating, etc.

How long does the pain last?

Perhaps it has not stopped for a long time or, on the contrary, periodically occurs in the form of attacks.

Where exactly does it hurt?

When a person says something like: “it hurts in the lower abdomen,” it is difficult for the doctor to fully understand the patient. The location of the pain needs to be specified more precisely. Some people have pain in the sides of the lower abdomen, and some are haunted by pain in the lower left abdomen. All this must be reported to the doctor in order to speed up the determination of the cause of the disease.

What causes pain?

Associated symptoms can be very diverse: fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, etc. In addition, when there is pain in the lower abdomen, discharge should not be ignored either. It is worth paying attention to their color, frequency and the presence or absence of blood in them.

What do such pains mean?

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen can be very diverse. Too many diseases give such a symptom. Some of them can occur in everyone, others - only in a certain group of people. To answer the question: “why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?”, it is worth carefully studying all the possible causes of such pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen may appear due to the following problems:


Inflammation of the appendix ( vermiform appendix of the cecum). Appendectomy surgeries account for 90% of all surgeries performed in the hospital. If left untreated, appendicitis can cause the development of peritonitis. If the reason for calling the ambulance was severe pain in the child’s lower abdomen, then doctors will most likely suspect appendicitis and suggest going to the emergency hospital so that the surgeon can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Even if pregnancy is confirmed, but there is pain in the right lower abdomen, first of all, any doctor will think about appendicitis and will be right. The same applies to all other situations in which the right side in the lower abdomen hurts.

Treatment : always surgical. An operation is performed to remove the inflamed appendix.


Inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa. This disease is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and chest. In addition, complaints that the left side of the lower abdomen hurts are standard for gastritis. You can get rid of the symptoms of such inflammation within one to two weeks, but for this you need to start treatment in a timely manner.

Other symptoms : nausea, vomiting, unpleasant taste in the mouth, heartburn, burning under the chest, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, malaise, drowsiness, pallor, loss of strength. All symptoms are worse after eating.

Treatment : depends on the severity of the disease and the acidity of gastric juice ( which can be normal, increased or decreased).

Infections of the pelvic organs (gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis)

Common diseases caused by harmful bacteria entering the body. Transmitted sexually. Mycoplasmosis and chlamydia are characterized by white discharge, pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms. If brown or yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor and pain in the lower abdomen appear, then the most likely diagnosis is gonorrheal or trichomonas infection.

Treatment : medications are prescribed that will help relax the intestines and restore its function.

Poisoning (intoxication)

Diseases that occur due to the ingestion of stale food, harmful chemicals, too much alcohol, etc. Poisoning is easy to determine, because pain in the lower abdomen, diarrhea and other characteristic symptoms occur almost simultaneously.

Other symptoms : weakness, nausea, vomiting, high fever, chills, diarrhea.

Treatment : complex. Includes gastric lavage and agents that absorb toxic substances. Sometimes antibiotics are needed. After treatment, medications are also prescribed to restore normal microflora.


Inflammation of the pancreas. With pancreatitis, the chest and lower abdomen most often hurt very much, the pain radiates to the upper part of the body and to the left. Therefore, with pancreatitis, a person may also complain that “it hurts in the left lower abdomen.”

Other symptoms : vomiting with bile, after vomiting there is no relief, it is not possible to empty the intestines, stool retention, bloating, jaundice, confusion, renal failure.

Treatment : Most often, urgent surgery is necessary.


A very serious disease during which the peritoneum, the tissue that covers all internal organs, becomes inflamed. Urgent treatment is required, otherwise the patient's life is at risk.
Often, with peritonitis, the entire abdomen hurts. Although if the patient says that “the left side in the lower abdomen hurts,” this diagnosis should not be excluded, because peritonitis can begin in one place ( localized), and only then spread throughout the abdomen. Characteristic of peritonitis is a temporary cessation of pain, which returns after one to two hours, maintaining its intensity. If the pain does not go away for more than one day, despite taking pills, calling an ambulance becomes inevitable. When your stomach hurts for so long, the diagnosis of “peritonitis” will most likely be made.

Other symptoms : nausea; dry mouth; vomit; fever; abdominal muscle tension; sharp pain that occurs when pressing on the anterior wall of the abdomen; if you suddenly remove your hand from your stomach, the pain intensifies; Possible pain in the neck area.

Treatment : an emergency operation during which the entire abdominal cavity is washed out of pus and the main purulent focus is removed.


Inflammation of the bladder, which is indicated by pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, accompanied by pain and other painful sensations. Cystitis is successfully treated, therefore, the sooner the patient consults a doctor, the faster he will return to normal, and the pain in the lower abdomen will be forgotten like a bad dream.

Other symptoms : general weakness, high temperature, cloudy urine.

Treatment : antibiotics, diuretics, uroseptics are prescribed.


Inflammation of the gallbladder, which leads to disruption of the outflow of bile. This disease is usually caused by stones formed in the gall bladder. Cholecystitis has different symptoms, pain in the lower abdomen is one of them. With this disease, pain most often occurs in the right lower abdomen. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen and back is characteristic, radiating to the right shoulder or shoulder blade.

Other symptoms : high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, you constantly want to scratch your skin, dull pain intensifies after eating.

Treatment : following a diet and prescribing medications that help dissolve small stones. The most effective treatment is removal of the gallbladder. Performed for large stones or for frequently recurring attacks of biliary colic.

Stomach ulcer

Damage to the gastric mucosa. With peptic ulcers, there are periods of exacerbation and periods of weakening of the disease. This disease is not the best thing that can happen when pregnancy occurs, but pain in the left lower abdomen during such an important period is a sure sign that you urgently need to make sure that there is no stomach ulcer. If the diagnosis is confirmed, there is no need to panic either. Today this disease is successfully treated.

Other symptoms : pain intensifies after eating or, on the contrary, occurs exclusively on an empty stomach, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, sour belching.

Treatment : can be non-surgical for uncomplicated peptic ulcer and surgical for the development of serious complications ( when the ulcer completely eats away the wall of the stomach and the contents enter the abdominal cavity or when bleeding develops).

Pain in women

Representatives of the fair sex often have severe pain in the lower abdomen of a gynecological nature.

There are three types of pain:

Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation

Such pains appear regularly at some phase of the menstrual cycle. Some women are more likely to experience pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation ( more often in young nulliparous girls), and others experience pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation or during menstruation ( more often in multiparous women due to overstretching of the uterus).
The following diseases lead to pain of this kind:


This is the first disease that you should think about if you have pain in the lower abdomen before your period, because... it is very common. Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is most often also caused by dysmenorrhea. Symptoms usually disappear on their own within one to two days, but before that, severe pain below is constantly felt, especially when walking.


A rather serious disease in which tissue that is normally located inside the uterus, for one reason or another, appears in another place: in the wall of the uterus, on the ovaries, etc. When acute pain appears in the lower abdomen, gynecologists immediately remember this disease.

Other symptoms : pain in the lower abdomen during sex, infertility, pain during emptying the bladder or bowels, pelvic pain, increased menstrual bleeding. In this case, the beginning and end of menstruation is accompanied by dark brown ( "chocolate") discharge from the genital tract.

You can relieve the condition when there is pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. To do this, you should take an analgesic, drink green tea, get enough sleep or just get plenty of rest. In addition, you can prepare a heating pad and hold it on your stomach for 20 - 30 minutes.

Pain not associated with the menstrual cycle

These pains occur suddenly and may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. The uterus, appendages or urinary tract were probably damaged. When women have pain in the lower abdomen, it can be assumed that one of the following problems is present:

Inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis)

This disease is caused by harmful microorganisms such as staphylococci, streptococci, etc. If you do not treat salpingoophoritis in time, the matter may result in serious complications. It makes sense to think that the appendages may have become inflamed if there is pain in the lower abdomen and purulent discharge. Although, if there is pain in the lower abdomen during sex, then salpingo-oophoritis is also quite possible.

Other symptoms : malaise, fever, chills, excessive sweating, tense abdomen, painful urination.

Torsion of the uterus

The appendages twist around their axis, which prevents the proper flow of blood to the organs. If a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, then there is every reason to think about uterine torsion. It is worth saying that torsion of the appendages most often occurs when there are a large number of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

Other symptoms : nausea; vomit; a lump in the lower abdomen that can be easily felt when pressed. When you change body position, the severity of symptoms changes dramatically.

Consequences of abortion

It does not matter how the abortion was performed: surgically or medically. After some time, pain in the lower abdomen after an abortion will still appear. Throbbing pain in the lower abdomen usually bothers you for several days after surgery. Most often, the pain is so mild that there is no need even for analgesics. But if pain in the lower abdomen in the middle continues to bother you for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. As you know, abortions cause many complications, and they need to be identified as early as possible.

Other symptoms : bleeding, menstrual irregularities, increased body temperature, discharge from the genital tract.

Cyst rupture

It happens that there is pain in the lower abdomen and nausea does not give rest. In this case, you need to remember that cyst rupture is also possible.

Other symptoms : possible nausea, vomiting, weakness, pallor, fever. If the temperature is elevated, then it cannot be reduced with the help of conventional antipyretics.

Uterine cancer

A common cancer disease, which may be indicated by aching pain in the lower abdomen. Usually this pain is not very intense and patients get used to it. But it is precisely this monotonous pain that should alert you to uterine cancer.

Other symptoms : leucorrhoea, often with a putrid odor; bleeding.

Ovarian cancer

During this disease, a malignant tumor forms in the ovaries. Therefore, if you have been experiencing pain and pain in the lower abdomen for a long time, then you should urgently visit a gynecologist. Although the disease can be asymptomatic.

Other symptoms : enlarged abdomen, bleeding.


If pain in the lower abdomen and nausea appear, then the presence of adhesions can be assumed. They represent a fusion between organs that are located nearby. This disease can cause complications in the form of varicose veins of the pelvic veins. This can lead to the fact that the pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left will only intensify.

Other symptoms : weakness, fever, nausea, vomiting.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Typically, pain in the lower abdomen in pregnant women especially worries women. Still, during this period, the stomach becomes not just one of the parts of the body, but a home for the baby. In other words, the stomach is an object of intense attention. Therefore, when the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, everyone begins to panic: the expectant mothers themselves, their husbands, and everyone around them. People are worried for good reason. If there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, pregnancy is most likely in jeopardy.

When pregnancy is confirmed, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, like all other pain in this area, is divided into two groups:

1. obstetric;
This category includes frequent pain in the lower abdomen that occurs with sudden placental abruption, ectopic pregnancy, or the threat of fetal loss. This group is characterized by cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
In addition, pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge that accompanies them can indicate a problem of this nature.

2. non-obstetric.
This includes periodic pain in the lower abdomen associated with excessive tension in the abdominal muscles or sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus.

Pain of the first group may appear due to the following phenomena:

Ectopic pregnancy

When a woman begins to be bothered by constant pain in the lower abdomen, she should be wary, because... they may well be symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. The peculiarity of such a pregnancy is that the fertilized egg is not implanted in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, ovary or in the abdominal cavity between the intestinal loops, i.e. not where it needs to be. If the pregnancy test is positive and no fertilized egg is detected inside the uterus on ultrasound, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is high.

Other symptoms : vaginal bleeding, delayed menstruation.

Treatment : in case of an ectopic pregnancy, an urgent operation is performed, which consists of removing the fallopian tube along with the fertilized egg.

Premature placental abruption

Pregnant women may complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen. It is likely that the reason is the placenta, which decided to move away from the uterine wall ahead of time. This can be triggered by physical overexertion or abdominal trauma.

Other symptoms : vaginal bleeding, weakness, nausea, vomiting, bloating, pallor.

Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)

With this disease, pregnancy up to 22 weeks is terminated spontaneously. The cause may be illness of the mother or fetus. If the expectant mother herself is still a teenager, and pain in the lower abdomen has already begun to appear, early pregnancy becomes even more dangerous. In this case, the likelihood of miscarriage increases significantly.

Other symptoms : vaginal bleeding, increased muscle activity.

Start of contractions

On those days when, according to calculations, pregnancy should end, cutting pain in the lower abdomen may signal the onset of contractions.

Other symptoms : contractions repeat every 5 - 7 minutes, water breaks.
If you have doubts about pain in the left side of the lower abdomen or nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the right, but there are no other symptoms, then you don’t have to worry too much. Most likely, the problem is an unexpectedly large load on the abdominal muscles, for which the body was unprepared. This is quite natural, because even when pregnancy proceeds absolutely normally, aching pain in the lower abdomen is inevitable. But if pregnancy is constantly accompanied by stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, then you should go to the gynecologist. Otherwise, an umbilical hernia may develop, which is absolutely unnecessary for either the mother or the child.

We must not forget that towards the end of pregnancy, the pelvic bones diverge slightly to make it easier for the baby to come out. Therefore, at 39 weeks, pain in the lower abdomen is quite expected and does not portend any danger. For many, lower abdominal pain is already in full swing at 36 weeks. And even in the second trimester, pain in the lower abdomen can become a faithful companion for the expectant mother. In these cases, there may be a risk of premature birth. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment to maintain pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is also very common. But unpleasant sensations during this period should not be surprising. Still, the body needs time to recover from stress and tissue damage.
Many people say that pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of pregnancy, but this is a false statement. The main sign that a woman will soon have a baby in her life is a positive test and a gynecologist’s verdict. So, a delay in menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen is not yet a reason to claim that you are pregnant. This is rather a signal that should lead you to the gynecologist's office.

Pain in men

Statistics show that pain in the lower abdomen is much less common in men than in the fairer sex. But this does not mean that pain in the lower abdomen when urinating or pain in the lower abdomen when walking can be ignored. On the contrary, in order not to incur trouble and expensive treatment, you must immediately go to the doctor. Because only a doctor can find out which of the following diseases caused pain on the sides of the lower abdomen:

Inflammation of the testicles and their appendages (orchitis and orchiepididymitis)

The disease occurs either after previous infections such as influenza, mumps or scarlet fever, or in connection with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs ( prostatitis, urethritis, etc.).

Other symptoms : sharp pain in the testicles; the scrotum is enlarged, and the skin on it is smooth and shiny; touching the testicles causes sharp pain; nausea; heat; headache; general weakness; compaction, clearly visible when palpated.


Inflammation of the prostate ( prostate gland). You should suspect prostatitis if pain in the lower abdomen and groin appears almost simultaneously.

Other symptoms : weakness, chills, high temperature, white or purulent discharge, pain in the perineum, frequent urge to urinate and pain with it, possible acute urinary retention and other difficulties when urinating.


At the moment when pain appears in the lower abdomen, “what to do?!” becomes the most pressing issue. It doesn’t matter if the pain in the lower abdomen occurs after eating, falling or getting hit, in any case you should talk to your doctor. It is necessary to find out as early as possible which organs are affected and begin appropriate treatment.

If a person has pain in the lower abdomen and fever, as well as nausea, vomiting, chills or excessive sweating, then an ambulance should be called immediately. But if bloating and pain in the lower abdomen have appeared recently, do not cause any particular inconvenience and temporarily stop after taking the pills, then a trip to the doctor can be postponed until the next working day. But, under no circumstances can you cancel a conversation with the doctor. Cutting pain in the lower abdomen is a dangerous symptom that cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

On holidays and weekends, you have to wait quite a long time for doctors. And when there is pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, every minute of waiting counts for a year. To alleviate the patient’s condition, you need to put him to bed, give him a painkiller, and offer him tea. Apply a heating pad, take a hot bath, take medications that once helped someone, but are not available by prescription without a doctor’s prescription.

Which doctor should I contact for pain in the lower abdomen?

Since pain in the lower abdomen can be provoked by pathologies of various organs, it is necessary to contact doctors of various specialties when they occur. To determine which specialty doctor you should contact for pain in the lower abdomen, you should identify the accompanying symptoms, since they indicate which organ is affected. Below we will consider which doctors should be contacted if pain in the lower abdomen occurs, depending on the existing accompanying symptoms.

If the pain in the lower abdomen is acute, burning, localized on the right or along the entire anterior abdominal wall, intensifies with movements, and sometimes when touching the abdomen, is combined with an increase in body temperature, a sharp deterioration in well-being, frequent urge to urinate, nausea, and possibly vomiting, then it is suspected acute appendicitis or peritonitis. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance, as an urgent operation is needed to save a person’s life.

If a woman suddenly or after sex experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, especially against the background of delayed menstruation, combined with vomiting, abdominal tightness, weakness, pallor, a sharp deterioration in well-being up to fainting, then you should immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized to the gynecological department, since urgent surgery is necessary to save a life for a ruptured cyst, torsion of the uterine appendages or ectopic pregnancy.

For pain in the lower abdomen on the left side, which is combined with nausea, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, vomiting bile, burning or pain under the breasts, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, malaise, bloating, loss of strength and pallor, with many symptoms appearing or worsening after eating – gastritis, gastric ulcer or pancreatitis is suspected. In this case, you should contact Gastroenterologist (make an appointment), and in his absence – to therapist (make an appointment).

If there are pains in the lower abdomen and back, which spread to the right shoulder and shoulder blade, intensify after eating, are combined with high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, itching of the skin, then this indicates cholecystitis, and in this case you should consult a doctor -gastroenterologist or surgeon (make an appointment).

If the pain in the lower abdomen is cramping (appears for a short period of time, then disappears, then appears again, etc.), spastic in nature, combined with frequent and false urge to defecate, bloating, flatulence and sometimes nausea, then intestinal colic is suspected , and in such a situation it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist or therapist.

If pain in the lower abdomen appears simultaneously with diarrhea, vomiting, chills, nausea, weakness and high fever, combined with rumbling and bloating, then food poisoning is suspected, and in this case you should consult a doctor - infectious disease specialist (sign up) or a therapist.

If pain in the lower abdomen is combined with frequent and painful urination, elevated body temperature, and the release of cloudy urine, then cystitis is suspected, and in this case you should contact urologist (make an appointment) or nephrologist (make an appointment).

If the pain in the lower abdomen in a woman is diffuse, without clear localization, combined with various abnormal discharge from the vagina or urethra (white, yellow, gray, greenish, with lumps, bubbles, with an unpleasant odor), itching, burning and swelling in the genital area , and sometimes with an increase in temperature and frequent, painful urination, an infectious-inflammatory disease of the genital organs is suspected (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis). In this case, you should contact gynecologist (make an appointment) or venereologist (make an appointment).

In general, if a woman’s lower abdomen hurts, and the pain is often provoked by sex, occurs before or during menstruation, during bowel movements, is combined with abnormal discharge from the genital tract, heavy or scanty menstruation, bleeding, brownish spotting, weakness, abdominal tension , chills, and sometimes with elevated body temperature, you should always consult a gynecologist, since such symptoms indicate diseases of the female genital area.

If a man has pain in the lower abdomen, combined with pain in the testicles or perineum, an enlarged scrotum, general weakness, poor health, painful and frequent urination, urinary retention during urination, possibly purulent discharge from the urethra, then a disease of the male genital area (prostatitis, orchitis, orchiepididymitis), and in this case you should consult a urologist.

If in the past a person has undergone any operations on the abdominal or pelvic organs, and in the present there is persistent pain down the abdomen, then this indicates the formation of adhesions and requires contacting a surgeon or gynecologist (if the operation was surgical, then to a surgeon , and if gynecological, then, accordingly, to a gynecologist).

If a pregnant woman has pain in her lower abdomen, then, naturally, she should consult a gynecologist.

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for pain in the lower abdomen?

Pain in the lower abdomen can be provoked by various diseases, and therefore the list of studies that a doctor prescribes for this symptom is very wide and varied. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes only some examinations that are necessary for diagnosis, and their list is determined by the accompanying symptoms, which make it possible to suspect a person’s pathology. Below we will consider what tests and examinations a doctor can prescribe in various cases of pain in the lower abdomen.

When the pain is localized in the lower left abdomen, combined with nausea, heartburn, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, vomiting bile, burning or pain under the breasts, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, malaise, bloating, loss of strength and pallor - the doctor suspects a pathology of the digestive tract (gastritis , gastric ulcer or pancreatitis) and orders any of the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test (sign up);
  • General urine analysis ;
  • Blood chemistry ( bilirubin (sign up), total protein, AST, ALT, amylase, lipase);
  • Urine analysis for amylase concentration;
  • Fecal occult blood test;
  • Scatological examination of stool;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) (sign up);
  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up);
  • Intragastric pH-metry (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (make an appointment);
  • Endoscopic retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (sign up);
  • Detection of Helicobacter Pylori by various methods (in material collected during FGDS, PCR, breath test (sign up));
  • The presence of antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori (IgM, IgG) in the blood;
  • Examination of gastric juice;
  • Level of pepsinogens and gastrin in blood serum;
  • The presence of antibodies to gastric parietal cells (total IgG, IgA, IgM) in the blood.
First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, a scatological test of feces, feces for occult blood and urine for amylase concentration, since these studies make it possible to understand whether there is a pathology of the pancreas or stomach. And then other examinations necessary to detect pancreatitis or gastritis/stomach ulcers are prescribed.

So, if hidden blood is detected in the stool, then this indicates a pathology of the stomach. If a high concentration of amylase is detected in the urine and blood, this indicates a pathology of the pancreas.

Further, if stomach pathologies are identified, the doctor prescribes some test for the detection of Helicobacter Pylori (sign up)(the analysis is selected depending on the capabilities of the medical institution), tests for the level of pepsinogens and gastrin in the blood, as well as fibrogastroduodenoscopy. These examinations are quite sufficient to diagnose gastritis or gastric ulcer. However, in addition, to study the properties of gastric juice, pH measurements and analysis of samples of such juice are prescribed. If a person cannot undergo fibrogastroscopy, then tomography is prescribed. An analysis for the presence of antibodies to gastric parietal cells is rarely prescribed - only if autoimmune gastritis is suspected, when a person cannot undergo either fibrogastroscopy or tomography.

If pathology of the pancreas is detected, then ultrasound and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography are prescribed. If technically possible, the examination can be supplemented with tomography.

When the pain is localized in the lower abdomen and back, radiates to the right shoulder and shoulder blade, intensifies after eating, is combined with high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, itching of the skin, this indicates cholecystitis, and the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Duodenal sounding (sign up);
  • Cholecystography (sign up);
Usually, only general and biochemical blood tests are prescribed, as well as Ultrasound (sign up), since these examinations are quite sufficient to make a diagnosis. However, if it is necessary to clarify the functional parameters of the gallbladder and its condition, then other studies from the above list are prescribed as additional ones.

When the pain in the lower abdomen is cramping, combined with frequent and false urge to defecate, bloating, flatulence and sometimes nausea, the doctor suspects intestinal colic and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein, albumin, triglycerides,
    • General blood analysis;
    • General urine analysis;
    • Blood electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine);
    • Bacteriological culture of feces, vomit, gastric lavage.
    If poisoning is suspected, all of the above examinations are prescribed and carried out immediately.

    When pain in the lower abdomen is combined with frequent and painful urination, elevated body temperature, and the release of cloudy urine, the doctor suspects cystitis and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

    • General urine analysis;
    • Urine sample according to Zimnitsky (sign up);
    • Urine sample according to Nechiporenko (sign up);
    • Bacteriological culture of urine with sensitivity to antibiotics;
    • Urethral smear (sign up)(in women from the urethra and vagina) for sexually transmitted infections;
    • Kidney ultrasound (sign up) And bladder (sign up);
    • Cystoscopy (make an appointment);
    • Cystography (sign up);
    • Uroflowmetry (sign up).
    In case of acute cystitis, only urine tests are usually prescribed (general, according to Zimnitsky, according to Nechiporenko), bacteriological culture of urine to identify the causative agent of the infectious-inflammatory process, and also ultrasound. These examinations are quite sufficient to make a diagnosis, assess the condition of the organ and prescribe adequate treatment. However, if cystitis is chronic or occurs frequently, then a smear from the urethra (in women from the urethra and vagina) for sexually transmitted infections, uroflowmetry, and either cystoscopy or cystography are additionally prescribed. Additional examinations are necessary to determine the cause of cystitis and assess the condition of the organ.

    When pain in the lower abdomen occurs in women, does not have a clear localization, is combined with abnormal vaginal discharge (white, yellow, gray, greenish, with lumps, bubbles, with an unpleasant odor), itching, burning and swelling in the genital area, and sometimes c fever and frequent, painful urination - the doctor suspects some kind of inflammatory disease of the genital organs and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

    • General blood analysis;
    • General urine analysis;
    • Vaginal flora smear (sign up);
    • Analysis of blood, vaginal discharge and scraping from the urethra for sexually transmitted infections (sign up) (for chlamydia (sign up), mycoplasma (sign up), gardnerella, ureaplasma (sign up), Trichomonas, gonococci, Candida fungi) by ELISA, PCR methods;
    • Tests for the presence of viruses – herpes virus types 1 and 2 (sign up), human papillomavirus (sign up), cytomegalovirus (sign up), Epstein-Barr virus;
    • Blood test for syphilis (sign up);
    • Bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge.
    To identify the cause of the infectious-inflammatory process, a general blood and urine test, a vaginal smear for flora, a blood test for syphilis, and a bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge are first prescribed. These tests reveal the cause of the infection in most cases, and therefore are used first. Accordingly, if the causative agent of the infection has been identified, no other tests are prescribed. But if this could not be done, then blood tests, vaginal discharge and scrapings from the urethra are prescribed for genital infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, gardnerella, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococci, Candida fungi) using ELISA methods, PCR (sign up) and tests for the presence of viruses.

    When a woman has pain in the lower abdomen, often provoked by sex, occurring before or during menstruation, during bowel movements, combined with abnormal discharge from the genital tract, heavy or scanty menstruation, bleeding, brownish spotting, weakness, abdominal tension, chills, and sometimes elevated body temperature - the doctor suspects a disease of the genital organs and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

    • General blood analysis;
    • General urine analysis;
    • Vaginal smear for flora;
    • Bacteriological seeding of vaginal discharge, urethra and cervix;
    • Blood test for tumor markers CA-125, CEA and CA 19-9 and RO test (sign up);
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (sign up);
    • adnexitis, salpingitis or other diseases of the genital organs, hysterosalpingography, puncture of the posterior vaginal vault and bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge, urethra and cervix are prescribed.

      If pain in the lower abdomen bothers a man, is combined with pain in the testicles or perineum, an enlarged scrotum, general weakness, poor health, frequent and painful urination, urinary retention during urination, possibly purulent discharge from the urethra - the doctor suspects prostatitis, orchitis or orchiepididymitis, and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

      • General blood analysis;
      • General urine analysis;
      • Digital examination of the prostate;
      • Study of prostate secretions (sign up);
      • Bacteriological culture of urine and prostate secretions;
      • Urethral swab;
      • Ultrasound of the prostate gland (make an appointment) And testicles (sign up);
      • Testicular puncture with sampling biopsy (sign up).
      First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood and urine test, and also examines and feels the testicles and digital examination of the prostate. If these tests reveal prostate pathology, then in addition to identifying the cause of the inflammatory process and assessing the condition of the organ, a study of prostate secretions, bacteriological culture of urine and prostate secretions, as well as an ultrasound of the prostate are prescribed. If pathology of the testicles or epididymis has been identified, then a smear from the urethra, bacteriological culture of urine and prostate secretions, ultrasound and testicular puncture are prescribed.

      When pain in the lower abdomen periodically appears and disappears, does not increase over time, and a person has had operations on the abdominal or pelvic organs in the past, then adhesive disease is suspected, and in this case the doctor prescribes an ultrasound or tomography to identify the number and location of adhesions. Other studies are usually not performed, since ultrasound is sufficient to detect adhesions.

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