Why does a person get sick all the time? What’s wrong with him? Why do we get sick? Opportunity to postpone an important task

Photo: Kasia Bialasiewicz/Rusmediabank.ru

A constant vague feeling that something is wrong, poor sleep, frequent irritation, a desire to quit everything... Perhaps you yourself do not fully understand what is happening to you. But psychologists, who have long observed such symptoms in many people, are sure that such a mood and well-being is a clear sign that it’s time to change something in life. Are you not sure? Then check yourself - we have collected the most common and obvious signs that it is time to start a new life.

1. Nothing makes you happy, and life seems like “Groundhog Day,” when every new day is exactly the same as the previous one. If this condition lasts not a day or two or a week, but months, this is a serious reason to think about it.

2. You don't feel any emotions. - a normal phenomenon in human life. The point is not that you are a reserved person and don’t show them, the point is that you simply don’t feel them. They tell you bad news - but you don’t care; good news - the result is the same. This is how our brain reacts to severe stress, constant tension and the onset of depression.

3. Do you live in the past or in the future. You either constantly relive bad moments from the past, or remember the wonderful times of the past, or live only in dreams of the future - any of the options forces you to completely concentrate on any other period of time except the present. No, remembering pleasant moments and rejoicing, sad ones - and learning useful lessons or dreaming a little about plans for the coming years - is not bad and even useful. However, if dreams or memories begin to occupy a large part of life, then difficulties begin in the present.

4. You stopped taking care of your health and appearance. Does the tooth require treatment? Hey, wait until it hurts! Hike to ? No time! Iron the dress? Yes, that will do! Some even justify their untidiness and unwillingness to take care of themselves by the need to take care of their husband, children, aging parents...

5. You began to notice strange things about yourself - for example, when you pick up a book, you re-read what you wrote three times to catch the essence, and when you write an important email, after sending it, you find many typos in it, although it seems that you checked everything several times. Yes, once everything can be attributed to fatigue and inattention. However, if this happens again and again, this is a reason to think about it.

6. You are constantly worried. It seems that there are no special reasons or that the same circumstances did not cause you such a disorder before. As soon as the husband is ten minutes late from work, the imagination paints the darkest pictures, and if the son or daughter does not answer the mobile phone, it’s generally the end of the world. Even the most ordinary situations give you bouts of anxiety and dozens of questions “What if...” In the face of any possible troubles, you feel helpless, and thinking about the future is simply paralyzing.

7. You have stopped developing as a person. Childhood dreams are already forgotten (after all, they are unrealistic anyway!), there is no desire to learn something new (why?), you don’t set any goals for yourself (I have enough at home and work)... We hasten to disappoint you: if you fall into such a trap, this means things are bad - after all, a person never stands still, he either moves forward or slides back. If at the moment watching TV series in front of the TV with a plate of sandwiches on your lap seems like the best way to spend your time, it’s time to change something.

8. You are constantly jealous. Envy is one of the serious symptoms that indicates that you are dissatisfied with your life today. If you were satisfied with everything in your own lot, would you envy other people’s successes and joys?!

9. You haven’t cleaned up your home for a long, long time. A mountain of unwashed dishes, a bunch of things in the chair because you didn’t “carry” them to the closet, dirty socks under the bed, a wallet ready to fall apart - not from money, but from checks and receipts six months ago, bottles in the bathroom have long begun to play a role decor, because you forgot the last time you threw empty jars into the trash can... And you still keep your shorts from adolescence in the closet, knowing that you will never wear them in your life, as well as a robe worn to holes and a tracksuit with shiny knees. It seems that it’s time to specifically take on cleaning - to get rid of everything unnecessary, broken, unused, torn, spoiled, small, not in your style, tasteless, and also annoying. Then life will seem better!

10. You constantly put off important things until later. You have neither the desire nor the strength to solve anything now, as a result, things accumulate like a snowball, and you even have no desire to deal with it.

11. You feel about people close to you. Your beloved husband, children, parents and friends suddenly began to cause you constant and insurmountable irritation. Any little thing can throw you off balance, and previously pleasant conversations with family and friends now seem like stupid and unnecessary chatter. Perhaps this is how your brain reacts to the need for changes in life - and in order to realize this and come to them, it requires some solitude.

What I will write about now is not known to me in theory, but experienced in practice...

Over the previous 8 years, I periodically became quite seriously ill (these were serious illnesses, operations), and this made me think that I was doing something wrong, that I didn’t understand something, that I was going through life in the wrong way... How It was absolutely not clear which way to go, but I firmly decided to deal with this issue.

One day I slowed down my “work-home” circle and at that moment I realized that I felt deep subconscious dissatisfaction due to my lack of fulfillment in my profession.

At that time, I worked in a large federal company in the field of wholesale sales, and outwardly my life was quite successful and comfortable: a friendly family, a stable job, an apartment, a car.

However, I began to realize that I had not been interested in myself for a long time. That life has lost its colors.

I came to understand that, in fact, I live the same day many times, and my life resembles a cozy swamp.

It was absolutely clear to me that there was a direct relationship between my diseases and my condition.

But how can I change my life, how and in what ways can I realize myself? My mind didn’t offer me anything new, except for the terrible fear of changing anything at 40 years old, especially learning a new activity. The prospect of changes before retirement age depressed me, but leaving everything as it was and continuing to go with the flow was even worse...

After thinking about it, I decided to make a change... I didn’t put up with dissatisfaction, I didn’t hold on to prosperity and stability, I quit and went to look for “my way”... From the time I took a step towards the new and unknown, all the diagnoses that I had were delivered, remained only on paper...

Today I deal with human life and observe situations where people live for years in a state of dissatisfaction and yet do not dare to leave the old, cling to it and hold on with all their might...

I urge: do not put up with dissatisfaction! Don't be afraid to take a step from the outdated old to the new!

Quit the job you hate that exhausts you and keeps you stressed! Break up with those you don't love if the relationship has long outlived its usefulness, even if you are connected by children! Children subtly sense the mood of their parents and grow up unhappy in families where their parents are not happy!

Many are stopped by fear for their material well-being... Fear of being left alone or with a child and not being able to cope with material problems alone.

But the truth is that as soon as you make a firm decision within yourself to act, the whole world will turn its face to you and support you! Suddenly there will be people who will lend a helping hand... Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will go in the most interesting and comfortable way from the joyless old to the happy new! New opportunities will appear that you didn’t even know about before! The whole world will begin to move around you and simply carry you in your arms!

You just need to make a decision and take a step! Even if this is a step to nowhere... Perhaps this step will prolong your life... After all, the vibration of illness is much lower than the vibration of joy...

If you see yourself in this article, make up your mind!

Before it's too late, start living!


Soul Diaries 11/16/2018

My dears, today I have important information for you. I think that it may be of interest to many of you, because the topic of the webinar concerns health. Why do we get sick or do our children and loved ones get sick? Why do we often go to doctors, get tested and everything seems to be fine, but we feel bad. And doctors simply cannot make a diagnosis. What to do about it? Can anything be changed?

This and much more will be discussed at the long-awaited webinar, which will be held very soon, on Monday, November 19 at 19:00 Moscow time. I'll definitely be there myself!

This will be the first webinar in a series of webinars for those who want to understand and understand why and why diseases occur, various painful situations in life, and are also ready to change it and be truly healthy and happy!

And now about everything in more detail.

First webinar. Why do we get sick and how can we change it?

What you will learn at the webinar:

  • They often say that the most important thing in life is HEALTH, is that true?
  • why children get sick and what to do,
  • some say: in a healthy body there is a healthy spirit, and others - where the spirit is healthy, the body is healthy - what is the truth?
  • why do we treat one thing and cripple another,
  • They say: all diseases are caused by nerves, what should we do now?
  • how and how to help when a loved one is sick,
  • oncology – what is causing the increase in the number of cases around the world,
  • Why do people who lead a healthy lifestyle get sick?
  • how the body signals about our violations,
  • what to do when doctors “throw up their hands” and cannot help,
  • What is the difference between passport and biological age?

And your questions will also be answered.

Webinar time

Who is hosting the webinar?

Author of a practical online school of complete happiness “The Truth of Love through the knowledge of the Wisdom of the Soul and the development of the Spirit.”

Based on the teachings of “THE TRUTH OF LOVE”, “Truth of LOVE” clubs have been created, are operating and are being created in Russia by its followers.

Healer of the New Time, born with the Gift of restoring the integrity of a person from within.

Helped a large number of people change their inner state, health, relationships with loved ones, well-being, and become and be truly happy!

And just a bright, gentle, wise, sunny and loving SOUL.

I have already told you a lot about Allochka Prepelitsa in the blog. You can read about how our meeting took place in the article. And also in our section, I shared with you the stories of those who study at the school of Complete Happiness “Truth of Love” with Allochka.

I also study at this school. I want to say that I myself studied a lot and read a lot. But I have never met such deep knowledge, such Love for everyone, such support as Allochka had at school.

And the most important thing is that Allochka helps everyone solve their own situation and gives her recommendations step by step. And if we follow them, implement them, work on ourselves, many things in our lives magically change.

Thanks to her Gift and our work, Miracles happen! This applies to health and relationships in the family, with loved ones, with children, work, etc. In a word, all areas of our lives!

Also at the webinar there will be live stories of those who solved their health problems with Allochka.

You can ask your questions in the comments. We will definitely answer them at the webinar. I will send them to Allochka before the webinar starts. All participants will be sent a video recording of the webinar, which you can listen to at a time convenient for you.

How to get to the webinar

Email me [email protected] and I will tell you about everything in more detail.

Contact number 8 915 974 12 64 (Irina Zaitseva). There is WhatsApp and Viber.

The cost of the webinar is 1200 rubles.

See you at our webinar!

And for the soul, we will listen to Beethoven, Sonata No. 17, part 3 (Allegretto) - Wilhelm Kempff. Look at the musician's eyes. So much wisdom and depth. This is all in continuation of the theme of the same wisdom and depth of what Allochka tells us at school.

see also









A disease of any degree of complexity is based not only on physiological, but also on psychological causes, which may not be recognized by the person. Even classical medicine has long recognized the psychosomatic nature of diseases such as ulcers, colitis, dermatitis, arthritis, asthma, hypertension and heart problems. What can we say about tumor diseases or weakened immunity due to nervousness?

Illness is a way to reach the cockroaches in the head with the help of the body, when the person himself, for some reason, ignores his needs and does not want to hear them. That’s when something comes into the arena that makes you stop and think once again: am I moving in the right direction?

Why do we get sick? Here are 9 reasons that will change your view of pain:

1. Vacation permit

The modern world imposes a crazy race for survival on people. Work according to a schedule, family, self-development, life according to the principle “do more and don’t whine” - all this puts pressure on the body, squeezes every drop of strength. And if a person does not leave time for recovery, for things that bring him pleasure, the body takes care of itself, “at the wrong time” getting sick. This is how the flu or a cast appears on the leg, which forces you to stop and take a break.

2. The desire to feel cared for

Being strong and successful is cool, but it’s even nicer to feel loved. If for some reason a person lacks the attention of loved ones, if he does not feel care and tenderness from his partner, the body decides to get its way in any way and gets sick. After all, it’s so nice to be in the role of a child, around whom everyone is running around with a thermometer, buying oranges for him and stroking his head. If symptoms are ignored, the disease progresses until it reaches its destination.

3. The ability to postpone an important task

Let's imagine a hypothetical situation: a husband demands a divorce, the usual world is collapsing, but then a tumor is found on his wife, then he stays with her. Or another picture - a girl needs to visit her parents, but she really doesn’t want to, then she successfully catches a cold. What mechanism? Illness serves as an excuse to put off some unpleasant activity or put off an important decision, and it can also explain any career or love failures.

4. Self-punishment

In this situation, the person himself unconsciously programs the body for illness in order to atone for guilt. For example, a mother beats a child, and then her arm joints are twisted, because she understands that she did wrong and reproaches herself. Another situation is that a man cheated on his wife and his pangs of conscience for what he did result in a venereal disease. The third - the daughter blames herself for her mother's death all her life and thereby brings on exactly the same disease. This is why it is harmful to live with a feeling of guilt.

5. The desire to attract attention

This type of disease often manifests itself in old people who feel unwanted, so they try to attract attention by any means. Some kind of chronic rheumatism becomes an excellent reason to terrorize relatives, beg their sympathy, and also become the topic of the day in discussions among neighbors. Now the old man is not just anyone, but a hero who has experienced a lot and deserves respect.

6. Hidden fears and grievances

This reason is also not new. The body senses the owner’s mood and reflects his subconscious ideas about life. If a person is afraid of the future, his kidneys suffer, if he takes the words and actions of others to heart, his heart hurts, if he carries an unbearable burden of responsibility and is afraid to ask for help, back problems begin. And the more deaf he is to his problems, the stronger the pain.

7. A lesson in self-love

Expensive massage courses, proper nutrition, an annual examination with a doctor - all this requires time and money, which it would be a pity to allocate to yourself. But the body does not forgive neglect, it also wants attention, so illness can appear as a lesson in love. How much can a person value himself? Is he ready to take care of his well-being, eat healthy food, and control his sleep patterns? Through illness, the body forces its owner to learn to love himself.

8. An incentive to rethink life

A serious illness forces a person to stop and think: is he moving in the right direction, have he managed to realize all his desires? What was previously ignored now comes to the fore, every breath taken becomes important. A person begins to look for his present self, the moment when everything went wrong. There is a reassessment of life, goals, guidelines and prospects, attitudes towards many people and things change. The disease, as it were, provokes a spring cleaning in the inner world.

9. Realization of the “last” wish

Finally, another common cause of incurable diseases is suppressed needs that a person has not fulfilled. On his deathbed, he realizes that he will die, which means he can no longer be afraid of losing everything, the time has come to realize the dreams that he has been nurturing for a long time. You can quit the job you hate, go on a trip around the world and eat your fill of ice cream. And no one will stand in the way with their moral teachings. You can also exploit your loved ones with your “last will”, maybe then the husband will finally do the repairs and let his wife go to the races?

As we see, illness is the language of the unconscious, which forces a person to listen to repressed needs and come to what he wants in a roundabout way. And if so, you can get rid of pain by allowing yourself to satisfy your desire openly, without resorting to manipulation through illness. As soon as a person fills the internal emptiness, the external will also change, the main thing is to realize for yourself what your illness gives you. The solution will be the key to recovery!

In winter, low temperatures, lack of vitamins and virus epidemics send us on sick leave every now and then. What to do if you get sick and already feel the first signs of a cold? Here are some tips to help you avoid having a fever during the week.

First, let's say a few words about the importance of timely detection of the first symptoms of a cold. In the frantic pace of life, we rarely pay attention to malaise until it reaches critical proportions. That is, when your body aches slightly, you get up in the morning exhausted and cannot find the strength to work, this is unlikely to be an alarm bell - you will most likely chalk it up to general fatigue and lack of sleep. But in fact, you may be developing a cold. In addition, be sure to notice if you have been in contact with infected people or were very cold outside.
Now let's move on to advice on what to do if you start to get sick.

1. Stay warm

Have you stood at the bus stop for a long time waiting for the bus and feel your feet getting cold? When you return home, be sure to take a steam bath. If you can’t go to the bathhouse, at least bask in a hot bath and steam your feet with a bath of dry mustard. Drink tea with raspberry jam or honey, wrap yourself in a warm sweater or robe and avoid hypothermia so as not to aggravate the situation.

2. Stay home

If you have already noticed the first symptoms - fever in the evening, general weakness, cough, runny nose - stay home and get treatment. Many will argue that it’s not so easy to take one day off from work, you have to work, you’re stuck, etc. But believe me, it’s better to lose life for one day than to go on sick leave for at least a week and struggle with residual symptoms for a long time.

9. Use disposable tissues

Fork out for a pack or two of disposable tissues - they are not that expensive, but their benefits will be worth it. After several uses, an ordinary handkerchief turns into a cluster of microbes, and you will be tortured to wash it if you have a bad runny nose. And disposable handkerchiefs are hygienic and easy to use.

10. Treat symptoms

Everyone is well aware that it is not recommended to lower the temperature to 38 degrees so that the body can fight the infection. However, this does not apply to other symptoms. If you don't get rid of your runny nose, you will start breathing through your mouth and most likely your throat will hurt. And in principle there is no need to endure a sore throat and cough. Buy nasal drops, lozenges or cough syrup, or use folk remedies.

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