Steam inhalation at home for a runny nose. Inhalation at home Inhalation for coughing without an inhaler

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Inhalation is a method of delivering various medicinal substances directly to the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. During inhalation, a person simply inhales vapors or small particles of a medicinal substance concentrated in the air, and they spread along with the air throughout the entire bronchial-pulmonary tree. To obtain vapors or small particles of a medicinal substance, special devices called inhalers or various devices are used, for example, a kettle with boiling water, hot stones, etc. During inhalation, various substances very quickly appear on the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, and begin to exert their biological and pharmacological effects immediately. That is why the speed of onset of the effect after inhalation administration of the drug is much higher compared to taking tablets or oral solutions. Considering the widespread prevalence of respiratory diseases, inhalation has become a very popular and effective method of complex therapy, which can be used both at home and in specialized hospitals.

Inhalations for cough - classification, general characteristics, indications and contraindications

Clinical effects of inhalation for cough

Inhalation is an excellent method of delivering drugs to the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. And since almost all diseases of the respiratory tract are accompanied cough, then inhalations are indicated and widely used in the presence of this symptom. Inhalation for cough has the following effects:
1. Moisturizes the mucous membranes, eliminating dry, irritating and painful cough for a certain period of time;
2. Improves the formation of mucus and sputum, transforming a dry cough into a wet one;
3. With a wet cough, it causes the evacuation of sputum, accelerating the healing process and preventing the disease from becoming chronic;
4. When using special medications, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect, accelerating recovery.

Types of inhalations

Inhalations, depending on the temperature of the incoming substances, are divided into cold and hot. Inhalations are considered cold, during which a person inhales a medicinal substance at room temperature that is not heated by any means. Inhalations are considered hot, in which heated vapors of a medicinal substance are inhaled. If the temperature of the inhaled medicine is 30 o C or higher, then it is considered hot.

According to the mechanism of formation of an aerosol or suspension of a medicinal substance, inhalations are divided into steam (dry and wet) and instrument inhalations. Accordingly, during steam inhalation, the medicinal substance is placed in water, and evaporating from its surface along with clouds of steam forms a suspension, which must be inhaled. Device inhalations are carried out using a special device (inhaler, nebulizer, etc.) that breaks the medicinal substance into small particles and blows them out in the form of a small cloud, which the person inhales.

Today, the most common and popular are wet steam and nebulizer inhalations. Wet steam inhalation is a pan of boiling water in which medicine is dissolved, known to almost every person since childhood. In this case, you need to breathe the steam rising above the pan or kettle. Nebulizer inhalation is carried out using a device called a nebulizer. The essence of the nebulizer is that it breaks the medicine into small particles and blows them out in the form of a cloud, forming a concentrated field in a small volume of air. To prevent drug particles from scattering in the air of the room, nebulizers use attachments in the form of mouthpieces or masks, which contain a cloud of the drug. The person performing the inhalation simply puts a mask on his face or takes a mouthpiece into his mouth or nose, inhaling through them a large number of small particles of the drug, which very quickly end up on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Inhalation for cough with nebulizer

Nebulizer inhalation is better than wet steam inhalation because it allows precise dosing of the drug and ensures the delivery of particles of the desired size, deposited in those parts of the respiratory tract where it is necessary, for example, in the small bronchi, alveoli of the lungs or trachea. In addition, nebulizer inhalation is cold, which means that various medications can be used for it, including those that cannot be heated, since they are destroyed. Also, nebulizer inhalation is not associated with the risk of burns to the respiratory tract.

A nebulizer allows you to break the medicine into particles of different diameters - from 10 to 0.5 microns (micrometers). Drug particles with a diameter of 5 - 10 microns are deposited on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract - the pharynx, trachea and larynx, without reaching the underlying parts of the respiratory tract. Drug particles with a diameter of 2 - 5 microns reach and are deposited in the lower respiratory tract - bronchi and bronchioles. And the smallest particles with a diameter of 0.5 - 2 microns penetrate into the pulmonary alveoli. Thus, the flow of medication specifically to the affected areas of the respiratory tract can be regulated not by trying to breathe very deeply, but by simply adjusting the nebulizer to the required particle size.

Today there are two main types of nebulizers: ultrasonic and compression. Ultrasonic (mesh) nebulizers form drug particles due to oscillations and vibration of the piezoelectric element. The main advantages of this type of nebulizer are silent operation and small size, allowing you to carry the device with you in your purse or pocket. However, along with these advantages, the ultrasonic nebulizer also has significant disadvantages that greatly limit its scope of application. Thus, when drug particles are formed, the solution is heated, which leads to the destruction of most medications, as with wet steam inhalation with a pan of water. In addition, the ultrasonic nebulizer cannot form a suspension of viscous liquids, such as oils or suspensions, as well as herbal infusions, so the device cannot be used to inhale these products. In fact, an ultrasonic nebulizer can only be used to moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

A compressor nebulizer is the most common and popular type of device, since it can be used for inhalation of any medicinal substance necessary for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, for example, antibiotics, mucolytics, antitussives, herbal medicines, immunostimulants, enzymes, mineral waters, etc. In compressor nebulizers, drug particles are formed due to the air flow supplied from a special chamber under pressure. Compressor nebulizers are the gold standard for effective inhalation and can be used both at home and in hospitals.

When using a nebulizer, all medications are dissolved in saline. Moreover, physiological solution is first poured into a special chamber, and then the required amount of medicine is added. The nebulizer chamber should be filled to 2 - 4 ml, remembering that there is a volume of 0.5 - 1 ml that will never be used to create drug particles, since it is necessary for the operation of the device. This residual volume should be taken into account when filling the chamber with the drug solution required for the procedure.

Steam inhalation for cough

Steam inhalations for coughs are the simplest and most accessible to anyone, since their production requires only a saucepan or kettle with boiling water. In this case, the main active ingredient is water vapor and fairly large particles of the substance that is added to boiling water. Moreover, the size of the particles into which the medicine is broken is quite large - at least 20 microns, so they can penetrate only into the upper parts of the respiratory tract, such as the pharynx, trachea or nasopharynx. Particles of medicine and steam formed during wet steam inhalation do not penetrate into the bronchi and bronchioles, so this method is useless for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, etc. And since most drugs are destroyed when heated, a limited number can be used for steam inhalation substances, for example, salt, soda, medicinal herbs or essential oils.

Since during the process of wet steam inhalation a person inhales hot vapors, which increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, this has a moderate analgesic and moisturizing effect, which suppresses coughing for a certain period of time. However, steam inhalations can only be performed with clean water, salt, soda, medicinal herbs or essential oils. In addition, they can be used exclusively for the symptomatic treatment of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.) and for moisturizing the mucous membranes.

Indications for the use of inhalations for cough

Indications for the use of inhalations for cough are the following conditions:
  • ARVI, occurring with inflammatory damage to the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, sore throat, swelling, spasm, etc.;
  • Rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and tonsillitis caused by various reasons, including acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic rhinitis, sinusitis or tonsillitis;
  • Pneumonia during the recovery period;
  • Bronchitis is acute and chronic, especially when it occurs with a pronounced obstructive component (spasm);
  • Fungal infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Postoperative conditions (prevention of complications).
This means that if the above conditions are accompanied by a cough, then inhalations with various medicinal substances are indicated to alleviate it and speed up recovery.

Contraindications to the use of inhalations

The following diseases or conditions are contraindications to the use of inhalations:
  • Body temperature above 37.5 o C;
  • Sputum with a purulent component;
  • Nosebleeds or tendency to do so;
  • Hemoptysis;
  • Drug intolerance;
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as heart failure, stage III hypertension, a heart attack or stroke less than 6 months ago, cerebral atherosclerosis with cerebrovascular accident;
  • Severe diseases of the respiratory system, such as stage III respiratory failure, emphysema, cavities in the lungs, recurrent pneumothorax.
If a person has any of the listed conditions, then inhalation cannot be performed under any circumstances, even if the cough is very severe and debilitating.

How to do inhalation when coughing - general rules for the procedure

Inhalation of any medications, water vapor, mineral water or saline solution should be carried out according to the following rules:
1. Inhalation with a nebulizer should be carried out strictly in a sitting position;
2. Steam inhalation should be carried out in a sitting position (preferably) or standing;
3. Do not talk during inhalation;
4. Use only fresh drug for inhalation. It is advisable to prepare a solution for inhalation or open the ampoule with the drug immediately before inhalation. The maximum permissible shelf life of inhalation drugs in the refrigerator is two weeks;
5. For the nebulizer, use only sterile saline solution or distilled water as a solvent. You cannot use tap water, even if it has been filtered and boiled;
6. To fill the inhalation solution into the nebulizer, use sterile syringes and needles;
7. For steam inhalation, use clean water (preferably distilled) or saline solution;
8. When treating cough caused by diseases of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.), it is necessary to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth;

9. When treating a cough caused by diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia), it is necessary to inhale deeply through the mouth, holding the air in the chest for 1 - 2 seconds, then exhale evenly through the nose;
10. For diseases of the nasal sinuses and nasopharynx, it is necessary to inhale through the nose calmly and superficially, without straining;
11. Inhalation must be carried out for 5 – 10 minutes;
12. Inhalation should be done no earlier than 1 - 1.5 hours after eating or exercising;
13. After inhalation, rinse your mouth, nose and face thoroughly with clean water. Do not rinse your mouth and nose with antiseptic solutions;
14. After inhalation, you should not smoke for at least 1 hour;
15. After inhalation, do not drink or eat food for at least 30 minutes;
16. If inhalation of various medications is used, they should be performed in a certain sequence - first bronchodilators (bronchodilators), then after 15 - 20 minutes - expectorants or mucolytic drugs, and after sputum is discharged with cough - antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The above rules must be followed for any type of inhalation (steam or nebulizer).

When using a nebulizer for inhalation, you must follow the operating rules described in the instructions for the device. This is especially true for washing the device and removing drug residues from the chamber.

During steam inhalation, you should not breathe over boiling water, as this will lead to burns of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, tissue death and the addition of a bacterial infection to the existing inflammatory process. During steam inhalation, the water temperature should not exceed 55 - 60 o C. The most effective method of steam inhalation is the following - put a piece of paper rolled into a cone, at least 5 - 6 cm long, onto the spout of a kettle with hot water or a solution of medicine and inhale the steam through it with your mouth or nose.

Inhalations for coughs in children

Inhalations for coughs in children can be performed from birth, since the method is safe and well tolerated. However, in children it is better to carry out inhalations using a nebulizer, since they are more effective and safer than steam ones. For inhalation administration for cough in children, the same drugs are used as in adults. Moreover, the rules for their use and dosage are almost the same.

How to perform steam inhalations for a child - video

Inhalations during pregnancy for cough

During pregnancy, you can inhale only those medications that are not contraindicated, for example, some herbs, antiseptics, mucolytic or expectorant drugs. It is better to use a nebulizer rather than steam inhalers, since their effectiveness and safety are significantly higher. Pregnant women can do the following inhalations on their own:
  • Alkaline mineral waters, for example, Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki-17, etc.;
  • Saline;
  • Brine;
  • Soda solution without iodine;
  • Expectorant drug Lazolvan;
  • Boiled potatoes or peels from tubers;
  • Infusions of linden flowers, plantain, marshmallow or thyme for dry cough;
  • Infusions of eucalyptus, string and lingonberry leaves for wet coughs to speed up the removal of sputum;
  • Honey water for any cough.
In this case, you can breathe with potatoes or their skins by simply placing them on a flat surface, covering your head with a towel and bending slightly over the vegetable. Infusions of medicinal herbs and honey water can only be used in the form of steam inhalation, since these substances cannot be put into a nebulizer.

What kind of cough is inhaled for?

In principle, inhalations are done for almost any type of cough, it’s just that different medications are used for the procedure, which have the effects necessary for a specific clinical situation. Do not do inhalation only when you cough with purulent sputum or against a background of body temperature above 37.5 o C. The prohibition on inhalation when coughing with purulent sputum is due to the fact that the thermal procedure will dilate the blood vessels, provoke an expansion of the lesion and aggravate the course of the disease.

Below are diagrams and rules for choosing medications for inhalation for various types of cough. All these drugs can only be inhaled using a nebulizer. Steam inhalations with these substances cannot be done, since the drugs disintegrate when heated and their activity is lost.

Inhalations for dry coughs for children and adults

Inhalations are absolutely indicated for dry coughs that develop with laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, acute respiratory infections or in the final stages of pneumonia. Inhalation for dry cough eliminates swelling of the mucous membranes, moisturizes them and accelerates the formation of sputum, turning the cough into a productive one. In addition, inhalation eliminates the narrowing of the larynx, which is potentially dangerous due to complete blockage of the airways.

For dry cough, inhalation of bronchodilators, mucolytics, antiseptics or moisturizers of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs is indicated. Bronchodilators (for example, Berodual, Atrovent, etc.) relieve bronchospasm, which is especially important for obstructive bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis. Mucolytics (ACC, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc.) thin the sputum and facilitate its release. And moisturizers of the mucous membrane (saline solution, salt water, mineral water) soften it and improve the general condition. Antiseptics destroy pathogenic microorganisms present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. In this case, the sequence of inhaled drugs should be observed - first bronchodilators, after 15 minutes mucolytics, and after coughing with sputum discharge - antiseptics. Moisturizers can be inhaled at any time.

Barking cough - inhalation

For a dry, barking cough, you can take inhalations with antitussive drugs (Lidocaine, Tussamag) and at the same time bronchodilators for 1 to 2 days. In such a situation, Berodual or Atrovent should be used as bronchodilators. In addition, it is necessary to inhale moisturizing solutions (saline solution, mineral water or soda solution) every 2 to 4 hours. After two days or after the appearance of sputum, it is necessary to stop using antitussives and continue inhalation of mucolytics (ACC, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc.) and moisturizing solutions. Every time after a cough with a large amount of sputum, you can inhale anti-inflammatory drugs (Romazulan, Cromohexal, etc.) and antiseptics (Dioxidin, Chlorophyllipt, etc.).

Inhalations for allergic cough

Inhalations for allergic coughs are made with bronchodilators to eliminate spasm of the bronchi, trachea and larynx, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce tissue swelling. Moreover, for allergic coughs, bronchodilators based on salbutamol (Ventolin) or fenoterol (Berotec) are recommended, and anti-inflammatory drugs containing glucocorticoid hormones (for example, Dexamethasone, Budesonide, etc.).

Inhalations for wet coughs in children and adults

Inhalation for adults is indicated for a wet, productive cough, which produces a small amount of thick, viscous and dense sputum. In this case, it is recommended to use mucolytics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Moreover, mucolytics are inhaled first, and only after a cough with sputum discharge - anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Cromohexal. In combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, you can use antiseptics (Dioxidin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, etc.) or antibiotics (Fluimucil-antibiotic IT, Gentamicin, etc.).

Children can undergo inhalation with a wet cough with any amount of sputum. At the same time, all children and adolescents under 18 years of age should definitely take inhaled bronchodilators, since this is necessary to increase the lumen of the airways, which always sharply narrows when they cough with sputum. In addition to bronchodilators, it is necessary to inhale mucolytics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptics or antibiotics. Moreover, it is first recommended to inhale bronchodilators, then wait 15–20 minutes and carry out the next procedure with a mucolytic. After this, wait for a cough with sputum discharge, and then take a third inhalation with an antiseptic or anti-inflammatory agent.

Inhalations for cough and runny nose

Inhalations for coughs and runny noses are carried out according to the rules for various types of cough. It’s just that during inhalation you need to breathe through your nose in addition to your mouth.

Steam inhalation for dry cough

Steam inhalation for a dry cough can be carried out with a soda solution, saline solution, infusions of medicinal herbs or essential oils. In this case, salt or soda is added to the water for inhalation (a spoon per liter of water) or an infusion of medicinal herbs is used. You can also add essential oil to the water (8 - 12 drops per 1 liter). You can use infusions of chamomile, thyme, linden flowers, lingonberry leaves, etc. Eucalyptus, peach, pine, mint, sea buckthorn, and almond oils also have a beneficial effect. To perform inhalation, you need to heat the water to 50 o C, then bend over the container and inhale the vapor through your nose or mouth. Inhalation should last from 5 to 10 minutes.

How to inhale when coughing

General list of drugs used for inhalation for cough

For various types of cough, the following medications and agents are used for inhalation:
1. Bronchodilators (drugs that dilate the bronchi, trachea and larynx):
  • Ventolin;
  • Berotek;
  • Atrovent;
  • Berodual.
2. Mucolytics (drugs that thin and facilitate sputum discharge):
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronchipret;
  • Pertussin.
3. Anti-inflammatory drugs:
  • Cromohexal;
  • Budesonide;
  • Propolis;
  • Tonsilgon N;
  • Pulmicort.
4. Antitussive drugs:
  • Lidocaine;
  • Tussamag.
5. Antiseptic drugs:
  • Dioxidine;
  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorophyllipt.
6. Antibiotics:
  • Fluimucil-antibiotic IT;
  • Isoniazid;
  • Gentamicin.
7. Immunostimulants:
  • Interferon human leukocyte dry;
  • Sodium deoxyribonucleinate.
8. Moisturizers for the gastric mucosa:
  • Saline;
  • Alkaline mineral waters;
  • Sodium bicarbonate solution (baking soda).
9. Enzymes:
  • Trypsin;
  • Chymotrypsin;
  • Ribonuclease;
  • Deoxyribonuclease.
Medicines can be used for inhalation for various types of cough in order to eliminate any specific characteristics of the symptom and, accordingly, alleviate the course of the disease and speedy recovery.

Thus, bronchodilators must be used for any cough in order to eliminate spasm of the respiratory tract, expand their lumen and, therefore, clear the way for the evacuation of sputum. For a dry, debilitating cough, it is necessary to use antitussives in combination with moisturizing solutions for a short time (1 – 2 days), and then mucolytic and antiseptic or antibacterial drugs. After inhalation and sputum discharge, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

For a wet cough with sputum discharge after bronchodilators, it is necessary to inhale moisturizing solutions, mucolytics, antiseptics or antibiotics. It is recommended to inhale immunomodulators only for long-term persistent cough (more than three weeks).

That is, when treating a cough if its character changes, it is necessary to switch to the use of other inhalation drugs indicated in this situation. For example, at the beginning of the disease, when the cough is dry, you can do a moisturizing inhalation, then use bronchodilators and antitussives. When the cough subsides a little, you should switch to mucolytic agents, while leaving moisturizing solutions. After the sputum begins to be discharged, inhalation is done as follows:
1. Inhaled mucolytics;
2. After inhalation, expect a cough with sputum discharge;
3. After the sputum is discharged, they are inhaled again with antiseptics or antibiotics and after 15 minutes with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Such inhalations are continued until recovery and complete cessation of coughing. If the cough does not go away for a long time (more than 3 weeks), then inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs and immunostimulants.

Infusions of medicinal herbs and essential oils can only be used through steam inhalation; they cannot be poured into a nebulizer, as this will lead to damage to the device. Herbs can be used for any cough. Essential oils are best used for dry coughs caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, tracheitis or pharyngitis), since they have the property of enveloping the mucous membrane, softening and moisturizing it, stopping the painful symptom for a while.

These are general recommendations for the use of inhaled medications for coughs. However, medications should be selected by a doctor on a case-by-case basis. You can independently inhale with moisturizing liquids (saline solution, mineral water, soda solution), which soften dry cough, eliminate discomfort, improve general condition and shorten the duration of the disease.

Inhalation of essential oils for cough

For inhalation, eucalyptus, peach, pine, mint, sea buckthorn, almond and other oils are used, which are added 2-3 drops per glass of hot water, after which its steam is inhaled. Oils are recommended for use in dry coughs to soften them and stop the inflammatory process.

Preparations for inhalation for cough - indications, dosages and duration of use

Let's consider the characteristics of inhalations with the most commonly used medications.


Cough inhalations with Lazolvan are used for bronchitis to thin and improve expectoration of mucus in children and adults. The dosage of Lazolvan per inhalation depends on age:
  • Children under one year of age – 1 ml of Lazolvan per inhalation;
  • Children 2 – 6 years old – 2 ml Lazolvan;
  • Children over 6 years of age and adults – 3 ml of Lazolvan.
To prepare a solution for inhalation, it is necessary to dilute the required amount of Lazolvan with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio and add the mixture to the nebulizer. The course of treatment lasts 5 days, 1 to 2 inhalations per day.

Lazolvan cannot be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs, for example, Codeine, Libexin, Sinekod, etc.


Inhalation for cough with Berodual is used for obstructive bronchitis and any diseases accompanied by spasm of the respiratory tract. The dosage of Berodual per inhalation depends on age:
  • Children under 6 years old – 10 drops;
  • Children 6 – 12 years old – 20 drops;
  • Children over 12 years old and adults – 40 drops.
The required number of drops of Berodual is dissolved in 3 ml of saline and used for inhalation. Inhalations are done 3–4 times a day for 3–5 days.

Inhalation with saline solution for coughing for children and adults

Inhalation with saline solution for coughing can be used by children and adults independently without consulting a doctor. The saline solution effectively moisturizes the airways, reduces the severity of inflammation, thins and facilitates the removal of mucus, eliminating and softening a dry and painful cough. For inhalation, it is recommended to use a sterile saline solution purchased at a pharmacy, since it does not contain any pathogenic microorganisms or potentially harmful impurities. Saline solution for inhalation must be used in a nebulizer. Steam inhalation with saline solution will not be effective. Inhalations should be performed every 3 to 4 hours until recovery.

Inhalation with soda

Inhalation with soda for coughing is used in the treatment of bronchitis. Soda effectively dilutes mucus and removes it from the bronchi and lungs. To prepare a solution for inhalation, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in 1 liter of water and heated to 40 - 50 o C, then lean over the container and inhale the vapors for 5 - 10 minutes. Soda inhalation can be done for dry and wet coughs, since, on the one hand, it thins sputum, and on the other, it improves its elimination. During the day, you can carry out up to 4 soda inhalations.

Inhalations for coughs with mineral water

Cough inhalations with mineral water are used in the treatment of bronchitis, bronchiolitis and the final stages of pneumonia. The fact is that alkaline mineral water moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and thins mucus, improving its removal from the smallest bronchioles. For inhalations, you should use alkaline mineral water, for example, Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki-17, etc. One inhalation requires 4 ml of water. 3-4 inhalations can be performed per day. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

For many, the onset of cold weather is associated with colds and coughs, especially for adults with weakened immune systems and children. And although the respiratory disease itself is not that dangerous, its symptoms can cause significant discomfort and disrupt a lot of plans. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to begin treatment. This can be done with the help of both medications and traditional medicine recipes. But regardless of which treatment method is chosen, cough inhalations are necessary for everyone.


This method of dealing with an unpleasant symptom is divided into two types. The first is natural inhalation. It is not entirely relevant for residents of noisy cities and consists of naturally inhaling air enriched with beneficial microelements in nature, in the forest or on the seashore. Therefore, in this article we will consider the second treatment method, which can be carried out at home. These are artificial cough inhalations. They are carried out using special devices and allow drugs to be applied directly to the source of the inflammatory process.

Methods of inhalation

Before starting such a procedure for treating cough, you should determine where the inflammation is located and at what stage of development. This can be done correctly by a doctor who will not only diagnose the disease, but also select effective drugs for inhalation. It is the specialist who will advise which of the two methods of delivering medications into the respiratory tract should be used, as well as how to carry out the procedure and what precautions to take.

The first method involves using a steam inhaler. This can be either a device purchased at a pharmacy, consisting of a closed container and attachments, or any deep bowl or pan made from kitchen utensils. Decoctions of medicinal herbs or medicinal preparations and essential oils diluted in hot water can be used as a solution for therapy.

As for the second method of inhalation for cough, it involves the use of inhalers - nebulizers. These industrial machines convert liquid medicine into an aerosol. In addition, while using the device, you can independently adjust the size of microparticles. This allows you to change the direction of the drug delivery range depending on the location of the source of the disease.

Benefits of Steam Inhalation

This method of treating coughs and respiratory diseases has been used for centuries. Inhaling warm, moist steam from medicinal plants and essential oils today actively competes with drug therapy. And this is quite logical. After all, the delivery of drugs directly to the site of the inflammatory process and the moistening of the mucous membranes during steam inhalation for coughs contribute to the separation of mucus. Of course, the same expectorant effect can be achieved with the help of medications, but, as you know, almost all of them have a lot of side effects.

Another advantage of this type of impact on the source of the disease is the cost. After all, home inhalation of a decoction of medicinal herbs will cost tens of times less than the medications needed to treat the disease. Of course, it is impossible to say so categorically that inhalations are more effective than pharmaceutical drugs. After all, almost everything depends on the disease, its complexity and stage of development. So, for example, if the disease appears as a result of a bacterial infection, it is unacceptable to refuse a medicinal course of treatment. After all, the pathogen can only be defeated with the help of antibiotics. But against the background of such therapy, steam inhalations can and even should be done to relieve symptoms and improve the expectorant effect.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

If you have a steam inhaler in your home medicine cabinet, you don’t need to invent anything. It is enough to pour the medicinal solution into the bowl, and you can carry out the procedure. But in situations where there is no device and no opportunity to purchase it, you need to select a suitable container from household utensils. In a deep bowl or pan that you have chosen, you need to pour a hot herbal decoction or boiled water, to which add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Next, you should take a blanket or large towel and cover your head with it, sitting comfortably over the container. It is important that steam does not escape from under the blanket, but it is worth knowing that you cannot bend over a distance below 30 cm from the container, as you can burn your facial skin and respiratory tract, so it is better to use a blanket under which you can sit comfortably and inhale the steam at a safe distance. Such cough inhalations should be given especially carefully to children and the elderly.

Having taken a comfortable position over the container with the medicine, you need to relax as much as possible and close your eyes. The steam should be inhaled measuredly and deeply through the nose, but if acute discomfort is felt, the blanket can be lifted and a few breaths taken through the mouth. After this, the procedure should be continued.

Steam inhalation for dry cough

Aromatherapy has long been one of the most effective methods of treating respiratory diseases. Today it has not lost its relevance for those people who care about their health and are not lazy to be treated with traditional methods. So there are a lot of recipes to combat dry cough. For example, if you boil several potatoes in their skins, mash them slightly and add a couple of drops of essential oil to them, and then breathe over the pan, the patient will feel much better.

Soda inhalations are also effective in treating such an unpleasant manifestation of the disease as cough. It is enough to pour 200 grams of water into a kettle, add a teaspoon of soda, and then boil the solution. When steam comes out of the spout, they should breathe for 10-15 minutes.

Quite often, doctors themselves recommend that patients with a dry cough breathe over a decoction of pine buds. To prepare it, you need to take 10 g of this dry plant, a glass of water and a small saucepan in which you need to boil the mixture over low heat for 25-30 minutes. This remedy will not only help you quickly cope with a dry cough, but will also strengthen your immune system.

It is also worth noting that those people who have entrusted their health to traditional medicine can purchase an inhalation mixture of medicinal herbs at the pharmacy.

Treatment of wet cough with steam inhalation

If one of the manifestations of the disease is a productive cough, you should not put off going to the doctor. Sputum and mucus can migrate from the upper respiratory tract to the middle and lower. Then a medicinal course of treatment simply cannot be avoided. Well, for now, a visit to the doctor is only in the plans, you can purchase a mixture for inhalation and begin treatment.

If your home medicine cabinet contains dry medicinal plants, such as chamomile, coltsfoot, raspberry leaves, you should not go to the pharmacy. It is enough to prepare a decoction from one or more of the above components and breathe in the steam.

Even if your health improves significantly after such procedures, your visit to the doctor cannot be cancelled. After all, a wet cough is a symptom of bronchitis, so the doctor must listen to your breathing. If necessary, he will prescribe an adequate course of therapy and answer questions about how many days to do inhalations and what products to use for the procedure in your particular case.


Inhalation therapy has long lost its popular status and is now considered a purely medical procedure. That is why it requires strict adherence to certain rules.

For example, steam inhalation is strictly prohibited for patients who often develop laryngeal stenosis due to respiratory diseases. It can accelerate the development of this symptom, which will lead to the most unexpected and dangerous consequences.

The time of the procedure is clearly regulated by doctors in each individual case. Therefore, the doctor must decide how much inhalation to take, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the complexity of the disease.

It is not recommended to use inhalations at elevated body temperatures. And this is quite logical. After all, this procedure involves inhaling hot steam, which can increase the temperature by several more notches. The maximum allowable temperature for the use of inhalation therapy is 37.2 degrees.

Benefits of nebulizer inhalation

This method of delivering drugs to the respiratory tract is very simple. After all, drugs for inhalation are simply poured into the chamber of the device and plugged into the network. Therefore, let's talk about other advantages of using this device.

Compared to a steam inhaler, a nebulizer is safer because it converts the medicine into a cold aerosol. This means that this device can be used to perform the procedure even on newborn babies without fear of harm to health.

It is also worth noting that medications used for inhalation have no side effects, since they are practically not absorbed into the blood. This method of delivering drugs to the site of the disease is especially convenient for children and people with a tendency to allergies. In addition, due to the low absorption of medications, inhalations can be combined with other drugs.

Another convenience when using a nebulizer is the ability to regulate the size of microparticles. This allows you to change the direction of the drug delivery range and effectively treat diseases of both the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Scope of application of the nebulizer

Initially, the main purpose of this type of device was emergency treatment for exacerbations of bronchial asthma. To relieve the spasm and suffocation characteristic of this disease, the patient needs a much larger dose of the drug than with daily therapy. It is possible to quickly deliver the drug to the alveoli of the bronchi, but without harming human health, only with the help of a nebulizer.

Much has changed since the creation of the first such device: it has been modernized, and the scope of application has expanded significantly. Today, the device is widely used not only for asthma, but also for other respiratory diseases, including COPD. Inhalation for cough with a nebulizer is recommended even for the youngest patients, since this method of treating respiratory diseases is not only the safest, but also effective.

Inhalations for respiratory tract pathologies

If the patient is diagnosed with a mild form of the disease that does not require antibiotic therapy, the doctor will recommend alkaline inhalations. There is no need to look for recipes for preparing such medicinal solutions, since for this you can use a pharmaceutical saline solution or mineral water, after releasing the gas. Such inhalations help moisturize the mucous membranes and prevent their further irritation due to drying out.

For more complex breathing pathologies, doctors recommend using medications. The list of drugs is quite large, but the leading positions in it are occupied by the drugs Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Fluimicil and Ambrohexal. They can be used to treat respiratory problems in both children and adults. But pediatricians more often use Ambrobene for inhalation, since this medicine does not cause adverse reactions.

How to treat a wet cough with a nebulizer?

Expectoration is a natural process that allows the bronchi and lungs to cleanse themselves of phlegm and mucus. But when there is a lot of accumulated secretion, the body needs help. In such situations, it is simply impossible to do without inhalations. And if there is no special device at home, doctors recommend visiting a physiotherapy room every day.

As a medicine, specialists usually prescribe drugs to thin the sputum. To achieve the best effect, medicinal inhalations for coughs using a nebulizer should be alternated with alkaline ones. That is, for every second procedure, you need to use saline solution or mineral water as the main remedy. This alternation will not only thin out the mucus, but will also enhance the expectorant effect.

Inhalations for dry cough

A nonproductive cough is much more difficult to treat than a wet cough. After all, sputum, which is located on the mucous membranes of the throat, as well as in the bronchi and lungs, is not separated on its own. As a rule, in such a situation, patients complain of an annoying dry cough. Inhalations that moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve spasms are simply irreplaceable.

Before you start fighting the disease, you need to see a doctor. A professional will conduct a diagnosis and determine the etiology of the disease. Only after this will the patient be prescribed effective therapy, including inhalation for cough with a nebulizer. Such drugs as “Berodual”, “Ventolin”, “Berodek”, “Miramistin”, “ACC” and others can be used as a medicinal product for the procedure.

What should you know about using a nebulizer?

Everyone knows that many respiratory diseases can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. And this is a completely natural reaction of the body, which signals the fight of the immune system against the causative agent of the disease. But is it worth refusing inhalation if such symptoms appear? Doctors give an affirmative answer, but you can’t argue with experience and practice.

Of course, it is impossible to say that one should not listen to the recommendations of doctors, because they are trying to protect patients from dangerous consequences. But is it worth so unconditionally prohibiting prescriptions for inhalation with a nebulizer at the slightest increase in temperature? After all, there are situations when a medicinal aerosol can not only improve the patient’s condition, but also save his life. For example, you can stop an attack of bronchial asthma even with an elevated temperature by inhaling the drug “Berodual”. There are many such examples, but they should not be taken as disregard for medical recommendations. The opinion of specialists should definitely be taken into account, especially when it comes to treating children, because they cannot independently decide when they need to use prescriptions for nebulizer inhalations and when they should refuse the procedure.

Thus, the use of inhalation therapy at elevated body temperature is possible only if the benefits of the procedure outweigh the possible health risks.

is a popular home treatment method. The essence of inhalation is that, with the help of water vapor, the drug or decoction enters the respiratory tract and mucous system. The product is absorbed into the blood, has a direct effect on the inflamed organ, and then leaves the body naturally. The advantage of the procedure is that it does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The patient will feel relief on the first day, the nose and bronchi will begin to clear of phlegm and mucus; even children can perform the procedure.

Inhalation is a painless method, sometimes the procedure is carried out for preventive purposes. Prevention is effective in the spring and autumn, when viruses and flu worsen.

The technique is widely used in hospitals, but it is also easy to carry out independently at home. Such therapy is most often prescribed for wet and prolonged dry cough, rhinitis, bronchitis and severe allergies.

This treatment procedure is divided into several types, classification of inhalations:

  • natural inhalation (cleaning occurs by inhaling clean climatic air in special places: in the forest or in the mountains)
  • artificial inhalation (carried out in hospitals or at home, using an inhaler or nebulizer). The dosage must be determined by the attending physician

Artificial technique is also divided into subtypes:

  • aqueous – this is when a medicinal substance enters the body through inhalation of steam
  • steam – breathing is carried out over dry steam, the procedure is performed for no more than fifteen minutes
  • warm-water inhalation - during this therapy, the medicinal decoction is constantly heated to maintain the required temperature
  • aerosol type - a special preparation is used, into which the medicine is poured and by spraying it enters the respiratory system

Although the method has long been used in medicine, in practice many do not fully understand how long this procedure lasts, how to carry it out correctly and what tools will be needed. It is important to understand all the details so that the treatment leads to maximum positive results.

General rules

Since the procedure is considered medical therapy, before carrying out it, you should study in detail the rules and recommendations of specialists. Here are the basic rules:

Treatment of diffuse toxic goiter with folk remedies - how to overcome the disease

If traditional herbs or tinctures are used, it is important to make sure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to any component.


You can carry out inhalations yourself only after examination and permission from a specialist. If traditional therapy is used, then the advice of doctors is not necessary. For children under twelve years of age, this therapy is contraindicated, or it is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The patient must be properly dressed. It is advisable that he does not wear a sweater or jacket that would constrict his breathing, especially for turtleneck socks. In addition, it is important that the clothes are made from natural fabrics. After inhalation, when a person sweats, he needs to be changed urgently.

The next factor is sterility. In the hospital they pay due attention to this, but at home you can forget about it. It is imperative to thoroughly wash your hands. Sterilize inhalers and other available devices.

The medicinal substance is used for one-time use. The drugs are stored in the refrigerator. Decoctions are made fresh.

Sometimes solutions need to be combined for treatment to be effective. How to do this should be indicated in the instructions; the sequence can be prescribed by the attending physician. Most often, drugs are used first to relieve spasms, bronchial attacks and dilute sputum, and then antiviral drugs and. The course of treatment is repeated at intervals of seven to ten days.

To avoid negative reactions, you should immediately carry out a trial procedure with a minimal amount of the drug; if it goes well, the treatment is safe.

Precautionary measures

Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Water and steam should not be higher than forty-five degrees when it comes to treating an adult. For a child, the permissible temperature is thirty degrees.
  2. The process is performed carefully, breaths are taken slowly but deeply. This is done so as not to burn the larynx, throat and nasal mucosa with the steam.
  3. If steam inhalation is performed, then the distance between the container and the patient should be thirty centimeters, or more. If you lean lower, there are faces. If special devices are used for therapy, burns are completely excluded.
  4. While inhalation is being carried out, it is dangerous to leave children alone; they need to be supervised so that they do not hang their heads too low and do not talk.
  5. It is important to stop the procedure if shortness of breath, nausea, or dizziness occurs. You may need to change the drug.

Treatment of noise in the head with folk remedies: recipes

In any matter, safety is important, and in medicine, negligence can cost lives.


There are few of them, but it’s worth sticking to. Inhalations should not be carried out in the following cases:

  • elevated body temperature (hot steam can raise the temperature to a critical degree)
  • for hypertensive diseases
  • for any circulatory disorders
  • frequent nosebleeds
  • heart pathologies
  • contraindicated for allergy sufferers
  • Caution should be exercised in patients with lung pathology (in this case, independent treatment is excluded)

We must not forget that some harmless plants sometimes cause allergic reactions; this also applies to inhalations using medicinal herbs and tinctures. It is necessary to monitor your well-being; as soon as difficulty breathing begins to appear, you must immediately stop the procedures.

Nebulizer treatment

To perform inhalation, a special device was invented, in medicine it is called. It is an ultrasonic or compressor inhaler. Both options can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. The essence of a nebulizer is to convert a substance or medicine into a crushed mixture for further use. The advantage of the crushed solution is that it penetrates deeply into even the smallest parts of the lungs and bronchi, and very well relieves inflammation in the lower tracts of the respiratory system.

There are models that have the function of charging negative particles, thereby making the treatment more effective. Nebulizers with this design are produced together with a mask, so the procedure can be performed not only in a sitting position, but also in a lying position.

Device for the procedure

In addition to the nebulizer, there are simplified options for warming up:

  1. Teapot. This device is available in every home. It is strictly applied. Essential oils and herbal infusions are poured into the kettle. It is advisable to come up with some kind of conical tip for the spout of the teapot. When treating a child, this cone should be as long as possible so that the baby does not get burned by the vapors.
  2. Inhaler. This device has the design of a conventional spray. Inhalers are widely used for asthma attacks. The device contains a medicinal substance or saline solution.
  3. Deep container, saucepan. The most common home option. The product is dripped into a container of boiling water and a steam procedure is carried out. The patient should cover himself with a blanket or towel.

What to use is up to each individual to decide; it all depends on financial capabilities and the doctor’s recommendation.

So, inhalations are used, including those of a chronic nature. There are various devices and solutions for carrying out the procedure at home. It is important to familiarize yourself with the general rules before starting and maintain safety precautions. Recovery will occur in the next few days.

Oct 6, 2017 Violetta Doctor

Hi all!

Cold, slush, rain and snow are the troubles that await every person in the autumn-winter period.

The slightest hypothermia and wet feet against the background of a weakened immune system lead to the development of a cold.

The first symptoms of the disease - weakness, runny nose, headache - can be suppressed with a simple procedure.

Inhalations at home will prevent the progression of the disease and restore health and performance.

I tested this from my own experience and my family members, and now I will share it with you.

From this article you will learn:

Inhalations at home - rules of conduct

The essence of the procedure

Inhalation is a technique that involves the administration of pharmacological drugs by inhaling steam, gas or smoke.

At home, an artificial procedure (wet/thermal/steam inhalation) is carried out using special devices.

The goal is to implement local therapeutic effects. The body receives volatile and gaseous substances that are quickly absorbed into the mucous membrane, selectively affect the respiratory system and promote healing.

Stages of the inhalation procedure at home

Home inhalations can be carried out using improvised means or special medical devices.

In the first case, it is necessary to prepare water of a certain temperature and medicine, in the second, use the device.

Before the intervention, a calm environment should be organized so that physiotherapy proceeds comfortably.

Indications for use of inhalations

  • bronchial asthma;
  • ARVI, including tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • complications of ARVI;
  • pneumonia (at the stage when there is permission from the doctor);
  • bronchitis - acute and chronic form;
  • fungal infections at any level of the respiratory tract;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • prevention of postoperative complications;
  • tuberculosis of the bronchi and lungs.

Use of pharmacological agents and medical devices

At home, it is convenient to use inhalers and nebulizers. Both devices are designed specifically to introduce a medicinal component into the body.

Inhalers can be:

  • ultrasonic – spraying the active substance in the form of small aerosol particles through the action of specified frequencies;
  • steam, where the effect of evaporation of the drug is realized.

Nebulizers operate on the principle of dispersed spraying of medication, which is especially effective in the development of respiratory diseases.

Medical devices allow you to get the most safe and productive effects.

Pharmacological treatment

The use of pharmaceutical products based on saline solution is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor.

A healthcare professional, based on the patient’s diagnosis, may prescribe the following medications:

  • “Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”, “Ambroxol” - inhalation solutions are used for bronchitis. To alleviate the course of the disease, medications such as Salgim, Berodual, and Atrovent can be prescribed.
  • In the treatment of chronic lung diseases, Dexamethosan and Pulmicort are used.
  • “Sinupret”, “Fluimucil”, “ACC” are drugs designed to restore local immunity and facilitate the discharge of sputum when coughing.
  • Herbal remedies, including Tonzilgon and Rotokan, provide a local anti-inflammatory effect. Also for these purposes, antiseptics and antibiotics can be prescribed - Miramistin, Furacilin, Dioxidin.
  • "Naphthyzin" (inhalation solution) helps relieve swelling of the larynx and bronchi.

Traditional methods - how to carry out inhalations at home

Alternative medicine offers several ways to be effective without an inhaler:

  • Burning incense – cinnamon, eucalyptus.
  • Using a saucepan or basin.

How to do inhalation in this case?


  • Hot water with a medicinal solution is poured into the container. The patient covers himself with a large towel and inhales healing vapors with essential oils or herbs.
  • The use of a teapot, on the spout of which a funnel made of thick paper is placed, into which both the mouth and nose should fit.

Basic rules for the procedure

How to perform inhalations at home:

  • If therapy is carried out at home, it is recommended to ensure that the water temperature does not exceed 40°C, and for children - 30-35°C.
  • Inhalation over boiling water is a direct path to burns of the upper respiratory tract.
  • The exposure is not carried out after eating; you should pause for at least 2 hours.
  • When the inhalation is finished, it is better to refrain from loud speech and singing, or going outside.
  • Treatment is recommended to be carried out once a day, lasting 5-10 minutes.
  • As soon as the patient feels an improvement in his condition, the effect can be stopped.

Methods for treating cough using inhalation

The presented components can be used to treat dry and wet cough:

  • Inhalation with (1l/1 tbsp dry powder). The procedure helps soften and remove phlegm.
  • A recipe with mineral water, where liquid is the main and only component. Instead of water, you can inhale warm infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile,). A gentle effect is indicated even for a child.
  • Coniferous procedures. It is permissible to use essential oils (fir inhalations) or fresh spruce and pine needles.
  • The classic recipe for home inhalation over potatoes is most effective for dry cough.
  • Recipe based on onion-garlic paste (1:10). This remedy is characterized by antiviral and antibacterial activity.

Methods for treating a runny nose using inhalations

Effective recipes for a runny nose are based on the use of tincture (1 l/1 tsp). They breathe warm steam for 5 minutes, about 4-5 days in a row.

For more serious forms of the disease, for example, sinusitis, the procedure is not performed.

Contraindications for inhalation at home

Absolute contraindications to the procedure are conditions such as:

  • presence of pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • severe heart failure;
  • allergic response to medication administration;
  • bullous emphysema;
  • pneumothorax.

Inhalations are not carried out if the patient has a high temperature - from 37.5°C. Pregnant women should additionally consult a doctor.

In addition, the procedures should not cause negative feelings. The main component of the medicinal mixture should be selected with special care.

A correctly performed procedure not only contributes to targeted treatment, but also cleanses the respiratory tract of microbes, their waste products, and dust particles, accelerating the healing process.

Inhalations at home, based on natural ingredients, help stabilize the health of adults, children, the elderly and pregnant women.

Cough is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that occurs for various reasons. One of the main ones is a viral infection that penetrates through the oral cavity into the respiratory tract. At this moment, the body’s protective functions are activated, which manifest themselves in the form of a cough.

This symptom indicates that an inflammatory process is developing in the respiratory tract, requiring immediate treatment. The most effective and frequently used method is inhalation for cough. Let’s find out what the benefits of this useful procedure are and whether there are any contraindications.

The power of inhalation

The essence of inhalation is the rapid delivery of beneficial components to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. During the procedure, the patient breathes in the emanating vapors of the medicine, which are sprayed with air throughout the bronchial tree.

In order to obtain these vapors, they use special inhalers - nebulizers, or resort to home appliances - teapots, saucepans, etc. The beneficial components instantly reach the mucous membranes, so the therapeutic effect is achieved immediately (which cannot be said about taking tablets, syrups) .

Another undeniable advantage is the possibility of inhalation at home.

The benefits of inhalation.

Since almost all colds are accompanied by a cough, inhalation of vapors is the main method of treating it. What are the benefits of the procedure?

  1. Completely cures cough at the initial stage of its occurrence, preventing complications.
  2. Moisturizes the mucous membranes, which helps soften the throat during a dry, painful cough.
  3. Production of mucus during a dry cough, dissolution and rapid elimination during a wet cough.
  4. Recovery comes faster.

In addition, no medicine that fights cough is able to penetrate so deeply into the bronchial-pulmonary tree.

Rules of the event.

It does not matter how the treatment is carried out - with an inhaler or other available devices, the procedure must be carried out in accordance with the rules.

  1. When using a nebulizer, the patient must take a sitting position.
  2. It is also recommended to breathe steam while sitting or standing.
  3. You should not talk or engage in extraneous activities.
  4. It is necessary to prepare solutions for inhalation for coughs before the treatment session.
  5. Clean needles and syringes should be used to inject liquid into the nebulizer.
  6. If the cough is caused by inflammation developing in the upper respiratory tract, then the inhalation should be as deep as possible, in the lower - with a delay of several seconds.
  7. It is not recommended to introduce boiled or purified water with a household filter into the nebulizer.
  8. The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes, for children - 5-7 minutes.
  9. Inhalation of medicinal vapors is carried out after physical exercise and eating after 1 hour.
  10. For the nebulizer, only purified water or 9% saline solution is used.
  11. After the end of the treatment session, the nose, mouth and face must be washed (antiseptics cannot be used in this case).
  12. After the procedure, smoking is not allowed for 1 hour.
  13. If several drugs are inhaled at once, it is recommended to use them in a certain sequence - first with a bronchodilator effect, then with an expectorant and mucolytic effect. After coughing, disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents are used.
  14. Do not inhale boiling water vapors, as there is a risk of burning the mucous membrane.
  15. When using a kettle, it is better to put cardboard folded into a cone over the spout.
  16. After using the inhaler, any remaining medication should be removed. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 55-60 ͦ C.

If you follow all the above rules, the cough will soon disappear.


Cough inhalations at home require you to follow all recommendations. In addition, the procedure has contraindications.

  1. Temperature above 37 ͦ C.
  2. Frequent nosebleeds.
  3. Severe diseases of the respiratory system.
  4. Having allergies to medications.
  5. Arrhythmia.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In these conditions, inhalation of hot vapors is prohibited.

Types of inhalation

Depending on the temperature they are divided into:

  • hot;
  • cold.

With the latter, vapors of liquid at room temperature are inhaled. The procedure does not require any outside manipulation. When the liquid temperature rises to 30 ͦ C, inhalation is considered hot.

According to the distribution mechanism, inhalation is divided into:

  • steam;
  • hardware.

In the first case, the medicine is filled with water and heated in a container. Then the patient inhales the vapors emanating from the surface of the liquid. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to cover your head with a towel.

Device inhalations are carried out using an inhaler or nebulizer. Such devices have the ability to break the medicine into small particles and release them in the form of a cloud, which a person must inhale. To prevent the medicinal particles from scattering, a special mouthpiece is used, which is placed in the nose or mouth.

How to cure dry cough with a nebulizer?

You can also treat a dry, debilitating cough at home using inhalations. They have a detrimental effect on microbes and viruses. Besides:

  • the process of mucus formation accelerates;
  • irritated mucous membranes calm down, swelling is relieved;
  • breathing becomes easier;
  • a dry cough quickly turns into a wet cough.

How to inhale a cough when using a nebulizer? All drugs used for the device should be mixed with saline solution. The most effective are:

  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Mukolwan";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Flavamed"

These drugs quickly penetrate the respiratory tract and have a complex effect, which consists of producing mucus and its subsequent dilution and removal. In addition, such medications are used for the nebulizer.

  1. Bronchodilators - increase the lumen in the bronchi, eliminate spasms (Salgim, Atrovent, Berotek, Berodual).
  2. Mucolytics - dissolve mucus and remove it (“Ambrobene”, “Fluimucil”, “ACC”, “Pulmozim”).
  3. Antiseptic drugs - have an antimicrobial effect - “Furacilin”, “Dekasan”.
  4. Alkalies - help dissolve thick mucus and soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract by moisturizing it - saline solution, mineral water. Inhalations with saline solution for coughing are considered the most effective.

A dry, debilitating cough can be treated well with this remedy. Take the local anesthetic "Lidocanin" in ampoules. Only one is required per treatment session. It is recommended to carry out healing sessions twice a day.

Mineral water is also very effective for a painful cough. For one session, 3 ml of solution is used. Mineral water is preliminarily settled to achieve complete degassing. 3-4 procedures per day are enough.

How to cure a wet cough with a nebulizer?

The procedures are effective in case of too viscous mucus. Using a nebulizer will quickly dilute it and speed up the process of elimination from the respiratory organs.

To begin with, a solution consisting of bronchodilators is introduced into the device, after 15-20 minutes of mucolytic agents. After coughing up the mucus, anti-inflammatory drugs (Cromohexal) are used. Along with the latter, it is recommended to inhale antiseptics (Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Dioxidin).

Important: Do not inject cough medications into the nebulizer, consisting of essential oils, tinctures and herbal decoctions. Cough syrups are not allowed. For treatment, special products are purchased specifically for the nebulizer.

Recipes for steam inhalation for dry cough

To the question of what to breathe with a painful dry cough, the answer is clove essential oil. To do this, add a few drops into a pan with warm purified water. Place on the stove. As soon as vapors begin to emanate from the surface of the liquid, begin to breathe deeply and slowly, covering your head with a towel.

Important: do not bring the liquid to a boil.

Boiled potatoes will promote the formation of mucus. Boil a few tubers. Then drain the water and breathe.

This inhalation solution is the most effective in the fight against painful dry cough. Take:

  • licorice;
  • sage;
  • coltsfoot;
  • pine buds.

Mix the plants. 1 tbsp. l. Fill the mixture with hot water and place on the stove. Breathe over the solution for at least 15 minutes.

Be sure to try this recipe.

  1. Sea salt, chamomile, sage, coltsfoot are poured into half a liter of water.
  2. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus and cedar esters and 20 grams each to the mixture. soda, salt.

Cover yourself with a towel and breathe.

Inhaling soda vapor will be useful for dry cough. For this purpose in 1 l. water is added:

  • 2-3 drops of iodine;
  • teaspoon of soda.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. It is recommended to inhale the vapors of the solution for at least 7 minutes.

Another effective recipe with baking soda. Take 5 cloves of garlic, fill them with 500 ml of water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. Then add 1 tsp. soda Remove the pan from the stove and breathe in the escaping fumes.

Carrying out steam inhalations for coughs will not be possible without such a recipe. Take salt and soda in equal quantities. Pour the mixture with warm water (1 liter). Place on the stove and inhale the vapors for 15 minutes.

To get rid of dry cough, this inhalation composition is used. Add to 1 liter of water:

  • 1 validol tablet;
  • chopped 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 drops of pine ether;
  • 1 tbsp. l. eucalyptus leaves.

Mix everything, put it on the stove, inhale the emanating vapors.

In addition, medicinal plants are often used for steam treatment:

  • thyme;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • linden flowers;
  • chamomile, etc.
  • peach;
  • mint;
  • pine trees;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • almonds

The liquid for treatment sessions is heated to 50 ͦ C. The duration of the procedure is from 7 to 15 minutes.

Steam inhalation for wet cough

An excellent steam remedy for coughs with heavy phlegm discharge is a mixture of a large head of onion and garlic (5 cloves). Chop the vegetables and dilute with water (1:10). Place on the stove. Inhale the vapors for 15 minutes.

Herbal medicine will help with a wet cough. To do this you need to take:

  • linden;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • lavender.

Herbs can be combined together or used separately. For half a liter of hot water, 1 tbsp is required. l. plants. After boiling, place the container on the table. Cover with a towel and breathe until the liquid cools completely.

It would be useful to use the following plants:

  • pine buds;
  • sage;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • St. John's wort;
  • lavender;
  • juniper;
  • pine needles

These drugs have expectorant properties. All you need is 1 tbsp. one or more plants per half liter of water. Inhale until completely cool.

Essential oils are also often used in inhalation solutions. For 1 liter of water you need 5-6 drops. The following esters are considered the most effective for wet coughs:

  • bergamot;
  • cedar;
  • sandalwood;
  • anise;
  • thyme;
  • fir;
  • eucalyptus.

This treatment will quickly liquefy mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract. In addition, oil vapors can fight microbes and strengthen the body's protective functions.

For difficult to separate sputum, solutions with soda are used. For this, 3 tsp. the products are poured into water (1 liter). It takes 10 minutes to breathe.

This remedy is effective in this case. Take:

  • eucalyptus leaves (glass);
  • honey solution 3% (half a glass);
  • raspberry leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • 5 gr. coltsfoot and linden flowers.

Pour boiling water and breathe until the mixture cools completely.

Cold inhalations are considered effective for any cough. So, if you place saucers with chopped garlic and onions in the room where the patient sleeps, this will disinfect the air. In addition, this type of inhalation has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Radish is also often used as a cold inhalation product. Grate it and place the pulp in a jar. Inhale the air from the can, holding your breath for a few seconds.

The inhalation method of treatment is considered the most effective for cough. The procedures can be carried out at home. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and adhere to the rules.

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These cells differ significantly between men and women. In men, gametes or sperm have tail-like projections () and are...
A disease such as chickenpox is characterized by an acute course, and infection occurs through airborne droplets. At the same time, the skin...
(trigonum ornotrapezoideum) part of the lateral region of the neck, bounded below by the scapulohyoid, behind by the trapezoid and in front by...
It can be completely different - after all, in the abdominal cavity there are many organs next to each other: stomach, liver, gall...