How to organize information. visual thinking. See what "Systematization" is in other dictionaries

In the book How to Get Things Done. The art of productivity without stress ”D. Allen gives very valuable advice on processing and systematizing information.

So the systematization of information includes:

  • getting rid of everything unnecessary;
  • perform all actions that take less than two minutes;
  • transferring to other people all the tasks that can be shifted to them;
  • streamlining your own organization system, keeping reminders of cases that take more than two minutes;
  • compiling a list of more serious tasks and projects.

“Those who waste their time pointlessly complain about the lack of it most often.” Jean de La Bruyère

Handle issues in order.

Handle issues one at a time.

Never return anything to the cart.

Focusing on a single task allows you to give it proper attention and make the right decision.

The meaning of the ancient proverb that advises "to address each case only once" is that you need to abandon the bad habit of constantly taking items out of the basket and putting them back, without deciding what to do with them.

Key question in the process information: "What are the next steps?"

There are two working options:

Put them on a "someday/maybe" list.

Put them on a calendar or filing cabinet. The idea of ​​all these procedures is that they allow you to put problems out of your head and know clearly that some reminder of further actions will pop up at the right time.

Determine what needs to be done to make a decision.

Once you have determined what the first step in solving a problem is, you have three options:

Perform the required action (if it takes less than two minutes).

Transfer the task to someone else (if you are not the main subject of the action).

Postpone - put it in the organizational system as a work option that can be taken up later.

Write down the tasks that you will pass on to other people, and then keep track of, in a notepad or attach a folder with separate sheets. You can also make a list in the "Expectations" category on your computer. It is important to date all documents that you pass on to others.

The last step on the way to the bottom of the basket involves shifting attention from individual actions to the big picture, i.e. for your projects. A "project" is any outcome that you are interested in that requires more than one active action from you.

There are seven main types of material that need to be tracked and controlled from an organizational point of view:

  1. List of projects.
  2. Related materials for projects.
  3. Actions and information entered in the calendar.
  4. Lists of First Steps.
  5. "Waiting" list.
  6. Reference materials.
  7. "Someday/Maybe" list.

It is important to draw clear boundaries between categories. Categories should be separated: visually, physically and psychologically.

Folders (electronic or traditional) can store reference material and supporting information on current projects.

Several of the following list titles are familiar to you

  • calls.
  • A computer.
  • Departures.
  • Office affairs (In the office (other)).
  • Houses.
  • Agenda (for people and for business meetings).
  • Read/view.

Think carefully about where and how you can or cannot take certain actions, and make to-do lists accordingly.

Reminders should be divided into separate categories, depending on the required follow-up. For example, for a trip, create two folders: one titled "Read / View", the other - "Data Entry". You can create a separate folder for messages that take more than two minutes to process.

Emptying your inbox doesn't mean you've solved all the problems stored in it. The process requires you to DELETE everything that can be deleted, SORTING information that you choose to keep that do not involve active steps, PERFORM actions that take less than two minutes and require moving to folders with reminders of all expectations and messages that require you to do something .

The psychological problem most people face when dealing with a routine is that it remains a "routine": they can't decide what requires them to take action and what doesn't.

If you haven't already created a Someday/Maybe list in the organizational system you've chosen, do so. Fill the list with as many problems of this kind as you can think of - this process will give you a rush of various creative ideas. The "Someday/Maybe" category loses its value if it is not consciously revisited from time to time.

The Generalized Memo Book is a simple folder system that allows you to organize papers and other physical reminders so that the information you need for a specific date in the future "automatically" ends up in the trash on that date.

Thus, during the working week, you will extract and view the folder dedicated to the corresponding date. For the system to work, it must be updated daily.

The most unusual situations require the tightest control. Making lists as you need them is one of the most powerful yet elegant and simple things you can do in your life.

The golden key to continued process efficiency is the weekly issue review.

Back up your folder system regularly. In this case, lost or deleted files can be recovered. To back up your folder system, select it, press Ctrl + C (Windows) or ⌘ Command + C(Mac) To copy, open your external hard drive or flash drive, and then press Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘ Command + V(Mac) to paste the folder system. Now add the backup date to the system base folder name.

  • You can also upload the folder system to cloud storage, such as Google Drive, iCloud Drive, OneDrive, or DropBox.
  • Keep folder system backups for at least one year. In this case, you will be able to recover the necessary files if you accidentally delete them or your computer is hacked.

Stick to certain rules. Your folder system will help you organize your files, but to get the most out of your system, follow certain rules when you use it. Here are some good rules:

  • Never store individual files in a folder that contains subfolders.
  • Empty the Temporary folder at least once a week.
  • Do not delete documents, receipts, or other necessary files, even if you think you will no longer need them.
  • Don't keep useless files.
  • Back up your folder system once a week.
  • Delete unnecessary files from your folder system. Over time, some files will become outdated or become unnecessary. It is better to delete such files than to store them "just in case".

    • We recommend deleting unnecessary files after you back up your folder system.
    • If you delete files from the folder system that are in the folder system backup, the deleted files can be restored if necessary (provided that the folder system itself remains the same).
  • Copy, download or create new files directly in the folder system. When you create a document or download a file, you have the option to select the desired folder. If you do not do this, some folder on the computer will be used. Therefore, we recommend that you click "Save" or "Browse" and then navigate to the desired folder in your folder system.

    • To save an open document in a program (for example, Word) in a specific folder, click "Save As", and to download the file to a specific folder, click "Browse" in the browser window.
  • Rename files to reduce visual clutter. By default, most downloaded files have nothing meaningful names. Therefore, it is better to rename such files using your own naming system - this way you will reduce the visual clutter in your folder system:

    • Windows- right-click on the file, select "Rename" from the menu, enter a new name and click ↵Enter.
    • Mac- click on the file, press the key ⏎ Return, enter a new name and press ⏎ Return.
  • Learn how to properly use and maintain your folder system. It takes practice and consistency. If you use your folder system daily, learn how to find and work with the files that are stored in the system, and clean it regularly, you will quickly organize the files on your computer.

    No wonder they say that laziness is the engine of progress. Personally, it encourages me to constantly search for some ways to simplify Everyday life. Helps me in this internal radar, tuned to the perception of new information. As soon as I hear about something new in an area of ​​interest to me, I try to immediately check whether it will be useful for me.

    Sometimes I consciously look for solutions to organize information, the flow of which overflows daily and hourly. And then I try to dig up more, select the best options and try them out in practice in order to stop at the most convenient one and use it for a long time.

    The most amazing thing is that often these programs are very close, you just need another person, free time or a specific task to “discover America” for yourself. Since I regularly have to open the eyes of my acquaintances to those tools for organizing information that are at hand and do not even cost money, today I want to talk about the three most powerful of them (in my subjective opinion). Perhaps one of them will be useful to you too.

    1. MS OneNote- this is truly an invisible program and a golden find. She lives in the Windows office suite, starting with MS Office 2003, but most of my friends have not heard anything about her. In essence, it is a notepad program with several levels of hierarchy, allowing you to create notebooks, sections, pages, and subpages.

    Suitable for organizing and storing any information that usually dangles on your desktop and in "My Documents", at best sorted into folders - text, pictures, entire pages from the Internet directly with links, audio and video files. For example, you can store in it:

    • information on a specific topic for later selection - if you choose a vacuum cleaner, phone, car or time management courses
    • information about purchases - where and for how much they bought, warranty periods
    • information about documents, especially if you often have to fill in some data electronically
    • information about your clients, students
    • recipes
    • plans
    • any lists:
      • wishlist,
      • gifts your friends would love
      • books that you have read or would like to
      • movies you would like to see and your impressions
    • travel information, travel lists
    • your diary, key events that you would like to keep in memory, travel notes
    • abstracts of books read, course notes, your own articles, drafts and sketches
    • needlework ideas
    • swipe files
    • drawings and notes

    The possibilities of the program are endless. You can choose the type of "substrate", edit the text in every possible way, make lists with checkboxes (for ticking), drawn notes. You can use tags - keywords, or just use the search.

    There are versions for android, iOs and OSX. For Apple lovers, there is also a paid Outline program: for IOS - the full version, for MacOS, only a version for reading ready-made notes is available so far. Its advantage is that notebooks can only be stored on a computer.

    I consider the only worthy competitor to OneNote Evernote. You may have seen a green elephant on your phone or tablet - that's her. The essence of the program is the same. Notes are presented in a somewhat different format. Initially focused on synchronization with mobile devices via the Internet. She has restrictions on using a free account. But this program can be used both on Apple platforms and on older versions of android.

    Linux users can try Keynote(not to be confused with Apple's presentation program) - convenient, but, in my opinion, not as friendly for an unprepared user as the first two.

    2. The second most important convenience I consider programs for building memory maps - mind maps. For many years I have been using different programs for graphical representation of various information. In particular:

    For article plans
    for abstracts of books, lectures, preparation of questions for the exam
    detailed planning for achieving goals
    event planning
    finding solutions

    The undisputed leader of such programs, in my opinion, is mind manager- This is the most convenient program, but at the same time the most expensive. Cheaper option - Xmind. It has a free version - you can make maps for your own use, but you won't be able to export to pdf to show to a friend who doesn't have the program installed.

    The most affordable option Freemind- it's free, intuitive and suitable for any platform.

    3. For a very long time I was looking for a comfortable one for me scheduler. Since I'm not a very rational person, and I have a hard time sticking to a plan, I needed an agile scheduling program that wouldn't become a graveyard of lost cases without being too simplistic. Equally important in this case would be to have synchronization with your phone or tablet so that you can look into it on the go or write something new.

    Now there are a huge number of planners of varying degrees of complexity. And, perhaps, my choice will be an unfortunate solution for those who prefer to build all plans in a single structure in one place, or have many tasks tied to time. I prefer daily planning on paper, so the planner program serves for me primarily as an overview of all conceived tasks (in fact, this is for me electronic variant autofocus system).

    So my winner is called wunderlist. At first, the program seemed very simple to me, until I discovered that it had subtasks and a place for additional information. That is, if in the topic “Order” I have the item “Give away unnecessary things for free”, then inside I can make a list of things, as well as a list of places where I can go for this.

    In the paid version of the program, you can even attach files and send tasks to other people. Although for most, free will be enough. Despite the fact that the program asks to register, you can use the standalone version of the program indefinitely, and register only when you decide to synchronize information on your computer and phone.

    Wunderlist allows you to highlight important events, set deadlines and reminders, including for recurring events.

    The program is available for Windows, all Apple platforms, android and as a web application.

    Here are the top three. What programs do you use to make your life easier? Write in the comments, I will be glad to learn something new.

    Definition 1

    Methods for systematizing information are methods for organizing the studied information objects into a specific system based on some criterion.

    Systematization of information

    To effectively solve the tasks set, a fast system of access to the necessary information data is required. That is, first of all, it is required to ensure optimal data search and, in addition, it is necessary to systematize newly incoming information. The main initial step in most business projects, regardless of the scope of the enterprise, is the systematization of information. A well-executed systematization of information allows you to get excellent results when setting up production and, in addition, provides significant savings in the company's finances and the efforts of its employees. The information systematization process should include:

    • The methodology for collecting and accumulating information data.
    • The operation of classifying and indexing data.
    • Methods of access to information resources.
    • Methods for presenting information data.
    • Methods for processing a search request for information.

    There are two ways to organize information:

    1. Organization of information in the form of a clear structure (structured information).
    2. Organization of the information array in the form of plain text.

    Definition 2

    Structuring is a sequence of operations to organize information. To do this, standard formats are used.

    The format is understood as a clean form for entering information.

    Information data can be recorded in paper version, or in a text editor file, or how the input is placed in the database.

    The standard format has information sections called fields. The result of filling out the format will be a complete form, called a record.

    A database is a set of records that is organized to facilitate the retrieval of a particular record, or a number of related records, or the necessary information contained in such records. A distinctive feature of the correct databases is their ability to give once recorded data in a different form (in terms of content - from a small amount to an exhaustive information set, also the form of their presentation can also be different, necessary for the user).

    The systematization of information implies, in a sense, the classification of the entire document flow of the company into different subgroups. Each firm can choose the method of systematization of information, classification principles (or a set of these principles) that is most suitable for it. Most often, all company documents are divided according to nominal, subject, thematic, chronological, author's and archival classifications:

    1. Nominal systematization refers to the subdivision of documentation by its types (invoice, contract, order, and so on).
    2. Subject systematization refers to the belonging of documents to a particular area.
    3. Thematic systematization refers to the general subject of documents.
    4. Under the chronological systematization of information is understood the division of documents according to the dates of their appearance.
    5. Under the author's systematization is meant the division by the names of the authors of documents.
    6. Archival systematization refers to the division by the period of storage of the document.

    Basic methods of organizing information

    The systematization of information implies its processing to form a certain type of it, as well as the interpretation of information, which makes it possible for each user to correctly perceive the information received. The processed information is located according to certain rules, has a completely complete format, which gives it a logical meaning and meaning. When information is processed, complete images are formed that people are able to recognize and understand correctly. All this is accompanied by the process of bringing a set of information signals to some simple figurative categories.

    There are three rules for how information should be processed in order to obtain images:

    1. It is necessary to establish the correct ratio of figures and background information.
    2. Images must be completed.
    3. Approximateness and similarity must be established.

    When forming the balance of the figure and the background in the information picture, it is necessary to single out, in fact, the figure, that is, the main meaning of the picture (image). And of course, what is not a figure becomes the background. Most often, the figure can be distinguished very simply, but there are cases when there are no clear boundaries between the figure and the background. Then there is a possibility that after processing the information, it can radically change its image, and, accordingly, will have a different semantic meaning. Sometimes the information processing procedure can lead to the formation of incorrect (false) images and incorrect interpretation of the actions of other people and, in addition, cause a person to misunderstand the actions directed at him from the external environment.

    People usually organize information in two ways:

    1. A method of processing information based on logic. It is based on the systematic and consistent transformation of information based on the operations of logic. This method is also called scientific information processing. But people are capable of not only logical processing of information, which allows them to perform adequate response actions when receiving external influences.
    2. The method of information processing at the level of feelings. Emotional reactions of a person predetermine the processing of information based on concepts, like - do not like, bad - good, and so on.

    The perception of the surrounding world by a person is in many respects an ambiguous, rather complicated and rapidly ongoing process. It is wrong to imagine that the stages of collecting, processing and identifying information are clearly separated and follow each other in a strictly defined format and according to a single structure. Decision making is based on different types of information.

    Cadastres of natural resources are one of the most important sources of information about them and represent a systematized system of information about the quantitative and qualitative state of natural resources, their economic, environmental assessment and social significance, as well as the composition and categories of users. Cadastres serve as the basis for planning and information support for the use and protection environment, in general, managing them.

    The importance of cadastres is great, and therefore the procedure for their maintenance is established either by a federal law, for example, the Law “On the State Land Cadastre” dated January 2, 2000, or by government decrees, sometimes temporary provisions approved by authorized ministries and departments.

    Currently, there are several types of cadastres in Russia, which are formed depending on the object of accounting - a natural resource: land, water, wildlife, forests, deposits and manifestations of minerals, specially protected natural areas, as well as a waste cadastre. All of them have the status state.

    The land cadastre is a systematized set of documented information obtained as a result of the state cadastral registration of land plots about the location, purpose and legal status of the lands of the Russian Federation and information about territorial zones and the presence of objects located on land plots and strongly associated with them. The documents that make up the land cadastre, according to their legal status, content and form, are divided into three groups. To main land cadastre documents include the Unified State Register of Land

    stranded, cadastral files and duty cadastral maps (plans), to auxiliary - books of records of documents, issued information, catalogs of coordinates of points of the reference boundary network, and to derivative - documents containing lists of lands owned by the Russian Federation, its subjects, municipalities, reports on the status and use of land resources, statistical reports, analytical reviews and other reference and analytical documents.

    The Federal Land Cadastre Service of the Russian Federation was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation for the proper accounting of land and the maintenance of the cadastre. The units of the cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation are cadastral districts, districts, quarters. Each land plot is assigned its own cadastral number, information about a particular land plot is provided in the form of extracts for a fee and free of charge.

    Cadastre of deposits and manifestations of minerals includes systematized information for each deposit on the quantity and quality of the main and co-occurring minerals, the conditions for their development (including environmental), geo-economic assessment. Along with the cadastre, the State balance of mineral reserves is maintained, which reflects the degree of their study, industrial development and other data.

    Water cadastre - it is a systematized collection of data on water bodies and their water resources, their use, categories of users. In addition, water management balances are maintained to assess the availability and degree of use of water resources, to determine the need for water.

    Forest cadastre - a summary of information on the legal regime of the forest fund, the quantitative and qualitative state of the forests of the Russian Federation, including the composition of tree species, the age composition of the forest, groups and categories of protection, economic assessment, etc.

    Cadastre of the animal world is a systematized information about the geographical distribution, abundance, species composition, economic use, conservation measures, as well as the habitat of wildlife objects. The Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with certain reservations, can also be considered a kind of cadastre of rare and endangered species of animals and plants.

    Cadastre of specially protected natural areas - a set of data on the status, geographical location and borders, the regime of special protection, nature users, scientific, environmental and other values ​​of these territories.

    Waste inventory includes information about waste, taking into account their danger, sources of formation, measures for use, locations, etc.

    Territorial cadastres of natural resources and objects contain data on the location, quantity and quality of natural resources, their socio-economic and environmental assessment. They are complex in nature, since they reflect information about all natural resources on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    The maintenance of cadastres is entrusted to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. It should be borne in mind that the records of the animals of the hunting fund are kept by the Department of Hunting and Hunting of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and fish stocks in inland waters are kept by the State Committee for Fisheries of the Russian Federation. The maintenance of territorial cadastres is carried out by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

    Thus, cadastres are the most important form of accounting for the state of environmental objects and nature management. Other, sometimes isolated, sometimes forming an integral system of accounting and registration, special registers and registers are inextricably linked with the very existence and maintenance of cadastres. In a number of cases, Russian legislation regulates them in detail, sometimes these procedures do not receive proper development and are in the process of being created and (or) improved.

    One of the significant examples of law-making and organizational and managerial activities in this area is the adoption of the Rules for State Accounting of Indicators of the Fertility of Agricultural Lands, approved by the Government Decree of March 1, 2001 (SZ RF, 2001, No. 10, art. 963). This accounting is an ordered system for collecting and processing information on the state of fertility of agricultural land obtained during soil, agrotechnical, phytosanitary, environmental and toxicological surveys. It serves to obtain complete and reliable information about the state and dynamics of land fertility, to identify and prevent negative results of economic activity, etc. The indicators are kept by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation separately by type of agricultural land (arable land, fallow lands, hayfields, pastures, perennial plantations), and the obtained data shall be included in the State Land Cadastre. The information is open and public. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is responsible for the completeness and reliability of the data, the storage of accounting documents and the objectivity of the information provided. The number of data includes the results of

    land surveys conducted by the Federal Land Service

    cadastre of Russia.

    Sources of law. General provisions on cadastres are contained in Art. 16 of the Law “On the Protection of the Environment”, the Federal Law “On the State Land Cadastre” (which regulates in detail all issues of its maintenance), the laws “On the Wildlife” (Article 14); “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” (Article 4); Water Code (Article 79); Forest Code (Article 69), Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" (Article 30-32), Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Wastes" (Article 20). The norms of these laws are concretized in the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre of specially protected natural areas” dated October 19, 1996; "About the Red Book Russian Federation» of February 19, 1996; Rules for conducting state cadastral valuation of land dated April 8, 2000; Rules for the cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation and the Rules for assigning cadastral numbers to land plots dated September 6, 2000, etc.

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