High acidity. What to do if you have high stomach acidity? Increased stomach acidity in children

If there are signs of changes in the content of hydrochloric acid, you must contact a gastroenterologist, who will decide how to determine the acidity of the stomach, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Functions of hydrochloric acid

It is hydrochloric acid that is the main component of gastric juice, with the help of which the organ digests incoming food. Without the presence of HCl, this process will be impossible, which means that the nutrition of the entire body will be disrupted. Other acids are present in the stomach rarely or in very small quantities.

In addition to the fact that HCl is the basis for the digestion of food, this compound performs bactericidal and antiseptic functions. It has been established that if the acid in the stomach is present in insufficient quantities, the protective forces of this organ are significantly weakened.

How is hydrochloric acid produced and neutralized?

Hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is produced by special cells - parietal or parietal cells. They occupy the upper and middle parts of the organ. All cells produce hydrochloric acid of the same concentration - 160 mmol/l, however, depending on how much of them functions, as well as how other components of gastric juice are synthesized, its final acidity and the symptoms that manifest a lack or excess of acid depend.

The lower part of the stomach - the antrum - is responsible for the production of mucus, which prevents acid from corroding the walls of the organ. This section also produces bicarbonates, with the help of which the acid in the stomach is neutralized, because it is the antrum that is the last on the path of food penetration into the intestines, where an acidic environment should not be present.

Acidity values

The concentration of HCl in the entire amount of synthesized digestive juice is an indicator of acidity. The symptoms of various gastrointestinal diseases depend on this indicator. The unit of measurement for this value is pH.

There are certain acidity standards for the human stomach, deviation from which indicates a change in the healthy gastric environment (values ​​are indicated in pH units):

  • minimum – 8.3;
  • normal in the body of the stomach (determined on an empty stomach) – 1.5-2.0;
  • antrum - 1.3-7.4;
  • epithelium – 7.0;
  • maximum – 0.86.

The neutral value of an acidic environment corresponds to a value of 7.0. If the indicator exceeds this figure, then an alkaline environment is present, and if it falls below, it is acidic.

Acidity values ​​in different zones

The acidic environment of the stomach is uneven and its different points are characterized by different values.

There is a certain set of points or zones that are examined in order to find out the overall picture of acidity:

  1. “Lake” – fluctuation range 0.9-2.2 pH (average value 1.46-1.48 pH).
  2. Arch – 0.9-4.6 (1.58-2.34).
  3. Body, posterior wall – 1.0-1.8 (1.1-1.3).
  4. The anterior wall of the body is 0.9-1.4 (1.0-1.2).
  5. Lesser antrum curvature – 1.6-7.2 (4.2-5.0).
  6. Greater antrum curvature – 1.3-7.4 (4.2-5.0).
  7. The anterior part of the duodenal bulb (DU) is 5.6-7.9 (6.25-6.75).

These values ​​are indicated for the human gastric mucosa, which is not affected by symptoms of structural changes.

How is acidity determined?

There are two main ways to determine acidity - the aspiration method and intragastric pH-metry. Previously, it was possible to check the level of acid in gastric juice by analyzing urine, but this method has very little reliability, so it is not currently used.

Intragastric pH-metry

The method is based on the study of the mucous surface covering the stomach and located on its different parts. Based on how acid is distributed in the stomach, a general conclusion is made about the functioning of the organ and its pH level.

The procedure is carried out using special probes - acidogastrometers - and is divided into several types, which depends on the urgency of obtaining the results, the patient’s condition and diagnostic purposes:

  • express diagnostics – done in 20 minutes;
  • daily - determining how acid is formed in the stomach throughout the day;
  • short-term – several hours;
  • endoscopic – carried out during FEGSD.

Aspiration method

The method involves collecting the contents in the stomach and intestines and subsequent examination of the resulting samples. The disadvantage of this method is that samples taken for research from different zones are mixed, and the results of the analysis can no longer be considered completely reliable. The method provides only a rough estimate.

Acid formation assessment

To determine at what level acid is synthesized in the stomach, a method of short-term pH measurement is used.

There are two parameters to be measured:

  1. Basal acidity is the level of acid in an empty organ, that is, on an empty stomach or when the acid in the stomach is at a minimum level;
  2. Stimulated acidity - value after stimulating the production of gastric juice, for example, using cabbage juice or medications.

Acid neutralization assessment

To form a complete picture, it is necessary to know not only at what level acid is formed in the stomach, but also what is the degree of its neutralization. Minimum acidity is characteristic of the antrum, and maximum acidity is characteristic of the body. The difference between these values ​​will indicate the degree of acid neutralization.

Manifestations of increased stomach acidity

If the acid in the stomach is in excess, then we are talking about increased acidity, which is characteristic of a whole group of diseases. These include, for example, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, organ damage caused by taking medications, and gastroduodenitis.

On the part of the patient, symptoms of high acidity manifest themselves as follows:

  • heartburn;
  • pain in the abdominal area of ​​varying localization and intensity, for example, “in the pit of the stomach” with gastritis, subsiding pain after eating with an ulcer;
  • sometimes nausea or vomiting;
  • sour belching.

Typically, diseases with high acidity affect young people and middle-aged people (up to 40 years old), especially often such failures occur in men.

Manifestations of low stomach acidity

If after research it is revealed that there is insufficient amount of acid in the stomach, then low acidity is diagnosed.

A lack of hydrochloric acid leads to the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria and disruption of microflora, so there are two main signs of low acid content:

  1. Rotten smell from the mouth;
  2. Belching that smells like a rotten egg.

These symptoms are complemented by others that do not always appear:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • feces with pieces of undigested food;
  • flatulence, rumbling in the stomach;
  • heaviness in the abdomen, bloating;
  • the appearance of pain immediately or half an hour after the next meal;
  • decreased immunity, which leads to the appearance of fungus;
  • lack of nutrients manifests itself through brittle hair and legs, poor skin.

The acidic component of gastric juice is one of the most important parameters that determine the functioning of this organ. Symptoms of high or low acid levels can manifest in different ways. That is why only a doctor knows how to determine the acidity of the stomach and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The secretion of gastric juice occurs through the work of the gastric mucosa. It is a colorless, odorless liquid with small lumps of mucus. Any deviations from this norm, such as changes in color and thickness, indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition of gastric juice is complex, since it is produced by various cells of the gastric mucosa. Its main component is which, in turn, has a concentrated composition.

Composition of gastric juice

In addition to hydrochloric acid, gastric juice contains the following components

  1. Bicarbonates (they neutralize the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach).
  2. Pepsinogen, which turns into pepsin (the latter is responsible for the breakdown of proteins). Pepsin is divided into another family of enzymes, each of which has its own functions.
  3. Mucus (it also protects the mucous membrane from destruction).
  4. Castle factor (an enzyme that helps absorb B 12).

However, the main component of gastric juice is still hydrochloric acid. This is what we will talk about.

What is hydrochloric acid?

It is produced by the parietal cells of the gastric glands, located on the body and bottom of the organ. In essence, the mucous membrane is divided into several zones: one produces hydrochloric acid, the other secretes bicarbonates that neutralize it. It is noteworthy that men have several times more parietal cells than women.

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach has a strict concentration level - it is 0.3-0.5% (or 160 mmol/l). Its composition is so concentrated that if there were no protective substances in the gastric juice and mucous membrane, it would burn out its own stomach. That is why, when there is insufficient production of mucus by the stomach, a person develops gastritis or duodenal ulcers. Acid is constantly present in the stomach, but its amount increases in response to food intake. Basal secretion of hydrochloric acid (that is, morning) is 5-7 mmol/hour.

A healthy stomach produces up to 2.5 liters of hydrochloric acid per day!

The secretion of hydrochloric acid has 3 phases.

  1. Reaction to the taste and smell of food. It is triggered and transmitted from the central nervous system to gastric cells through nerve endings.
  2. After food enters the body, a more significant phase begins. Gastrin acts on parietal cells, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid.
  3. The final phase begins after chyme (already digested food) enters the duodenum. Due to an increase in hydrochloric acid, the stomach produces somatostatin, an acid blocker.

What functions does hydrochloric acid perform in the stomach?

First of all, it improves digestion, destroys most bacteria that enter the stomach with food, which slows down or even interferes with the putrefactive process.

What are the functions of hydrochloric acid in the stomach? Below is a list that details this issue.

  • Denaturation of proteins (this is the destruction of their molecular structure) and their swelling.
  • Activation of pepsinogen, which turns into pepsin, is one of the most important
  • Creation in conditions in which enzymatic digestion occurs much easier.
  • Evacuation of food from the stomach to the duodenum, where digestion continues.
  • Antibacterial effect - many bacteria cannot live in such an aggressive environment.
  • Stimulation of pancreatic juice secretion.

The role of hydrochloric acid in the breakdown of proteins deserves special attention. The importance of proteins in the body is enormous. This question has been studied by scientists for many decades. It has been established that hydrochloric acid in the stomach stimulates the production of pepsin, creating a favorable environment for its activity, and promotes partial denaturation and swelling of proteins. In the duodenum, hydrochloric acid stimulates the production of secretin, improves iron absorption and has a bactericidal effect.

Proteins and acidity of gastric juice

The role of hydrochloric acid in is still unclear. However, it has been established that with inflammatory diseases of the stomach, its secretion and, as a consequence, the digestion of proteins are disrupted.

The importance of proteins in our body can hardly be overestimated. This group is divided into many subgroups, each of which does its own thing. Thus, hormone proteins control life processes (growth and reproduction), enzyme proteins provide chemical processes (respiration, digestion, metabolism), hemoglobin saturates cells with oxygen.

Denaturation of proteins (this facilitates the process of their subsequent breakdown) allows the body to use their properties to the maximum. Every protein is made up of amino acids. Most of them are synthesized by our body, but there is a group of so-called essential amino acids that enter the body only from the outside.

Gastric acidity

Such an important aspect as the pH of the stomach directly depends on hydrochloric acid. And if there is a deviation from the norm, gastritis, dyspeptic disorders and other unpleasant conditions occur. Acidity in the stomach can be low, normal or high.

Despite the “popularity” of increased pH, people often have low or normal acidity. The latter ranges from 0.8 to 1.5.

Low stomach acidity

Low acidity occurs with constant stress and inflammatory diseases. This happens due to the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, which directly affects the production of gastric juice. A decrease in acidity leads to worse digestion of food and stomach spasms. Food remains in the cavity and begins to rot, increasing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. A person suffers from flatulence and nausea. The latter is a response to stomach spasms. Moreover, the process of absorption of all nutrients contained in our food is actively disrupted, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the entire body. By the way, it is precisely because of the natural decrease in pH that after 40 years a person begins to age rapidly. That is, hydrochloric acid in the stomach actually affects the health of the entire body.

The stomach, surprised by the excessive proliferation of bacteria, begins to turn on its protective function, resulting in inflammation. He is treated with drugs that further inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid - and the circle closes. A person is forced to constantly visit a doctor.

Increased stomach acidity

Despite the opinion of many gastroenterologists, high acidity is much less common than low acidity. The danger is that with prolonged juice, ulcers of the esophagus and stomach appear. The patient is bothered by heartburn and pain. This is where proton pump inhibitors - Omez and its analogues - will be useful. Symptoms are relieved with the help of antacids - Gaviscon, Phosphalugel, etc.

It is always used to diagnose high acidity because its symptoms can easily be confused with decreased secretion.

Types of determination of stomach acidity

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach (that is, its level) is determined by several methods.

  1. Probing. It is done using a special tube through which the contents of the stomach are sucked out.
  2. Intragastric pH-metry. The sensors measure acidity directly in the stomach.

The second method is considered the most informative.

Stomach acidity is something that most doctors don't pay attention to, but it is actually extremely important in diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal diseases.

There are substances in the human body that perform important digestive functions. One of the components is hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This is a product secreted by the main glands of the fundus. A change in its homeostasis leads to a deterioration in the patient’s condition and disruption of his quality of life.

In order to fully understand the functional role of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it is necessary to study the entire process.

Digestion begins when the thought of food arises and its smell is felt. Receptors are activated, the central nervous system centers are activated, and information about the upcoming act of eating is provided. As a result, the fundic glands become aware of the need for gastric juice. This is the first phase of secretion. The stomach prepares for food intake by secreting a meager amount of enzymes.

After eating food, these impulses intensify, and much more secretion is released. Parietal cells, thanks to chemoreceptors, capture information about the reaction of the environment and regulate it by releasing acid. The second phase of secretion is the most basic and depends directly on the release of gastrin. It stimulates glandular cells and provokes maximum release of hydrogen chloride during the act of eating.

The final phase occurs thanks to somatostatin. It is released into the stomach after a signal that food has entered the duodenum. The stretching of the stomach and the pressure on the receptors becomes less, the need for secretion of gastric juice decreases. Somatostatin deactivates the cells of the fundus of the stomach, and acid secretion decreases to a minimum level. Once in the duodenum, the pH becomes alkaline due to neutralization by bile.

Functions of hydrochloric acid

Hydrogen chloride converts pepsinogen into an active compound necessary for the digestion of chyme. Its function is to break down proteins into short amino acid chains. The enzyme requires an optimal acidic environment for normal metabolism.

The pH in the stomach varies. If a person has not eaten for a long time, the pH of gastric juice is usually around 4. When food enters the stomach, HCl production increases and the pH may drop to 1 or 2, in very acidic conditions. The acid not only provides a suitable environment for pepsin, but also kills many potentially dangerous microbes that enter the stomach with food. It also regulates the optimal pH in the stomach for the development of microflora on the mucous membrane.

The digestive function of hydrochloride compounds is the ability to break down protein molecules into amino acids and denature proteins. When dairy products enter the stomach, they curdle and casein is formed along with pepsins and chemosins.

Protein Denaturation

Denaturation is the process of transforming the globular structure of a protein into a simple one. Initially, protein consists of amino acids connected in series. Next, disulfide bonds are formed between the chains, and it conforms (twists) into a compact structure - a globule. More often, these are tertiary and quaternary forms. This shape is explained by the need to correctly position the long chain.

For normal energy metabolism and obtaining important elements for structuring the protein structures of the human body. When exposed to acid, disulfide bonds are the first to break. The structure returns to the original serial circuit. It comes apart piece by piece, like a mosaic, and is included in processes (formation of RNA, muscle fibers, oxidation to produce energy).

Acidity as an indicator of stomach condition

The concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach not only shows how ready the organ is to eat food, but also regulates normal processes. Normally, the gastric mucosa is covered with secretion from the antral glands. This is a protective mucus. It can withstand a certain pH. The secretion is constantly produced to maintain the integrity of the mucosa and block the coagulation effect on the endothelium.

Normal stomach acidity

The acidity of the stomach constantly changes depending on the phase of digestion, the pH of the food consumed, and the presence of bacteria. Research has shown that the minimum component is 0.86; and the maximum is 8.3. In the antrum of the stomach, pH can vary from 1.3 to 7.4. These are indicators measured on mucous membranes. In the lumen of the organ, the acidity is higher, 1.2 - 2.0.

Free hydrochloric acid

The composition of gastric juice includes dissociated hydrochloric acid. It is written this way – H+ and Cl-. The study of its amount after a test meal is 20-40, 0.07-0.14% of the absolute concentration. This is an inactive form.

Bound hydrochloric acid

It is not a dissociated species associated with a specific protein. This is a compound that can interact with active substances and absorb essential nutrients. The reaction of the compound is less acidic than that of the bound acid.

Methods for studying the acidity of gastric juice

To check, intragastric pH-metry, or fractional sounding, is used. To study acidity, phenolphthalein, dimethylaminoazobenzene and alizarine sulfonic acid indicators are used. Phenolphthalein, when the pH shifts to the alkaline side, acquires a characteristic pink or crimson color.

Dimethylaminoazobenzene stripes turn red if the environment is acidic and free hydrogen chloride predominates. An increased concentration of proteinized hydrochloric acid is indicated by orange color.

Acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A healthy body has strong protection and homeostasis, thanks to which normal digestive functions are performed. The first and most famous disease associated with changes in acidity is gastritis. The mucous secretion cannot properly protect the mucosa from the effects of pathogens. This occurs due to:

  • disruption of antral cell secretion;
  • changes in the composition of mucus;
  • distortion of normal HCl release;
  • constant intake of acidic foods.

Useful video

Signs, causes and consequences of increased acidity

Regulating acidity is an independent process. The body reacts to any change in a positive or negative direction by activating its defense systems. Increased acidity occurs when it cannot accurately control secretions.

The first symptoms are heartburn, sour belching, and hungry abdominal pain. They occur as a result of gastritis, poor diet, peptic ulcers, large amounts of Helicobacter pylori, and alcoholism. Increased acidity can significantly reduce a person's quality of life.

Signs, causes and consequences of low pH

A decrease in acidity is caused by systematic overeating, fasting, poor diet, stress, sympathoactive nervous regulation, lack of vitamins, in particular PP and B1, and lack of zinc. Violation of concentration leads to a distortion of the optimal environment, opportunistic microflora multiplies, and the body becomes infected.

Along with this, insufficient activation of enzymes causes abnormal digestion. The disease causes iron deficiency anemia, a lack of B12, C, A, and beneficial elements.

pH normalization methods

There are two types of effects: neutralizing the pH and changing the rate and amount of HCl release. Reducing pH with antacids, " Pechaevskys», « Rennie», « Phospholugel" A solution of baking soda can be used in everyday life, but when the acid is neutralized, CO2 is formed, which bloats the stomach and can lead to pain and severe belching.

To normalize the endocrine level, H2-histamine receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors are used: “ Omeprazole», « Dexlansoprazole», « Esomeprazole».

Proper digestion of food is the key to good health of the body as a whole. For the normal digestion process, gastric secretion, acidity and the composition of gastric juice play a fundamental role. Often, some people experience an increase in acid production in the stomach, which can manifest itself in the form of heartburn, epigastric pain, and “sour” belching. Increased stomach acidity: what do you need to know about this phenomenon? In this article we will try to answer as much as possible all the questions that arise about high acidity in the stomach.

ICD-10 code

K26 Duodenal ulcer

K29 Gastritis and duodenitis


Increased stomach acidity is most often diagnosed in young patients, and the disease is detected twice as often in men as in women.

The incidence rate increases in autumn and winter, as well as during adolescence and pregnancy. In elderly people, increased acidity is rarely detected: inflammatory lesions of the gastric mucosa with a low content of hydrochloric acid are more typical for this age.

Causes of high stomach acidity

Risk factors

As with any other disease, its appearance is caused by cases associated with certain risk factors. So, if at least one of these factors is present, the risk of increased stomach acidity increases significantly.

You should be especially attentive to your stomach health if you:

  • you eat incorrectly, often eat “dry food”, on the run;
  • drink too much coffee (especially instant), strong tea, alcoholic drinks, soda;
  • smoke;
  • you often overeat;
  • periodically take medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal contraceptives or antibiotics;
  • you take few vitamins;
  • you are often exposed to stress.

In addition, those who have already had similar cases of stomach problems in their family are more at risk of increased acidity than others. So, if your direct relatives suffer from stomach diseases, then you are also at risk.


The acidity of the stomach environment depends on the level of hydrochloric acid in its secretions, which is measured by pH. The norm is considered to be 1.5-2 pH on an empty stomach, and directly on the mucous membrane it can be slightly higher - about 2 pH, and deeper in the epithelial layer - even up to 7 pH.

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the fundic glands of the mucous tissues, which are localized in sufficient quantities in the fundus and body of the stomach.

Excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid with an increase in acidity may be a consequence of an increase in the number of glandular structures, or a disorder in the synthesis of alkaline components of gastric juice.

Since for normal secretion of the fundic glands, acid must be released synchronously, any disruption of this process can provoke an increase in acidity.

Increased acidity, in turn, gives rise to painful changes in the surface of the mucous tissue in the stomach, which leads to the development of various diseases of the stomach, duodenum, and pancreas.

Symptoms of high stomach acidity

Increased acidity of the stomach leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, which is manifested by a series of characteristic symptoms.

The main symptom of high acidity is heartburn, which can occur for no reason - at night, in the morning on an empty stomach, but most often its appearance is associated with eating food, such as baked goods, sweets, fried foods. Heartburn can be mild or painful and difficult to resolve.

In addition to heartburn, other first signs of increased acidity may appear:

  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • discomfort;
  • belching “sour”;
  • constipation (regular or occasional);
  • sometimes – bloating, digestive disorders;
  • general malaise, deterioration in performance;
  • decreased appetite;
  • irritability, bad mood.

The severity of symptoms depends on how long a person has had high acidity, as well as on the presence of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cough due to increased stomach acidity

Cough is considered one of the signs of diseases of the respiratory system, but it can also occur with diseases of the digestive system. In this case, cough is an additional sign against the background of other symptoms of stomach damage.

With increased acidity of the stomach, the cough can be constant, even painful, which is not eliminated by conventional antitussives. The reason for this phenomenon is irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system by acid, along with similar irritation of the stomach and esophagus.

With the development of esophagitis, the closure of the gastric sphincters worsens, which allows particles of food and acidic secretions to fall back into the cavity of the esophageal tube. The mucous membrane of the esophagus becomes irritated, followed by irritation of the throat, which triggers the cough reflex.

As a rule, after solving the problem with high acidity, the cough disappears.

Increased stomach acidity in children

In childhood, increased stomach acidity is not uncommon. The causes of the disease at such an early age can be:

  • passion for “wrong foods” (chips, crackers, snacks, etc.);
  • frequent consumption of soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc.);
  • eating on the run, craving for fast food;
  • stress and mental tension;
  • lack of diet.
  • Signs of increased acidity in children are almost the same as in adults:
  • belching sour;
  • digestive disorders (constipation may be replaced by diarrhea);
  • heartburn;
  • periodic causeless temperature of about 37°C.

With timely treatment, as well as compliance with diet and exercise, the development of more complex stomach diseases can be prevented. The main thing is to stabilize the acidity in time even before the moment when pathological changes in the mucous membrane begin.

Increased stomach acidity during pregnancy

Almost every woman experiences discomfort and digestive problems during pregnancy. The main reason for this phenomenon can be considered compression of the internal organs by the growing uterus (especially in the third trimester). The following symptoms may occur during pregnancy:

  • heartburn (regardless of food intake or after it);
  • nausea;
  • heaviness in the stomach, even after eating a small amount of food;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • feeling of general discomfort;
  • belching acid.

During pregnancy, the doctor is unlikely to resort to complex treatment. Most often, he prescribes adherence to a daily routine and diet. If you eat properly and little by little during pregnancy, then after childbirth the condition usually normalizes and acidity returns to normal.

Complications and consequences

Increased acidity is an intermediate condition, which does not always mean the presence of a disease of the digestive system. That is, if you carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle, then the increased acidity of the stomach can soon normalize without any complications.

If you ignore the doctor’s instructions and do not follow the diet, the problem may change for the worse.

The most common consequences of increased stomach acidity are:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • chronic esophagitis.

Diagnosis of high stomach acidity

One of the most informative methods for diagnosing high acidity is the intragastric pH-metry procedure. This procedure causes less discomfort than gastric probing and allows you to assess the degree of acidity of the secretion directly inside the stomach. For this purpose, special sensors are installed - acidogastrometers.

Measuring acidity using pH-metry takes no more than 5 minutes. During this time, readings are taken from several areas of the stomach cavity and duodenum. If there is a need to monitor acidity levels at different times of the day, then the procedure in this case is carried out longer than usual, up to a day.

Blood and urine tests may be prescribed additionally to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Instrumental diagnostics may include:

  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • X-ray examination (often contrast).

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with other diseases of the digestive system. For example, symptoms of high acidity may manifest such pathologies as gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, duodenitis, chronic pancreatitis. Increased acidity can also cause so-called functional dyspepsia - a disorder associated with functional problems of the digestive system. Functional dyspepsia is temporary and disappears after stabilization of the stomach.

Treatment of high stomach acidity

You can reduce acidity with the help of special medications. You can symptomatically relieve discomfort from increased acidity by taking a Rennie tablet, Secrepat Forte, Gastal, Altacid or Adzhiflux suspension. If we approach the problem globally, then it is necessary to undergo treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of excess acid in the stomach. First, you need to undergo diagnostics and determine concomitant diseases of the digestive tract. If the doctor detects gastritis, he may prescribe antibiotic therapy aimed at destroying the Helicobacter bacteria in the stomach. The bismuth-based drug De-Nol is perfect for this purpose.

Other drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid are divided into two groups

  • drugs that block histamine receptors (Kvamatel, Ranitidine);
  • drugs that inhibit the synthesis of hydrochloric acid (Omeprazole, Omez, Contraloc).

Additionally, medications that protect the walls of the stomach from irritation, such as Almagel, Maalox, may be prescribed.

Drugs such as Hilak Forte or Pancreatin are not used for high acidity. Hilak Forte can be prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders, which are accompanied by diarrhea and indigestion. If there is insufficient exocrine function of the pancreas, then in this case it is appropriate to prescribe enzyme preparations (Pancreatin), provided that the patient does not have acute pancreatitis.

  • Almagel is taken orally 1-3 measuring spoons up to 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and at night. It is not advisable to take the drug during pregnancy. If you take high doses of Almagel, you may experience drowsiness and constipation.
  • Omez in capsule form is taken orally in its entirety, 20 mg daily for several days to 2 weeks. It is advisable to take the drug in the morning on an empty stomach. Occasionally, after taking Omez, abdominal pain, dry mouth and muscle weakness may occur.
  • Omeprazole is taken in the morning before breakfast, in an amount of 0.02 g. Usually the drug is well tolerated, only occasionally taste disturbances, abdominal pain, joint and muscle pain are possible.
  • De Nol in tablet form is taken half an hour before meals, 1 piece. up to 4 times a day. You can take 2 tablets twice a day. De Nol is not prescribed during pregnancy. Sometimes taking the drug may be accompanied by frequent bowel movements, nausea or allergic reactions.


With increased acidity, attention should be paid to vitamins such as nicotinic acid, folic acid, retinol and vitamins B¹ and B².

Retinol (Vit. A) accelerates mucosal regeneration and helps resist infectious processes.

Nicotinic acid improves blood circulation in the stomach area, helps eliminate inflammation, and normalizes the composition of gastric juice.

B vitamins are involved in all metabolic processes in the body.

Folic acid protects the gastric mucosa from irritating factors and serves as a good prevention of gastroenteritis.

Separately, it should be said about such a vitamin as S-methylmethionine - also known as vitamin U. This drug is often prescribed for various digestive problems, because it has a pronounced anti-ulcer effect, helping to preserve the integrity of the mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin U can be taken in tablets, 0.1 three times a day, or in its natural form: the vitamin is contained in the juice of white cabbage.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy is successfully used for additional therapeutic effects in case of increased stomach acidity.

To eliminate pain, electrophoresis with novocaine, platyphylline, as well as applications of paraffin, ozokerite, and medicinal mud are used.

To normalize the activity of the glands, sinusoidal simulated currents and electromagnetic decimeter waves are prescribed.

At the stage of remission, sanatorium-resort treatment is recommended. Hydrocarbonate mineral waters are indicated in the intervals between meals (Borjomi, Mirgorod, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk). It is advisable to drink water at room temperature or warm, still.

Traditional treatment

In addition to medication treatment, traditional medicine recipes can also be used for high acidity. For example, honey has long been considered a simple and natural remedy for excess stomach acid. Its medicinal properties are known to everyone. It will help with increased acidity and digestive disorders. It is recommended to use it as follows:

  • mix a small amount of honey into food (honey goes well with dairy products and cereals);
  • add a spoonful of honey to tea (it is advisable that the drink has a temperature of no more than +45°C;
  • Honey should be consumed three times a day, daily, for 1.5-2 months.

Among additional traditional medicine we can recommend the following recipes:

  • drink freshly squeezed carrot juice on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning);
  • before each meal, drink 40-50 ml of juice squeezed from raw potatoes;
  • use pumpkin pulp in different versions (boiled, baked).

Many people recommend drinking soda solution to eliminate the symptoms of increased acidity. Let's face it - this method only works at first, and later the process gets worse. After all, soda irritates the gastric mucosa no less than acid. As a result of such treatment, stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis may develop.

Herbal treatment

In addition to the above methods of normalizing acidity in the stomach, there are other methods using medicinal plants. For example, to normalize digestion against the background of increased acidity, it is recommended to use infusions based on herbs such as coltsfoot, dandelion, calendula, plantain, chamomile, etc.

Collecting herbs will undoubtedly have a more pronounced effect than monotherapy. For example, many people successfully use the following recipes to reduce acidity:

  • a mixture of St. John's wort, plantain leaves and chamomile flowers (5 g each) is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, infused and taken a quarter glass before meals;
  • mix 100 ml of cranberry juice and the same amount of agave (aloe) juice, add 200 ml of hot boiled water, flavor with a spoon of honey. If you take this medicine daily, three times a day, 25 ml, then you can forget about heartburn and sour belching for a long time
  • 100 g of an equivalent mixture of St. John's wort, yarrow and mint leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, left in a thermos for about 6 hours, and filtered. Drink 100 ml in the morning.

There are a fairly large number of medicinal plants that help with high acidity. Such plants can be brewed separately and drunk as tea, or used in medicinal mixtures.

  • Wormwood – stabilizes and stimulates the functioning of the glandular apparatus of the stomach, enhances the secretion of bile, improves all stages of the digestive process. It has a slight anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and fungicidal effect.
  • Flaxseed – has an enveloping effect, as it contains large quantities of mucus and a specific substance, linamarin. Regular intake of seeds helps eliminate inflammation, stomach pain, and also restores mucous tissue damaged by acid.
  • Chaga (birch mushroom) is an antimicrobial agent that has been used since ancient times for the treatment and prevention of gastritis, stomach ulcers, and cancerous tumors. Chaga is famous for its anti-inflammatory, choleretic, healing and restorative effects on the body.
  • Golden mustache - this plant contains substances that, when the acidity of the stomach is high, neutralize the aggressive effects of acidic secretions, and when it is low, they replenish the missing acid.
  • Chamomile is a good remedy for gastritis associated with high acidity. It is especially useful to drink an infusion in which chamomile is combined with St. John's wort or yarrow.
  • Propolis - cures inflammation of the mucous membrane, eliminates spasms of smooth muscles, and relieves symptoms of heartburn and sour belching. Propolis can help even when ulcers and erosions begin to form on the irritated gastric mucosa.
  • St. John's wort is used as part of medicinal preparations, as it has a pronounced astringent and bactericidal effect. In addition, St. John's wort can stop diarrhea and remove toxic substances in case of minor food poisoning.
  • Aloe - the juice of this plant is usually used in combination with honey. Firstly, it significantly enhances the effect of treatment, and secondly, it smoothes out the bitter and unpleasant aftertaste of the agave. To treat high acidity, it is better to use juice from the leaves of a 3-5 year old plant - its properties are the most valuable.
  • Mint is included in stomach preparations, since the properties of this plant - soothing, antispasmodic, bactericidal, choleretic, analgesic, astringent - help improve digestion and restore the function of the secretory glands.
  • Calendula is a plant with high pharmacological activity, which is used to treat many diseases, including the digestive system. The plant's astringent, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antiseptic properties allow it to be used for high acidity associated with gastritis or functional digestive disorders.
  • Cushion grass – has an anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial effect. Medicines based on the plant are used to treat peptic ulcers, since cudweed not only normalizes the pH of the gastric environment, but also has a reparative effect.

Plants such as ginger, rose hips and plantain are not used for high acidity, as they contain substances that aggravate irritation of the gastric mucosa.


Homeopathic remedies can help relieve burning sensations and pain in the stomach, unpleasant belching and heartburn. Experts allow the following drugs to be used for high acidity:

  • Potassium bichromicum 3, 6 – stabilizes acidity levels, eliminates stomach pain;
  • Hydrastis 6, 30 – effective for acidity associated with peptic ulcers;
  • Calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate obtained from oysters) 3, 6, 12, 30 – helps in eliminating flatulence and stomach pain. Take 8 drops of the drug up to 4 times a day;
  • Acidum sulfuricum 6, 30 – will help with acid belching, with a burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach;
  • Natrium phosphoricum 6 stabilizes acidity when taking the powder 2-3 times a day;
  • Argentum nitricum (lapis) 3, 6 – helps with stomach pain and unstable acidity.

The listed drugs have no contraindications, extremely rarely cause allergic reactions and can be used as an additional treatment while taking medications.

Surgical treatment

Since increased stomach acidity is not a disease, but only a symptom of incipient problems, surgery is not indicated for this condition.

Surgical treatment may be prescribed if the increase in acidity occurs against the background of:

  • perforated ulcer;
  • strictures of the esophageal tube;
  • internal bleeding;
  • Barrett's esophagus;
  • hemorrhagic esophagitis;
  • profuse ulceration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

In addition, surgical intervention is resorted to in cases where conventional treatment does not have a positive effect.

Diet for high stomach acidity

If you have high acidity, following a diet is a prerequisite for recovery. Often, it is proper nutrition that allows you to get rid of the problem without the use of medications.

Should be excluded from the diet:

  • strong broth;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcoholic drinks (including low alcohol);
  • spicy, fatty, salty, smoked, fried foods;
  • any pastries;
  • citruses;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • soda;
  • flavorings (spices, sauces, vinegar, mustard);
  • radishes, onions and garlic;
  • preservation, marinades;
  • sour fruits and berries.

The menu should be composed primarily of vegetable and cereal dishes, weak broths based on low-fat varieties of meat or fish. You can eat eggs, dairy products, vermicelli, crackers, potatoes.

Nutrition for high acidity of the stomach should be balanced in terms of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Any products that can provoke irritation of the stomach walls and a reflex increase in acid secretion are prohibited.

Dishes are prepared in a double boiler, boiled, and stewed. Avoid foods that are fatty and coarse fiber, which are difficult for the stomach to digest.

The optimal meal intake is 6 times a day.

Menu for high stomach acidity

An approximate composition of the daily menu with increasing acidity may be as follows:

  • For Monday:
    • We have breakfast with milk semolina porridge with honey.
    • We have a snack with milk tea and steamed cheesecake.
    • We have lunch with creamy chicken breast soup, boiled rice, and vegetable salad.
    • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a cup of milk.
    • We have dinner with vegetable stew, cottage cheese casserole with tea.
  • For Tuesday:
    • We have breakfast with oatmeal and a boiled egg.
    • We snack on milk mousse with crackers.
    • We have lunch with vegetable soup and baked apples with cottage cheese.
    • As an afternoon snack - chamomile tea.
    • We have dinner with boiled veal and mashed potatoes.
  • For Wednesday:
    • We have pasta with cottage cheese for breakfast.
    • We have a snack with oatmeal jelly.
    • We have lunch with carrot cream soup, boiled fish fillet, and salad.
    • For an afternoon snack – a cup of kefir with crackers.
    • We have dinner with meat pate and vegetable puree.
  • For Thursday:
    • We have rice casserole for breakfast.
    • We have a snack with baked apple and carrots.
    • We have lunch with rice soup and potato zrazy.
    • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese and sour cream.
    • We have pasta with meat for dinner.
  • For Friday:
    • We have a steam omelette for breakfast.
    • We have a snack with biscuits and compote.
    • We have lunch with bean soup, rice with vegetables.
    • For an afternoon snack - milk.
    • We have dinner with stewed fish with carrots and onions.
  • For Saturday:
    • We have cottage cheese with milk for breakfast.
    • We have a snack with milk tea and crackers.
    • We have lunch with vegetable soup, carrot cutlets and steamed chop.
    • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese with tea.
    • We have dinner with fish baked with potatoes.
  • For Sunday:
    • We have breakfast with rice casserole with sour cream.
    • We have a snack with baked pear.
    • We have lunch with buckwheat soup and stewed meat with vegetables.
    • For afternoon snack - banana.
    • We have dinner with dumplings with cottage cheese and sour cream.

Mineral water for high stomach acidity

Mineral waters have varying degrees of mineralization (salt content). With low mineralization, water is absorbed well. The higher the degree of salt content, the more difficult it is for the water to be absorbed, but in this case it can have a pronounced laxative effect. If the acidity is high, highly mineralized waters should be avoided so as not to provoke unnecessary stomach irritation.

  • Borjomi is a table mineral water of hydrocarbonate-sodium composition. Borjomi is useful for metabolic disorders, gastritis, peptic ulcers, enterocolitis.
  • Essentuki is a group of chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium waters. The group is represented by the following types of medicinal drinks:
    • No. 17 – water with a high level of mineralization, which is used mainly for the treatment of liver diseases;
    • No. 4 – medicinal table water, can be used for high acidity;
    • No. 2 – medicinal table water, increases appetite;
    • No. 20 – low-mineralized water, can be used as a treatment and prevention of high acidity.

When acidity increases, mineral waters are consumed warm, one and a half to two hours before meals, 200-250 ml, three times a day.

Allowed foods for high stomach acidity

  • Honey - in case of high acidity, it is consumed only warm, since in combination with cold water it can have the opposite effect.
  • Dairy products - in case of high acidity, non-acidic foods are used in food, such as milk, non-acidic sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter.
  • Cottage cheese – non-sour, in the form of cheesecakes, casseroles, puddings.
  • Milk – only fresh, preferably homemade, in the form of porridges, milk soups, jelly.
  • Yogurt is non-acidic, natural, without additives in the form of stabilizers, dyes and preservatives.
  • Fruits – non-acidic varieties, preferably baked or in the form of compotes and jelly.
  • Teas are not strong, you can add chamomile, St. John's wort, mint.
  • Apples – non-acidic varieties, ripe, preferably baked or boiled.
  • Persimmon - in small quantities, preferably without peel. Without any problems, you can add persimmon pulp to jelly, compotes, and jelly.
  • Potato juice is a very useful product for high acidity, as it contains almost the entire range of B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin U and other useful substances. Potato juice can relieve inflammation, irritation and speed up the healing of ulcers and erosions. Take 1 spoon of freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach, regularly, until the condition improves.
  • Salt – in case of high acidity, it is allowed to be consumed, but is limited to approximately 3 g/day.
  • Kissel - cooked with non-acidic fruits, has an enveloping effect, which allows you to quickly achieve relief from gastritis. Oatmeal and milk jelly are especially useful.
  • Carrots are another vegetable that is especially useful for high acidity. The beneficial properties are explained by the presence of vitamin A in carrots, which has healing and reparative properties.
  • Bananas are a unique product that is able to stabilize the acidity of the gastric environment, and therefore can be used in cases of high acidity with virtually no restrictions.
  • Pumpkin is a very useful product for high acidity. Both the juice and the pulp of the product, which contain resinous substances, B vitamins, and oils, are equally useful. Pumpkin improves digestion and helps normalize gastrointestinal functions.
  • Beetroot is capable of reducing acidity to normal levels in a short time. You can eat salad from young fresh beets, stewed and boiled beets, as well as fresh beet juice.
  • Blueberries are a non-acidic berry that improves the composition of the intestinal flora, protects the mucous membrane from irritating factors, reduces secretion, reduces the severity of pain and inflammatory processes. The main condition when consuming blueberries for people with high acidity is not to overuse them.
  • Sauerkraut - despite the presence of acid in it, can be used for gastritis with high acidity in moderate quantities.
  • Ryazhenka - see above - is not recommended for increased acidity along with other fermented milk products.
  • Lemon – contains a large amount of acids, including citric and ascorbic acids. This allows you to actively use lemon in food with low acidity in the stomach.
  • Coffee - this strong drink stimulates the secretion of digestive juice and increases the vulnerability of receptors. If there is excess acid in the stomach, drinking coffee is undesirable. If you cannot imagine the morning without a fragrant cup, give preference to a ground natural product rather than a granular or instant drink.
  • Wine - increases the sensitivity of the gastric mucosa to acid and aggravates heartburn.
  • Almost all berries, with rare exceptions, increase gastric secretion. Non-acidic berries do not have this property, but they can be consumed in small quantities and not on an empty stomach.
    • adherence to diet;
    • consumption of dietary products;
    • giving up bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse.

    It is necessary to avoid foods that are harmful to the stomach and observe hygiene rules when preparing dishes.

    In addition, you should protect the nervous system from the negative effects of stress. It is important to learn to manage your emotions and resist psycho-emotional and depressive states.

    If you periodically experience stomach problems, you should definitely visit a gastroenterologist for regular examinations.

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