Brick market research. Crisis in the brick industry in Russia Spanish automated brick making equipment

Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs are trying to pay more and more attention to the construction market. The reason for this is the attractive working conditions. One of the most profitable niches is brick production. With the right approach to creating a business, you can make a significant profit.

It is noteworthy that individual entrepreneurs, engaged in the manufacture of brick products, do not experience seasonal difficulties. This is because building material is in demand at any time of the year. Brick is not demanding for installation at one time or another of the year, which means that construction can be done all year round.

The most important factor in forming a business in the production of certain types of bricks is the correct selection of equipment. Not only the quality of products depends on this, but also the volume of its production. The more batches will be created, the more profit will be.

What is the brick production line?

Proper selection of equipment makes it possible to determine the volume of production. The entrepreneur needs to make sure that the selected equipment meets all safety requirements, since most of the purchased equipment is powered by an electric drive. It should be noted that the equipment for the production of sand-lime bricks and the equipment for the production of facing bricks are similar to each other, only the proportions of the mixture differ. At the same time, the line for the production of ceramic bricks consists of the same basic models of equipment.

So, here is what equipment for the production of clay bricks is needed to open a business:

In the process of searching for equipment, you need to prepare for the fact that it is far from always possible to find it on the first try. The reason for this is the very small volume of production of such equipment. It is in low demand, so manufacturers are trying to protect themselves as much as possible by creating equipment in small batches.

The best option in this situation is to seek help from a dealership or visit the manufacturer. Both options carry another benefit. It lies in the fact that the manufacturer or representative of the dealership will be able to tell detailed information about the technical specifications of the equipment, give practical advice on use and provide a warranty period for the purchased products.

Technologies for the production of bricks from clay

Red brick

The production of red brick in industrial volumes is carried out continuously. The technology for the production of wall and facing bricks involves the use of clay of medium fat content, to which a small amount of sand and additional impurities are added. The product is completely devoid of structure porosity, since a special vibropress is used here. Drying time varies within 36-72 hours, depending on the quality of raw materials.

Clinker brick

High performance and attractive appearance of the clinker is the result of the use of special additives in the composition of the clay. Additional substances more thoroughly sinter the clay. This is reflected in performance. It is based on shale clay from various layers of occurrence. The technology for the production of ceramic bricks includes four stages, indicated in the subsection below.

silicate brick

Despite the fact that clay still remains the main one, an increased amount of water and quartz sand is added to the silicate brick. It is noteworthy that the technology for the production of silicate bricks includes the processing of raw materials with water vapor supplied under high pressure. This guarantees a high material density.

In the manufacture of silicate bricks, lime is quenched for 7-12 hours.

Forms for making bricks

An entrepreneur can use forms made by hand from boards. But in industrial production volumes, this approach is not acceptable.

For the manufacture of the most even bricks, a special mold is used. This brick making machine allows you to achieve the most dense structure without any pores inside. A mechanized mold can create quite a lot of pressure. A standard brick-making press operates with a force of 20 tons, simultaneously creating 10 or more bricks. Even the most meticulous production from handmade molds cannot be compared to the mechanized way of forming blocks.

How to get a mixture for the production of bricks?

The most important rule is to monitor the fat content of clay. The strength of the finished product as a whole strongly depends on this indicator. To get the most durable brick block, you must first test the fat content of the clay. Everything is easy - a kilogram of clay is taken, a small amount of water is added to it. The mixture is stirred until it starts to stick to the hands. The "dough" is rolled into a small ball with a diameter of 10 centimeters, after which it is placed in the shade for 2-3 days. If there are no cracks, then the raw material is normal. If there are cracks, add some sand. A fragile ball without cracks indicates insufficient fat content of the raw material. In this case, a fatter grade of clay is added.

Production stages

The transformation of clay into finished brick occurs in four stages:

  1. Extraction, delivery and preparation of raw materials.
  2. Raw formation.
  3. Raw drying
  4. Roasting in a kiln.

After that, the bricks are cooled down, stacked and packed.

Equipment Models

Vibropress Sirgis-universal. Works in a network of 220 volts. The press creates a force equal to 29 tons. It is possible to use different forms. Maintenance is carried out by one worker. The dimensions of the equipment are comparable to the dimensions of two long refrigerators placed in a row.

Kerammash kiln. Electric heating. 2 m3 of usable volume. The maximum temperature inside the chamber is 1260 degrees. Doors are revolving. Roll-out pallet simplifies loading and unloading of raw materials/finished products. Equipped with a fan.

Mixers RusMash SMK 125A. Two shafts speed up the processing of raw materials. Work from a network of 380 volts. Built-in humidification function with a mixer.

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Brick market research


The building materials market directly depends on the construction market, being directly dependent, and this dependence is mutual: the presence of construction companies on the market requires the presence of building materials production, which in turn is based on the demand of construction organizations for building materials. A thorough study of the needs will allow you to properly organize the production of the required volume of construction products.

One of the most basic and popular building materials is brick, which is used both in individual housing construction and on a large scale. Brick has been used in construction for a very long time and therefore has established itself as a time-tested building material.

Buildings and structures built of brick, as a rule, are more expensive than buildings built of wood, concrete panels. Brick gives the constructed object durability, improves performance, as brick buildings have a variety of architectural appearance. brick competitor pricing import

To date, there is a large assortment of bricks, where manufacturers have diversified this building material in terms of price, technical performance and appearance.

In accordance with the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED), approved by order of Rostekhregulirovanie No. 329-st dated November 22, 2007, production building bricks classified under code 26.40 "manufacture of bricks, tiles and other building products of fired clay" refers to section D, subsection DI "Manufacture of other non-metallic material structures" .

This grouping includes:

Production of non-refractory building materials from clay: production of ceramic bricks, roof tiles, deflectors, ceramic sewer and drainage pipes, etc.;

Manufacture of fired clay floor blocks.

This grouping does not include:

Manufacture of building refractory ceramic products;

Production of ceramic slabs and blocks for paving.

In accordance with the All-Russian classifier of products OK 005-93 OKP, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 31, 1993 No. 301, wall materials (without wall reinforced concrete panels) (57 4100) in the context of the type of product include:

- "ceramic brick" - code 57 4121;

- "silicate and slag brick" - code 57 4124;

- "brick and building stones from tripoli and diatomites" - code 57 4126.

In this term paper, I reviewed the classification of bricks, its technical characteristics, an overview of the brick market in Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory separately, market changes over the past 4 years.

1. Typology of commercial products, main types on the Russian market, features of the use of brick products

Brick is an artificial stone of the correct form, used as a building material, made from mineral materials, which has the properties of a stone, strength, water resistance, frost resistance.

By appointment, ceramic bricks are divided into ordinary (this is construction) and front (this is facing, cladding, finishing, facade).

Ordinary (building) brick is used for internal masonry or for external rows, but with subsequent plastering. An ordinary brick sometimes has a depressed geometric pattern on the side (for better adhesion to the plaster mortar).

The front (facing) brick is of a uniform color, has two smooth, even front surfaces (the so-called "poke" and "spoon"). It is, as a rule, hollow (that is, there are many voids in its "body", which makes the wall of such a brick warmer).

According to its composition and manufacturing method, the brick is divided into two groups - ceramic (building and facing) and silicate (white)

· Ceramic brick (clay) is obtained by firing clays and their mixtures. Ceramic bricks are usually used for the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting walls and partitions, one-story and multi-story buildings and structures, internal partitions, filling voids in monolithic concrete structures, laying foundations, the inside of chimneys, industrial and domestic furnaces.

The front ceramic brick is made using a special technology, which gives it a lot of advantages. The front brick should be not only beautiful, but also reliable. Facing bricks are usually used in the construction of new buildings, but can also be successfully used in various restoration works. It is used when facing the plinths of buildings, walls, fences, for interior design.

Thus, ceramic brick has the following competitive advantages:

ѕ durable and wear-resistant: ceramic brick has high frost resistance, which is confirmed by many years of experience in its use in construction;

ѕ good sound insulation: walls made of ceramic bricks, as a rule, comply with the requirements of [SP] 51.13330.2011 "Noise protection".

* low moisture absorption (less than 14%, and for clinker bricks this figure can reach 3%): ceramic bricks dry quickly;

ѕ environmental friendliness: ceramic bricks are made from environmentally friendly natural raw materials - clay, according to technology familiar to mankind for decades. During the operation of buildings built from it, red brick does not emit substances harmful to humans, such as radon gas;

* resistance to almost all climatic conditions: allows you to maintain reliability and appearance;

* high strength (15 MPa and above - 150 atm.);

* high density (1950 kg/m³, up to 2000 kg/m³ with hand molding);

- frost resistance: facing brick has high frost resistance, and this is especially important for the northern climate. The frost resistance of a brick is, along with strength, the most important indicator of its durability. Ceramic facing brick is ideal for the Russian climate;

ѕ strength and stability: due to the high strength and low volume of porosity, the masonry erected from facing products is characterized by high strength and amazing resistance to environmental influences;

ѕ different textures and colors: a range of different shapes and colors of facing bricks makes it possible to create an imitation of old buildings during the construction of a modern house, and also allows you to compensate for the lost fragments of the facades of old mansions.

Along with the advantages, this type has disadvantages, namely:

ѕ high price: due to the fact that ceramic brick requires several stages of processing, its price is quite high compared to the price of sand-lime brick;

ѕ the possibility of efflorescence: unlike silicate brick, ceramic brick “requires” a high-quality mortar, otherwise efflorescence may appear;

¾ the need to purchase all the required facing bricks from one batch: if the facing ceramic bricks are purchased from different batches, there may be problems with the tone.

Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. The mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not to the kiln, as is the case with ceramic bricks. If you add color pigments to the batch, you can get a silicate brick of almost any color - blue, green, crimson, purple, black. Sand-lime brick is usually used for the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting walls and partitions, one-story and multi-story buildings and structures, internal partitions, filling voids in monolithic concrete structures, and the outer part of chimneys.

Silicate brick has the following competitive advantages:

ѕ Environmental friendliness: silicate brick is made from environmentally friendly natural raw materials - lime and sand, according to a technology familiar to mankind for several centuries;

ѕ soundproofing: this plays an important role in the construction of inter-apartment or interior walls. Silicate brick is used for laying walls and pillars in civil and industrial construction;

* compared to ceramic, silicate brick has a higher density;

* high frost resistance and strength; silicate brick in terms of strength and frost resistance significantly exceeds the brands of light concrete. On the facades built from it, the builders give a guarantee of 50 years;

* reliability and a wide range; reliability and a wide range of sand-lime bricks allows you to use it both in new construction and in reconstruction. Textured, colored silicate brick will decorate the facades of both public and residential buildings, as well as country cottages, summer cottages;

¾ type of painting: colored silicate bricks are colored in mass in the same way as ceramic bricks. But, unlike ceramic bricks, silicate bricks can be dyed only with the help of special artificial dyes, and ceramic bricks acquire a certain color as a result of mixing different varieties clay;

ѕ unpretentiousness: structures made of silicate brick are unpretentious and resistant to external factors. The whims of nature do not have a significant impact on its appearance, the Facade retains its color and does not require additional care, except for cases of use in aggressive environments or in conditions of high humidity.

A serious disadvantage of silicate brick is its reduced water resistance and heat resistance, so it cannot be used in structures exposed to water (foundations, sewer wells, etc.) and high temperatures (furnaces, chimneys, etc.).

When choosing a brick, it is necessary to pay close attention not only to its type, but also to the totality specifications. The main properties of a brick, according to which this building material is classified: strength, frost resistance, density, thermal conductivity and porosity.


The density of a brick shows the ratio of the mass of the material to its volume, taking into account pores and voids. That is, this indicator indirectly reflects the porosity and thermal conductivity of the material and is therefore used as one of the main characteristics of a brick.


The structure of a brick depends on the degree of filling with pores of its volume. Many of its operational characteristics depend on the porosity coefficient of a building material: strength, frost resistance, thermal conductivity, etc.


The key characteristic of a brick, according to which a digital designation of the brand is assigned to it, is strength. This indicator reflects the ability of the material to withstand certain loads under certain conditions without deformation and destruction. The strength of the brick, indicated by the marking after the letter "M", shows the maximum allowable load per 1 cm2. material surface. For example, bricks come in grades M100, M200, M250, M300, etc. The higher the number, the stronger the brick.

Thermal conductivity:

The thermal conductivity of a brick is reflected in the thermal conductivity coefficient indicated by the manufacturer, which shows the ability of the material to transfer heat from one surface to another, subject to the initial difference in their temperatures.

Frost resistance:

The index of frost resistance of building materials is very important for countries with a variable climate - it shows the minimum number of freeze and thaw cycles allowed for a material without damage and loss of strength. This indicator is marked with the letter F and the number corresponding to the number of cycles: F25, F35, F50, F100, etc. In Russia, the construction of industrial premises and residential buildings is carried out using bricks marked at least F35.

Also, a brick in the modern construction market can have a different shape, size, color and other variable external differences. The variety of materials allows you to accurately implement the wishes of customers and embody the design solutions of designers at a high level of quality and aesthetics.

2. Overview of the brick market

2.1 Study of the Russian brick market, production and sales dynamics, pricing trends, import and export volume indicators, price determinants

As you know, the main consumers of brick products are construction companies whose finished products include bricks. Thus, the demand for bricks directly depends on the success of firms engaged in construction activities. Construction companies use bricks for the construction of residential, civil, industrial, public facilities. Finished products of construction organizations are industrial, civil, residential buildings, special structures.

Another consumer of bricks is the population, which also uses it as a building material: for the construction of houses, garages, dachas, fences, etc.

In Russia, there are three main segments of bricks: these are refractory ceramic bricks, silicate bricks and building bricks made of cement, concrete or artificial stone.

In the structure of the market, more than 52% falls on ceramic bricks, about 30% - on bricks made of cement, concrete or artificial stone, and about 18% - on silicate bricks.

Most bricks are used for the construction of residential and civil facilities, so the volume of brick production depends on the pace of construction and commissioning of finished construction projects. Table 1 presents data on the volume of commissioning of residential and non-residential buildings for the period from 2000 to 2014.


Number of commissioned buildings - total, thous.


residential purpose

non-residential purpose

Total construction volume of buildings - total, million m 3


residential purpose

non-residential purpose

Total area of ​​buildings - total, mln. m2


residential purpose

non-residential purpose

Table 1 - Commissioning of residential and non-residential buildings in the Russian Federation

Table 1 shows that for the period 2000-2014 the number of commissioned buildings is growing, with the exception of the crisis period, after which the growth rate fell, but then growth is observed. There is a significant difference between the indicators of 2000 and 2014, if in 2000 the number of commissioned buildings was 119.7 thousand, then in 2014 there were already 298 thousand of them. As for the total construction volume of buildings, in 2011 this indicator almost reached the pre-crisis level and amounted to 423 mln. m3 (in 2009 - 423.6 mln. In subsequent years, growth rates rapidly increased and in 2104 the total construction volume of buildings amounted to 616 million m3, of which 402 million m3 were residential buildings and 213 million m3 were non-residential buildings.

Thus, the dynamics of the construction market over the past 4 years has shown steady growth, therefore, this growth leads to an increase in demand for building materials, in particular bricks.

There is an increase in the production of ceramic bricks, from 2010 to 2014 the volume increased by 2.4 billion conventional units. bricks, if in 2010 this volume was 5 billion conventional units. bricks, according to the results of 2014, the production of ceramic bricks in Russia increased by 3% and amounted to 7.4 billion conventional units. Bricks, we note that this is a record mark over the past 10 years. Since 2011, the growth rate began to gradually decline, in 2011 the growth rate was 122%, in 2014-106%.

The largest volume of ceramic bricks is produced in the Central Federal District (28% in 2014) and the Volga Federal District (27% in 2014). This is followed by the Siberian Federal District (14%) and the Southern Federal District (12%).

Table 2 presents data on the volume of brick production by territorial division for the period 2010-2014 in physical terms.

Table 2 - Dynamics of ceramic brick production by federal districts in 2010-2014

federal district

2010, mln. Cyrus.

2011, mln. Cyrus.

2012, mln. Cyrus.

2013, mln. Cyrus.

2014, mln. Cyrus.

Central Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Such a large share of brick production in the Central Federal District is associated primarily with the volume of construction, which also occupy a leading position in the whole country.

Also, one of the leading places in the production of ceramic bricks is occupied by the Southern Federal District, this fact is associated with preparations for Olympic Games, which took place in Sochi in 2014, in this period of time there was a large-scale construction of Olympic facilities, requiring a great need for building materials, so the widest production of bricks was launched in this area. Also the reason is the warm climate in this region, which allows to extract raw materials for production for a longer period of the year.

As for the Siberian federal and Volga regions, which occupy one of the leading places in terms of brick production, such a high volume is primarily associated with large deposits of mineral rocks used for brick production.

It should be noted that in 2014 the production of ceramic bricks increased compared to 2013 in the Northwestern Federal District (+18%), the Northwestern Federal District (+18%), the Central Federal District (+6%) and the Volga Federal District (+5%). In the Urals Federal District, production remained at the level of 2013, while a decrease was recorded in the Southern Federal District (-6%), the Far Eastern Federal District (-8%) and the Siberian Federal District (-2%).

The total revenue from the sale of finished bricks is presented in table 3.

Table 3 - Dynamics of proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (minus value added tax, excises and other similar obligatory payments).


2010, thousand rubles

2011, thousand rubles

2012, thousand rubles

2013, thousand rubles

2014, thousand rubles

the Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

Revenue from the sale of brick producers nationwide from 2010 to 2014 increased by 2 times, the most significant change in revenue for this period was shown by the Ural Federal District, the total revenue of manufacturers increased by 15,184,981 thousand rubles. or by 167.4%, PFO has the lowest revenue.

The seasonal factor has a significant impact on the volume of production. Three main components are used to make bricks - sand, clay, limestone, the extraction of which depends on the time of year. Table 4 presents data on brick production volumes for 2014, broken down by months.

Table 4 - Seasonality of production of ceramic bricks in kind and percentage in 2010 - 2014

Year, bln cond. bricks

% to total volume


Most of the volume of brick production falls on the warm season, this is the period from April to August, about 68% of the total volume is produced in these months.

This fluctuation is associated with the extraction of raw materials during this period of the year. The main components of bricks are sand, clay and limestone, which are easiest to extract during the warm season, since the soil at this time is not frozen and provides more opportunities for the extraction of raw materials for the production of bricks. Another reason for this gap is the production technology itself, where one of the technological stages of brick production is its cooling, some manufacturers do this on outdoors, at a certain temperature, as instilled temperature should not be low. It is in the warm season that there is such an opportunity.

Also, this high seasonal demand for bricks is associated with the consumers themselves, as a rule, individual buyers in the summer season are engaged in the improvement of their plots or the construction of houses, and construction companies, in comfortable weather conditions, are gaining momentum construction works.

The share of imports of ceramic bricks is not a large part, due to the developed production of bricks in Russia, where developers are quite satisfied with domestic products, such a share does not occupy a large part in the segment. Imported bricks are more expensive than domestic ones.

Figure 4 presents data on the volume of imports of ceramic bricks.

It can be seen that imports from 2012 to 2014 increased markedly, so 13% was an increase in imports for 2012-2013, then the increase was insignificant, but the positive trend continued. According to the results of 2014, the volume of imports of ceramic bricks amounted to 693 thousand tons (about 200 million standard bricks with an average weight of 1 brick = 3.45 kg), which is 2% higher than in 2013. In value terms, the volume of imports amounted to USD 81 million, which is 5% lower than in 2013.

According to the results of 1 quarter. In 2015, 39 thousand tons of ceramic bricks (11 million conventional bricks) were imported to Russia in the amount of 3 million US dollars.

The key importer of ceramic bricks to Russia is Belarus, whose share in physical terms at the end of 2014 amounted to 51%. In value terms, Germany (33% in 2014) and Belarus (27% in 2014) are leading.

In 2014, imports of ceramic bricks from Belarus increased, the volume of deliveries from Germany remained practically at the level of 2013, and there is a decrease in deliveries for other key supplying countries.

Table 5 - The volume of imports of ceramic bricks by country of origin in 2013-March 2015, thousand tons and in%

Country of origin

Change for 2013

January-March 2015

thousand tons



According to Table 5, it can be seen that the largest changes are undergoing in the volume of imports of bricks from China, the decrease from this country is 86%, as well as imports from Estonia and other countries, while the volume of imports increased by 20% compared to 2013 from Belarus, the same indicator of imports from Germany almost did not change, the increase was about 1%.

As a rule, the export and import of bricks is carried out with countries bordering the territory, mainly the CIS countries.

Below are the data on the volume of exports of ceramic bricks for 2012-2014 (tab. 6-8)

Table 6 - Export of ceramic bricks in 2012

thousand tons

thousand dollars







thousand tons

thousand dollars

The Republic of Moldova

Non-CIS countries

CIS countries

The largest buyer of Russian bricks in 2012 was Kazakhstan, which purchased 12,065 thousand tons of ceramic bricks in the amount of 1,735.8 thousand dollars in just a year; dollars, the total volume of deliveries to the CIS countries in 2012 amounted to 15133 thousand tons in the amount of 2603.7 thousand dollars, to non-CIS countries - 1580 thousand tons or 383.3 thousand dollars.

Table 7 - Export of ceramic bricks in 2013

thousand tons

thousand dollars






South Ossetia

Non-CIS countries

CIS countries

In 2013, the total volume of deliveries increased, so 22917 thousand tons were sent to the CIS countries in the amount of 3406.9 thousand dollars, which is 54.4% higher than the previous year. Kazakhstan remains the leader in the import of Russian bricks, having purchased more than 21,211 thousand tons of ceramic bricks in 2013. Exports to non-CIS countries decreased, the decrease was 22%.

Table 8 - Export of ceramic bricks in 2014

thousand tons

thousand dollars




The Republic of Korea


United Kingdom




Non-CIS countries

CIS countries

In 2014, Russia significantly increased the export of ceramic bricks compared to the two previous periods (2012 and 2013), in total, exports amounted to 692,528 thousand tons of ceramic bricks in the amount of 82,195.2 thousand dollars, compared to 2013, the volume of supplies increased by 2,767%. In addition to the CIS countries, European countries, as well as the United States, began to buy ceramic bricks. Belarus is the leader in the import of domestic bricks. The trend of a sharp increase in the purchase of Russian bricks is associated with the devaluation of the ruble, due to its fall against foreign currency, it became profitable for external buyers to purchase such building materials as ceramic bricks from Russia.

The pricing of a brick product is primarily affected by its most important component in the cost estimate - it is raw materials (clay, sand). At what distance is the quarry for the extraction of minerals, how it is added, the depth of the rocks, the method of delivery to the production site - all this affects the cost of the raw material base for the production of finished products.

Producers, if they extract raw materials on their own, as a rule, locate their plants in the vicinity of the place of occurrence of minerals in order to save transportation costs.

Delivery of finished bricks to the buyer also incurs additional costs, this is affected by the degree of remoteness of the buyer from the supplier, if it is a brick from a neighboring region, then the price will be higher due to the remoteness of the buyer from the supplier.

The cheapest way to buy at a brick factory, but then you have to pay a lot for transport. In trading companies, a brick costs an average of 10% more than at a factory, but this price also includes delivery to the place. In addition, companies practice discounts. In construction markets, where you can buy bricks by the piece, its price can be two times higher than at the factory.

The price depends on the brick brand as follows: the higher the brand, the more expensive the brick. Brick M-125 is more expensive than M-100 by about 10%. The difference in price between the "hundredth" and "two hundredth" marks can be 25-35%.

It is more profitable to buy ceramic stones or a double stone. The dependence here is approximately the following: an increase in the size of a brick by 50% increases its price by 20%. For example, a single brick costs 10 rubles, a one and a half brick will cost 15 rubles, and a double brick will cost 17 rubles.

In general, the higher the brand, the more expensive. And the larger the stone, the cheaper it is. If you buy from the factory, you will have to pay for transportation. And it will not always cost less than buying a brick from a dealer, probably this is the cheapest option when buying a brick, brand 100-125.

Average brick prices in Russia are shown in Table 9.

Table 9 - Average prices of brick producers in the Russian Federation in 2010-2014

In general, in the country from 2010 to 2014, the price of ceramic bricks increased by 54% - for ceramic and 38% - for silicate.

As for the territorial division of price changes for bricks, the data are presented in Table 10

Table 10 - Change in prices for the period from the beginning of the reporting year in % to the corresponding period of the previous year 2012-2015

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

North Caucasian Federal District

Volga Federal District

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

Crimean Federal District

In the Central Federal District, the largest sharp increase in prices was in 2013, in 2015 the growth slowed down and the change compared to 2014 left 1.35% .32%, followed by an increase of as much as 13%, after which the change decreased and in 2015 amounted to 4.57%. Brick prices fluctuated in the North Caucasus Federal District, in 2012 the decrease was 8.1%, in 2013 an increase of 6.2%, in 2014 again a decrease - 5.39% and in 2015 the price increase was 12.26%. Negative dynamics is shown by the Siberian Federal District and the Far East, in these districts the change in prices is in the negative direction.

Let's calculate the market capacity based on structural characteristics (formula 1):

Market capacity \u003d Pr - E + I + (On- Ok), (1)

where, Pr - production within the country;

E - export;

I - import;

He - the balance of goods in warehouses at the beginning of the period;

OK - the balance of goods in warehouses at the end of the period.

The market capacity of ceramic bricks (thousand tons) for 2014 was:

Market Capacity = 2144928 - 692528 + 693 + (243913 - 272463) = 1424543

Approximately 1,424,543 thousand tons of ceramic bricks were enough in 2014 to meet the demand of potential consumers.

2.2 Brick Market Research in Krasnoyarsk Krai: Brick Production Trends, Major Producers and Consumers, Competitive Alternatives to Brick Products

The development of the construction industry in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is gaining momentum every year. First of all, this is due to the growth of the population in this region, which has been growing steadily since 2011, if in 2011 the number was 2,859,105 people, then at the end of 2014 it approached 2,858,773 people of the permanent population. This dynamic requires an increase in the number of residential areas and, consequently, an increase in the production of building materials.

There is a noticeable difference between 2010 and 2014, during this period the volume of construction work increased by 55.5%, since 2013 there has been a decrease in growth.

Consider the dynamics of brick production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in relation to production volumes in Siberia and the country (Table 11).

Table 11 - Production of bricks, conv. bricks

As noted earlier, the Siberian Federal District occupies one of the leading places in terms of brick production, this is about 13.6% in 2014. As for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the table shows a steady increase in brick production, from 2010 to 2014 the volume of production increased by 85.7 million conventional units. bricks or 76.5%, a large share of the production volume is the production of bricks from concrete and artificial stone. The share of production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory within the district for 2014 was about 20%. Table 12 shows data on the revenue of the regions of the Siberian Federal District.

Table 12 - Dynamics of proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services, thousand rubles.

Year, thousand rubles

The Republic of Buryatia

The Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Zabaykalsky Krai

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

The Novosibirsk region remains the leader in terms of total revenue in the region, with a 30% share of revenue in the Siberian Federal District, from 2010 to 2014 revenue increased by 976,698 thousand rubles. or by 135.4%

As for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, according to Table 12, a fluctuation in the change in the volume of revenue is visible, from 2011 to 2013 it gradually decreased, but with an increase in brick production, there is a sharp increase in revenue by 278,270 thousand rubles. or 75% from 2013 to 2014. The share of the proceeds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2014 is 11.3% - taking the third position in this indicator, behind the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions.

The main volume of bricks is used for the construction of residential and civil buildings, for example, for brick, monolithic-brick housing construction. The cost of apartments in houses built of brick is usually higher than the cost of panel construction, but such houses are distinguished by high heat and sound insulation.

Today, such building material as brick in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is competed with cinder blocks, cellular concrete, gas silicate block, polystyrene concrete, sand-cement blocks. These alternatives have the following advantages:

Building blocks are much larger than ordinary bricks, which speeds up masonry work

The exact size of the blocks, the verified geometric shape and the well-thought-out nomenclature allow even low-skilled employees to successfully perform work;

Since most types of blocks can be mounted with glue and not with cement mortars, the quality of the masonry is better. In addition, the construction site will require less water, cement and sand;

Many types of blocks can be sawn, drilled and cut even with a simple hand tool, including for laying communications. Blocks hold screws and nails well;

When building from blocks, there is no need to use complex equipment;

Ease of installation ensures high construction rates.

Heat-efficient building blocks (usually they are hollow, made using appropriate porous warm fillers - expanded clay, sawdust, slag, etc.) perform the functions of a supporting structure and a wall heat insulator at the same time, that is, they allow you to design and build housing that meets the standards without the use of other heaters;

Economic benefit. When erecting a building from the same brisolite, the reduction in the cost of building walls ranges from 30 to 50%. The construction of structures from heat-efficient silicon granite blocks is two times cheaper than the construction of traditional bricks.

The disadvantages of the material are that some types of wall blocks, in particular expanded clay concrete, have lower strength than bricks, reduced frost resistance and density. The disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks include their fragility to fracture, which does not allow their use in multi-storey construction.

To date, there are about 182 organizations in the region engaged in the production and sale of building materials, including bricks, of which 75 are in Krasnoyarsk.

In total, there are 12 brick factories in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, most of which are located in Krasnoyarsk, and they produce both constructive (ceramic) bricks and facing bricks, which are used in the design of facades. Moreover, a number of brick factories also belong to construction organizations. For example, a large brick manufacturer? - the Sibirsky Element enterprise? - belongs to the Moscow company SU_155, Sibagropromstroy owns the Peschanka enterprise, the Arban company began construction of a brick factory in Kansk last year. In addition, there are several other large manufacturers operating in the city? - brick factories "Stone", "Commonwealth", "First Brick Factory", etc.

These enterprises occupy 77.5% of the brick market share in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, of which the largest manufacturer is the Siberian Element enterprise, with a market share of 30.6%. In total, there are 9 brick factories in Krasnoyarsk.

In the construction market, there are also construction companies that provide themselves with bricks, creating its production, and in addition to their own consumption, they also successfully sell it to the side, such companies as Monolit Holding, Sibagropromstroy, Sibiryak can be taken as an example.

In 2015, for the first time in the last 4 years, there is a decrease in brick prices, before that this indicator had a positive trend, every year growth slowed down both in the Siberian district and in the region.


In general, a favorable climate for the production and sale of these products has been preserved on the Russian brick market. With the growth of construction, the volume of production also grows. According to the results of 2014, construction volumes remain the highest level in 10 years, 616 million m3, brick production has the same dynamics, in 2014 7.4 billion units, which is the highest production volume for the analyzed period. The approximate capacity of the brick market in Russia is 1424543 thousand tons.

The largest consumer of bricks is the Central Federal District, which has a concentration of 38,944,837 people, which requires a large scale of residential development.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with a high pace of construction, the volume of production of building materials, in particular, bricks, is also increasing, so this volume at the end of 2014 amounted to 196.7 million conventional units. bricks. The positive dynamics should continue in the coming years, despite the economic difficulties in the country, the demand for brick production will be high due to the influx of people and the construction of sports facilities for the Universiade, which also requires the construction of additional infrastructure.

With list of sources used

1. On the adoption and entry into force of Amendment 1/2007 OKVED to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1), the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1) and the All-Russian Classifier of Products according to types of economic activity OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002) [electronic resource]: order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated 11/22/2007 329-st. Reference legal system "Consultant plus". - Access mode:

2. OKVED 26.40 [electronic resource]: production of bricks, tiles and other building products from baked clay. All-Russian classifiers. - Access mode:

3. All-Russian product classifier OK 005-93 (OKP) [electronic resource]: Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 N 301) (sections 01-34) (as amended by changes NN 1 - 31 OKP) (as amended and additions). Information and legal portal "Garant". - Access mode:

4. Prokhorov, A. M. Building bricks: a large Soviet encyclopedia / Prokhorov A. M. - Moscow: 1969. - 204 p.

5. GOST 530-2012 [electronic resource]: Ceramic brick and stone. General specifications. GOST database - Access mode:

6. Rosstat [electronic resource]: commissioning of buildings, structures, individual production facilities, residential buildings, social and cultural facilities. Federal State Statistics Service - Access mode:

7. Analytics I-Marketing [electronic resource]: Marketing research "Building materials" - Access mode: [electronic resource].

8. Rosstat [electronic resource]: production of main types of products in physical terms. Federal State Statistics Service - Access mode:

9. Unified interdepartmental information and statistical system [electronic resource]: Sales revenue - Access mode:

10. Unified interdepartmental information and statistical system [electronic resource]: Production of main types of products in physical terms - Access mode:

11. Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation. Access mode:

12. Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: Analytical materials - Access mode:

13. Bobrovnikov A. N., Volkova S. N., Zamyatina I. E., Nikolskaya V. A. Fundamentals of marketing: textbook 1st edition 2007. - 88 p.

14. Krasnoyarskstat [electronic resource]: Industrial production - Access mode:

15. Construction newspaper [electronic resource]: building materials - Access mode:

16. Krasnoyarskstat [electronic resource]: Enterprises and firms of Krasnoyarsk - Access mode:

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From April 2015 . Russian production of ceramic bricks fell until May 2017, then a rebound began. The situation in this market is reflected in the table compiled according to Rosstat.

The leaders in the production of these products are LSR. Stenovye LLC, Wienerberger Brick LLC, OSMIBT LLC, Slavyansky Brick OJSC, Norsk Ceramics Plant JSC, Golitsyn Ceramics Plant JSC.

In June 2017, the production of ceramic bricks increased by 9% compared to May 2017, but compared to June 2016, it shows a negative trend of 5%. Experts note a direct correlation with the cement market. It should also be noted that, unlike building stones made of gas silicate or cellular concrete, bricks can be stored for years in open areas, so many brick factories work for storage even with a decrease in demand.


January - June 2017

Volume of production, mln cond. bricks

Growth rates, % YoY

At the same time, in Russia, due to the gigantic size of the country, there are several regional markets. The fact is that the rail transportation of bricks for more than 1000 km loses all economic sense, but if you use vehicles - no more than 300-400 km.

Most of the ceramic non-refractory building bricks in (million conventional bricks) of the total volume for the first half of 2017, as in 2016, were produced and sold in the Central Federal District, which is the largest regional market. We are talking about the most prosperous Russian regions - Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Volga region and the center of the Chernozem region.

The largest demand for ceramic bricks as a percentage of the total volume is observed in the Kaliningrad region, where 45% of all new housing constructions are built from this wall material. Residents of this enclave prefer to buy apartments with autonomous gas equipment or in brick houses no higher than 9 floors. Most developers react to this regional specificity, explaining it by the fashion for German houses.

On average in the country, the share of housing construction from "red" brick is kept at the level of 18.7-18.8% and ranks second after monolithic housing construction.

A more "gloomy" picture is observed on a silicate brick. For the first half of 2017, the volume of its issue is estimated at 1,012 million conventional units. bricks, or 11% less than in the same period a year earlier. But what is interesting is that in the Urals and Siberian Federal Districts, last year's figures for the production of this building material have been preserved.

The average factory cost of sand-lime bricks in Russia (excluding VAT and delivery) remained at the level of summer 2016 and amounted to approximately 5,900 rubles / thousand rubles. PCS. This, most likely, indicates a zero profitability of production, which is a harbinger of bankruptcy.

The negative in the national production of bricks is due to two factors: with a reduction in demand for housing due to a drop in the level of incomes of the population and, as a result, a decrease in investment in fixed assets. At the same time, the Ministry of Economic Development predicts an increase in investment in fixed assets, at least at the level of 2.7% per year in the period 2017-2020. This is due to the rising cost of oil on world markets and the adaptation of the Russian economy to Western sanctions.

In confirmation of the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosstat has already recorded an increase in the volume of construction work: in May by 3.8%, in June - by 5.3%. The situation in the mortgage market and developers' revenues are also improving.

As a result of this revival in the market, there is a restructuring of a significant number of brick manufacturers, who began to change the norms of behavior with buyers. It is noted that customers have become more discriminating and literate, and they are no longer able to sell bad products, as it was five years ago.

However, the current improvement will not give a respite to everyone. It is unlikely to be able to use brick factories with energy-intensive technologies, which are characterized by worn-out equipment. There are about 33% of enterprises that still feel very bad. There is a high probability that they will go bankrupt in the next two or three years. If this happens, then Russian builders will face an acute shortage of this environmentally friendly wall material already in 2020.

In general, the situation on this market can be characterized by a well-known expression, slightly paraphrased: saving the "drowning" brick factories is the business of the most "drowning", especially since the storm subsides.

Experienced entrepreneurs and start-ups have always directed their interests towards the construction industry sector. From year to year, the construction market is expanding, creating an opportunity for businesses to compete adequately and develop dynamically.

Brick is one of the most used materials in this area, the need for which is not reduced for any season. Business analysts inform about the annual growth in consumer demand for bricks up to 5%. This becomes a motivating factor for entrepreneurs whose areas of interest cover the construction market segment.

In any business design, perspective is important, hence the expediency of investing in this particular type of activity. The production of bricks is classified as successful, which is due to the quick (annual) payback of the project. The choice of premises, method, equipment will be the key to successful business, make it profitable.

Brick production as a business idea

Where to begin

Initially, you need to decide on the room where the main brick-making equipment will be located. An area of ​​more than 500 m² is ideal for a full-fledged brick production line. The height of the ceilings for the production workshop should start from 5 m. The premises of the future plant can be searched among the empty factories, warehouses, hangars. If these areas are rented, then the price will be suitable. It is possible to purchase the premises for personal use. The form of ownership will directly depend on the available financial capabilities.

For brick production, it is not at all necessary to connect to the sewer system. Such an advantage can save money, time to choose a room, and your strength. It will be better if the building is divided into three sectors (raw materials warehouse, production workshop, storage room).

Types of produced bricks

Products are usually divided according to the following parameters:

1. Composition - manufacturing technology is determined:

  • acid resistant
  • Expanded clay containing
  • Ceramic
  • Clinker
  • Silicate.

2. Brick dimensions:

  • Single;
  • Double;
  • non-standard;
  • One and a half.

3. Industrial Application:

  • Special appointment;
  • Building cladding;
  • For classical construction, erection of walls, partitions.

4. The structure of the brick body.

  • full bodied
  • Hollow

5. Surface.

  • chipped surface;
  • Embossed surface;
  • Smooth structure.

6. Resistance to low temperatures (5 types of frost resistance grades).

7. Indicators of water absorption. A high rate is noted for clinker bricks, in other cases the limit of 6-16% is considered the norm.

Basic equipment for making bricks in a factory

The main thing is to place the main equipment for production, additional equipment can be purchased later.

The brick production line necessarily includes:

1. Mixer. Designed for kneading clay mortar.
2. Mechanism for automatic cutting of clay mass into strips.
3. A mechanism for automatic cutting of a raw product from the obtained clay strips.
4. Kiln for roasting. Basically, this equipment is built independently, but you can buy ready-made small sizes. For hyperpressing no oven required.
5. Drying of finished products. They look like a chamber or a tunnel. Special drying is not required if the production is reduced to the manufacture of products only by firing.
6. Trolleys for transportation, trolleys.

1. Method of plastic formation. The kneaded clay mixture is cut into raw products, and then they wait until they dry. After drying, put in a kiln for firing. This manufacturing method is too costly, and the expediency of its production is justified if the output of finished products reaches 30 million units per year.

For starters, it will be enough to invest 100 million rubles.

2. Hyperpressing. Distinguished by its novelty, high quality. The basis for its application should be the production of finished products of at least 20 million units annually. Method hyperpressing will require the purchase of a stationary automatic vibropress, the price of which may exceed 1 million rubles. Presently hyperpressed products are the most demanded in the construction market because of their chemical properties, quality indicators, production method.

Such a method of production would require a capital of 10 million rubles.

3. Traditional firing. Known since ancient times. It is distinguished by low cost, the ability to use more than 400 thousand units per year in the production of finished products.

To start producing products in this way, it will be enough to invest 2 million rubles.

Having decided on the method and type of equipment used, it is necessary to enlist the support of the supplier. Now it is not as difficult as before, because any equipment is easy to find in any Russian region. It is better to work with trusted suppliers whose office is located within easy reach of. This will allow regular maintenance of the brick shop in technical terms, simplifying the commissioning as well.

The production line for the manufacture of finished products consists of a screen, a crushing mechanism, a receiving hopper, a concrete mixer, a molding plant, a two-hose chute, lifting equipment, a compressor, an output hopper.

A semi-automated brick production line will require four workers to operate. A sufficient amount of work will be distributed to all specialists. Recruitment for work has the advantage: no special skills or diplomas are required.

homemade lego bricks

Even this type of private activity can be organized at home. The cost of equipment, effort for this kind of production will be much less than for industrial production. At the output, such a product will be a good option for laying out country houses, paths.

Buying a machine for the production of homemade Lego bricks will result in an amount of 15 thousand rubles. But its productivity will be low: enough to ensure its own construction, but not enough for the sale of such volumes (only 1 brick is formed at a time).

Although after watching the video, I want to buy myself this:


The above business project can be applied to the prospective, practical organization of a small business, however, each entrepreneur determines his needs and opportunities on his own.

The constantly developing construction segment of the economy gives businessmen the opportunity to develop almost any area of ​​the construction market. The payback of a business project for the manufacture of bricks ranges from 1 to 3 years, which is due to the method chosen by the type of production.

- enough profitable business, because the construction industry is rapidly developing, and the demand for bricks is constantly growing. profitable business will be when your enterprise can provide independent production of products, and for this it is necessary to purchase special equipment for the production of bricks.

A business is often started as a business in a garage, but if you take it seriously, then you should start with a detailed business plan, as well as planning all stages of production.

Types of bricks and manufacturing technology

Brick is of 3 main types:

  1. Private;
  2. Facial;
  3. Special:
  • decorative;
  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • refractory;
  • heat-insulating;
  • acid-resistant.

Production is of 2 main types:

  1. Using firing technology

The mined clay is transported to the plant, where it passes through the stone-eliminating rollers and then enters the box feeder. The clay goes through a grinding process. The processed material is passed through flexible rollers and it enters the belt press. After that, on the cutting machine, the brick is cut off from the clay tape and sent to the lining wooden frames. Packaged products are sent to the drying chamber, and after it to the annular or tunnel kiln for firing (temperature about 1,000 °C).

  1. Without firing

The method involves the use of hyper- or tribopressing - welding of mineral bulk materials under high pressure. The process requires binding components with water and ends with maturation in the warehouse for about 5 days.

The material is crushed to 3 - 5 mm, and then sent to the receiving hopper through the supply hopper along the belt conveyor. It enters the concrete mixer, where it is mixed with cement. Then, along the belt conveyor, it enters the formation unit through a two-hose chute. Having passed the pressing process, the products are placed on pallets, on which they are kept for up to 7 days.

List of main equipment

Even if the enterprise has just opened, standard equipment is needed.

Technical resources include:

  • forming plant or - 3,700,000 rubles;
  • press;
  • two-arm estrus;
  • (with a capacity of 0.5 cubic meters) - 350,000 rubles;
  • drying chamber (with a capacity of up to 170,000 pieces) - about 2,000,000 rubles;
  • bunker of inert materials (for large production, 5 pieces will be needed) - 100,000 rubles / piece;
  • cement hopper (requires 3 pieces) - 50,000 rubles / piece.
  • cement dispenser;
  • feeder-dispenser;
  • screw conveyor;
  • belt conveyor;
  • receiving and service bins;
  • skip hoists;
  • compressor device is mobile;
  • steam chamber;
  • bolt;
  • crusher;
  • technological pallets.

Press selection

Equipment for a brick factory includes a press. There are several options that you can choose from.

Press “Vector”- brick equipment operating by semi-dry hyperpressing. Suitable for firing and non-firing method. Works automatically. Produces: solid, hollow and shaped bricks.

The press can work with the “Pre-pressing” and “Shaking” modes. Additional adjustment work is not required.

Press “Viking”- an apparatus that works by the method of semi-dry hyper-pressing (with and without firing). Includes adjustment, manual and automatic operation modes.

Feature / Model"Vector""Viking"
Productivity, piece/h480 - 600 500
Maximum force, t250 173
Maximum product size, mm250x250x90250x120x140
Installed power, kW30 30
Overall dimensions, mm1600x1600x22002000x2000x2800
price, rub.3 740 000 4 950 000

Batcher bunker and steaming complex

– equipment for the production of bricks to weigh and measure bulk materials.

Equipment includes:

  • weight dispenser;
  • strain gauges;
  • connecting box;
  • controller;
  • visualization device;
  • pneumatic cylinder;
  • cylinder position sensors;
  • pneumatic distributor;
  • vibrator.

Additionally, it can be equipped with belt and screw conveyors.


  • Dimensions: 1100 x 950 x 1915 mm.
  • Hopper volume, cubic meters: 0.55
  • Weight, kg: 390
  • The largest weight of the material for weighing, kg: 2 700
  • Cost, rub.: 206 250

Woodpecker or Woodpecker semi-automatic- a machine for the production of bricks, which cuts products to obtain a decorative surface.

Productivity: 200 - 600 pieces/hour

Motor power: 2.2 - 5.5 kW

Price depending on the model: 110,000 - 226,875 rubles.

Steaming complex– equipment for heat-moist processing to give products strength. Productivity is up to 12,000 pcs. per day.


  • steam chamber;
  • electric generator;
  • pallets.

Price - 3,232,760 rubles.

Complete production line

Pay attention to the professional equipment of the workshop, such as RK_mini_01 "Russian swing". This equipment is ideal for mini-production, making clay bricks with cement.

The process takes place due to high pressure and significantly saves cement consumption.


  • payback in 12 months;
  • maintenance is carried out by 2 employees;
  • automatic mode of operation;
  • possibility of transportation;
  • the ability to install additional equipment (belt conveyor, vibrating screen, concrete mixer).


  • productivity - 500 bricks per 1 hour;
  • finished product size - 250 x 120 x 65 mm;
  • power - 3 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • equipment dimensions - 1,039 x 770 x 1,301 mm;
  • weight - 450 kg.

Video: clay brick production

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