Platelets are lowered in an adult about what. Decreased level of platelets in the blood. If platelets are low in the blood, what does it mean

The platelet level indicator is a criterion by which one can judge the state of the most important properties of blood, first of all, its coagulability. By itself, an increase or decrease in the concentration of these formed elements, which are also commonly called platelets, cannot directly indicate the presence of any specific pathology. More often in clinical practice, there are conditions in which the level of platelets decreases, which is called thrombocytopenia.

What does a low level of platelets in the blood of an adult indicate? Let's figure it out in this article.

What are platelets?

In order to better understand the functional significance of any of the representatives of the blood cells, it is worth, first of all, to understand what it is. For example, the origin of platelets is somewhat different from the rest. If leukocytes are full-fledged cells, and erythrocytes are post-cellular structures that have lost certain constituent elements as they mature, then platelets are nothing more than a fragment of the cytoplasm (the most important structural element of the cell, its “internal environment”) of giant cells of the red bone marrow - megakaryocytes. Their life cycle lasts up to ten days. After that, platelets are absorbed by a special system of cells, for the most part, in organs such as the spleen and lungs.

It is known that an average of 15% of records are updated daily, which is necessary for the full performance of their functions. In addition to participating directly in maintaining the ability of blood to coagulate (performing the so-called secondary hemostasis, its transition from a liquid form to a jelly-like form at the site of injury), platelets also play an active role in other processes:

1. First of all, it is a stop of bleeding - primary hemostasis. It is of paramount importance in traumatizing vessels of the microvasculature: small caliber up to 50-100 microns in diameter and with a relatively slow blood flow velocity. The essence of this process is the aggregation (gluing) between the plates and the formation of a platelet plug.

2. These formed elements play an important role in the trophism (nutrition) of the inner layer of the vessel wall - the endothelium. Therefore, prolonged thrombocytopenia can lead to negative consequences for the vascular link of hemostasis, which further impairs the ability to timely stop bleeding.

3. The release of platelet-derived growth factor by plates stimulates the healing of injuries, first of all, of the walls of blood vessels.

The most important role assigned to this type of blood cells clearly illustrates: if a decrease in the number of platelets is detected in a general blood test, finding out the cause and eliminating it is a necessary task to maintain the health of the whole organism.

Mechanisms of development of thrombocytopenia

There are several most significant processes due to which thrombocytopenia can develop. They can be identified by the following criteria:

  • violation of the bone marrow stage of the life cycle of the plates - the pathology of their direct production: this can be either a lack of quantity or the formation of pathological inferior forms;
  • increased activity of systems aimed at the destruction of the platelet germ of uniform elements;
  • shortening of life, death of platelets under the influence of exogenous or endogenous factors not related to their natural way of utilization;
  • pathology of the distribution of platelets in the bloodstream - a complete blood count may show low numbers of their number at a normal concentration in the body as a whole.

The mechanisms of thrombocytopenia are closely related to the causes that trigger a particular pathological process. Here, the hereditary factor should be singled out separately. Despite the leaps and bounds taken in the field of genetic research at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, the pathogenesis of many diseases associated with mutations still largely remains a mystery. A decrease in the level of plates due to hereditary disorders directly in the genes responsible for their formation is called primary thrombocytopenia and can basically have a variety of development mechanisms.

Do not forget that there are certain genetic, congenital pathologies of organs and systems that are not directly involved in the life cycle of platelets, but which can also cause a decrease in the concentration of these formed elements, but for the second time.

Decreased platelets in an adult: causes

As already noted, a change in the number of platelets can occur under the influence of a large number of factors, therefore this condition should be classified as a polyetiological one - this means that it can be caused by a variety of reasons, which, by the way, are not always easy to determine.

Pathology of the bone marrow

Most of the diseases associated with damage to the functional areas of the bone marrow are accompanied by a violation of the production of formed elements. Thrombocytopenia can be caused by:

1. The action of pathogenic exogenous factors: radiation, narcotic drugs, chemotherapeutic and some other pharmacological drugs - cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics (penicillin series, sulfonamides), antidepressants and antiulcer drugs (cimetidine, ranatidine).

2. B12-folate deficiency anemia. It develops due to a lack of vitamins such as cyanocobalamin and folic acid (B9). They are involved in the process of proliferation (reproduction) and maturation of cells. The red bone marrow is especially sensitive to the deficiency of these substances - here these processes occur constantly and with high intensity. In addition to thrombocytopenia, this type of anemia is accompanied by erythro- and leukopenia.

3. Hypo- and aplastic anemia - from the name it follows that the causes of the pathological condition are a violation of the production of red blood cells of erythrocytes, which, with platelets, are known to come from a single precursor cell of the myeloid germ of hematopoiesis.

4. Oncological diseases affecting the bone marrow, including leukemia.

5. Various diseases of infectious genesis, which involve the hematopoietic organs in the pathological process. It can be HIV infection, toxoplasmosis, rickettsiosis, infectious mononucleosis, viral hepatitis.

Hereditary pathologies of the bone marrow also lead to a decrease in the formation of these formed elements. For example, in adults, May-Hegglin anomaly may occur, in which a genetic mutation leads to defective formation of megakaryocytes, a decrease in the concentration, but the preservation of normal function of mature platelets.

Premature destruction of platelets

If we talk about the factors leading to a shortening of the platelet life cycle, the following possible reasons should be mentioned:

  • rheumatic diseases - they are based on autoimmune reactions of the body, in which the production of aggressive proteins (antibodies) against one's own platelets can also be observed;
  • certain surgical interventions and medical procedures: hemodialysis, as well as prosthetic heart valves;
  • various severe intoxications leading to damage and death of blood cells;
  • DIC syndrome (disseminated vascular coagulation) - occurs as a result of excessive release from tissues of substances that trigger the process of blood coagulation that is widespread (disseminated) throughout the body;
  • transfusion of blood, as well as its components, in the case of the development of hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells, in which, as a rule, thrombocytopenia is observed;
  • renal failure and uremia - poisoning of the body with protein metabolism products.

We should not forget about the possible increase in the activity of the system of natural destruction of these postcellular structures. This condition is usually observed with an increase in the spleen, which is a "graveyard" for red blood cells and platelets.

Causes of pathological redistribution of platelets

Such a condition as splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen) leads not only to excessive destruction of formed elements, but also to their increased content in this organ, as a result of which the concentration of platelets in the peripheral blood decreases even more. In addition, other pathologies can lead to such a redistribution of platelets:

  • increased pressure in the venous bed - portal hypertension, which is often a consequence of cirrhosis of the liver and leads to stagnation of blood in the organs;
  • heart failure in the stage of decompensation - there are serious violations of blood circulation;
  • excessive enlargement of the liver.

The following factors can be added to the reasons that reduce the number of platelets in the blood:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, which can directly inhibit the function of hematopoiesis;
  • massive bleeding;
  • in women - heavy menstruation, pregnancy and lactation.

Given such a large number of possible causes of thrombocytopenia in adults, it should be noted that a highly qualified specialist should be involved in making the correct diagnosis and prescribing therapy. You should not try to cope with the pathology on your own, especially if you start taking any medications on your own. If a low concentration of platelets in the blood is detected, it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible.

The consequences of thrombocytopenia: methods for their elimination

The above material clearly illustrates: the main function of platelets is the implementation of hemostasis, which means , with their deficiency, first of all, signs of increased bleeding can be observed. They can be both completely harmless and cause life-threatening conditions. The consequences of thrombocytopenia include:

  • the appearance of subcutaneous bruising even with the most insignificant mechanical influences;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • copious discharge during menstruation in women;
  • hemorrhages in the retina;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • spontaneous internal bleeding - often involves the organs of the digestive system.

To correct or prevent such unpleasant complications, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for the decrease in the concentration of platelets in the blood. In certain cases, this may be a temporary phenomenon associated with physiological processes and not requiring special therapy - it usually goes away on its own and subsequent analyzes show the norm, which is 150-320 U / μl for women and 200-400 U / μl for men.

In the case of the development of pathology, in addition to treatment aimed at eliminating a specific cause, which entailed a persistent decrease in laboratory parameters of these formed elements, with the development of the so-called hemorrhagic syndrome, universal therapy is prescribed. It is aimed at stabilizing the blood coagulation function and normalizing increased bleeding. It is prescribed for platelet counts at the level of 30-50 thousand units / μl, in the presence of risk factors (persistent hypertension, peptic ulcer, active lifestyle). If the platelet concentration falls below 30,000 U/µl, treatment is given anyway. As a rule, the components of such therapy are:

1. Glucocorticoids, a typical representative of which is Prednisolone. As a rule, it is prescribed for autoimmune mechanisms of platelet damage.

2. Immunoglobulin injections - carried out with a low effectiveness of steroid drugs. They inhibit the production of antibodies against platelets.

3. Transfusion of platelet mass obtained from the blood plasma of donors.

4. Removal of the spleen. Splenectomy is prescribed in the case when the above conservative methods do not bring the desired result - remission of the disease. After surgery, immunosuppressants and continued steroids may be given as additional therapy.

To improve well-being in thrombocytopenia, herbal medicine methods are actively used. This is because certain herbs and plant fruits can have a significant effect on blood viscosity and reduce bleeding. This is, first of all, chokeberry and yarrow, oak bark, strawberries, nettles, rose hips and licorice. It should be remembered that before using any, even non-drug, means to increase the level of platelets, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Platelets are small cells that are part of the blood, represented by plates ranging in size from 2 to 4 microns, which do not have color and nuclei. The cells are produced in the red bone marrow, from where they are released into the circulatory system.

The main role of platelets is to regulate the process of blood clotting and maintain it in a liquid state. Also, the cells "react" to the bleeding that has developed in the human body and eliminate them, forming a blood clot.

The normal content of platelets is an important condition for maintaining human health. Any deviations (increased or decreased) can lead to serious complications and cause enormous harm to the body.


The norm in children

Norm in men and women

The norm in pregnant women

trimester of pregnancynorm (x10 9 / l)
I trimester150-340
II trimester150-330
III trimester140-320

Reduced level and its causes

A condition in which the level of platelet concentration is less than 160x10 9 / l of blood (in an adult) is called thrombocytopenia.

What does low platelets mean?

Pathology is classified according to severity and isolate:

  • I degree(moderately low content), in which the level of cells in the blood varies within 50-160x10 9 /l, and hemostasis is characterized as satisfactory;
  • II degree(platelets are sharply lowered) - a decrease in platelets to a level of 20-50x10 9 / l, which is characterized by the occurrence of hemorrhages under the skin and prolonged bleeding during injuries;
  • III degree(severe thrombocytopenia) is a condition in which the concentration of platelets in the blood is below 20x10 9 /l. A pronounced decrease in platelets in a patient is accompanied by the development of spontaneous bleeding, both external and internal.

Severe thrombocytopenia is a reason for emergency hospitalization of the patient.

Thrombocytopenia is also classified according to the forms:

  • immune- the most common form of pathology that develops a few weeks after an infectious disease or while taking certain groups of drugs, including after vaccination;
  • Heteroimmune- platelets are lowered due to a violation of the antigenic structure of cells by pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, chemicals;
  • Isoimmune- platelets are reduced, mainly in children due to the transfer of cells from the fetus to the mother (identical to the incompatibility of the Rh factor), as well as as a result of transfusion of donor blood;
  • autoimmune- a pathology that consists in a dysfunction of the immune mechanism, in which the production of antibodies to platelets begins.

Causes of Decreased Platelet Levels

How low the platelets are and what it means, only a doctor can determine!

There are 3 main causes of low platelets:

  • Violations of the functions of the red bone marrow (the red bone marrow does not produce the required number of platelets);
  • Active production of antibodies that destroy platelets;
  • Dysfunction and changes in the spleen.

The causes of moderately low platelets are:

  • Alcohol abuse, chronic alcoholism. Alcohol inhibits the work of the red bone marrow, leading to a lack of folic acid in the body, which is necessary for hematopoiesis. With alcoholism, platelets in the blood are lowered to 80x10 9 / l, as evidenced by the cyanosis of the body;
  • Pregnancy. A small number of platelets in pregnant women is observed due to hormonal changes, blood thinning, vitamin deficiency, etc.;
  • Pathology of the liver. The liver is an organ in which the synthesis of certain substances involved in the process of blood clotting occurs. A decrease in their production due to certain liver diseases leads to increased bleeding and the consumption of large numbers of platelets;
  • Use of certain drugs. The development of thrombocytopenia of the I degree is possible when taking diuretics, antibacterial, antitumor drugs, analgin, heparin, nitroglycerin, reserpine and vitamin K;
  • Disseminated blood coagulation inside the vessels (DIC). A condition that develops with various kinds of pathologies and is characterized by rapid blood clotting in small vessels with the formation of blood clots in them, which consumes a large number of platelets;
  • Heart failure. With heart failure, the blood supply to the organs of the heart is disrupted, which leads to stagnation of blood in the spleen. Also, the consumption of platelets occurs as a result of thrombosis in the vessels.
  • Radiation therapy. In the treatment of tumor diseases, radiation is used, which, in addition to destroying cancer cells, can damage the red bone marrow, which leads to inevitable disturbances in the production of platelets and other blood cells;

The reason for the decrease in platelets to the stage of moderate thrombocytopenia may lie in autoimmune diseases.

Decreased platelet count to severe thrombocytopenia can be caused by:

  • Acute leukemia. With leukemia, cancer cells form in the bone marrow, which displace the physiological hematopoietic tissue, which affects the formation of platelets and red blood cells;
  • Hemolytic disease of the child, the development of which is associated with the incompatibility of maternal blood with the blood of the fetus according to the group and Rh factor;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • A severe form of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Decreased platelets in the blood to critical levels are characteristic of:

  • Acute radiation sickness;
  • Overdoses of anticancer drugs;
  • Severe forms of leukemia.


Symptoms of a condition in which the platelet count in the blood is below normal are often weak. The reduction in platelet tests depends on the specific disease or condition.

However, there are characteristic signs that should be the reason for seeking medical help, such as:

  • The appearance of ecchymosis (bruising) in the skin for no apparent reason;
  • Purpura (small subcutaneous effusions of blood in the form of spots);
  • Prolonged bleeding even from minor wounds;
  • Frequent nose and gum bleeding;
  • The appearance of red spots on the skin (petechiae);
  • Bleeding in the mouth;
  • internal bleeding;
  • Prolonged, profuse menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding (in women).


In order to determine the causes of a low level of platelets and understand why the low values ​​in the analysis, it is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic measures:

  • Genetic tests;
  • Analysis for the determination of antibodies;
  • ultrasound; radiography;
  • Endoscopy.


A low platelet count is often a symptom of a serious disease, so cases of its detection require the mandatory elimination of underlying diseases.
Urgent care is needed for the patient in cases of bleeding with thrombocytopenia. The main goal of therapy is to prevent extensive blood loss.

A person is shown to administer hemostatic drugs, such as:

  • Etamzilat;
  • Vikasol;
  • Aminocaproic acid;
  • They also resort to transfusion of platelet mass from a donor.

After the patient's condition stabilizes, the necessary examination and planned treatment are carried out.
In the treatment of low platelet levels in autoimmune diseases, glucocorticosteroid therapy is carried out, such as Cortinef, Methylprednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.

If platelets are destroyed by the spleen, then there is a need for resection of the organ. If platelets are still low after removal of the spleen, chemotherapy is indicated.

To stimulate the synthesis of platelets, folic acid, vitamin B 12, thrombopoietin Revolade, and biostimulants are used.

Sometimes it is possible to lower the concentration of platelets by general therapeutic measures:

  • Cancellation of drugs that could cause a decrease in the concentration of platelets;
  • Balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • Treatment of infectious diseases;
  • Refusal to use tobacco and alcohol;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • Taking vitamin preparations.


Complications of low platelets in the blood can be dangerous and even fatal to humans. People whose blood contains few platelets may experience bleeding in internal organs, hemorrhages in the eyes, followed by loss of vision, large blood loss, cerebral hemorrhage, which often end in the death of the patient.

Video - why platelet levels are falling

Looking at the blood test, you can make a primary judgment about possible diseases and abnormalities. The platelet level in the assay is denoted by PLT.

What does the fact that plt platelets are lowered say, and how to fix it, will be discussed in this article.

Functions of platelets in the blood

Platelets are blood cells resembling flat discs of various diameters (0.002-0.004 mm). They are responsible for several functions in the body:

  1. Emergency occlusion of an open wound

Platelets are sometimes called the "ambulance" of the blood. This name is due to their ability to quickly stop bleeding.

On the surface of platelets are special complex compounds, due to which adhesion (sticking) of cells to each other and to the walls of blood vessels is carried out. In addition, the composition of the surface of platelets includes biologically active substances that can participate in the process of blood clotting.

So, after receiving a cut in the human body, a mass of platelets is sent to an open wound, the rapid division and reproduction of these cells begins, they stick to each other, forming a dense film that prevents blood loss.

  1. Nutrition and vasoconstriction

Platelets are involved in the nutrition of the walls of blood vessels, maintaining the functionality and structure of blood vessels.

  1. Transfer of serotonin, enzymes and other substances in the blood.
  2. Blood restoration
  3. Maintenance of immunity
  4. Removal of killed viruses and body antigens.

Normal content

Platelet rate (∙10 9) per liter of blood:

  • In adults: 180-350;
  • In children up to a year: 100-420;
  • During pregnancy: 150-380;
  • During menstruation: 150-380.

During the day, the level of platelets can fluctuate up to 10%. That is why it is customary to take tests in the morning on an empty stomach.

Reasons for the low level

It is believed that a low level of platelets in the blood is an indicator below 100 10 9 / l, despite the fact that the lower threshold in the above norms often does not coincide with this value.

The state of the body in which platelets are below normal is called thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia factors can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Infectious diseases.

These include

  • Herpes

Pimples that may appear on the lips, nose, in the genital area.

  • Hepatitis of various groups
  • Mononucleosis

An acute viral disease that is transmitted through human saliva, blood and sweat glands.


Violation of the immune state of the body.

  • Autoimmune diseases

With them, body cells are mistaken for pathogens and destroyed as hostile (for example, lupus).

  • Oncological diseases
  • Gaucher disease

With this congenital pathology, organs that affect the normal functionality of platelets can be depressed.

  • Taking certain medications

Blood thinners (such as aspirin and heparin) can cause low platelets in the blood.

  • Inclusion in the diet of foods that thin the blood

Of course, this reason will have little effect on the decrease in platelets in the blood, but it must also be taken into account when making a diagnosis. Foods that thin the blood include lemon, garlic, cherries, ginger, onions, etc.

  1. Non-infectious causes
  • Pregnancy;
  • period of menstruation;

At this time, a woman loses a significant amount of blood, this is what causes low platelets.

  • Avitaminosis;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Intoxication with heavy metals;
  • Violation of the spleen or even its removal.

In addition to the fact that with a decrease in platelets in the blood, blood viscosity decreases and it becomes more difficult to stop bleeding from an open wound, the real threat to life is the following: the vessels become more fragile, lose their elasticity, and internal bleeding can occur.

How to increase platelets

First of all, it is necessary to understand that a low number of platelets in the blood is not a disease itself, it is only a symptom that indicates to the patient and the doctor any deviation in the body. Therefore, before proceeding to measures to increase platelets in the blood, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, which can only be established after examination in a medical institution.

We can offer ways to deal with low platelets in the blood, which can be followed simultaneously with the main treatment.


Normalization of nutrition can eliminate low platelets in the blood, if the deviation from the norm is not too great. Your diet should include iron, vitamins A and C.

Foods that increase platelets in the blood:

  • Berries (rose hips, raspberries, currants, etc.)
  • Vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, potatoes, beets, etc.)
  • Fruits (oranges, apples, persimmons, etc.)
  • Fish fat;
  • Almond;
  • Parsley, spinach;
  • Buckwheat.

Try to avoid salty pickled foods, spicy and smoked foods.

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol thin the blood. Therefore, if you already have low platelets in your blood, this means that the risk of having a stroke and other complications in this case is high.

We strengthen immunity

Since many causes of low platelets are associated with infectious diseases, we need strong immunity to eliminate them as soon as possible. In addition to nutrition, it can be strengthened with medicines: echinacea tincture, a complex of vitamins, antiviral agents, etc.

Folk recipes

  1. nettle leaves

If you have this plant freely available, it will not be difficult for you to prepare a remedy for an adult whose platelets are lowered.

From nettle leaves it is necessary to squeeze the juice in the amount of 1 teaspoon. Add it to a glass of water or milk and drink before meals.

If it is not possible to pick nettles from the ground, you can use dry plants that are sold in a pharmacy. Pour 10 grams of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer for about 3 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain and consume half a cup before meals.

  1. Sesame oil

Half an hour before meals, you need to drink a tablespoon of oil. A full course of treatment involves about 2 liters of oil.

  1. Decoctions

Rosehip, chamomile and nettle will increase immunity, add the missing trace elements to the body and normalize the low platelet count in the blood.

We mix these plants in fresh or dried form, pour boiling water and leave to brew. This drink should be drunk half an hour before meals at least three times a day. To improve the taste and even more recharging with vitamins, add lemon and honey to the broth.

So, if you find a low platelet count in a blood test, it is advisable to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. Finding out the cause of low platelets in a timely manner will increase the chances that you will quickly and effectively normalize all processes in the body.

Leave your questions, comments and advice on the subject of the article in the comments, share useful information with friends and family.

Platelets (platelets) are called blood cells, the size of which does not exceed 4 microns. They are colorless and non-nuclear, shaped like disks or a sphere.

Platelets are the smallest components of the red life-giving liquid, but their usefulness and significance in the body are enormous. They are the leading participants in the process of blood clotting.

The number of platelets is strictly specified. Deviation in any direction cannot but affect the well-being and causes negative consequences for the human body and organism. At a critical moment, a decrease in the number of platelets below the optimal level threatens with significant blood loss.

The role of platelets in the body

Platelets are formed in the bone marrow. It is this part of the body that is responsible for keeping the platelets in sufficient quantities.

Platelets circulate through the vessels for no more than ten days. After performing their functions, they are eliminated by the liver or spleen.

If for some reason the bone marrow has failed and there are fewer platelets than necessary, there is a real danger of blood loss even from a small bruise. Indeed, to stop the loss of life-giving fluid, platelets may simply be lacking.

The role of platelets is manifested through the performance of the following functions in the body:

  • They help to close a bleeding wound and stop bleeding. In case of damage to tissue and blood vessels, platelets are immediately at the site of the "incident". They direct all their efforts to prevent large blood loss.

    Perhaps this is because with an increase in cell activity, they develop processes (pseudopodia), the size of which is several times larger than the platelet itself. Thanks to such devices, the platelets stick together with each other and form a blanket that covers the damaged area. A primary plug or platelet aggregate is created, blocking the flow of blood.

  • Platelets provide their surface so that the key reactions of plasma clotting take place faster.
  • Platelets are able to secrete special polypeptide molecules from themselves into damaged tissues. They promote the growth and division of injured cells. As a result, they recover and heal faster.
  • Symptoms of low platelets and possible complications

    A decrease in the number of platelets is called thrombocytopenia. It can be both a disease and a certain condition that accompanies some ailments or minor problems in the functioning of the body.

    The main external symptom of thrombocytopenia is that any bleeding stops much longer than usual. The body takes too long to do this.


    • There are multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages. Their size may vary. Large spots and bruises often appear. There are also small-point rashes, which gradually merge with each other.
    • A distinctive feature of the spots is that they are born either by themselves, or after minor physical influences.
    • The color of hemorrhages is also different: blue, brown, red, yellow, with a greenish tinge. This is evidence that they do not appear at the same time.
    • The main location of the spots is the limbs, the front part of the torso (thorax and abdominal wall), mouth and face.
    • There is intense bleeding of the gums and the flow of red life-giving fluid from the nose.
    • Women experience significant volume and prolonged menstruation.
    • Bleeding may occur outside of critical days.

    Recipe for the occasion::

    On the negative side, the symptoms of low platelets may not appear for a long time or may be absent altogether. Too long thrombocytopenia is fraught with serious complications. There is a risk:

    • large blood loss as a result of injuries and wounds;
    • bleeding in internal organs;
    • retinal hemorrhages and vision problems;
    • spontaneous or trauma-induced cerebral hemorrhage.

    Therefore, when detecting low platelets, it is important to determine the causes of this condition and get rid of them in time.

    Platelets are lowered: causes

    The number of platelets may decrease due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Natural changes in their number during the day are about ten percent.

    For diagnosis, it is important when the level of platelets falls by half compared to the norm. Almost two percent of the inhabitants of our planet have experienced such a condition at least once.

    The probable causes of a decrease in the number of platelets can be grouped into several groups:
    І. Lack of platelet production by the bone marrow. It manifests itself in development:

    • Aplastic and hypoplastic anemia.
    • Leukemia.
    • Megaloblastic anemia - a deficiency in the body of folic acid and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).
    • Infectious diseases: hepatitis, mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis and rickettsiosis, HIV infection.
    • Radiation sickness due to exposure to radiation.

    II. Reinforced platelet destruction, which is typical in the presence of:

    • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
    • Systemic autoimmune diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus.
    • Uremia due to decompensated renal dysfunction.
    • Hypersplenism - destruction or accumulation of platelets in an enlarged spleen.
    • Severe intoxication with salts of heavy metals.
    • Prosthetic heart valves.
    • Extracorporeal detoxification - treatment with special devices that cleanse the blood of toxins outside the body.

    ІІІ. Disorders in the distribution of platelets between peripheral blood and reservoir organs. This happens when:

    • decompensated heart failure;
    • splenomegaly (abnormal enlargement of the spleen);
    • hepatomegaly - a pronounced increase in the size of the liver;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • portal hypertension.

    IV. Thrombocytopenia, congenital- occurs as a result of mutation of individual genes. It manifests itself from birth and is accompanied by various other deviations.

    A decrease in the number of platelets also occurs with severe injuries that do not do without blood loss, and with surgical intervention.

    Separately, we can distinguish a decrease in the concentration of platelets as a consequence of:

    • excessive passion for alcoholic beverages;
    • uncontrolled use of medications (such as reopirin or aspirin) and side effects of painkillers and strong antibiotics.

    Only in women, platelets can significantly decrease if there are regular heavy periods or during pregnancy.

    It is three times more common in women than men and is very rare in children.

    Features of low platelets during pregnancy

    For women in an interesting position, a decrease in platelets is especially dangerous. In the first months of pregnancy, the lack of blood platelets doubles or even triples the risk of miscarriage.

    At a later date, gestosis may appear - a serious complication that impairs the functioning of blood vessels and the brain, leading to an increase in pressure. This so-called "late toxicosis" greatly complicates the work of the future mother's kidneys. Preterm birth can become a reality.

    Directly in the process of birth, there is a danger of heavy bleeding, which cannot be stopped quickly. This is a serious threat to life.

    When a woman has a frequent decrease in platelets, she should know the exact reasons for this phenomenon. It is possible that the conception of a child may be prohibited.

    Decreased platelets in children

    Although low platelets in babies are rare, they can appear immediately after birth. Newborns with low body weight are at risk. In a third of the crumbs who were forced to undergo intensive therapy, a decrease in platelets is recorded.

    Other causes of thrombocytopenia in newborns include:

    • incompatibility of Rh blood of mother and baby;
    • asphyxia at birth;
    • infections and immunodeficiency diseases;
    • hemoblastoses and hemangiomas.

    In older children, the following reasons can lower the level of platelets:

    • Viral diseases of various origins.
    • Infections in the upper respiratory tract.
    • Anemia.
    • Allergies and vitamin deficiencies.
    • Thyroid diseases, in particular hypothyroidism.
    • DIC is a blood clotting disorder caused by massive release of thromboplastic substances from tissues.
    • Intoxication.

    Overzealousness with antibiotics, analgesics, diuretics and cytostatics often results in a decrease in platelets below the optimal level.

    The main manifestation of the state of thrombocytopenia in babies is the presence of pinpoint rashes. A third of the crumbs may experience frequent nosebleeds and increased vulnerability of the gums.

    Low platelets: how you can help

    Low platelets is a condition under which many ailments hide. Their identification should be entrusted to specialists and not to self-medicate. An additional set of examinations and a consultation with a hematologist will not interfere.

    Until a specific diagnosis is made, it is worth protecting your body from excessive physical activity so as not to accidentally get hurt and not provoke bleeding.

    The doctor will assess the severity of the problem and the condition of the body based on the results of the tests. Most likely, he will prescribe therapy that can be done at home. If the content of blood cells has fallen to critical values, the doctor will insist on hospitalization. And here it is reasonable to obey so that the situation does not go into an uncontrollable stage.

    The number of platelets leaves the normal range infrequently. But, despite this, their level should be constantly monitored in order to prevent unpleasant and unwanted surprises.

    Those patients who have experienced thrombocytopenia at least once should be especially attentive to themselves and check their blood constantly for preventive purposes.

Platelets (platelets, PLT cells) are responsible for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, are involved in the processes of blood coagulation, tissue repair. If platelets are lowered to 30 -50 * 10 9 /l, which is much less than the norm in adults, then this indicates a significant degree of thrombocytopenia.

A decrease in the number of platelets to 50 - 150 * 10 9 / l indicates a moderate degree of thrombocytopenia. You can read about the degrees of decrease in platelets, the rate of PLT cells on a separate page of the site.

Types of thrombocytopenia

A decrease in platelets in the blood in adults accompanies many diseases. Depending on the reasons for the reduced PLT cell counts in the blood test, thrombocytopenia is distinguished:

  • consumption - are caused by the acceleration of the utilization of blood platelets, the shortening of their life cycle;
    • immune thrombocytopenic purpura;
    • disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or DSV syndrome;
    • eclampsia, pre-eclampsia and Hellp syndrome - a condition in adult women characterized by anemia, a decrease in platelets, elevated liver tests;
    • malignant changes - in adults, a decrease in platelet counts causes metastases to the blood vessels of the breast, stomach, and lungs;
  • productive - a decrease occurs as a result of insufficient production of PLT cells under conditions;
    • anemia - B12-deficient, aplastic, folic deficiency;
    • paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria - a type of hemolytic anemia;
    • viral infection - in adults in rare cases;
    • leukemia;
    • after chemotherapy, radiotherapy;
    • taking estrogens, thiazides, in adults - alcohol.
  • distributive - the distribution of platelets between the blood and the spleen is disturbed, the spleen is enlarged due to the fact that not 30% is deposited in it, as it should be in the norm, but up to 90% of all platelets;
  • dilution - the volume of blood circulating in the body is increased, for example, when transfusing plasma or red blood cells after an injury without compensating platelets.

A decrease in platelets during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon and does not require special treatment if the analysis indicators do not fall below 70 - 150 * 10 9 / l.

Decrease in platelets: violation of education

Reduced platelets in megaloblastic anemia - a disease caused by a violation of DNA synthesis in the bone marrow caused by a lack of vitamins B12, B9.

  • Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by the appearance of large abnormal megaloblasts - cells that give rise to erythrocytes, a decrease in the content, in addition to the PLT population, of erythrocytes and neutrophils.
  • Large platelets also appear in the blood, but the functions of these cells are not impaired, and subcutaneous hemorrhages and bleeding of the mucous membranes are rare.

Megaloblastic anemia is successfully treated in adults within 2 weeks with a properly formulated diet. It is more difficult to cope with the pathology of hematopoiesis if platelets are lowered in adults due to alcohol abuse.

Ethyl alcohol has a directed effect on megakaryocytes - giant cells from which platelets are detached. In addition to the direct destructive effect on megakaryocytes, ethyl alcohol:

  • affects the liver, which leads to a decrease in the production of thrombopoietin, a hormone that stimulates the production of platelets;
  • causes hypersplenism - an increase in the size of the spleen, a violation of its functions, accompanied by an increased rate of destruction of all blood cells;
  • toxic effect on mature platelets.

After stopping alcohol consumption, platelets temporarily rise above normal values ​​for adults, but after 1-2 weeks the number of red platelets in the blood drops to normal.

Decreased platelets - accelerated destruction

When the bone marrow cannot compensate for the need for platelets, this indicates consumption thrombocytopenia, and the more platelets are lowered (in an adult - up to 30 - 50 * 10 9 / l), the sooner adequate treatment should be prescribed to the patient.

The risk of spontaneous bleeding increases at rates of 30 * 10 9 /l. And with indicators of 10 - 20 * 10 9 / l, the patient should be provided with emergency medical care and platelet transfusion.

For thrombocytopenia caused by the accelerated destruction of the platelet population, it is characteristic:

  • the appearance of large platelets;
  • lack of heavy bleeding;
  • in female adults, comorbidities are often autoimmune disorders;
  • in adults of both sexes, HIV infection can trigger accelerated destruction of PLT cells.

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura

Accelerated destruction of platelets may be immune in nature, as in immune thrombocytopenic purpura. The disease occurs as a result of the production of antibodies to PLT cell receptors. The disorder is 3 times more common in young women under 30 than in men.

Attack of autoantibodies on one's own platelets causes:

  • the formation of an immune complex on the platelet membrane;
  • formation of a conglomerate of PLT cells and antibodies;
  • destruction of conglomerates by macrophages in the spleen.

The life span of platelets bound to antibodies is reduced to several hours, instead of the expected 9-11 days of life. In adults, provocateurs of a decrease in platelets with the development of immune thrombocytopenia can be:

  • treatment with heparin, barbiturates, arsenic, mercury, gold preparations, taking estrogens, quinine, digoxin, rifampicin, sulfonamides;
  • x-rays, sun tanning, surgery.

A decrease in rates to 50 * 10 9 /l can develop during treatment with heparin. But in some cases (2-3%), treatment with heparin can lead to a significant decrease in PLT cells.

With a decrease in the number of platelets below 20 * 10 9 / l, severe thrombocytopenia develops in the blood, and this condition poses a threat to life, as the risk of internal bleeding increases.

Treatment with heparin can provoke the formation of blood clots in the veins and arteries. A thrombus occurs as a result of the interaction of heparin, specific antibodies and platelet receptors. As a result:

  • aggregates of platelets are formed, some of which;
    • clogs the lumens of blood vessels;
    • because of its large size, it is destroyed in the spleen by macrophages;
  • the concentration of platelets drops sharply.

Thrombocytopenia in DIC

Sharply reduced stocks of platelets in DIC. The disease is characterized by blood clotting within the blood vessels. In this case, the smallest blood vessels are thrombosed (clogged) by the formed blood clots.

With a slowly developing DIC, venous thrombosis, disruption of the heart valve, and sudden bleeding are possible. The severity of thrombocytopenia in this form of pathology may increase over several months.

With rapidly progressive DIC, severe thrombocytopenia develops within a few hours, requiring immediate medical intervention. The disease is accompanied by a sharp violation of the blood coagulation system and bleeding.

DIC can occur:

  • as a result of ischemia (lack of oxygen) of tissues;
  • with pathological childbirth;
  • in case of bacterial infections, especially those caused by gram-negative microflora - Escherichia coli, salmonella, shigella, neisseria.

Signs of thrombocytopenia

The blood coagulation system was created by nature with a large margin of safety, and the body is able to independently compensate for sufficiently large decreases in indicators that deviate greatly from the norm. Pronounced clinical symptoms of low platelets appear when the number of this cell population decreases to 50*10 9 /l or less.

Bleeding is one of the leading clinical signs of reduced PLT cells, manifested primarily by bleeding:

  • nasal;
  • stomach, intestinal;
  • intradermal;
  • gum mucosa;
  • after tooth extraction;
  • heavy menstruation in women;
  • the appearance of petechiae - small subcutaneous nodular hemorrhages;
  • prolonged bleeding of cuts, abrasions;
  • blood in the urine;
  • the appearance of bruises with slight compression of the tissues.

Methods for treating thrombocytopenia depend on what causes this decrease in the PLT population. The patient, as prescribed by the doctor, undergoes courses of treatment with corticosteroids, immunoglobulins, or resorts to partial removal of the spleen, bone marrow transplantation.

With a slight decrease in platelets to 50 -150 * 10 9 / l, drug treatment is not required. To increase the number of platelets, special attention is paid to proper nutrition and lifestyle. Learn how to increase your platelet count here.

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