Dry water: phenomenon or scientific fact? Dry water fire extinguishing system - features of the fire extinguishing agent and installation device Dry water

If not, then this post is dedicated to you in order to present something new and unusual for you.

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A substance long known to chemists, referred to as "dry water", was patented 42 years ago, in 1968. Then she enjoyed great popularity in the cosmetic industry.

Now dry water is of much greater interest as a means of protecting the environment and combating climate change.

Outwardly, this water looks like white fine sand, but in reality it is small droplets of water in a water-repellent silicon shell. And silicon, as you know, is part of ordinary beach sand. The shell prevents the reunion of water molecules and their transformation back into a liquid.

The production of dry water is a simple and rather fast process. Water and silicon are mixed at high speed, and after 90 seconds, dry water is ready.

The powder of dry water obtained in this way, when interacting with gases, forms hydrates - useful chemical compounds.

Ben Carter, a scientist at the University of Liverpool who studies the properties and abilities of dry water, and his colleagues recently discussed at the American Chemical Society meeting in Boston various uses for this substance.

Among the many uses for its unique properties, the ability of dry water to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, was highlighted. When using dry water, it turns out to save three times more carbon dioxide than if gravity water was used. Thus, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Thanks to the ability of this water to interact with methane, scientists are going to find a safe way to store methane fuel for those cars that run on natural gas. The production of methane hydrate makes it possible to improve the system for storing and transporting this natural gas and is a key moment in the development of alternative fuels.

Ben Carter believes that if a gelling agent is added to the mixture, then dry water will become more recyclable. Dry water can then be used repeatedly, since the gel is stronger than the powder.

Scientists propose to use dry water in the production of food products and their components, and other consumer goods. The use of dry water has been shown in laboratory tests to speed up catalytic reactions in the production of these products, as well as make chemical processing more energy efficient and less harmful to the environment.

Dry water will be useful in improving the way in which various potentially dangerous liquids are transported and stored, as it will turn them into a dry powder.

Due to its properties, dry water helps to protect the environment from the dangerous effects of various harmful reagents. And it can also be useful in food production.

Dry water is a term that has a paradoxical sound ... In this article we will try to understand its meanings.

Let's allow ourselves a small lyrical digression. We all live in captivity of illusions, clichés and stereotypes. As the hero of one popular movie said… The sky is blue, the water is wet, life… :)

We often perceive certain statements as an indisputable truth, thereby significantly limiting our worldview and our capabilities.

So, what does the term Dry water mean and can it be called as such.

Dry water - allegorical meanings of this term

The term Dry water has two allegorical meanings that denote parts of water bodies and natural phenomena:

  • SV is an allegorical expression denoting a small, unsuitable for navigation, part of a body of water.
  • SW - strong short-term shallowing of rivers, or sea ebb.

The main meanings for the term "Dry water" in the modern world are the substances described below.

SW - white fine sand

The substance looks like white fine sand and is called Dry Water, it was patented in the middle of the last century - in 1968.

In fact, in this case, CB is the smallest droplets of water in a silicon shell. Thus, silicon does not allow droplets to combine and form a liquid.

SV has a number of properties that make it very interesting from the point of view of practical application.

Dry water properties (white fine sand):

  • when interacting with any gases, hydrates are formed - this property is used in fire extinguishing;
  • actively absorbs and retains carbon dioxide - this property can be used to protect the environment;

Dry water - Novec 1230

CB (Novec 1230) - refrigerant. The substance was patented and demonstrated by 3D Corporation in 2004.

Properties Novec 1230:

  • outwardly it cannot be distinguished from pure water;
  • dielectric;
  • NE wets very poorly - any objects after contact with it are almost dry and dry quickly;
  • CB is not a solvent;
  • practically insoluble in water.

Due to their unique properties, both types of fire extinguishers are actively used to extinguish fires. A number of advantages make it in many cases simply indispensable in the fight against the fire element. One of the most important qualities of SW is its environmental safety.

NE is a very interesting substance, and it is likely that in the near future it will present us with new surprises.

As we can see, water may not have all the properties of a liquid, and, therefore, be “dry”.

Good afternoon, dear habrausers! Have you heard of 3M?

We are a company that loves technology and innovation. We think we are the same as you. We have invented things that you use every day, but you may not even know about it! Therefore, we are opening a small series of articles on 3M products and technologies.

Our first post focuses on Novec 1230 gas extinguishing agent, its history and applications.
The story of the employee "from the first mouth."

Can water be dry? Or what is safe fire fighting?

Today, the word “innovation” has firmly entered our lives, it is used so often that it seems to have lost its original meaning. I work for 3M as part of the electronics technology team, and every day I encounter the wonderful world of 3M inventions, some of which you probably already know - sandpaper, Scotch tape, Post-it sheets.
Bing Crosby's desire to record his radio programs led 3M to create the magnetic tape for sound recording, which became the standard for the recording and broadcast studio, revolutionizing the entertainment industry. Neil Armstrong took his first step on the moon in 1969 wearing shoes with soles made from Thinsulate, another 3M invention. You can talk about our inventions for a long time and interestingly, but today I would like to dwell on one of them.

Maybe someone has already heard about “dry water”, saw videos, and which passports and books, a working TV, a mobile phone or an extension cord plugged into an outlet are dipped into an aquarium with water.

Looks amazing! However, these are not tricks! This "dry water" is nothing but 3M's innovation, the Novec 1230 gas extinguishing agent, developed by our company for use in gas fire extinguishing systems, moreover, it is a new class of chemicals used in international practice.

Novec 1230 is absolutely safe for electronics!

I would like to tell you about him and his amazing properties. This topic seems to be especially relevant today, when buildings are built much higher than the ladders of fire trucks can reach, and people do not have the opportunity to quickly evacuate, expensive servers store invaluable information, there are facilities equipped with complex automation that require the constant presence of operators and uninterrupted work. equipment, such as airport flight control centres. A simple example - MCC dispatchers have insulating gas masks at their workplaces, in which, in the event of an automatic gas fire extinguishing system based on freon or carbon dioxide, which is deadly to humans, they must continue to work for 20 minutes before switching the operation of this Control Center to spare.

Why is this needed?
It is known that the consequences of extinguishing a fire are often as severe as the impact of the fire itself. Water, powder spoil equipment, documentation, works of art and everything valuable that is in the room; gases - inergen, freon, carbon dioxide do not affect material values ​​\u200b\u200bso much, but they are deadly for people in the protected room, therefore they require their immediate evacuation.
In the search for a combination of parameters of efficiency and safety of fire extinguishing agents over the past decades, several generations of them have changed from carbon dioxide and inert gases to freons. However, most of them have serious limitations in their application. As I mentioned earlier, carbon dioxide systems are deadly to humans, and first-generation freons are banned worldwide due to the enormous negative impact on the atmosphere. And this is an important factor, because global warming is at a record pace. For example, the glacier on Mount Kilimanjaro, which, according to scientists, should have melted by 2015, melted already in 2005.

How did we come up with it
Realizing the shortcomings of existing agents for gaseous fire extinguishing, the 3M team of scientists did not modify freons, but directed their efforts in a completely new direction. The decision was made to use one of 3M's core technology platforms, Perfluorinated Organic Chemistry. By the way, this technology allows the company to achieve success in the field of ultra-fine cleaning of various parts, the application of protective coatings on glass, metals and plastics, as well as the cooling of electronic devices.
A 10-year period of research work was crowned with real success - a new class of gaseous fire extinguishing agents, fluorinated ketones, was created and introduced into international practice. Numerous test trials conducted by the world's leading organizations specializing in the field of fire safety caused surprise among experts: fluoroketones proved not only to be excellent fire extinguishing agents (with an efficiency similar to freons), but at the same time, showed a very positive environmental and toxicological profile.
Some boring chemistry
So, fluoroketones. These are synthetic organic substances in the molecule of which all hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine atoms firmly bound to the carbon skeleton. Such changes make the substance inert in terms of interaction with other molecules. Why "dry" water?
Novec 1230 (FK-5-1-12) (C-6 fluoroketone) is a colorless transparent liquid with a slight odor, which is 1.6 times heavier than water and, most importantly, does not conduct electricity. Its dielectric constant is 2.3 (dry nitrogen is taken as a standard as a unit).

Novec 1230 exiting nozzle during firefighting

The innovative properties of this fire extinguishing agent are explained by the structure of its six-carbon molecule, which has weak bonds. They allow Novec 1230 to quickly change from liquid to gaseous state and actively absorb the thermal energy of the fire. Fire suppression is carried out due to the cooling effect (70%). A flame inhibition chemical reaction (30%) also occurs. At the same time, the oxygen concentration in the room does not decrease (which is important for increasing the time for evacuation of people from the room). The substance instantly evaporates without entering into chemical reactions, which allows not to damage materials and expensive equipment, and the dielectric properties prevent short circuits.

How it works?
Another important property of fluoroketones is the extremely low solubility in water, which does not allow the substance to pass through cell membranes into the body, i.e. provides their low toxicity and high heat capacity of vapors, leading to active cooling of the flame and its extinguishing. And this means that people who are in the room at the time the system is triggered are not endangered. The fire extinguishing system based on Novec 1230 is equipped with the Flight Control Centers of Vnukovo and Koltsovo airports, dispatchers can perform their work when the system is triggered without putting their lives at risk.
How does it affect a person?
Separately, I will dwell on such an indicator as the degree of safety of a fire extinguishing agent for people. It is determined by the difference between the working concentration and the maximum permissible concentration. In world practice, a parameter called NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) is used - concentration that does not cause harmful effects. It sets the threshold concentration of substances for cardiosensitizing and cardiotoxic effects on the body. Sometimes this difference is called a safety margin, which compensates for inaccuracies in the calculation of the amount of the gas agent in the system, uneven distribution over the volume of the room, the use of multiplying factors for the calculated concentration, and other factors. The negative value of this parameter indicates the danger of the agent in the working concentration after the system is triggered.

Thus, systems using "inert" gases (not supporting combustion) use the principle of extinguishing a fire by diluting the oxygen in the air to values ​​significantly lower than in normal air (12-13% versus 21% in ordinary air). This leads to the risk of suffocation for people in the room, although such gases do not have a toxic effect. Separately, it should be said about carbon dioxide, for which working concentrations are always fatal to humans. This is due to its physiological effect on the body at concentrations above 5% (for comparison, the standard fire extinguishing concentration for CO2 is 35%).

Chemical agents do not reduce the oxygen concentration in the room. Therefore, for them, the decisive safety factor for personnel is the safety factor discussed earlier. For premises where, due to operational necessity, people can be, even for a short time, agents with a maximum safety margin should be chosen.

About ecology
Now about the environmental component of fire extinguishing agents. Especially in the context of international integration and ratification on the territory of the Russian Federation of documents adopted by the world community. An example is the fulfillment by Russia of obligations under the Montreal Protocol, which led to a ban on the production, import and use on the territory of our country of many gaseous fire extinguishing agents with ozone-depleting properties. Next in line is the reduction of emissions of agents with a high global warming potential, among which a large share is occupied by freons for fire extinguishing.

Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in Russia (Federal Law No. 128-FZ of November 4, 2004 “On Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”) also provides for the gradual reduction of such emissions.
In 2011, at the UN conference on climate change, several countries at once took the initiative to introduce a ban on the use of freon-23 and a regime of strict control of consumption volumes and a gradual reduction in emissions of the main freons for firefighting (chladone-125, freon-227, etc.). Such measures are vital, because otherwise it is simply impossible to keep the process of global warming within the limits defined by scientists as moderately dangerous for the earth's climate. The results of these initiatives were not long in coming: the countries of the European Union were the first to implement these new environmental safety measures. The relevant amendments to the EU legislation are currently being approved. Other members of the international community are next in line, because the problem of global changes in the climate of our planet is common to all countries.

When Novec 1230 is released into the atmosphere, fluoroketones are easily destroyed in the upper layers of the atmosphere under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the agent is removed from the environment within 5 days. There is also no cumulative effect inherent in freons, i.e. matter does not persist in the atmosphere for decades or even centuries.

For comparison, the production of a gas fire extinguishing installation (GFS) based on freon (348 kg of freon 227) is equivalent to the emission of 1,008,926 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is comparable to the annual CO2 emissions from 211 passenger cars. The output of a fluoroketone-based HPT plant (401 kg Novec 1230) is equivalent to 401 kg CO2 emissions (0.07 vehicles per year). It can also be compared to the carbon dioxide emissions from the life of one cow during one month.

That is why fluoroketone FK-5-1-12 (Novec 1230) was very quickly included in all international and regional standards for gas fire extinguishing, becoming a serious competitor to the old class of agents - freons, which have accumulated a lot of questions, both from environmentalists and fire protection specialists.

Where can you meet
Speaking about the list of objects that can be protected from fire by such installations, it should be borne in mind that, according to Russian and international certificates, installations with Novec 1230 fire extinguishing agent can extinguish fires of solid combustible materials, including paper archives without access to firefighters, flammable liquids and equipment under voltage. Thus, almost all tasks of protection of especially valuable objects of the enterprise are covered.

Installing Novec 1230

The issue of certification of an agent for extinguishing class C fires (ie combustible gases) is currently being worked out - the last option. At the same time, the creation of special conditions for the equipment is not required - the units can be operated at temperatures from minus 20°C to plus 50°C. These are the requirements for the conditions for the location of the cylinders themselves. In the room where the release is made, the temperature can differ significantly from the given values, both up and down. There are examples of using systems at facilities in harsh climates, in which case the system modules are installed in a heat-insulated compartment.
Summarizing the above, we can state that the final choice of fire extinguishing agent depends on the criteria that are important for each of us: efficiency and cost, compliance with regulatory and technical standards, safety for humans and the environment. It was these criteria that 3M scientists were guided by when creating Novec1230 fluoroketone.

Every programmer's dream :)

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June 24th, 2016

It is well known that water can exist in liquid, solid and gaseous states. But did you know that water can also be dry, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

"Dry water" is 95% water and consists of tiny droplets of water, each of which is enclosed in a shell of silicon dioxide, which prevents the water molecules from spreading and connecting. In appearance, "dry water" resembles a powder. If we look at the chemical formula of dry water (CF3CF2C(O)CF(CF3)2), we will see that, unlike ordinary water, there is no hydrogen and, as a result, hydrogen bonds, which means that the interaction between the molecules of this water is much weaker. Other differences between "dry water" are its freezing point, which is -108°C, its boiling point, which is 49°C, and its inability to conduct electricity. In such water, tea or coffee cannot be brewed; sugar and salt do not dissolve in it. Among the similarities with ordinary water are the absence of color and smell.

"Dry water" was invented back in 1968, but at that time it did not find practical application and was forgotten for many years.

They remembered it only in 2004, when the ZM Corporation improved “dry water” by removing environmentally harmful freon from it, and registered it under the Novec 1230 trademark. Since then, “dry water” has been used in fire fighting, and quickly gained popularity, because it showed its advantages over ordinary water. So, even with the prompt extinguishing of a fire with plain water, documents, books, appliances, furniture and other things that survived the fire can be hopelessly damaged by this very water. This will not happen with “dry water”, because when extinguishing a fire, it turns into steam, which, settling on objects, disappears after a few seconds without causing them any harm. The presenters of one program even conducted a visual experiment, dipping a mobile phone and a sheet of paper into a container with “dry water”, while the phone continued to work properly, and the paper did not even get wet. Such properties of "dry water" were primarily appreciated by employees of museums and libraries, as well as the owners of enterprises where there is a large amount of high voltage equipment.

"Dry water" even extinguishes the fire in a different way, interfering with the combustion reaction and absorbing heat, while ordinary water lowers the temperature in the source of ignition and, evaporating, blocks the access of oxygen to the flame. In addition, Novec 1230 quickly turns into a gaseous state, even at low temperatures, when the fire has just begun.

In addition, another advantage of "dry water" when extinguishing a fire is the fact that when it is used, the oxygen concentration in the room does not decrease, thereby increasing the time for evacuation of people.

Once in the atmosphere, Novec 1230 under the influence of ultraviolet decays in 3-5 days, without causing damage to the ozone layer of the Earth. For a person, "dry water" is also safe, but you still should not drink it.

However, "dry water" can be used not only in fire fighting. In 2006, studying the properties of this substance, experts at the University of Liverpool found that "dry water" can be of great service to our planet. The fact is that it is able to actively absorb carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer and, as a result, global warming. Experiments have shown that in the same period of time, "dry water" absorbs three times more carbon dioxide than ordinary water. All this makes it possible to significantly reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

There are suggestions that due to its ability to absorb gases, "dry water" can also help in the extraction of frozen methane located on the bottom of the oceans, as well as other hard-to-reach gases.

The search is also underway for a way that could secure the storage of fuel for cars running on hydrogen.

In addition, one of the specialists from the University of Liverpool, Dr. Ben Carter, at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, said that, among other things, “dry water” is a catalyst that accelerates the reaction between hydrogen and maleic acid, which results in the formation of succinic acid widely used in the manufacture of consumer goods. This eliminates the need to stir the hydrogen and succinic acid, thus making the process more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

In addition, this technology can be used to create "dry" powder emulsions consisting of several liquids that do not mix with each other, such as water and oil. These emulsions will help make the storage and transportation of potentially hazardous liquids safer.

Fluoroketones are synthetic organic substances in the molecule of which all hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine atoms firmly attached to the carbon lattice. Such properties make the substance inert in interaction with other molecules and an inhibitor of thermal reactions. Numerous laboratory studies and tests have shown that fluoroketones are effective fire extinguishing agents with a positive environmental and toxicological profile. It is a colorless transparent liquid with a slight odor, which is 1.6 times heavier than water. It is an effective dielectric with an electrical permittivity of 2.3, so electronic devices immersed even in “dry water” continue to work. Since the boiling point of this substance at a pressure of 1 atm. is 49.2°C, it evaporates instantly, leaving no plaque on the walls of the equipment.

Here is what ZM says:

It is known that the consequences of extinguishing a fire are often as severe as the impact of the fire itself. Water, powder spoil equipment, documentation, works of art and everything valuable that is in the room; gases - inergen, freon, carbon dioxide do not affect material values ​​\u200b\u200bso much, but they are deadly for people in the protected room, therefore they require their immediate evacuation.

In the search for a combination of parameters of efficiency and safety of fire extinguishing agents over the past decades, several generations of them have changed from carbon dioxide and inert gases to freons. However, most of them have serious limitations in their application. As I mentioned earlier, carbon dioxide systems are deadly to humans, and first-generation freons are banned worldwide due to the enormous negative impact on the atmosphere. And this is an important factor, because global warming is at a record pace. For example, the glacier on Mount Kilimanjaro, which, according to scientists, should have melted by 2015, melted already in 2005.

Realizing the shortcomings of existing agents for gaseous fire extinguishing, the 3M team of scientists did not modify freons, but directed their efforts in a completely new direction. The decision was made to use one of 3M's core technology platforms, Perfluorinated Organic Chemistry. By the way, this technology allows the company to achieve success in the field of ultra-fine cleaning of various parts, the application of protective coatings on glass, metals and plastics, as well as the cooling of electronic devices.
A 10-year period of research work was crowned with real success - a new class of gaseous fire extinguishing agents, fluorinated ketones, was created and introduced into international practice. Numerous test trials conducted by the world's leading organizations specializing in the field of fire safety caused surprise among experts: fluoroketones proved not only to be excellent fire extinguishing agents (with an efficiency similar to freons), but at the same time, showed a very positive environmental and toxicological profile.

Some boring chemistry

So, fluoroketones. These are synthetic organic substances in the molecule of which all hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine atoms firmly bound to the carbon skeleton. Such changes make the substance inert in terms of interaction with other molecules. Why "dry" water?
Novec 1230 (FK-5-1-12) (C-6 fluoroketone) is a colorless transparent liquid with a slight odor, which is 1.6 times heavier than water and, most importantly, does not conduct electricity. Its dielectric constant is 2.3 (dry nitrogen is taken as a standard as a unit).

The innovative properties of this fire extinguishing agent are explained by the structure of its six-carbon molecule, which has weak bonds. They allow Novec 1230 to quickly change from liquid to gaseous state and actively absorb the thermal energy of the fire. Fire suppression is carried out due to the cooling effect (70%). A flame inhibition chemical reaction (30%) also occurs. At the same time, the oxygen concentration in the room does not decrease (which is important for increasing the time for evacuation of people from the room). The substance instantly evaporates without entering into chemical reactions, which allows not to damage materials and expensive equipment, and the dielectric properties prevent short circuits.

How it works?

Another important property of fluoroketones is the extremely low solubility in water, which does not allow the substance to pass through cell membranes into the body, i.e. provides their low toxicity and high heat capacity of vapors, leading to active cooling of the flame and its extinguishing. And this means that people who are in the room at the time the system is triggered are not endangered. The fire extinguishing system based on Novec 1230 is equipped with the Flight Control Centers of Vnukovo and Koltsovo airports, dispatchers can perform their work when the system is triggered without putting their lives at risk.

How does it affect a person?

Separately, I will dwell on such an indicator as the degree of safety of a fire extinguishing agent for people. It is determined by the difference between the working concentration and the maximum permissible concentration. In world practice, a parameter called NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) is used - concentration that does not cause harmful effects. It sets the threshold concentration of substances for cardiosensitizing and cardiotoxic effects on the body. Sometimes this difference is called a safety margin, which compensates for inaccuracies in the calculation of the amount of the gas agent in the system, uneven distribution over the volume of the room, the use of multiplying factors for the calculated concentration, and other factors. The negative value of this parameter indicates the danger of the agent in the working concentration after the system is triggered.

Thus, systems using "inert" gases (not supporting combustion) use the principle of extinguishing a fire by diluting the oxygen in the air to values ​​significantly lower than in normal air (12-13% versus 21% in ordinary air). This leads to the risk of suffocation for people in the room, although such gases do not have a toxic effect. Separately, it should be said about carbon dioxide, for which working concentrations are always fatal to humans. This is due to its physiological effect on the body at concentrations above 5% (for comparison, the standard fire extinguishing concentration for CO2 is 35%).

Chemical agents do not reduce the oxygen concentration in the room. Therefore, for them, the decisive safety factor for personnel is the safety factor discussed earlier. For premises where, due to operational necessity, people can be, even for a short time, agents with a maximum safety margin should be chosen.


We all know from the school curriculum that water can exist in three states: gas, liquid and ice. But in 1968, water appeared that is able to stay in a dry state - "dry water". She received the official name Novek 1230 and was not in demand for a very long time. Until now, people have not used dry water to the full extent. However, scientists decided to study this issue in more detail and figure out how to more rationally apply Novek 1230 in practice.

General information

But first, let's figure out how dry water differs from ordinary water. Let's start with the fact that it contains elements such as fluorine and carbon. In fact, dry water is a powder, not a liquid, which has unique properties. This substance is absolutely harmless to humans, but, of course, you should not use it inside. The process of creating dry water is quite simple. It doesn't take much time for him. To prepare this substance, ordinary water is taken and mixed at high speed with silicon. After a minute and a half, the substance is completely ready for use. Experts are sure that soon Novek 1230 will be widely used in various spheres of human activity.

About characteristics

If you believe the official characteristics, then the water, called dry, consists of 95% ordinary water. However, outwardly, it looks more like sugar, which has been ground to a powder state. A single microscopic particle of dry water no larger than one micron in size has a protective sphere of silicon dioxide. In it, oxygen molecules are very firmly connected to silicon. It is silicon dioxide that prevents water particles from spreading and connecting with each other.

As for the chemical formula that describes the dry analogue of ordinary water, it looks like this: CF3CF2C (O) CF (CF3) 2. It should be noted that it has much in common with ordinary water. So, dry water has no smell and taste. However, in it the role of an oxidizing agent is performed not by oxygen, but by fluorine. At the same time, Novek 1230 boils at 49 degrees Celsius, but absolute freezing occurs at -180 degrees Celsius. At the same time, even boiling dry water does not leave burns on the human body. It has a very high density, and under direct sunlight, particles of matter simply disintegrate.

About research

As mentioned above, the world learned about dry water back in 1968. American scientists patented this invention and initially it was used only for cosmetic purposes. But now the time has come when freon114 or refrigerant was banned. And companies that were developing automatic fire extinguishers turned their attention to Novek 1230 or dry water. Surely, their attention was attracted by the fact that Novek 1230 is not only harmless to humans, but also completely safe for the environment. At the same time, this water worked perfectly as a “firefighter”. Eleven years later, an improved version of dry water, Novec 1230, was introduced to the world. This substance is considered a clean gas that can prevent fire and will not damage equipment, documents, and so on. It should be noted that in the process of extinguishing a fire with this gas, the level of oxygen remains unchanged. This contributes to the rapid evacuation of people from the premises.

We add that Novec 1230 has a slight smell, and it also weighs almost one and a half times more when compared with ordinary water. Also, this substance is not a conductor for electricity due to the low dielectric level.

But the scientific minds did not stop there. They went further and in the course of research found out something else. More precisely, they determined that dry water has the ability to absorb gases. In simple terms, its molecules perfectly absorb carbon dioxide. When compared to ordinary water, a dry analogue can absorb three times more of this gas. The experts conducted many experiments with other types of gases, and they were very pleased with the result. Therefore, they hypothesized that this substance is quite realistic to use in order to extract methane from the ocean floor, as well as for the extraction of other gases. But their main goal was to prove that various hazardous substances can be transported with the help of dry water.

I must say that scientists still want to find a way to use dry water in the food industry and so on.

As for environmental issues, many experts are convinced that dry water is quite capable of overcoming global warming. Again, all due to the fact that it has the ability to absorb various gases. Everyone knows that the greenhouse effect is accompanied by the release of various kinds of chemical compounds into the atmosphere. And just dry water is able to cope with this negative phenomenon by absorption. However, no technology has yet been created that would allow this idea to be realized.

About storage

With regard to storage, a substance such as dry water cannot be stored in open containers. Rather, you can store, but not longer than five days. The thing is that when in contact with the environment, it quickly collapses. For this reason, dry water can only be stored in sealed low-pressure cylinders. As a result, it becomes liquid, like any gas. In the process of spraying, it becomes gaseous.

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